pppppronin · 4 years
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pppppronin · 4 years
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A son knows: the feeling of the greatest joy.
A dad knows: the feeling of the greatest fear.
A son knows: to look at life, joyfully & playfully.
A dad knows: to look at life, as work & chores.
A son knows: that his dad will always be there for him his entire life.
A dad knows: that it is better for the elders to die, before the offspring.
A son knows: all his dreams will happen with enough hard work.
A dad knows: all the absurdity of pursuing futile pipe dreams.
A son knows: he is special; over all others.
A dad knows: he is insignificant just like all others.
A son knows: everything is the natural-simple-honest-truth.
A dad knows: everything is an engineered-synthetic-fabricated-lie!
A son knows: mainly sweetness, idealism & endless possibilities.
A dad knows: mainly bitterness cynicism & dead-End roads!!
A son knows: the world is an epic mind blowing beautiful sparkling place.
A dad knows: the world is a vicious merciless violent ugly SHITTY place!!!
A son knows: of innocence & purity in life.
A dad knows: of scorning & scaring in BITCH-ass)life!!!!
A son knows: that the grown-ups have life figured out
A dad knows: that nobody knows WHAT THE FUCK is going ON!!!!!
But it is ok...
...a son loves his dad with all his heart...
...a dad loves his son with all his heart!
!- This, they know, will not change in life -!
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
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I am the knowledge.         I am the test.
I am the champion.           I am the best.
I am the warrior.          I am the fighter.
I am the instigator.       I am the igniter.
I am the burning.          I am the pyre.
I am the cauldron.                I am the fire.
I am the rocket.          I am the missile.
I am the sword.            I am the thistle.
I am the pain.              I am the sting.
I am the lion.                      I am the king.
I am the royal.                 I am the regal.
I am the flight.                 I am the eagle.
I am the wolf.                  I am the leader.
I am the alpha.                 I am the feeder.
I am the freeBird.            I am the infidel.
I am the renegade.            I am the rebel.
I am the beauty.               I am the tin-can.
I am the walrus.            I am the eggman.
BY Ronin Kieran
#pppppRonin #poetryIsNotDead #poetryCommunity #poetssociety #newPoetsSociety #poetsCorner #deelPoem #poetsOnTumbler #tumblrPoetry #poetryOnTumblr #tumblrPoems #writeundertheinfluence #poems
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pppppronin · 4 years
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[Nobody Knows Jack Shit]
Nobody knows ... what our purpose of existence is,
Nobody knows ... what is beyond the star's in the sky!
Nobody knows ... what God truly is,
Nobody knows ... what reality actually is!
Nobody knows ... what life is without oxygen,
Nobody knows ... what life is all about!
Nobody knows ... where the soul truly is,
Nobody knows ... what our consciousness is!
Nobody knows ... where the center of love is,
Nobody knows ... where the origin of evil is! 
Nobody knows ... where you where before you were born,
Nobody knows ... where you will go to when you die! 
Nobody knows ... where is my place in the universe, 
Nobody knows ... where is your place in the universe!  
Nobody knows ... which gods in history have truly existed,
Nobody knows ... if the flying spaghetti monster truly watches over you!
!Nobody knows you!
!!!Nobody knows me!!!
!!!Nobody knows JACK-SHIT!!!
But Hey, still, stay in school kids!
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
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What Do You Do?
Do u wake up with a smile?
Do u wake up like you are going to go on trial?
Do you think? Do u feel?
Do you drink? And that is with life how you deal?
Do you show compassion?
Do care only about the latest fashion?
Do you always want to give people love?
Do you want to give them a nice hard shove?
Do you wish other happiness in the way they live?
Do you wish you could just stab them hard with a shiv?
Do you try to assist and help your fellow man?
Do you always try to be as selfish as you can?
Do you live life NOT just to be all in-vein?
Do you live life to just give others pain?
Do you see how small you really are?
Do you see yourself as the world’s czar?
Do you focus on making the world a better place?
Do you try and hate everyone in the human race?
Do you gladly embrace the unknown?
Do you reject what science has shown?
Do you do this?
Do you do that?
Most importantly,
What are you going to do now?
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
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We Three Three Three
We have basic needs;
needs, needs, needs.
Shelter from weather, food from seeds.
We create emotional desire;
desire, desire, desire.
emotions fuel our artistic creative fire.
We can be high or happy;
happy, happy, happy.
Put on blinders, plow through the crappy.
We also have an emotional dark-side;
darkSide, darkSide, darkSide.
Depressions are a slide that We can forever ride.
We are able to endure great suffering;
suffering, suffering, suffering.
life seems just to be stuck buffering.
We cant move as fast as the world will grow;
grow, grow, grow.  
To the Pace of fast living just say, "whoa!"
We should not demand others how to live;
live, live, live.
Only our perspective of our opinion can we give.
We must express & create;
create, create, create.
Express the way our brains contemplate.
We just walk around & wander;
wander, wander, wander.
We think, we question, we ponder.
We wonder what does existentially matter;
matter, matter, matter.
Its hard to think with distractions, clatter & noisy chatter.
We don't choose our given genes;
genes, genes, genes.
Our blueprint of life, DNA , operates unseen.
Instincts are embedded in the DNA.s code;
code, code, code.
Its a challenge to ascend our caveman mode.
Try to make conscious actualizing decisions;
decisions, decisions, decisions.
Move towards oneness not separate divisions.
We should strive to improve & be better;
better, better, better.
Not chain ourselves with thoughts that fetter.
But we can only control ourself;
ourself, ourself, ourself.
We are not going to get help from a magical elf!
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
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ABC’s Why I Write
{I DO write because it …
… archives the abstract abominable abyss…
… that is my minds thought.
I DO NOT write because it …
… better boosts the brobdingnagian beast…
… that is my minds ego.}
{I DO attempt 2…
… construct & confine the crazy, creative, chaotic cluster of clouds…
… that is @ the core of my minds thought.
I DO NOT attempt 2…
… destroy & denounce the deceptive, desperation of deplorableness…
… that is @ the core of my minds ego.}
{I DO try 2 always…
… enlighten, enhance, evolve & edify…
… the concepts from my minds thought.
I DO NOT try 2 always…
… fabricate, fashion, foster, & frame…
… the concepts from my minds ego.}
{I DO make decisions 2 encourage…
… gradually gaining global generosity…
… behavior in my minds thought.
I DO NOT make decisions 2 encourage...
… habituating hedonistic hidebound hoggishness…
… behavior in my minds ego.}
{I DO want 2 have …
… instinctual insights & intelligibly invariable ideas…
… using my minds thought.
I DO NOT want 2 have …
… justifiable jousts & judgmental jeering jabs…
… using my minds ego.}
{I DO always want 2 seek 2 …
… keep knowing (in questioned) knowledge…
… for the benefit of my minds thought.
I DO NOT ever want 2 seek 2…
… lavish luxuriously (in unquestioned) laziness…
… for the benefit of my minds ego.}
{I DO try 2 have a…
…mediocre minute metaphysical meaning…
…behind my minds thoughts.
I DO NOT try 2 have a …
… noxious narrscasistic naive narriative…
… behind my minds ego.}
{I DO try 2 focus on the …
… openminded opinions of others…
… paths of my minds thoughts.
I DO NOT try 2 focus on the…
… propaganda's plight of the persuasive…
… paths of my minds ego.}
{I DO believe it helps…
… questioning & querying n2 the quasar quagmire…
… that is my minds thought.
I DO NOT believe it helps…
…rationializing & reasoning n2 reducing the ridiculousness…
…that is my minds ego.}
{I DO try 2 make some…
… sincere smart set of sequential sentences…
… inside my minds thought.
I DO NOT try 2 make some…
… tedious trite trivial, twisting & turning tall-tale…
… inside my minds ego.}
{I DO want 2 practice...
… understanding universal underling utterances…
… within my minds thought.
I DO NOT want 2 practice...
...vicious vexing of volatile violent verbs…
… within my minds ego.}
{I DO like ...
...waxing & waning; wrestling with words while writing...
… in one's thoughts.
I DO NOT like ...
...xenophobia, xfiles, xerox-machines & my eXwife...
… in my life.}
Life is …
 ... & …
 … Life is not, ...
  Y & Z! -
— now you know my Abc’s, next time won’t you;
read-listen-watch-download-stream,with me —
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
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Dear John, Mr. Ego
Mr. Ego, I know you think you are great,
But, for you, I have discontent, and even hate.
    You've been a part of me for a considerable time,
    It all started with thinking "hey, man, that's mine!"
Mr. Ego, you are very self-centered by design,
Your counseling can not bring me to cloud-nine.  
    You are always looking to be feed, it’s unrealistic,
    You only care about yourself, you're very hedonistic.
Mr. Ego, you’ve had your day in the sun,
But now our relationship has to be done.
    My attention to you, needs to be changed,
    Focusing on myself is making me deranged.
Mr. Ego, self-centeredness needs to leave my views,
Life isn't not black & white, it’s a spectrum, of colorful hues.
    You were developed as an evolutionary defense mechanism,
    But now, I practice the philosophy of humanism.
Mr. Ego, sometimes you had a good observation,
But currently in life, for you, I have zero admiration.
    There where some tuff times you helped me survive,
    But now we must part ways, for my sanity to stay alive.
Mr. Ego, leave me, leave me in peace,
With you gone, my insecurity shall cease.
    I have a family to take care of,
    It’s them that I shall give all my love.
Mr. Ego, life doesn't revolve around you,
It’s about altruistic love, through & through.
    I’m not going to look for grandiose recognition,
    Enjoying the present, that is going to be my life's mission.
Mr. Ego, you are nothing but an illusion,
A fabrication, a delusion, that’s my conclusion.
                Mr. Ego, we have had lots of fun,
                But now our time is over, it’s done.
Good bye, Mr. Ego,
It’s time for you to go.
  This concludes this episode,
  of this blogPosting show. 
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
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A person  VS People
A person can be interesting. People will be a bore.
A person can tell the truth.
People will engage in folklore, - A person can always relate. People will always hate. - A person can show empathy. People will show no sympathy. - A person can act with a rational side. People will act with national pride. - A person can believe in being moral. People will bicker, fight & quarrel. -
A person can end their personal mortal strife. People will end all of society, & earth’s life.
With a person, there can always be a name. With People, there will be no one to blame. -
A person can be smart. People will be stupid. A person can think. People thoughts will get diluted! - Be a person. Different from, All of "the people." FUCK ALL THE PEOPLE!!!
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
Life(s) Big Question Marks
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Life(s) Big Question Mark(s)
What-when-where-was the beginning? What happens after mortality?
What is Consciousness? What is intelligence?
What is crazy? What is genius?
What is harsh? What is kind?
What is primitive? What is supreme being?
What is seperate? What is universal?
What is incomprehensible? What is creative imagination?
What is limited? What is limitless?
What is sinical? What is caring?
What is following? What is leading?
What are deep quesstions? What are shallow ones?
What is skepticism? What is believing?
What is faith? What is false?
Did jesus ever reincarnate? Is Buddha in a christian heaven?
What else is there? What do you want?
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
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Figuring it all out
Life sucks, and is never going to be great,
It’s really hard to keep my head straight. 
I am not sick, but I am not well,
Can’t tell, if IM In heaven or hell. 
I know, Im insane inside the membrane,
I know, ive hopped aboard the crazy train. 
I have No desires society says are normal,
I don’t want  to go to galas that are formal. 
I do not want spend income being loyal to a brand name,
That makes life into a material acquiring game. 
With life, Ill pursue my own personal artistic passion,
Avoiding the latest herd following, fashion. 
When life is always trying to give me the sack,
Ill try not to let the anger monkeys jump on my back. 
I know I have a brief amount of time under the sun,
soon my short mortal lifespan here will be done.  
Life always seems out of season,
There is never a rhyme or a reason. 
I look for explanations where there are none,
I wish I could I have the answers and just be done. 
I wish the old dogmas to be true. But science says otherwise,
And infallible knowledge from a human; I despise. 
There are more stars on the galaxies waistband,
Than earth’s beaches have tiny grains of sand.
This number my brain can not comprehend,
It overloads, implodes, and needs time to mend. 
I will never have it all figured OUT!
I can only scream into the void, and shout,
I will never have it all figured out!
...I will never have it all figured out!...
. . .
. . . Damnt! . . .
...Fuck. Fuck it. Fuck it! Shit!
I don't know, shit!
Fuck it! FUCK this!
These deep Thoughts give me a headache, i not going to think anymore. -
I fucking quit!
Screw thinking,
Fuck this shit!
(.... Smoke bong Hit, Cough, Cough, Cough ....)
oh shit, sorry there man. I was taking life seriously for a second, hahaheheHEhaha
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
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Outdated Primitive Racist Mentality
We’re just an ape, a monkey, a chimpanzee.
95% of their DNA is inside you & me.
Compared to apes, homoSapiens' brains are far superior.              
But inside the species itself, NOT one race, color, creed is inferior.
Racism lives off ignorance, always being scared
Xenophobia says "‘they's a… comin, y’all. Better be prepared."
National pride. Ethnic pride.                  
“Get on a team, pick your side!"
Mankind has different skins, different cultures, a different name.
Underneath the color of our skin, our skeletal structure is all the same.
I say, do not subscribe to "it is us vs them!"
We all originate from the same primordially bin.
On the topic of race, creed, & gender being above one another.
No one is, we all have come from the same "original" mother.
There's no "one correct” path, or bust.
Everybody is made from the same star dust.
The basic laws of nature are unbiasedly fair.
About our small lives, the universe does not care.
Mortality,  death, the reaper, the great life stopper.
The king’s ultimate fate is the same as that of a common pauper.
Each day, the global economy will only become more & more diverse.
Superstitious, divisive, primitive ancient thinking belongs in a hearse.
So, to all the racists out there I say...
Racisim is a thing of the Past,
We are all the same species
. . . So…
... Stop having a fit!
And just fucking GET OVER IT!!!
By Ronin Kieran
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pppppronin · 4 years
Simpson’s Already Did That
Nothing is original
Everything has already been done before.
Rebel rebel, bitch bitch, whore whore.
There’s nothing new to explore.
Everything has already been abhorred.
Part of the viewing toll
Is giving your money and soul.
Sex, drugs, rock n roll.
Manipulation, violence, and control.
It’s all gratuitous.
It all unessacesry.
Its all excessive.
Its all repetitive .
Do this. Do that.
Tag this. Save that.
Hurry, take action stat.
Its your turn at bat.
Lets hear some new shit.
Lets hear a hit.
Create something thats lit.
Create something.
It’s all been done before
So don’t care about it.
Enjoy the process,
don’t think you have
an original hit.
Don’t think you’re the shit.
By Ronin Kieran
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