phandombingo · 5 years
Wes Fucking Dies
[originally i wrote this fic for phandom bingo week (using the prompts Someone dies + Wes Weston + Identity Reveal) but then i spent so long on it that the week ended so uh…here, just take it]
word count: 4,655
Skulker had a new toy, and of course, Danny had to find out the hard way. Why couldn’t Skulker ever invite him to his lair, show him his gadgets, and say “look, I made a new invention!” instead of using it on him on the field?
He narrowly avoided a missile which hit the floor, missing him by inches. The half-ghost grinned up at Skulker, who was looking down at him from the sky. “Really, Skulker,” he chided, “you could have sent a letter instead of missing me so much.”
Skulker scowled and aimed another shot at Danny. As cocky as he sounded, Danny could feel his body getting exhausted. He had been dodging Skulker’s attacks for the past half hour, and if he kept this up much longer, he might run out of energy and turn back into his human form. Here’s to hoping that didn’t happen.
He flew away just in time to avoid another missile, and this time, it hit a building behind him. The impact sent debris crumbling down toward…oh shit is that a person?
Danny sprinted toward the citizen and picked him up before the rubble could crush him. He let out a sigh of relief as they both made it out unharmed. Well, until he looked down and saw who he was carrying.
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phandombingo · 5 years
Alright guys.... BIG shout out to @darks-ink, @hadesghostgirl, and @phantombreadproject for completing all 25 Phandom Bingo Prompts within the week 👏👏👏
Between me (@wastefulreverie) and @ceciliaspen, we wanna give you guys honorary prizes for completing every single freaking prompt. I'm offering drabbles and Cecilia is offering sketches. Your pick—whichever you want! Just DM one of us for your prize and we'll do our best 😊
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phandombingo · 5 years
Phandom Bingo Masterlist
Hey guys! Since this event is officially over, I figured I’d compile a list of everyone’s fics in case not everyone got around to reading them. I know that I loved reading them all this past week! Most of them are on Tumblr, but a few of them are linked to AO3. Listed by number of prompts completed.
@darks-ink [25]: How Rare And Beautiful It Is (To Even Exist)
@hadesghostgirl [25]: Family Reunion | King of Ghosts | The Great Mermaid Dani | Ghost Girl | Emily | Jazz's Little Brother | Space: A girl's worst enemy
@phantombreadproject [25]: Flaming Family | Ghost Sauce | At Least He’s Getting Paid | Double Date | The Phantom Of Waverly Place | Stars Above | He’s A... Fenton? | A (Water) Drop of Payback | The Bar Is Set In The Next Galaxy Over
@dpjustified [23]: Bingo #1 | Bingo #2 | Bingo #3 | Bingo #4 | Bingo #5 | Bingo #6 | Bingo #7
@spinningground [17]: Hungry Intern | An Evening in Autumn | Teens at Work | Creatures of the Sea
@phantomphangphucker [17]: Danny’s Family Only Body Worlds Interactive Display | Phabulous Phashion | Nip Trips Nip | Gifted? Or Dead? | Not So Strangers In The Night | Danny’s His Corpses Piñata Stuffing | The Baffled, Braised and Butchered
@mr-lancers-english-class [9]: Talks of Freedom | High Court of the Ghost King | The Rescue | Stuck in the Thermos
@katwritesthings [8]: My Name is Danny | Space
@phantomofprocrastination [8]: Ghost Hunger | Intern Danny and the Ghost nip | Would you like a Punch with that? | Swagger Bishie
Dawn_Khee [7]: Winter Solstice Skies | Family Fathoms | Ice and Fire
@dp-marvel94 [5]: Family Reunion
@horrendoushag [5]: The Nasty Ecto Fries
@wastefulreverie [5]: hurts so much when I think so deep | Vexed Vapors
@blueoatmeal [5]: All Nighters | Casual Conversations | Heavy Hangs the Head That Wears the Paper Burger King Crown
@aedelia [4]: Touch the Stars
@anthropwashere [4]: we go around, one foot nailed down
@transannabeths [4]: as the river flows into the sea | take your kid to work day will always be boring, no matter what youre the king of
@voidetrap [3]: Danny interns for the GIW
@catalystofthesoul [2]: Tucker punches Vlad | Danny Interns for GIW
@daddyphannypack  [1]: Next Gen
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phandombingo · 5 years
Hey guys, I'm closing this soon! Be sure to answer if you've participated!!
Hey guys, Phandom Bingo Week is officially over. If you still have WIPs you’d like to post or if you’d even like to try the prompts, you can still do it! But I will no longer be going through the “Phango19″ tag. I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who participated in this event because I genuinely enjoyed reading every single submission. Some of the ways that you guys combined prompts was amazing and just a bunch of fun! I’m not sure if I’ll run this event next year and what elements of the challenge will change, but I hope that you enjoyed this week as much as I did. - @wastefulreverie
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phandombingo · 5 years
Dammmnnn Anthrop 😯
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wait so @anthropwashere what was your search history for this phic?
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phandombingo · 5 years
Teens at Work
Danny Phantom fanfic #4 for Phango19. Ahh I don’t have time to write much for this, might come back to add on later! Please have a quick drabble of Phantom!Sam working at the Nasty Burger and yellin at her customers.
Sam Manson may have become royalty, but like hell if she was gonna let a bunch of ghosts prostrate themselves before her.
“Get up,” she told the pair of maids, exasperated. They were green-skinned, much like Dora, dressed in a white apron over a black dress, with hair tied up in neat little buns. Scrambling to their feet, they bowed at right angles.
“Your Majesty, let us see to the completion of these chores!”
“I get paid to do them. This is my choice!”
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phandombingo · 5 years
All My Phango 2019 Fics On AO3
Flaming Family:
Summary: After dying in a house fire, Maddie Fenton never expected to become the thing she hated the most. She certainly didn't expect to be taking orders from her son, either.
Prompts: Ghost King, Fully Dead AU, Someone Dies
Ghost Sauce:
Summary: Sam didn't want to work at the Nasty Burger. Thank goodness her friend could always cheer her up with his stupidity.
Prompts: Sam Works At The Nasty Burger, Ghost Hunger
At Least He's Getting Paid:
Summary: The internship might be unwilling, but hey, at least Danny was getting money from it.
Prompts: Identity Reveal, Danny Interns For The Guys In White, Dissection
Double Date:
Summary: Dash panicked when Valerie asked for him to have a double date, and he ended up going with someone he never thought he could.
Prompts: Swagger Bishie, Vengeful Babes, It's Not Gay If He's Dead
The Phantom Of Waverly Place:
Summary: Alex thinks the guy from the ghost nip lesson is pretty cute. (Dp × Wizards Of Waverly Place Crossover)
Prompts: Crossover, Ghost Nip, Stuck In The Fenton Thermos
Stars Above:
Summary: Danny achieves his dream. Or, two of his dreams.
Prompts: Danny Goes To Space, Reverse/Inverse Trio (Reverse Trio)
He's A... Fenton?:
Summary: It was a well-known fact that Wes was adopted. So when he found his birth mother, Alicia, was having a family reunion soon, he jumped at the opportunity to go.
Prompts: Next Gen, Setting: Family Reunion, Aunt Alicia, Wes Weston
A (Water) Drop Of Payback:
Summary: The pranks went too far, and Tucker took matter into his own hands. Err, fists.
Prompts: Mer AU, Tucker Punches Vlad
The Bar Is Set In The Next Galaxy Over:
Summary: Jazz finally knows what it's like to be compared to a sibling.
Prompts: Setting: Jazz's College, Dual Obsession (Space) AU, Post Reveal
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phandombingo · 5 years
Hey guys I've been trying to reblog all the Phango posts but Tumblr, as we know, kinda sucks sometimes. If I've missed one of your posts, please DM it to @wastefulreverie so I can reblog it to this blog!
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phandombingo · 5 years
Touch the Stars
Aunt Alicia, Stuck in the Fenton Thermos, Identity Reveal, Dual Obsession (Space) AU
Danny knew it was a mistake to go ghost while his family was visiting Aunt Alicia.  He knew this and yet here he was, stuck in the Fenton Thermos because he couldn’t resist.  He couldn’t resist when he saw how clear the night sky was, no light pollution in these backwoods and everyone should have been in bed.  Should have.  Apparently his mom had to use the rhubarb and she happened to notice the ghost kid floating transfixed. 
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phandombingo · 5 years
Hey guys, Phandom Bingo Week is officially over. If you still have WIPs you’d like to post or if you’d even like to try the prompts, you can still do it! But I will no longer be going through the “Phango19″ tag. I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who participated in this event because I genuinely enjoyed reading every single submission. Some of the ways that you guys combined prompts was amazing and just a bunch of fun! I’m not sure if I’ll run this event next year and what elements of the challenge will change, but I hope that you enjoyed this week as much as I did. - @wastefulreverie
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phandombingo · 5 years
Phango - Not So Strangers In The Night
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(Swagger Bishie + Identity Reveal + Ghost King)
Dash wants many things but there’s two he’s sure he just can’t have, Danny meanwhile, doesn’t think ‘can’t’ is an actual word.
Dash sighs mentally, eyeballing Danny out of the corner of his eye. There had always just been something about how lithe the guy’s body was, the way his clothing would occasionally cling or hang off him giving away the skinnier body underneath. Personally, he would never wear oversized clothing himself, but it was more than a little attractive on people with petite frames.
Watching Danny stretch his arms over his head and yawn in a way that was almost cat-like. He doesn’t know when Danny’d gotten his teeth done like that, the fangs, but they added an even more slender and sharp edge to his face. Moving his gaze up the other teens’ jawline to mentally trace out a sharp line all the way past the tapered ears. Everything about Danny’s face was sharp, defined…and incredibly attractive.
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phandombingo · 5 years
Stuck in the Thermos
Stuck in the Fenton Thermos
Word Count: 385
It was supposed to be hard for a ghost to hold conscious thought within the Fenton Thermos. This was definitely a feature, not a bug. With enough practice, a ghost could eventually be able to think the most basic of thoughts while contained within the small cylinder. With years of practice, a ghost could retain full intelligence and awareness. Danny had never thought that would apply to him, and yet here he was, stuck in the thermos, thinking about a brain teaser Tucker gave him yesterday. He hated being in the thermos, and when he got out, Jazz would be in for it.
You’d think, he thought to himself, that after two full years, she’d actually be able to aim the thing. But no, she still hit him every other time. And now he was able to be mad at his sister, try and solve Tucker’s brain teaser, and still be aware of his surroundings. He was upset with Tucker’s brain teaser, because why would anyone need to know which of the twelve coins was heavier or lighter and why would they need to know like this? It was such a stupid riddle, but given that there was literally nothing else Danny could do but think, we was stuck on it. Jazz would be able to solve it in seconds, he thought grumpily, but I won’t tell her about it until I have solved it so that I can lord it over her. That’s what she gets for still sucking at using the thermos. Heh, sucking, thermos, good one. I hope she lets me out soon. I have homework. It’s got to have been at least twenty minutes, she should be home by now. Why isn’t she home yet? Maybe she forgot about me. That would be bad. If she did, Tucker and Sam will figure it out and let me out in the morning. It’ll be fine. Now, if I put those coins there and those coins there…
Jazz Fenton had not, in fact, forgotten about her brother. She had just decided he needed to be in time out. That’s what he gets for taking the last piece of non-reanimated bacon this morning, she thought triumphantly. Maybe this will teach him to respect me as his older sister. That should have been my bacon.
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phandombingo · 5 years
The Rescue
Vengeful Babes, Dissection, & Identity Reveal
Word Count: 3753
Dani wasn’t sure how she was going to explain this to Valerie. She was flying as fast as she could and it wasn’t fast enough but she also needed to think but she needed to focus to be able to think and couldn’t focus on that right now, no, because she didn’t need to crash into another jet and so she had to fly first and brainstorm second but there wouldn’t be time to brainstorm later so she needed to think now!
A bird squawked angrily off to her right, shocking Dani out of her thoughts and forcing her to slam to a halt. She glared at the bird as it gave her the stink eye before flying off. 
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phandombingo · 5 years
Hey guys, I'm sorry but I messed up 😅
If you're one of the six people who's responded, you need to fill this out again because I forgot to add a question for your Tumblr URL. The form should be updated now, thank you so much 🙏
Hey guys, Phandom Bingo Week is officially over. If you still have WIPs you’d like to post or if you’d even like to try the prompts, you can still do it! But I will no longer be going through the “Phango19″ tag. I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who participated in this event because I genuinely enjoyed reading every single submission. Some of the ways that you guys combined prompts was amazing and just a bunch of fun! I’m not sure if I’ll run this event next year and what elements of the challenge will change, but I hope that you enjoyed this week as much as I did. - @wastefulreverie
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phandombingo · 5 years
Hey guys, Phandom Bingo Week is officially over. If you still have WIPs you’d like to post or if you’d even like to try the prompts, you can still do it! But I will no longer be going through the “Phango19″ tag. I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who participated in this event because I genuinely enjoyed reading every single submission. Some of the ways that you guys combined prompts was amazing and just a bunch of fun! I’m not sure if I’ll run this event next year and what elements of the challenge will change, but I hope that you enjoyed this week as much as I did. - @wastefulreverie
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phandombingo · 5 years
phango19: we go around, one foot nailed down
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\o/ 30th DP fic and it’s the infamous dissection trope \o/
(you know I had to do it to ‘em)
Legit though, I’ve been wanting to write a DP dissection fic since, jeez, since I joined the fandom in ‘13 probably. It’s practically a rite of passage to have one of these under your belt, isn’t it? So here’s me, giving you the gift of Danny Having a Bad Time.
There’ll be some notes about the research I did for this one for the curious at the end, but apologies to anyone with an ounce of scientific know-how. I almost failed high school chemistry and that was something like 12 years ago. I am but a simple idiot with Internet access. Please call me out if there’s something egregious in need of correction; otherwise… blame it on ghostly handwavium?
Title comes from TOOL’s “Pneuma.”
It had been agony, at first. But like anything he’s ever set his mind to, it’s gotten easier with practice. 
He’s had plenty of opportunities to practice.
That doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t wish he could quit the whole ugly business right this moment. Burn every file, lock the lab up for good, and pray for no more nightmares. But this ugly business needs doing and he’s the only one for it. He can’t allow Maddie to shoulder any more of this burden than she’s already insisted on. He won’t let those white-suited bastards lay so much as a finger on his family either, not while he’s got any say in it. There’ll be hell to pay for going toe-to-toe with the GIW, but that’s fine. He doesn’t care what happens to him anymore, so long as Maddie and Jazz are kept clean of all consequences.
If his luck holds out the courts will be hashing it all out for a while yet anyway. He’s never had a head for fine print or subtlety, nor doing anything so morally gray as—well. Everything lately. What should be done is clear as day to him, but if the courts agreed that easily with the GIW he wouldn’t have a chance to make up for what he’s done.
He needs to do that much. 
The courts and those bastards will eventually agree he doesn’t have a leg to stand on, regardless of blood relation or his wealth of experience in an incredibly niche field. Sooner than later those bastards will come, and when they do there’s only so much protest and fighting spirit they’ll indulge in. That’s a fight he’ll lose once it comes, but in the meantime those bastards and all their clever little monitoring devices can’t come within 300 feet of Fenton Works without causing an uproar.
He has to take advantage of the time they have left.
This evening the house is empty, just him and—
Maddie’s out there fighting the good fight, Jazz and Sam and Tucker at her side. The three of them have got more experience than Maddie and him ever realized. They’ll be just fine. They’ll handle whatever toothy specter is out there terrorizing the good people of Amity Park and make sure nothing gets in the way of his work. He needs the peace and quiet. No distractions. He needs to do this by the book.
Working by the book isn’t a habit he’s ever had to cultivate, not with Maddie there to shore up his madcap inventions with reams of reproducible data and neatly labeled blueprints, all hard copies done in triplicate and the digital files regularly updated to a secure server off-site. You can’t ever be too cautious when you’re putting pseudoscience to the test and winning, Maddie always said with a grin, and he’d kissed her every time for being so much more brilliant and beautiful than he deserved. What would he do without her? How far could he have gotten without her? Would Danny still be—
He swallows.
Best to banish that train of thought before it can run him down. No distractions. No what-ifs, no maybes. Not if he wants to make up for what’s happened. What they’ve done. What he’s done. This one’s all on him, no matter how Maddie tries to tell him otherwise. Either he fixes this or—
There is no ‘or,’ is there? 
He presses the record button on the Jack Fenton-improved observation rig. Blinking red lights and a momentary whine of feedback means he’s good to go. “Nov—”
Too hoarse. Clarity and enunciation are key here. Slow and steady. He’s got to do this right, each and every time. He clears his throat and begins again.
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phandombingo · 5 years
At Least He's Getting Paid
Phango Entry 3
Prompts: Danny Interns For The GIW, Identity Reveal, Dissection
Summary: The internship might be unwilling, but hey, at least Danny was getting money from it.
This one is short so I don't think I need a read more, if you would like me to add one just shoot me an ask or message!
When a half-ghost works at a facility that has anti-ghost and ghost detection tech anywhere, a secret isn't going to last long. Danny blew his cover the day he started, during the moment he first walked up the steps of the facility. Of course the GIW facility had the ecto-signature of public enemy number one! It was a foolish mistake on Danny's part to think they wouldn't. He managed to talk his way out, but he had to keep the internship. That was the hard part.
It started out easy. Fetching coffee. Cleaning suits. Being bored and wishing he was anywhere but there. Normal stuff. 
Until now.
Now, Danny was strapped down on a lab table, in Phantom form, as an agent loomed over him, scalpel in hand. He knew what was coming. They had been preparing him for it for the past week. All the painful experiments, finding out what made him tick, and pushing his boundaries had led to this.
He had moved up in the ranks from coffee fetcher to experiment. What an achievement.
But hey, at least he was getting paid.
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