plushpixels · 4 years
Hey guys, this is Megg, aka, @oliveandoak. Firstly, I am very sorry that it took me this long to make a formal apology or even address what had happened. It took me a little while to fully collect myself and reflect. In the last week, I had taken a step back to realize and understand how I approached the situation. So, I wanted to make this post to directly communicate this to the people who were hurt and affected by my choice of words and actions: from the bottom of my heart, I am truly and deeply sorry. After numerous thought-provoking conversations with various people (both from online and in real life), I believe that I owe the people who supported me on this platform an explanation.My intentions when I deleted my blog were not to run/not take accountability of my actions. Behind this screen is a human. I made a mistake. I became overwhelmed, my defense mechanisms kicked in, and I reacted the only way I knew how, by walking away from the source of chaos. Deleting my blog was immature and I should have stayed to comprehend why there was such a strong reaction to my comment. I have done research in the past week and I see how harmful cultural appropriation is. For contributing to an ongoing problem in our society, and for that I sincerely apologize. My words will never make what I said okay and I take full responsibility. This is not to ask for sympathy, I just wanted to let the people who I have hurt along in the process know that I hear you and I am sorry for the pain I’ve caused. This blog was originally created as my personal outlet - it was my way to destress. Never would I have imagined the amount of love and support I have received from this platform and I still am extremely grateful for it. After some self-reflection, I realized that I never thought deep enough about my audience or what I posted would affect them. That is not okay and I understand that I should have been more thoughtful. I was hurt by the label I received and assumptions about me that floated around because I know my self, and I know that isn’t true. However, I admit and take full responsibility that I could be more diverse and inclusive on this platform. everyone deserves representation and I know that I need to work on being more aware of what I was posting. At the end of the day, I want to be better and I want to be inclusive, words will not make that happen only actions can. Lastly, I want to thank those who’ve been supportive, reached out and said kind words to me. I truly thank everyone for understanding. I believe that there’s always going to be parts of me that I can improve on to be a better person and I want to work at it. Thanks to those who’ve sent constructive criticism to me and those who reached out and I will do my best to take your words into consideration every day moving forward. 
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plushpixels · 4 years
Guys, I will leave this here without adding anything, so whoever is interested in the matter can see some actual facts about what happened.
I am still not in the right mental place to say anything, I still feel hot-headed and this is not how serious things should be treated.
Just read what Nicole wrote and attached to this post, and make your own opinion.
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I will explain under the cut.
Keep reading
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plushpixels · 4 years
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♥ Read from the beginning
Serena: We’re heading to Brandy’s now, boys want to have some fun. You two coming?
Fiona: Oh my sim, is that this bar with all the drunken fights every Friday? My dad hates the place, I..I just can’t, I’m so sorry..
Leon: It’s fine babe, don’t be sorry. Not today, Serena.
Serena /arrogantly/: That’s what I thought. /leaves/
Fiona: I’m sorry you had to turn your friends down..
Leon: Forget about it, nothing bad happened. I’ll bring you home and just join them later. I’m not missing much while they’re all sober anyway.
Fiona /upset/: They don’t seem to like me too much..
Leon: They don’t know you. First impressions can be tough, right? Besides, what does it matter if they like you or not. To me you’re the best thing about this evening. And I deem myself lucky to be stuck on the beach with you all alone..
Fiona: Oh is that so? /smiles/ Leon: Mhm..come here
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plushpixels · 4 years
Hello my darlings! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent me nice words and support! I didn’t feel much like socializing these days, but I’ve read your every message and they’ve made me feel so warm...I am so, so, so grateful!
My kitty is recovering after his surgery, it is too early to say everything is alright, since we have concerns about his health still, but until the further tests are done, we’re just happy about little things as of him eating, rolling around like a foolish sausage he is, scratching his pad and just being interested in life :3
And since I’m feeling all better now, I’m going to post a story post in a few minutes, and then I’ll get to answering all your asks I’ve been hoarding for a while! Sorry for ignoring you all for so long! :* :*
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plushpixels · 4 years
Hi friends! I don’t really like to bore you with text posts, but you all have been so sweet to me, so here’s a little update: I’ll be slightly inactive here for a week or so, and I don’t think I’ll manage a story post this week..my cat had a surgery, and I thought it’d be easier if I distracted myself with Sims, but it is not working at all..please don’t be offended at me not answering your asks or not checking on your posts :(
So, as soon as my kitty gets better and my mind gets in it’s place, I’ll be back with you with a story, and some followers gifts I’ve been working on (that editing tutorial I keep promising, for example)...it will hopefully take just a few days, but who knows :)
Take care everyone! 💖
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plushpixels · 4 years
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Katelyn Ortega for @crescendemon Michael BC.
♥  World-Famous Celebrity
♥  Music Lover | Dance Machine | Creative
♥   20 y.o. | Gemini
♥  A native Selvadoradian, but currently lives in Sulani;
♥  She is very young, but already well-known thanks to her Simstagram blog, which she started at the age of  16. Her blog is dedicated to health, beauty and lifestyle (and maintaining a healthy and happy body without following ridiculous beauty standards);
♥  Katelyn works as a plus-size model, currently focusing on lingerie and swimwear brands. Her point is that curves deserve pretty things too, and she is very successful in bringing it to the designers and brands thanks to her wide supportive auditory;
♥   Her latest contract was with Simtoria Secret; their swimwear campaign is what brought her to Sulani;
♥   She was never skinny, and no one in her family is; she taught herself to love her body and is now on a mission to teach others to do the same;
♥   Does a lot of sport and yoga, cause she cares about her shape a lot, but also has to maintain a special diet to prevent herself from loosing weight;
♥   She is very determined and devoted to everything she does, and once her mind is set on something it is very hard or close to impossible to make her change it;
♥   An activist for environment and marine protection;
♥   She is very chatty and tends to speak very fast; has a noticeable Selvadoradian accent;
♥   Dreams of trying herself as an actress one day;
♥   Is a little crazy over dogs, helps out in a pet shelter in Sulani and helps finding new families for abandoned pets through her Simstagram;
Private DL if chosen 🤓
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plushpixels · 4 years
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Fifita trying on Meggy’s @oliveandoak new tattoos 🖤 She’s almost ready to get her first tattoo and I’m excited 🤭
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plushpixels · 4 years
We made it innnnnn 🙀🙀🙀
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Introducing the contestants of Alex’s BC! ❤️
Angela Gracia by @amydelight
Cody Brodie by @aubadi
Charlotte Burnett by @crescendemon
Keegan Drake by @chimmysims
Iris Sauer by @imvikai
Mael Campeau by @pearlsims
Rhys Christie by @plushpixels
Stormy Jackson by @everfallsims
Thank you again to everyone for submitting your sims and thank you to the contestants for participating! I am so excited to get this BC started! More details below the cut ^^
Keep reading
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plushpixels · 4 years
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♥ Read from the beginning 
Serena: Hey!
Naomi: Sorry for taking your boyfriend away immediately, but you have to forgive us, we barely see him lately.../eyes Fiona/ though looking at you I understand why he chooses to spend all his free time with you.
Serena: Even though I personally didn’t think you’d last more than a week. You look nothing like the chicks he used to date.
Fiona /concerned/: Is he...I mean, was he...dating a lot?
Serena: Oh, does a bear shit in the woods? 
/Naomi elbows her in the side/
Serena: Ahem, I mean, you couldn’t really call it dating, those hussies didn’t deserve the three dates they did get. You on the other hand look so...pristine.
/Naomi coughs very obviously/
Serena: ...I mean, decent. Anyway, do you want a beer?
Fiona: No, thanks..my parents will kill me if they found out I was drinking.
Serena: Oh..well, ok then. /obviously disappointed/
Naomi /talking to Serena/: Did you see the pants Aimee was wearing to school today? What a joke!
Serena: I could never with the thighs like hers -
Boys /in the distance/: I am telling you, she sent Mark her boobies photos, l saw them! Hell, the whole school saw them!
Dude you missed on real something!..
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plushpixels · 4 years
Hi, I was wondering if you could explain how you got your blog to automatically redirect to /tagged/ts4? I've tried googling but it only shows how to link to a new blog
Hi there! It’s a small script you put under your <head> tag in theme’s html editor.
<script type="text/javascript">    if(location.pathname == "/")      location.replace("/tagged/ts4"); </script>
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plushpixels · 4 years
Oh my. How did I not see your blog before? At this rate, thank you tumblr for throwing random simblrs onto my dash, otherwise I wouldn't have found you... Your editing is goals!! ♥ Keep it up! 👍👍
Oh hi! Thank you so much!! This is the reason why I keep checking tumblr’s recommendations regularly, there are so many amazing blogs we haven’t discovered out there 🙈 
Thank you so much, I’ll try to keep delivering 🙈 
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plushpixels · 4 years
Hi! Could you please show your mxao settings? It's okay if you don't want to, I just never manage to get at least similar looking dark shades around my sims and I want it so much! 😩
Hi there! There’s not much secret to this)) So, i use 2 mxao shaders, mxao and quint mxao.
I’m using ordinary mxao for enviromental shadows, and for this I stick to  >>these settings<< made by @ pictureamoebae. Absolutely love them!
And quint mxao I use for making actual shadows on sims’ bodies. I have 3 different sets of settings for this one, for different purposes. As I said before, I’m not too wise about reshade, so if I get enough shadows on the face - the feet go black, and if the body overall looks fine, then the face looks flat 😝 And then there’s different lighting, worlds and all that. So I switch around a lot, but my ‘everyday’ settings will be these:
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plushpixels · 4 years
I just realized that you edit all the hairs in your posts and that they're originally mm hairs... wow... the talent. it needs to be stopped, it is too powerful (but for real, your edits are beautiful)
Ugh...do you have to be so cute? xP But seriuosuly, thank you so much! 🤗 🥰
i do think it needs to be stopped, but I don’t see the way out for myself oops 😂 😂
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plushpixels · 4 years
hey wcif that hair on rhys cuz🤩🤩🤩
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Heyyy bb~ and @cherrymoonrise, @haledela and also anon who was asking for his hair too :3 It’s Echo hair, can be found >>here<<
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plushpixels · 4 years
Sorry if you’ve already been asked this but wcif Theo’s hair please!!
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Hi! I did answer this one, but >>here you go<<
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plushpixels · 4 years
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Rhys Christie for @simvicii‘s Alex Goth’s BC
29 y.o. | 168 cm | Aries 
• Renaissance sim;
• Insider;
• Hot-headed;
• Self assured;
• Born and raised in Britchester; knows everything about tea parties and good manners, but isn’t much into either;
• Is short. You know it, I know it, he knows it. Now when we all know it, let’s move on and never mention it again. Like ever. I mean it. I warned you. Better also not mention shrimps, nuggets, midgets, chihuahuas and other tiny stuff around him too...
• For his small height and way too pretty face (and unluckily fitting surname) was teased as Christina during his school time);
• His lack of height he compensates with extra attitude. He has quite some temper, unbelievably strong will, stubbornness beyond sense and an extremely hot heart. Some call him hot-headed, most - a ticking nuclear bomb. Triggered by mentioning his compact size. I told you, you’ve been warned;
• Long story short: he will not consider your feelings, speaking the truth as it is, call him rude or straight forward, he really doesn’t care much. On the bright side: he has a flawless moral compass and isn’t afraid of making choices as a good man he was brought to be. He just lost his tact somewhere along the way.. 🤔 has anyone seen it? Please contact us.
• Has 3 sisters, all above 173 cm, imagine the pain;
• Attended a private school where he had to wear uniform for 10 years straight, that made him develop the wish to stand out, which shows in the way he dresses and wears his hair;
• Is very competitive, used to play volleyball at school. Mhm, with this size;
• Is very affectionate about his family, that’s why he calls them all idiots all the time;
• Works as a lawyer in a very respectable company, aspires to become one of the partners; known in the law world for his fierce speeches and cold tactics;
• He is a very caring partner, yet he managed to scare away every chance for happiness he had, because let’s face it, he’s a lot to handle. No one stayed with him long enough to discover he’d solve their every problem and would always be there for them.  • His mom signed him up for this BC cause a) she was obsessed with Goths and their lifestyle ever since Bella’s first appearance on Simmity Fair pages; b) that Goth boy looks like such a sweetheart, smart and caring, he’d appreciate her Rhys as none of them snitches could before.
private download if chosen 🤫
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plushpixels · 4 years
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♥ Read from the beginning
Fiona: Oof, I can’t get used to this thing, it makes me dizzy!
Leon: You’ve only ridden it twice, soon you’ll be begging me to give you a ride.
Fiona: Mhm, untill my parents find out I’m riding one of these, then you’ll have no girlfriend anymore, cause I will be SO dead. /chuckles/
Leon: Then we just need to make sure they don’t find out. Let’s go, folks are waiting.
Serena: oh will you look who blessed us with his presence!
Naomi /checking Fiona out/: and who’s that with you? Is it the famous princess we keep hearing about?
Leon: It is her, thank you for your input, Naomi. Gang meet Fiona, Fiona that’s my gang.
Fiona /embarrassed, waving/: Hi
Serena /pulls Leon away/: Where have you been all week?
Leon: You know, been busy with things, was buying a bike…
Serena: You did NOT! Was it what made that beautiful rumble? Omigosh, you totally have to give me a ride!
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