pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
"The fact that you can’t remember things doesn’t mean that you haven’t been shaped by them"
-Wordsmithy by Douglas Wilson
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
Don't just wish, plan to conquer . New year is coming!
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
Are you pushing your life or pulling? Think twice, new year is coming.
-Nityansh Singh.
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
“Most people knock on the door of their dreams once, then run away before anyone has a chance to the open the door. But if you keep knocking, persistently and endlessly, eventually the door will open.” -Les Brown
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
If you’re ‘interested’, you come up with stories, excuses, reasons, and circumstances about why you can’t or why you won’t. If you’re committed, those go out the window. You just do whatever it takes.”
-John Assaraf
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
“You are remembered for the rules that you break.”
-Douglas McCarthy
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
7 ways to attain world class success
Don’t Let Anyone Define “Success” For You.
Stop Seeking Approval From Others.
Don't follow the herd.
Choose to Be Consistent Above All Else.
Spend More Time Learning and Creating Than On Entertainment and Distraction.
Choose Freedom Over Security.
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
"When you say YES to others, make sure you are not saying NO to yourself."
-Paulo Coelho
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
Limitation is nothing more than a mentality that too many good people practice daily until they believe it’s reality.
-Robin sharma(5AM Club)
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
Anyone can become angry —that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way —this is not easy.
-ARISTOTLE, The Nicomachean Ethics
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
-Alvin Tofler.
- pingmedaily
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pingmedaily-blog · 5 years
Have you ever heard the well-known phrase,"Necessity is the Mother of Invention" and asked yourself, but "Who is the Father?" One could say that opportunity is the father of invention which presents the need.
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pingmedaily-blog · 6 years
Secret to success
Write 25 important goals of your life. Struck down 20 least important goals. Focus on those 5 goals.
-Warren Buffet
to his pilot
It supports 80/20 principle of Parreto.
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pingmedaily-blog · 6 years
Become sovereign to be productive.
You:- "I will read a book in a week".
You:- "But reading is boring".
Actually you'll never read a single page.
It happens because your thoughts are not aligned with your emotions, that why you will never get desired outcomes or actions.
Sovereignty is the practice of aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions
Takeaway:- If you think of something and you get positive feelings as a reaction, taking action won’t be that difficult.
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pingmedaily-blog · 6 years
Don't become slave of somebody's idea.
By Sadh Guru
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pingmedaily-blog · 6 years
When world says no, looser says next.
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