pipermca ¡ 23 hours
Rating: Teen
Continuity: War for Cybertron (cartoon)
Characters: Prowl, Barricade
Tags: Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, Pre-War, Police Brutality, Death, Dark
Summary: Core overrides enabled Praxian Enforcers to detonate a criminal's brain module. They were supposed to be used 'as a tool of last resort,' and only when all other options had failed.
Prowl had never used one, and he wanted to keep it that way.
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pipermca ¡ 3 days
Writing Update - April 2024
April was a good month, I think! We went to visit my family, and saw an eclipse! Of course, while we were away I didn't get a huge amount of writing done, and that was reflected in my stats.
Despite a push near the end of the month, I did not make my goal. I only wrote 2,652 words in April. I thought a lot about writing, but didn't get many words down. However, I did get a few things published, so that's good!
The sketches for the Reverse Big Bang were made available for writers a few days ago, and I've been spending some time poring over those options. There is so much good art, and I cannot wait to see the fics that come out of those pieces! I have a tentative list of my own picks; I need to get over my choice paralysis and just submit them.
I'm setting my goal for May at 3000 words again. It feels like a good place for me right now.
Another Day in Paradise. 4400 words. I had been wanting to work on this one for a while, and finally got around to it. It fills in the backstory on exactly what happened to Trailbreaker, as described by Hound in Mind, Body, and Soul. It's a little dark, which is probably why it didn't get much feedback. Oh well, it is something I wanted to write!
Diplomatic Relations. 1200 words. When the Transformers: One trailer came out, there was a tiny three-second bit that inspired this story. While my previous fic was barely read at all, I'm very lol'd about how well this silly thing was received.
Charge You Up. 1900 words. This fic was reposted/rewritten. It was backdated to its original posting date (November 22, 2017) so it didn’t appear on AO3’s “front page.”
Sun and Moon (working title). 47,000 words. Still plugging away at this thing.
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pipermca ¡ 8 days
Title: Charge You Up
Rating: Mature
Continuity: G1
Relationships: Bluestreak/Hound; Jazz/Prowl (background and implied)
Characters: Bluestreak, Hound, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Jazz
Tags: Plug and Play Interfacing, Public Sex, Established relationship
Wordcount: 1900
Summary: Bluestreak had a predatory grin on his face. "That thing we were talking about a few days ago... How about now?"
"You want to interface here?" Hound asked. "In the rec room?"
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pipermca ¡ 11 days
Fandom Ask Game!
Some are specific to writers or artists, but I made sure to include questions for everyone!
Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?
Out of all your fanworks that include [character], which is your favourite?
Show us a bit of a WIP!
Is there a piece of clothing you think [character] is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
What's your favourite piece of fanart for [character]?
What's your favourite piece of fanart for [ship]?
What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind?
Have you noticed your style change over time?
Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
What's a book, movie, or show you think [character] would like?
Type [charater]'s name and tell us what the autocomplete suggests as the next word
What's your favourite thing about [fandom] (the people in it, not the media you're all enjoying together)?
When did you first join Tumblr? How long was it between that and finding [fandom]?
Go onto your AO3. Which ship have you written for the most? The least? Does this correspond to who you consider your "favourite?"
Give us a headcanon for [character]
Has your favourite character/ship changed over time?
What's your favourite thing about [character]?
What's your least favourite thing [character] said or did?
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pipermca ¡ 12 days
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47K notes ¡ View notes
pipermca ¡ 12 days
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I can't even tell you how much these comments made me cackle. 😂
(Yes, that fast: I had inspiration, a concrete idea, time, and energy all at the same time, so of course I took advantage of it. It happens so rarely, I knew I needed to jump on it.)
Title: Diplomatic Relations
Rating: Mature (for suggestive themes)
Continuity: Transformers: One
Relationships: Sentinel Prime/Quintesson
Tags: Dubious Consent Fantasy, Tentacles, Tentacle Kink, not quite porn, Based on literally three seconds of the trailer
Summary: Sentinel Prime forced himself to stand up straight, and locked his knees as he waited for the Quintesson Prosecutor to glide down the ramp towards him. Surely this time would be different, yes?
Notes: Yes, this was 100% based solely on three seconds from the Transformers: One trailer. You know which three seconds I'm talking about.
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pipermca ¡ 13 days
Hope this isn't an ask you get all the time, but how do you track your progress when you're doing editing?
Everyone talks about word goals, and that seems fine for a first draft, but doesn't make sense to me when it comes to revisions. Do you have any kind of system for setting daily goals for your revisions?
Actually, I don't think anyone's ever asked me about this. :) So no sweat.
Briefly: I think you're wise in not attempting wordcounting in this phase of dealing with an MS—or trying to push yourself into a structure so rigid. ...There's this, too: there's a whole lot too much emphasis out there at the moment on trying to force yourself into other people's writing and editing paradigms—so many of them riddled with bar graphs and "demonstrable" daily progress. You need to find what works for you. More words dealt with in a day, sure, that's encouraging in its way. But are they the right words?
Today’s Writer Take that will probably strike some as Hot (and ask me if I care): Some kinds of writing progress are just neither graphically nor numerically quantifiable. And damned to the least TripAdvisorally-acceptable regions of [insert your preferred underworld here] be those who’ve tried to sell people the idea that they are.
Now, for what it's worth: here's how I do it. Which may be useful to other people, or not so much so. And that's fine, because I'm not editing their novels. :)
(Adding a break here. Under the cut: advice + advice = advice, and some images of text I shouldn't be letting y'all see just yet... but WTF.)
Revision for me is a fairly relaxed business—unless my editor has told me WE NEED THIS ON TUESDAY, which thank sweet Thoth on his e-bike is very rare.
It also helps that I like revising. (When I was a kid, I liked liver, too. And spinach. Just call me Miss Outlier and let's move on.) I really enjoy the feeling of the work’s rough edges being filed down and the sparse places being filled out.
And also: second draft/first revision draft is nowhere near as tense for me as first draft. Because, thank God, at least there's a book.
First draft is where I sweat blood and otherwise suffer. While I can see the story just fine in my head, it's not really real for me until the first draft, whole in narrative and action, is complete on paper/in the machine. And till it's achieved at least that level of reality, I can't relax.
But by the time I hit my second/revision draft, I can be confident that any really serious problems in the novel have already been solved—because I'm an outliner. In the outline stage, potential thematic or structural troubles will routinely have revealed themselves way long ago: before drafting even got started, as I first wired the story's bones together. The successfully-executed first draft acts as proof-of-concept for that structural wiring. By the time that draft’s done, it’s immediately apparent whether the skeleton can successfully stand up by itself. And gods is that a relief when it does! You’re tempted to jump around yelling “It's aliiiiiive!" as the lightning strikes around you.*
However, if after submitting that draft my editor's found something structurally or thematically troublesome in it that I've completely missed until this point, my first order of business becomes to fix whatever their notes involve and submit the fixes. Nothing further happens until the editor sees what I've done about those problems, and until I get agreement that whatever intervention I've enacted has now sorted the problems out.
After that, everything happens in bed.
(...casually noting that for a line to use somewhere else...) :)
But seriously: I do my best revision and editing before getting up in the morning.
Some of this is because, for me, the mind's nice and quiet and (theoretically) at least moderately well rested, right after sleep. I might take the briefest glance at my email first to make sure nothing urgent needs attention... but once that’s done, I refuse to let myself go any further down that hole. That early-morning calm is a mental state I'm glad to exploit, and one I jealously guard. On days when I'm forced to do without the working lie-in**, I use a different approach: when there's a pause, sit down and do nothing—no reading, no video, no music, no phone, nothing—for half an hour: then start editing. Routinely, the quiet I need will once more have fallen.
The in-bed-editing approach also works for me because (since I'm working in Scrivener) it's absolutely no big deal to finish a day's editing on a file by exporting a version of the file containing the day's edits to ebook format, and into my Dropbox. From there, in the morning, without ever getting out from under the covers, I can pull that .epub file into my tablet and read it as an ebook, making corrections and notes there.
This is what it looks like (on a page without too many corrections) if the app you're using is "Books" in an iPad. The second image is what you get when you touch on the marginal yellow square of the note to examine it.
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Then, when I'm finished looking over the previous day's/evening's writing and adding notes to it, I go downstairs, get some caffeine in me, and make the changes in the main Scrivener file. (If I was running the project in question on the iPad version of Scrivener, I'd just make the change right there. But who knows when I'd actually get up, then? Better to do it this way.) :)
In the normal flow of things I'll attempt to deal with a chapter or two a day in this mode. (Always bearing in mind that my chapters in early drafts typically run long—often 10K or so—and I'm likely enough to rebreak them later.) This first level of revision is the easy one: catching typos and bad or clumsy phrasings, reworking character interactions that need smoothing out; adding better descriptive passages (with particular emphasis on staying in the visual, audio and tactile senses), etc., etc.
So again: no way I'd ever bother worrying about word counts, with these. What seems to count for more is giving yourself time to recognize, gradually, at a reader's pace, what's working in the prose and what isn't. Rush—or try to force the pace to a given number of words per day—and you run the risk of missing something vital. To me, at the tracking level, it seems sufficient to note which chapters have been dealt with, and which are still hanging fire. (I can change the chapters' color labels in Scrivener to make this status visible at a glance, if I need to.)
When everything's dealt with on this pass—which if I'm lucky will take no more than a couple/few weeks—I try to take a couple weeks off before dealing with the MS again. Sometimes that's possible: sometimes not. The longer you can leave the book alone to let your perceptions of it rest and reset themselves, the better. Distance—mental or temporal—seems to lend clarity.
In any case, for me, next comes another pass, tougher to describe. Casually, I refer to it as the "Missed Opportunities/Complications" pass. This is a thing that one of the very best writers I know, John M. Ford, used to do. One of his editors (I think it was) came across him working on an MS one time, and asked him what he was doing. "Complications," Mike muttered. "Removing them?" said his editor. Mike shook his head. "Adding them," he said.
In this pass you look for in-novel connections you've previously missed making. Some dramatic moments have their impact significantly increased if you've found a way to connect them, even casually, with previous events, situations, character thoughts, or dialogue. (The cheap and easy mnemonic for this kind of thing: "Say a thing twice, and it echoes. Say it three times, and it resonates.")
Equally, events (and people) may turn out to require more complex backstory than you've given them in your first draft; so this is where you take care of that. And of course there are almost certainly character and emotional interactions that can use attention; fewer words, more depth, more complexity. What things do these people, in this situation, need to say to one another that they haven't? And also, what drama got scamped or passed up on because you were just too damn tired in the last draft? —Because you too, poor baby, are human; and that state can, entirely logically, make you want not to deal with any more damn drama just now. Even though drama is the lifeblood of your narrative, usually, and tying a tourniquet around it really doesn't help. You are the conduit of power into your narrative, and your varying ability to conduct it is always an issue… so you need to keep an eye open for places where the flow may have temporarily failed.
This pass, ideally, might take no more than another few weeks or a month. And again, I'm not sure any attempt at wordcount tracking would do this work any good. Because, again... are they the right words? And to make the narrative more effective, you may wind up removing as many words as you added in previous passes.
Finally, with all things taken together, I usually reach a point where (by myself, anyway) I can't think of anything to do that'll make this book any better. That's where there then comes—and again, impossible to assign a word count to it—a time when you know you're as Done As You Can Be. If you've been doing this long enough, you may even hear a strange kind of sigh in the back of your head, as the book gives up and lets go...
...into the next stage of production. But even then you keep an eye on it… because in my experience it’s rare that any book's ever that easily just finished. Even in page proofs, something may happen to surprise you.
Anyway, that's when I throw the book the hell out of the house—because no matter how much I've loved it previously, by that time I'm usually seriously tired of it—and wait to see whether the editor feels it needs one more draft. (Disclosure: this has never happened. There might be a few notes that need to be handled. But another full draft? Never yet.)
Anyway: hope this is of help to you.
But the heart of it all? Find your own way, and screw the bar graphs.
*That line, too, is an indicator of trouble to come. "It's?" Not "he's"? Tsk tsk.
**Usually sort of 7-9 AM. Sometimes way earlier, depending on the time of year. Dawn comes real early in the summertime in Ireland…
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pipermca ¡ 14 days
I just rewatched Pacific Rim and got movie feels all over again.
I really do need to work on the sequel to this fic, huh?
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Sideswipe & Sunstreaker
Characters: Human!Sideswipe, Jaeger!Sunstreaker, Human!Wheeljack, Human!Perceptor, Human!Ultra Magnus
Additional Tags: Canon/What Canon, Sentient Jaegers, Dubious Computer Science, Canon-Typical Violence, Ghost Drifting, AI Shenanigans, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Platonic Soulmates, Implied/Referenced Drug Use
Summary: They were called the “next step in jaeger technology:” fully autonomous jaegers that could grow and learn from their past experiences, able to adapt to any new challenge that the kaiju threw at them.
Specialist Sy Swipson had always had an interest in AI technology. So when he got the chance to work directly with one of the new jaegers, he couldn’t wait to get his hands on its systems. However, there seemed to be a bit more to the jaeger’s AI than first met the eye.
This is the Pacific Rim/Transformers mashup AU fic that I originally posted to Tumblr: all cleaned up and as polished as I’m gonna get it. It’ll update once a week, opposite Pulling Strings. 
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pipermca ¡ 15 days
Title: Diplomatic Relations
Rating: Mature (for suggestive themes)
Continuity: Transformers: One
Relationships: Sentinel Prime/Quintesson
Tags: Dubious Consent Fantasy, Tentacles, Tentacle Kink, not quite porn, Based on literally three seconds of the trailer
Summary: Sentinel Prime forced himself to stand up straight, and locked his knees as he waited for the Quintesson Prosecutor to glide down the ramp towards him. Surely this time would be different, yes?
Notes: Yes, this was 100% based solely on three seconds from the Transformers: One trailer. You know which three seconds I'm talking about.
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pipermca ¡ 15 days
it’s actually so funny how challenging it is to write bona fide graphic, horny smut. like people don’t give smut writers enough credit. you are constantly running out of words to describe the same 2-4 body parts and same 4-6 motions. you are constantly attempting to do interesting and dynamic things in the prose with this extremely limited set of words. you are looking at your prose for the nastier bits and wondering if it actually sounds hot or if it just sounds goofy. you are then toning down your prose and then wondering if it now sounds tasteful or if it’s just boring. you do ctrl+F for the word “cock” and there are 37 instances of it in the doc but you hate the 1-2 acceptable synonyms so there’s nothing much you can do about it
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pipermca ¡ 18 days
Another Update Regarding "No Fandom" tags
AO3 Tag Wranglers recently began testing processes for updating canonical tags (tags that appear in the autocomplete and the filters) that don’t belong to any particular fandom (commonly known as No Fandom tags). We have already begun implementing some of the decisions made during the earliest discussions. By the time this post is published, you may have already noticed some changes we have made.  Several canonical tags are slated to be created or renamed, and we will also be adjusting the subtag and metatag relationships between some tags to better aid Archive users in filtering.  Please keep in mind that many of these changes are large and require a lot of work to identify and attach relevant tags, so it will likely take some time to complete. We ask that you please be patient with us while we work! While we will not be detailing every change we make under the new process, we will be making periodic posts with updates on those changes we believe are most likely to prove helpful for users looking to tag or filter works with the new or revised tags and to avoid confusion as to why changes are being made. 
New Canonicals!
1. COVID-19
Due to long-standing demand, we will be creating a number of new canonicals related to COVID-19. These canonicals include:
COVID-19 Pandemic, which will be subtagged to both COVID-19 and Pandemics
Alternate Universe - No COVID-19, which will be subtagged to Alternate Universe
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic 
COVID-19 Lockdown
Created During COVID-19 Lockdown 
How to Use These To Filter For/Filter Out Works Tagged as relating to COVID-19 ❌ Filtering Out: To filter out all works that use tags referring to COVID-19, the COVID-19 pandemic, or the COVID-19 Lockdown, add COVID-19 to the “Other tags to exclude” field in the works filter. This will also exclude works making use of the subtag COVID-19 Pandemic. If you’d also like to filter out COVID-19 Lockdown, you would need to exclude that tag as well.
☑️ Filtering For: Add COVID-19 to the “Other tags to include” field in the works filter. This will also automatically include the works making use of the subtags COVID-19 Pandemic. If you wish to filter for only the pandemic or the lockdown, you can do so by including either COVID-19 Pandemic or COVID-19 Lockdown only.
2. Isekai and Transmigration
Given the similarities of the concepts, we will be creating a single canonical tag to cover both concepts to allow for easier filtering. Additionally, we will also be creating a canonical for the concept of Reverse Isekai and Reverse Transmigration. This tag will be subtagged to Isekai and Transmigration.
As with the COVID-19 canonicals above, you will be able to use these tags in the works filter to filter for or filter out these concepts. If you filter for/out Isekai and Transmigration it will filter for/out both Isekai and Transmigration as well as Reverse Isekai and Reverse Transmigration. If you would like to only filter for/out Reverse Isekai and Reverse Transmigration, you can just filter for that tag instead.
3. Mommy Kink
This oft-requested canonical will be canonized as Mommy Kink.
4. There Was Only One Bed
The ever-popular trope is now getting its very own canonical and all relevant synonym tags from Sharing a Bed will be moved over to this canonical, which will be canonized as: There Was Only One Bed.
Renaming Outdated Canonicals!
The Archive has been around for a long time, which means there are a lot of canonicals that make use of old and outdated terminology.
6. Asperger Syndrome
One of these canonicals is Asperger Syndrome, which is an outdated medical term which is no longer acceptable, and so will be de-canonized and made a synonym of Autism Spectrum.
7. Fantastic Racism
In the early days of the archive, the tag Fantastic Racism was canonized as a tag that was meant to represent Racism specifically concerning Fantasy or Science Fiction races (e.g. Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Vulcans, Phoenocats, etc.). To correct this particular issue, this tag will be renamed to Fantasy and Fictional Setting Racism to clarify the actual purpose of the tag and will remain subtagged to Racism. Fantastic Racism in particular is a case of exceptionally poor choice of phrasing for what should have been a relatively straightforward concept. The tag wrangling committee is working hard to continue to develop a robust and sustainable collaborative discussion format for making decisions in regards to the canonization of canonicals which are not specific to any fandom in the hopes of avoiding such mistakes in the future.
Reorganization of the Gender Tree and Genderswap/Genderbend Freeform Canonicals!
We will also be re-organizing a number of tags related to the concept of Gender in the coming weeks. The early days of the Archive saw the canonization of a lot of similar concepts which makes searching and filtering for these concepts needlessly complicated and difficult to navigate. 
To help eliminate one such complication, we will be merging Genderbending, Genderswap, Gender or Sex Swap, and Sexswap into a single canonical and renaming this new canonical to Changes to Gender or Sex. 
Similarly, we will be making a number of other similar renames to bring related canonicals in line with this change:
Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex will become Alternate Universe - Always a Different Gender or Sex.
Canon Genderbending will be renamed to Canon-Typical Changes to Gender or Sex
We will also create a new canonical for the concept of temporary gender or sex changes: Temporary Changes to Gender or Sex.
Other gender-related changes freeform tags we will be making in the next few weeks include:
Transgender, Transexual, and Alternate Universe - Trans will be de-canonized and made synonyms of the Trans canonical. 
A canonical will be created for Medical Transition.
These are just some of the freeform tag changes being implemented. While we won’t be announcing every change, you can expect similar updates in the future as we continue to work toward improving the Archive experience. You can also check out some of the other recent changes we have made in our previous update on No Fandom tags. Feel free to follow us on Twitter @ao3_wranglers or keep an eye on this Tumblr for future announcements. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue our work!
(From time to time, ao3org posts announcements of recent or upcoming wrangling changes on behalf of the Tag Wrangling Committee.)
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pipermca ¡ 18 days
Cityslicker Working at the Anarchist Farm Co-op
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pipermca ¡ 20 days
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(via @ao3commentoftheday)
Loudpedal shook his head. "You aren't going to die today, Jazz."
"How do you know that, 'Pedal?" Jazz asked. He squinted at his friend. "I mean… You're dead. I remember that much."
0 notes
pipermca ¡ 20 days
hey so like
hi, you. yeah im talking to you. You like my stuff from time to time and reblog once and a while, and I always recognize you in my notes. we’ve never talked, maybe you dont like to say much or you’re nervous or something. it’s okay, whatever it is. 
I see you. you mean a lot to me. sometimes when I’m having a hard day, I’ll notice your name once again in my notifs and it makes me smile. im not kidding.
I don’t care if you’re a “ghost” follower or you send me asks all the time. i see you and I love you so much, genuinely and truly. you are really important to me. 
thank you. thank you for being there. <3
70K notes ¡ View notes
pipermca ¡ 20 days
I am accepting @altraviolet's challenge (from the post here) for the fic writer questionnaire. This looks like fun! *cracks knuckles*
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,133,042 (holy shit)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mostly write for Transformers these days. I do have a little short story cooking for Centaurworld; maybe I'll get that jotted down some day.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I can definitely see how writing for a popular ship will skew your stats on your fics, and smut gives bonus points. 😅
Frag the Police. Jazz/Prowl, NSFW
Claim Rejected. MegOP, SFW
Peer Review. Starscream/Wheeljack, NSFW
Anamnesis. Jazz/Prowl, SFWish (has plug-n-play interfacing)
Public Indecency. Jazz/Prowl, NSFW
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love comments and I want to pass on that appreciation. 💗
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. Even my darker stories usually have a bit of light in the end, since I am a sucker for happy (if possibly bittersweet) endings. But the story Atrocity (please mind the tags on that one) leaves Bluestreak in a bad place at the end, and nothing is really resolved.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have lots of fics with really happy endings! But in terms of having no hanging ends, I think The Renegade and the Hound might be the happiest. 🤗 The last chapter of that fic is all warm fuzzies for the characters.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. 😄 I've gotten some vaguely critical comments sometimes but I wouldn't call that hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ooooh yeah. I write it all. I'll even write the weird stuff there's no terms for. Give me that weird-ass smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I tend to write fusions rather than traditional crossovers, but the weirdest one was very recent: The Spark and the Lightning, which is the War for Cybertron game crossed/fused with Dune.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! The fic Becoming has been translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of? A friend and I tossed little bits of a story back and forth several years ago, each of us building on what the other had just written. I have the bits all collected, but I'm not sure if it'll ever see the light of day.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Bluestreak/Hound. 💗
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It's in the Alt Modes and Alchemy AU. Basically it's the events of the climax of The Renegade and the Hound and a period immedately afterwards, but from Perceptor's POV. It's written as a half diary/half academic paper. The title is:
On the Restoration of Cybertron: An Analysis and Personal Account, or A Treatise on the Effects of the Destruction of the Matrix of Leadership on Cybertron and its Inhabitants from an Alchemical Perspective, and a Personal Account of said Event as Recalled by Perceptor of Iacon, Head Alchemist of Optimus Prime.
It's hella fun, and I'd love to finish it, but it keeps moving out of my "currently working on" stack into the "shelved" stack. :/
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at worldbuilding and writing those juicy emotional scenes.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing stuff. 😅 But seriously, I have a tendency to go back and rework stuff I've written (but not yet posted) instead of working forward on getting more words down. I love editing too much I think. >.<
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's fine? It should be clear to the reader what the dialogue says without them having to Google Translate it. Anything that stops a reader and takes them out of the flow of the story is a Bad Thing imo.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hahaha! I think the first actual fanfic I wrote was in the Time Quintet series (specifically after reading A Swiftly Tilting Planet) by Madeleine L'Engle. I think I was about 8 or 9.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmm. My favourite long fic is Mind, Body, and Soul (which was long and self-indulgent and I said everything I wanted to say about the Big Themes of the story). My favourite short fic is probably Datastream, mostly because I dipped into Cybertronian brains and weird sci-fi elements, mixed with formatting to help tell the story. :)
That was fun! Consider yourself tagged if you want to play along.
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pipermca ¡ 22 days
Title: Another Day in Paradise
Rating: Teen/PG
Continuity: G1
Relationships: Hound/Trailbreaker
Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Depression, PTSD, Mental Health Issues, Suicidal Thoughts, Injuring a romantic partner but with good intentions
Summary: The war had broken Trailbreaker, and Hound had no idea what to do.
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pipermca ¡ 22 days
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34K notes ¡ View notes