A day at the museum
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You looked at me once as Zeus abducts Ganymede, claiming him unjustly.
Then again as we passed a decayed statue from a lost civilisation, both male and female.
Your eyes rested on my hand shaking nervously when I answered the guide’s question, lines and images of a beloved book flitting through my mind. Your smile answered mine then, a shared knowledge maybe.
Several rooms passed in a blur of relics as I forgot to listen to the guide’s words, the possibility of finding your gaze on me once more becoming an irresistible need.
So when the Ladies of Llangollen appeared, stretched and coloured on delicate ceramic, and your eyes met mine again, a prolonged contact that made me crave for more, I lost focus entirely. And when you moved in front of me for a closer look, I became fascinated by the way the curve of your head gave way to the soft looking, close-shaven hair on your nape.
The next stop brought you close to me once more, Hadrian’s profile turned to Antinous, severe expression failing to meet thoughtful gaze. I held my breath, hesitant to speak or to be silent. Your arm brushed mine then, by mistake or on purpose I will never know. Yet when the same gesture repeated itself some minutes later as you tucked your hands in your pockets, I let my imagination run wild.
The tour moved on, potteries, sarcophagus and flags losing all their attraction as only you filled my thoughts. The possibility of you.
I missed the final words of the guide, lost in my own world of hopes and desires, and cursed at the noisy group that walked in through the door, separating you from me without a care. I tried to look above their shoulders, tried to find my way through, but felt pushed back by a unbeatable current of closely packed, inconsiderate people. Slowly, endlessly, they filtered through the room, revealing you gone, nowhere to be seen amongst the throngs of curious visitors.
I stood there helplessly as I wondered. Did I imagine the looks, the subtle smiles? Did I read too much in them? Or not enough… Should I have done, said something? Will I regret not taking a chance at the risk of humiliating myself?
Better than to be left wondering.
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Welcome to Missed Connections
⭐What's Missed Connections? It was born from years of living in cities, hundreds of missed connections, whether friendly or romantic, and the endless possibilities that were never realized.
⭐And what's the point? To have a space to remember or wonder what could have been in a creative manner!
⭐Who is it for? Queers of all genders and inclinations because our stories deserve to be highlighted
⭐How can I participate/What can I send? If you feel inspired by the idea and want to share any text, poetry, drawing, painting, collage, photo, etc, send an email to [email protected] and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! All participation voluntary of course, but please include your Insta handle or your name in your submission, unless you wish to stay anonymous! One submission per email. Two pages maximum for text submissions, and no graphic/NSFW content.
⭐Where will my submission appear? A snippet will appear on the Instagram page @plentyofmissedconnections and the whole submission will be published on this Tumblr
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