phloxy-fox · 19 days
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phloxy-fox · 1 month
everyone living in EU - please support the citizens initiative for safe and accessible abortion!!
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phloxy-fox · 1 month
The feminine urge to take a shot and girlboss and gaslight my way through this day.
If that doesn't work? Manslaughter it is.
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phloxy-fox · 1 month
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memes in sumeru 👌
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phloxy-fox · 1 month
The year is 729. The war has finally ended, and people are busy rebuilding their countries, and busy exploring those they had not been able to travel to before. However, despite the usurpers being gone, the oddities in the world have yet to stop. And what's up with the occasional moon eclipse of the newly appeared third moon? What truths are still lying hidden? Will you help to discover them? Or will you throw this world into chaos instead?
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Welcome to the War Of Balance!
We're a growing 18+ Fire Emblem RP server with original lore, inspired by the various Fire Emblem games, original mechanics, and extensive world-building - Open to Canon characters and OCs using the Einherjar mechanic to help canons find their place in the world! Open to experienced and beginner writers!
What we offer:
Experienced, communicative, and helpful staff, to help you integrate yourself into the story and assist you in any character and/or story development, you may want!
Regular events that range from dark and gritty to fun and cheerful - from strategic battle events to fun puzzle events!
An active and friendly community whose main rule is"Real life before RP"! - Aka, low pressure!
Various mechanics (such as crafting) that can assist you in tailoring your character into what you want!
The possibility to add your own touch to the world and the story through various means!
Are you interested but still hesitant? No problem! We have a Reader's role available, that allows you to interact with the community and read the stories being written before deciding to join or just vibe with the people!
Still got a few questions? Feel free to DM me on tumblr. I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible!
Join us today! <- Hyperlink
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
I'm over-engineering my code to the point where I've started to make an UML because otherwise, I can't keep track of my ideas.
Send help.
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
it used to be 2007 you know
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
The disadvantage of dating?
I can't visit my parents and my dad blackmails me with pictures of our pup snuggled into him when I just told him I miss cuddling my babies 😭😭
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
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Welcome to JTV Pokecenter! Please ensure your pokemon are in a carrier, on a leash, or in their pokeballs at all times. Thank you!
Your friendly neighbourhood veterinary clinic is probably the closest thing in real life to a pokemon center, eh? So here are some pics of a few of my patients re-imagined as pokemon. I’ve been meaning to do a mashup like this for a while, but now seems a particularly relevant time.
(And if you ever visit our little clinic with your real life critters, I’ll check out your pokemon as well for free! ;) )
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
When the sorcerer found the dragon, it was attacking a grape.
This was only possible because the dragon was not much larger than a grape itself, but she still had to do a double take to be sure the object it was fighting with such animosity was in fact inanimate.
She crouched so that her eyes were level with the top of the table and squinted at it. The dragon sank its tiny fangs into the grape’s skin and gave a great tug, succeeding only in throwing it and the grape into a backwards tumble. The tiny green reptile rolled to a stop with its whole body wrapped around the grape and shook its head ferociously, managing to pull its teeth out but also launching the grape across the table. It gave a mighty roar of anger (about as loud as a human clearing their throat) and stalked after it, tail swishing dangerously.
“Do you need help?” she offered.
The dragon froze mid-prowl and whipped its head around to look at her, looking so offended she almost apologized for asking.
“I mean, I could peel it for you, if that’s the problem.” She wasn’t sure it was getting the message. One could never tell how much human language these little creatures picked up by hanging around the magic labs. Some understood only such essentials as “scat!” or “oh fuck, that sure did just explode”, while others could hold entire conversations — if they deigned to interact.
This one looked like it was deciding whether she was worthy. Finally, it sniffed daintily and flicked its tail, scales clacking together. “Little monster is my prey, and you can’t have it. Found it first. Will devour it!”
“Oh, sure,” she agreed. “But you know it’s a grape, right?”
This was the wrong thing to say. It glared at her and then bounded away to the other end of the table, where it slithered up to the grape and pounced on it.
Grape and dragon promptly rolled off the edge of the table.
The sorcerer quickly went around to that side, alarmed that it would be stepped on. The labs were bustling with shoppers stopping by to watch demonstrations this time of day, and a small dragon wouldn’t be easily visible on the blue and green tiled floor.
“Horrible! Dirty!” The tiny dragon was screeching at the top of its lungs, holding onto its prey for dear life. It would have been hard to hear anyway, with all the noise of the labs, but with the sorcerer’s diminished hearing it took several seconds to locate the screaming creature.
She scanned the pattern of the tiles for it and sighed. “Oh, hold on, we mopped this morning.” She cupped her hands around it and deposited it into her skirt pocket, an indignity the dragon endured only with more screaming.
“An outrage! Put me down!”
“Shh,” she advised. Lab workers were strongly discouraged from bringing creatures into the back rooms, which was where she was heading, picking her way through the crowded front lab.
“Fuck pockets!” her pocket responded.
“Oh, you can curse. Wonderful.”
The dragon seemed to take this as an actual compliment. “Am multitalented. Can also compose poetry.”
“Really? Can I hear some?”
“No. For dragon ears only.” It sounded viciously pleased to hold this over her head. The bulge in her pocket rearranged itself, and she thought it might be trying to gnaw on the grape.
She felt herself smiling even as she tried to squash her mouth into a straight line. She liked this little bad-tempered thing, even though its spiky feet were digging into her thigh.
In the much quieter kitchen of the back rooms behind the lab, she transferred the wriggling, scaly handful from her pocket to the table. The dragon hissed out a few more insults as it got up and straightened itself out, but its jaw fell open when it finally took in its surroundings. She’d set it down next to the fruit bowl.
“There you go. Food mountain.”
The dragon’s shock didn’t last long. Abandoning the grape, it scraped and scrabbled its way up the side of the bowl and from there onto an apple, its claws leaving tiny puncture marks as it hiked to the top of the arrangement. “Food mountain!” It repeated, its gleeful crowing much clearer and almost sing-song without having to compete with the noise of the crowd.
She watched it turn in a circle, surveying the feast. “But… cannot eat it all,” it observed after a while, crestfallen. “Human-sized. Big shame.”
“Don’t you have nest-mates who can help you with it?” she asked. She had assumed not, from the way it had apparently been foraging for food on its own, but she needed to be sure she’d found a loner.
“No nest. No mates. No nest-mates. You’re rude.” It flopped down ungracefully, wings spread out flat on the apple like it was trying to hug the entire much-larger fruit.
She gave it a moment to be dramatic, and then offered it the grape, minus the peel. “You seem to have a good grasp on human-speak.”
It grabbed the grape without so much as a thank you. “Yes. Have composed poetry in both Dragonese and Humanese. Not for humans to hear, though.” Bragging cheered it up a little.
“You mentioned. I can’t hear very well, anyway.” She pulled up a stool and sat down. “Actually, I’ve been looking for a helper.”
“An assistant,” it said, apparently showing off its Humanese. “An attendant. An aid.”
She watched it bury its snout in the grape, juice dribbling down onto the apple it sat on. “Yes. A hearing aid. How would you feel about having a job?”
It smiled craftily. “Would feel positively, if job comes with chocolate chips.”
“It could,” she said, grinning. She had some friends who employed bird-sized dragons as messengers, but this was the first time she’d heard of one negotiating its salary for itself. “It certainly could. What’s your name?”
“Peep,” said Peep. “It is self-explanatory.”
“Don’t worry, I got it.”
Peep expressed its doubt that humans ever got anything, but she thought the tiny, prickly creature might be warming up to her.
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
I won the genetics lottery. I am capable of getting a blister on top of a blister
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
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Sorry for the long post :)
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phloxy-fox · 2 months
Something good I noticed about the fact that the general population does not view you as attractive: It immensely helps my social anxiety to know people won't spare me a second glance. I feel more free to wear whatever I want without having this horrible voice at the back of my head whispering that people are staring.
Because I can just whisper back: "No, you convinced me that I'm incredibly undesirable and logic dictates therefore, people won't even bother to look at me. Shut up."
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phloxy-fox · 3 months
This is starting to feel like 2008 Facebook all over again
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