I just wanted to share something really important with you guys....
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I am completely and utterly in shock I want to cry. I never thought I would have people read my writings and enjoy them and much as you guys claim you do...I just had the idea one day of "The Real Thing" one day and just said "fuck it" and wrote it myself... that fic started everything for me and it's actually so crazy how it's the catalyst for my whole blog. I love y'all so much and I've been working of a project IRL...
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So...I printed out some of the NICEST, KINDEST, ENCOURAGING messages I've received/saw and I'm planning to make a diary of these kind words.
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The messages include everyone...from people off anon to the people on anon. To the people who have dmed me directly. To the people to express themselves in the tags when they reblog my work. To the people who have been with me since the beginning and those who just found me yesterday. I love each and every one of y'all.
This book will be a constant WIP and I will keep adding to it as time goes on and whenever it's filled up, I will post an update. Thank you all again for giving me the courage to write and thank you for expressing your kind words back to me
Know that your words effect me in the most positive way and I'm honestly sososo happy🥺
I love you and thank you😭💕
To the few people off anon I have messaged me seen in the first picture above ↑(bc it's kinda blurry)...
@gracie-the-bored thank you for always talking to me and sending me nice messages and checking in on me. You've been here since the beginning and I love you💕💕
@savnofilter your tags crack me uppp thank you for making me laugh and being so upbeat I love you😘💕
@sinful-b1tch I know I told you the other day but thank you for being the first person to draw something for one of my fics it's so beautiful and I treasure the time you put in for it💕🥺
@attack-on-multifandom for dedicating one of her works me but like I loved it so much and the fact you did that made me just...*heart clench*😭 I love you thank you
@cosplayergirl2 for messaging me directly and giving me the kindest message I could ever hope to receive thank you, you gave me a lot of encouragement to keep writing💌
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Your work is so good but most of the story’s I read so far the endings are so ANGSTY and SAD and UGH MA HEART 🥺💘😭💖
Ahh tysm! 💖💗💓💓💓And really??😳😳 bwhaha I feel like most of my stories are only fluffy because I hate angst the only really angsty ending is “fall on deaf ears” because I’m so so so busy I don’t have time for a part two at the moment :(( but I really appreciate the feedback and the compliment lovely!!💖💖💗💗💕💓💓💓
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Please write another part of a fall on deaf ears? I loved it and would love to see Katsuki's reaction to seeing S/O once again :,D
I’m working on it, it’s just taking awhile because I’m really busy at the moment but don’t worry it should be out soon :)💗💗💖💖
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I love your writing skfkedkf Can I please request a cute and fluffy Levi X Reader in an AU where Levi does open up the tea shop he's always wanted and Reader is a returning customer that comes every single day for his tea? Tysm you're amazing ❤
Omg this is so cute I’m working on part two of fall on deaf ears but when I’m done I most certainly can!💖 also tysm for saying you like my writing ahh💗💗💖
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Hey, I'm not really a fan of Boku no Hero Academia but I just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed "Fall on Deaf Ears"! Even as someone who isn't really in the fandom it caught my attention and I couldn't stop reading. Keep up the good work!
Omg that’s got to be one of the biggest compliments I’ve ever gotten thank you very much I was feeling kinda down but this ask really made my day thank you 💗💗💗:)
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Hey I just found your blog via “fall on deaf ears”! I love it so much! Keep up the good work!!💕💕
Ahhh oh my god thank you so much lovely that means a lot and I will!💖💗
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Fall of deaf ears reminds me of A Silent Voice and that makes it 100x better than it originally was (cause that’s somehow possible)
Yes fall on deaf ears was 100% based on a silent voice I love that movie so much even it made me cry a lot ahaha and aww thank you so much!💖💗
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Could you pretty please write a « a fall on deaf ears» part two? I really like your writing!
Hehe of course I can! I was secretly going to do it anyway because I can’t handle angst bwhaha and thank you so much for saying you like my writing it really means a lot!!💗💗💖💖
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Fall on Deaf Ears
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Deaf!Reader
Warnings: cursing, bullying, angst, mentions of suicide
Summary: Katsuki Bakugou always wanted to be strong so to cover any weakness he’d bully other people such as Izuku, but what happens when a new girl who just happens to not be able to hear shows up?
A/N: Not too long I watched the movie A Silent Voice (which I really recommend if you haven’t seen it) and it really made me want to to write a similar situation with Katsuki and Reader so here it is! Also the ending is kinda angsty and ends with a cliffhanger so if you want a part two lemme know and I’ll begin to write it immediately!💖💗 Also feel free to tell me if I got anything wrong about being deaf because I really don’t want to offend anyone!💗
Prideful. Overconfident. Self-absorbed.
Those are three words that you could use to describe five year old Katsuki Bakugou.
He currently was showing off his newly gained quirk to his three followers friends, plus a shy Izuku who stood in the back gazing in awe, all the while bragging at how great it was and how no one in the kindergarten could even dream of surpassing him and his quirk.
The teacher came out indicating for the students to come inside, for class was now starting and it was this specific class that would change young Katsuki Bakugou’s life forever.
“Okay kids, before we start I would like to introduce a new student here; her name is (Y/L) (Y/N) and she just transferred here from a different kindergarten.”
You didn’t do anything but stand there with a kind smile and a nervous look in your eyes indicating your uncomfortableness at being a new kid in a different school. However, Katsuki would soon find out it was not as simple and you being new that caused your anxiety to be so extreme.
“Not only is (Y/N) here new but she is also deaf, can anyone tell me what that means?”
One of Bakugou’s so called ‘friends’ raised his hand confidently.
“Yes, Tsubasa?”
“It means she’s dumb because she can’t hear.”
The whole class laughed, save sweet Izuku of course, but Bakugou only scoffed and examined the new girl closely.
She didn’t seemed bothered by the class laughing, in fact, she began to laugh her self, the sound coming out a bit strangled and weird since she could not hear her own voice.
The whole class went silent until everyone began laughing again, the kind smile never leaving the girl’s face because of her ignorance to the reasoning of the rude laughter.
“That’s enough class and no Tsubasa that is not what being deaf means, please save your ignorance for outside of class,” the teacher scolded the winged boy who simply scoffed and began to complain to Katsuki about how the teacher just had no sense of humor.
“To be deaf means to have lost the ability to hear; sometimes it’s mild and you can still hear things with the help of a hearing aid, and sometimes it’s more severe resulting in the complete loss of audible noise,” the teacher explained.
“(Y/N) has unfortunately the more severe case where she can not hear a single thing so please do your best with her and don’t use the fact that she can not hear as an excuse to exclude and bully her.”
The young girl finally took a seat as the class officially began. She of course didn’t notice all the whispering around her as everyone began to talk about their new deaf student.
In all honestly, Bakugou could care less about you and whether you had a disability or not, all he cared about was being the best and nothing was going to stop him from achieving his dreams.
Although Bakugou didn’t care about you, that didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to go out of his way to personally bully you just like he did with poor Deku.
Speaking of Midoriya, he soon became you’re only friend, spending time with you and even go as far as to learn sign language so he could communicate better with you.
You simply adored Izuku and his sweetness and always encouraged him that he would get his quirk sooner or later.
That simply was not the case for you.
Not only could you not hear, but you also were quirkless.
What an unlucky life you had.
You didn’t let that stop you from being optimistic and gracious that you at least had good parents, food, and a roof over your head. You were the epitome of kindness that made up for everything else that went wrong in your life.
You distinctly remember the first day you first met Bakugou Katsuki.
You were playing on the jungle gym with Izuku, you pretending to be a princess in need of saving and him being your knight in shining armor.
You giggled, the strange sound not bothering Izuku in the slightest, he actually loved hearing you laugh because he thought you more than anyone deserved to be happy after all you had been through.
He quickly signed a ‘I am here to save you!’ As he finally reached the top of the jungle gym where you pretended you were being kidnapped.
‘My savior!’ You signed back as you both laughed and had a good time.
“Well look what we have here, a quirkless loser and a deaf quirkless loser, what a pair,” Katsuki joked as his group laughed behind him.
“Leave us alone Kacchan we haven’t done anything!” Izuku yelled feeling more defensive then usual because now you were being targeted and not just him.
A look of confusion formed on your features as you saw the distress on Izuku’s face and the smug look on Katsuki’s face.
You tapped your green haired friend on the shoulder and mouthed, ‘what’s going on?’
He sighed and shook his head as he grabbed your tiny hand and lead you off the play structure and away from the group of bullies.
“Hey where do you think you losers are going?!” Katsuki yelled as explosions began popping in his hands.
He grabbed the back of Izuku’s shirt and threw him to the ground, keeping his grip on Izuku as he began to use his explosions on him.
You watched on in horror as your friend was being attacked, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks from the pain and helpless he felt.
“Leave him alone!” You yelled the words sounding distorted as they left your mouth.
“Oh I almost forgot about deaf girl over here,” Katsuki said as he let go forcefully of Deku and began to focus his attacks on you.
“Why don’t you do us all a favor and never talk again, your voice is so annoying and no one can understand you!”
He finished his hurtful words by pushing you into the ground, his gang behind him cheering him on.
You stared at the ground for a second before you look up to Katsuki with a kind smile effectively making the young blonde’s eyes widen.
You intertwined your hands and made a forward motion with them, confusing Bakugou.
“What the crap is that suppose to mean?”
“I-It means she wants to be your friend,” Izuku muttered, his voice strained from the attack.
“Hah! As if I’d ever let such a helpless person be my friend! You’re useless not only can’t you hear but you don’t even have a quirk you’re just a waste of space and don’t you forget that!”
He pushed you one last time and left with his other two friends leaving you alone with Izuku.
He turned to you with guilty green eyes and immediately apologized for not being able to protect you.
You didn’t blame him at all neither did you blame Katsuki because you knew it was because of his own problems that he bullied you and you made it your personal goal to be friend him and help him with his issues.
6 years later
With each passing year you tried becoming friends with Katsuki only to fail and be bullied.
He usually only verbally hurt you calling you useless and making fun of your lack of hearing, however sometimes he would take to physically hurting you either by pushing you or using his explosions.
He just couldn’t stand the kind smile on your face afterwards and the open gesture of friendship you would always extend to him.
Katsuki Bakugou couldn’t stand you and hated having to even go to the same school as you.
It was the first day of middle school and you did your usual walk with Izuku, six years never changing your friendship except that it was now even stronger then it was before.
You signed and joked as you made your way into the new middle school building.
As soon as you entered, a loud explosion went off in both yours and Izuku’s face, sending you both to the floor.
Loud laughter followed soon after that you could only tell by the way Bakugou’s eyes closed and his mouth widened.
“Wow it’s too fucking easy to send you guys flying now a days, are you both getting weaker or am I just getting stronger?” Bakugou boasted with a prideful smirk, causing Izuku to sigh and offer you a hand up.
‘Are you okay?’ He signed and you offered him a soft smile as you signed back, ‘I’m okay Izuchan thanks for asking.’
The green haired boy smiled back at you.
You offered Bakugou a small wave as you and Izuku began to walk away.
Bold of you both to assume he was going to let that happen.
For some reason when he saw you give Deku that soft smile and watched you both communicate in way that he couldn’t understand, it made his stomach churn and his heart feel weird.
He had never experienced this before and he didn’t like it which only made him angrier.
“Hey come back here you fucking weaklings!” Bakugou yelled while his ‘friends’ tried to tell him it wasn’t worth it.
It was fucking worth it if Katsuki Bakugou said it was worth it.
You and Izuku turned around only for you to be knocked down again, this time only you and surprisingly not Deku.
“Aren’t you gonna fucking say something or make that damn shitty offer to be friends, huh?!”
After all these years you had gotten pretty decent at reading Bakugou’s lips even through all the yelling.
It also gave you the excuse to look at Bakugou’s lips.
You understood every word he said which made your eyes widen in surprise.
Did he want you to ask him to be your friend?
Thinking that’s what he meant, you signed the gesture for friendship with a sweet smile on your face.
Immediately after he set explosions off on you causing parts of your shirt to be burnt and making you look like a mess.
Bakugou stood there and laughed his ass off as he walked away from the sad scene.
His heart now felt full and empty and the same time, a feeling he definitely decided to ignore.
4 years later
Middle school was coming to an end and it was almost time for high school to start.
‘So Izuchan, have you applied for U.A. yet?’ You signed excitedly for you hoped your best friend would get into the school he dreamed of going to for a while now.
‘Not yet but I’m definitely going to soon,’ He signed back as you both entered the classroom.
“Well, well, well if it isn’t the most useless dorks in class,” a familiar brash voice spoke, not that you could tell how low and loud it was, but you did have a feeling that how it would sound if you could hear it.
“Kacchan could you please leave us alone for just one day,” Izuku muttered under his breath.
“Huh?! Wanna say that a bit louder shitty Deku?!”
You placed a gentle hand on Izuku’s shoulder and shook you’re head as if to tell him, ‘it’s not worth it.’
The freckled boy nodded and smiled at you as you grabbed his hand and began to lead him forward.
As soon as you tried to move, Bakugou stuck his leg out and you ended up tripping over it causing the class to erupt in laughter.
For some reason you weren’t feeling too kind in that moment and abruptly stood up and pushed Bakugou back.
Oh how stupid that decision was.
Explosions began to pop out of his hands in anger as he got ready to give you the worst burns of your life, but his plans soon came to a stop as the teacher walked in and made everyone go to their seats.
Bakugou glared at you as you sat down and mouthed, ‘after class I’m going to fucking burn you so bad you’ll think before even touching me next time.’
You felt no fear at his words only sadness.
You truly wanted to be friends with Katsuki, maybe even more, you didn’t want to make him angry or upset.
Class was long that day, the only disturbance really being when Izuku stated he wanted to go to U.A. and Bakugou made fun of him, but that was just the calm before the storm.
After class, Izuku said he had to go to the restroom before you guys left together so you agreed to wait for him out in the hallway.
You looked to your right to see Bakugou and his gang laughing while a girl leaned on him and seemed to laugh at everything he said.
Who was that girl, was it Katsuki’s girlfriend?
You wouldn’t be surprised if he had one after all he was very attractive and had a great quirk, but it still hurt to even think of that possibility.
Soon Bakugou realized you were looking at him and oh dear we’re you in for it now; he hadn’t at all forgotten that morning’s exchange.
“YOU!” He yelled loudly as he began to make his way towards you.
He was too far away for you to read his lips as you began to back away from his threatening form.
He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you against the wall forcing a strangled scream from your throat.
Silence followed after that as you just looked down at the ground.
Katsuki Bakugou had just told you to commit suicide.
All the other insults you could take even if they did slowly eat away at your mental health, but this, this really did hurt.
Tears began to spill down your cheeks as you dropped to the floor.
Poor Izuku who was clueless walking to the scene immediately ran to your side and kneeled down next you.
“Kacchan what did you do!” He yelled out as he brought you close to him.
Bakugou remained silent as he watched you weep violently on the floor.
After all those years of insults and pushing you around, you had never once cried.
You would always smile that dumb smile that he liked hated, and then you would just go about your way.
His heart pulsed painfully in his chest as he continued to watch you cry.
His hands wanted to move to move to wipe away your incoming tears but he did no such thing.
He wanted to take back what he said knowing he went way too far but he did no such thing.
He turned around hearing Deku yelling but that wasn’t was caused him to turn around, no, what did was the sound of your voice.
“All I wanted was to be your friend.”
And that would be that last time Katsuki saw you.
It would be another six years before he laid his crimson eyes on you again.
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OMG THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 200 FOLLOWERS! I’m not posting at the moment because I’m working on a bakugou x reader that’s pretty long but expect it soon and thank you again!💗💗💗
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By Chance Part 2?? LOVE YOUR WRITING ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ahhh tysm! And sure I wouldn’t mind writing a part 2 ;)💕💞
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: injury, cursing
Summary: You spar with your boyfriend Katsuki an unsurprisingly he goes a bit overboard
A/N: just some cute fluff :)
You dropped your bag off to the side and began to stretch a little bit, your boyfriend Katsuki copying your actions as you both prepared for the sparing practice you were about to do.
“Listen, just because you’re my girlfriend doesn’t mean I’m going to easy on you and shit; got that?”
You giggled and rolled your eyes as you got into fighting position.
“Yeah yeah Katsu I hear you, same goes for you.”
He nodded and you both began your match.
Your quirk was way weaker then Katsuki’s so you had to work even harder when faced against him because he was way stronger than you.
You dodged one of his explosions and continued as he sent a bunch of them your way.
The match lasted for a while both of you getting in some good hits when all of a sudden, Katsuki got way into the fight and accidentally launched a huge explosion your way which you couldn’t dodge, sending you flying to the back wall.
You could feel the burns on your skin from the explosion and the blood on the back of your head from the hard impact your skull made with the wall.
The last thing you remembered was darkness edging your vision and your very concerned boyfriend at your side shouting your name.
Light shined in from a window and you could feel yourself on a bed.
You groaned as you fluttered your eyes open and took in your surroundings.
You were in Recovery Girl’s office and there was a chair next you where your boyfriend was sat; his eyes closed as he held your hand and rested his head on your bed.
You smiled at how peaceful he looked, lifting the hand that wasn’t burned and beginning to caress his spiky blonde locks.
The movement caused Bakugou to stir and as soon as he opened his crimson red spheres, he immediately sat up, his previous peaceful expression morphing into one of regret and sadness.
“Shit (Y/N) I’m so fucking sorry I really didn’t mean to-”
you cut Katsuki off by shushing him and he immediately went quiet.
“Don’t apologize Katsu I’m not upset at you at all remember we both agreed not to hold back and that’s exactly what you did so if it’s anyone’s fault it’s mine for not evading your attack.”
Your words didn’t seem to comfort him as he was trying his best to blink back tears which surprised you.
“I don’t fucking care about what I said I still should have held back a little because you’re my girlfriend and I never want to hurt you and that’s exactly what I did,” Bakugou yelled out making your eyes widen.
“Only a villain would cause that much damage to someone they-”
you put your hand over Katsuki’s mouth to prevent him from finishing his sentence.
You sent him a very stern look that made even Katsuki a bit scared.
“Now you listen here Katsuki Bakugou because you are not and never will be a villain. What you did was an accident and held no real malice which I understand completely so don’t you dare compare an accident like this to an act of intended villainy.”
Bakugou’s eyes softened and you could feel a tiny smile form behind the hand that was still covering his mouth.
You slowly began to pull your hand away and he immediately let out a chuckle.
“Yeah you’re right I was just really upset about what happened, so you forgive me?”
You smiled and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
“There’s nothing to forgive.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes and told you to move over as he lied next to you in the bed.
As your boyfriend held you close to him you knew there was no way in hell this boy could ever be a villain; he was just way to kind.
You smiled and snuggled closer to him as sleep soon overtook the both of you.
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By Chance (Band!AU)
Pairing: Singer!Levi x Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: By Chance you got a ticket to see Levi’s band The Scouts, what will happen when he takes notice of you?
A/N: I thought this would be a really good AU idea to do with Levi so here it is!💖💕
It was early in the evening on a Friday night as you lied on your couch scrolling through the social media on your phone.
You sighed upon seeing the reminder that one of your favorite bands, The Scouts, was playing tonight near you.
However, you were a very poor college student and couldn’t even dream of being able to afford a ticket to their show.
You loved everyone in the band equally, Hange, Mike, and Erwin, but the band’s lead singer, Levi Ackerman, you just happened to love the most.
You may or may not have had a gigantic crush on the raven haired singer, but it was not like anything would ever happen because he’s in a famous band and probably has way prettier girls dying to be with him anyway.
Groaning, you buried your head in your pillow and silently cursed student loans when your phone began to ring and you saw it was one of your best friends.
“Hey, what do you want now?” You asked, your tone one of annoyance since your friend could actually afford a ticket to the show tonight.
“Oh my god I have amazing news, I won an extra free ticket to the show tonight and you, (Y/N), are the person I want to have it!”
Shock and happiness over flowed your body.
You were actually going to see Levi sing in person.
“Seriously?! Oh my god you are the best I’ll see you later tonight!”
After saying bye to your friend, you quickly ran to your closet and put on the best outfit you could find.
After spending an hour getting ready, it was time to leave for the show.
Upon arriving, you found your best friend and made your way to your seats which surprisingly happened to be in the front row.
“You got us front row tickets?!” You exclaimed and your friend excitedly nodded as you both talked and waited for the show to begin.
You soon heard loud screams and turned your head to the stage to see The Scouts taking their places, Mike on drums, Hange on lead guitar, Erwin on base, and of course Levi as the lead singer.
He looked gorgeous tonight his raven hair perfectly framing his pale face, blue-grey eyes gleaming filled with passion, and he wore a black shirt and jeans as well as a leather jacket.
You felt your face instantly heat up when he made eye contact with you, holding your gaze until you looked away in embarrassment.
“Thanks for coming out tonight brats, this first song is the first one on our new album so hope you enjoy.”
You heard the crowd erupt into cheers as well ‘we love you Levi’s!’ being yelled by the fan girls in the audience.
The Scouts played through most of their set list as you and your best friend had a great time dancing to each song while you occasionally glanced at Levi for a bit too long which always resulted in him returning your gaze.
It was the last song of the night and it was actually a slow song about love. Levi’s voice was smooth and sounded so good live, even better then his recorded songs.
Levi looked at you during parts of the song that talked about falling in love and if you didn’t have a crush on him before, then you certainly did now.
He was just so stunning and you didn’t even register the song was over until Levi thanked everyone for coming out tonight to see the show; introducing everyone in the band and their instruments.
Your friend was squealing besides you about how great they were and hot Levi was but you weren’t listening; all your thoughts were towards the way Levi kept looking at you tonight, what could it mean?
You were taken out of your thoughts when an important looking man with a badge around his neck came up to you.
“Excuse me Miss but the singer of the band is requesting you meet him backstage.”
Levi, the Levi Ackerman wanted to meet you..?
“Of course she’ll go!” Your best friend spoke for you as who you assumed to be part of security led you through the crowd and backstage.
He left you alone once you were there and you noticed Levi sitting on a chair and scrolling through his phone, looking just as handsome now then he did on stage.
“Um you wanted to see me...?” You spoke up awkwardly.
Levi looked up from his phone and clicked his tongue, putting it in his back pocket and beginning to walk over to you.
“What’s your name, brat?”
Your eyes widened in shock as you immediately told him your name.
“M-My name is (Y/N)!”
“What do you think of my music?”
Although you were confused you still told him what you thought.
“I really enjoy listening to your music; I love the meaning your lyrics hold and I think you have an amazing voice,” you explained, your voice softening as you looked to the ground.
Levi got closer to you and you could feel your cheeks begin to burn.
“Is that so? Well would you like to go out to dinner with me, then?”
You quickly looked up from the floor into his grayish blue eyes immediately feeling yourself drown in them.
They held a genuineness you didn’t think you would ever see him have towards you.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why me...?”
He chuckled and raised a hand to move a stat strand of hair away from your face.
“Because I was watching you while I was performing and you just seemed different like you were someone I needed to know unlike the rest of those annoying ass fans, so what do you say, dinner?”
You giggled; you knew Levi respected his fans for getting him where he was even if he acted like they were a nuisance.
“I mean I’d love to but are you sure?”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t mean it.”
You giggled and agreed as you swapped phone numbers.
You didn’t know how you got so lucky but you weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth as you looked forward to your dinner with the one and only, Levi Ackerman.
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Pick a Fucking Book (Library!AU) (Final)
Pairings: Librarian!Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: swearing
Summary: After months of not showing your face you finally return to the library, what will Bakugou’s reaction be?
A/N: Many asked and you shall recieve so here’s the second and final part to ‘pick a fucking book’ so hope you guys like it and this is specially dedicated to @fantasydaydreamers because she is so sweet and was the first person to give me feedback and say that she wanted a part two so thank you so much and ily and your writing💕💖💕
Months had passed since Bakugou had last seen your face in the library and it was starting to take a toll on him.
In that period of time, he found out his girlfriend, Uraraka, was cheating on him with some shitty guy named Midoriya, or whatever the hell his dumb name was.
Apparently, Katsuki was too harsh for her and she needed someone who could be nicer which hurt him deeply.
Just because he was a bit brash, didn’t mean he was a bad person; Bakugou really did have a good heart which could be seen by the way he took library books to children hospitals or helped mentally challenged kids learn how to read.
Did he lose his patience a lot of the times with those kids, yes, but they thought he was funny and would always laugh about it in the end.
The more time Katsuki was without your kind and soft presence, the bigger the whole in his heart felt.
In fact, he was way more torn about the fact you were gone then about Uraraka.
Probably because he knew that you liked everything about him and didn’t just pick and choose parts of his personality; you were...genuine.
Bakugou sighed as he typed away at the computer at his desk, stopping when he heard someone come through the door.
He was always curious about the type of people that came in so he looked to see who the person was that entered and couldn’t be more shocked to see that it was you who had entered through the doorway.
You hadn’t changed in the slightest besides your (H/C) that had grown a bit in the last couple months, but beside that, you still had the same soft smile, and bright (E/C) eyes that seem to hold a bit of anxiety and regret about coming back.
Katsuki couldn’t really blame you after your last encounter so he decided to give you some space for now and then try talking to you later.
Ignoring the swelling of his heart, he began typing on his computer again and you made your way to the table you use to always sit at, text books in hand.
You sat the text books softly on the table and quickly sat down so Bakugou couldn’t see you because as soon as you made contact with those crimson eyes, you immediately felt the love and pain come back all at once and it was so powerful, you almost left right there.
The only reason you came in the first place because you were a college student and there was only so much money you could spend at Barnes and Noble before you ran out and we’re forced to use the only library in town, the library he worked at.
Sighing you went to get a book from the shelf behind you and almost screamed when you saw Bakugou already there holding out a book for you, but not any book, the romance novel you were reading that day.
“Thought you might wanna finish it,” he stated quietly, looking to the ground in fear of making eye contact with you.
You felt the tears begin to well up and soon they dripped on to the book he was holding.
Bakugou gasped when he saw you were crying and immediately pulled you into a hug which you promptly returned.
“Hey it’s alright quit your crying,” he whispered gently in an attempt to calm you.
“I-I’m sorry I-I just missed you a-and I love you a lot,” you responded hysterically and Katsuki couldn’t help but chuckle.
He rubbed a big hand up and down your back and soon your sobs became sniffles, luckily no one was really around to notice the scene giving you both a bit of privacy.
“I missed you to, (Y/N), a fucking lot, and I’m- um- sorry about last time and just so you know im single again now and I kinda love you too so.”
You couldn’t suppress the giggles at his awkward confession, it was just so Katsuki and you loved it.
“Are you asking me out, Katsuki?” You teased causing him to roll his eyes.
“Are you fucking dumb? Of course I am, idiot,” he grumbled, looking away somewhat shyly.
You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips which Bakugou eagerly returned, the kiss soon turning passionate until you both had to pull apart because of oxygen.
“I really do love you you know, I’m not just saying that.”
You nodded and quickly pecked his lips.
“I know Katsuki, I love you too.”
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OH MY GOD!!! You need to do another part to Pick A Fucking Book!! Obviously only if you want to I just want to put the idea out there!!!
I’m currently working on a second part right now it should be out tonight:)💖💕
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Pick a fucking book (Library!AU)
Pairing: Librarian!Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: cursing, a bit of angst
Summary: You love reading and when you begin to go to a certain library, you also begin to fall for a certain librarian, Katsuki Bakugou.
A/N: got this idea and I had to write it, lemme know if you want a part two! 💕💞
You sat at the round table in the back trying your best to focus on the book in front of you.
It was just so difficult when the librarian, Katsuki Bakugou, was just so attractive with his crimson eyes and spiky blonde hair.
He was currently sat at his desk, head resting on his palm as he unenthusiastically turned the next page of the book he was reading.
He looked up from his book momentarily to catch you staring at him which caused you to immediately look away.
“Is there a reason you’re fucking staring at me, shitty girl?!” He yelled, which made many of the other people in the library turn their heads in shock at the loud librarian.
For a librarian who was suppose to keep things quiet, he sure contradicted that part of the job description.
You shook your head in response and turned your focus back on to the book you needed to read for school.
Bakugou scoffed and continued back to his book as well.
You had met the brash librarian four months ago when you moved to the city you were in for college.
You had always loved reading so accordingly, the first place you decided to check out would be the library.
You hummed gently as you searched through the rows of books, enthralled by the quaint atmosphere the library seemed to give off.
You must have lost track of time because soon enough, it was closing time and you didn’t seem to notice as you continued to look for a book you hadn’t read yet as well as grabbed your interest.
“Hey you, can you hurry up and pick a fucking book; it’s closing time and I have things to do,” you heard a loud voice behind you making you jump as you turned to see a blonde man looking not to particularly pleased.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know the library was closing yet, you must be the librarian; I’m new to this city so sorry for not getting out sooner!” You apologized, nervously rubbing your arm.
“Tch, whatever, just pick a book so I can check it out for you and leave.”
You picked the first book you saw and immediately had him check it out and left with a wave and another apology.
You began to go to that library a lot after that, eventually becoming very close with the grumpy librarian since you saw him practically all the time.
“Back again, huh?” He grunted, snapping you out of your reading trance.
He was putting books on shelves behind you, giving you a good view of his strong back and arm muscles. You had to admit, the man was hot.
“Oh yeah! I really love reading and this seems to be the only library in my area so...” you confessed, silence following suit afterwards.
“Hey is it okay if I knew your name?” You asked timidly.
You talked to the librarian pretty often now and you realized you didn’t even know his name or really anything about him.
“Its Bakugou Katsuki, you?”
“(L/N) (Y/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you Bakugou,” you stated jokingly, holding out a hand for him to shake.
Bakugou still grabbed your hand and shook it anyway.
You got even closer after that. Whenever you were reading at your table, he would come over to you and ask you simple questions like how was school and if you were doing okay.
You would always respond in earnest and ask him questions about himself in return which, surprisingly, he always answered; mostly.
You soon found your self beginning to form a big crush on the handsome librarian and you decided that you would tell him.
After all, he seemed to reciprocate a bit with the way he always talked with you and chased away any guy that made you uncomfortable or was trying to hit on you.
You walked into the library that day with whatever confidence you could muster, trying to hold down your breakfast that was trying to make its way up your throat.
This was it.
You would tell Bakugou how you feel and he would either reciprocate your feelings or reject them.
You were about to approach his desk when you noticed a girl with short brown hair and pink cheeks giggling softly as Bakugou looked away, a red tint on his face.
So he had a girlfriend, huh?
She kissed his cheek and began to exit his desk when she spotted you.
“Oh my god you must be (Y/N)! Bakugou has told me so much about you!” The girl exclaimed walking over to you.
“I’m Ochaco Uraraka, Bakugou’s girlfriend, and I heard you pretty much spend all your time here; it’s a pretty cool library, right?” Ochaco continued to ramble as your mind went blank with sadness, tears edging your vision.
She finally bid you goodbye and you were left alone with sadness and rejection in your heart.
“Sorry about her she tends to get excited- Oi, why are you crying!”
Were you crying?
You lifted a hand to your cheek to feel a tear slowly rolling down.
Bakugou was no idiot. It would be a complete and utter lie if he were to say he didn’t think you were pretty, kind, smart and that he also grew to have feelings for you.
But what was he suppose to do?
He already had a girlfriend and he wasn’t the type of person to leave a significant other for someone else for some simple crush.
His eyes softened a bit as he wiped another tear that left your pretty (E/C) eyes.
“I-I’m going to go read now,” you stated quickly before speed walking to your designated table in the back of the library.
And now we’re back in the present.
Your feelings for Bakugou had only grown in the couple of weeks since that incident.
He was more than the front he put on and it was things liked that which only increased your attraction to the complex blonde.
Every time you saw his girlfriend, a wave of sadness hit you and Bakugou would notice, feeling guilty for whatever reason; soon asking Ochaco to cool it on the PDA.
He noticed you didn’t talk to him as much and tried to keep your distance which saddened and angered him greatly.
He wanted to talk to you and get to know you, not because he liked you or anything, but because you were the only thing that made his job tolerable, with your soft words of encouragement and sweet smile.
Things were also not as good as they seemed with his girlfriend.
She came home at weird times, barely talked to him now a days, and he occasionally saw her with a green haired boy.
Sighing, he shook the unwanted thoughts from his brain and decided to see if he could start a conversation with you.
You smiled softly at the romantic scene currently playing out in your book, trying to mentally replace the characters with you and Bakugou which made you smile more.
“Hey nerd, gotta sec?” Said a brash voice and you looked up to see crimson eyes staring at you with great intensity.
“U-Um okay, what about?”
Bakugou sat in the chair in front of you and took a deep breath.
“Are you ignoring me?”
Your eyes widened at the accusation, feeling bad that it held some truth.
“Perhaps,” you whispered, not meeting him in the eyes.
“Fuckin’ knew it,” Bakugou mumbled looking at the book you were reading.
“Is that a romance novel?”
A pink blush formed on your face as you quickly slammed the book shut.
“M-Maybe, w-why?”
He chucked at your reaction and shook his head.
“Moron, I didn’t mean it like a bad thing, I was just curious, that’s all.”
You simply nodded in response, suddenly feeling awkward.
“So why have you been ignoring me, did I do something shitty I tend to unknowingly do that to people.”
Great, now you had to tell him and how embarrassing would that be.
“No not all, it’s nothing, just forget about it.”
“Well it has to be something (L/N), or else you wouldn’t be ignoring me!” Bakugou exclaimed beginning to feel exasperated.
“Ilikeyou!” You said quickly, burying your red face in your hands.
“Speak clearly nerd, I cant understand you.”
“I like you.”
Bakugou’s eyes widened in shock as he looked at your embarrassed state.
Was it bad that he was slightly happy?
“But I know you have a girlfriend so just forget it, okay?”
And there goes the happiness.
As much as he didn’t want it to be true at the moment, you were right, he did have a girlfriend.
Bakugou nodded slowly and got up from his chair giving you one last glance.
Your cheeks were shining a beautiful pink from your flustered state, your (H/L) (H/C) hair perfectly framed your face highlighting your delicate features; the sun from the window shined in your (E/C) eyes making the color pop out.
You were absolutely stunning.
“You deserve someone special who will treat you like the gorgeous girl you are,” he spoke unconsciously, turning the tips of his ears bright red out of embarrassment.
You smiled sadly as unwanted tears streamed down your face.
“Thank you, Katsuki, that means a lot.”
That was the first and last time he would ever hear you call him by his first name, for after that day, you didn’t come back and he didn’t know if you ever would.
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Happy birthday ka-chan
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