pianissimissimo · 11 months
I make myself so tired as to blur the lines between dreaming and driving.
A wash of faces and colours of borders and languages. They start to mingle with my thoughts stupendous coloration.
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pianissimissimo · 9 years
The dash is full of text
my head is full of nudes
I miss the breathing, close to you
an arrogant plea for symbiosis
and as dawn comes, stealthy, steady
this body fills the empty glass.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
All the good intentions.
"Reorganize your things, declutter."
Let's see. A shard of glass, cutting at every touch
we have a knife that lost its handle
and there's a needle that's so thin, I can't see it.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
Now look at this mess,
we used to stroll through Cambridge
with a yellow guitar and the five songs that we knew…and
now I'm downing razor blades
and you're a double etched liaison
between the past
and what we've become.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
The faces
of consumed lovers
should be hung on streets
as mementos
as art,
as icon of how
we need to destroy each other
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
A lovely type of hurt
to know the truth
and observe the play.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
Always hits me
how quickly grassland
can turn into burial ground
and water
becomes oppression.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
To all of those reading, reblogging, featuring: a heartfelt thanks, and keep writing yourself: I'm continuously inspired by all of you.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
No, if anything
you look more like Nastassja Kinski
in Paris, Texas, if you catch my
it's an ocean over a desert
there's the stillness of water and sand
combined, now over me
all I ever thought
I put in a box beside our bed
and the body feels light
to fly
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
I liked you more
when you were the ephemeral
Alice disappearing
always leaving a hint of doubt
never giving the satisfaction
of knowing.
When did you become
so clumsy, so obvious
googling preset phrases
to fit a preset situation
when did you stop being
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
It's as distant as seawater now.
The wonderful feeling of being home
next to you
has traded places, has shifted its shape
too many wildcards on the table
too many cards that mirror a name
so I hide inside thinly spun webs of sentences
faint escapes from this bed that starts to shrink
hoping to be freed
and mute.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
Eyes strained
from trying to see beauty
in the hint of an embrace,
in the hesitation born out of mistrust.
In the way your body
could be mine, and I refuse
for a shell is a shell
and nothing more.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
Fashion statement.
So many feel the urge to promise
so many know already
they'll screw up
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
Paris, .
I leave my gritty boots on
as I go to bed
cicadas, warm beer. lazy fan
moves the smoke and the hair on your arms
tiny blonde dancers
Do you know what one feels
when driving through the desert at night?
Your name in your ear, my beckoning you to come over
"just one more cigarette" you say
sitting in a chair,
wearing your nakedness like a triumph
as I watch you, and anticipate..
My dear, dirty destination
it's good to be back.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
Sometimes it just feels nice
to squander
important things.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
Sei musica.
Half time
your face: fingers over a lydian melody
so feeble, so light and transparent
I can barely write you, sitting at the corner of the bed
a wife, a ring, a story that rings true
undeniable beauty, arpeggiated from your feet to your hair
two eyes like enigmas, I wish I could stay here
and stare
oh how I wish I could close these ears
and just perceive the music of your body
spherical tones, perfect intervals
just this litany
unmixed and purified by the clumsy drumming
of bullshit
and lies.
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pianissimissimo · 10 years
Paths, so many, and twisted so
that you can't look ahead at all, ever, not one step
and if I turn around, I turn forever
the same old cobblestone, the same rewind noise
your old tape deck, and my sacred
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