pirate101signs · 6 years
please... it's been over a year... make a post... my crops would thrive... my skin would be clear...
RIP pirate101signs
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pirate101signs · 7 years
What do you do when you have the personality of a Buccaneer but the style of a Swashbuckler?
I don’t see why those two together can’t work. :3
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pirate101signs · 8 years
If The Pirates Could Ever Visit Wizard City
Buccaneer: Desperately looking for the dueling hall, has a lot of “If you went to where I’m from, you would die within the hour. Oh, the things I’ve seen.” But seriously, where is the dueling hall?
Musketeer: Bragging about their guns and adventures to novice wizards, frequently embellishing the truth. Is asked to leave the premises after bragging about the time they robbed a back and kidnapped someone.
Privateer: Peacefully exploring and befriending the locals and teachers. Ends up being the only one who is not permanently banned from the world.
Swashbuckler: Is in disbelief of how relaxed and trusting the people are, finding it absurd that they trust their neighbors won’t try to kill and rob them. That being said, they are very excited to go looting around the town.
Witchdoctor: Challenging faculty members on real magic and the school’s blatant exclusion of more arcane magics. Trades spells with death wizards.
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Classes When Sick
Buccaneer: Tries to carry on as normal and downplay their sickness as much as possible
Musketeer: Refuses to take time off 
Privateer: “I spend all my time into keeping you ingrates alive, you fuckers can take care of me for once!”
Swashbuckler: Sick = Soup
Witchdoctor: Many of their spells go just slightly wrong, leading to more than a few magical mishaps
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Signs Waiting for a Major Upate
Buccaneer: sobbing
Musketeer: sobbing
Privateer: sobbing
Swashbuckler: staring distantly out the window, gazing out at the horizon, it is bleak and empty. They wait, and wonder, “When? When shall we get to go to Polaris, KingIsle?” A single tear rolls down their cheek as the open the window and cast away the small item in their hand. There, the last fuck to give, finally free. They have nothing left to give.
Witchdoctor: sobbing
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pirate101signs · 8 years
What the Pirates Think of the Wizards
Buccaneer: These guys solve all their problems with magic, they’d never last in a real fight.
Musketeer: Their attacks consist of sending out quick, magic spells. Surely, there is little room for strategy.
Privateer: Why doesn’t the Balance school get a classroom? Seriously, it’s an official class-the teacher’s bag are right next to him, did they not even bother to give him a place to stay? Like what the heck?
Swashbuckler: They just stand around and throw out spells, how can they stand not being able to maneuver and sneak around?
Witchdoctor: Do they even go to class?
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Signs After 24 Hours of No Sleep
Buccaneer: Is very aggressive and will pick a fight with anyone who sets them off, however, they will probably pass out before they can fight
Musketeer: Insists that they are fine and that there is nothing wrong with their aiming skills (there is)
Privateer: Is a hair away from tears, please be kind to them
Swashbuckler: Nonsensical babbling but inexplicable motivation to complete projects.
Witchdoctor: “What’s the meaning of life?”
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Classes on a camping trip
Buccaneer: Gets put in charge of unpacking everything because they can carry everything. Really wants to go hiking.
Musketeer: Was supposed to bring food, did not. Instead they brought guns because they insist that they are going to hunt their meals.
Privateer: Has a first aid kit and lectures everyone on staying in a group while ironically getting lost in the woods themselves. They brought a compass, so they got back in five minutes though.
Swashbuckler: Was also supposed to bring food, also did not. Instead steals from other campers and tries to make the overzealous big foot hunters by them think they found something.
Witchdoctor: As soon as they got to the campsite they walked into the woods and disappeared up until two minutes before they had to leave. Will not say what happened or where they were.
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Classes as Text Faces
Privateer: ಠ_ಠ Buccaneer: (ง'̀-‘́)ง Witchdoctor: (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚ Musketeer: ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿’\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ Swashbuckler: ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Classes Trying to Fight a Boss That is 10 Levels Above Them
Musketeer: *Shooting behind the safety of crates and bear traps*
Swashbuckler: *Has turned invisible and is running away*
Privateer: *Hiding behind the musketeer, desperately trying to boost everyone*
Buccaneer: C'mon guys! We can win if we try! You’ll help me, right Witchdoctor?
Witchdoctor: *Teleports behind Musketeer’s barrier*
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Classes' Rooms
Buccaneer: Nothing too cushy, a lot of swords and axes are lying around because they forgot to put them away.
Musketeer: Room is kept well organized and is stocked with supplies. Their favorite gun is proudly displayed.
Privateer: Room is always kept neat and tidy except for their desk, with is a mess of maps and papers. They have a lot of books and like to keep letters from friends.
Swashbuckler: They have a lot of nice stuff in their room (none of which belongs to them) and they constantly bring food into their room as well.
Witchdoctor: Nothing has ever been thrown away or organized in this room ever, it is a mess and they are likely a hoarder of dead animals, and yet they know exactly where everything is. 
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pirate101signs · 8 years
how about which class would be most compatible with another class in a relationship?
I gotta think for this one. How about (not including their own):
Buccaneer: Privateers or Musketeers
Swashbuckler: Witchdoctors or Privateers
Witchdoctor: All classes (they’re prob pretty accepting considering what they do prob isnt widely accepted)
Privateer: Musketeers or Swashbucklers
Musketeers: Witchdoctors, Privateers, Buccaneers
This isn’t concrete, though; this is just who I think they’d be more likely to get on with!
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pirate101signs · 8 years
Classes fatal flaws?
Hmmmmm…. Okay, sounds pretty interesting, here goes:
Buccanneer: Cannot back down from a fight
Witchdoctor: Relies too much on their powers, is usually virtually helpless without them
Swashbuckler: Pride
Privateer: Values the lives of others above anything and everything else
Musketeer: Difficulty trusting others
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pirate101signs · 8 years
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Classes in a Group Project
Privateer: Planning and organization
Musketeer: Building any functional network systems (ex. pipes)
Swashbuckler: Decorations
Witchdoctor: Any and all technological components
Buccaneer: literally all of the actual heavy lifting
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Classes' views of their class trainers
Buccaneer: Shark version of Vin Diesel with tattoos and an accent
Swashbuckler: Raccoon Indigo Montoya
Privateer: the Dogsong on loop
Musketeer: the cool great-uncle that teaches you how to shoot cans with a rifle
Witchdoctor: looks that could kill a man (and probably have)
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pirate101signs · 8 years
The Classes doing a house renovation. I'm an HGTV superfan and I think it'd be interesting. :)
Hmmm... I’ve never watched that, I’ll see what I can think up. 
I’ll most likely extrapolate off the idea and do something like a group project or something
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