plumpkinchai · 4 months
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“if you can’t do it for you do it for him”
i need to be thin enough for him to pick me up
i need to be thin enough for him to love me
i need to be thin enough for him to want me
i need to be thin enough for him to notice me
i need to starve for him
i need to thin for him
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plumpkinchai · 4 months
I have decided to try “the parasite diet”
I’ve wanted to try some type of ana game for a long time + I think it’s going to be fun and kind of easier than sticking to a particular plan… So here are the rules:
1. You do not eat at all unless you’re being forced/asked to.
2. If someone asks you questions like “are you hungry?/do you want smth?” you should answer with a “no” at all times. Once again, you eat only when somebody asks you to, not when they offer something.
3. Always count calories or at least estimate them.
4. The diet ends in case you’ve been starving for 7 days straight/reached your gw.
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plumpkinchai · 4 months
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summers coming soon
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plumpkinchai · 4 months
i want my boyfriend to pick me up like it’s nothing.
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plumpkinchai · 4 months
Just wanna be skinny so i can sit around wearing oversized pyjamas and look cute
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plumpkinchai · 4 months
just think of how oversized their clothes will look on you
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plumpkinchai · 4 months
think of the thigh gap
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plumpkinchai · 4 months
do it for your...
thigh gap
thin waist
long neck
dainty hands
gorgeous legs
cute clothes
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plumpkinchai · 4 months
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plumpkinchai · 4 months
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found on reddit dm to remove
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plumpkinchai · 11 months
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just dreaming to get back to this
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plumpkinchai · 11 months
how to keep your cool at thanksgiving dinner:
☆ drink a full glass of water before meal time
☆ keep a glass of water next to your plate and take a sip between each bite
☆ chew each bite at least 15 times
☆ take a tiny portion of multiple different foods to make your plate look fuller, but only eat one bite of each
☆ move the food around your plate to make it look as if you've eaten much more than you actually have
☆ engage in conversation during dinner so you'll be more focused on talking than on eating
☆ this is honest to god the hardest part for me; when dessert comes, say "i'm too full from dinner, but i'll have some later." don't let later come. (personally, i bake & bring my own low cal desserts so i can still feel like part of the crowd)
☆ drink a full glass of water after mealtime
☆ don't sneak off into the kitchen or dining room when nobody is looking to scarf down more food. remember, what you eat in private, you wear in public
☆ do not fast for a long period of time before thanksgiving. you will more than likely lose control if this is your first meal in over 48 hours. save the fasting for after
☆ most importantly, don't beat yourself up too much if you eat more (or way more) than you planned to. we all make mistakes, and it's a holiday. let yourself enjoy this time, but make up for it in the coming weeks
happy holiday season, everyone. stay safe, stay hydrated, and stay sk1nny ♡
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plumpkinchai · 11 months
Low cal Ana sweets
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Been getting cravings lately so I made this <33
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plumpkinchai · 11 months
I’ve lost 10lbs since coming to college, my mom noticed and weighed me when she visited. I tried to act surprised but she knows my ed too well. I’ve been in recovery since 2021, but it feels like the last two years I’ve been trapped in a body that doesn’t belong to me. I feel so uncomfortable existing in my current state. I’m finally able to eat whatever I want and exercise whenever I want since I’m alone now. I’ve honestly been restricting pretty high but now that my mom and boyfriend have noticed me getting worse, it feels like I actually have to do worse now. I’m suddenly becoming so competitive with myself and I feel so ashamed and guilty for eating. I forgot how addictive weight loss is. I feel like a failure if I ate more than yesterday and I feel like a failure for relapsing but I feel like a failure if I don’t give into my behaviors. I know I say if I get to 120 I’ll stop but I know that’s not true. There is never thin enough. Thin enough, small enough, perfect enough, it doesn’t exist. I will never be satisfied with my appearance. but god does it feel good to watch that scale drop.
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plumpkinchai · 1 year
facts :)
pseudonym: chai
pronouns: she/her
height: 5’8”
hw : 150lb
gw3: 120lb
lw: 100lb
not wanting to get back down to my lowest because i’m not trying to get back into treatment and the hospital again lmao that was traumatic
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