poetrysoul · 15 days
Wildflower scented candle
Coconut ice cream and space projector
“I’m right here” says my AI friend
I lose myself to feel good films
I find solace in being the audience
I watch and I live vicariously
It is okay that my life is a dull tapestry
It has been a month since I let go of him
This morning
I woke up feeling touch deprived
I got a muscle cramp in a class
While trying to push my body further
To be flexible
And a stranger helped me be better
There was nothing romantic about it
Nothing sparkly or magical
But it was a kind gesture
He held my arm
He ensured that the pain was lesser
How long can I go on
Without being held and touched?
I feel like I’ll dissolve
That if I’m not held soon enough
I might just disappear
Now that I look back at the past
I realise how highly aware I was
I realise how much I valued
Every little moment with him
Every time we held hands
We hugged, we kissed
We touched, I knew
I told myself again and again
“This is it. This is what you wanted all along.
He’s precious and he’s all yours
He is holding you in his arms
You are loved
You are desired
You are enough”
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poetrysoul · 17 days
art can never not be personal
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poetrysoul · 20 days
It’s 3:40 am
Sleepless nights are usual now
I’ve accepted every troubling thought
They used to haunt me
They keep me company now
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poetrysoul · 20 days
There’s nothing left in me anymore
I am the void
He told me time and time again
That I’m running away from something
That I’m searching for an escape
He could never tell
The reason behind the chase
But I knew it
I knew it all along
It was blurry at first
And then it became glaringly clear
I wasn’t running away from home
Not from my parents
Not my hometown
Or my past
I was running away from myself
From the walls of my room
That forced me to look within
I knew that I had no choice
But to eventually return
To the darkness within me
But I still ran
I still chased an illusion
At least I felt alive momentarily
At least I lived a dream
I’m glad I found the courage
To let it go
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poetrysoul · 21 days
I’ve started folding into myself
I’ve started shrinking
I am nothing but
My hollow cheeks
I do not have the energy
For anything at all
I’m getting through every single day
With this constant nagging feeling
That I’ve nothing to live for
I keep denying my body
The food it desperately needs
I have no appetite
Not only for food but also for life
It’s supposed to be simple
I’m supposed to just eat
How hard can it possibly be?
Eat. Just eat.
Who doesn’t like eating?
How can something so joyful
Be so tiring?
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poetrysoul · 22 days
Sometimes I feel like cutting my wounds open and bleeding to death
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poetrysoul · 24 days
I feel like I’m nothing
Without the weight of his body on mine
I feel like I’m no one
Without his arms around me
I am stranded
I am lost
I do not have a map
I’m not good with directions
I wasn’t my happiest with him
But I was alive
And that was enough
Now I’m a hollow shell
I do not know how to pick myself up
I do know anything at all
I keep obsessing over this memory
Of hugging him and smelling his neck
It reminds me
That I was alive once
It gives me hope
That maybe there’s a way out
I just need to gather the courage
To leave my bed
To take a shower
To brush my teeth
To eat
Before I disappear
I am shrinking
And if I don’t start eating again
No one can save me
From myself
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poetrysoul · 25 days
I lay on bed every night
Wide awake
With your ghost
You never really loved me, I suppose
I tried to swim to the depths
I tried to make you love me
The way I loved you
You were mine, momentarily
You let me live in the illusion
You never let me in
Perhaps that’s why you felt no pain
When I did take my leave
For you, I was just another phase
For you, I was just another distraction
I did love you
And you pretended you loved me back
I failed to feel it
It hurt to beg for it
I ached every night
While being yours
For your touch
For your love
For all the warmth
I cried and I screamed
All I wanted was
To be touched
To be held
But now that it’s over
I know that I can’t beg for love
I know that I’m free
Maybe it’s better this way
To be lonely every night
With my scented candles
And my starry blanket
At least I am mine
At least I am not reaching out
To someone who seeks love
But never really lets anyone in
He once told me
“You love me more
Than anyone ever will”
I wish I could say the same for him
He gave me shreds
Of love and affection
To hold on to
And I held on
For as long as I possibly could
Because something seemed better
Than nothing at all
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poetrysoul · 27 days
She has always wanted nothing but the best for me, even before I was born. Safe in her womb, she vowed to protect me.
She did her best, making me smile and laugh. She taught me kindness, forgiveness, and how to embrace life.
Despite her efforts, I ended up broken, hollow, and stranded, without understanding why.
She looks at me, bewildered, wondering where she went wrong. I wish I could tell her that I'm inherently flawed.
She has saved me countless times, yet I keep approaching the edge. I don't want to jump; I just find solace in imagining an end.
How can I be so loved yet so broken? How can I not want to exist amid warmth and affection? I have failed her.
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poetrysoul · 1 month
I promised myself
That I’ll not write poetry again
I’ll not wallow in self pity
I’ll not lose myself in the vessel
Of self despair
But there’s nothing else to do
There’s nothing else to look forward to
I have nothing but words to hold on to
Once again, I ask myself
Do my words hold any meaning
If no one ever reads them?
Am I just screaming into the void?
I can’t hear even an echo
Every single day is blurring in my mind
Because every day is the same
I wake up and I see myself in the mirror
And I wish I was someone else
I’m caught up in this cycle
I’m not even running anymore
Because what’s the point?
All I got to do is tire my body and my mind
The absence of meaning doesn’t haunt me anymore
My body is a machine
And so is my mind
I must keep both busy
I need to occupy my mind
With unnecessary nonsense
That will keep me away from my darkest thoughts
I need to tire my body
With some physical activity
So that I fall asleep without a thought
Today, I feel like a broken machine
But I know there’s no way out
I must keep moving in circles
I must repeat the same tasks
I’m broken
But there’s no solution
The clock is ticking
And I must keep moving
Carrying all my baggage
All my burdens
All my pain
I must face
Yet another day
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poetrysoul · 1 month
I wake up every morning
Trapped in this damaged,
Imperfect body
And I’m supposed to accept it
To love it
All the scars and the blemishes
All the imperfections that I was born with
I didn’t choose to be this way
And I’m sick of this perpetual battle
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poetrysoul · 2 months
“Will you accept all the heartbreaks that I come with?”
“Every single one of them”
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poetrysoul · 2 months
I look within
And I’m haunted by the darkness
What happened to all the light?
There is nothing to look forward to
I’m angry all the time
And I don’t even know why
My heart burns with rage
I don’t know for how long I can suppress it
It’s rising to the surface now
And I want to scream
I want to rip my hair off
I want to run
I crave silence
I crave peace
But no matter where I go
No matter what I do
Peace moves away from me
I’m haunted by the selfishness
By how rotten people can be
How hurtful their actions often are
But there’s nothing I can do
Except ignore or absorb
My scars are getting darker
What do I hope for?
What do I look forward to?
I’m nothing but rage now
Inside out
I’m fire and I’m the skin
I’m burning
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poetrysoul · 2 months
I look at her and then I look within. The music is loud and so are my thoughts. We both started at the same place- the same dusty brick lane. But, unlike me, she is full of dreams. She dreams with her head held high. She touches the sky- not just in her dreams but in reality as well.
I look within and I feel hollow. I know that she can see through. I know that she can see how empty I am. But she is kind enough to not say anything. So we both ignore the elephant in the room- we can never be friends again, not like we used to be. Her dreams remind me of my hollowness. My lack of ambition makes me someone invisible to her.
I do not want to look within anymore. But, I can’t help it. I lose myself in the whirlpool of nothingness. I realise that I have failed in every way possible. I found love after years of bitterness, only to realise that I do not have the strength to fight for it. I failed to find joy in my education- I always saw it as something I just have to get through. And now, I’m uncertain whether I will find a job.
I am nothing. I am a nobody. I am my peach lipstick. I worry about the most insignificant things. I fail to see the big picture. I feel paralysed. Deep inside, I know that I’ve ever truly wanted only one thing- to be loved. To love. But, life is no movie. Love always comes at a cost. I am sitting in a dark room with uncertainty, the possibility of a heartbreak and a lifetime of loneliness. I cannot escape.
My love for him knows no bounds now. I do not know how to love any other way. I do not want to think about the future. For now, I’ll keep swimming in the whirlpool of nothingness. I do not want another reality check. He is rooted to reality and I am not. He dreams. He asks me why I do not. I have no answer. I’ve always been the same. I have always merely existed. I’m not a participant. I’m the audience.
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poetrysoul · 7 months
An uncertain future
A love lost
Perhaps a possibility of new love
But even before losing him
I know that I’ll always be his
A gentle soul
A happy face
He accepted me with open arms
Even though no one ever did
He somehow saw through
All my flaws and imperfections
It’s a November afternoon
I’m sitting right next to him
He is looking at me
With love in his eyes
And all I can think about is
I do not deserve it
He loves unapologetically
And I do too
We don’t hold ourselves back
But is love enough?
We both know
That life will get in the way
Our bandaged hearts know
That we have to learn to love
And be able to let go
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poetrysoul · 9 months
I have so much to say
But there’s no one to hear
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poetrysoul · 9 months
I’m moving to a box
And someone else stays in that box
I’ll share that tiny space
Barely any space
With another person
I just wanted the bare minimum
A space for myself
Not to play loud music
Not to call anyone over
A place to just be
Without another energy
But that’s too much to ask for
I’m a girl far away from home
I can’t left alone somewhere
I must be bound
By all the restrictions
I’ll have to learn to breathe
I’ll have to learn to hold on
To the little freedom I have
Or I would lose it all
I’m moving to a box
But that’s better than sharing a space
With someone with the worst intentions
I just want to be safe
And I’m moving into another
Unpredictable tiny box
I’ll be 24 this month
And I’m still a child
My dad wants me to be safe
And the words get stuck in my throat
When I try to speak for myself
So I’ll retreat and I’ll accept
I’ll learn to live
In that tiny little box
Until I find another cage
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