persephunee · 3 years
9 years later and i’m still bitter about how bbc merlin ended 😬
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persephunee · 3 years
one thing i love about how they have written clark and lois on s& l is that he’s always concerned for her safety and would defend her with his own body and yet he treats her like a capable person. he doesn’t lie to her about situations to “protect” her, he doesn’t forbid her to do things or go places because she could get hurt, he doesn’t talk down to her like she’s weak and stupid. he understands that part of her job is taking risks and he backs her up instead of trying to shield her from all harm like an infant. i really hope they never fall into that on this show. so many male superheros are written that way, and it’s really refreshing to see a superhero that treats his partner like an equal adult.
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persephunee · 4 years
Hi everyone!!! I have not used this blog in such a long time but i’m getting a new puppy in 2 days and was wondering if anyone has any cool mythology pet name ideas? Or fantasy pet names? It’s a girl pup.
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persephunee · 4 years
Love that Rick said Bellona had no Greek equivalent as if Enyo doesn’t exist.
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persephunee · 4 years
Oooooooooooo I’ve never heard of enyo but now I definitely want to look this up and read about it!
Love that Rick said Bellona had no Greek equivalent as if Enyo doesn’t exist.
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persephunee · 4 years
Sure, Lee Yeon & Nam Ji-A’s tragic love story is great, but have you met Lee Rang’s abandonment issues?
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persephunee · 4 years
Honestly don’t like that all Lee Yeon can think about is romantic love and not care at all or have any compassion for his brother or family. I’m sure he’ll have reasons that will be revealed later but the fact that he’d abandon his family and let them burn for a girl he loves... to me isn’t romantic.... it’s... lets just say I disgaree with that.
ya’ll… I am weeping over lee rang tonight 😭 it hadn’t computed for me that he was SO young when lee yeon left, I guess I’d assumed he was a young adult like how we saw him in the ep 4 flashback. but no, he was just a kid when the mountain burned, and the next time he saw his big brother it was as an executioner. no wonder he’s so emotionally wounded, and it kind of makes me judge lee yeon for being so dismissive… rang is definitely my favorite character at this point and I hope his past and emotional trauma is addressed properly
and him rescuing the abused puppy omg pls end me
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persephunee · 4 years
I think Chuck was hurt because of Bryce’s betrayal both in getting him kicked out of stanford and taking away the woman he loved. Chuck wouldn’t have been sent the intersect if Bryce wasn’t forced to, but since he was backed into a corner with no other choice he sent it to him. I see it more like fate, that chuck got dragged into spy life, because Bryce had every intention to keep him out of it for the rest of his life IMO. He just never expected he’d be left with no choice but to send the intersect to chuck.
I started rewatching Chuck again because it's a brilliant and underrated TV show and everytime I rewatch episode 8 of season 1, I always think about how Chuck insists that Bryce ruined his life. And the thing is, while it might seem that way, because of the last five years of Chuck's life he's been working at the Buy More and only earning 11 dollars an hour blah blah blah... but what I always found ironic is that regardless of Bryce's interference with Chuck's tests and compromising his chances of graduating, Bryce still happened to 180 his life by sending him the intersect. Sooo, surely this means that regardless of whether Bryce compromised the exam tests, wouldn't have Chuck still got into the CIA? He was going to be recruited, and well, surely Chuck could have had some say or whether he was going to join or not... So that's why it always puzzled me how Chuck still was angry with Bryce for that, but at the same time sending the intersect to Chuck was going to put him in the field regardless, and therefore why go to all that trouble to then result in putting Chuck into the spy life anyway?
Has any other Chuck fans thought about this like I have or is it just me? 😆
Correct me if I'm wrong or if I've missed anything but yeah... That was it really lol
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persephunee · 4 years
I want to see whether Sarah got her memories back or if she fell in love with Chuck all over again. I wanna see if they had kids, got their white picket fence house they dreamed of. I want to know how all the other characters are doing. Hows Morgan? How is Ellie? Jeffstar?
Okay fellow Chuck fans! I’ve got a question for y’all!
If they made a Chuck movie what are some things you’d want to happen?
I saw a post about how a Chuck movie could start with Morgan, Chuck, and Sarah talking strategy, but then it turns out they’re just playing laser tag with their kids which I love cause it could be just like how the very first episode started and I think that’d be pretty awesome.
What would you wanna see in a Chuck movie?
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persephunee · 4 years
Hook gives Emma the ring that he says “kept him alive” all these years. And then he dies 🥴🥴HA
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persephunee · 4 years
Henry being the true hero able to pull out excalibur would have been so good please. Someone write this. It’s just so FITTING.
HENRY, with the heart of the truest believer, always feels like he’s no hero. He wants so desperately to be one, and throughout the show he struggles with being “normal”. BUT he is always the person who eventually brings back the happy endings. HENRY saved the entire town when he took over as author to bring back their happy endings. Henry is a HERO just as much as everyone else. He is the KEY that brings things together whether its people, the town, etc.
Imagine if Henry, heart of the truest believer was able to pull out excalibur. Imagine this, instead of what we got which is Rumple, who even with his heart wiped clean still made threats and deals, and knew that with his newfound hero status he could maniplate to get his way again.
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persephunee · 4 years
Imagine if instead of Rumple, Henry got to pull out excalibur :)
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persephunee · 4 years
I will forever think that Rumple being a “true hero” able to pull out excalibur was the biggest BS. Idk what the writers were thinking in doing that. Literally anyone else would have made more sense than rumple. His evil deeds always get swept under the rug. He did nothing to redeem himself how does that make him a TRUE hero? Just coz his conquered his cowardice?
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persephunee · 4 years
On season 5 of my OUAT rewatch and just wow. I need to ramble about Rumple and Belle for a second.
It really bothers me that Rumple was able to be turned into a “hero” so easily just because his black heart was “wiped clean”. As if that erases all the hurt and pain he has caused over the hundreds of years (maybe more can’t remember exactly how long?) that he’s been the dark one. I get that in the shows world, hearts are connected very heavily to your actions, and how much good or bad you do in your life. But that doesn’t change the past. So even though rumple’s heart was wiped clean, that SHOULD have symbolised his CHANCE/OPPORTUNITY at redemption. Not turn him automatically a hero the second he does one good deed. Regina had to fight for redemption, many others had to so why does rumple ALWAYS get the easy way out??? Rumple has been given so many chances at redemption and only chose that path ONCE in facing Pan. But even then how does that erase everything he’s done? Why did he deserve to pull out Excalibur??? After all the bloodshed, manipulation he’s caused he just suddenly gets to be an honourable hero?
Belle is a character that had SO MUCH potential. When she threw rumple out of storybrook, that was such a powerful moment and I wish the show didn’t regress her character. Belle is at her best when she’s alone. All of the scenes where she stands up to her father, saves a prince from a curse, helps merida, helps ARIEL, they are such great moments. They show how smart she is and powerful. But the second she’s with Rumple shes immediately hindered. Rumple drags Belle into his mess, and not ONCE has he ever lifted her up. She deserves someone who sees her potential. Someone who sees her strength. Instead of Rumple who lies, manipulates, and threw away his chance at true love long ago. I love Belle, I just wish the show didn’t keep throwing her back into an unhealthy relationship. (I’m looking at you season 5).
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persephunee · 4 years
Belle x Ariel had so much chemistry. Imagine the power of belle leaving rumple for Ariel 🙈
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persephunee · 4 years
Man king Arthur be a real creep in ouat. He introduces Guinevere as “the loviest creature” . That is so off putting, who wants to be described as a creature? Is that just me? Idk I don’t like it
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persephunee · 4 years
He touches his lips afterwards too with this look of just pure disbelief, and shock because this wasn’t just any kiss. It’s the moment he realised maybe... just maybe, there’s hope.
bruh the FIRST KISS in neverland STILL FUCKING GIVES ME CHILLS LIKE the way she just launches herself at him and the way they chase each other’s lips and the way she shudders as she lets him go (when clearly she doesn’t want to let him go like imagine the restraint bc girrrrrl i would have kept going) and the way he just stands there like oh dear god i am thoroughly fucked now like jesus christ how does captain swan still own my literal fucking soul
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