Hell yes
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I don’t know why the fandom calls Sakura useless!
She’s actually really important even if she is a simp.
She’s really smart and can stratigize, when the chunin exam came she was able to see through the illusions and took care of the boys when they were knocked out not able to do anything! And she protected them with all she had. Along with that she has to put up with bullshit from everyone that she met saying she was weak, and the boys always fighting. She has the patience of a Queen and deserves to be treated as such!
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Who gave you the right to make Tanjiro and Nezuko so fucking hot?!?!?!?!?
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hair swap designs, plus one dumb muzan interaction
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I love this
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More Kny Animals.
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Oml how right this is is crazy
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i have so many thoughts. 
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Can I have that dad but as a mom version?
i gotta write a trope break where the dad’s favorite daughter gets a bf and instead of being suspicious the dad is like ‘YES. FINALLY. I HAVE A SON TO GO FISHING WITH’ ‘dad i go fishing with you every week’ ‘i know and i’ll always enjoy fishing with you more but I WANNA MAKE HIM FEEL WELCOME. COME ON SON LET US FISH’ 
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awwwwwww right back at you!
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Who else loves nezuko with everything they have?
Cause I do!
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Ya know
I have to agree
2020 is almost over and all I gotta say is what the fuck was that
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Anyone else just jam out to a song no matter what?
Mine is ‘bubblegum bitch’ from Maria and the dimonds
Rebloge what yours is
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That’s why it’s the best show ever
Friendly reminder that Glitch Techs has a crack episode
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this is an experiment:
trying to prove something to my friends
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2 yes I’m basic
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It would have to be 19 for me .
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I have a Snot-lout(idk if that’s how you spell it but whatever) xReader request were you see the more noble side of him when the reader gets hurt. Idk just an idea you can basically just do whatever you want with it, merge it with another request or something if it’s to vague. Oh and you totally don’t have to write it if you don’t want to.
Ok, ok, I can work with this, it will be difficult since I’ve never seen Snotlout in that way, but I’ll try!
First request!
This will mostly be both flashbacks of the first movie and most of movie 2 where it is Drago’s attack. I hope you will like it it took days for me to make.
This is your dragon: (not mine)
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She is called a Moon Fury and is the sister to Toothless,like this (Y/N) is sister to Hiccup.Her name is Lumina cause I am not wrighting (Y/D/N) a bajillion times
I was listening to this as I was writing this so you might want to listen as you read:
-Readers POV-
‘Ok. This is officially the craziest and best day of my life! I’m meeting my mother, there is a King of all dragons called a Bewilder Beast.’ “/N)? You good?” My older twin brother Hiccup asked wavering a hand in front of my face. “I’m fine, just takeing it all in.” I said trying to stay calm and not geek out at the same time. “It’s just all so amazing! I-I mean our mom is alive! A-And there’s a whole other world we haven’t even gotten to!” I said with a huge smile as I gestured to the whole place of ice, plants, and water that had more dragons than I could have ever imagined. Well all that I could see out of my non damaged eye.
-flashback, third person POV-
I was flying on Lumina, my dragon who is a Moon Fury, as she shot at the Red Death, Hiccup was close by and also shooting on his dragon which was a Night Fury.
As we shot at the Red Death she then started to go down. But even on the ground she still fought against us. Eventually we beat her but Hiccup and I were knocked off of our dragons and knocked out.
-time skip-
I woke up and sat up feeling something on my left eye. It was a bandage, I then saw something that was teal, gold, and white. “Lumina? What are you doing in my house?! You’ll get killed!” I shouted scared for my dragon friend. Lumina then came right at me and licked my face.
Lumina got of me and as I got up, I then took off the bandage that covered my left eye.
I couldn’t see out of it, and I also bumped into a few things but I quickly got the hang of it when I got outside. I then heard a: “Hey everybody! (Y/N)’s awake!!” Everyone in the village then came up to me, as Hiccup and Dad then hugged the life out of me. I then looked down and saw that Hiccup lost a leg. “Oh Thor! Hiccup are you ok?!” Hiccup then looked at me like I was crazy. “(Y/N) you lost sight in your left eye, and your asking if I’m ok?” “Your my twin, of course I am.”
-end of flashback-
“I’m glad you both like it here, now come it’s feeding time.” Mom said making me leave the memory. She then lead us outside where the ocean was. We flew our dragons as they ate
-long af time skip-
We were in front of the bewilder beast as it then shot ice at us before I got hit I heard a. “NO!” From Snotlout.
-third person POV-
The ice was set in as Astrid and Snotlout were both crying. “T-they can’t be gone. R-Right?” Snotlout asked.
They then heard a crack, everyone looked at the ice and saw that it then broke. They could then see that (Y/N) and Hiccup were both ok and that Toothless and Lumina were both glowing a light blue and shooting at the Bewilder beast.
“You see Drago, this is the true power of a dragon and their rider! Not by force, but by trust and love! Something that you will never understand!” (Y/N) said to Drago who was hitting the large dragon that then cast him into the sea.
The two humans and dragons walked back where everyone else was was and Gothe came up to Hiccup and put the chiefs symbol on his forehead. Everyone cheered as Astrid then came up to Hiccup to hug him, but Hiccup instead kissed her and that made (Y/N) and everyone else cheer louder. Gobber did to but he also covered a young boy’s eye’s.
When everyone was working on fixing the village (Y/N) was out in the forest, where she met her best friend: Lumina.
“Kind of crazy it’s only been 5 years huh?” She heard a voice say. (Y/N) looked behind her and saw it was Snotlout and said “Yeah, 5 years later of fighting, people betraying us, making enemies our friends, and finding new species of dragons. It feels like only yesterday I was scared of dragons and heights.” (Y/N) said.
“Hey, umm, do you... like someone?” Snotlout asked. “Yeah... but I’m sure that he likes who my brother is with.” (Y/N) said looking at the sky. “R-Really? Who is it?” Snotlout asked. “You” (Y/N) said still looking at the sky. She then felt someone grab her hand and then lips on hers. When they came off she was blushing a ton.
“So are we a thing now orrr?” Snotlout asked nervously.
“Duh.” (Y/N) said.
The two were then going back to the village to tell everyone about what just happened.
Astrid, Roughnut, and Heathers reaction were a mix of ‘Our ship has sailed!’ And ‘oh you poor girl.’
Toughnut’s reaction was ‘nice catch!’
Fishlegs reaction was the same as the girls.
Hiccup’s was him chaseing Snotlout for three hours straight and then Toothless chaseing Hookfang, for some reason.
(Y/N) had to stop it before Hiccup killed him.
But all in all it was a good thing
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I’m glad I’m not the only one who has this problem
It makes me fell a bit better
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You are a great friend
please friendzone me. I want to be your friend so badly
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So someone made fun of me for watching Ninjago, and I’m in 8th grade.
I love the show and the diverse characters
So if someone is making fun of you for what you watch then go tell them to stick it
It’s your choice nobody else’s
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