#conor maynard fanfiction
Dating Conor Maynard might include...
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cheesy pick-up lines
like literally all the time, if not in person than via whatsapp or snapchat
weird snapchats in general
tagging you in funny videos
him always making you laugh
him laughing even more than you, because we all know he’s the one who laughs most at his jokes
but he’d love to see you laugh, even more if it was because of him
sometimes he’d even blush because of that
when you first started dating, he made sure that you only got to see his best side
although you guys got intimate in the sexual sense pretty quickly, he didn’t let you in at first
but deep down, you could feel that there was so much more that you hadn’t seen yet
patiently waiting until he was comfortable to share that with you, too
because you were here to stay, and he knew it
it just took him a bit longer to fully get comfortable
you respected that, knowing that he would do the exact same thing
but when you were on that deep level, there was so much to discover
working through issues together
because you were a team, and he made sure everybody knew that
getting on really well with the other boys, especially Jack
hanging out with him a lot
always cuddling when you were watching movies or a series
cheeky slaps on the butt, because he just loved your butt
you’d slowly learn to return them
him giggling in the most adorable way when you’d smack his bum
loving glances
like you could be at a party, chatting with different people and you’d feel him look at you
feeling all warm and bubbly inside
him giving you compliments all the time
because he wanted you to see yourself like he did
him being called whipped because he was so infatuated with you
but he didn’t mind being whipped for you
hugging the other from behind
him singing softly into your ear, just for you
helping him through his creative phases
being one of the first people to hear his new music
making sure he’d eat enough when he was writing music, because he would often forget that
generally taking care of him
sometimes feeling like you didn’t have a boyfriend, you merely got yourself a five year-old child
him being so attentive
like he would always get you something special when he was away
“I spotted this in a shop, and it made me think of you”
long-distance-relationship when he was away in LA
he still made sure that you wouldn’t feel lonely though
still managing to speak to each other at least once a week
facetiming until one of you fell asleep
checking the time-zone where he was in
goodbye-kisses that turned into a severe make-out session in the hallway when he was leaving
sending good-morning and good-night-texts to each other
him spending the first two days (at least) only with you when he was back
not letting go of each other until you really had to
reunion sex
at first having real passionate and eager sex, getting all the frustration out from being apart for so long
round two was much more vanilla, with slow kisses and loving glances
generally having sex on almost a daily basis
giggly sex in the bathtub
shower sex, although one of you almost always gets hurt
buying a non-slip-mat for this purpose only
morning sex
drunk sex
showering together afterwards
eating breakfast together
being the fan’s otp
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buttercream-maynard · 5 years
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This is everything 😍 I was wondering what Alex had been getting up to 😂
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Hi love! I've had this idea for a bit and I think it would be perfect in the same universe of your plank all over me one shots! Okay do you remember that interview where Conor Maynard planked Tom with the fake interviewer?? What if Tom tried to do the same thing to prank y/n but as soon as the fake interviewer walks in she immediately knows what's happening so then gives super weird answers or tries to mess with tom in all the answers she gives?? You don't have to do it if you don't want to tho!
Plank All Over Me - Prank Interview Edition
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom and Connor Maynard try to prank you, but you prank then right back
Disclaimer: you don’t have to have read the others to understand, but check them out ;)
Plank All Over Me
Plank All Over Me - Yoga Edition
Plank All Over Me - Couples Tag
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“What’s going on guys? It’s Conor Maynard here and I’m joined by an old friend of mine.” Conor pointed to Tom.
“Tom Holland.” Tom smiled at the camera.
“You May have heard of him, probably not. He’s not very well known.” Conor joked.
“I know, mate. I’m so lucky you’re putting me on your channel. Could be my big break.” Tom replied.
“My other friend Josh Pieters is in the other room with Toms girlfriend, the incredibly famous and lovely Y/n L/n. If you’ve seen my video where Josh, Casper and I pranked Tom with a fake interview, you already know what’s about to go down. If you don’t, Josh has an AirPod in under his headband. We’re going to be giving him things to say and he has to say them to Y/n. We’re gonna try to really freak her out. Are you ready Tom?”
“Very ready. Y/n, I love you pretty girl but you had this coming.” Tom rubbed his hands together. 
“Looks like she’s in the room. Introduce yourself.” Conor instructed. “But make it uncomfortable.”
“Hi, I’m Josh but you can call me Josh.” Josh said with a blank stare. You vaguely recognized the boy interviewing you but you couldn’t pinpoint where he was from.
“Oh uh, hi Josh.” You laughed lightly. “I’m Y/n.”
“Tell her you had a pet called Y/n and something terrible happened to it.” Conor snickered.
“I had a fish called Y/n when I was younger.” Josh informed you.
“Aw, that’s sweet.” You smiled.
“Yeah. It was my best friend until my brother swallowed it alive.” He said with no emotion.
“Oh.” You replied, not knowing what else to say. You began to sense something was off. He was wearing a headband, for one, and he didn’t look like he normally wore them. Someone was up to something.
“Even more uncomfortable.” Tom ordered.
“I’m a big fan so it’s very nice to meet you.” Josh said. “A huge fan actually, if you know what I mean.” Josh gave you a wink and you swallowed thickly. It suddenly dawned on you where you knew him from. He was Josh Pieters, the YouTuber who pranked Tom. You’d seen a number of his prank videos with Casper Lee and Joe Sugg and had a feeling that this one would be no different. If he wanted to prank you, you’d give him a taste of his own medicine.
“Not that uncomfortable!” Tom said.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” You answered, preparing to have a little fun.
“Be normal. Ask her about the Marvel making Eddie a girl.” Conor said.
“For those who don’t know, the character Eddie Brock, who later gets infected with the symbiote Venom, is a male in the comics. How do you feel about Marvel changing the role to be played by a woman after your audition?” Josh asked. You thought about your answer for a moment.
“I think it was a really dumb move, actually. I originally auditioned for the role of Anne, who’s Eddie Brocks girlfriend. I think they should’ve kept Eddie a boy since women are weak, useless creatures and I hate them all.” You answered matter-of-factly and Josh looked a little taken aback. You nodded as if it confirm your answer and Josh looked lost.
“Oh.” Josh said and leaned to the side as if he were listening to something you couldn’t hear.
“I’m kidding. I love that they made Eddie a girl. I was so excited when they called me and told me who I was playing.” You followed up. You didn’t want them to catch on too soon that you were messing with them. You had to dial it down.
“Ask about the Spider-Man/Venom relationship.” Conor told Josh.
“And me. Ask about me.” Tom added.
“If it fun getting to play Tom Holland’s on screen girlfriend as well as being his in real life girlfriend?” Josh asked you and you smirked. So Tom was behind this as well. Now was your time to really mess with them.
“Not really, if I’m honest.” You answered.
“What?” Conor laughed.
“What?” Tom deadpanned.
“Really?” Josh asked while stifling a laugh.
“It’s just, there are so many attractive men in the Marvel cast, Tom included don’t get me wrong.” You assured him. “I kinda wish they let me date one of them on screen since I already date Tom off screen.”
“Ask her who she’d want to date.” Tom demanded, watching you with hooded eyes.
“Who do you wish you were dating?” Josh asked you.
“Definitely Chris Evans.” You answered too quickly for Toms liking. “Oh, did you mean what character?”
“I’m gonna die. I’m actually going to perish.” Tom backed away from the microphone and covered his mouth with his hands.
“Keep going. Ask more about Tom.” Conor instructed.
“But you like working with Tom, right?” Josh tried to bring the conversation to a positive point.
“Again, not really.” You shrugged.
“Interesting.” Josh stated, silently begging for the boys to tell him what to say. No one was prepared for your answers.
“Ask why.” Conor said as Tom fanned himself in the background.
“Can you elaborate on that?” Josh asked.
“It’s just weird acting along side your boyfriend. I think he should leave the acting me to, honestly.” You smiled innocently, knowing Tom was somewhere freaking out.
“Do you think he’s bad?” Tom grabbed them microphone.
“Do you think he’s bad?” Josh repeated.
“Well, he’s very attractive. I’m sure that was a big factor in getting the part. But his American accent…”, you made a face, “not the best. Being from New York is such a big part of Peter Parker that I feel like Marvel should’ve gone with an American actor. No offense to Tom, of course. He’s great in all his other movies.”
“Wow.” Josh squeaked.
“She told me she loves my American accent.” Tom whispered, bewildered.
“Ask her about her favorite accent.” Conor tried to lighten the mood.
“Do you like British accents better?” Josh asked you.
“I’ll tell you what I like. Chris Hemsworth’s accent.” You gushed. “I think it’s the hottest thing ever.”
“Did you guys hear that?” Tom asked gravely.
“Hear what?��� Conor asked him.
“My heart shattering.” Tom answered.
“Tom, it’s just an accent. It’s okay.” Conor assured his friend. Tom couldn’t even hear him anymore. He grabbed the microphone with a heavy hand.
“Ask her if she likes Australians better than the British.” He demanded.
“You think Australian accents are better than British accents?” Josh repeated Toms question.
“Is that even a question? Duh.” You laughed.
“I can’t breath.” Tom wheezed.
“I do like your accent, though.” You said, catching everyone off guard.
“She what?” Tom asked. “What?”
“Oh, thank you.” Josh said, beginning to panic.
“Where are you from?” You asked, leaning forward on your hands.
“South Africa.” Josh told you and you smiled brightly and you continued your plan.
“Wait, really? That’s so exciting. I’ve always wanted to go there.” You beamed.
“Since when?” Conor looked up at Tom.
“She’s never said anything about South Africa.” Tom said in confusion.
“It’s a beautiful place.” Josh agreed.
“I bet. England is so dreary.” You rolled your eyes. “Maybe you can take me to South Africa one day.”
“Maybe.” Josh nodded as he tried to send messages in Morse code by blinking rapidly at the camera. You smirked, knowing your plan was working.
“Change the subject, Josh. Before Tom dies.” Conor ordered.
“Ask her about the wallpaper.” Tom blurted.
“Why the wallpaper?” Conor asked.
“It’s the least romantic topic I could think of!” Tom exclaimed.
“So, this is some really nice wallpaper, wouldn’t you agree?” Josh changed the subject. This threw you off a little but you were determined to win this prank.
“I was just thinking that! You read my mind.” You said excitedly.
“That backfired.” Conor said as he watched Tom fall to the floor in agony.
“Your name is Josh right?” You asked coyly.
“Yes ma’am.” Josh answered.
“I love that name.” You complimented. “I always have.”
“Do you?” Josh’s mouth dried up.
“Totally. It’s so exotic.” You beamed. Toms head snapped up from the floor.
“Exotic? There is a white boy named Josh in every high school movie ever made.” Tom exclaimed. “Exotic compared to what? Toast?”
“Thank you. I like it too.” Josh said awkwardly, wishing the boys would give him something to say.
“It’s so much better than a white bread name like Tom. Who names their kid Tom? What is he, an apostle?” You laughed. “Josh is way cooler in my opinion. It’s like the name of a god or something.”
“A god?” Tom nearly screamed. “What would Josh be the god of?”
“Gingers.” Conor shrugged.
“Thank you.” Josh said and gave the camera a stern glare.
“Tell her about your quail.” Conor suggested.
“That’s perfect. She’ll think he’s a total weirdo! Great thinking Conor.” Tom patted his friend on the back.
“Not exactly my plan, but okay.” Connor nodded.
“Do you have any pets?” Josh began his segway.”
“I do. I have a dog named Tessa.” You answered. “She’s not really my dog, though. She’s Tom’s.”
“I know you’re an animal person. You must love her.” Josh smiled now that the prank was back on track.
“Honestly, I can’t stand her. She’s always sleeping in our bed with us and begging at the table. I’m this close to telling Tom to get rid of her.” You pinched your fingers together and watched Josh go pale.
“That was it. That was the thing that killed me.” Tom mumbled as he slumped in a chair.
“Talk about the quail!” Conor repeated in an effort to save Tom.
“I have a pet too. It’s a quail.” Josh told you proudly.
“A quail? How did you get a quail?” You asked with a smile.
“Well my friends and I bought a carton of quail eggs and put them in an incubator. Only one hatched but I’ve kept her as a pet.” Josh told you the infamous story. You’d seen the video he posted about it but decided to play dumb.
“You saved a quail? That’s amazing.” You gushed as if you’d never heard the story before.
“It was just a fun thing for YouTube but I’ve actually grown quite fond of her.” Josh said, beginning to enjoy the interview.
“That’s the mosh amazing story I’ve ever herad.” You swore. “You’re a hero. A real life hero.”
“Okay. He put a carton of eggs in a hot box. He’s not Mother Theresa.” Tom pouted.
“You and Tom should come over and meet her sometime.” Josh suggested.
“Good. Bring the conversation back to Tom.” Conor nodded.
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” Tom agreed.
“Tom doesn’t have time be there. It can just be you and I.” You said as you looked at him through your lashes. Josh looked panicked.
“Never mind.” Tom groaned, clenching his stomach.
“What’s your last name, Josh?” You asked as you twirled some hair around your finger.
“Pieters.” Josh informed you.
“Pieters? That’s so cute. I love the way it sounds. Can you imagine it with my name? Y/n Pieters.” You smiled. “Doesn’t that just sound effervescent?”
“It sounds lovely, Y/n.” Josh said, eyeing you strangely.
“Toms still dead but if he were alive right now, he’d be livid.” Conor sighed as he listened.
“I can hear it. And I am in fact livid.” Tom said from his newly claimed spot on the floor.
“You know who else’s last name sounds good on me? Osterfield.” You were pulling out all the guns now. “I think Y/n Osterfield sounds great. Don’t you agree?”
“Uhhh…” Josh feared for his life if he agreed.
“Don’t you dare agree.” Tom grumbled through the microphone.
“Say you like Y/n Holland best.” Conor suggested.
“That’s good. Say that.” Tom nodded.
“I think Y/n Holland sounds better than both of those.” Josh told you.
“You think?” You made a face. “I actually hate Toms last name. It doesn’t fit with anything. It’s too long.”
“Osterfield is longer.” Josh reminded you.
“I bet Osterfield is longer.” You said and winked at the camera. Tom caught the double meaning and started sweating profusely.
“Ask her if she plans to take my last name when we’re married.” Tom asked, fully panicking now.
“Are you gonna take his last name when you’re married?” Josh repeated.
“Yeah, like we’re getting married.” You laughed.
“She doesn’t want to marry me?” Tom asked, all anger draining from him. It was replaced with devastation and defeat.
“Ask her if she wants to marry Tom.” Conor said as he watched Toms fallen face carefully.
“You guys aren’t planning on getting married?” Josh asked, feeling himself beginning to sweat.
“We are.” You nodded and Tom sighed in relief. “To other people.” You added.
“She killed me and now she’s beating my corpse with a phone book.” Tom said in exasperation.
“Try to change the subject again away from marriage.” Conor pleaded for Toms sake.
“Your hair looks really nice today.” Josh blurted.
“That’s not helping!” Tom shouted.
“Thank you! I really like your hair too. I totally have a thing for gingers.” You nodded.
“Said no one ever!” Tom scoffed.
“Abandon that conversation immediately. New plan! Ask her what her favorite thing about Tom is.” Conor shrugged.
“Speaking of Tom, whats your favorite thing about him?” Josh asked, ignoring the insult from Tom.
“My favorite thing about Tom? That’s easy.” You smiled and Tom did too. “He always puts the toilet seat down after he’s done. I hate when boys leave it up. So, probably that.”
“Her favorite thing about me is how I put the toilet seat down?” Tom asked with a blank stare.
“Ask her something else about him. He’s dying, Josh. He’s on his last leg.” Conor begged.
“Finish this sentence: my boyfriend gives the best…” Josh began.
“Kisses.” You gushed. Josh looked at the camera for approval and he heard Tom sigh happily into the microphone. “Just kidding, he gives the best directions. He’s really good at giving people directions. His kisses are lack luster, but I’m sure that doesn’t surprise anyone.”
“Ask her what in the the absolutely, positively, burning, bloody hell that meant?” Tom quipped.
“Why not?” Josh asked you.
“Do I have to say it?” You asked.
“Make her say it.” Tom ordered.
“Yes.” Josh nodded.
“No lips.” You shrugged.
“Can’t argue with her on that one, mate.” Conor told Tom.
“Can you get her to say one nice thing about me before my ghost ascends into heaven?” Tom sighed in defeat.
“What do you love about him? There must be something, right? Why else would you be together?” Josh asked you. You decided it was time to let up.
“There is something I love about Tom.” You smiled dreamily.
“Thank God.” Tom said, leaning forward to hear you clearly.
“Finally.” Conor after.
“Really? What is it?” Josh asked.
“What I really, truly love about Tom,” you smiled at the camera, “is how he thinks he can prank me better than I can prank him.”
“What?” Josh laughed as he realized you’d be toying with him.
“Wait, what?” Tom stuttered.
“What?” Conor asked at the 50th turn the video had taken.
“Come on, Josh. I smelt BS as soon as I walked in here.” You declared. “You think I haven’t seen Conners video where you pranked Tom exactly like this? You boys must think I’m dumb.”
“Wait a minute, she what? What?” Tom tried to wrap his head around what he was hearing.
“Would you look at that.” Conor said, dumbfounded.
“You knew it was a prank and you let us believe we were pranking you this entire time?” Josh asked, not bothering to hide how impressed he was.
“Yup.” You popped the p.
“Come on.” Tom pulled Connor out of the room and ran to where you and Josh were. You burst out laughing when you saw Toms red face.
“Ha! I knew I’d get you.” You clapped as you pulled Tom into a hug. “You should’ve known better than to challenge me. You know they call me Prank Sinatra.”
“No one calls you that.” He mumbled as his cheeks flamed up in embarrassment that you’d gotten him so good.
“Modern day Prank Ocean.” You shrugged smugly.
“How did you know it was a prank?” Conor asked you.
“I watch you and Josh all the time. I know a prank when I see one. I got you guy so good, thinking I liked the name Josh and all that.” You said triumphantly.
“Hey.” Josh warned.
“Sorry.” You apologized.
“So all your answers were…” Tom began.
“Complete and utter lies?” You finished. “Why yes, yes they were. Every last one.”
“You made all that up? All that stuff about my accent and not liking to work with me?” He asked hopefully, needing to hear you confirm it.
“Obviously! When do I ever say “effervescent”? You should’ve known I was only joking, lover.” You assured him as you pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’d never say that stuff. I love your accent and I love working with you.
“And the marriage stuff?” He said softly. You knew you took it a little too far with that one.
“If you want that to happen, you know what to do.” You shrugged casually and he blushed.
“I cannot believe you pranked us this badly. I feel so defeated.” Conor sighed.
“You shouldn’t have challenged the queen of pranks.” You told him as Tom presses kissed of relief to your cheek.
“Wait, what about what you said about wanting to date Chris Evans?” He remembered.
“Thanks for watching everybody! Bye!” You said to the camera before running out of the room.
“Wait! You didn’t answer my question!” Tom said as he ran after you.
“Don’t forget to subscribe!” You shouted from the hallway.
“What she said.” Conor smiled again the camera before turning it off.
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @foreverxholland @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @ho-ho-holland @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @m19friend @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @celestial-skylines @loveat2am @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @delicately-important-trash @mjspxrker @spideygirl2003 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @kii-mii @maryjanee23 @spacebitch2 @vgiselle @geeksareunique
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maynardtrash · 7 years
The List~Oli White
A/N: ya girl’s back and better than ever bc i moved and now im p settled minus the fact that some of my stuff is back at my old place but i have a bed food and wifi and thats all that matters. btw this is sort of different from my usual writing style so i hope you guys like it especially the person who requested it
     Jack, Connor, Josh, and Oli were making the usual challenge video. This time it was a good old game of Would You Rather. As they played, Oli had revealed he had never met up with a girl he matched with on Tinder. When he said this, the cogs in Conor’s head began to turn. Never a good idea. As time went on, Conor compiled a list of things Oli did not drink to.
      After filming, Conor went to his brother, Jack. He smirked, and Jack’s eye widened. “What’s up?” Jack asked suspiciously.
     “I think Oli needs our help.” Though the brothers were a year apart, they had a type of twin telepathy. Jack’s eyes immediately lit up. As the night went on, the boys came up with a plan. Oli was an especially trusting friend, a little too trusting at times. Unfortunately he was so trusting all of his friends knew his passcode. When Oli was busy in his kitchen, Jack and Conor went to work. They went through his matches, trying to find the perfect girl.
     “What about her?” Conor asked as his brother searched through.
     “This one?” Jack asked. “(Y/N)? Yeah she’s cute. Good job, funny bio. Yeah let’s message her.” They went to work, somewhat catfishing her. But they got to their goal. They set up a date with her at a local cafe that Friday. “Now how do we get Oli there?” Jack asked.
Oli’s POV
     I continued to switch my attention from my phone to the door. “They should have been here by now,” I thought. I was supposed to meet up with Jack and Conor fifteen minutes ago. Then I saw a familiar stranger. I had matched with her on Tinder about a week ago, but I was too nervous to say anything. She looked around the room, then her eyes settled on me. Her face lit up and she waved in my direction. I looked around, making sure she was waving to me, confirmed it, then waved back. She began to approach my table, and I approached an anxiety attack. I wasn’t prepared. I didn’t know I’d see any of my Tinder matches here, let alone her. I normally like my Tinder matches like my nuclear explosions: the farther away, the safer I feel.
     “Oli!” she exclaimed. “It’s so nice to finally meet you!”
     “Uh, yeah...” I replied, still very confused. “You too.”
     “After not starting a conversation, I was worried we would never speak.”
     “Are we not having a lunch date today? I normally come into this cafe on my break so I may have gotten the dates confused. If so, I’m terribly sorry.”
     “No, it’s fine! I was just waiting for-” I began to say, when everything clicked. I wasn’t here to have lunch with Jack and Conor. I was there for her. Those bellends. “I was just waiting for you. You were a little late and I began to worry.”
     “Oh gosh! You’re right! I’m so sorry I got caught up in my work. Let me make it up to you with a chocolate pastry? They’re amazing here.” As we talked, early afternoon bled into afternoon, which bled into evening. Before we knew it we were getting kicked out since it was closing time. She was truly amazing. Everything she said and did was so animated. So bright and fun. She lit up a room with her personality and smile. She attracted attention without trying, but in the best way possible. She was a beautiful human, inside and out.
                                           *Two months later*
     (Y/N)’s POV
     Tonight was like any other. After work, I was going to my boyfriend Oli’s place. Except tonight I had a fun game in mind. It didn’t take long for me to get introduced into Oli’s life, and same with him. We introduced each other to our friend groups and family, and we got along with everyone. A few weeks ago, I was left alone with his friends Jack and Conor. I was told they were mischievous, but I hadn’t realized until I found out about the list. I also learned that I was a check mark on it. 
     Now, normally this is part of the story or movie plot where the girl gets mad and she just can’t believe she was duped and she was nothing more than a challenge. But I wasn’t mad, I was intrigued. I wanted to know more. This is what led to Jack, Conor, and I to get Oli very drunk and him waking up in a parking lot with nothing but his underwear and phone that miraculously was not stolen. Now came another time to check off another item: getting called out for having a boner in public. 
     The buttercreams and I were going out to eat and grab some cocktails. This was my time to shine. We entered Wagamama and made our way to a table. I made sure I was right next to Oli and I had Jack or Conor sitting on the other side. God forbid another one of the boys sat next to him and saw what I was doing. We were also conveniently in the corner so there was no added embarrassment from any other stranger. As we began to peruse the menu, I rested a reassuring hand on Oli’s hand. He smiled, placing his hand on top of mine. I almost felt bad as he had no idea, but the prospect was too exciting.
    A couple of minutes later, my hand began to wander. “(Y/N),” Oli muttered. “Please.” I only gave an innocent tilt of the head and asked, “Are you alright?” He glared, but did nothing. I continued to do my work, just subtly enough to not raise suspicion in the rest of the boys. A tent began to pitch and I was like a giddy school girl. Though it sounds sadistic, the more he squirmed, the happier I was. When he was completely upright, I stopped. He clearly groaned in frustration when Caspar looked over. “Is everything alright, buddy?” he asked, genuinely concerned. Josh, who was two seats away, looked over and began to laugh. “No, everything is not alright!” he chimed in through his chuckling. “He’s at full chub!” 
     The boys began to look over and laugh as they saw Oli’s situation. I beamed with pride at my accomplishment. “Check,” I said, giving Conor and Jack a high five. “You were in on this with them?!” Oli asked, slightly upset and angry. I shrugged in response. “Sorry, babe.”
     The night came to end, and Oli and I drove back to his place in silence. He was clearly upset, and I was too stubborn to apologize. We got into his apartment, and, as I thought he was about to start an argument, he slammed me against the wall and began to kiss me passionately. He immediately started to rub me through my pants, still pinning me to the wall. Without saying a word, he took me to his room and we continue to make out on his bed. We teased each other through our clothes, then removed them quickly. Before I knew it, Oli was on top of me, ready to thrust himself into me. I nodded, giving him consent, and he began to slowly push himself in and out of me. He quickened his pace over time, and we were both moaning each other’s names into the night. He came quickly, then pulled out.
      I whimpered at the lose of friction, but Oli quickly began to rub my clit rapidly. I came quickly as well, and Oli collapsed back from exhaustion. “Thank you,” he said after catching his breath. 
     “Anytime,” I replied with a wink.
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mackloveswriting · 4 years
I’m Back!
Hi, guys! 
I am back! If you are still around and seeing this, then I am happy to announce that I am back and will be taking requests again. Where I have been gone for so long... I have a couple of things that I am going to say. 
1. As sad as this is to say I will be throwing out all my old requests, unless there are ones that you want me to finish. If there is a series that you want me to finish, then let me know and I can work it out. 
2. I will only tag you if you ask me too starting now. Because where I have been gone, I am nervous that people won’t wanna be tagged and that it may make them annoyed or something. So, if you want to be tagged then let me know!
3. I may be slow depending on what school days there are. I am more busy on some days than others so that is just to let you guys know. 
Feel free to request now!
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"He did what?!" Sarah shouted staring at Zora who was curled up on the couch holding a bowl of ice cream. Zora looked at Sarah with blank eyes before taking another spoonful of her ice cream. She was depressed and food made her happy.
"He just dumped you? Out of no where?" Sarah questioned sitting on the other end of the couch. Moving Zora's feet, she put them on her lap and covered herself with the fuzzy blanket that Zora had wrapped herself in.  
"Yeah I told you that like 300 times, stop making me feel bad." Zora mumbled moving her hair so that it wouldn't drop into the bowl when she looked down.
"He wasn't the one then." Sarah said trying to comfort her friend. Zora let out a dry chuckle when she heard that sentence. Raising her wrists, she showed them to Sarah.
"There is no one for me, I'm a blank." She exclaimed making herself sadder at the thought of being alone. What would she do when Logan eventually takes Sarah away from her? But the though of ten cats and a couple of fish satisfied Zora at that very moment.
"He was a one night stand anyway, they don't stay around." Sarah said rolling her eyes at the thought of a fuckboy walking around her apartment, it disgusted her.
"I know we weren't official but he cheated on me, I thought Dylan was better than that. What did I do wrong?" Zora mewed thinking about her ex. She thought they would last but no, she was wrong.
"Nothing. He's dumb, boys are dumb. Listen to me Zora." Sarah said rubbing her best friends feet to get her attention.
"Go shower and change up so we can go get some Sushi okay?" Rolling her eyes, Zora nodded handing her bowl of ice cream to Sarah. Sarah pulled the blanket from Zora to wrap around herself.
"I understand why you always eat this when you're down." Zora flashed a half smile at her friend before trudging back to her room. She shut the door behind her before getting whatever she needed to shower. She looked over at her kitten who was curled up in her bed under the sheets.
If only she was that happy.
Shutting the bathroom door behind her, Zora dropped the stuff she had brought into the bathroom onto the sink before she started to strip of her clothes. She looked in the bathroom mirror staring at herself as she took hair out of it's loose bun. She judges herself for all her visible imperfections, she never actually loved herself.
She ran her fingers through her dark colored curly hair thinking about how tangled it was. Sarah used to always tell her that her hair was goals but she didn't believe her. She looked at the freckles that littered her cheeks and frowned a little. She never liked her freckles but people told her otherwise. Licking her rosy colored lips, she turned away from the mirror to start the shower.
"Let's not play, you told me to go and then you put your hands on me..." She sang under her breath stepping into the shower. She let out a sigh as the warm water hit her skin, she didn't want this feeling to go away.
"Let's not play, I can feel your body, baby it remembers me..." She continued to sing bobbing her head to the beat inside her head. Grabbing the shampoo, she applied some to her hair.
"Is he all that you, all that you need? Oh, come on won't you please tell me, Oh Oh..." Singing at the top of her lungs, Zora shook her head from side to side whipping her soapy hair around the shower.
"Who do you love? Are you sure? Who do you love? And are you sure? Who do you love? Are you sure? Who do you love? And are you sure?" She exclaimed singing under the shower head. She kept her eyes closed to stop the soap from getting in as she continued to sing along to the lyrics that were in her head.
"Turn off your phone, he don't need to find out what he doesn't need to know..." Zora slowed down thinking of something as she quickly rinsed the soap out of her hair.
"Sarah! Come here for a minute." She called out turning off the water quickly. She stepped out grabbing the towel and wrapping it around her soapy backside. Sarah came in giving her friend a weird look.
"Did God send you a revelation while you were in the shower?" Sarah questioned smirking at her friend.
"No I just realized something that sounds extremely stupid now that I think about it." Zora said making Sarah raise her eyebrows in confusion.
"The voice singing in my head is a guys voice."
|We're getting somewhere folks.|
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The Coffee Shop | Joeck
A/N; I know tattoos are only briefly mentioned, but I hope the anon that requested this still likes it.
SUMMARY; Joe waits in the coffee shop every morning, hoping that one day, his soulmate will walk through that door.
REQUESTED; YES! "i was looking at a list of AUs and I found this one where you get a tattoo of the first thing you think about your soulmate? i hope that makes sense haha. could you do an imagine about Joeck for this AU please? thank you x"
Joe sits in the same coffee shop at the same table at the same time every day. He figures that, if he is to finally find his soulmate, it will have to be here. The place he’s waited every morning for three years.
Today is no different. He stares out the window, chewing his lip, deep in thought. Occasionally, the bell chimes and his head swivels to the door, praying that his soulmate will just come over and sweep him off his feet. One day, his luck will have to surface. One day, his soulmate will walk through that door. He asks himself the same question, like every morning: what if it’s today? But he doesn’t get his hopes up.
“What are you thinking about?” A familiar woman’s voice snaps him back to reality.
Smiling, he looks up, and sees Paula offering him an even brighter smile. Her hair is tossed up in a messy pony tail, as usual, and she taps a pen against a small note pad out of habit. A bright pink pencil skirt contrasts against the black blouse that is part of the employees’ uniform.
“Nothing,” Joe says.
She rolls her eyes, that infectious grin still on her lips. “I know when you’re lying, Joe. I’ve known you for three years.”
He shakes his head. “Honestly, Paula, it doesn’t matter,” he says firmly. Changing the subject, he asks: “How are you and Fred?”
Smile fading, she drops her gaze to the floor. “He’s been really busy this week. He’s been really stressed, and he point blank refuses to talk to me about it! I don’t know what I’ve done and I just-” Her bottom lip trembles as a quiet sob catches in her throat. “I just feel shit.”
He regrets asking now. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“The usual, then?” This time, it’s her who swiftly changes the subject.
“Yeah, thanks,” he smiles.
Sniffing, Paula scribbles it down in her notebook and hurries off behind the counter.
Returning several minutes later with a tray, she places it down. Joe picks up his coffee and sips it, then takes a bite out of his cookie. He puts the money for it on top of the receipt. She’s also got herself a coffee and gulps it down, her puffy red eyes gazing into its dark contents.
Joe decides it’s not the right time to talk, and instead eats and drinks in silence. He stares out the window and a man who he recognises walks past, holding a bouquet.
“Paula!” he exclaims, nudging her, and pointing at the door.
The bell chimes, the man enters, and Paula stands up, unsure how to react.
“Fred,” she says loudly, confusedly.
The cheerful chatter of the coffee shop turns to one of excitement. They turn in their seats to watch the confrontation.
“Paula,” Fred says dumbly, sheepishly.
Joe rubs the small of her back in an attempt to comfort her.
Fred passes her the bouquet. Lilies.
“My favourite,” she murmurs, all note of hostility in her tone vanishing at this simple gesture.
He gets down on one knee and coughs nervously. “Paula, two months is too long for us to be together without you officially being mine. I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” He gazes up at her like she is the only reason worth living.
“Yes!” she cries. She flings her arms around him and he embraces her, holding onto her tightly. “I love you.”
Everyone cheers as the tension disappears and people yell their congratulations.
A bitter jealousy stirs inside him. Paula is going to get married, and he hasn’t even met his soulmate. But he claps along with everyone else, because she’s his friend. His best friend.
“Oh, wow!” Joe says as she shows him the ring. “It’s so intricate – wow!”
“It wasn’t cheap, but it shows how much I love her.” Fred smiles at her fondly. He, too, has a contagious grin.
Paula and Fred kiss and Joe looks around awkwardly. “Get a room!” he half-jokes, half-wishes.
They pull apart. “My shift finishes in half an hour,” she says. “Can I come back to yours after?”
“Ours,” Fred corrects her, squeezing her hand.
Joe feels sick. The green-eyed monster has sunk its teeth into his mind.
And half an hour later, Paula leaves, the biggest smile that he has ever seen on her face.
He decides to sit down for a bit longer, grumbling under his breath. His mind thinks about Paula and Fred – happily engaged, both younger than him. He feels old, unwanted. Everyone usually finds their soulmate by the age of twenty one. He’s twenty six, and he wants to give up hope, although he’s still holding onto the thought that one day he might meet his soulmate.
A strange emotion brews inside him as the bell chimes. His body twitches slightly and a shiver runs down his spine. Running his hands through his hair, he feels an ache in his heart. It feels hollow. His breathing becomes rapid and his gaze lands on the man who’s just walked through the door.
The man looks younger than him, with blonde hair that he could pull all day and blue eyes that he would volunteer to drown in. A soft sigh escapes his lips as the man looks around uncomfortably, a frown on his face.
He’s hot, Joe thinks, watching the man stretch awkwardly, his shirt riding up to expose his stomach.
Suddenly, the man lets out a yelp and grabs his finger, watching it with a mixture of horror and awe. A few people send him weird looks, but most ignore him. Joe realises what’s happening when the man turns to face him.
Joe’s eyes are wider than a planet and his heart hammers against his ribcage. He can’t stop staring at him and an agonising pain shoots up his forearm. It feels like it’s on fire as words brand his skin. Clutching it, he slowly lowers it onto the table as the pain subsides.
It reads: He’s cute.
The man walks over with a smirk on his face. His stride is confident, bordering cocky, and his lips are red, and he tugs at them with his teeth.
“I’m Jack,” he says. “You’re not too bad yourself.” He shows Joe his finger, which reads: He’s hot.
“You’re my soulmate,” Joe says, mouth gaping like a fish.
“I’d prefer it if you call me Jack, but that’s the gist of it,” Jack chuckles. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Joe,” he introduces himself, flushing with embarrassment. “Sorry, it’s just – you’re so hot!”
Jack raises an eyebrow. “You already can’t control your mouth around me, can you?” He leans closer. “I can think of something to put in your mouth that might stop that word vomit.”
Swallowing nervously, Joe attempts to talk. “Shut up,” he stammers, blushing again.
“Do you want a coffee?” he asks, although his gaze lands on the unfinished coffee in front of his soulmate.
And when their lips meet, Joe's heart doesn't feel hollow - empty - anymore. And neither does Jack's. Their lips pressed together are the final pieces of the puzzle.
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Please Forgive Me- Conor Maynard
"Conor please" You voice cracked as you said the last word, tears were streaming down your face.
He gave you a cold hard stare, just as many tears were falling down his face as yours. He was furious.
"Please forgive me" You begged but it came out as more of a whisper.
"Why should I y/n?!" He yelled "You kissed my best friend, of all people my best fucking friend"
You could see the hurt in his blue eyes and he remembered the scene he had just witnessed. Anth has kissed you, you did not kiss him back at all; but Conor won't listen to you trying to explain what had happened. He was blinded by anger and won't listen to any of your apologise or explanations. He had made Anth leave and refused to listen to anything he had to say.
"I didn't kiss him, he kissed me!" You tried to yell back but it came out quieter.
"Bullshit y/n!" He said "Anth always had a thing for you and I'm pretty sure you fucking knew because you were always flirting with him!"
"No I fucking wasn't, maybe if you didn't get so fucking jealous you'd see that we were just friends!" You replied.
"Just fucking leave!"
You stared down at the ground, you were so scared to loose Conor. You couldn't imagine life without him.
"Please listen to me, Con" You whimpered "Please forgive me"
"It's okay,y/n"
You looked up shocked by his reply, was he forgiving you?!
"You and Anth deserve each other " He said harshly.
"Conor why can't you fucking listen to me, I didn't kiss him back!" You screamed.
"Just get out" he said.
"Y/n I said get out!" He said so loudly and so harshly it made you jump, Conor never spoke to you like this and now he was it scared you so much.
"Conor" You whimpered in a last attempt to get him to listen.
"Just leave" He said sofly.
With red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks you slowly left conors apartment, closing the door softly behind you.
You had just lost your entire world, you felt so broken.
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notearsruel · 6 years
Hate | Joe Sugg
Summary: The one where the hate has been getting you down and Joe cheers you up.
A/N: This is my first time writing an imagine, so I hope you enjoy! My requests are always open to anything buttercream related.
Clicking off your latest youtube video and closing your laptop shut, you sighed. Usually, you could handle the hate that came along with being in the public eye. However, it had been getting to you recently. Maybe it was a combination between the crappy week you’d had or the fact that you hadn’t slept in three days trying to think of a video that would be good enough for your viewers, but somehow, along the way, it had all become too much for you.
You let out a shaky breath you didn’t know you were holding as you looked up to see Joe enter your apartment. Over the course of the past three years, the gang had become your family, so it wasn’t unusual for Joe or the others to show up uninvited. Heck, they practically lived here some days.
“Y/N, I’m back-” his words cut off as his eyes met yours, instantly making his way towards you, a slight frown appearing on his face.
“What’s wrong love?”
At this point, tears were making their way down your face as you looked down, not knowing where to begin.
“I just- I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I try my hardest to please everyone but it never seems to work. Nothing I do is ever good enough.” You sobbed, all of the frustrations from the past week finally coming out. 
“Babe, you know that’s not true.” He began softly, his voice gentle, as if to not set you off any further than you already are right now. 
“You’re more than good enough. In fact, I feel like we aren’t enough for you sometimes. You’re so very special. I wish you could see that too. Where’s this coming from, what’s happened?”
“The hate I’ve been getting...” is all you managed to choke out before another sob formed it’s way up your throat. You didn’t trust yourself to say another word, in fear that you might drown in all the reasons why you’re not okay.
“Babe, it’s okay to feel like this. I wish you told me sooner because I would have listened. I would have helped you” he replied softly.
Holding your face in his palms, you had no other option but to meet his gaze. You glossy eyes matched his which grew more and more broken at the growing sight of seeing you so hurt. 
It was no secret that Joe loved deeply. Whether it was his friends, his family, or you - his girlfriend, nothing hurt him more than seeing the people he loved unhappy.
“I understand why you’re upset, I would be too, but they’re irrelevant comments, love. They don’t know you personally.” His index finger reached up to quickly catch the tears that made their way down your soft, rosy cheeks. “They don’t know how hard you work on these videos.”
“Those comments aren’t from your fans; I know that because your fans appreciate your hard work and love you for who you are. They would never take the time to hurt you like this.
I know everyone says this, but they really are just jealous of you and your success. They don’t see you as the talented and beautiful person that you really are. And if you are starting to believe them, then you need some reminding about how special you are too, babe”
You couldn’t help but smile at his kind words. He always knew exactly what to say and how to make you feel better. How did you get so lucky as to have the best boyfriend in the whole world?
“There is so much to love about you; from the twinkle in your eyes to the way they light up when you’re talking about something you’re passionate about, everything about you draws me in and I feel like I can’t cope with all the happiness you bring me. You’re the love that came without warning, Y/N, you had my heart before I could say no.” Joe added, not taking his eyes off you once. 
“Thank you, Joe.” your eyes finally filling with hope again. “For everything. Those comments don’t mean anything as long as you’re there with me. I love you”
“I love you too, babe”.
And with that, he laced his fingers between yours as you lay back on the sofa, your eyes fluttering closed. The tears had you exhausted, and all you needed right now was to be with Joe, which is how you spent the rest of the night - in complete harmony with each other. With him, you were complete and nothing could hurt you.
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pvnkmendes · 6 years
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Summary: You and Jack visit Spain on your vacation
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Dating Jack Maynard might include...
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going on many adventurous dates together
he would always want to show you something new he found or do something with you that he had heard of
with him, nothing was ever boring
when you knew him for a bit longer, he would also love to just stay at home with you though
so much netflix and chill that you actually had to rewatch some episodes three times or more
finding out that he is actually really good at cooking
I’m talking surprise dinners here
and amazing breakfast after even more amazing nights
deep conversations
mostly in totally random moments
like you could be falling asleep anytime soon, and Jack would ask you: “If you had a chance to live your life again, would you change something?”
it’s in that moment that you know you won’t go to sleep for another hour at least
but you loved it
slowly exploring different sides of him
because he was so much more than just a pretty face
finding out that he was actually quite the fluffball underneath of his image
starting to get completely comfortable around each other
talking about anything, knowing he wouldn’t judge you for it
feeling like you dated your best friend
he’s a very physical person, so there is so much pda when you are going out
literally always touching
flirty glances your way
not so much kissing though, he would rather hold your hand in public and save that for when you’re at home or with friends
having the boys roll their eyes at you when you are around
so many sexual remarks
some are really cringeworthy though, so you scold him
him laughing very hard at that
he would be so jealous of each and everybody
because you were his and only his
it was not that he didn’t trust you, it was that he did not trust any other guy
so he made it pretty clear where you would belong
he wouldn’t hesitate to punch a guy if that would be what it takes
whenever he got jealous, you knew you were in for something special in the bedroom
like he would give you the kinds of hickeys that would last for days and would be really hard to cover up
you would most likely be to sore to walk or sit or do anything else than spending the rest of the day in bed next to him
because he loved to cuddle you
although he would never admit that
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
You’re My Brother
Prompt: Please do a jack and Conor Maynard one where the two of them get into a fight, and jack accidentally hits Conor (not enough to hurt him really) but they stop fighting and jack goes into shock. He then like runs off and Conor goes after him and finds jack crying. He comforts him and says like it doesn't matter, you're my brother and stuff like that? Sorry if this isn't very clear! :)
Prompt: Can you do a YouTuber one shot based off of Josh Pieter’s video with Jack Maynard “The Roomie Tag”? One part of the video Josh brings up that Jack and Conor got into a fight and Jack punched that wall. I was wondering if the one shot could be about the argument :) thank you!
‘You fucking dickhead!’, Jack raged edging closer and closer to his brother, ‘You always get what you fucking want! What about me? I don’t even exist in their eyes!’. The argument had started off small, their mum had just gifted Conor a car and he decided to show it off in front of Jack’s friends when they were out playing football. It made Jack feel small and inferior to his brother and, upon arriving home, he struggled to hold his tongue.
Truth is, Jack wasn’t jealous about the car, rather how much attention Conor was getting from their parents. Jack had come out to them a month ago, and although they seemed to be okay with it at the time, his mum hadn’t been picking up his calls anymore. Even Anna had told him that they barely mentioned his name in the house– it was like he barely existed.
‘You’re just jealous of my success! You always have been!’ Conor screamed back no longer caring if the neighbours heard, ‘You’re so bloody petty Jack!’. Of course he hadn’t meant what he said but he couldn’t understand why Jack was acting like this. He thought his brother would happy for him.
That was it, the last straw, the younger Maynard was so filled with anger he could feel his ears burning. Conor knew Jack had spent the last few years trying to build a life for himself, tried to be something other than ‘Conor Maynard’s brother’. In a fit of rage, he blindly swung his fist towards Conor who immediately ducked to side to avoid the punch causing Jack to make a dent in the wall.
‘Oh for fucks sake’, Jack moaned holding his knuckles which were beginning to bruise. His brother was back at his side in a split second to assess the damage. ‘Are you okay?’, he asked, voice small as not to make Jack angry again. ‘Just leave me alone’, he replied, eyes beginning to well.
Shocked at his own actions, he promptly made his way over to the sofa where he slumped down with his head in his hands. He almost couldn’t believe himself – he had tried to hurt his brother. Conor had helped him so much and was pretty much responsible for kick-starting his YouTube and DJ career. He’ll abandon me too, he thought.
Sighing Conor made his way over to Jack and knelt in front of him. This behaviour was unlike the Jack he knew and loved, he knew there had to be more to the story. Carefully, he moved his younger brother’s hands away from his face. ‘Jack, what’s going on?’, he asked. ‘I’m s-sorry’, his voice cracked as he began to cry, ‘I didn’t mean to h-hurt you’.
‘Hey, come here’, Conor hugged Jack tightly as he began to sob on his shoulder -now he was really worried. As Jack began to calm down, the older Maynard unembraced and looked at his brother’s eyes. ‘Jack it’s alright, I’m fine’ he assured, ‘I’m just worried. You need to tell me what’s going on’. He cared for him too much to let a silly argument and a moment of anger get in the way of their love.
‘Mum and dad, they d-don’t care about me anymore’, he replied. ‘Jack I’m sure that’s not true, of course they care’. ‘Well that’s the thing Con, they don’t. Ever since I came out to them they’ve stopped bothering. They don’t pick up my calls anymore and Anna says they change the topic every time she mentions my name. I’ve been abandoned by my own parents.’ Hot tears began to roll down his flushed cheeks for the second time that evening.
Conor, evidently shocked, thought for a moment before replying, ‘Jack I-I didn’t know, I thought they were okay with it. It doesn’t matter what they say though, I’ll always love you no matter what’. Jack was now crying openly once again, overwhelmed by his brother’s response. ‘You’ve always got me. I’ll never abandon you.’ Jack smiled briefly, ‘I don’t know what I’d do without you’. He swung his arms around him again hugging him tightly.
‘I wasn’t angry about the car, congratulations bro’, he said looking down at the floor. ‘Well talking of the car…I’ll give it back to mum. Until she can prove that she loves and accepts you, I won’t be taking anything off her.’ Conor was stern in his words, he didn’t want parents who didn’t care for Jack like he did. ‘You’d really do that? For me?’ Jack asked searching his brother’s eyes.
‘Of course I would, you’re my brother.
Now let’s ice that hand.’
Kind regards,
Tumblr: buttercream-maynard
AO3: Oneshots_by_Reena
Wattpad: Oneshots-by-Reena
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little-maynard · 6 years
Twelve Days of Jack (MASTERPOST)
Summary: When Sarah is invited to casually hang out with her Friend With Benefits, Jack, and his group of friends, things suddenly get a lot more serious than she bargained for.
Total word count: 13.3K
Day One (AO3)
Day Two (AO3)
Day Three (AO3)
Day Four (AO3)
Day Five (AO3)
Day Six (AO3)
Day Seven (AO3)
Day Eight (AO3)
Day Nine (AO3)
Day Ten (AO3)
Day Eleven (AO3)
Day Twelve (AO3)
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maynardtrash · 7 years
Fanfic possibly maybe??
so i really wanna do a full length fanfic like multi parts but idk what you guys would want or who it would be about so you can either tell me on this post or send me a message with ideas i’d really like feedback kthnx4urtym
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suggking-imagines · 6 years
Requests are open!!
Just a reminder I’m taking requests because I have a couple weeks left of summer holiday and I’d love to make the most out of them 🙈
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"For the last time, I said that's impossible." Conor groaned addressing his brother. Jack rolled his eyes continuing to stare at his brother as he thought about what they were talking about.
"It's possible to have a singing soulmate, mum told us about it." Jack contemplated trying to reassure his brother.
"She only told me that to make me feel better, which is what you're doing right now." Conor exclaimed at his brother as he ran his hand through his hair. For the past couple of days, he had been hearing a girls voice in his head singing songs that he didn't really remember.
"I'm telling you it's possible Conor, what else could it be?" Jack questioned looking at Conor as he paced around the room in his robe, Jack was still confused why Conor was wearing his robe in the afternoon.
"I could be going crazy?" He offered not believing himself.
"No I don't think so."
"Yeah you're right, I feel completely sane while talking about singing soulmates." Frustrated with the thoughts running through his mind, Conor flopped down on the couch next to his brother.
"Well it could be that I'm hearing songs that I heard on the radio or it could be I have memory loss but that's unreasonable. Anna told me that there was a girl that I used to sing a lot with but we lost touch, maybe it's her singing in my head? No that sounds absurd, Jack please admit me to a m-" Conor was cut off from his ranting as Jack nudged him in the shoulder.
"You're tapping your foot." Jack mumbled watching his brothers foot. Conor stopped his thought process before looking back at his brother.
"You aren't the nervous type, you're tapping to a beat aren't you?" Jack questioned with excitement on his face. Conor gave his brother a look as he continued to tap his foot in a rhythm.
"No Jack, I'm not." Conor mumbled pulling his phone out of his robe pocket, he was still confused of why he was wearing it. Turning his phone, a picture of Elizabeth popped up making Conor frown. He still hadn't found out why he felt a sudden emptiness in their relationship.
"Trouble in paradise?" Jack playfully asked making Conor roll his eyes.
"No it's not that." He replied unlocking his phone and opening up Instagram.
"Your willy ain't going silly?"
"I'm going to act like you didn't say that." Conor said cringing at his brother. Jack nodded his head looking back at his phone. Conor scrolled trough his Instagram feed looking at all the different faces flash over the screen, they all looked so happy but happiness was overrated.
Jack stared at his brother as he continued to scroll through the app with a sad expression plastered on his face. He wished he could help his brother but Conor only made it hard for him to do that.
"So damn dangerous, I got too close. Oh, I should've known better..." Jack's eyes widened as his brother started to sing absentmindedly. He quickly pulled up google trying to search the lyrics that his brother was singing.
"I'm telling myself, I'm telling myself, I don't need you anymore..." Conor hummed the last part under his breath making Jack frown as that prevented him from hearing the last part.
"I'm telling myself, I'm telling myself, I don't need you anymore..." Jack squealed in excitement as he was able to hear the full sentence. Searching the lyrics, he smiled when a real song popped up. Conor stopped giving his brother a look.
"Lia Marie Johnson." Jack exclaimed grabbing his brothers forearm and shaking it to show him a picture of a girl.
"What?" Conor asked wondering why his brother was so damn excited.
"The song you were singing, it's by a girl named Lia Marie Johnson." Conor looked at the phone before looking back at his brothers face. Jack started to read more, to find anything that would brighten Conor's mood. Conor became worried when Jack frowned.
"What's wrong?" Conor asked trying to get a look at the phone just as Jack locked it.
"She already has a soulmate..." Jack mumbled as Conor frowned again. This was hopeless.
"Well at least we know what she listens to."
|Do y'all like this, in all honesty?|
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