pigtailedmeister · 11 years
{out of souls: Work and college have both kept me very busy for the past week. However, today, tomorrow, and the day after are all off days for me. So, I'll definitely be here and getting to things. If anyone wants a starter, let me know by liking or sending an ask.}
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pigtailedmeister · 11 years
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pigtailedmeister · 11 years
{out of souls: I have work in less than an hour and I don't get off until 1AM. So, I'll be on after it's over. If anyone wants a starter, don't hesitate to let me know by liking or sending an ask!}
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pigtailedmeister · 11 years
Hey! Welcome to the group, Maka-mun! Or if you're already in the group, then I hope that you enjoy rping as Maka (I look forward to your threads~)! Also, happy Thursday/Thanksgiving (but if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, then yeah, just happy Thursday!)!
//Ah, just got this. Thank you very much, anon! I have yet to actually start any threads as I am new, but I look forward to threading. I technically do celebrate Thanksgiving, but today was somewhat different. So, Happy Thursday to you as well!
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pigtailedmeister · 11 years
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pigtailedmeister · 11 years
✯ )      "It depends on what I can do and what caused the mood."
                        Circumstance was what truly mattered.
                                   It made all the      d i f f e r e n c e.
   "If I have tests to study for, putting my mind on that usually helps. When I'm worked about about something, it's hard for me to do anything relaxing. If I think too much, it's hard for me to get to sleep. Since I like to be productive, it's better to just find a way to refocus my energy."
    Then again, bad mood did not necessarily equate to angry. That was merely the meaning that she derived from it. Anger was something the blonde experienced more often than any other negative emotion. That was not to say that the others were not encountered. Loss was something that each person in the world had to deal with at one point or another. Especially if they had a lifestyle of a weapon or meister. The best fighter was not the one who had experienced the most battles. They carried experience in dealing with the emotions that were brought about by their losses. Of all of those emotions, the strongest was sadness. Sadness was something that she was not a stranger to. It was just that the blonde was more prone to feeling variations of anger than anything else. 
   "If I'm feeling sad, I'll write poetry. Getting my thoughts out on paper usually helps. When I'm writing, I like to listen to classical music. If I'm listening to anything with too strong of a beat, it's harder for me to get past whatever it is that's keeping me down."
 Just as it was important to know what activities were available for her to do when not in the best of moods, the cause of the problem was also important to know. If someone in particular was responsible for making her feel bad, the blonde would attempt to talk things out. Especially if that someone was of teacher or faculty status. Formally communicating in order to reach some kind of understanding was never a bad idea. In fact, it was much better than just stating that there was something wrong. It maintained the balance of mutual respect and it made it more likely for both parties to be taken seriously. When it came to peers that she knew, however, the situation would be handled differently. Especially if that someone had hair as white as snow and teeth that resembled those that a shark had. The spine of a book would furiously meet with the crown of his head and she would not hesitate to yell at him. It was easier to be herself without caring about what others thought when she was dealing with someone who she personally knew. An individual who was on her level.
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pigtailedmeister · 11 years
Maka Albarn's Acceptance!
Dear Maka, c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s!
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             You have been accepted into AURP! ♥                             {Welcome to the Family.}
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pigtailedmeister · 11 years
I hear the rain on the Front door, It’s loud, Yet soft, It’s sad, Yet Calming, It’s Everything you wouldn’t Expect Rain to be, It’s so Mysterious, Yet so simple. I’m so fascinated by the Fact that I can feel warm And at Home just when A simple drop of Transparency touches My face, Or rattles the Roof, Or windows. How Can something so small, So innocent, Have such An immense impact on My life, To the point Where I feel like I couldn’t Live without it? I guess There’s something special In that, Maybe to not take Things for Granted, Or Love Everything you can, Because Chances are, You may not Realize how much positivity Can come from something, If you don’t sit down and Listen, Just listen.
-TheWordsYouHear (via thewordsyouhear)
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pigtailedmeister · 11 years
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pigtailedmeister · 11 years
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