paxryder · 2 years
huge news!!! tumblr just announced that we can now mark our own posts as mature, or containing drug & alcohol addiction, violence, or sexual themes. as far as i can tell, this means we’ll have a lot more freedom to post mature content again. however, tumblr still has to comply with app store guidelines, meaning mature posts are hidden by default. so if you would like to see mature posts, make sure you go into your account settings and choose “show” or “blur”!
here’s what the options look like:
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paxryder · 2 years
Literally me for a few months before having to advance to a different fandom... Felt like the Bone comic series for a while, but the part when Fone, Phony, and Smiley got kicked out of Boneville in the beginning.
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me looking for a crumb or perhaps even a nibble after my banishment to the shadow realm
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paxryder · 2 years
Hmmm, probably ahead of before of putting out any new artworks, might have to heighten up the defenses.. 😑😑😑
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paxryder · 2 years
Another thing is why the censorship happened is also possibly Sony's content policy. Sony, who developed both the PS4 and PS5 are notably strict when it comes to anime-related video games, which they pretty much urge video game developers to tone down the sex-appeal and cleavage in female anime video game characters. It's known as the "Sony Check", which is pretty fucking stupid as Apple's policy on content too. 🤔🤔🤔
The snowflake madness going on in video games definitely does need to stop. It's starting to get ridiculous.
Attack On The Female Form Continues | Bandai Namco CENSORS Females In Po…
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paxryder · 2 years
Yeah! He would actually speak to him once enough trust is gained!
Mild Elden Ring Theory Headcanon: Radahn Not Speaking in the Game
(Mild disclaimer: This is just a mild thought that came through my head for a moment. Don't want to get much heat/trouble for writing this.)
I did came up with a small theory that Radahn could've possibly been selectively mute. He didn't technically speak in the fight against Malenia and only merely roared in the pre-fight scene against the Tarnished. However, I'm taking this as a grain of salt, since there are other HCs which he was verbal at some point. He might've done some sign language at some point to people he might've not known, but can possibly be verbal to people that he really trusts, especially to Ranni and Rykard, especially before he got hit with the Scarlet Rot.
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paxryder · 2 years
Warm-up doodlet of Radahn from Elden Ring...
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(He's probably angrily staring at a Tarnished in the distance. 😂😂😂)
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paxryder · 3 years
I was writing song lyrics for an original song, which actually has mild references to Transformers and Genpei Toumaden, with a little life slice references in there. It really slaps when I sung a portion of it.
I used to be in the Songwriter's Club in my Senior year in my former high school and I had a bit of fun playing about with my Yamaha guitar and sometimes the school piano though.
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paxryder · 3 years
When Blitzwing sees a bug:
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paxryder · 3 years
Rbing from mi active hub, HYAH!!
(I pray to God that Tumblr's Algorithm doesn't screw up on a perfectly SFW pic over Blitzwing's holoform chest design. If they flag it, they trippin'.)
"Badass Stop N Stare" (With and Without Text Boxes/Speech Bubbles)
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paxryder · 3 years
I'm having mild technical difficulties changing mi blog subheader and description to be honest though...
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paxryder · 3 years
I just fixed mi old blog and now I am cleared for the takeoff indeed! YAY!!!
Now everything is in order and nothing is gonna stop me now...
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paxryder · 3 years
Total reminder though...
So I have read several people complaining that they can't be expected to know the "unwritten rules" of fandom. So here's what I wish people knew:
Fanfiction is fiction.
Fictional people are not real.
Fictional people do not have rights.
Fictional people cannot be abused.
Reading or writing about something does not mean the desire to do or support it in the real world.
If I find art upsetting/triggering/disgusting/outraging/unpleasant/squicky/distressing/offensive, it is on me not to read it, not the creators and hosts to remove it.
Curate your own experience. The back buttons exist for a reason.
If you don't trust yourself to do that, get someone you trust to do it for you.
Fandom is an adult space. Adults create and own and host fandom spaces. If minors want to participate, then the onus is on them and their parents/guardians/trusted adults to ensure they participate appropriately, not on strange adults to stop being adults.
You often don't know the assault status or mental health status or neurotype or race or nationality or religion or gender or sexuality or age of a creator or consumer, and they do not have to disclose to you to justify their fantasy.
AO3 is not a safe space. It is not intended to be a safe space. Proceed accordingly.
Just because you don't like something or find it offensive doesn't mean it is a "problem" that "has to be dealt with".
Most characters in anime are not white.
There is no onus on you to reblog or share anything.
Everyone makes mistakes in fandom and is less than their best self sometimes.
Persistent pseudonyms encourage long term relationships.
Ship wars are stupid.
Someone else enjoying things does not impact on your own enjoyment of other things.
Tagging and warning is a courtesy, not a requirement. Assume any fic might contain untagged content.
Rating is an imprecise art, not a science.
Don't hassle IP creators.
Most people who are in fandom are hoping to make connections based on a shared passion.
Trying to profit from transformative fanworks puts us all at risk.
No one is obligated to share your head canon or fanon.
Being kind rarely fails to pay off.
It is okay to block and remove people who make your experience unpleasant. You don't have to placate them. (Learn from my mistakes).
Britpicking is a good thing.
You don't have to justify why you like a canon/pairing/trope/kink. Sometimes navel gazing is fun, but you don't have an obligation to explain yourself, especially to strangers. I share the overwhelming desire to refute an unfair accusation, but the people accusing you are rarely doing so in good faith, so you're batting a losing wicket.
I'm not your Mum. (Well, okay, a very few of you can call me Mum or Mom, but if you are one of them you already know who you are ❤️)
If you aren't mature enough to take responsibility for your online experiences, you aren't mature enough to be in fandom spaces.
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paxryder · 3 years
Patrolling da blog, with uh meme...
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paxryder · 3 years
Caught two of the foes that chased me out of the three servers got broken up, TIME TO FUCKING DANCE AND CELEBRATE THE LORDT, JESUS CHRIST!!! 😂😂😂😆😆😆 WOOO!!!
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paxryder · 3 years
Reblog from my active hub...
"A Nightmare Lament/Did I Fucking Stutter?"
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Hilariously enough I wisely delayed the making and releasing of this pic for several months because I am not stupid to do so. I just had to wait for "the chasing" to die down. I rarely drew her Nightmare form appearance (sometimes known as her Nightmare Neonic appearance), but when the dark times come, come the darkest, edgiest, and utmost drastic measures. Several months ago, I've got into an argument with a couple previous others over my behavior at a certain online play sect place because they said, "Oh, you spam, so we ignore you.", and " Oh, you said this and that in the sect. And you guilt tripped.", GUILT TRIPPED, even though most of the spamming was to at least keep my activity in (I have mild paranoia, which does pretty much exacerbate with HFA and ADHD.), and also I am a bit of an edgy, dark person, of course I might say things that mostly unintentionally cross the line. They barred me from their three designated spots, even though I fought and fought to keep my self into the sect. Oh how the mighty have fucking fallen. So, I started working on this piece as a bare example (originally was going to be a short sketch until one of the sect people noticed and was gonna rat me over it, so that's why it became a piece project), of why accusations can mentally ruin someone. During the waiting time (after doing some coloring and a little bit of shading), I just simply carefully watch any of the former latter to see if they get into any bad luck or misery I can easily laugh at, but to only merely heightening up the chances by messing with "the board", or just write a clever hidden curse on the shower wall, which the shower wall be almost every night. Almost every single time I somehow do the secret shower wall writing, or the "board" (maybe both), either one or two former individuals that are still in the sect, get punished from the bad luck. Heh, at least it works on the individuals I have animosity against indeed. I only draw her Nightmare/Nightmare Neonic form only if I am very angry at certain individuals (usually from the past) or pretty much feeling on the edge.
I'm also gonna put in a few drawings of her Nightmare appearance in 2012-2015 (the 2013 and 2015 doodle is her nightmare form in an MLP style, since I was a bit of a pegasissy back then, second image was an unfinished doodle tho. I do have a 2016 digital art piece of her, but I didn't want to go on DA to find it again, since it is a shit ton of scrolling down.)
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paxryder · 3 years
Reblog from my active hub...
take this archetype quiz and tell me your result!
your result: lover
You are so full of love and light; you value the people around you more than anything. I hope you find what you’re looking for. I hope you find the right people at the right time and that your world is full of love; I hope your love is returned to you, properly, and that you don’t ever get too hurt (because you’re prone to it, aren’t you?). You deserve that, you deserve the world. I wish you the best. Also, I’m serious, read the last lines of the minecraft end poem if you haven’t, I think you’ll like it.
tagging: @moonlit-xio @ainumu @whipped-cream-writings; if anyone i haven’t tagged would like to participate please feel free to do so as well.
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paxryder · 3 years
Reblog from my active spot...
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Yooo, just got mi candy for Easter, and a new blue basket with a pink bow... 😄😄😄 I am so pleased... 😍😍😍 Holla at ya girl... I have a loving for Easter candy...
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