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I don’t bring much of my tattoo stuff into this blog, but I’ve been slammed with some flash sheet homework lately, theme of my choice. My boss has no idea what any of these are.
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As a kid/adult
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My boy before he was accepted for who he is~
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Beach gem #2, the lady in purple!
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Who's your favorite Steven Universe character tho?
Hnnnnggggg this is such a hard question to answer?? I’m going to bypass all of the gems because How Dare You Expect Me To Choose and say Greg. Yes, Greg. I think he’s such an interesting character in general. Also he hardcore reminds me of my dad from the 80s, who was also a long-haired, guitar-strumming rockstar hopeful!
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From start to finish! Read-along below the cut:
Step 1: A Really Messy Sketch because who knows what you’re doing? Not you, that’s for sure! You’re just trying to figure out shapes and lines and flow and all of that good stuff.
Step 2: Refine up that blob that you call a sketch. Make it look vaguely like the end product.
Step 3: Line art time. This step will make you huddle into a pile of self-loathing as you whimper and try not to let the tears spill over. In actuality this step is very exciting, though tedious, because you get to see the shell of your art in actualization.
Step 4: Flats! Do these colors go well together in little circles? Good! How about on the actual picture? See what looks best where. Not great with colors? These are lifelines.
Step 5: Flats shading/cell shading. Get those shadows in, pretend you know how light works, all of that good stuff.
Step 6: Painting shadows and creating highlights. Kyle’s Watercolor 2 brush is my eternal painting wife, and she can be yours too!
Step 7: Add in extra little details you may have overlooked or blatantly put off. Highlights, odd shadows, agonizing details...you know, that kind of stuff.
Step 8: Change the lineart colors if you’re into that kind of thing. I’m a big believer in keeping a black outline around the entire character, and keeping the lines inside colored according to the art.
Step 9: Adjust your contrasts/values/etc until you’re happy, and congratulations! You’re finished! Time to do the other 9-or-so and cry yourself to sleep!
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The first of the Beach Gems (soon-to-be) Series!
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A few process lines as a sneak peak of the beach gems!
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And FINALLY, the OCs are complete. Say hello to my idiots.
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What's up with that scientist in his underwear
I’m so delighted to get this ask! I feel like the soccer mom waiting for someone to ask about my kid’s latest achievement in GATE so I can gush uncontrollably.
Raymond was a character I’d rp’d for awhile when I was...14? I used him in this Very Cliche’d post-apoc-with-magic thing a bunch of people in forums I used to go to Too Much started up. He was a renown scholar and scientist in his youth, and was always a little odd, but became more recluse and obsessive as he got older and the state of the world changed. Despite his manics, he’s a certified genius. I had to dredge up old posts about this guy. Here are some choice quotes.
For Raymond Cross was no ordinary man. He was a thinker, a philosopher, a doctor—a scientist, an alchemist. He was a medic, a hero, an idol, a master and—ooh, gelatin!
He closed his eyes and played eenie meanie miney moe on the ceiling until he opened his eyes, looked down, and put on the first pair of pants he found. He buttoned them up before realizing that he’d been far more comfortable without them on, and then proceeded to promptly remove them and strip down once again to his boxers, throwing the discarded trousers back on the floor in a heap.
There was one small blank space on the wall, filled with a little circle meant to hold an alchemy symbol within it. Rei took a pen and ink from his desk and dipped them, then filled in the center of the circle with two dots and a spread-c. A happy face!
14-year-old me was very proud of him. Back then I pictured him as this strapping bishie boy with long black hair that rocked the messy chic I Woke Up Like This beachy hair commercial look. Now that I’m older I realize that in actuality someone with his personality/habits would actually look really sleep-deprived and disgruntled. I even found an old drawing that makes me cringe!
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Digs a hole in the ground and buries myself in it.
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And FINALLY, the OCs are complete. Say hello to my idiots.
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I’m drawing OCs and I’m Pretty Excited
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Do you ever just wanna?
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My ideal relationship tbh
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OC Art Meme!!!
Send a number and I’ll draw my OC:
In what they normally wear
In what I’m currently wearing
In a school uniform
In swimwear
In underwear
With no clothes on
In winter clothes
In fancy clothes
Making 3 different expressions
Standing on their hands
With their favorite animal
Hanging out with a friend
Sitting on the couch
Doing something they don’t normally do
Playing a sport
Beaten up
As a kid/adult
Wearing a funny hat
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OC Art Meme!!!
Send a number and I’ll draw my OC:
In what they normally wear
In what I’m currently wearing
In a school uniform
In swimwear
In underwear
With no clothes on
In winter clothes
In fancy clothes
Making 3 different expressions
Standing on their hands
With their favorite animal
Hanging out with a friend
Sitting on the couch
Doing something they don’t normally do
Playing a sport
Beaten up
As a kid/adult
Wearing a funny hat
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