peculiar-lover · 3 years
Finding Courage
Request: Can we have one about the Yule ball where Neville tries to ask you but you've already been asked and your date ends up ditching you so Neville comforts you, that would be sooo cute
Neville is sweating bullets just thinking about asking you to the the Yule ball but he may have lost his chance...
Just ask. Ask them. Ask them. Ask them.
"Hello, Neville!" You greeted while sitting down right next to him. Neville jumped a little, surprised, and worried that you might hear his thoughts.
“Y-y/n! Hi!" Neville straightened his posture and tried not to fidget as much. "So y-y/n I wanted to ask if-" Neville tried to gather all the confidence he had and ask you to the yule ball but the moment he looked into your eyes his face got all red, "if you are having a good day t-today?" You smiled and looked down shaking your head. So sweet. You thought to yourself.
"Today is going really well. I have been thinking about the yule ball quite a lot, and who I will go with. It's only a few days away now." You looked up at Neville, hoping that he caught on to how desperate you wanted him to get the hint and ask you. "Have you got someone in mind, Neville?"
Neville stared into your eyes for a while, trying to bring himself to ask you to the ball right then and there. He shook his head, "N-no." Neville looked back down at his book fidgeting with the lining of his sleeve. You felt the slight fluttering in your chest drain. You frowned thinking that maybe Neville did not want to go with you. Frustration quickly took over and so you stood up from your seat dramatically enough for Neville to worry.
"Y-your leaving?" Neville asked.
"Yes. I don't want to disturb you, I need to go do my own thing." You walked away before Neville could say goodbye. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid Neville hit his forehead a few times. You really blew it, Longbottom.
"Neville, don't go smothering your face now. What happened." Ron and Harry both sat down beside him, concerned about what they just witnessed. "Y/n looked upset? What happened." Harry asked.
"I-i didn't think she was upset. S-she just asked about the Yule ball. I wanted to ask her to go with me because I couldn't bring myself to do it." Neville crossed his arms on the table and laid his face on them.
"C'mon now Neville, Y/n has been smitten over you for a while now, It's obvious! Go ask her now before someone else does." Ron patted Neville's back which did give Neville some encouragement. . Neville stood up, "Alright. I'll ask her." He quickly tried to catch up to you hoping that you were not too far off. Before he turned a corner he heard Draco's voice and was about to turn a different way until he heard your voice.
"So y/n. What do you say? Spend the night with me at the yule ball?" Neville heard you giggle and accept Draco's request. He walked back to his dorm trying to ignore the heart-shattering moment he witnessed. You done it, Neville.
It was the night of the Yule ball and Neville felt conflicted with his feelings about tonight. He was so excited to finally dance but felt remorse every time he realized it would not be with you. He was in the middle of the dance floor, Ginny's hands in his and dancing to the first song. As he looked up from ginny, he caught you. Merlin, she's beautiful. Neville thought to himself but he was so entranced that he slipped up his steps and stumbled a bit. Ginny didn't mind as she quickly managed to resync their dancing. Neville couldn't stop looking at you. You were alone standing by the large entrance doors. You looked up into the crowd and locked eyes with Neville. You smiled at him but quickly walked out of the ballroom. You were on the verge of tears Concerned, Neville explained to Ginny that he had to catch up to you.
"It's fine Neville, go see what happened." Neville took the queue and quickly tried to catch up to you once again.
"Y-y/n." You looked up from the floor when You heard Neville call your name. He saw you sitting on the stairs and sat right next to you. "W-why are you out here. Shouldn't you be in there with...Draco?" It hurt Neville to say his name, reminding him how dreadful he felt realizing that he couldn't take you to the ball.
"That, that asshole literally let Pansy Parkinson take him away! He was not worth the fight so I just walked away." You shook your head in annoyance trying hard to ignore how the whole situation really tore at you. "Anyways, I think I'll just miss out on tonight and head back to my dorm-"
"W-would you like to dance?" Neville cut you off. He didn't want to ruin his chance again, so before you could answer he took your hand and pulled you up from the stairs.
"Neville, what about" You tried to pull away from him, feeling guilty that you would ruin his night as well.
"Ginny, well..." He turned his head to the dance floor and you both saw Ginny having the time of her life with her friends. You giggled and smiled back at Neville. Another waltz song came on signaling to both you and Neville that it was time for you both to dance...together. Your chest started to fill back up with its usual fluttering feeling, something only he has ever managed to make you do. Neville held you close and danced somewhat smoothly.
"Wow, Neville, you really can dance huh?" You giggled looking down at your feet. "I-in all honestly y/n, I practiced a lot. A lot because I did not want to step on you and hurt you in any way." You looked back up at Neville's face. You had his full attention.
"Me?" You asked. "Y-yes, see I wanted to ask you to the ball, I guess Draco beat me to it when I saw him ask you. You have no idea how happy I am that he did what he did, I wouldn't be dancing with you now." Still dancing in his arms you smiled and couldn't help yourself but lean forward and kiss him. Neville and you paused on your dancing.
"Neville, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I really thought that you didn't like me and didn't want to go to the Yule ball with me. I guess that's why I wasn't in my head when I accepted Draco's request." You both hugged each other tightly, swinging back in forth to the beat of the slow dance song.
"I-I know a hex, i-if you're okay wi-" Neville started but you cut him off by pulling out your wand. "Oh definitely, way ahead of you." You spent the rest of the night dancing and making fun of Draco constantly stepping on Pansy's feet
A.n: Ah this is not so good from all the other yule ball stories I've read but I hope you guys liked it. Please REBLOG! I love the hearts but if I see more reblogs I know that I need to update more!!!!
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peculiar-lover · 3 years
A.n: I noticed that I didn't have much fluffy stuff when it came to our lovely Neville. So hope you enjoyed this quick writing I literally wrote in like 30 mins, so sorry if it's kind of bad. I got the idea from the tik tok "I just wanna be appreciated"
Y/n notices Neville Longbottom as everyone in Hogwarts is buzzed out on the Triwizard tournament. Neville tries to help put his friend as best as he can but is brushed off, y/n notices this.
Everyone around you seemed riled up, going crazy about how each of the four "lucky" contestants were going to get through the next tournament or who was going to win. You on the other hand thought that the whole tournament was barbaric and an instant death call, you didn't want to see anyone get hurt. You couldn't get any quiet anywhere around your dorm or common room, so you were now sitting by yourself at the library hoping to get some school work done.
You were finally free from all the talking about the Triwizard tournament, or so you thought. Before you knew it, you heard Harry, Ron, and Hermoine talking about the tournament on the other side of the bookshelf. You felt frustrated and annoyed once again, but couldn't seem to ignore them. There was a small section in the bookshelf that was slightly empty and small enough to be able to see the trio clearly, but not big enough for them to notice you watching them, snooping into their every word. You didn't hear much until you saw both Hermoine and Ron being asked to leave. You saw that professor Moody called in a boy.
"Neville, help Harry put away his books." A boy walked awkwardly to Harry. Your eyes widened slightly as you saw his face. Cute. You thought to yourself seeing Neville for the first time. You decided this time to stop snooping and focus back on your school but your ears started listening as Neville started to talk about wood?
"You know if you're interested in plants, you'd be better off with a gersherks guide to herbology, " Neville started. His words hooked you only because you were going to take his advice and look into the book yourself. You were not doing too well in Herbology.
You peeked again through the bookshelf to look at Harry's Reaction, he didn't seem too interested. It made your brows furrow a tad but you kept listening as Neville continued.
"There is a wizard, i-in Nepal who is growing gravity-resistant trees--" Harry interrupted him.
"Neville, no offense but I really don't care about plants." His words seemed to obviously upset Neville. Harry got up from his seat, looking frustrated, and left. Through the small hole, you could see Neville start stacking his books.
"I think that's fascinating." You stated softly enough for Neville to search where the voice came from. You stood from your spot and went around the bookshelf and showed yourself. Neville blushed a bit realizing that you heard Harry brush him off. "I-im sorry?" Neville mumbled, trying to confirm if you were talking about his previous topic.
"T-the gravity resistant wood. I think that's fascinating and might be quite useful information one day considering I really like to play quidditch." You smiled at him, while slowly grabbing a few of Harry's books and helping Neville stack them up.
"R-really? I just found out about it i-in the daily prophet. They always have the latest herbology news." Neville continued. You giggled, realizing that Neville was pretty passionate and well acquainted with Herbology.
"That's nice to know, I'll definitely look more into that section from now on. I may not be so good at Herbology, but I do appreciate how fascinating and powerful the subject is, in my opinion of course. Very complex." Neville's faced beamed. He felt excited that someone was interested in his words.
"I've always said the same. I-i love herbology, though my grandma doesn't really like that. B-but I try to learn as much as I can."
"That's nice." You smiled kindly not really knowing how to answer him. You didn't want to barge into his relationship with his grandma so quickly especially since you've just met him. He also kept quiet trying to find a way to continue the conversation. Not because he wanted to talk about his favorite subject, but because he wanted to continue talking to the cutest person he has ever met.
Neville noticed your body language and saw that you were planning to leave. "I can show you more!" He quickly said, quite loudly enough to catch your attention. "About other plants, I-if you'd like of course." Neville was nervous, embarrassed that he really just asked you that. He felt dumb knowing that you wanted to leave and not hang out with him anymore
"I'd love that actually." You cut him off from his panic. His eyes widened in shock and smiled giddily.
"Brilliant! I'll just put away the rest of these books." He started to say while rapidly stacking up books and carrying them. He then looked up from the stack that was in his hands and saw you carrying a stack of books that were higher than your head. You popped your head from the side of the stack.
"No need to do it all alone. This way we can get started much faster." You smiled. Neville smiled excitedly realizing that he will get to talk to you more.
A.n: hope y'all liked it! Please request other things you would like me to write! I'm realizing how hard it is now to come up with stuff lol. Please REBLOG! I love the hearts but if I see more reblogs I know that I need to update more!!!!
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peculiar-lover · 3 years
Neville wants to finally confess something to you, but when y/n catches his eye, they are not all alone, instead, they are talking to someone else. Will this be the day Neville loses his chance?
Neville was outside the courtyard, perched on a bench near a small tree. He was always nervous and anxious and the thought of you coming to hang out with him only made those feelings stronger.
He had a small potted plant that he was holding with just the tips of his hands since it was so tiny. It was one small flower that looked to him to always change between varieties of blues and had some glowing spots on it. The flower practically resembled space itself. It took almost 2 months for professor sprout to get her hands on it after Neville requested it from her. He got it for you. He never failed to notice how much you stopped to look at a pretty flower, especially if it was colorful. He wanted the first thing you saw in the morning and the last thing you saw at night to be something beautiful.
His nerves started to shift into excitement. His leg was bouncing quickly at the thought of your reaction to the flower. Neville was overwhelmed with excitement that he stood up quickly at the sound of your distanced voice. He looked for where your voice was coming from and when he finally locked onto you, his goofy smile faded slowly. You were talking to another guy.
"I mean we should go out sometime. How about sometime later today I'll take you to the three broomsticks in Hogsmeade." He put his arm up above the wall you were standing against and Neville saw a pink tint and awkward smile form from you.
Neville turned away and sat back down before he could see you accepting the lucky man's proposal.
He felt defeated. He fidgeted with the potted flower in his hand and quickly decided to hide it behind him and the bench.
It's disrespectful to give another person's girlfriend something deemed rather romantically. That will have to be his job. Neville thought to himself trying to convince himself that he is happy for you. It was silly to think that you could ever feel the same. He never admitted to himself until this very moment but He is madly in love with you.
"What are you hiding back there?" Neville was startled and quickly faced you.
"N-nothing. I was just looking around." He quickly states. He didn't want to bring up what he saw to you, he personally didn't want to think about it at all. It already made his stomach upset.
"Okay well, sorry I took a while, but would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me later today?" You asked nonchalantly, but your heart was beating rather hard and you felt as if you might faint if Neville takes a second longer to respond.
" I-i don't know if that's a great idea." He didn't look at you when he said that. Your face went defeated and you could practically hear your heart shatter. He doesn't want to go with me. Explains his feelings clearly.
"I wouldn't want to bother you during your date with that guy who asked you. I don't want to embarrass you or anything" He slowly pulled his head up to look at you.
It took a while for you to get out of your dark fazed state to understand what Neville had just said. "What?" You asked softly feeling the pressure on your heart start to disperse slowly.
"Y-your date? With that boy. I-i saw him ask you out but I sat down and didn't want to intrude on your conversation." He looked back down feeling the heartbreak all over again.
You sighed in relief making Neville look at you again questioning why you were happy?
"For a second there I assumed you didn't like me back." You giggled, "He did ask me out. But I told him I was already going with someone else. That's why I'm asking you and if you would like to go with me." Neville's face grew a smile.
"L-like, like you back?" He stated softly. Your face went puzzled but drained itself from all its color quickly. You unknowingly admitted your feelings for him.
"N-Neville I-" You started to speak but Neville noticed your scared state.
"I-its okay! I feel the same! Even more for you really." Neville went back to lean down behind him and retrieve the small plant once again.
"I-i got you this. I know how much you love pretty flowers and plants and well I was hoping that you would like it." He handed you the small plant and you were mesmerized and you quickly went to wrap your arms around Neville thanking him.
"I guess I got it just in time." He chuckled
"In time?" you questioned.
"W-well I know it's your boyfriend's responsibility to get you flowers all the time, and well It was just perfect timing." You both laughed together. You slowly leaned in and pecked his cheek.
"I landed me a traditional boyfriend and I can't be any luckier."
Boyfriend. Your boyfriend. Neville likes the sound of that.
A.N: AHHHH tbh idk about this one I just wanted something out there for you guys because it's taking me a while to think of anything else to write. I also kind of miss your funny comments 👉🏼👈🏼lmaooooo. Let me know what you guys think and PLEASE REQUEST on the NEXT chapter! Please REBLOG! I love the hearts but if I see more reblogs I know that I need to update more!!!!
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peculiar-lover · 3 years
Why do you reblog your own fics so much?
Because someone might as well!? And look at this. Look. At. This.
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Does this look right to you??
These are just the last three fics I wrote. I appreciate the likes, believe me I do, but you have to understand. Likes do nothing for content creators. It’s the reblogs. Because that’s how you find shit on your dashboard. Through reblogs. Not likes. This isn’t twitter or tiktok or instagram. This is a website that’s run by the reblog system.
Reblogging helps content creators put their stuff out there. Why do you think so many people stopped writing fanfic and creating beautiful fanart and edits? It’s because they put in hours of work and don’t get nearly enough notes for their masterpieces. Yes we do this because we enjoy it but like...some validation won’t hurt. A boost of confidence here and there might be all someone needs to finish whatever thing they started and left.
Anyway, I’m still going to reblog my shit...
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peculiar-lover · 3 years
@ smut writers of tumblr, does it get you off knowing that other people are getting off to things YOU wrote?
Honestly unsung heroes, we don’t thank yall enough. Thank you for your service.
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peculiar-lover · 4 years
Do I do anything like this? What do I put in my writing that makes you guys go like “ugh” or “uhm no”? Lol let me know!!!
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peculiar-lover · 4 years
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Im sorry guys 😬😞😞 but yes
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peculiar-lover · 4 years
Let me remind you (Neville x Reader)
Neville receives an awful message from his grandma and reader cheers him up 
Quick notes: Okay so if you guys know about this particular situation it happens during their 3rd year but this fic is kind of too steamy for that age soooo pretend the scene or this part of the story takes place once they are a little older
Warnings: steamy and Neville crying soooo 🥺🥺
You didn't react fast enough when you saw Neville run out the grand hall in order to stop the howler his grandma sent him from bursting. Before you knew it you and every student heard her thunderous voice. "YOU HAVE BROUGHT SHAME INTO THIS BLASTED FAMILY"
"I think you should go look for hi-" Harry started to say sounding very concerned for the boy but you had already gotten up from your seat. "Way ahead of you." You quickly jogged to go find Neville. You didn't know exactly where he could have gone to, the howler was done yelling before you could follow it's trace. You were scared and didn't know exactly where Neville had gone so you went to the first place you had in mind which was his dorm.
❤️Gryffindor y/n: You were by the Gryffindor common room entrance and quickly said the password and went in.
💛💚💙Any other house y/n: You reached the Gryffindor common room entrance and attempted to recollect your thoughts to  try and remember the several passwords Neville told you about.  You would help remind him when he needed it. Your mind clicked and you quickly said the password and the door let you in.
"Neville?" You spoke while hesitantly walking around so you would not startle him. You walked towards his dorm and heard his soft sniffles. Your heart shattered. His blasted Grandma, how could she do this to him? You reached his dorm and stood by the door frame slowly showing your face to him. "Neville." You softly spoke. When Neville finally heard that someone was calling him he looked up and his eyes were filled with tears that have not yet fallen.
When he realized that it was you, he broke out crying.
"I'm really worthless aren't I?" Neville choked out his tears now streaming to his cheeks. You quickly went besides him and pulled him into a hug. He tightened the embrace and sobbed into your shoulder. You let him have his moment for a bit before you pulled away to face him.
"Neville, you are anything but worthless. I'll tell you now whatever happened was a mistake, things will all turn out for the better I promise." You wiped his tears away with the back of your hand and Caressed his cheek.
"I don't do anything right. I'm a bloody loser." He was starting to get more distressed. You not knowing what to do did what always made him shut up (ahh that's so mean but it's not 😭) you kissed him. You felt Neville's tears fall onto your cheek and as you deepened the kiss, Neville gave a large sigh of relief through his nose.
You pulled away and started to peck his cheek in between each sentence, "Neville Longbottom. kiss You are such a blessing. kiss Kind. kiss Smart. Kiss Brave." Neville's sniffling had gone almost away and as you started trailing down to his neck his breathing grew deeper and small sighs left his mouth. You kissed all over his neck making sure to linger more on his sensitive area.
Neville felt a sense of pleasure fill his chest the more you kissed all around his neck. You pulled away quickly and moved from your previous position to slowly straddle him. You put his face in between your hands and touched your forehead with his but leaned more towards his ear. "Neville Longbottom let me remind you who you are." You whispered. Neville then slowly but eagerly connected his lips with yours. The kiss got more and more heated thus making you slightly grind onto Neville's area.
You had your hands in Neville's hair pulling softly  and grinding slowly enough for his moans to get louder each time. You made sure he didn't get too loud by never letting him leave your lips. His breathing was rapid and his pants seemed to tighten more each time you moved your hips. A fairly large dent started to form and your eyes widened once you realized. Not only has he never exposed himself to you, you realized that things were getting intense for you both.
"Y-n." Neville pulled away from you. "W-we don't have to do anything you don't want to. I-I don't want you to think th-this is the only way you can help. I already feel much better and-" you pressed your lips again to stop his growing anxiousness.
"I'm ready Neville. I want to remind you why you are perfect." You pulled out your wand and pointed towards the door. "Colloportus" you casted and the door closed shut and you heard it lock. You started to pull Neville in for a kiss and reached your hands down to the buckle of his pants. Before you could finish what you started you both were interrupted by the door knob jiggling.
"Oy Neville! Why's the door locked?" You heard Seamus say still attempting to jiggle the door knob open.
"We wanted to check in on you buddy." You then heard Ron's voice. Neville and you looked at each other in fear and you quickly got up off him while he started to buckle back his pants. Once you fixed yourselves up you proceeded to annoyingly open the door.
"Uhm I thought you guys knew I was already doing that." You said crossing your arms.
"Y/n? How did you get in here? Well we just wanted to check up on Neville too." Harry questioned.
You smiled liking the fact that they also cared about your lovely boy. "Well I'll leave you guys to it. Neville  we will definitely catch up later." You smiled and winked at him making his cheeks redden. You left the Gryffindor common area and you were already planning a more discrete area for you and Neville's next encounter.
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peculiar-lover · 4 years
A Push towards you (Neville x reader)
Neville encountered some awful boys that eventually led You, the reader, to help him out 
Neville was walking to the green house with a small plant in his hand. Professor sprout allowed him to take it to observe it more throughout the day and boy has he learned so much. Neville couldn't take his eye off his little magical plant noticing every petal and thinking of it's specialties.
He was distracted so much so that Goyle and Crabbe decided to knock his joyful expression by tripping him and pushing him hard to ensure that he fell. Neville fell along with the plant and the soil falling everywhere. The two awful boys walked away laughing. Neville quickly got to his knees and attempted to pick up as much soil as quickly as he can. Why why why?! Why is it always me? Neville questioned himself and fought hard with himself to not shed a tear from his frustration. Neville then noticed as a pair of hands entered his view and when he looked up he saw you.
You were too focused on trying to help Neville pick up the soil to notice him stopping mid-action, staring at you. Once you managed to pick up all the soil you clapped your hands clean and locked eyes with Neville.
❤️Gryffindor y/n: "Your welcome!" 
💛Hufflepuff y/n: "oh uhm no need to worry! I wanted to help"
💙Ravenclaw y/n: "Well, what I understand from the situation, a thank you would suffice"
💚Slytherin y/n: "A thank you would be nice."
Neville focused back to reality. "Oh, th-thank you, really." He grabbed his plant and quickly got up on his feet. You got up along with him and wiped the soil from your skirt. You chuckled a lil, "it was no problem, those two boys really are some assholes, they need to be hexed I'm telling you." You looked down the hallway where the two went off and glared but quickly went soft as you looked back at Neville. "I like your plant by the way, it looks really pretty. Well, see you around!" You smiled at Neville and walked to the great hall.
Neville was too mesmerized to let out any words and he just stayed staring at you watching you leave him to his thoughts. Neville shook his head once more to wake himself up from his swooning and started to walk towards the green house so he can run back to the grand hall.
Neville awkwardly walked to his Gryffindor table, observing every table to see if he could find you. He sat down and again went back to his search and eventually found you sitting at the y/h table. Godrick, they're beautiful. Neville was now able to look at you from a distance in a discrete way. Or so he thought.
"NEVILLE MAN! You know if you keep starting at pretty ol'  L/n there, you might scare them away!" Seamus hardly tapped Neville on his back advising him.
"I-I wasn't staring" Neville pouted but tried not to look Seamus in the eyes for he is good at knowing when he lies. "Sure you won't, and I'm not a bloody wizard." Seamus laughed out.
Neville felt embarrassed not only that he was caught smitten but also that you had also caught Seamus' eyes.  Neville didn't have a chance against any bloody Boy especially since all of them were in his exact shoes. Seamus interrupted Before Neville could go down the rabbit hole of bringing himself down, "To be honest Neville, It ain't going to do you any good just staring, you have to actually do something to get with them." Seamus said.
"Well, I don't know how else to talk to y/n. I don't know them very well or have-" Seamus pulled Neville out of his seat before he could finish. "C'mon Neville, I've got a plan." Seamus sounded excited pulling Neville through the great hall and outside of it.
"Seamus what are we doihaaaa-"Neville tried asking but then Seamus pushed him hard making him bump into someone and dropping whoever it was along with their books. Neville started to apologize and was met with your eyes once more.
You looked annoyed at first but when you saw Neville, your eyes went soft. "Oh hello again. I find it funny every time we encounter each other we were both pushed down to the floor." You giggled and tried picking yourself up. Neville quickly held out his hand for you and you hesitantly accepted. He pulled you up and quickly went to pick up all your books.
"Thank you..." you started but held out so he could introduce his name.
Neville had to shake his head again to bring back his focus, "N-Neville, Neville Longbottom." He smiled.
"Neville Longbottom, thank you." You smiled and lingered a bit. Even though Neville was the one who was falling hard, you too were hoping that you could talk to him more. You felt a little discouraged as he said nothing more. You frowned slightly, "well hopefully we can see each other again, maybe not on the floor next time." You smiled and started to walk away.
"W-we can see each other again soon, if you want." Neville blurted making you halt and face him again. "I-I promise I won't push you down again (a.n hehe maybe in the other way 😉) and I won't encounter you on the ground." He was rubbing the back of his neck avoiding eye contact so you wouldn't see how extremely nervous he felt.
"I'd like that actually," you giggled, "maybe the greenhouse? Later today, after classes? I would love to learn more about the plants your tending to." You squished your books to your chest to contain your fluttering heart.
"Brilliant." Neville smiled. You smiled back and walked away
"Atta boy Nevilleeeee." Seamus interrupted with hard clapping.
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peculiar-lover · 4 years
This is what got me into writing more Neville fanfics 🥴
Dirty Thoughts (Neville x Reader smut)
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Request: Hi, can I request a Neville Longbottom smut where in it Neville has dirty thoughts about the reader and Draco notices and as a really mean joke he locks the two of them in a really small broom closet and the reader’s in her nightdress. I know it sounds dumb and cliche but eh, I thought i’d ask
A/n: You are my precious bby bc I was wanting to write a Neville smut so thank yo u so much (’: I don’t think it sounds cliche at all! It sounds like a perfect fanfiction! Please send in story requests and please specify who it is (and it it’s a love triangle or not), graphic or fluff and how the story is! Please enjoy! 
Warning: Graphic smut and Graphic Language ;)
“N-Neville..! H-Harder..!” 
(Y/n) panted against me, her (s/c) skin sweaty body against mine as I slammed into her as hard as I could. Her legs were wrapped around my body for me to get better privilege on getting deeper and deeper into her. 
“I t-think I’m going to-” Her sentence was cut of by me letting my seed seep deep into her, not long after, her walls clenched around my member as she released with a loud moan coming from the both of our mouths. 
Just as soon as she was about to mount me, I heard someone yelling my name. I rubbed my eyes and opened them again to see the whole class of Herbology looked at me with confusion on there faces, along with Professor Sprout looking at me with one of her eyebrows raised. Someone then finally coughed to fill the awkward silence as all eyes were on me. 
“Yes yes… As I was saying…” Professor Sprout continued with showing an example of one of the Self-Fertizling Shrubs while explaining what it does and how it is useful to the wizard world. I felt my hardness under the table from the thought of having sex with (Y/n), which wasn’t very useful at the moment. I tried my best to not look awkward in front of everyone in the class, but I knew I was certainly doing exactly that. 
“Are you alright, Neville? Do you need me to help you with your notes or anything?” Justin Finch asked, motioning towards my completely empty notes that only had my name in the top corner. I nervously shook my head with a smile, looking back up at the shrub. The only problem was that Draco Malfoy was in that class with me and couldn’t take his eyes off of me ever since Professor Sprout brought attention to me. 
Once class ended, we all crowded out of the greenhouse and started walking towards Hogwarts for lunch. Even though it was a hot day, I wrapped my cloak that I luckily brought with me around me, trying my best to make it so no one saw the tent I had in my pants. It hurt to actually walk around with it, which made it harder (lmao see what i did there). 
I kept picturing (Y/n) in various positions as I fucked her hard: Against a wall, the ground, her on top, her ass up in the air, it was endless! The thing was though is that I didn’t really know what it felt like. Not to have sex with (Y/n), but to actually have sex… I really wanted to try, but I obviously was never able to..
As my thoughts got worse and worse, I soon then approached the Great Hall were I could actually wait for it to die down. I thought I was going to make it, but Draco Malfoy came around the corner and saw me awkwardly walking towards the Great Hall, turning to the other side of him to see (Y/n) talking with Harry and Hermione. 
A small smirk came to Draco’s face as he started to walk very fast towards me and stepped in front of doors that lead to the Great Hall. Draco started to chuckle as he observed me, finally saying, “Neville, don’t think that I don’t know what you’ve been thinking about all day, I heard you whisper (L/n)’s name while we were in Defense Against Dark Arts you ass.”
Draco lightly pushed me and looked over at (Y/n) again, with a stupid ass grin on his face again. “Say.. Why don’t you meet me tonight at 11 pm in the dungeons and I promise you I won’t do anything for the rest of the year, deal?” Draco stuck his pale hand out and waited for me to shake it for agreement.
“F-Fine…” I stuttered out while shaking his hand. Draco chuckled and walked away towards (Y/n) and winked at her, telling her something that made her laugh and nod. Draco chuckled and walked away from her, Harry and Hermione rolling there eyes and started to laugh with her.
It was 30 minutes before I had to go meet Draco, so I thought to myself ‘I should hurry and masturbate to get the thought of (Y/n) out of my head…’. As I pulled my pants down, I pulled my blankets over my whole body except from my head and looked over at Harry, Ron, Dean and Seamus’ beds to make sure they were asleep. 
I looked away from them and looked up at the ceiling and imagined (Y/n)’s body and the way her white button up and (your house) vest fit her body and how she would wave her neck on hot days in class, her sweaty neck and when she wouldn’t wear tights… 
While I started to move my hand, I bit my lip to hold back a moan that was coming up and trying to go faster and faster, thinking of when I would sit behind her in class (Y/n)’s skirt would come up lightly when she would sit down in a chair to see her ass and how nice it is. Then the thought of her bouncing on top of me came to mind and help me get closer. I let a small breath out while pumping as fast as I could, about to climax.
I reached over to my desk and grabbed a couple of tissues and finally reached my climax, releasing it into the tissues. As I finally finished, I set the tissues into my garbage can to then pull my boxers and pants up to go see Draco down in the dungeons. 
As I crept myself out of the dorm and down to the common room, I tried my best to be as quiet as I could. I walked outside of the painting and walked down the stairs and down into the dungeons. I looked around for Draco, to then hear quiet laughing of a female and a male from behind me. 
I turned around to see (Y/n) with Draco, both in there pajamas. Draco just looked normal, but (Y/n)’s breasts were perky through her nightdress from the cold aura in the dungeon, her (h/c) hair somewhat messy. I bit my lip as I observed her breasts throughout the dress and her whole body as they both walked up to me.
As they finally were close to me, Draco whispered to us, “Okay, I wanted to show you both something by the Slytherin common room… You up for it..?” Draco grinned and looked between (Y/n) and I. As (Y/n) nodded, I nervously shook my head yes to look somewhat cool in front of her. “Of course I do…!” (Y/n) whispered with a small smile on her face. 
“Alright, alright..! Follow me.” 
Draco then started to sneak over by the common room, eventually making the entrance of it and stopped in front of a door. “Okay, it’s in here. Go ahead in, I want you guys to see it first.” Draco motioned for the both of us to go in, so we did. It was a tight and cramped janitors closest, making it hard to stand in. “H-Hey um.. Draco- How a-are we all supposed to stand in he-” I turned around from the sound of a door slamming closed with chuckling behind. 
“Fucking asshole..! Draco!” (Y/n) went passed me and started to bang on the door. while screaming for Draco. “This isn’t funny Draco! Let us out!” (Y/n) kept yelling, eventually giving up. She sighed, turning over with her back against the door and slid down it, looking up at the dark ceiling. I looked down at her and deciding to sit down as well. 
I sighed, pulling my cardigan around me a little bit more to give myself a little bit of heat. I then realized how cold (Y/n) was, so I decided to give her my cardigan. I got up and walked over to her and sat down next to her, pulling it off and wrapping it around her. I didn’t know how it smelt, but I honestly didn’t care about that at that moment. “Neville I- You need to be warm, not me-” (Y/n) brought up while trying to pull it off and give it back to me. 
“You’re fine, I don’t need it honestly. Plus, your nipples are showing through it so I guess that’ll help with that problem-” I regretted saying that like no other after bringing it up. Both of our cheeks were turning a deep red, the only hot things on our bodies that were hot. 
“I-I Oh… I d-didn’t really n-notice that.. U-Um..” 
(Y/n) stuttered out while looking away from. Jesus fucking christ, I ruined my chance with her… “(Y/n)- I didn’t mean t-that I’m so s-sorry… I just couldn’t help but l-look you know-” As I was rubbing the back of my neck, getting more flustered by the second, (Y/n) smiled and turned towards me, gripping the collar of my shirt and brought me into a deep kiss. 
I didn’t really know what to do, but I just tried my best to kiss her back. From the collar on my shirt, she moved one of her hands up to my dark hair and started to run her fingers through it, fixing the messiness of it. As we continued, I felt her tongue graze against my lip, which I believed meant to open my mouth, so I did. 
I nervously opened my mouth slightly and when it was completely opened, (Y/n) pressed her mouth against mine in a some what aggressive way, pushing her tongue into my mouth and started to play with my tongue. From thinking about the kiss, I suddenly thought about what to do with my hands, so I nervously brought them down her her hips and awkwardly set them on her hips. 
(Y/n) then pulled away from my mouth, taking in a small breath from kissing me while I was literally panting. “W-Wow… I never got kissed l-like that before…!” I nervously stuttered while chuckling a little. (Y/n) giggled and brought her hands down to around my neck, our faces inches apart. “Hey Neville.. It is really cold in here… I think I know something that can help.” (Y/n) said with a warm smile, pulling away a little from my face. 
I nodded and just as soon as I was about to speak, (Y/n) lightly pushed me against the wall with both of still on the floor. “and this is a lot of fun, so a nice thing for the night…” (Y/n) whispered in my ear, going back over to where my mouth was and started to kiss me again, a little more aggressive this time. (Y/n)’s tongue then slid a crossed my lower lip, asking for entrance again. As I opened my mouth once more, she slide her tongue in again, pressing hard against mine. 
Not breaking the passionate kiss, she then mounted me, the feeling of her warm womanhood was rubbing against my bottoms, making me grow a little and making a quiet moan into her mouth. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around my neck again, pulling us closer together and started to move herself more against me, my hardness growing even more by the feeling of her moving on it. 
As we both moaned deeply into each others hot mouths, our tongue swirling around and around, pressing harder and aggressive against each other from both of us growing more horny by the second. One of her hands slipped down from my neck and slid down between the lower parts of us, sliding her wet panties off, relieving her hot, dripping pussy against my bottoms.
Her hands then slipped over to my pajama bottoms and slid them off from my body and pushed them down to my ankles. I helped her slip my boxers off to reveal my erection, pulling away from my mouth, a string of salvia from both of our mouths strung from it. “Are you ready..?” (Y/n) asked while looking down, a blush created on her cheeks. 
I nervously nodded while biting my lower lip, shortly after she lifted herself up a little and brought herself down on my hardness, causing us to both slightly groan. Once she was as far as she could go down on me, (Y/n) started to slowly go up and down on my erection, making us both moan. (Y/n) then brought both of her hands to mine and brought them up to under night dress and to where her breasts, making me grope them. 
“G-God, N-Neville..!” She moaned loudly as I started to press my hips against her’s, making myself go a little deeper into her. I couldn’t help but want myself to top her and push my full length into her for her to moan even louder. 
I then flipped her over so she was completely on the ground, not pulling myself out of her. I started to then thrust myself in and out of her, not getting my full length into her yet. (Y/n) then wrapped her legs around my waist, pressing her perky breasts against my chest. I finally pushed my full length in her, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and moaning loudly. 
I couldn’t help myself let out a loud moan as well as her walls clenched around my cock tightly, trying my best to pound her harder and harder into her. I tried to move myself around in her, thrusting faster and faster and I could tell I found her spot because she moaned the loudest yet. “R-Right t-there..!” I slammed as hard as I could into that very spot, my climax literally was right around the corner, and so was (Y/n)’s.”(Y-Y/n), scream my name..!” I moaned loudly. “G-God, Neville..! Please c-climax deep i-into m-me..!” (Y/n) screamed. 
As soon as she said this, I released my seed hard and deep into her, moan loudly while doing so. Literally in the middle of it, her came as well, both of our juices mixing together. Once we were both done, I could feel our mixed, steamy juices seep out of her, giving a last thrust for some of it to come out. I kept myself in her as we both panted, her legs wrapped around my waist to keep my cock deep inside of her. 
“I-I think I might just go to sleep like t-this…” (Y/n) panted while drifting off slowly, so did I. “Y-Yeah.. Same here…” 
A/n: If you thought that the reader in this story was kinda slutty, then too bad haha jk but I hope you enjoyed it! I really loved writing this ;) please submit more stories (please specify if smut, who it is and the storyline!)
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peculiar-lover · 4 years
Hello my beautiful human beings! Welcome to my tumblr account 🥳 if you are new here just know that I am a wattpad writer hehe and if you are not new here WELCOME BACK MY LOVELIES 💕 how is everybody liking tumblr so far? I’m new to it tbh but I like that I can post music, links, pictures, and what not. Do the music links I give work well for you? Let me know. I really like tumblr so far because I CAN CHOOSE MY THEME! Wattpad was really trying to charge me to have a pink background 🙄🤚🏻 anyways I’ll post the rest of my things here in a bit.
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peculiar-lover · 4 years
First Encounters pt 3 (Neville x reader SMUT)
A.n: MY LOVELY PEOPLE! WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FORRR the steamy PART 3! This is my first real steamy stuff so if it doesn't make sense sorry about that I'll get better the more I write 😉 I tagged those who have asked about pt 3 because I was encouraged by them😅 ALSO IF YOURE READING THIS- Take a Slice by glass animals was being repeatedly played while I wrote this If I put you on LET ME KNOWWWW!
Neville and y/n decide to continue their “study date” back in Neville’s dorm
You and Neville were now both quickly walking to his Gryffindor common room. Before you arrived at the entrance you made an abrupt stop. Neville falling too close to you, bumped right into you and his hard dent rubbed right against the top of your bottom. You smirked to yourself knowing your little plan worked just like you wanted it to, before turning around to look at Neville.
"I-im sor-" You kissed him cutting off his apology short. You pulled away from him and slightly bit your bottom lip, "c'mon Neville not too far now." He eagerly followed right behind you as you reached the common room door.
❤️Gryffindor y/n: You quickly gave the password and the door let you both through.
Neville was thanking Merlin that his forgetful mind would not interfere the time he had with you.
💛💚💙Any other house y/n: You stood at the door but looked back at Neville.
"I can't be much use here." you smiled shyly. Neville nodded and went in front of you and for the first time ever, said the password without a second thought, forgetting that he would usually struggle hours trying to remember the password. He didn't want anything in his way.
As you reached his dorm you heard laughs and talking. The rest of Neville's roommates were all there. You looked up at Neville desperately and he got the hint and stuck his head in the room.
"D-draco, is being tormented by the twins in the courtyard. You might want to stop them." Neville quickly interrupted whatever the boys were doing.
"You're mad Neville! Why would we stop the show!?" Ron exclaimed quickly before running out of the room along with Harry, Seamus, and Dean. Neville stood right in front of you, hiding you with his large and tall frame so none of the boys could see you as they ran by. He wanted to avoid all questions and his intentions could not be exposed now. As Neville stayed looking at the boy's leave, you pulled his hand right into the dorm. You closed the door and locked it.
"I'm guessing this is your bed?" You said sitting on the edge of what you hoped was his well made bed. Neville nodded shyly. You smiled and leaned back a little, tapping the spot right next to you. Neville obliged and awkwardly sat next to you,
"Now back to our study session." You sarcastically said while softly grabbing the sides of Neville's face pulling him into a kiss. Neville was caught off guard at first but then quickly started to kiss you back. Your hand started to trail back down his body as the other revisited the back of his neck and continued the small tugs that made Neville moan within the kiss. Neville was so into the kiss that he forgot he left his hands by his sides so he grabbed your waist pulling you slightly closer to his body. Your hands trailed down to the hem of his shirt slowly digging your hand through and caressing his side and front. Neville squirmed at your touch and pulled away, this time making you whimper slightly.
"y-y/n, I-i-i know y-you just wanted to help me not feel bad when this s-situation occurred, but we don't have to do anything you don't want to, Merlin, i'm grateful just to get near you, I think I can help myself from just thinking about you. W-wait, wait I mean-" Neville started to go on his anxious ramble and his face grew red the more he continued but he stopped when he heard you giggle.
"That's quite a compliment if you ask me, but I would much rather be here with you keeping my promise that I will help you." You started to lean again into his neck and pecked all around. "You have no idea how much I have longed to meet you Neville Longbottom, to be in this situation with you, I must be dreaming." You purred continuing to leave long and sloppy kisses along his neck.
You didn't lie of course, You have been wanting to meet Neville for Weeks now and to already be in this situation so quickly, you thought it was a gift from Merlin himself. Neville cut you from your thoughts as he put his hand under chin and made you look up at him. He said nothing at first and just stayed staring at your eyes and lips. You slowly moved to reconnect your lips. Your hands went to grab the hem of his pants and you traced along until you reached the front buckle, shyly tugging at it. Neville leaned back on his hands signaling that he was okay with it. Still not breaking from the kiss you pulled down His pants exposing himself. You heard him make a small moan as he felt the cold air hit his now bare legs and shaft. You still by his side broke from the kiss to pull your panties off leaving your skirt on. Once they were off you straddled Neville continuing the kiss. Neville Grabbed your back so you wouldn't fall off of him and pulled you both down on the bed.
You looked down, positioning yourself well enough to be in front of his tip. Neville was also watching but your eyes connected as you looked back up at him. As you slowly made him enter you saw him close his eyes shut and his head fell back as he let small and loud moans escape his mouth. Once you felt the rest of him enter, the amount of pleasure you were experiencing made your face fall back into the crook of his neck . You grinded slowly at first, Neville gripped your waist tightly. You reconnected with his lips once again as you started to speed up your rhythm. Neville couldn't contain himself as he constantly broke from the kiss letting out an earful of moans, but he always went back to connect his lips with yours. He gained his strength and then moved his hips allowing himself to hammer himself harder into you. You heard your heartbeat beating loudly and your insides ache with an immense of pleasure.
"Y-y/n,,,I-im c-close." You heard Neville groan out.
"I-Im s-so close." You answered. You bounced on him slightly as you felt your orgasm begin to build. You bounced and panted as you felt yourself reaching the peak. Neville felt your walls tightening around his length making him hit his orgasm. You both mewled and moaned helplessly as you reached the end of your orgasm letting the room fill with only the sounds of your small pants along with his heavy breathing. You collapsed right next to Neville watching his chest fall and rise.
"W-was that good?" Neville asks, slowly looking down at you.
You giggled once more, "It was brilliant, Neville." You both smiled as you reached to kiss each other sensually once more. You broke the kiss once more feeling your excitement build back up again. "But Ill need to head off before the boys realize that there is no Draco tormenting show at all." You pulled your underwear back on and straightened yourself as Neville did the same with his pants and briefs. You held Neville's hand as you opened the door but quickly let go as you saw the group of boys in front of it.
"Y/n? Why are you here?" Ron questioned as he saw you.
"I-i was told to check your room. F-for Nargles, under Luna's orders." You stiffened hoping that they believed you. They just stared and you let yourself go past them leaving Neville behind.
"Thank You Neville, for helping. And boys your beds are a mess." You grinned
"Our beds! Neville's bed is the messiest out of all of ours, it looks as if a bloody tornado swept through it." Ron exclaimed. You saw Neville's face heat up and you giggled as you left back to your own dorm. Your first encounter with Neville couldn't have been any better.
A.n: THIS IS MY FIRST SMUT EVERRRRRR! obviously not the best but like I said I will improve as I write more hehe
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peculiar-lover · 4 years
First Encounters pt 2 (Neville x reader Steamy)
Neville and y/n set up a time to study together and tensions rise as reader makes a move on Neville. 
TW: Freaky, Neville getting “excited”, no smut (yet) 
You just arrived by the black lake sitting on a random log since you didn't know exactly where Neville wanted to meet up. You rushed out of your final class so fast that you probably looked really silly. It made you feel a little embarrassed, but you felt more anxious and excited. You were going to get help from Neville. He's so sweet. It was another wonderful trait of his that was definitely going to be added to the list. Before you knew it you saw him awkwardly walking towards you but looking down at his feet and mumbling a lot to himself.
Neville's POV:
I can't believe I dun it. I'm going to meet y/n in a few minutes. Gosh, what am I going to say? Hello! No HI y/n! No no. Let's get started! No. You look amazing! I wish. I don't know-
"Hello!" You greeted softly.
"OH, y-y/n. You're here!" He was startled a bit. He felt his face get a little bit warm. Merlin, please don't tell me they heard me.
Y/n POV:
"I did not think you were going to be here so quickly," Neville added.
"Oh haha well my class was pretty close to the exits." You chuckled knowing that you really speed "walked" here. "I didn't know where you wanted to meet so I just sat there, waiting." You said standing up and brushing any dirt from the back of your bottoms.
"Oh right, I guess I didn't really specify where." He rubbed his back of the neck feeling bad.
You quickly took notice and reassured him, "Oh Neville! It's ok, no worries, really. Im glad I waited because I probably would have gone somewhere else." Neville smiled but still looked slightly embarrassed.
"Besides," You walked right next to Neville, really close, and looked up at him, " Now we can walk wherever you had in mind together." You smiled softly, hoping he knew you didn't mind. He smiled back at you. You quickly looked down to hide your flushing cheeks.
Neville and you then started walking and found yourselves in a somewhat secluded area by the lake.
"I like this area a lot, not a lot of people come by here and you get a nice view of the whole lake." Neville was saying as he sat down on a large log. He smiled but then his face went cold.
"M-My book! I-I forgot my book!" Neville smacked his face, "Y/n I'm so sorry! I-i'll go fetch it-"
"We can share mine? I mean I don't mind." Again you wanted to reassure Neville and not want him to feel any more bad then he already was. He looked at you and nodded as you sat by him.
It was awkward because the book was not big enough for both of you to share, especially since you sat so far apart. Neville did not want to make you uncomfortable so he stayed put. You on the other hand felt really bad knowing that he would not be able to see the book as well.
"D-do you mind if I scoot closer? Just so we can both see the book?" You suggested and Neville agreed eagerly.
You scooted closer to him trying your best to ignore how he positioned his hand right behind you so he wouldn't be in your way and also the fact that your knees were touching his. You both shyly looked at each other to show that you were both ok with this.
It had only been a good hour but it was enough for both of you to get really comfortable to the point you were both making small jokes and laughing here and there.
"Yeah the concept of it is pretty hard to understand but once you get it, you will never forget it." he chuckled a bit making you laugh with him.
"Neville, thank you so much for this. I was really struggling and you really saved my butt for the next exam." You looked up at Neville and smiled locking your eyes with him, no longer feeling too flustered to look away not noticing that he also kept eye contact.
"It was no problem at all."
Silence filled the air and you both did not turn away from each other. You started to lean in closer to Neville's face and could hear his slow breathing start to get a little bit faster the closer you got. He was looking down, now ignoring your eyes, too nervous to initiate anything fearing that he had read the situation wrong. Before doing anything intense, you leaned into his ear and whispered.
"May I?" Neville was too captivated by your lovely scent that he couldn't eagerly nod his head but instead did it very softly and dreamily.
You faced him again and looked at his lips. His lips were centimeters away and slowly your lips locked with his. The kiss was really gentle and slow-paced. His lips were really soft and plump from him always pinching them. You grabbed the book that was in between you both and set it aside. One of your hands went to the back of his neck slowly and softly reaching to slightly tug on his hair. He seemed to like it a lot. Every Time you pulled on his locks he made a small almost un-hearable moan. He was worried about his hand placement but decided to softly put the hand that was behind you on your waist. He felt an immense amount of pleasure as he felt your hand go up and down his chest but his kisses were getting messy as you went down to his thigh and rubbed softly. A small whimper left Neville's lips as you pulled away from the kiss,
"I-is this okay?" Only your eyes looked up at Neville. He looked down at your hands and his eyes went slightly wide and his cheeks went warm and pink.
"I-I'm okay a-as long as you're okay." Neville refused to look at you in the eyes afraid that he would expose how much he really wanted you to keep going. You giggled at his response and started kissing him around his cheek and neck slowly rubbing his thigh again. Neville breathed out small moans as you kissed a sensitive area of his neck. You went back to kissing his lips. Your stomach twirled at the thought of how you were making Neville feel.
Neville quickly broke from the kiss and turned away from you. It was so fast that you had to give yourself a few seconds to faze out.
"Y-y/n, I'm sorry. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I c-couldn't control myself th-this time around." Neville's voice sounded as if he was apologizing to his grandma right after being yelled at. You didn't know what was making him act up so you leaned to get a better view of him and saw him grabbing his robe and squishing it up to his-
"Oh." You said, surprised as to what Neville was referring too. You built whatever confidence you could and stood right behind him, "Neville, it's okay. If anything," You softly placed your hands on his chest from behind and rubbed softly. Neville shut his eyes very lightly for a bit to take in your pleasuring touch. As you went to the side to face him, Neville looked at you and your lips connected once more. You pulled away and whispered in his ear, "It's a shame we can't do anything to help out your "situation" since we're out here." You kissed his cheek very lightly and lingered for a bit before pulling away, knowing that he was at a breaking point. You smiled shyly to yourself and started to pack up your books and pencils signaling that it would be better if you both left.
"M-my dorm will be empty! Well... it can be. I-I'll just kick the boys out." Neville desperately said as he turned back to you. 
You giggled again, "Well what are we waiting for?" Neville awkwardly stood trying his best as to not reveal his "situation". You happily skipped right in front of him and pressed you back against his front, "I guess ill be leading the way." and off you went.
A.n: Woah this was like my first ever slightly freaky writing so yes it's probably bad but I love Neville very much.
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peculiar-lover · 4 years
First Encounters pt 1 (Neville x reader)
A.n: Hello! I am new to tumblr and have posted my work on Wattpad so yes I'm a Wattpad writer lol. I am always looking to improve so feel free to drop suggestions. I'm pretty new to everything here so I wont be aesthetically organized just yet. Hope you enjoy
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Reader has always found Neville rather interesting but has never directly communicated with him. Luck is on their side when Neville overhears how bad you are doing in Herbology and offers to help. (Next Part is steamyyyy) 
You couldn't explain it. What made you so interested in the one and only Neville Longbottom. You observed his every move during herbology to see what about him made your chest flutter. You regretted it a lot the next day. Each of his little quirks made you smile silly to yourself. He liked to softly pinch his bottom lip a when he was focusing intensely on whatever drew his immediate interest. Of course this would happen often in Herbology class. His lips. You began to pinch yours, embodying Neville. Your mind quickly flashed to fantasizing about how nicely they would place on yours.
"Hello y/n" Your "interesting" thoughts were interrupted as Luna sat right next to you.
"Oh, Hello Luna. J-just getting ready to eat." You smiled sheepishly, hoping that your distracted state didn't make it obvious that you were deep into your daydreams.
"I see. Is that why you were staring at the toast so cravingly? It does look rather tasty so I understand." She said, gracefully grabbing a piece of the toast that was sitting in front of us.
"So what Neville thing were you thinking about just now?" Luna asked so nonchalantly, biting into her toast.
*sigh* who let me think that I could get away with anything when it comes to Luna herself. "You caught me," You giggled, "I was just thinking about his interest in herbology. I'm not as good with plants as him of course, but I always do my best. For him, it comes so naturally. It's another thing I've added to the list."
"The list of what makes you like Neville? There are a lot of good things to add. I can tell." She adds on. You smiled, appreciating her support for your deeply-invested crush.
"Well, I guess its time for me to head to Herbology, i'll see you soon Luna." You smiled kindly at her as you got up from the table and started heading to the greenhouses.
As you entered you saw your golden boy himself, the only one in the class who has was already sitting down and reading over his textbooks. Your chest seemed to have the tickling sensation all over again. You decided to do the unthinkable and sit slightly across from him, not directly as you felt that if you did, your heart would not contain itself and burst.
You sat down but you couldn't bring yourself to look up at Neville, but he looked up at you. He was shocked, out of all the seats why so close to him? He didn't mind, of course, he thought it was nice for it didn't feel like he was all alone. He couldn't help but stare and observe you more. You then looked up at him and smiled. His face grew a deep red and he quickly smiled and looked back down at his book. His mind was racing with questions as to why a charming person like you would notice him and smile that bloody beautiful smile. He failed to notice your disappearance after Professor Sprout called you up to her.
"Look dear, you were so so close to getting a decent mark on this section but you really need to work harder." Professor Sprout said to you, and you head fell softly in shame and embarrassment. Professor Sprout sighed softly, "Im giving you a chance okay hun, for our next exam, I expect a lot from you and I really want you to do good."
Neville knew she was probably talking about your last exam. You looked up and locked eyes with him and again he quickly looked down as to avoid bringing any thought that he could be staring at you. He was, but you didn't have to know that. As you sat back down he noticed that your face seemed to dim from the bright glow you first showed when he saw you.
"W-what section d-did you struggle on?" Neville fought back and fourth with his nerves just to gain the courage and ask you.
You were too caught up on his question that you also quickly responded, "Oh uhm, water plants." You smiled with a little bit of embarrassment since you knew Neville himself did perfect on this part.
"I-i can help! I mean- i-i-if you want, I mean I did pretty well in that section and i know a lot about th-the topic and I can even show you real examples instead of just the ones from the textbooks a-and I-"
"That would be amazing, Neville." You nicely cut him off as we was on his fast ramble.
"G-great! Uhm well l-let's meet later today. B-by the black lake?" He smiled
"Can't wait!" You chirped at him. You wish you could say more but students started pouring into the class as the lesson was getting ready to start. You didn't mind really, in just a few hours it would be just you and him.
A.n: This is just part 1 right now but if you're reading this, I'm letting you know right now things will get F R E A K Y next chapter sooooo feel free to request more PG things. Please let me know if you liked it!
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