perseuesjackson · 6 days
My newest animation is complete!! i hope you enjoy !!!
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perseuesjackson · 6 days
New animation completed!! :D
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perseuesjackson · 14 days
what doesn't kill you makes you stay on tumblr for 13 years and counting
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perseuesjackson · 21 days
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Last night during the Tent Massacre in Rafah, Palestinians couldn't find their injured loved ones and the remains of those who were murdered by the Israeli military. They only had phone flashlights to look for them. Parents were using their bare hands collecting their children's body parts.
Palestinians were trying to put out the fire using sand since the state of Israel cut access to water.
This is genocide.
(Via jewishvoiceforpeace)
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perseuesjackson · 27 days
i hope you are being compassionate with yourself today. you are your oldest childhood friend
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perseuesjackson · 1 month
how did i just notice the parallels in scars older brother sacrificing his arm to save his little brother just like ed did
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perseuesjackson · 1 month
percy as a happy god is no longer percy at all
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perseuesjackson · 1 month
Do you have any prompts for a bubbly princess x her serious, quiet personal guard? Dialogue or scenarios. If not, that's fine!
Of course I do. Here they are:
Princess x Guard Prompts
"Come on, live a little!" "I won't be living for long if the king finds out about what we're doing here."
"Urgh. These balls keep getting lamer. Please save me." "Not sure if lame balls are something I need to protect you from."
"You're no fun." "I'm here for your protection, not your entertainment." "But couldn't you at least try to do both?"
"I have a great idea!" "Why do I feel like I'm about to lose my job?"
"Sometimes I would love to just run away." "I wouldn't stop you. I'm your personal guard. I'm here to protect you, not imprison you. That's at least how I see my job description."
"Why do you never smile?" "I do smile." "No, you don't." "I do." "Prove it!"
"You're the princess, you can do whatever you want." "You know full well that that is not the truth."
"I like knowing you always only have eyes for me." "I would be a terrible guard if I wouldn't keep my eyes on you at any time."
The guard was a very serious man and understood where his place was, but when the normally happy princess seems to have lost her spark, he does everything in his power to cheer her up.
No one was able to deny the princess anything. She had them all wrapped around her finger. What they didn't know was that one look from the stoic guard was enough to make her do anything he wanted.
It was a common occurrence to see the usually serious bodyguard taking part in the bubbly princess's shenanigans.
More: Bodyguard AUs | Royalty Masterpost
- Jana
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perseuesjackson · 2 months
feeling so hopeless about art lately .... i don't want to keep the negative self talk up so much but i just feel like ive been drawing for sooo long but have never improved. ive always wanted to be a digital/online artist but feel like that dream was never realized. and my mom always bought me like expensive art items and idk...part of me feels like ive always had the luxury/privilege to pursue art but ive never actually done it. i feel like im too old to do it now, even though i know that's not true (time will pass anyways..if i dont start now i will be even older with this dream unrealized)
i think the last two years passed by so quickly i feel like ive been wasting my life away. it hurst so bad. i moved across the country in the last 2 years and part of me thinks, if i just stayed at home and focused on art, i think i would be happier than if i moved across the country idk
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perseuesjackson · 2 months
im realizing im such a negative person.... i keep seeing other people's success and thinking that they don't deserve it, or im not that far away from them i deserve it too..... i hate this mindset. it's so unhealthy, and probably not even true! i hate feeling so small minded and jealous of others
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perseuesjackson · 2 months
oh my god im literally going insane
i feel like tumblr is the only place i can rant anymore because i feel like no one is reading this
but holy fuck
i feel like such a failure
i feel like i have achieved nothing with my life
absolutely nothing
EVEN THOUGH i know thats not true
i just wasted the last 2-3 hrs on this feeling
i can't get any work done
i got nothing done today except half cleaning my room whcih i should be proud of
i just cant
i cant help but look at what everyone else is doing with their life and feel so unsuccessfuly even tho im doing absolutely nothing to achieve those things
oh my god
oh my goD all i want is to be able to focus
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perseuesjackson · 4 months
trees are very 🥺 because sometimes i’ll stand under the shade of a tree and look up at it and it’ll sway its branches about in the wind and i’m like oh my God i’m alive and YOU’RE alive. we are alive together and made up of the same starry stuff and standing right next to each other in this moment on this earth. do u feel it when i reach out and press my hand to your trunk? can you hear me? i think you’re so neat. and then the sunlight filters through its leaves just so and that lovely green color leaves me dazzled. it’s just very nice to be an alive thing next to a different sort of alive thing
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perseuesjackson · 6 months
as a girl who is literally just a girl i am always yearning. always longing always missing always wearing my heart on my sleeve. always feeling like my heart is on the verge of exploding. the sight of the sun makes me cry. anyway
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perseuesjackson · 6 months
also if you are wondering whether all these awful things coming out of gaza are true or if things are really as bad as they are there i can promise you they're worse. for every graphic image you see and for every story that gets translated for english speakers there are thousands of people who weren't photographed, who refused to have their loved ones photographed, who are too traumatized to speak, who don't want attention. if you know a single palestinian you already know at least three or four additional horror stories that have received no coverage at all. a small example i can give you is that a fertility clinic in egypt received a phone call from gaza asking to terminate frozen embryos of a palestinian couple who had undergone ivf there. the call was from a stranger because everyone in that family, up to their fifth degree relatives, had been killed.
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perseuesjackson · 6 months
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please, keep talking about Palestine. Especially during the holidays. keep calling and keep protesting. make every life lost unignorable.
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perseuesjackson · 6 months
Inflation is Percy getting 100 bucks in the books and 200 in the show
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perseuesjackson · 6 months
TIL that in 1903 the New York Times predicted that building a flying machine would be possible in 1-10 Million years.
via ift.tt
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