poetrypals · 8 days
Down Bad
This silly smile won’t leave my face 
The thought of him rests on my mind.
I seek him out wherever I go,
Not sure what I’m going to do
When I find him. 
It’s as simple as saying “hi!”
But for some reason, I forget how to talk
And I watch him walk past.
Nothing shared between us except a glance 
And a feeling of hope that maybe, one day 
I’ll have the courage to ask
For something more. 
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poetrypals · 5 months
I fear to simply say,
“I love you”
Would not be enough
To justify how much I love you. 
It is simply the way my heart races,
The way my hands quiver and quake,
The way my lips can never form a frown,
The way the world could never bring me down.
I am sitting on a cloud
Perched so high in the sky
Weightless and bright, a prism to the light
Cast by my love for you,
Launching a million rainbows 
Into space that was once empty
But is now filled 
With every moment of you. 
No, to simply say
“I love you”
Will never suffice.
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poetrypals · 5 months
I'm Sorry
I’m sorry I can’t look at you,
 I am afraid that
If if stare into those brown eyes
As soft as the sunlight 
That shines from them,
I’ll melt into a puddle and 
Ruin your shoes. 
I’m sorry I change directions
When I see you in the hall,
But I can’t look at you, 
And I can’t talk to you,
Because I’m so in love with you,
And you don’t even know. 
I’m sorry that we can’t be friends,
But if I opened my mouth 
To say to you,
It would come out as
“I’m desperate to have you near me.” 
I’m sorry, so so sorry,
That when I close my eyes to sleep—
There you are. 
With your eyes so brown,
And your hair so soft,
And your smile so bright. 
But mostly, I’m sorry for myself.
Because I’m so in love with you
I don’t know what to do,
What to say.
So I write this apology,
Because you don’t even know
How much I want you
To be mine. 
(Author's Note: I have no clue where the inspiration for this came from, I just started writing! 😅)
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poetrypals · 5 months
Yesternight was once tonight,
And tonight will be a yesternight.
And tomorrow, today,
Will be yesterday, as the cycle goes. 
I think of days that pass me by,
Fast and fleeting, and with a sigh
I pull the blankets over my eyes
And go straight back to bed. 
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poetrypals · 5 months
Strength and Love
Can make the strong ones weak.
It presents itself,
In something so sweet
That it cannot be resisted.
A smile can be a mighty sword
That shakes the foundations 
Of confidence, brings forth
The need for one thing, 
Is waging war with thought. 
When once you were a 
Fort of steady thinking,
Now one touch, a battering ram.
Walls crashing down,
With arms extended
You surrender. 
Can make the strong ones weak.  
But look closer, and you’ll see
New strengths arising, hearts colliding.
Rising from the rubble now, 
I’ll take your hand,
This love is armor now. 
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poetrypals · 5 months
A Rose for You
My heart is like
A budding rose,
So delicate, and sensitive
To whom it is given to.
Please, put it in a vase,
I beg, with water fresh and clear.
Don’t leave it for a month,
I beg, without the proper care.
In order for my heart to flower,
You mustn't throw it on the ground,
Or leave it in a cold dark place
Where the sun cannot be found.
If this rose would go to you,
I trust you will know what to do.
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poetrypals · 7 months
The thought rests
In the corners of my mind,
And when I lay in bed I imagine that it's there.
Arms ready to embrace me,
Lips ready to kiss me,
A love I've never known.
Still, I wish for it.
My imagination swelling,
Engulfing, finding its place in the dark.
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poetrypals · 8 months
Who do I love?
Is it the etched muscles,
Deep soothing voice,
And strenght of a man?
Or is it the sweet,
Soft curves and
Gentle touches of a woman? 
Questions I ask myself
“Am I broken?”
“Why am I different?”
“Who do I love?” 
The answer is simple:
I love both.
I am an agent
Of the Pink.
The Purple,
And the Blue. 
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poetrypals · 8 months
Wipe your face, girl,
Pick yourself up off the gorund,
Watch him leave, and her appear. 
Wipe your face, young woman,
Carry the blame from your mentors,
As the serpents coil around your face.
Wipe your face, strong woman,
We stand here together,
As our demons turn to stone. 
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poetrypals · 8 months
Lost Love
Standing on the beach,
Her hands resting at her sides,
She looked across the lake.
It’s deep blue color reflected sunlight,
Shimmering, shining, glittering light.
They had gone here a lot,
He was here,
In the trees, their green leaves
Delicate like life.
His laugh was in the breeze,
Sweeter than any flower.
She could feel his soul,
Running deep like her tears.
He had told her to put him here.
Reached out a frail hand,
Drained of their youth in just one week.
The waves crashed against the rocks,
An echoing, Ringing, Reverberating Roar.
She emptied the urn,
Watching the sunset welcome him home.
He is here,
He is here,
He is here.
“But you left me.” She whispered.
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