piofiorefood · 7 months
Can I request a fluffy scene with Yang and Lili cooking together? Maybe he could teach her how to cook Chinese food.
tags: Liliana/Yang, fluff, Yang in kitchen alert!, drabble
It was rather quiet for once. Liliana hummed to herself as she walked around the Lao Shu base. Almost all members were outside carrying their missions, with only a few left to guard the entrances. Liliana could take advantage of that. Make herself a cup of tea, read a book and relax...A fine plan indeed.
She made her way to the kitchen but stopped right before the door. The blonde could hear movement from inside. There was the familiar sound of stirring, and the delicious aroma of eastern food being cooked.
Trying to not disturb the cook working, Liliana slowly opened the door and peeked inside. It seemed that she had mistakenly assumed the usual members that cooked the meals were out.
But as her eyes took in the scene before her, Liliana paused and just…stared.
Out of all the members of the Lao Shu, Liliana didn’t expect to see Yang in the kitchen. He had his back turned to her, focused on stirring the ingredients in a heated wok.
She had been living for so long with the Lao Shu, yet she had never seen Yang cook before. It was…a weird sight, indeed. Yang wasn’t smiling, but he wasn’t frowning either. His body seemed relaxed and his hands handled the wok with dexterity. Surely, it wasn’t his first time in the kitchen.
“Are you done gawking? Close the door.”
Liliana jumped when he heard Yang’s voice. He wasn’t particularly pleased, oh no.
She quickly did as instructed while embarrassment started to color her cheeks. This was already starting to become a disaster.
“Yang, let me he-“
“Don’t interrupt me.”
He had shut down her offer so quickly that Liliana couldn’t help but cringe. Shyly she took a few steps in his direction, wondering if she should have exited the room instead.
“I-I’m sorry, Yang. Do you want me to leave you alone…?”
But Liliana felt awfully curious to see what he was cooking…
“Do as you like. I don’t mind you here.”
That answer certainly surprised the Blonde.
Having received some sort of approval of her presence, Liliana now stopped next to Yang, admiring his cooking.
Fried rice.
Out of all the foods that she could have guessed Yang would know how to cook…
“Are you really that surprised?” Yang sneered at her and raised an eyebrow.
“Well-Well, yes…I mean…I didn’t expect you to know how to cook. You are the Lao Shu leader after all...”
Certainly, she had never seen him make the effort before.
“My, my, I’m always full of surprises, aren’t I? I wonder what other sort of surprises these skilled hands possess…!”
Liliana sighed. And to think that day could have been a relaxing one…
She took a step back, preparing for any of his usual perverse shenanigans.
But for once, Yang seemed more interested in his food than in her.
Liliana sighed in relief and settled herself to watch him work. It was fascinating to see such a dangerous and unpredictable man doing such a… normal-looking task. Preparing food…Lowering the heat...Stirring in the wok...
“Can I help you, please?” Liliana said softly, looking at the wok. “I’m curious how you like your fried rice. It looks different than what the cook usually serves.”
She expected Yang to shoot her request down again, but this time the man merely hummed. To her surprise, Yang began to explain what ingredients he added, sounding somewhat absent-minded. From the bits of information he told her, Liliana pieced together the fact that it was a recipe he often ate back in his home country. And one that brought some sort of comfort, whatever that meant for someone like Yang.
The Blonde blinked when she found herself with a spoon full of rice in front of her face.
"Might as well feed you." Yang smirked and he gazed down at her open lips. "Better show some gratitude and lick the spoon clean. Slowly.”
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this was soo fun to write! thank you for the request. hihihi
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piofiorefood · 7 months
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Piofiore 1926 release day hype ~ can't wait for the 22nd Sept
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piofiorefood · 7 months
If you didn't already know I was down bad for Yang before, let me paint you a picture.
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This man can step on me and insult me in every way possible and I'd THANK him for it!
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piofiorefood · 7 months
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piofiorefood · 7 months
And this is why we worship Yang folks.
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10/10 fantastic field trip to The Ruins
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piofiorefood · 7 months
Things I learned from the Piofiore blog that change my headcanon game(but they’re not really that surprising)*contains spoilers*
Yang likes spicy food and can cook really well.
Dante is practically useless at cooking and gets sick really easily.
Nicola is flawless at housework, but gets sick easily like Dante. (not as much tho)
Yang and Orlok actually know how to handle guns, they just choose not to.
Gilbert is equally useless at cooking like Dante, but doesn’t get as sick as him.
Yang caught a cold once and it was described as a “demonic disturbance”.  relatable 
Orlok can hold his liquor better than Yang (first off, who’s giving the baby alcohol?)
There is no embarrassed sprite/CG for Yang because it’s “useless”. Yang simply does not feel shy.
Nicola likes fish more than meat…*insert dirty joke*
EVERYONE IS EQUALLY JEALOUS/POSSESIVE, THERE IS NO NEED FOR RANKING. however, who’s more likely to kill the protag or others from their jealousy is up for debate.
Yang’s flower motif is oleander which symbolizes seduction and bewitching desire.*insert dirty joke*
Like Yang, Nicola also wakes up in a bad mood in the morning. Leo is terrified of waking him up.
Orlok’s mother and father were 26 years apart in age. If you know, you know
Emilio is actually kinda cruel, don’t be fooled by his sweet façade. He’s also around my height and that intimidates yet inspires me.
*side note before continuing: someone sent a letter to the blog about how yang was their favorite character from the get go and that Piofiore was their first otome game and the creator was slightly concerned for them*
Yang likes any alcohol that is strong.
Dante likes white wine.
Orlok doesn’t like alcohol, but he prefers strong liquor.(stop giving this baby alcohol!)
Yang’s tongue is actually sensitive to hot food because he wasn’t used to eating warm food as a child. 
Orlok is weak to tickling.
Orlok smells like soap.
Dante has a foot/leg fetish…
Orlok has a hand fetish *cries in vanilla*
Yang…likes ass. *cough sirmixalot cough*
Gilbert likes bitties.
Nicola likes the nape of the neck. *I kinda understand why there is so much vampire fics of him.*
For how physically weak he is, Dante actually has really good eyesight.
Yang’s eyesight is slightly better than Gilbert’s but worse than Nicola. *why the old men gotta be so blind*
Yang is a dog person mainly because they have more meat on them to eat than cats. *cries*
Nicola and Gilbert are dog people.
Orlok and Dante are cat people.
Yuan has tiny red dots under his eyes and his motif is a snake. *insert dirty joke I made on twitter* *also, i want more yuan content*
Yuan is the most powerful of all the sub characters in Piofiore 1926
Orlok is the most powerful person in the first game, but because the protag is his weakness, he can be defeated somewhat easily.
If Orlok and Yuan were to fight, either one has an equal chance of winning. 
If Yang and Orlok were to fight in the sequel, Yang might win by a little.
Henri can fight, but he chooses not to. He can kinda beat Dante’s ass by a lil bit.
In terms of creating art, the love interests are as ranked Gilbert > Nicola > Orlok > Dante > Yang=Henri
Dante makes boring art and Yang and Henri never had opportunities to create art so its not that they’re bad at it, they just…don’t.
Orlok doesn’t really have a sense for aesthetic.
Yuan initially took care of Yang because he thought they were similar. However Yang is capable of creating his own entertainment and Yuan admires that part of him so he kept Yang around for that. 
Nicola and Yang don’t get along at all. *but like, that’s obvious*
And that’s it for me. There’s some more but I only picked the ones that really interested me.
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piofiorefood · 2 years
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pretty much 
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piofiorefood · 2 years
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well well well. its official. yang is into kinky stuff. always knew  lol 
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piofiorefood · 2 years
I’m baack!
Hello everyone! The new release of the episodio in english made me obsess with piofiore once agaain. cant believe life has been so hectic that i missed it. haha 
unfortunatly im going to delete all the asks left in order to restart with a clean slate. its stressful otherwise. I wanna apologise to the readers that hoped their ask would be published eventually! You can still try to send one in again but hope i wont dissapoint!
Meanwhile im gonna write some short stuff that has been on my mind while replaying episodio. 
thank you everyone 
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piofiorefood · 2 years
biggest Emilio fan. hehe EMILIO ROUTEE DEMAND!
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who was the most interesting boy in Piofiore and why was it Emilio?
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piofiorefood · 2 years
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Did you guys see this awesome lunar new year art from the official twitter? omg Yuan amaziing. <3
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piofiorefood · 3 years
Gotta love tumblr how it doesnt show posts in the tags. Frustrating.
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piofiorefood · 3 years
Ok so I know Lilli is a woman of the church, but I'm used to playing games where you can choose to be a little more unhinged, so could you do like an au scenario where Lilli just snaps and like, beats up a dude in front of the Boys. Like Roberto finally pissed her off enough that she was like "I'm a holy woman but for you I make the exception". I hope this makes sense and thank you
“H-How dare you?”
Yang’s ears perked up in interest. It sounded like drama. He glanced behind Falzone and saw none other than that church maiden that everyone fussed about.
Her fingers formed little fists, trembling by her side. How fun, would that tiny creature have a little tantrum? Oh, Yang wanted to see.
In front of her stood a Lao shu scrub, holding some sort of painting. A religious painting, Yang guessed.
“Oi, I just picked it up. What's your problem?”
“That’s a holy image! How dare you take it from the altar! How did you even get in there!?” Liliana Adornato’s voice got higher and louder, attracting the attention of the other bosses present.
“What's the big deal, it just looks like a normal painting!”
Would she start crying? Or would she run off to her sisters? Yang bet on the second option. Women were weak like that.
“Give the holy image back.”
Liliana continued to persuade the man, but he wouldn’t budge. The more they talked, the more her small frame trembled. Oh, she would cry, wouldn’t she? Yang watched her with pity.
Until one moment when the women seemed to have had enough. With the force and the anger of someone looking for blood, she jumped on the man’s foot hard.
While the scrub screamed and tried to touch his foot, Liliana grabbed the painting.
Yang was left speechless. While the woman scurried off with her precious painting in hand, he was left there perplexed with the rest of the mafia bosses. The guts of that little wench!
So this sort of anger rested inside these holy people, huh. For the first time, Yang felt like they could have something in common.
Liliana Adornato... Now he had to have her. More than anything. Yang wanted an entertaining toy. And he couldn’t wait to see what other delicious outburst he could draw out of her.
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omgg, after 10 years, 5 months and 20 days. An update. Im soo sorry dear it took f forever to answer. My life been all over the places and havent been in the right mind for writing. 
Hope you will like this, it was so fun to write. thank you for the lovely ask!
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piofiorefood · 3 years
I think than first Yang won't stop to call his daughter the "The thing" because for him children are annoying and whiny being, then he will finish to love her when he have discover than she's a smart genius who can understand difficult contract at the age of five only. In the future he will make her the six rank of the Liu Fang Fui for replace him in Burlone. Aah! 😫I want them to get children soon.
Hehehe I like your answer! Yeah, Yang is detaching himself from his kid until he becomes more comofrtable around his father status. Thanks for writing!
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piofiorefood · 3 years
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Liliana and Orlok fanart!
This was inspired by Orlok’s Tragic End After Story CG. I like how pure and innocent they are together that I had to draw them no matter what!
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piofiorefood · 3 years
I would like to make a request please. How would the Piofiore guys be as dads to a daughter they had with Lili?
Headcanons about Yang and his daughter
-Yang would have never imagined he would end up having a spawn of his own.
-Really, the mere thought of it had disturbed him.
-When Liliana found out she was pregnant, Yang wanted to take her to a doctor to fix her… issue, but his woman would have none of that.
- In the end, Yang had to give up and accept he would become a father.
- When he first saw his spawn he didn’t feel too much about it. It didn’t look like him, and neither was it cute. It was a red screaming sack of flesh. Yang had no idea what Liliana saw in that creature and what pushed her to keep it.
- As it grew more Yang agreed, at last, that it somewhat resembled him. She had red hair just like him, but her mother’s eyes.
-He would mostly spend time at yumcha with his spawn. More than that was annoying for Yang, and less than that was due to his duties as head of Lao Shu.
-Yang didn’t like young children. He didn’t know how to act around them. So he mostly observed from distance.
- He supposed his spawn was bright enough. She spoke clearly and drew characters quite beautifully for her age. Much better than his woman for sure. In moments like those Yang was intrigued. He spoke to her in his native tongue only, making sure the seed was planted from an early age.
-Yang found out that he didn’t…dislike his daughter.
-He didn’t feel love for anyone, but he did feel some sort of an attachment towards his spawn. Like one would feel for a possession or a pet. It was an odd feeling. One that Yang had troubles processing. But of course, Liliana would say that his heart changed. And he was feeling love for their daughter. Stupid words indeed.
- He didn’t feel love. Not in the slightest. He just felt the stress of having a new liability besides his woman. If someone kidnapped his spawn, Yang had to get her back. Because it meant a lot for Liliana of course.
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HII! Sorry it took forever to respond to this. I'm getting back into Piofiore. I had inspo for this guy for now. hopefully if I get inspo for other guys I might post this scenario for them as well. Thank you for the fun ask! I had a blast imagining it. lol
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piofiorefood · 3 years
Hello guyyyyss, update time! Sorry I pooofed but life happened. I am back, hopefully. haha 
Bad news is im still somewhat rusty so im gonna write slowly and replay game probably to get back into the *writing mood*. 
Good news is that in the time I was away I’ve got such awesome, amazing, delicious asks from you guys that I’m super excited to be back! Thank you for all the new follows and have a great day everybody!
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