#conor maynard one shot
Welcome Home II (jack x reader) [smut]
A few months after your balcony adventure, you and Jack were getting ready for a red carpet event for your friends Casar and JJ. Jack had spoiled you with a spa day and the two of you were currently at a lingerie store picking out something sexy for after.
While you were trying on a few options, Jack had excused himself to make a purchase of his own, shoving a small plastic shopping bag into his pocket when you showed him what you picked. "What are you up to, Maynard?" you asked, stepping back so he could join you in the changing room.
"Just a surprise for tonight." he said, looking you up and down. "Babe, you look incredible." Jack pulled you into a kiss and then whispered in your ear. "I can't wait to rip it off of you later tonight."
"All in good time." you said, pushing him out of the changing room.
When the both of you were getting dressed for your friend's big night, Jack cleared his throat and grabbed your dress from you, laying it back down on the bed. "I have something for you, love."
"Is this something for me or something for you?" you laughed, knowing Jack had bought something from the kinkier side of the lingerie store.
"Both." he said, backing you into the bedroom wall. "Close your eyes."
"As you wish." you replied, kissing him and closing your eyes.
Jack had you pinned to the wall, one hand rubbing your clit through your brand new lacy panties. "You're gonna love this." he said, slipping a tiny cold something into the front of them and resting it against your clit.
"What is that?" you asked, your eyes still closed.
"Guess." he said, clicking something in his hands.
"Oooo." you whimpered, feeling the tiny toy gently vibrate against your now sensitive clit. "Mmmmm, I didn't think we had time to play before we had to leave." you said, opening your eyes.
"We don't" he said, backing away and handing you your dress.
Your mouth dropped open realizing that Jack wanted you to wear the toy to the premier. "Oh, you're mean." you said, watching him click the second setting. "Ahhh." You tried to hold in your breathy moan. "I won't be able to hide it on that setting."
"I promise I won't be too mean." He said, turning it off.
Pulling on your dress, you turned so Jack could zip you up. "How long have you wanted to do this one?" You asked him.
"I just felt inspired seeing it in the store." He replied, kissing between your shoulder blades before zipping up the dress. "To be honest, I'm going to have a hard time not getting turned on knowing that it's here." Jack ran his fingers under your dress to nudge the toy.
"I'm definitely planning my revenge." You laughed, turning to pull him into another kiss.
You and a group of your friends were sharing a fancy limo to the premier and Jack decided to test the toy. You were talking to Conor when Jack clicked the first setting. You weren't expecting it, but you were able to keep quiet. Closing your eyes and sighing, trying to keep your composure.
"You alright, love?" Jack asked, no one the wiser.
You turned to face Jack, your crossed legs and the darkness in the car hiding the fact that your hand was creeping towards Jack's crotch. "Just fine, sweetheart." You said, with a smirk, your hand gently groping Jack's hardening dick.
Feeling his cheeks flush, Jack clicked off the toy, calling a silent temporary truce. He slipped his arm around you, pulling you into his lap. "We're going to get in so much trouble." He laughed, pulling you into a kiss.
"This one is on you." you laughed, kissing him back.
Jack left it off for about half of the red carpet walk, but when you two were to an area where you were posing together for pictures, Jack clicked the first setting.
"Oh, fuck." you quietly gasped, Jack pulling you in for a kiss in front of the photographers.
Photographers were calling out your names to have you pose for their shots. "Y/n! Jack! Over here!" The two of you posing, and turning to face different cameras. You were definitely biting your lip in more than a few of the shots.
"Good girl." Jack whispered in your ear, clicking the second, higher setting for just a moment before turning it off.
When you made it inside, everyone was sat around large round tables about 12 to a table. Jack had kept it between off and the first setting all night. The movie had started and Jack had just turned it to the second setting right after the room went dark.
"I'm going to kill you." you leaned over, your hand inching up Jack's thigh.
"You love it and you know it." he whispered in your ear, turning it back down to the first setting.
"Have you been thinking about it?" you asked, running your hand over the crotch of Jack's pants. Not getting an answer, you continued. "I know you've been thinking about how wet you're making me." Your hand hidden under the table, you unzipped Jack's pants, nibbling his earlobe between your teeth.
"Mmmmm, baby girl, you're being bad." he said, turning it up to the second setting.
You gasped and bit your lip, stopping you from moaning. "You started it." you said, reaching into his pants and stroking his now completely hard dick.
Jack turned to face you, cheeks flushed. "Want to cross something else off of our list?" he asked, putting his hand over yours so you couldn't stroke him anymore.
"What do you have in mind, baby?" you whispered in his ear, feeling him turn the vibrator off.
"Follow me." Jack pulled your hand out of his pants and made sure they were zipped and that you couldn't tell he was sporting a massive hard-on.
"Yes, sir." you said, standing to follow him out of the dark room.
Jack grabbed your hand and led you to a family bathroom. Locking the door, he pinned you against it capturing your lips in a needy and rough kiss. "I planned on making you wait all night, but you can't keep your hands to yourself." jack said, pulling you up to sit on the counter while he stood between your legs.
"I've already cum in my panties twice, baby. It's not my fault." you admitted, Jack stopping and staring at you with wide eyes.
"God, you're so sexy." He continued undoing his pants and pulling your thong off, putting the toy and your panties in his pocket. Quickly putting a condom on, he grabbed your thighs.. "Come here, baby girl."
You felt Jack sink himself inside of your soaking wet core and lift you from the counter. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. "Jack." you moaned his name, feeling him roughly thrust up into you more frantically than usual.
"You weren't lying." Jack said, feeling how wet you actually were.
"MMMmmmm, Jack. Harder, baby." you moaned, loving the rare occasions that Jack didn't hold back at all.
Between the pent up tension and the fact that you could get caught, it wasn't long before both of you had finished. Jack sat you on the counter, resting his head against your chest as you both caught your breath. Hearing a knock on the door, you both quickly tried to fix your clothes and appearance. "Give me my thong." you whispered.
Jack continued to straighten out his clothes, before reaching a hand out for you. "Come on, love."
"Jack, you have my underwear." you said, seeing the look on his face. "I'm not getting them back, am I?" you asked, smirking up at your boyfriend.
"Nope." He laughed, leading you out of the bathroom. "Sorry, she had an outfit malfunction." Jack said to the lady waiting outside the door.
"Yeah, part of my outfit is in your pocket." you laughed after you had walked away.
When you made it back to the table, Conor leaned over to Jack making sure everything was okay. He fed Conor the same line. "Just an outfit malfunction."
Conor looked suspicious. "What on earth could have malfunctioned?" he whispered to his brother, knowing Jack was full of shit.
Jack slipped his hand in his pocket and pulled your thong out of his pocket, nodding to Conor to look down.
"Dear, god. You two are ridiculous." Conor laughed.
With a cocky smile on his face, Jack scooted his chair to sit directly by yours and pulled you to snuggle into his side. "I love you, Y/n." he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"I love you too, Jack." you said, laying your head against him and enjoying the rest of the movie.
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Dating Conor Maynard might include...
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cheesy pick-up lines
like literally all the time, if not in person than via whatsapp or snapchat
weird snapchats in general
tagging you in funny videos
him always making you laugh
him laughing even more than you, because we all know he’s the one who laughs most at his jokes
but he’d love to see you laugh, even more if it was because of him
sometimes he’d even blush because of that
when you first started dating, he made sure that you only got to see his best side
although you guys got intimate in the sexual sense pretty quickly, he didn’t let you in at first
but deep down, you could feel that there was so much more that you hadn’t seen yet
patiently waiting until he was comfortable to share that with you, too
because you were here to stay, and he knew it
it just took him a bit longer to fully get comfortable
you respected that, knowing that he would do the exact same thing
but when you were on that deep level, there was so much to discover
working through issues together
because you were a team, and he made sure everybody knew that
getting on really well with the other boys, especially Jack
hanging out with him a lot
always cuddling when you were watching movies or a series
cheeky slaps on the butt, because he just loved your butt
you’d slowly learn to return them
him giggling in the most adorable way when you’d smack his bum
loving glances
like you could be at a party, chatting with different people and you’d feel him look at you
feeling all warm and bubbly inside
him giving you compliments all the time
because he wanted you to see yourself like he did
him being called whipped because he was so infatuated with you
but he didn’t mind being whipped for you
hugging the other from behind
him singing softly into your ear, just for you
helping him through his creative phases
being one of the first people to hear his new music
making sure he’d eat enough when he was writing music, because he would often forget that
generally taking care of him
sometimes feeling like you didn’t have a boyfriend, you merely got yourself a five year-old child
him being so attentive
like he would always get you something special when he was away
“I spotted this in a shop, and it made me think of you”
long-distance-relationship when he was away in LA
he still made sure that you wouldn’t feel lonely though
still managing to speak to each other at least once a week
facetiming until one of you fell asleep
checking the time-zone where he was in
goodbye-kisses that turned into a severe make-out session in the hallway when he was leaving
sending good-morning and good-night-texts to each other
him spending the first two days (at least) only with you when he was back
not letting go of each other until you really had to
reunion sex
at first having real passionate and eager sex, getting all the frustration out from being apart for so long
round two was much more vanilla, with slow kisses and loving glances
generally having sex on almost a daily basis
giggly sex in the bathtub
shower sex, although one of you almost always gets hurt
buying a non-slip-mat for this purpose only
morning sex
drunk sex
showering together afterwards
eating breakfast together
being the fan’s otp
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Mirage || Conor Maynard
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Requests are currently [ OPEN ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1.1k+
A/N: I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS BABE @i-am-never-getting-my-life-back!!xo
"You know how much I hate Drama."
"Oh hush, I know you'll have a good time."
You whine as your best friend tugs you down the stairs into the nightclub by your wrist, smiling weakly at the bouncer, who just so happened to be your Uncle, which made your whole experience at the club even more embarrassing. If you were to get too drunk, which admittedly, you had done before, he'd make sure you got home safely before calling your father just a few minutes later, making the hangover that next morning even more painful. You were half convinced that the only reason she liked the club so much was because she got in for free due to your uncle being on the door.
You walk inside and the music slaps you in the face, but when your friend looks back at you and smiles widely, her eyes lighting up, you can't help but sigh and smile back at her, lacing your fingers together and letting her lead you through the crowd and to the bar. You had to wait a few minutes before you were served, and you take lead, ordering your usual drinks and leaning on your elbows as you wait.
The drinks were done within no time, and you pass the cash over to the bartender, who smiles politely and hands you your change in no time before being called over by another customer. You hand the blonde by your side the drink, knocking your hip against hers softly as you rolls her eyes and pokes your cheek fondly.
It didn't take your friend any more than ten minutes to meet a light-haired boy, who seemed to have her heart, for that night at least. With a small kiss on the cheek and reassuring whisper in your ear, she allowed him to lead her onto the dancefloor, leaving you stood at the bar, sipping your drink and constantly looking down at your phone screen.
A boy, with floppy curly hair and a cute little grin, moved to stand beside you, eyes trained on you as you bite your lip and glance up at him. He clears his throat and smiles at you softly. "Can I buy you a drink?"
You roll your eyes and laugh quietly, inaudible due to the loud music that played continuously around the club. He looks down at you, furrowing his brows in confusion as you smirk and nod toward your best friend and the guy she'd taken off with just a few minutes previously. "Your brother or your friend?"
He glances between you and the pair on the dancefloor in surprise before laughing slightly shaking his head. "Brother, actually. And an annoying one, at that."
"All brothers are annoying, it's all part of the experience." You smile, trying to ignore the fact that you felt like you had to scream to be heard over the music. "And if you're still offering, I'll have a peach schnapps and lemonade, please."
He gives you one last smile before leaning over the bar and calling the barman over, leaving you to look down at your empty glass with an amused smile. It was obvious what was happening here, you'd been that other guys' grenade, which didn't particularly phase you, because you knew just how hot your bestfriend was. But you shrugged it off and decided just to go along with it, seeing as you probably would've just resorted to leaving the club after a little while longer. Yeah, nightclubs really weren't your scene.
"So, do I get to know your name?" He asks, leaning back from the bar as the guy behind it begins to prepare your drinks.
You press your lips together and nod slowly. "(Y/N)."
"(Y/N)." He muses, tilting his head to the side a fraction. "You have a really pretty name."
As your drink is placed in front of you and you smile at the bartender in thanks, you take a sip and shake your head with a slight laugh. "You don't have to do this, you know? I won't mess it up for him."
"What?" He looks down at you, confusion written across his face.
You roll your eyes and laugh a little more, looking at him and raising your eyebrows. "Come on now, I think we all know that you didn't come over here voluntarily. And that's okay, because I think we've all been the grenade once in our lifetimes."
He stares at you for a few seconds in surprise, before he nods slowly, leaning down so that he was closer to your ear and didn't have to speak quite as loudly. "I admit, at first my brother did ask me to help him out, but then I saw you, and I didn't mind nearly as much as I have done in the past."
Unable to control the way your cheeks burned, you take another sip of your drink before placing the drink onto the bar and glancing over the still nameless guys' shoulder. "I'm gonna go outside for a while," you purse your lips as you grab onto your clutch, looking up at him hesitantly. "You wanna come with?"
He agreed, and you smiled slightly to yourself as you led the way toward the exit, poking your Uncle's cheek on the way past and completely messing up his tough guy exterior as he looks over and glares at you. You stick your tongue out at him before glancing over your shoulder at the guy, who was looking between you and your Uncle with a mixture of confusion and amusement. "You know him?"
"My Uncle." You nod, as you finally walk out of the building and inhale a breath of fresh air. You walk over to the brick wall, taking a seat on the floor with your back resting against it and looking up at him when he remained standing. "You not joining me?"
He seems a little reluctant at first, but once he was sat down, the sigh of relief that fell from between his lips caused you to glance over at him in amusement. He laughs slightly, resting his head back against the wall and reaching up to fix his hair. He glances over at your amused expression and a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "I'm Conor, by the way."
"Lovely to meet you, Conor." You can't help but grin. "Now, understand this, I don't dislike nightclubs, but I don't like them either.."
From that moment on, the conversation between the two of you flowed as if you hadn't only met a mere hour earlier. And for once in your life, it seemed like being the Grenade had worked out in your favour, and as you tilt your head to the side, a fond smile on your face as you watch Conor ramble about something or other; you silently thanked your bestfriend for being so damn hot.
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imkylotrash · 7 years
Tinder Joke
Pairing: Josh Pieters x Reader
Word Count: 465 words.
Warnings: None really. Maybe spoilers if you haven’t seen his new video yet, haha. 
Request: Y/N and josh pieters are boyfriend and girlfriend and y/n accidentally punches or kicks josh in the balls sorta hard! @joshpleters
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It’s not meant to be real. The whole thing is a sketch as a way for Josh to let his fans know that the two of you are dating. The whole thing starts out with Josh asking Conor and you to do a video concerning Tinder. Of course, Conor can’t say no to a video like that. Ironically you and Josh actually did meet over Tinder, and now you’re playing the girl in the video that he meets over Tinder. 
“So what did I have to do?” you ask now that it’s your time to be in the video. 
“Basically Conor is going to set up the date and then you’ll be the girl that I thought was my match but is actually Conor’s match. So when you see me, you give me a kick in the balls because I’m not what you thought,” Josh explains and you nod. You’ve already practiced it, so you’re not actually kicking him in the balls. You’re just faking it for the video. But when it comes to you actually kicking him, you somehow end up kicking him for real. 
“Oh my,” he says breathless sinking down to the ground. Conor is a mess behind you from laughing so hard and you’re trying really hard not to laugh as well. 
“I’m so sorry, babe,” you say kneeling down next to him and placing your hand on his back. 
“Why would you do that?” he asks with a completely red face. You must’ve really hit him hard. 
“Well, you shouldn’t have moved!” you scold him while you’re laughing. 
“Mate, she got you good!” Conor laughs. Later on, when Josh regains his normal skin tone you film that part again and this time you get it right. Then all that’s left is the outro. 
“Obviously there’s a reason as to why I did this video. I partnered up with Tinder to make this video, and I’ll leave all the links down below for you guys to check out. But another thing I wanted to do with this video is to tell you guys that I have gotten myself a girlfriend. And this was kind of a sketch on how we met,” he explains signaling for you to sit in the frame with him. You sit next to him and intertwine your fingers with his. 
“Hi,” you wave to the camera feeling a bit out of place. 
“This is the beautiful Y/N, who just so happens to be my girlfriend. We’ve been together for about five months now. And we met over Tinder which is so cringy, but I’m also really happy that it happened,” Josh says with a smile looking over at you. 
“So am I,” you smile pecking his lips quickly. You can feel yourself blush a little. 
“You’re adorable.” 
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Royalty : Conor Maynard Smut
requested by @iwanttoleavethisworld​ :)
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“Change the song Joe!” Caspar asked as some slow song started playing throughout Joe’s apartment.
You were spending your Friday night with your friends, all chilling at Joe’s. It was you, Joe, Caspar, Jack, Conor, Josh and a few girls that Jack and Joe had invited. The night consisted of music, alcohol and lots of drinking games.
The time now was around 1am and everyone was pretty drunk, including you. Looking around the room, you noticed everyone was lacking energy now. Jack was sat with a girl, whispering in her ear which made her laugh. Conor was sat on a chair near the TV, Joe had bought some more chairs down so that everyone could sit down.
As you watched Conor take a sip of his wine, you sighed. He was so attractive, you both fucked on a regular basis but it was never anything more. The worst thing was that he always ignored you in front of the boys, they all guessed that you two didn’t really get along. Conor made you so angry, he really did, but also so horny at the same time.
Conor’s face lit up as Joe changed the song. It was his own song, Royalty - you instantly recognised it.
“Cor, get this shit off!” Jack said, making everyone laugh.
“Let him have his moment, Jack. Filming the music video for this was the closest Conor’s ever been to a lap dance.” Joe snorted.
“Is that actually true, Conor?” Caspar asked seriously.
Conor instantly froze, and so did you.
“Um... No.” He ran a hand through his hair.
“When the hell have you had a lap dance?” Jack asked in disbelief.
You started to feel a bit embarrassed so you just looked down at your drink, stirring it with the straw. Everyone was slurring their words, due to the amount of alcohol that had been consumed tonight.
“I had one once before sex. Conor shrugged, trying to get Jack off his back.
“Bullshit. Who would give you a lap dance?” Jack shook his head.
“Yeah, prove it Conor.” Josh added.
There was a moment of silence before you heard your name leave Conor’s lips, making your heart beat super fast. Looking up, your eyes met his.
“It’s true.” You said quickly to the boys.
“How would you kn- Wait... You two?” Jack quickly figured it out.
“Holy shit!” Caspar said excitedly.
“Y/N giving Conor a lap dance, damn, that is something i’d love to see.” Joe announced with drooped eyes. The alcohol was talking.
You felt a little awkward, and so you looked back at Conor. He was staring at you with pleading eyes. You instantly knew what he wanted. Looking over to Joe, you nodded, hoping that he would clock on.
Standing up, you felt the alcohol take over your body as you pulled your skirt off, leaving you in just a shirt, bra and underwear.
“Start the song from the beginning.” You told Joe as you walked over to Conor.
Everyone began to cheer as the song replayed and you placed your hands on Conor’s shoulders.
You took Conor’s drink out of his hands and placed it on the side before swaying your hips to the music in front of him. Conor opened his legs and you stepped closer to him, moving your hips as sexily as you could.
Due to the fact that you were a dancer, you knew what you were doing. And due to the fact you have been with Conor many times, you knew how to drive him crazy.
“This is so hot.” You heard Joe. Everyone else was shouting things but due to the music you could only hear Joe as he was the closest.
Conor’s eyes never left your moving body, he sat back and let you do your thing. You moved your hands all over your body, up to your hair and down your body slowly.
Turning around, you moved your ass sexily in front of Conor. He always told you how much he loved your ass, and as you moved you felt his hand make contact with the bare skin with a slap. This turned you on so much as everyone let out woo’s.
As you turned around, you pulled your top over your head revealing your new matching set of underwear. You felt sexy. As you looked down at Conor, you could tell he was majorly turned on right now as he looked up at you with lust in his eyes.
Shifting onto him, he instantly held you by your ass, pulling you closer to him. As soon as you came into contact with his clothed crotch, Conor grunted.
Everyone was cheering in the background, encouraging you.
You grinned at Conor’s reaction to you. You circled your hips, rocking back and forth to the beat of the song as your gripped his shoulders. You pushed your core deeper onto his crotch, feeling the hardening member underneath - you had to bite your lip to try and hold in a moan. You grinded on him hard, opening your legs a bit wider every time you pushed your hips.
Conor looked down at your breasts, licking his lips. You knew he wanted you. Bad. As you continued to moved your hips onto his body, you realised everyone had gone fairly silent.
As you looked over your shoulder, you noticed Jack had a girl on his lap, kissing her hungrily. Josh was in a similar situation as he was now too busy with a girl. Joe and Caspar were still watching, smirks on their faces and bulges in their trousers.
“I really want to fuck you. Here.” Conor growled at you as the song came to and end.
Your hands went to your back, unclipping your bra and throwing it to the ground. You were very aware that you were getting naked in front of Conor’s friends but the thought of being fucked in front of people was turning you on more than ever.
“Please do.” You moaned at Conor’s words, your fingers unbuttoning the white shirt Conor was wearing.
You pushed the shirt off his shoulders. He looked so fucking hot right now. You were soaked and your core was aching for him.
“Y/N.” Conor squeaked as you continued to grind against him. “Please, I need to be inside of you.”
You knew what he needed. As quickly as you could, you moved your underwear to the side as Conor unzipped his trousers, reaching in to pull out his hard length. You both weren’t even thinking about the other people in the room that were watching, just too turned on by each other.
Conor let his cock free and your mouth watered as you looked down at it. Shifting a bit, you sank down onto him - hissing at the way it filled you up as much. He groaned, and shoved his hips up, making you swallow his whole cock in a quick thrust. You gripped onto Conor’s shoulders, throwing your head back as you let out a loud moan.
You noticed that the song now playing was now black beatles, and oddly it worked. Conor’s eyes slowly scanned over your body and as his eyes met with your thighs, his face dropped.
You realised what it was - your scars. You didn’t want Conor to see those at all. You did the first thing that came into your mind and crashed your lips against his.
He kissed you back slowly, with passion. He gripped your hips as he pulled away.
“Y/N, you’re beautiful. All of you.” He whispered as your foreheads rested together.
You almost did it. You almost admitted your feelings for him in that moment. The words ‘I love you’ almost left your lips - but they didn’t.
Conor then placed his hands behind his head, resting against the chair and you obeyed. You moved your hips, sliding them in and out, the tip of his cock in just before pushing yourself down to swallow his girth.
“God...” He breathed out, his hands coming forward, wanting to grip on something - anything. You guided his hands to place them on your breasts and he instantly gripped onto them, massaging and attaching his mouth to one of your nipples.
The sensation caused you to moan out.
“Oh, Conor...”
“Go faster, baby.” He panted as he pulled away.
Your hips slammed on his groin fast, but sharp. His cock was poking your g-spot and you clawed his chest as he threw his head back in a moan. Conor thrusted up, so that his whole tip can hit directly at your g-spot, and your hands gripped onto his shoulders.
He was coated in a layer of sweat, as well as the other boys were but you didn’t even notice them. You felt his release coming close. He twitched in you, and you rode him faster, wanting your release as well. After a few more thrusts, you exploded onto him, triggering his own release.
He held your hips, thrusting up, burying himself deep into you. As Conor released, he groaned and moaned out your name for all of the boys to hear.
When you both were finished, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he pulled you into him as you both caught you breaths.
When you finally got off of him, you turned around to see something you would have never thought would happen. Jack was in the same position you and Conor were in just moments ago, a girl was on top of him riding his bare cock. Josh was still staring at you with hooded eyes as a girl had a hand in his boxers, pumping at his length.
Joe was nowhere to be seen but Caspar was in the same place, his cock out for everyone to see as he pleasured himself with his hand and the sight of you.
“Fucking hell, Y/N, look what you did to our friends.” Conor laughed as he pinched your ass.
The next morning
When you walked into Joe’s kitchen the next morning, you were beyond nervous.
“Here she is!” Jack announced as you walked in, wearing Conor’s button-up shirt that you had wore to bed last night.
Everyone’s eyes went to you but they were all smiling. Conor was sat on a stool, his eyes going up and down your body as he admired the sight of you in his shirt.
“Come here, babe.” Conor shift on the stool and held his arms out to you.
As you walked over to him, he pulled you in for a hug.
“Y/N we’ve all agreed not to bring up last night ever again.” Joe told you, sipping from his mug.
“Good.” You replied, staying close to Conor.
“Although, we all also agreed that we’d all love to fuck you too.” Caspar added, making your cheeks flush.
“I don’t think so.” Conor shook his head, wrapping his arms around your waist.
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janosxmaynard · 6 years
Okay....as you may of noticed or maybe haven’t. I have not been active at all recently. I’d like to apologise for just dissappearing and abandoning my blog and prompts. I’ve had some things going on in my life. I’ve had no time what so ever but I guess I feel a little guilty for just leaving without no trace.
But anyway there is a point to this post. I finally have a little spare time and i would really like to get back in to doing some prompts. So if I have any followers left (oops) please hmu with some prompts.
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im-robins-bitch · 7 years
Weird | Conor Maynard
Warnings: None ~x~
“Don’t you think relationships are weird?” You asked.
This piped Connors interest making Conor raise his eyebrows, edging you to continue. All the while, not letting go of your hand which was tracing patterns around his. ”It’s gross when someone spits on you right? But you share spit with people all the time and it’s supposed to be romantic?”
Conor grinned, it was almost 12 am and you two were in bed again, you hadn’t been dating very long but he knew already that this was his favourite thing about you. Your late night conversations that would slowly trail into nonsense before you fall asleep, wrapped up in each other's arms.
“Is this your way of telling me you hate it when I kiss you?” He asked, cocking his head to the side, making his hair tickle against your shoulder.
“That’s not what I mean it just...weird?”
“I guess, I never really thought about it,” Conor pondered, pulling you so you were laying on top of his stomach, letting him drop a kiss to your forehead as he placed his hands on your hips.
“Con?” You mumbled a few seconds later.
“Can you hear it?” You asked, lifting your head up, resting your chin on his chest. He once again raised his brow, making you grab the hand that was resting on your hip and pull it to your chest. He felt your heart, it was beating so fast he thought you were having a heart attack.
“What? What are you ok?” He quizzed, frantically pressing down harder on your chest in hopes to make it calm down.
“I’m fine, it’s just...I was wondering when you would stop making me so nervous.” You blushed, dipping your head.
“You’re so cute.” He cooed, grabbing your head and mushing your cheeks together.
“I’m serious!” You pouted, trying to get his hands away from your face. “My friend said that her boyfriend makes her calm down and that I’m weird.”
“She’s right,” Conor quipped.
“Oi!” You yelled, slapping him on the arm.
“But it looks like we're stuck with each other.” He said, grabbing your hand, “because I’m weird too.” He grinned, placing your hand on his chest.
It sounded like his heart was going a million miles an hour too.
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littlewolfieposts · 6 years
Buttercream Squad fic
I’m writing for all of the guys (including Byron) and am open to request right now!
Tell me what and who you want the one shot with!
Request Box
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so sorry for the long list but!! i recently discovered this blog and spent a bit going through my playlists and such to make this list! which was a lot of fun. so uh, here!!
Mumbo: Fireflies by Owl City, Do You Even Bust by elybeatmaker
Grian: Royalty by Conor Maynard, Clarity by Zedd, Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Bdubs: Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift, The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience, I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry, Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown (that last one is more the name than anything ha)
Etho: Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's
Ariana Griande: Born This Way by Lady Gaga, Take a Hint from Victorious, Human by Christiana Perri
Cleo: Burned by Grace VanderWaal, No Children by The Mountain Goats
Tango: Drops of Jupiter by Train
Pearl: Return To Pooh Corner by Kenny Loggins
Stress: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cindy Lauper, Absolutely Smitten by dodie
Geminitay: She by dodie
False: Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar
Iskall: Dragon Bros by elybeatmaker, Do You Even Bust by elybeatmaker, Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
Joe Hills: Devil Town by Cavetown
Welsknight: King by Lauren Aquilina
Zedaph: Monster by dodie, Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery
Thank you for all these suggestions, they've all been added to the respective playlists! Here's your big ol list of links anon: Mumbo, Grian, Bdubs, Etho, Ariana Griande, Cleo, Tango, Pearl, Stress, Gem, False, Iskall, Joe, Wels, Zedaph
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whereyoustand · 7 years
Siblings are supposed to prank, it’s a known fact. They help each other grow stronger and, in a weird way, they show their affection.
“Oh you are so ridiculous Jack!” Conor shouted. It had all started with one harmless prank that left Conor covered in slime and flour. Both boys took it to far. Jack calling Conor horrible things he didn’t mean and Conor took the prank to seriously.
“I’m the ridiculous one? You freak out over the smallest thing!” Jack yelled. “Me? Who’s the guy who came running to me over a stupid little rumor? Oh and, may I add, the guy was fucking crying!” Conor raised his voice.
“Oh okay, who’s they guy who wasted so many hours asking celebrities to get involved with them and got no reply? Who was that, huh? Who the fuck was that?” Jack hissed.
Both boys faces were red with anger as they made stupid remarks to one and other. This was bound to happen and the neighbors, who had known the Maynard brothers for a while now, knew it as well.
“You know what?” Jack yelled. “You’re a liar. You are a liar that can’t handle that someone might be smarter then you!”  As those words left Jack’s mouth, he regretted them. Conor’s hand suddenly connected to the wall next to Jack’s face. Jack let out a whimper before sinking to the floor.
“Fuck. Jack I’m sorry.” Conor knelt down to face his younger brother. Conor reached forward but the younger boy flinched away. “I’m sorry, Jack. I didn’t mean it. I lost my cool.” “I’m sorry. You hurt your hand because of me. I’m such a fucking idiot.” Jack mumbled, crying into his hands.
“Don’t say that.” Conor whispered before hugging his brother. “Now, we’ll both be idiots if we don’t fix that wall before Josh comes back.”
Wow it’s my first imagine, how do you like it???
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maricchi1467 · 2 years
A Playlist for Harurin
Heartbeat - BTS
It leaves me feeling seasick, baby
Seems like I'm locked deep in the dreamlike reality
But my heart's still on fire
With a burning desire
Gonna get you back like it's destined
Euphoria - BTS
You are the sunlight that rose again in my life
A reincarnation of my childhood dreams
I'm following this clarity
Take my hands now (hands now)
You are the cause of my euphoria
Feelings - Lauv
Feelings are hard
But I feel 'em in my chest
A tiny war within
Loved me back to life - Celine Dion
I was walking dead stuck inside my head
I couldn't get out
Turn the lights down
The voices inside were so loud
But you stood by my side.
You loved me back to life.
Ashes - Celine Dion
What's left to say?
Every word shot down in flames
Can you use these tears to put out the fires in my soul?
'Cause I need you here
Lovefool - twocolors
Lately, I have desperately pondered
Spent my nights awake and I wondered
What I could have done in another way
To make you stay
As long as you don't go
Alone, Pt. II - Alan Walker, Ava Max
We all need that someone
Who gets you like no one else
Right when you need it the most
We all need a soul to rely on
Someone you loved - Lewis Capaldi
I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
I need somebody to heal
Somebody to know
Somebody to have
Somebody to hold
I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain
Don't let me down - Conor Maynard
Crashing, hit a wall
Right now I need a miracle
I call your name, but you're not around
I say your name, but you're not around
I need you, I need you, I need you right now
Certain things - James Arthur
Something about you
It's like an addiction hit me with your best shot, honey
I've got no reason to doubt you
'Cause certain things hurt and you're my only virtue
And I'm virtually yours
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Late Night Tea - Conor Maynard
My first ever imagine on this blog is on! Let me know if you enjoyed it!
Warnings: None
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When she reached over, she found the other side of the bed empty and cold. Groggily, she rubbed her eyes. She knew exactly where to find Conor. Y/N took a quick glance at the alarm clock on her bedside table, which flashed 3.30 am. She sighed before she swung her legs out of bed, throwing on a sweater that her boyfriend had worn the day before. She went down the small hallway that connected their bedroom to the kitchen, already regretting that she didn’t put any socks on, and heated some water to make some tea.
There was light coming out under the door of their spare room. When Conor and Y/N had moved in, this room didn’t really have a purpose. So they decided to turn it into a bit of an office slash room for Conor to practice his singing. Now, there was a piano, a desk and a sofa in the small room. It really didn’t surprise Y/N to find Conor working on a song this late, it wasn’t unusual. She just really missed him, cuddling up to him in bed, warming herself on his skin. She was really getting cold, so she quickly got back to her room and changed her shorts for a pair of leggings and, finally, put a pair of fuzzy socks on.
As the water was ready, she poured it into two cups, before she carried them to their spare room. The door wasn’t fully closed, so she could open it with a little bump of her hip. The sight in front of her warmed her heart.
Conor was sitting on his piano, his eyes closed, playing a calm tune. His lips were curled into the little content smile that had Y/N fall in love with him all over again. She smiled instantly, setting the cups down lightly on the desk. She moved over, carefully sitting down on the piano bench next to him. She watched as his fingers danced across the keys until the beautiful tune finally came to a close. Way too soon for her liking, to be honest.
“Hey babe”, Conor whispered as he had opened his eyes again.
“Hey”, Y/N replied before she hugged him. His arm found its way around her waist almost instantly, pulling her into his side.
“Missed you”, Y/N said, although her voice was a bit muffled since she was hiding her face in the crook of Conor’s neck.
“Sorry”, Conor chuckled, “but that’s been in my head for way too long.”
“Don’t be sorry”, Y/N said, “I love it when you play, it’s beautiful.”
“Thanks”, Conor said, and as Y/N pulled away from him a little, she could see that he was blushing. She grinned at him, cupping his face in her hands, taking all of him in. He blushed even more at that and tried to look away.
“Don’t look at me like that”, he said, being unusually coy.
“Like what?”, Y/N asked, gently lifting his chin up again. His face felt really warm in her hands now.
“Like I’m the most precious thing you’ve ever seen.”
“You are, though.”
She gently put her lips on his, enjoying the bubbly feeling that always came with kissing him, and connected their foreheads when their lips lost contact. Their breathing mingled, and for a few moments, it was the only sound to be heard because they were both so infatuated with each other.
“I love you”, Conor whispered finally.
“I love you, too”, Y/N answered immediately, but her words still didn’t lose their meaning.
Conor brushed his lips against hers for a second, before he kissed them again shortly.
“Seriously, you were looking at me like you were looking at the pizza the waiter brought you for dinner today”, he chuckled, the cheeky spark had returned to his eyes. Y/N giggled.
“Well, I do love you as much as I love pizza”, she said.
“Coming from you, that really means a lot”, Conor said, his hands pulling her into him again.
She loved it how he held her, a feeling of warmth and comfort radiating through her body.
“Oh, wait, I made us a cup of tea”, she said, finally remembering. She reluctantly got up, reaching for the cups and handing one to Conor. 
“Thanks love”, Conor said as he cautiously took a sip. “Perfect drinking temperature.”
They both sipped their beverages, before Y/N curled herself up in a blanket on the sofa, watching Conor as he played the song to her again.
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Tiny || Conor Maynard
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Requests are currently [ CLOSED ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1k+
Summary: In which (Y/N) is short compared to the boys (as a lot of us are), and she accumulates quite a few nicknames, and finds herself in some sticky situations due to it. 
Dedicated to: The anon who requested this, I hope you enjoy lovely!!xo
It was a long running joke between the boys that even compared to Joe and Conor, the shortest two in their group, that you were absolutely tiny.
It wasn’t that you’d ever been considered short, in fact you’d prided yourself on your more than average height for so many years that suddenly being the smallest in the group by a significant amount made you feel a little strange.
You didn’t mind the teasing, in fact you encouraged it, and even once wore the highest heels you owned under a floor length summer dress to see how they’d react. Needless to say those shoes ended up in a bin on the side of a road in Dubai and you spent the evening being carried around by Caspar.
You and Conor had always had a special kind of chemistry which couldn’t exactly be explained. It’d been instant, since the day you first met even up until now, you knew eachother inside out and it proved to be the perfect basis to start a relationship upon.
When he’d first asked you out on a date, you were sure that it was some kind of prank. But when you agreed, in a bid to amuse the boys, the fact that you ended up on the top of the shard at a table with one of the most beautiful views of London, the possibility of the date being a prank diminished largely.
It was ironic, really; because after nine months of dating Conor finally revealed the thesis behind the first date idea. He wanted to take you to one of the tallest buildings in London, because he was sure that you were one of the shortest most of the time. You’d glared at him when he told you that, but you couldn’t help but laugh a little at the idea.
When it came to filming videos together, they always made a point of the fact that to even fit in the frame you had to boost yourself up with pillows. It was true though, you’d once filmed an entire video with them only to find out that only your forehead had been in shot. It was a devastating, yet hilarious turn of events.
Then, after months and months of teasing, the nickname aroused. It was something Conor had thrown around a few times playfully, and you were so used to just responding to the name that when the boys picked up on it: it wasn’t so much of an adjustment.
Josh decided that he didn’t want to be like the others, and so instead he used an alternate of the word and insisted on screaming it in public places to humiliate you.
Being called “small” wasn’t exactly an insult, and defiantly wasn’t too embarrassing when they all called you by that name in public, but Josh just insisted on taking it one step further and regularly screamed “tiny, where’d you go?!” whenever you were at busy attractions and happened to stray away from the boys.
Today, you and the boys were on holiday in LA. It wasn’t your first time, and you knew that it certainly wouldn’t be your last: but this time the boys wanted to do things, like visiting theme parks and go site seeing. Usually you’d just lounge in the pool outside your villa and then go out in the evenings, but of course, the boys had different plans.
Your shoe choice for the day hadn’t been the best, as it turned out. A theme park and slanted shoes did not equal happiness, and so after walking in pain for a good few hours, she finally caved and let the boys know how much pain she was in.
They weren’t mad, obviously, and Caspar seemed more than happy to carry you on his back for the rest of the day, pinching your cheeks and squealing, calling you his little backpack and ultimately making you blush.
Conor would’ve carried you, but you knew for a fact that he didn’t really enjoy it when he did, and so he was completely fine with Caspar carrying you around - anything to know Ethan you were no longer in any pain kept him content.
You did hop off and slide back into your shoes when they all wanted to go on a ride that you couldn’t, due to a health condition, and so you look after all of their valuables that they didn’t want to get wet or drop whilst you waited on one of the benches, scrolling through your twitter feed and reblogging a few pictures that fans had taken with you throughout the day so far.
You’d had to walk quite a distance from the ride to find an available seat, and so when the boys got off the ride and didn’t find you waiting for them, they immediately grew worried. Conor pulled out his phone and cursed under his breath when he remembered that he hadn’t yet changed the setting on your phone to work on American telephone signals yet and had only addressed the internet portion.
They all share a look of mutual worry and all split up, but within moments they all hear Josh’s booming voice, and they were sure that the rest of the park had too. “Tiny, where are you?!”
You look up from your phone and your eyes widen an inch, your cheeks glowing red as everyone around you looked around in confusion, wondering where the loud voice was coming from. You gather up all of your things and jog in the direction of the ride, glaring at the group of boys and looking around sheepishly. “Gods, Josh, could you shout any louder?”
Conor sighs in relief and wraps his arms around your waist, kissing you quickly on the mouth and then once on the forehead as Josh rolls his eyes and scoffs. “Oh please, I could be so much louder than that if I needed to be. That’ll teach you not to tell us where you’re going.”
“I’m not six!” You exclaim, throwing your head back and laughing a little, especially when Oli makes a point out of waving his arms in the air and shouting ‘you may not be six, but you look it!’
These boys were nuisances, but they were your nuisances.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Hi love! I've had this idea for a bit and I think it would be perfect in the same universe of your plank all over me one shots! Okay do you remember that interview where Conor Maynard planked Tom with the fake interviewer?? What if Tom tried to do the same thing to prank y/n but as soon as the fake interviewer walks in she immediately knows what's happening so then gives super weird answers or tries to mess with tom in all the answers she gives?? You don't have to do it if you don't want to tho!
Plank All Over Me - Prank Interview Edition
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom and Connor Maynard try to prank you, but you prank then right back
Disclaimer: you don’t have to have read the others to understand, but check them out ;)
Plank All Over Me
Plank All Over Me - Yoga Edition
Plank All Over Me - Couples Tag
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“What’s going on guys? It’s Conor Maynard here and I’m joined by an old friend of mine.” Conor pointed to Tom.
“Tom Holland.” Tom smiled at the camera.
“You May have heard of him, probably not. He’s not very well known.” Conor joked.
“I know, mate. I’m so lucky you’re putting me on your channel. Could be my big break.” Tom replied.
“My other friend Josh Pieters is in the other room with Toms girlfriend, the incredibly famous and lovely Y/n L/n. If you’ve seen my video where Josh, Casper and I pranked Tom with a fake interview, you already know what’s about to go down. If you don’t, Josh has an AirPod in under his headband. We’re going to be giving him things to say and he has to say them to Y/n. We’re gonna try to really freak her out. Are you ready Tom?”
“Very ready. Y/n, I love you pretty girl but you had this coming.” Tom rubbed his hands together. 
“Looks like she’s in the room. Introduce yourself.” Conor instructed. “But make it uncomfortable.”
“Hi, I’m Josh but you can call me Josh.” Josh said with a blank stare. You vaguely recognized the boy interviewing you but you couldn’t pinpoint where he was from.
“Oh uh, hi Josh.” You laughed lightly. “I’m Y/n.”
“Tell her you had a pet called Y/n and something terrible happened to it.” Conor snickered.
“I had a fish called Y/n when I was younger.” Josh informed you.
“Aw, that’s sweet.” You smiled.
“Yeah. It was my best friend until my brother swallowed it alive.” He said with no emotion.
“Oh.” You replied, not knowing what else to say. You began to sense something was off. He was wearing a headband, for one, and he didn’t look like he normally wore them. Someone was up to something.
“Even more uncomfortable.” Tom ordered.
“I’m a big fan so it’s very nice to meet you.” Josh said. “A huge fan actually, if you know what I mean.” Josh gave you a wink and you swallowed thickly. It suddenly dawned on you where you knew him from. He was Josh Pieters, the YouTuber who pranked Tom. You’d seen a number of his prank videos with Casper Lee and Joe Sugg and had a feeling that this one would be no different. If he wanted to prank you, you’d give him a taste of his own medicine.
“Not that uncomfortable!” Tom said.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” You answered, preparing to have a little fun.
“Be normal. Ask her about the Marvel making Eddie a girl.” Conor said.
“For those who don’t know, the character Eddie Brock, who later gets infected with the symbiote Venom, is a male in the comics. How do you feel about Marvel changing the role to be played by a woman after your audition?” Josh asked. You thought about your answer for a moment.
“I think it was a really dumb move, actually. I originally auditioned for the role of Anne, who’s Eddie Brocks girlfriend. I think they should’ve kept Eddie a boy since women are weak, useless creatures and I hate them all.” You answered matter-of-factly and Josh looked a little taken aback. You nodded as if it confirm your answer and Josh looked lost.
“Oh.” Josh said and leaned to the side as if he were listening to something you couldn’t hear.
“I’m kidding. I love that they made Eddie a girl. I was so excited when they called me and told me who I was playing.” You followed up. You didn’t want them to catch on too soon that you were messing with them. You had to dial it down.
“Ask about the Spider-Man/Venom relationship.” Conor told Josh.
“And me. Ask about me.” Tom added.
“If it fun getting to play Tom Holland’s on screen girlfriend as well as being his in real life girlfriend?” Josh asked you and you smirked. So Tom was behind this as well. Now was your time to really mess with them.
“Not really, if I’m honest.” You answered.
“What?” Conor laughed.
“What?” Tom deadpanned.
“Really?” Josh asked while stifling a laugh.
“It’s just, there are so many attractive men in the Marvel cast, Tom included don’t get me wrong.” You assured him. “I kinda wish they let me date one of them on screen since I already date Tom off screen.”
“Ask her who she’d want to date.” Tom demanded, watching you with hooded eyes.
“Who do you wish you were dating?” Josh asked you.
“Definitely Chris Evans.” You answered too quickly for Toms liking. “Oh, did you mean what character?”
“I’m gonna die. I’m actually going to perish.” Tom backed away from the microphone and covered his mouth with his hands.
“Keep going. Ask more about Tom.” Conor instructed.
“But you like working with Tom, right?” Josh tried to bring the conversation to a positive point.
“Again, not really.” You shrugged.
“Interesting.” Josh stated, silently begging for the boys to tell him what to say. No one was prepared for your answers.
“Ask why.” Conor said as Tom fanned himself in the background.
“Can you elaborate on that?” Josh asked.
“It’s just weird acting along side your boyfriend. I think he should leave the acting me to, honestly.” You smiled innocently, knowing Tom was somewhere freaking out.
“Do you think he’s bad?” Tom grabbed them microphone.
“Do you think he’s bad?” Josh repeated.
“Well, he’s very attractive. I’m sure that was a big factor in getting the part. But his American accent…”, you made a face, “not the best. Being from New York is such a big part of Peter Parker that I feel like Marvel should’ve gone with an American actor. No offense to Tom, of course. He’s great in all his other movies.”
“Wow.” Josh squeaked.
“She told me she loves my American accent.” Tom whispered, bewildered.
“Ask her about her favorite accent.” Conor tried to lighten the mood.
“Do you like British accents better?” Josh asked you.
“I’ll tell you what I like. Chris Hemsworth’s accent.” You gushed. “I think it’s the hottest thing ever.”
“Did you guys hear that?” Tom asked gravely.
“Hear what?” Conor asked him.
“My heart shattering.” Tom answered.
“Tom, it’s just an accent. It’s okay.” Conor assured his friend. Tom couldn’t even hear him anymore. He grabbed the microphone with a heavy hand.
“Ask her if she likes Australians better than the British.” He demanded.
“You think Australian accents are better than British accents?” Josh repeated Toms question.
“Is that even a question? Duh.” You laughed.
“I can’t breath.” Tom wheezed.
“I do like your accent, though.” You said, catching everyone off guard.
“She what?” Tom asked. “What?”
“Oh, thank you.” Josh said, beginning to panic.
“Where are you from?” You asked, leaning forward on your hands.
“South Africa.” Josh told you and you smiled brightly and you continued your plan.
“Wait, really? That’s so exciting. I’ve always wanted to go there.” You beamed.
“Since when?” Conor looked up at Tom.
“She’s never said anything about South Africa.” Tom said in confusion.
“It’s a beautiful place.” Josh agreed.
“I bet. England is so dreary.” You rolled your eyes. “Maybe you can take me to South Africa one day.”
“Maybe.” Josh nodded as he tried to send messages in Morse code by blinking rapidly at the camera. You smirked, knowing your plan was working.
“Change the subject, Josh. Before Tom dies.” Conor ordered.
“Ask her about the wallpaper.” Tom blurted.
“Why the wallpaper?” Conor asked.
“It’s the least romantic topic I could think of!” Tom exclaimed.
“So, this is some really nice wallpaper, wouldn’t you agree?” Josh changed the subject. This threw you off a little but you were determined to win this prank.
“I was just thinking that! You read my mind.” You said excitedly.
“That backfired.” Conor said as he watched Tom fall to the floor in agony.
“Your name is Josh right?” You asked coyly.
“Yes ma’am.” Josh answered.
“I love that name.” You complimented. “I always have.”
“Do you?” Josh’s mouth dried up.
“Totally. It’s so exotic.” You beamed. Toms head snapped up from the floor.
“Exotic? There is a white boy named Josh in every high school movie ever made.” Tom exclaimed. “Exotic compared to what? Toast?”
“Thank you. I like it too.” Josh said awkwardly, wishing the boys would give him something to say.
“It’s so much better than a white bread name like Tom. Who names their kid Tom? What is he, an apostle?” You laughed. “Josh is way cooler in my opinion. It’s like the name of a god or something.”
“A god?” Tom nearly screamed. “What would Josh be the god of?”
“Gingers.” Conor shrugged.
“Thank you.” Josh said and gave the camera a stern glare.
“Tell her about your quail.” Conor suggested.
“That’s perfect. She’ll think he’s a total weirdo! Great thinking Conor.” Tom patted his friend on the back.
“Not exactly my plan, but okay.” Connor nodded.
“Do you have any pets?” Josh began his segway.”
“I do. I have a dog named Tessa.” You answered. “She’s not really my dog, though. She’s Tom’s.”
“I know you’re an animal person. You must love her.” Josh smiled now that the prank was back on track.
“Honestly, I can’t stand her. She’s always sleeping in our bed with us and begging at the table. I’m this close to telling Tom to get rid of her.” You pinched your fingers together and watched Josh go pale.
“That was it. That was the thing that killed me.” Tom mumbled as he slumped in a chair.
“Talk about the quail!” Conor repeated in an effort to save Tom.
“I have a pet too. It’s a quail.” Josh told you proudly.
“A quail? How did you get a quail?” You asked with a smile.
“Well my friends and I bought a carton of quail eggs and put them in an incubator. Only one hatched but I’ve kept her as a pet.” Josh told you the infamous story. You’d seen the video he posted about it but decided to play dumb.
“You saved a quail? That’s amazing.” You gushed as if you’d never heard the story before.
“It was just a fun thing for YouTube but I’ve actually grown quite fond of her.” Josh said, beginning to enjoy the interview.
“That’s the mosh amazing story I’ve ever herad.” You swore. “You’re a hero. A real life hero.”
“Okay. He put a carton of eggs in a hot box. He’s not Mother Theresa.” Tom pouted.
“You and Tom should come over and meet her sometime.” Josh suggested.
“Good. Bring the conversation back to Tom.” Conor nodded.
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” Tom agreed.
“Tom doesn’t have time be there. It can just be you and I.” You said as you looked at him through your lashes. Josh looked panicked.
“Never mind.” Tom groaned, clenching his stomach.
“What’s your last name, Josh?” You asked as you twirled some hair around your finger.
“Pieters.” Josh informed you.
“Pieters? That’s so cute. I love the way it sounds. Can you imagine it with my name? Y/n Pieters.” You smiled. “Doesn’t that just sound effervescent?”
“It sounds lovely, Y/n.” Josh said, eyeing you strangely.
“Toms still dead but if he were alive right now, he’d be livid.” Conor sighed as he listened.
“I can hear it. And I am in fact livid.” Tom said from his newly claimed spot on the floor.
“You know who else’s last name sounds good on me? Osterfield.” You were pulling out all the guns now. “I think Y/n Osterfield sounds great. Don’t you agree?”
“Uhhh…” Josh feared for his life if he agreed.
“Don’t you dare agree.” Tom grumbled through the microphone.
“Say you like Y/n Holland best.” Conor suggested.
“That’s good. Say that.” Tom nodded.
“I think Y/n Holland sounds better than both of those.” Josh told you.
“You think?” You made a face. “I actually hate Toms last name. It doesn’t fit with anything. It’s too long.”
“Osterfield is longer.” Josh reminded you.
“I bet Osterfield is longer.” You said and winked at the camera. Tom caught the double meaning and started sweating profusely.
“Ask her if she plans to take my last name when we’re married.” Tom asked, fully panicking now.
“Are you gonna take his last name when you’re married?” Josh repeated.
“Yeah, like we’re getting married.” You laughed.
“She doesn’t want to marry me?” Tom asked, all anger draining from him. It was replaced with devastation and defeat.
“Ask her if she wants to marry Tom.” Conor said as he watched Toms fallen face carefully.
“You guys aren’t planning on getting married?” Josh asked, feeling himself beginning to sweat.
“We are.” You nodded and Tom sighed in relief. “To other people.” You added.
“She killed me and now she’s beating my corpse with a phone book.” Tom said in exasperation.
“Try to change the subject again away from marriage.” Conor pleaded for Toms sake.
“Your hair looks really nice today.” Josh blurted.
“That’s not helping!” Tom shouted.
“Thank you! I really like your hair too. I totally have a thing for gingers.” You nodded.
“Said no one ever!” Tom scoffed.
“Abandon that conversation immediately. New plan! Ask her what her favorite thing about Tom is.” Conor shrugged.
“Speaking of Tom, whats your favorite thing about him?” Josh asked, ignoring the insult from Tom.
“My favorite thing about Tom? That’s easy.” You smiled and Tom did too. “He always puts the toilet seat down after he’s done. I hate when boys leave it up. So, probably that.”
“Her favorite thing about me is how I put the toilet seat down?” Tom asked with a blank stare.
“Ask her something else about him. He’s dying, Josh. He’s on his last leg.” Conor begged.
“Finish this sentence: my boyfriend gives the best…” Josh began.
“Kisses.” You gushed. Josh looked at the camera for approval and he heard Tom sigh happily into the microphone. “Just kidding, he gives the best directions. He’s really good at giving people directions. His kisses are lack luster, but I’m sure that doesn’t surprise anyone.”
“Ask her what in the the absolutely, positively, burning, bloody hell that meant?” Tom quipped.
“Why not?” Josh asked you.
“Do I have to say it?” You asked.
“Make her say it.” Tom ordered.
“Yes.” Josh nodded.
“No lips.” You shrugged.
“Can’t argue with her on that one, mate.” Conor told Tom.
“Can you get her to say one nice thing about me before my ghost ascends into heaven?” Tom sighed in defeat.
“What do you love about him? There must be something, right? Why else would you be together?” Josh asked you. You decided it was time to let up.
“There is something I love about Tom.” You smiled dreamily.
“Thank God.” Tom said, leaning forward to hear you clearly.
“Finally.” Conor after.
“Really? What is it?” Josh asked.
“What I really, truly love about Tom,” you smiled at the camera, “is how he thinks he can prank me better than I can prank him.”
“What?” Josh laughed as he realized you’d be toying with him.
“Wait, what?” Tom stuttered.
“What?” Conor asked at the 50th turn the video had taken.
“Come on, Josh. I smelt BS as soon as I walked in here.” You declared. “You think I haven’t seen Conners video where you pranked Tom exactly like this? You boys must think I’m dumb.”
“Wait a minute, she what? What?” Tom tried to wrap his head around what he was hearing.
“Would you look at that.” Conor said, dumbfounded.
“You knew it was a prank and you let us believe we were pranking you this entire time?” Josh asked, not bothering to hide how impressed he was.
“Yup.” You popped the p.
“Come on.” Tom pulled Connor out of the room and ran to where you and Josh were. You burst out laughing when you saw Toms red face.
“Ha! I knew I’d get you.” You clapped as you pulled Tom into a hug. “You should’ve known better than to challenge me. You know they call me Prank Sinatra.”
“No one calls you that.” He mumbled as his cheeks flamed up in embarrassment that you’d gotten him so good.
“Modern day Prank Ocean.” You shrugged smugly.
“How did you know it was a prank?” Conor asked you.
“I watch you and Josh all the time. I know a prank when I see one. I got you guy so good, thinking I liked the name Josh and all that.” You said triumphantly.
“Hey.” Josh warned.
“Sorry.” You apologized.
“So all your answers were…” Tom began.
“Complete and utter lies?” You finished. “Why yes, yes they were. Every last one.”
“You made all that up? All that stuff about my accent and not liking to work with me?” He asked hopefully, needing to hear you confirm it.
“Obviously! When do I ever say “effervescent”? You should’ve known I was only joking, lover.” You assured him as you pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’d never say that stuff. I love your accent and I love working with you.
“And the marriage stuff?” He said softly. You knew you took it a little too far with that one.
“If you want that to happen, you know what to do.” You shrugged casually and he blushed.
“I cannot believe you pranked us this badly. I feel so defeated.” Conor sighed.
“You shouldn’t have challenged the queen of pranks.” You told him as Tom presses kissed of relief to your cheek.
“Wait, what about what you said about wanting to date Chris Evans?” He remembered.
“Thanks for watching everybody! Bye!” You said to the camera before running out of the room.
“Wait! You didn’t answer my question!” Tom said as he ran after you.
“Don’t forget to subscribe!” You shouted from the hallway.
“What she said.” Conor smiled again the camera before turning it off.
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Caught : Conor Maynard Smut
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(I changed it up a lil bit srry)
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You and your boyfriend Conor were staying at his parents house in Brighton for the week. All of his family were lovely, you got on really well with his little sister Anna, his parents adored you and you and Jack knew each other really well considering you almost saw him everyday back in London.
You had been staying at Conor’s family home for 6 days now and you were really enjoying it. It was a Sunday now and you and your boyfriend Conor were laying in his bed watching TV. His parents were downstairs preparing a roast dinner for you all and Jack and Anna were in their bedrooms.
As you cuddled into Conor, you noticed how cold you were considering you were only wearing pyjama shorts and a t shirt. Conor was only wearing boxers so he wasn’t much warmer.
“Aren’t you cold?” You asked Conor, shifting around a bit to try and get warm.
“A bit. Why? Are you?” He asked, looking down at you.
He looked so gorgeous. His brown hair looked so fluffy as he hadn’t bothered to style it today and you loved it.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Conor spoke again, his lips flicking up into a smirk.
“Like what?” You replied.
“I don’t know, you looked turned on, babe.” He laughed.
“You just look really attractive today.” You told him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“Oh, why? Do I normally look ugly?” He chuckled, grabbing your hips a moving him onto on his lap.
“Shut up, you know what I mean.” You rolled your eyes and placed your hands flat on his bare chest.
“Come here.” Conor mumbled.
You leaned forward, pressing your lips to his again. The kiss was slow and passionate, you could feel Conor smiling. As the kiss went on, it started to get faster and more heated. Conor started getting desperate and his hands travelled down to your bum.
Totally forgetting that his family were also in the house, you began to rock your hips against his, making him groan.
“Y/N,” He warned. “Stop.”
You ignored him as he went back to kissing you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and grinded against his member, feeling him getting hard already. Conor held in a moan but you felt his hands go up the bottom of your shorts, feeling his fingers against your bare skin.
“Con,” You breathed out, your lips going to his neck.
“You’re going to pay for being such a fucking tease.” Conor growled as he pushed you off him and pinned you onto the bed.
You lost your breath as Conor pulled your shorts down within seconds - your underwear was soon gone too. Conor kissed up your thighs, making you squirm as you watched.
“Aw, babe, look how wet you are. All for me.” He smirked, suddenly putting his lips against your core.
Your hands went to his fluffy hair, lightly gripping as he licked in and out of you. His tongue worked wonders against you and you accidentally let out a moan.
“Ssh, Y/N, my parents are downstairs,” Conor laughed, replacing his mouth with his fingers as he worked against your clit. “Does that turn you on? Me getting you off like this whilst me family are in the house?”
His words were too much and your hands grabbed onto the white sheet you were laying on.
Suddenly, Conor’s door flew open and he quickly moved so he was laying next to you, putting the duvet over you both. Jack walked in, a piece of toast in his hand.
“Morning.” He said to you both. You were trying to catch your breath back without Jack noticing. Conor had a grin on his face, finding the situation amusing.
“What’s up?” Conor asked Jack.
“I need to use your camera, bro. Left mine at home.” Jack told him, walking over to Conor’s filming equipment.
You felt Conor’s hand wonder down your body and you immediately knew what he was planning. You panicked, you knew Conor was going to try and get you off with Jack in the room whether you liked it or not. If you were being honest, it kind of did turn you on.
Conor pushed his middle finger into you and you breathed in, squeezing onto the duvet trying not to squirm. It felt amazing, the way Conor’s fingers felt inside of you was something you loved. The pleasure he gave you - that boy was talented.
“Where is it?” Jack asked, searching around Conor’s equipment.
“It might be in the drawer.” Conor replied, adding another finger as you bit down on your lip, trying to hold back your moans.
“Oh, I’ve found it.” Jack said and you were so happy, knowing he was about to leave the room. “Wait, the battery is dead.”
“The spares are by my bag.” Conor told him, a slight laugh coming out of his mouth.
When Conor added another finger - now totalling to 3 - the pleasure was too much. Your legs started to shake and you accidentally let out a small moan.
“What’s funny? Y/N are you alright?” Jack asked, noticing both Conor’s laugh and your moan.
You couldn’t reply. As Conor continued to move his fingers in and out of you, you tried to nod at Jack but it didn’t really work.
Jack’s eyes flickered from you, to Conor, to you, back to Conor and then back to you.
“What the- Bro are you fingering her right now?” Jack asked, his eyes narrowing in disgust.
Conor just laughed uncontrollably. But you ignored them, your high was just seconds away and Conor was still touching you, edging you closer and closer.
Your moaned into the duvet, pulling it over your face, not wanting Jack to see you having an orgasm. Your walls tightened around Conor’s fingers as you reached your high, the feeling so intense and amazing.
“That’s my girl.” Conor laughed.
“Oh my god- Did she just? What the fuck, you two are disgusting!” Jack groaned as he walked straight out the door.
“Fucking hell.” You breathed out, moving the duvet so it was no longer on you. Your temperature had definitely increased now.
“You alright, babe?” Conor asked, licking his lips.
“I can’t believe you just made me orgasm in front of your younger brother.” You shook your head at him.
“Relax! He probably loved it, bet he’s having a wank over you right now.” Conor laughed, making you look at him in disgust.
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janosxmaynard · 6 years
Not just a Stomachache!
Hiya , very excited for your writing ! I bet you’ll be great , could you possibly do a buttercream s one where conor and jack live together and all of the buttercreams go out apart from jack coz he feels really ill . Then conor invites them all back to his but when they all arrive jack is barley conscious and in a lotta pain .. turns out he has appendicitis. Sorry if this is confusing and welcome to tumblr ! Xxx
Conor and Jack were incredibly close brothers. They always had been. It may be the similar age or the fact that they had grown up always being around each other. But Conor being the older brother. He could always sense when something was wrong with Jack. It was almost like his brotherly instinct.
Things had been very hectic lately and Conor was looking forward to a night out in the town with his brother and the lads. It had been a while as Conor had been extremely busy working on some new music where as the lads were busy with their YouTube channels. But tonight was a chance to chill out and forget about work for a while, with great company and one too many pints. The night had been pre-planned. The lads would gather at Conor and Jack’s apartment where they would head to town from there.
Conor finished fixing his hair, before looking at his watch and frowning. What was taking Jack so long? It were usually him who took the longest time to get ready. Jack was normally one of the first to grab a shower and get ready quickly. Just as he was about to check up on his brother, Jack emerged from the bathroom.
“Jack?” Conor questioned, immediately noticing the pale form of his little brother, who stood in front of him, looking sweaty and with one hand clamped firmly around his stomach.
“I threw up.” Jack announced. “I don’t feel good.”
“Yeah. You don’t look too hot either.” Conor commented, stating the obvious.
“I think I’ll give tonight a miss, I just need a decent kip.” Jack replied, as he slowly sat on the sofa.
Conor frowned as he slouched down beside him. Jack never passed up on a lads night. He must be really ill. “I’ll text the lads, tell them I’m going to stay in with you.” Jack immediately shook his head. “No. Conor you’ve been looking forward to this for ages. You’ve not had a chance to go out in so long.”
“They’ll be other nights out.”
“No! You’re going. That’s final. I’ll be fine.” Jack replied stubbornly.
Conor sighed, knowing fine well that Jack wasn’t the easiest to reason with. “Fine. But if you feel any worse, call me. Ok?”
Jack nodded. “Deal.”
The night was in full swing. Joe had just treated the group to another round of shots but Conor was preoccupied.
“Conor? Mate, that shot has been sat there for 5 minutes.” Oli commented with a smirk.
Conor snapped out of his thoughts. “Sorry, miles away. I’m not feeling the tequila tonight. You have it.” He offered as he checked his mobile, frowning because Jack hadn’t replied to his recent message.
“Jack not replied?” Joe asked.
“He’s probably asleep, you know what he’s like.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Conor replied but he wasn’t convinced. He had a bad feeling about this. Luckily for him, the next club they went to was deserted, so instead they decided to head back to Conor and Jacks apartment for drinks. They were greeted by pure silence as they entered the apartment, all having half expected to be met by the loud volume of the TV, but instead nothing and there was no sign of Jack.
“Get the drinks out Conor.” Joe laughed as he headed to the bathroom. He frowned at the closed door. “Jack? Jack you in there?” Getting no reply back, he slowly pushed open the door. Jack was curled in a fetal position, arms firmly clasped around his abdomen and he was whimpering softly.
“Oh my god Jack…CONOR!”
Conor was there within seconds and instantly fell to his knees beside his little brother who was clearly very sick and in pain. “Jack? What’s wrong?” he asked softly. Jack didn’t reply, so he studied the younger boy closely. “Is it your stomach? Does it hurt?” Jack responded with a small nod of the head. “Con? Why are you ba-” he was cut off by a stabbing jolt of pain in his lower abdomen. “Owww…” Conor was no medical expert and he was the last person to ask when it came to looking after a sick person but this was different. This was his little brother and it hurt him to see Jack distressed like this.
“Conor…it hurts.” Jack whimpered. “I know buddy.” Conor soothed as he ran his hair through his brothers damp hair, he grimaced as he felt the heat radiating against the palm of his hand. “God, you’re burning up…Joe call an ambulance.”“No.” Jack protested “No Hospitals.” Connor gripped his brothers free hand supportively “Jack you’re ill You need to go to the hospital but I promise I won’t leave you. Ok?” Jack looked up at Conor with tears brimming his eyes. He didn’t like hospitals. It was just the needles and the weird sterile smells and the fact they were full of sick people that creeped him out but one thing he knew was that he trusted his brother so he found himself nodding. “Good boy.” Conor smiled as he took a cold, wet washcloth from Joe and proceeded to dab Jack’s forehead with it in an attempt to cool him down.
The ride to the hospital was quick and Jack was rushed in to surgery upon arrival as it was discovered that he was suffering from an acute appendicitis. Which is why he had been in so much pain before. Conor stayed true to his word and didn’t leave Jack’s side (except for him being in theatre). He was right there when Jack woke up after his surgery, just like he said he would be.
Jack’s eyes fluttered open and the first thing he noticed was the excruciating pain that he had experienced earlier was gone and was replaced by a duller, more easy to deal with pain. “Welcome back sleeping beauty” the sarcastic voice of his brother greeted him. Jack rolled his eyes “You’re still here then?” he smiled. “Charming.” Conor laughed “I told you that I wasn’t going anywhere. You’re stuck with me baby bro.” he ruffled Jack’s hair and grinned deviously at the look of displeasure on the other boys face. Jack was discharged 2 days later and Conor waited on him hand and foot until he had reached a full recovery.
One thing both boys could depend on was, no matter how big or small the situation was that they could rely on each other. Always.
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