pregnancyismykink · 13 days
Bloody Delights
This is entirely self-indulgent and was not supposed to happen until I finished my other WIP's, but alas...here we are. Also, I wrote this at like 2am so if it's a mess, sorry.
Written by @pregnancyismykink :) Hope you enjoy!
The bar smelled of stale alcohol mixed with sweaty bodies, all of which were writhing on the dance floor to a song she didn't know, or care to listen to. Instead, she much preferred to focus on her drink, half empty in front of her, currently failing to drown away her pains.
The amber liquid sat at the bottom of the glass, reminding her of her life currently sitting at rock bottom, her mind barely remaining afloat. Maybe she truly was cursed. Hexed. Abandoned by the god she once believed in. She didn’t know. 
The ice in her glass clinked together as she lifted it, chugging the rest down easily, not even flinching as the bitter taste of bourbon hit the back of her throat. It was what she deserved anyway. Bitterness. 
The stool scraped on the floor as she pushed it away, catching on a lip in the floor and halting her backwards motion, sending her off balance. 
The hands around her waist were the only thing keeping her from landing face first onto the filthy bar floor. 
She stumbles back slightly, feeling the effects of the alcohol much more than usual and peers up at her savior, only to be stunned by the person standing in front of her. 
It was the lips that caught her attention first. The woman’s smile, showcasing sharp white teeth hiding just behind red, sensuous lips, curved up even more as she beheld her. 
Her eyes roamed further, catching sight of a hungry twinkle in the woman’s eyes, her face beautifully pale and achingly perfect. It made her jealous. 
“Are you alright, dear?”
Irene steadied herself and nodded, brushing her hair back off of her face. 
“Fine, thank you. Sorry about that.”
The woman didn’t seem to mind. In fact, her smile seemed to grow a little wider, a little more crazed, but the lights in the room were messing with her head. So was the alcohol. 
“Can I help you out? I can call you a cab.”
The woman stepped closer and Irene caught a whiff of her perfume, warm and delicious. It hit her nose and took over her senses, a low warmth settling in her gut. It felt amazing. 
“That would be great,” she found herself saying, even though she’d had every intention of turning the woman away. She didn’t need help. Or…did she?
“Come. I’ll help you,” the woman said softly, her words somehow carrying over the pounding music in the room. She wrapped a slender, pale hand around Irene’s arm and gently led her out of the room. Not once did she stumble, or bump into another person, navigating the crowded room with clear ease. If Irene didn’t know any better, she’d think the room was parting for her, allowing her through. 
Irene followed without concern, that low burning in her gut growing hotter and more insistent. Every time she looked at the woman before her, her desire would jump. Need, so strong and intense, crashed through her with every step. By the time they were outside, Irene was panting, her eyes glazed over and her body burning with the need to devour this woman. 
Cars sped past the street but Irene didn’t notice, instead focusing on the way the woman’s hips swayed side to side, the long braids cascading down her back. Every inch of her was intoxicating, delicious and it made Irene ravenous. 
“Oh dear. I must’ve put on too much this time,” the woman crooned softly, but Irene didn’t seem to notice, or care. Her eyes focused solely on the pale skin so tantalizingly close. 
If she’d had any control of her mind or her body, she’d have noticed the missing posters covering the brick wall to her left. Several women and men having gone missing over years and years. Many of them in their mid to late twenties, all of them beautiful in some way. 
Irene stumbled, the need growing so strong between her legs she could hardly stand, practically dripping with desire. The woman slowed then, pulling her around a corner and into a dimly lit alley. 
“My, you are a pretty one. Such beautiful eyes,” the woman hums, her long slender fingers brushing over Irene’s cheek, making her shudder. The touch only served to ignite the fire simmering inside her and she gasped, unable to hold it back. 
“I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
Irene didn’t understand, didn’t care to understand. She knew what she wanted, and the woman in front of her was every inch that. 
The woman stepped closer, her eyes practically glowing in the moonlight, and then her lips are on Irene’s, smothering the last few thoughts she might have had on her own. 
Those slender, long fingers snaked around Irene’s waist, pushing under the sweater and ran across her bare stomach, making her flinch and gasp. 
The woman laughed softly, a beautiful sound like bells ringing from a distance, and then Irene lost all sense entirely as the woman’s fingers pressed past the waistband of her pants and right into where she was currently focusing all of her attention. 
The touch was gentle but it sparked something in her, making her react just as intense. She clenched her fists into the back of the woman’s jacket, lifting a leg to put around the woman’s waist, wanting to be closer, wanting her to go deeper. 
Two fingers turned into three and Irene grew lost, unable to see through the pleasure coursing through every nerve in her body. The woman held her easily, even as Irene’s legs trembled, and then there was just…nothing. The world, completely gone. 
She blinks at the empty white light in front of her, feeling the woman’s lips and teeth on her throat, fire searing through her veins at the touch, and then she explodes, her body unable to hold on any longer. 
The woman’s voice is distant and soothing, but Irene can’t understand her. Can’t put the words together in her mushed up brain, can hardly stand on her own two feet. 
The last she sees is the woman smiling down at her, a look of warmth and welcoming on her face. 
Irene had no recollection of getting home that night. Or of how she even left the bar. She remembered finishing her drink, stumbling back from the chair, and then…nothing. 
She only knew that she was missing something. Something deep inside, like she was no longer home in her own body. 
Days passed, and then weeks and the feeling seemed to grow smaller, farther away. She was able to ignore it, able to muddle through her everyday life as usual. 
But at night, the feeling would come back stronger than ever. She’d lay in bed, hand between her thighs, doing everything she could to chase that feeling she’d once had. But nothing would ever come close. She didn’t know who it was or what it was, but she remembered the explosive desire that had coursed through her every bone, and she chased that feeling every. Single. Night. Yet not once did she find it. She went to bed disappointed every night, and woke up feeling worse every morning. She hated it. 
It was a month after that night when she finally felt like she was forgetting that desire. She was able to sleep easier, her dreams no longer filled with slender fingers and deep red lips. She sat on the balcony of her apartment, drinking a glass of wine and staring up at the full moon high in the sky. 
Her job still sucked and life was still kicking her ass, but right here, in this moment, she felt normal. Like she could pull through. 
A knock on the door drew her attention away and she sat up, putting down her glass. She definitely wasn’t expecting anyone this late at night, so she checked the peep hole first, finding nobody there. She was about to blame it on the wine when another knock came, gentle but firm. 
Irene brushed her fingers over the nightgown she was wearing, silently wishing she had a bra on, or at least something other than the sheer silk gown she was wearing, but the wine made her careless. 
The first thing she noticed as she opened the door was those beautiful red lips. The exact same ones that had haunted her dreams for a month now. 
“I see you’ve recovered quite well,” the woman says warmly, her smile friendly and welcoming. Irene didn’t know who this woman was, but the intense recognition she felt upon seeing those lips, she had to know more. 
“Have we met before?”
The woman’s smile grew bigger, her eyes sparking with humor Irene wasn’t attuned to, and she nodded. 
“Oh yes dear. Many times. I apologize for having to fiddle with your memories.”
Irene stood in the doorway, unsure of the situation she was currently in. But that scent…the one clinging to the woman’s clothes and hair, on every inch of her…
“That night…” Irene starts, her eyes growing wide as memories flash through her brain. “You–”
“Yes love. That night was wonderful, was it not?” Her smile grew hungry and she stepped closer, her toes just barely brushing the threshold of Irene’s apartment. 
Irene felt her face flush at the sudden memory of the woman’s fingers inside her, of the way Irene had clung to her so desperately. The woman chuckled softly and the sound sent a thrill through Irene, her nipples growing hard under her gown. 
They didn’t go unnoticed either, the woman’s eyes doing a once over as if eyeing a prized art piece. 
“Would you like to do it again?” She didn’t step closer, but her scent flooded the room, Irene’s nose and mouth and she had no control as she nodded, inviting the woman in. 
The woman grinned fully, her teeth gleaming in the light, her canines pointed and sharper than most, but Irene was focused more on the slender fingers wrapped around her waist once more, deja vu hitting her hard. 
“I’ve wanted you so bad. You’ll be a nice piece to add to my collection I think.”
Irene nodded, not even understanding the woman’s words. She just wanted the woman to stay. Or to do what she did last time. 
Breathing heavy, Irene let the woman push her back up against a wall, a memory of a brick wall flashing into her mind. Long slender fingers trailed over her thighs, reaching the hem of her nightgown and pulling it up, revealing her naked, flushed body underneath. The woman took her time exploring, her lips brushing over every sensitive part of Irene’s body, making her clench, her stomach muscles tightening. 
The first brush of the woman’s tongue up against her clit sent sparks through her. She was already trembling, her thighs aching. She wanted so badly to feel the woman inside her again, but this was just as amazing. Her tongue danced in circles, her lips in stark contrast from her pale face. 
Irene lasted seconds before the sparks turned into fireworks and she exploded around the woman, her fingers clawing at the wall, desperate for some kind of hold on the world. A sharp pinch made her gasp and she looked down to find the woman’s teeth clamped around her hip. It burned at first, searing through her veins, but then the burn gave way to warmth and Irene found herself melting into the feeling. 
Like a river the warmth flooded through her body, slow and steady and distracting, melting her from the inside out and making her new, a creation of this woman’s talents. She collapsed to the floor but never felt it, for she was already gone. 
Irene woke to a pleasant warmth surrounding her, steady breathing echoing around her. She moaned softly as she moved, stretching her arms over head. She was surprised to find herself naked, and even more surprised to find several other people sleeping around her. 
She didn’t feel the shock which she expected, but only a deep sense of calm, of belonging. 
“Hello my lovely. You’re awake.”
Irene blinked through the fog in her mind, looking around more now as she grew more lucid. Women and men littered the room, so many of them Irene could barely see the floor. That’s not the part that surprised her though. No, instead it was the way every single woman in the room was sporting a sizable pregnant belly. 
The men in the room slept peacefully wrapped around some of the women, all of them naked, and the woman stepped around them with practiced ease, her deep red nightgown flowing behind her. Nobody moved or seemed to notice her appearance. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked as she moved closer, bending down to trail a finger over Irene’s cheek. 
Irene didn’t know how to answer. Her words caught in her throat, the cloyingly thick scent of the woman before her shoving itself down her throat. The whole room smelled like it, cinnamon and cloves, and something else Irene couldn’t place. 
“You’ll feel better soon, I promise. It takes a little while to get used to the feeling.”
The woman grinned, twirling a stray strand of Irene’s hair around her finger and then winked, standing. “My name is Karina, or mistress if you so please. I think you’ll find yourself happy here.”
Irene nodded, once again agreeing without understanding. 
“I’ve a gift for you as well. A newer piece of my collection.” Irene watched as the woman, Karina, stepped through the crowded room and helped a beautiful man to his feet, his eyes glazed over, clearly blissed out of his mind. 
“I think you two will make the most beautiful babies. The perfect additions to our happy little family.” She grinned and pushed her long pale fingers through the man’s hair, making him shudder. Irene’s eyes drew down to find the man hard and aching, his thick cock beautifully erect. 
“Killian, make her happy my dear. I want many children.”
The man nodded drunkenly, practically throwing heart eyes out at Karina as she spoke. Irene watched as Karina kissed the man’s forehead and let him loose, and then watched as he knelt in front of her and leaned in for a kiss, not even waiting for Irene to agree. 
Not that she would’ve denied him of course. He settled between her legs heavily and Irene groaned, wanting so desperately to be filled again and again. 
He pressed himself inside her, his thick cock filling every inch of her empty pussy, and then she was lost to the sensation of him moving back and forth, pressing in steady rhythm. Hands reached over to grab at her breasts and nipples and she cried out, too much pleasure from too many different angles. 
Her own pleasure grew heavy and she could hear the sounds of others in the room following suit. She turned her head, seeing a beautiful ivory skinned woman, so heavy with child riding a man with equal beauty, both of their faces blissed out. Around the room, so many women, so many men in intimate embrace, gyrating against each other with no care that their neighbors were doing much the same. 
Irene looked back up at the man between her legs, and she grinned, knowing she was home. 
Months passed in heavy bliss, Irene’s needs taken care of whenever she needed. Sometimes, Karina would come in and lay with her, her lips wrapped around her throat, that burning river flooding through her every time. And every time, Irene would find Killian and make him fuck her deep and hard. 
The ivory skinned woman she’d seen on her first day gave birth not long after Irene witnessed their pregnant coupling, and the whole room celebrated with an orgy Irene could hardly remember. She’d been too blissed out to care who was touching her where. 
Killian was a dear, doting on her constantly. Dinner time would come and the men in the room would serve the women fruit and cheeses, then the men would gorge themselves on the breast milk leaking from the women’s breasts. 
Irene could hardly wait for her own turn, to be sucked dry by the man currently pleasuring her with every inch of his body. She watched every day for noticeable signs of her breasts growing, or that they would soon be leaking. 
She’d lost track of the months she’d been here. Every day was much the same, waking and fucking and fucking and sleeping. Despite the monotony of it all, she never grew bored. Only more insatiable as her breasts continued to grow, along with her belly and her appetite. 
Killian sucked at her breasts for hours every night, lulling her into sleep so she can continue just the same the next day. She still wasn’t producing but she knew it would be soon. Could feel it approaching every time Killian wrapped his lips around her nipples. 
Several women gave birth, their children taken away. Nobody seemed to notice Karina coming to collect the new additions, disappearing behind a door nobody seemed to care about. Irene didn’t care to notice. She was too busy sucking down Killian’s cock, wanting his seed coating her insides completely. 
Her stomach had grown sizeably, poking out enough to bump into others when Killian fucked her from behind, but they didn’t seem to care. And neither did she when other couples would bump into them, their own heated couplings the only thing they could focus on. 
Killian worked on her breasts every night and every morning, sucking at them and massaging them, his eyes glossy. He loves it, and always comments on how big they’re getting, nearly two sizes larger than they were before she came here. 
Irene preened at the attention, running her fingers through his hair as he suckled at her ample breasts. 
The day she finally felt something coming out, they both celebrated. Killian grew fervent with his need to suck her dry, and she couldn’t believe how amazing it felt to have him suck at her nipples with renewed vigor. 
It was slow at first, small droplets every few sucks, but as he kept going and going, the flow got steadier and more fluid, to the point where when he pulled off she would steadily leak more milk all over herself. She’d seen other women get to this point, their thick nipples, dark and pink alike, dripping white fluid all over their partners as they made love and she’d so desperately wanted to be one of them. And now she could be. 
“Fuck me Killian,” she moaned, wanting him inside her. He nodded without hesitation and helped settle her on top of him, his cock slipping in easily now. No matter how many times they did this, Irene wouldn’t grow tired of it. 
She squatted over him, setting a steady rhythm and Killian reached up to squeeze at her breasts, making them leak all over him. Streams shot out of her nipples, so much milk squeezing out of her, and she knew Killian would never go hungry. 
She felt the first twinge at night, sleeping with Killian’s cock buried deep inside her from behind. It ached through her back and around her hips like a vice. But for the pressure it also felt amazing. 
Killian shifted in his sleep, his hips twitching and rutting against her from behind. She relished in it, squeezing her own breasts to watch them squirt milk over her fingers, making her grow wetter and wetter. The cramps kept coming and coming but she didn’t say anything, just let her body work through them, Killian’s hands rubbing over her extended belly. He seemed to grow more lucid the more the cramps came, his hands trailing over his hips and around to her clit, rubbing her in slow torturous circles. 
Irene gasped and moaned and cried out as she came, squeezing around his cock. The pressure was so intense she felt like she needed to push. Killian’s cock slipped out of her as she pushed, her waters breaking and leaking between them. 
Killian’s face lit up at the realization that she would soon birth their child. 
He seemed to grow even more needy, kissing all over every inch of Irene’s body, making his way between her legs to eat her out as she silently labored, feeling the head of her child slowly pushing through her. 
She felt no pain, only pleasure as she pushed, Killian’s tongue on her clit doing wonders to help her. He fingered her, pleasured her, and Irene continued to push and push and push, feeling the massive head of her first ever child. Which would also hopefully be the first of many. 
The stretch started fast, her lips stretching around the baby’s head with ease. She stretched wider and wider, Killian’s tongue still circling her clit, and with a gasp the head was out, hanging between her legs. 
Someone had scooted over to latch at her breast, their tongue wrapping circles around the thick nub. With Killian occupied down below, she didn’t much care as long as they pleased her. And they pleasured her well. Another man latched onto the other nipple, and her belly convulsed, the baby slipping out of her in one easy flood of fluids.
The room silently cheered her on, many hands reaching over to congratulate her for adding to the mistress’s family. 
Killian lifted the babe into his arms, the tiny boy’s screams settling easily.
Karina showed up soon, her slender fingers wrapping around the infant and then taking him off their hands. Irene would never see him again, but she didn’t mind. She had Killian. And they could make plenty more. 
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pregnancyismykink · 17 days
And commission delivered, happy customer! We have here a couple of OC based on a little oneshot the client wrote. Complete on my patreon: https://patreon.com/posts/110197284
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pregnancyismykink · 22 days
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I mean– I had to draw at least one pregnant Laurent ✨️
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pregnancyismykink · 24 days
You guysssss I got @ilitiaforever to commission some pieces for this story and oh my god they turned out absolutely beautiful 😍 I’m so excited to share these with everyone! I have no idea if these will get flagged and if they do that sucks
:( but I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do!
Edit: got flagged but hopefully this works!
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Car Birth
416.7. i’d love to see more mpreg car births
This was literally meant to just be a quick one shot, but I've already started writing a follow up/part 2. So please let me know if you enjoy this and I might submit the next part!
Written by @pregnancyismykink :)
   “I think we should start heading to the hospital now,” Jason suggests, cringing a little as his mate’s stomach contorts with a contraction.
   Leo lets out a breath, dropping his head back to the couch, shaking his head. “The doctor said only when the contractions are a few minutes apart. It’s been 10 minutes since the last one.”
   Leo stays still, his belly poking out from him, sitting low in his lap. The last few weeks have been rough, on both of them, and he’s just ready to get it over with.
   Jason’s brows pinch together, concern written all over his face.
   Leo huffs a breath, one hand under his heavy belly and the other reaching for Jason. “It’ll be ok. We’ve made it this far.”
   Jason takes the outstretched hand, sitting on the couch next to Leo and kissing over his shoulder. “I know, I’m just worried.”
   Leo huffs again, his brows pinching together as he tries to adjust himself, but then he settles, leaning into the offered kiss. “You’re always worried. We’ll be fine.”
   Several hours later, Leo regrets his decisions. He’s still on the couch, but his back is aching something fierce and the heat pad isn’t helping anymore. His belly was tight, the stretch marks stark against his skin, and even Jason’s careful rubbing with lotion couldn’t help.
   Another contraction hits him and he groans, clenching his fist into the throw pillow next to him, squeezing his eyes shut against the pain. Five minutes. It had been five minutes.
   “Jason,” Leo breathes, trying to take some deep breaths. “It’s time to go.”
   Jason, though he tries to hide it, deflates in relief. “Okay. Okay, the bags are in the car. Car seat is already there. Let me help you up.”
   Leo just nods, both hands rubbing circles on the sides of his large belly. At least he already had comfortable clothes on. Gray sweatpants that had once been too big for him now fit him like a glove, and an oversized sweatshirt that barely hid the large swell of his middle.
   Jason stepped closer, wrapping his hands under Leo’s armpits, and braced himself for Leo’s weight. Leo groaned as they shifted, all of the weight that had been sitting on his lap now pulling on his back, making him arch.
   “Careful,” Jason murmured, kissing Leo’s creased forehead. He then wrapped an arm around Leo’s waist, and they made the slow walk to the front door. The stairs were a daunting task, and Leo wanted to cry when he took the first step and felt a sharp pain shoot down his back.
   “It hurts. Fuck, it hurts.”
   Jason frowned in sympathy, his hand rubbing small circles on Leo’s back, waiting patiently for Leo to start moving again.
   “I’m here. Just take your time.”
   Leo gripped the handrail, his knuckles white from the grip. He could feel his hips widening, could feel the massive bowling ball of his baby sitting already so low in his hips. Maybe they really should’ve left sooner.
   He turned to Jason and nodded, bracing himself for the next few steps. He kept his hand on the handrail, his other in Jason’s as he stepped down, grunting with each step, until finally they were down, on solid ground.
   “I can’t wait to be able to feel my body again,” Leo said, a hand under his belly and the other on his lower back. He waddled towards the car, smiling as Jason opened the door for him, and then took a deep breath before getting into the car, relieved to be sitting down again.
   Jason, without asking, presses the lever to lean the seat back, making it at least a little bit more comfortable. Leo thanks him with a kiss, not refusing as Jason buckled him into the car.
   He breathed slowly as he waited, rubbing smooth circles over his belly under his jacket, needing that skin contact.
   “We’re going to meet you real soon,” he said softly, smiling down at his belly. 9 months and 2 weeks, already past his due date, Leo was ready.
   The car started and Leo looked up, letting himself watch Jason as he pulled out of the driveway, his focus only on the road. He was always so careful, so perfect.
   “I love you.”
   Jason smiles, merging onto the road and then reaching over to press a hand on Leo’s belly. “I love you both. So much.”
   Leo lets himself relax as much as he can.
   The car ride ends up being one from hell. The hospital was already a good hour from the house, but now as Jason pulls to a halt on the interstate, Leo realizes they’re in trouble.
   “What’s going on?”
   Jason shakes his head, looking out the window. “I don’t know but traffic is backed up as far as I can see.”
   Leo groans, another contraction hitting him and Jason leans back into the car, his face crumpled in worry. “I can try to turn around and take the back way, but it’ll add 30 minutes.”
   Leo shudders as the contraction ends, his legs opening up a little. He feels cramped in the car, unable to spread out like he wants. “Too long,” is all he can manage as his stomach cramps again.
   He white-knuckles the door handle, breathing softly through the pain before relaxing back, his eyes closing.
   “You know, my brother was born in my parents car.” He meant it to lighten the mood, but Jason looked scared out of his mind.
   Leo reached across the console, gripping Jason’s fumbling fingers. “Hey, it’s ok. People have been doing this for years without help. I got this.” At least, he really hoped he did.
   *Wreck on the interstate, blocking exits all the way north. If you’re going to the hospital, your best bet is exit 148*
   Jason grumbles, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel impatiently, watching the stand still of cars in front of him.
   Leo gasps, lifting a foot to rest on the dashboard, spreading his legs as much as he could. The baby was coming any minute now.
   “Jason,” he gasps out, his head falling back against the headrest. “Help me get my pants off.”
   “Shit. Are you sure? Can’t you…I don’t know, hold it or something?”
   Leo turned a glare at Jason and Jason sighed, unbuckling and putting the car in park. “You’re right. Stupid question.”
   Jason reached across the console, lifting Leo’s sweatshirt up so he could see the waistband of the sweats digging into his hips. They were comfortable at home when he could lay down and relax, but cooped up in the car, they were digging in painfully.
   “Okay, I got you,” Jason whispers, his fingers pulling on the waistband and down. Leo grabbed the overhead handle, carefully lifting his hips and the pants are suddenly gone, no longer squeezing him.
   He signs in relief, kicking the pants the rest of the way off and putting his foot back up on the dashboard. “Thank you.”
   Jason nods, brushing his fingers through Leo’s short curls, unable to do anything but watch as Leo breathed slowly.
   Leo felt the cramp building, felt his belly tighten and he winced, closing his eyes and breathing through the pain, pushing a hand between his legs to feel his hole. The movement must’ve jostled something because he felt a pop and then a sudden rush of fluids past his fingers.
   He opened his eyes, looking at his fingers. “Holy shit. My water just broke.”
   “Shit,” echoed Jason. He reached back into the backseat for a towel they kept in the car, putting it under Leo as much as he could. “Do you want me to call 911?”
   Leo shook his head. He’d always dreamed of having an unassisted birth, especially recently. He wanted to just have the intimacy of only him and Jason. But Jason had been too scared so he’d at least agreed to a hospital birth with a doula. But now it didn’t matter.
   “No. I can do this. This is what I wanted anyway,” he says, putting his hand back between his legs and letting it sit there.
   It took another 30 minutes for cars to start turning around. Cars blocked the sides of the road, blocked the passage for any other cars trying to get out, and soon the highway was a cluster fuck of cars trying to get out of the traffic. They were well and truly stuck now.
   Leo groaned softly through another contraction, only seconds apart now, and he knew it wouldn’t be much longer. He could feel it.
   “Do you need anything? Water?” Jason, bless his heart, was trying his best to be accommodating given the situation.
   “Water,” Leo answered, his head falling back to the headrest again, adjusting his legs to open wider. His hips ached so much and he couldn’t do anything but lean the seat back a little more. He hadn’t exactly planned on giving birth on his back like this.
   Jason passed the water bottle over and Leo took a few sips, sighing as the cool liquid cooled his throat. He had to stay hydrated.
   “I need to get this jacket off,” he mumbled, shifting his hips a little to relieve the pressure. “Help me. Please.”
   Jason obliged, reaching over and lifting the sweatshirt up over Leo’s swollen middle, then up and over his head, putting it in the backseat.
   “You okay?”
   Leo nodded, feeling better now that he wasn’t so smothered. The shirt he had on was loose enough to give him breathing room at least. He pulled it up over his belly, revealing his naked middle and sighed, rubbing a hand over the side of it.
   “I don’t think I ever realized how big I was.”
   Jason huffed a laugh, reaching across to put a hand on top of Leo’s. “You asked me every morning for months if I thought you looked like a beached whale.”
   “Yeah, true,” Leo said, smiling softly. His hormones had been killer in his second trimester. Crying over the most mundane stuff, starting arguments over stupid shit, then going right back to crying. He felt bad for Jason for having to deal with it.
   “It just looks bigger now. Especially cramped up in the car like this.” Another contraction starts up and he breaths through, keeping himself as calm as possible.
   “Do you want to move into the back seat? You’ll at least have some more room.”
   Leo looked in the back, seeing the bags and the car seat, and shook his head. “I don’t think I could get back there even if I wanted to.”
   He traced one of the stretch marks on the side of his belly, seeing the stark red against his lighter skin. He didn’t hate them, but they were itchy most days. He’d learned the hard way that he needed to put lotion on before bed every night.
   His belly contracted under his hand and he hissed, humming out a breath as slow as possible to keep himself calm. If he panicked, everything would go to shit.
   “Jason,” Leo started, his fingers clenched in the seat. “I need you to check me. Like we practiced.”
   Jason looked horrified.
   “Hey, it’s ok,” Leo said softly, reaching across. “It won’t hurt. You can do this.”
   Jason shook his head, running a hand through his already unruly hair. “You know, when we did that, I didn’t think I would actually have to…you know.”
   Leo huffed, shifting his hips again at the pressure starting to build. “You’ve had your fingers up my ass hundreds of times. Why is this any different?”
   Jason choked on a cough, giving Leo an exasperated glare. “This is different and you know it.”
    Leo shook his head, unable to keep the smile from creeping up over his lips. “Not really. You’ll just go a little deeper this time.”
   Jason laughed incredulously, turning back to the traffic and watching people wander around. The traffic was completely backed up, and there was no other option.
   “Fine. But you owe me dinner later.”
    Leo mustered up a grin. “Deal.”
   Jason shifted, leaning across the seat and Leo braced himself, dropping a leg so Jason could see.
   Jason, carefully, moved Leo’s small limp cock up and pressed two fingers into Leo’s hole, pushing up until he could find the cervix.
   His eyes grew wide and Leo watched him pull back. “What is it?”
   Jason wiped his hand off on the towel and shook his head. “You’re already at 10 centimeters.”
   Leo looked at him in disbelief. “It’s only been a few hours. There’s no way.”
   Jason nodded, shock and disbelief written on his face. “I know. The doctor said the first one could take several hours. I expected it to take longer.”
   Leo groaned, leaning back against the seat. That explained why the pressure kept growing. And why he couldn’t find a comfortable position to be in.
   Jason ran his fingers through Leo’s hair again, wiping away the sweat gathered on his forehead. “You got this. I trust you.”
   Leo felt his heart swell, hearing Jason utter those words. He knew it of course, knew Jason trusted him. But hearing it, that was so much better.
   “I can do this.”
   He felt like he needed to poop. And like he needed to be in a different position. He couldn’t sit like this anymore.
   “Jason, help me turn on my side.”
   Jason didn’t even argue, holding onto Leo’s arm and pulling when Leo nodded. Leo groaned, his heavy belly shifting to the side and hitting the console. It was a tight fit, but it already felt a million times better as he lifted a leg to push against the dashboard.
   In this position, he could reach his hole a little easier, and he pressed two fingers in, feeling anxious. If something went wrong…
   “Hey, you’re ok. Just breathe.”
   Leo blinked up at Jason and Jason smiled, brushing a hand over Leo’s forehead. “I know you as well as you know me. You’re worried, but you got this.”
   Leo blinked back tears, still not used to being understood so well.
   “I got this.”
   Jason nodded, encouraging.
   Leo felt the tightening in his middle, felt the band wrap around him and force down, his hips widening impossibly more.
   “I need to push,” he gasps out, his hand fumbling for Jason’s. Jason finds him halfway and squeezes, holding his hand with one and rubbing his shoulder with the other.
   Leo braced his leg against the dashboard, shifting the other under him as much as he could, and then gave an experimental push. Nothing happened and he breathed, still holding Jason’s hand tight.
   With the next contraction, he pushed harder, baring down. This time, he felt his body responding, the bowling ball in his hips moving slowly through him. Slick leaked out of him, preparing the way and he groaned, letting go of the push.
   “This may take a while.”
   Jason huffed a laugh, squeezing Leo’s hand again. “We have a little while.”
   Leo wanted to laugh at that, but he couldn’t. Not as another contraction came and he found himself grunting through another push.
   “Hoooo mmmm,” he groaned, his stomach tightening. His thighs trembled with the force of his push, and as he reached 10 in his head he let go, feeling the massive head sitting lower now.
   He reached back again, feeling his hole. It was still small, but as he pressed his fingers in further, he felt the top of his baby’s head.
   “Holy shit.”
   Jason saw what he was doing and smiled, putting a kiss on Leo’s forehead. “Feel them?”
   Leo nods, leaving his fingers there as he pushes again, feeling himself stretch around it. Some more slick leaks out past his fingers and he grimaces.
   “We’re gonna need to clean the car after this.”
   Jason laughed softly, watching Leo labor. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll handle it.”
   Leo adjusts again, bending one leg up under him as much as possible. He wanted to squat, to be on his hands and knees.
   He moves to tell Jason exactly that but another contraction tightens his middle, making him groan. He waits this one out, too uncomfortable to push just yet.
   As it passes, the pressure falling away, he asks Jason for help once more. Jason obliges and helps him up, getting his legs under him, facing the back of the car now, leaning down on the seat. His belly sinks low between his legs, but he feels like he can spread his legs a bit more, his hips craving the release.
    The baby must feel the same way because another contraction comes and Leo holds the headrest as he pushes, squatting down low, feeling the baby shifting ever lower.
   Slick squirts out of him, pushing out of his hole and Jason grabs another towel, pressing it against Leo’s hole.
   Leo thanks him softly, relaxing back onto his heels. The pressure is back almost instantly and Leo grunts as he pushes hard, clenching his fingers into the fabric of the seat as he felt his hole beginning to stretch.
   “Holy fuck,” he breathes as he lets up, resting his head on his arm.
   Jason keeps the towel pressed against his hole, providing that gentle pressure Leo had taught him.
   Leo just breathed for a few minutes, letting his body adjust, even if it was uncomfortable. His hips stretched, his lower back screaming at him, and his thighs ached, but he could do this. He was ready to meet his baby.
   He gave himself three more seconds in his head before pushing again, shoving back against Jason’s hand. “Ngghh Ahh Ahh,” he gasped, feeling the burn of his hole finally stretching.
    He let go of the push, feeling his baby inch back in. Jason cleaned him up a little, pulling the towel away to check Leo’s progress.
   “I see them. They’re right there.”
   Leo wished he could see, wanted to watch as his baby came out.
   “Can you set up the camera? I want to watch it later.”
   Jason did as asked, setting the phone up on the door so it was facing Leo. Leo turned his head a little so he could see.
   His hole looked red and angry, stretching slightly. Slick leaked out at a steady stream, coating his hole and thighs, and he sighed.
   As the next contraction came, he bore down on it, watching the camera the whole time, watching the way his hole spread ever so slowly around the heavy bulge there. His hole pushed out with it, the skin tighter and harder to stretch.
   As he ran out of breath, he watched the bulge fall back, leaving just the top of the baby’s head peeking through.
   “A head full of hair on that one,” Jason said, pressing a hand under Leo’s tiny cock and balls, moving it out of the way. Not even the brush of his hand there made Leo feel aroused. Before, when he’d entered his third trimester, it had only taken a brush of Jason’s hand or his tongue pressing against the tip to make him come.
   Now though, he didn’t care. He just wanted to get his baby out safely and without issue.
   “Keep your hand there,” Leo instructs, his voice scratchy but still lucid.
   Jason nodded, keeping his hand pressed between the underside of Leo’s balls and the rim of Leo’s hole. To keep him from tearing.
   His stomach tightened, pushing down again and he pushed, once again watching the camera. His hole stretched wider this time, the rim widening around the head of his baby.
   He almost cried when he let go and the head fell right back again.
   Several more times he pushed, watching the camera as his hole widened and shrunk, bulging and then shrinking. Even with Jason’s fingers pulling slightly on his rim, the stretch was slow going.
   “It’s ok Leo. Just rest for a second,” Jason said softly, running his unoccupied hand over the small of Leo’s back.
   Leo felt frustrated for sure, feeling like he’d made no progress at all. Even with the slick making the way easier, it was too tight.
   “I need you to stretch me out,” Leo said, shifting his legs a little.
   Jason frowned but did as asked, pulling the towel away so he could see Leo’s abused hole. Leo felt Jason’s fingers pressing on his rim and he groaned, taking a deep breath before pushing.
   His eyes clenched shut, his body tensing as he pushed as hard as he could, feeling Jason’s fingers pushing in past the head and pulling a little to stretch his too tight rim.
   He cries out when Jason pulls harder. The stretch burns terribly, feeling like it’ll tear any second.
   “Stop, stop, it hurts.”
   Jason’s fingers still immediately and Leo sags in relief.
   “You okay?”
   Leo nods, breathing heavily. This was harder than he’d expected. He’d watched videos of course, of other omegas posting their births online, and while none of them had been stuck in cars, they had all made it look so much easier than this. Had made it seem simple.
   “I’m okay,” he breaths out. “I’m okay.”
   His hole stretches as he breaths, gravity at least working with him now. The head of his baby sat so low, the top of its head peeking through his stretched hole. Jason spreads some slick around Leo’s rim, massaging the area.
   Leo, tired and aching, pushes again. His hole stretches slowly over the large head of his baby, skin going white at the stretch. He watches it, watches himself stretch around his little miracle, and then he lets go, taking another deep breath.
   “You’re doing so good, baby.”
   Leo just groaned in answer, his stomach cramping harder. He pushes again and again, giving up on trying to watch the camera now. His hips throbbing, his baby still sitting right there. He pushes again, this time holding it longer, his fingers white knuckled around the shoulders of the seat.
   “That’s it baby, I can see more of the head!” Jason’s voice is drowned out by the screams.
   “AaaaaAAAHAAHHHH,” Leo cries out, everything hurting as his ass stretches impossibly further, the burn building more and more.
   Jason presses down on his rim again, probing and pressing the skin around their baby’s head and Leo wants to cry.
   The camera pulls his attention again and he can see the head bulging out of him, stuck now. At least it wasn’t falling back in when he stopped pushing.
   He shifted, putting a hand between his legs to feel his baby’s head and he sobbed, feeling the thick hair matted with fluids and blood.
   “That’s our baby,” he sobs, keeping his hand between his legs.
   Jason nods, his own voice wet as he responds. “It is. That’s our baby.”
   Leo can’t believe it, can’t believe how close he is to meeting his perfect little baby. With renewed vigor, he pushes again, baring down into his hand, feeling the head moving ever so slowly.
   It still burns, his skin stretching tighter and tighter, but he breathes through the pain as he pauses, letting his body adjust before going again.
   “That’s it, you’re doing so good,” Jason encourages, his hand behind Leo’s on the baby’s head. Leo grits his teeth, his toes curling as he pushes again, feeling the head emerging more and more.
   “I see the forehead. One more big push and the head will be out. You can do it.”
   Leo breathed, his chest heaving, but he counted to three, took a deep breath, and pushed harder than he had before.
   The head stretches, pulls, bulges out of him more, more, more, and just as he’s about to give up, it pops past his rim and Leo gasps, his hips twitching at the sudden release of pressure.
   “Oh my god,” he sobs, his hand still between his legs. He could feel the little nose, the ears, the head full of hair.
   Jason laughs wetly, his eyes watering too as he reaches between Leo’s legs, checking the baby’s neck for the cord.
   “God I love you so much,” Jason breathes.
   Leo can’t stop crying, his chest heaving as he feels his child. “I want…let me catch…”
   Jason nods, understanding despite the hiccuped words.
   Leo adjusts himself one more time, reaching both hands between his legs now. He feels the head still hanging between his legs and grits his teeth as he pushes again.
   The shoulders press up against his pained rim and he screams, the stretch more than the head had been.
   “Mmmmm fuuuuck,” he groans on the end of his push, feeling the baby’s shoulders so close now.
   “You’re almost there Leo. You’re so close,” Jason said, his hand on the small of Leo’s back.
   Leo ignored him, adjusted his grip on his baby and pushed again, pulling at the same time. He groans, his rim stretches, and he gives one big push and pull, the baby coming out in a rush of fluids.
   His whole body jerks at the release, slick and blood leaking out of him as he pulls his perfect, screaming little boy up to his chest.
    “Oh my god,” he cried, his hands shaking as he took the towel from Jason, wrapping it over his new screaming baby boy.
   Jason digs into the middle console for a knife, pinching off the cord with something and then cutting it, but Leo was too focused on the pink skinned infant in his hands.
   “Jason, he’s perfect.”
   Jason moved to see, his own larger hand coming up to cup their son’s head, a slight tremble in his fingers.
   “He really, really is.” Jason was choked up, his words coming out raspy.
   Leo wrapped the towel around their son, rubbing his back softly, soothing his cries until he falls quiet, content to lay against his papa’s chest.
   “You did so good,” Jason said, kissing Leo’s forehead.
   Leo grinned, his body still aching but he ignored it, too fascinated with their son to notice.
   A horn sounded off to the side and then another one behind them, and Jason looked up to see traffic was finally moving again.
   He wiped his face, getting back into his seat, and moved the car forward, heading for the hospital. Leo shifted enough to get rid of the soiled towel underneath him and turned around to sit in the seat, hissing at the pain in his ass. He didn’t care that it didn’t happen like he’d wanted it to, he was just glad his baby was here.
   *Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you*
   Jason’s voice rumbled through the room, the voices of their family and friends echoing the words as they sang to Leo and Jason’s son, Luke.
   Two whole years had passed since that fateful day, and Leo still laughed about it every time he told the story. Jason had mentioned they should name him Carson but that idea was shot down immediately by everyone.
   Luke clapped his chubby little hands, loving the attention as always. His mop of curls over his head looked too similar to Leo’s and he didn’t even want to think about all the trouble he’d had this morning trying to get them to lay down.
   Jason blows out the candle, putting it on Luke’s tray.
   “Dig in kiddo.”
   Luke had no issues with that idea. He dug his fingers into the thick icing, bringing it to his mouth and laughing when everyone clapped.
   Jason looked over, catching Leo’s eye and winked, licking some icing off his finger before coming over.
   “It’s a good thing he really likes cake,” Jason said, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Leo and smiling as he dropped a hand to Leo’s once again swollen middle.
   They’d decided a two year difference would be perfect, despite how much they both wanted more kids almost immediately after Luke was born. But they knew they needed to be smart about it, to spread it out so they didn’t have too many young kids to care for.
   Leo grinned, watching his son throw cake onto the floor, Leo’s mom dutifully cleaning it up.
   “He takes after me it seems,” Leo said fondly, leaning his head to rest on Jason’s side. Being pregnant and having a two year old wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but he still wouldn’t give it up for anything.
   “How about giving him a brother to play with, hmm?”
   Leo laughed softly, rubbing a hand over his belly, feeling a kick against his ribs. “Or a little sister he can dote on.”
   Jason nods, his eyes bright as he drops a hand to Leo’s back, rubbing small circles there. “Either works. As long as they’re healthy and happy.”
   Leo agrees. He’d wanted at least two more, maybe three if he was lucky.
   He watched his mom take away the ruined cake, moving it to the table now to keep it away from the messy toddler. Luke didn’t fight it, too busy playing in the mess of icing in front of him and on his little belly.
   “You get bath duty tonight,” Leo says, smiling softly.
   Jason huffs a laugh, pinching Leo’s back softly. “I get bath duty every night.”
   Leo laughed, rubbing his hand over the constant little kicks in his ribs. “I have to carry them for nine months. You can handle them for their nighttime routine.”
   Jason sighs, moving his hand up to the back of Leo’s neck and squeezing lightly.
   “You’re right, I can handle it.” Jason leans down a little, placing small kisses over Leo’s temple, cheek and forehead, making Leo chuckle.
   “For now though, we should probably get our child before he really ruins our floors.”
   Jason looks up just in time to see Luke throw a handful of icing across the room and groans, standing from his spot. “Maybe we should put him into sports.”
   Leo laughs, watching Jason pick up their filthy child, both of their eyes bright as Jason tickled him, blowing raspberries on Luke’s little belly. Leo looked down lovingly at his stomach, the kicks finally subsiding.
   He couldn’t wait to do it all again, and to build their family more and more.
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pregnancyismykink · 3 months
me seeing first time being updated on Google docs : *insert emoji rubbing hands together aggressively*
I got inspired after your last message. Thanks for that 🥰 I hope you still enjoy it!
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pregnancyismykink · 3 months
my favorite WIPs of yours have to be A Prince and his Knight & First time! They are beautifully written so far! Excited to see them finished:)
Omg thank you so much! I appreciate that!!
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pregnancyismykink · 4 months
Thank you for writing my prompt .And writing it in such a beautiful way.
Glad you enjoyed it!
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pregnancyismykink · 4 months
hey! Are you still active on DMs?
I’m still active on tumblr so I think so lol
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pregnancyismykink · 4 months
Choose Your Own Adventure (Part 4)
It's been a while since I've written anything for this, but I figured it was time to get back into it. Hope you enjoy :)
Written by @pregnancyismykink :)
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
It wasn’t really a hard choice. Anything was better than being alone.
“I accept the offer.”
The creature nods matter of factly and makes a noise at the camera in the corner of the room. There’s a low rumble in the floor and you feel your heart racing as the wall at the back of the room suddenly opens. You hadn’t even noticed the crack in the wall indicating a possible door.
The walls shift and begin sliding open, leaving you squinting at the bright light coming from behind them. You didn’t really know what you expected when you accepted the socialization offer, but this wasn’t it.
It looked like a paradise. Half-naked, and some fully naked, humans roamed over sand dunes, swam in what looked like pools, palm trees covering half the area in shade. It was something straight out of a dream.
“What is this?” you ask in wonder.
The lizard creature makes a clicking noise and then another creature comes up with a small box. You look up at it in question but it just nods, passing the box over to you.
You furrow your brow but open the box, only to find more clothes. Bathing suits, tank tops, shorts, anything you could possibly need for a day at the beach.
“Your offer lasts as long as you are carrying precious cargo, and as long as you follow the rules. You will be able to stay where you like. Should you need anything else, there are stations gathered in the area ready to provide you with whatever you may need.”
It’s hard to listen. It’s almost like you’re back on Earth, getting ready to walk onto a perfect beach day. You’re not really sure why anyone would refuse this.
“This is Marie,” the lizard creature continues and you turn, shocked to find a very naked woman standing there. You hadn’t even noticed her approaching.
“She will answer any other questions. I will take my leave.”
The creature turns and Marie waves to it, a huge grin on her face.
“Hi! It’s nice to meet you!”
You smile tentatively, barely able to focus with her breasts bouncing on her chest the way they are. She appears to be one of the humans who decided to forgo clothes and it’s rather distracting.
“You’re the newest subject. I hope everything has been to your liking.”
You look at her shocked, not even sure how to answer something like that.
“How long have you been here?” you ask instead, looking down at her belly to see a small pouch on her lower belly.
She sees your gaze and chuckles a little, putting a hand to her middle.
“This is my 12th clutch. I was one of the first successful subjects.”
Your jaw drops at that. Twelve? Twelve?!
“Why are they doing this to us? Why are you still here? Don’t you want to go back home?”
Marie doesn’t even hesitate to shake her head.
“Why would I? They provide everything we need here. I don’t have to work, I have no responsibilities, and the only thing they ask of me is to carry their offspring so they can repopulate their planet. It’s not so bad.”
She claps her hands and points. “Over there is where you can pick your dinner for the night. And over there,” she adds, pointing to the right side of the room where a series of doors line the walls. “That’s where you can rest for the day. There are enough rooms for everyone of course, but you are also allowed to stay in your cell if that is more comfortable for you. Here, let me help you,” she says, taking the box from your hands.
She doesn’t give you a chance to argue and she turns further into the room, heading towards what looks like a locker room of sorts. You quickly follow after her, slipping your socks off as you run, feeling the sand under your toes.
“You can leave your stuff here for the day. You won’t need all of it of course. Just use the locker with the same subject number as you.”
“What if I don’t remember what my number is?”
She grins and laughs. “It’s on your clothes silly. Here,” she says pulling a shirt out of the box and showing you the embroidered number on the inside of the collar. 356.
You nod, understanding now. She bounces on her toes and her breasts bounce again, so full and heavy. You feel a spike of pleasure and then a sudden sharp heat shoots through your middle, making you gasp.
You look down at your middle, watching it grow another inch out right in front of your eyes. It never hurts, in fact it’s incredibly pleasurable, but it’s still shocking to watch your stomach grow right in front of your eyes.
“Ah yes, it’s nice isn’t it? I’m still not tired of it.”
You look up, breathing heavily. “This is normal?”
“Oh yes,” she says nodding. “Very. It usually happens every few days in the beginning, but as you get closer to your due date, they’ll get more frequent. Between you and me, I prefer it later on. It sings through you, makes you all warm and comfortable. The only part I hate is that we can’t masturbate.”
Your hand drops to the bottom of the swell around your middle, rubbing over it to try to quell some of the warmth still lingering.
“Why is that? Why do they make us promise not to do that?”
She opens the locker with your number and places the box inside, pulling out one of the shirts to hang on the hangers provided.
“It disrupts the process. The Jinol’s are incapable of reproducing with each other due to a pandemic that struck on their home planet, so they need us. The stuff they inject into us is very sensitive to hormonal changes, but it also feeds off of our serotonin and dopamine. The hornier we are, the more it can feed and grow. So if we masturbate, or orgasm too fast, the clutch doesn’t get as much of the dopamine it needs.”
Your head feels like it’s swimming with all the new information but you nod, watching as she places the last pair of shorts into a drawer in the locker.
“Human sperm is also toxic to it, so we have to be careful not to have intercourse with each other. They learned that early on.”
She extends a pair of shorts and a tank top to you.
“You can change if you’d like. It’s warmer today so you might want to keep the clothes you have on for later tonight. I’ll leave you to it for now. Come find me if you have other questions.” She gives you a wave and turns on her heels, her breasts and ass bouncing with every step. It’s hard not to stare as she disappears.
Left alone, and with much more information than you had before, you look down at the clothes in your hands. They’re plain and unassuming, not much color other than black and gray, but they are at least thinner than the ones you have on.
Changing is the better option.
It was a shock at first, how different everything was here compared to in the cell, but it didn’t take you long at all to figure it all out. And also to realize that Marie was right. It really wasn’t that bad here.
You’d enjoyed a few hours in the pool, made sandcastles on the beach, and even enjoyed a virgin pina colada made by the bartenders. There wasn’t any actual alcohol in sight, and you weren’t entirely sure the drink you had was made with actual Earth items, but it tasted good so you didn’t care.
The makeshift sun in the sky was beginning to set when Marie found you again, settling onto the beach chair next to yours.
“So, feeling better now?”
You laugh, unable to even hold it back. “Of course. This place is amazing.”
She grins, turning over on her side to look over at you, her blonde hair brushing over her shoulders with the breeze.
“Told ya. You’ll come to enjoy your time here soon enough. Especially after you lay your first clutch.”
At that, you remembered the question you’d wanted to ask her before.
“I wanted to ask you…why can’t they just sterilize the clutch if humans get together? They had to do that for me when some black blob thing snuck into my room.”
Her brows raise high on her forehead at that and she sits up more, more of her hair falling over her shoulder and brushing the tops of her breasts.
“Human sperm is instantly toxic. If it touches any of the clutch, the clutch is instantly ruined and must be removed. But I’ve never heard of them having to ‘sterilize’ anyone. And I’ve never heard anything about black blob.”
Her brow furrowed and you sit up a little more, grunting with the weight of your middle. And now that you were looking, it appeared Marie’s stomach had grown some more over the course of the day.
“They told me there was nothing to worry about, so I’m sure it’s fine. I was just curious.”
Marie nods, but her eyes never really lose that confused look.
You turn back towards the setting sun, watching it settle over the horizon and smile.
“It may not be real, but it’s still beautiful.”
Marie turns to see what you’re talking about and then she smiles. “It really is. Scoot over,” she adds, moving over to your beach chair to lay down on top of you.
You freeze, unsure of yourself as she cuddles up next to you, her fully naked body pressed warm up against your clothed self.
“What are you…”
“Shh, just relax. We may not be able to fuck, but we can still cuddle.”
She lifts a leg over yours, tucking it between your legs. She wraps an arm under your middle and rests her head on your shoulder, her breasts pressed up heavily against you. Pleasure spikes as her heated skin rubs up against yours and you moan softly, letting her settle herself down.
“A few of us,” she starts in a quiet whisper, her heated breath brushing over your neck, “have discovered a way of enjoying each other without messing up the process. It’s not really allowed, but we have fun sometimes anyway.”
Her hand spreads out over the underside of your belly, rubbing the sensitive skin there.
“Would you like to try it out? I’ll be your first,” she says, her lips brushing up against the underside of your jaw.
You gasp, the pleasure spiking again, making your whole body flush with desire.
“I saw the way you looked at my boobs. I could see the hunger in your eyes. Would you like a little taste?”
It may not be allowed, but damn if you didn’t want it. She was so soft and warm, her body so inviting and enticing…but the rules…could you really break them so soon?
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pregnancyismykink · 4 months
The Red Rosette
Requests 457.1 Victorian or really any time when women wore tight corsets. For whatever reason( unmanned, unhappy marriage, job,etc) Woman hides her pregnancy with a corset. She suffers nausea, stomach pain etc. Baby is early and small, but survives.
Written by @pregnancyismykink :)
“You best tighten that corset child, or there’ll be hell to pay.”
Evangeline groaned, her ribs already aching from the too tight corset wrapped around her middle, but she did as her mistress demanded. The strings groaned as she yanked on them, sucking in a breath and holding it as the corset tightened nearly impossibly further. 
Her heavy breasts were nearly falling from the top, thin fabric the only thing keeping her from spilling over. It drove the men crazy. 
The bell rang in the distance and the room suddenly developed into a flurry of motion, women everywhere putting on the last few touches of makeup, fixing their hair, and then slipping out of the room. 
Evangeline, the youngest and newest member of the Red Rosette, lifts herself from her chair with a spine straighter than ever. They were to perform for a special guest tonight, so the anxiety was already high. 
“Come child! You’ll be late!”
She takes a deep breath, plasters on a smile, and leaves the room to make her way backstage, her first big break since joining the Rosette a few months prior.
Her ribs ache something fierce as she folds her body into her final position, her mask blocking the sweat beading on her forehead as the music fades and the room erupts into applause. She stands in her spot, one arm raised over her head in an elegant curve, the other wrapped around her middle as the men in the room toss roses onto the stage. 
The Red Rosette, famous around the world for its dancers, was every girl's dream. Evangeline especially.
She had always wanted to be a dancer, had forced herself into uncomfortable positions for hours to make herself more flexible, and the day she was accepted was the day her life changed forever. 
It took several months of work, but here she was now, the main dancer on a stage of 20 other women, all of whom had worked just as hard. Even at 19, the youngest of all of them, she was a rising star.  
The theater stretched out in front of her as she released her position, taking a perfect curtsy to several of the men sitting in front. Thousands of seats, sold out every night, even the box office seats. She grinned at the crowd, ignoring the pain of her corset. 
As the final curtsy was made, all of them were hurried off the stage, the women muttering and whispering amongst themselves at the number of men filling the audience today, several of them giggling at how cute they had been. 
Evangeline could only think of getting the corset off. While she had been wearing them for a year before joining the Red Rosette, she’d never had to pull them so tight. Her waist was a mere 8 inches, which was still considered large for some. 
She collapses into her chair in front of the vanity, her face flushed and rosy from dancing. She still can’t get the smile off her face though, knowing she really made herself known today, and that one day she would be a world famous dancer. 
She reaches around to pull on the strings of her corset, hoping for some relief but a hand to her wrist stops her. 
“Come child. You’ve been requested.”
The room goes quiet and suddenly Evangeline’s face is red not just because of the exertion. 
The Red Rosette, while considerably well known for its dancers, was also well known for something else. 
“Hurry. We mustn't leave him waiting.”
Evangeline swallows her fear and nods, standing and fixing the skirt of her dress. She leaves the mask on the vanity, ignoring the looks from the other women in the room, some jealous and some pitious. 
Madame Rosa (aptly renamed when she joined the Red Rosette) led her through several halls, not a person to be seen, until she came to a door. Madame Rosa turned to Evangeline, fussing over her hair, fixing a smudge of makeup, and then retied the strings on her corset before nodding. 
“You will do well child. Make him happy, and this place will repay you heavily.”
Evangeline understood, even if she was nervous. She would do whatever it took to keep her place here. 
Madame Rosa knocked twice, and within seconds the door was opened to reveal a gorgeous looking man, nearly two times Evangeline’s age. 
“Mr. Baron, this is Evangeline, our prized young new star. Evangeline, this is Mr. Baron, the top investor in the Red Rosette. Treat him well tonight.”
Evangeline felt her stomach drop at the realization of who this really was, but she curtsied all the same, looking up at him through her brushed lashes as she stood. 
“It would be my pleasure.”
Mr. Baron smiles, his eyes alight with something Evangeline couldn’t read, and then Madame Rosa is gone. 
“Come, dear. Join me for some tea.”
Evangeline didn’t know how it happened, but the night started with warm tea, filling her belly, and then Mr. Baron offered her something from the flask he kept in his jacket. She knew better than to refuse whatever was offered, so she took a sip.
One sip led to more, and her mind grew fuzzier as the night grew late. The first brush of his fingers against the swell of her breasts startled her and she jumped, giggling to hide the worry. 
Mr. Baron only moved closer, standing just behind her chair and letting his large, warm hands fall to her shoulders, massaging them. She didn’t know what to do so she stayed quiet, heart thundering despite the warm liquid he kept giving her to drink. 
“You were gorgeous on that stage today. One of the prettiest little things I’ve ever seen.”
His voice is warm and heavy in her ear, his lips so close she can feel his breath. His hand drops lower, his fingers dropping to the strings of her corset. 
“I just knew you would be the star of the show. The first time I saw you, I just knew.”
His fingers pull on the string and start unfastening the clips, a sigh of relief leaving Evangeline’s lips as her ribs can finally expand enough. 
“The Red Rosette will do wonders for you Evangeline,” he says warmly, his lips brushing over her shoulder now, sending shivers down her spine. “I can make you famous. Can take you to dance around the world.”
His words sent a thrill through her, making her gasp as the corset finally came off. 
“I would like that very much,” she responded breathily, no longer caring what this man did to her. It felt too good to argue anyway. 
“I know you would,” he said, his fingers pushing past what little bit of fabric there was holding her breasts in and he cups them fully, squeezing them greedily. “You’ll be perfect.”
He moves too fast for her to track, but she’s suddenly standing against the table, her back pressed into the edge of the thick wood. Mr. Baron’s hands disappear into the folds of her skirt, lifting it up past her waist, making her shiver as the chill of the room brushes over her stockinged legs. 
“Lie back for me,” he instructs, not giving much room for arguing, not that she would anyway. She does as he asks, leaning back on the table, breasts pushing up under her chin as his fingers tuck into the band of her stockings and pull, leaving her completely bare. 
The movement makes her warm, the liquid from earlier surely helping, and then he’s fumbling with the belt and zipper of his pants. She looks up just enough to see his massive penis falling from the confines of his pants, his suspenders hanging from the sides, and she feels a shiver run through her in anticipation. 
“”Yes, you’ll be just perfect for the Red Rosette.”
His words echoed through her mind as he pushed inside her, far too large and far too warm. She whimpers but he doesn’t stop, pushing himself in as far as he can into her virgin hole. The table groans under her weight and she folds her hands into the bundled fabric of her skirt as Mr. Baron starts to thrust inside her. 
“Be a doll, let me in,” he groans, his hands tight on her waist. She didn’t know how to relax though, didn’t know how to do what he asked, and he took it into his own hands to force himself further, using the grip on her hips to pull her further down onto him. 
She let out a cry that he quickly silenced, his face growing stern as he warns her to stay quiet. She sniffs but does as he asks, even as pain starts to grow between her legs. 
He sinks completely inside her, leaving her tense and struggling to stay quiet, his hands rough as he starts anew, thrusting harder now, back and forth, taking advantage of her still state. She doesn’t protest, lets him use her, and with every thrust her breasts bounce up and down, hitting her chin.
He reaches up to squeeze one of them, pulling roughly on her nipple, fucking her thoroughly. He goes like that for ages, Evangeline silent as a mouse just waiting for it to be over. And just when she thinks it will end, he pulls out and flips her over, forcing her to lay down on the table again. 
“Such a good little toy,” he groans, pressing back in easily now, fucking her from behind. She shudders and clenches around him, her body growing warm despite the pain, and he hits something that feels good and she sees sparks as she comes hard, her fists clenched.
He groans too, his fingers digging into her hips, and he grows faster, uncoordinated, and then stills, filling her with so much warmth. 
It spreads and spreads, filling her stomach up and she lets out a quiet whimper, feeling him pull out. 
“Oh yes, you’ll do wonders here. Look how you took all of that so easily.” His fingers push into the mess of cum and fluids between her legs and she flinches, hoping it was over. But her hope was short-lived as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. 
“Stay the night. I have to leave in the morning for business and I’d like to spend the night with you.”
Evangeline knows she can’t refuse.
“Are you okay?”
Lily, the only person in the Red Rosette kind enough to speak to Evangeline when she arrived, scooted her chair closer. 
“You look really pale. And I happened to see the bruises on your waist in the showers.”
Turns out Mr. Baron has really good stamina despite his age, and her body was showing the effects. But she would never admit that. 
“I’m fine. Let’s just get ready.”
She frowned, her pretty brown eyes and plain face nothing compared to Evangeline’s auburn hair and green eyes, but she didn’t argue. Evangeline only felt a little bad but that feeling passed as soon as she looked down at the corset around her middle, needing to be tightened still. 
‘I’m fine’ she repeated to herself, wishing it to be true.
She continued to dance. It was the only time she felt normal, like she belonged. Madame Rosa had given her a tonic the night after, and then several more after that night, but still Evangeline couldn’t get that night out of her mind. 
Only when she was dancing could she forget his hands on her body, or the way his lips seemed to caress her name despite the pain he caused elsewhere. Lily noticed of course, continued to ask if she was okay, but Evangeline refused to speak to her. To anyone really. She would be famous, no matter what. 
Months passed, and the corset grew tighter and tighter, even more so than before, and the other dancers started spreading rumors. The whispers always seemed to be just loud enough for Evangeline to hear, how she spread her legs like a whore, how she slept her way to the top and that was how she got her position as top dancer. She refused to acknowledge those words. 
She got here by working hard, and she would work even harder to keep herself here. 
One night, several months after Mr. Baron had used her, she woke with pain shooting through her ribs. She gasped through the pain, trying to keep quiet so as to not awaken anyone, but the pain was too intense. 
Lily noticed of course and she moved closer to Evangeline’s bedside. 
“What is it?” she asked, concerned. “Should I fetch the physician?”
Evangeline didn’t want that, but the pain was so bad she nodded despite herself. 
Lily disappeared, and then suddenly the room was loud with whispers as the physician began to examine her. 
Madame Rosa stood to the side, Lily just behind her, brows furrowed in concern. The physician pressed on her ribs and she screamed, the shooting pain severe. 
“Her ribs are broken,” he declared without hesitation. The women in the room murmured and Evangeline didn’t know what to say. 
“Will she still be able to dance?”
The physician turned to Madame Rosa with a thoughtful look. “I would give her a week, no corset. Let her ribs mend, and then let her get back to it.”
Evangeline was already shaking her head. “No! I must dance. Just bind them and I will be fine.”
The physician shook his head but Madame Rosa interrupted him before he could say more. 
“Do as she says. This child is the star of our show, we can’t go without her.”
The man shook his head in disappointment but did as was asked. Evangeline still ached, but by the time he was done she could breathe again. She would just have to push herself harder.
The stench of the toilet clogged her nose as she vomited for the third time that day. She’d grown pale over the last few months, her face no longer rosy and pretty but sunken and pale. She still danced, through all the pain, but her health was failing her. 
She didn’t know what was wrong, and neither did the physician. He continued to give her pain tonics, enough to help her get through the dances without problem. She was given sleep tonics at night to keep the nightmares at bay, and nausea tonics in the mornings so she could keep food down. 
She’d lost weight, despite the corset still being far too tight around her middle. She had noticed an odd bulge to her stomach, one that had grown over the last several months, and it definitely made tightening the corset much harder, but she still managed. 
The bulge never got much bigger, the corset keeping it from growing, and she was too scared to ask what it was. So she danced. 
She smiled, put on the makeup, did everything she was supposed to as her name continued to feature in headlines across the world as the youngest dancer of the Red Rosette. Mr. Baron visited once more, taking her to his bed again, and she just let him do whatever, because he had kept his promise. She was famous around the world now. 
 Her stomach continued to cramp though, and her ribs always ached, but she pushed herself to the brink. She did whatever it took. And soon her hard work paid off. 
Mr. Baron brought back with him an invitation to dance for the Queen, stamped and scented with Her Majesty’s perfume and seal. Evangeline was delighted, grinning from ear to ear despite the pain her body experienced daily. 
That night, excited and happy for her new life to begin, she suffered through more cramps. They’d been growing in intensity over time, making it harder and harder for her to focus and dance, but she’d managed to push through them when she had something else to focus on. 
Now though, during the night when everyone else was asleep, she didn’t know how to ignore it. The pain was so intense, cramping down her back and wrapping around her middle like a band. As it subsided, she slipped from her bed to tiptoe to the bathroom, hoping she would be able to pass whatever it was. 
She sat down on the toilet, her gown flowing out around her as she groaned through the cramps. She tried to push, feeling like she needed to poop, and something heavy moved inside her. She didn’t know what it was, and she was terrified of being found like this, so she gripped the side of the toilet and pushed again. 
The pain tore through her, stretching her open as she continued to push, the burn so intense she could only gasp as the cramps subsided. Another one came, and then another one, one after the other, and she forced herself to push through it, mouth open on a silent scream as she stretched around whatever it was. 
It hurt so bad, stretching and making her vagina burn, but she couldn’t stop pushing. Her body demanded it. 
She lifted a leg onto the edge of the toilet and cried quietly as she pushed again, suddenly feeling immense relief as something heavy pushed past her vagina lips. Gasping and exhausted, she pulled her gown up to look and almost threw up at what she saw. 
A tiny little baby head was dangling between her legs, dripping with fluids. Her heart thundered in her chest. It never even crossed her mind that it could be a baby, considering how many tonics she’d choked down. 
But she didn’t have time to think more as another cramp hit her and she cringed, reaching between her legs as she pushed. The baby moved easily now, the shoulders turning to the side and then slipping out of her with only a few more pushes. 
Heaving for breath and full of fear, she used the end of her gown to wipe the baby’s face, the eyes and nose, until he drew his first breath. The tiny little thing screamed and Evangeline hurried to cover his face with her gown, unable to do anything else. Sore and scared, she looked up, hoping to find something to help her and Lily was standing right there, eyes wide in horror at the sight before her. 
They stared at each other in silence, but Evangeline broke it with a quiet, “Help me.”
Lily hesitated, but nodded and ran out of the bathroom only to come back with a new nightgown, a knife, and a blanket. She took the incredibly small child from Evangeline’s arms, cutting the cord still hanging from his stomach, and wrapped him in the blanket.
Meanwhile, Evangeline felt more cramps in her stomach, her body sore and aching. She grunted as she pushed again, horrified that there would be another baby, but Lily shook her head. 
“It’s just the placenta. You have to push it out. Be quick.”
Evangeline didn’t understand but she did as she was asked, pushing again and again as Lily had instructed. Lily disappeared again with the baby, coming back empty handed just as Evangeline felt the thing fall out of her and into the toilet. 
“Good job. Let’s get you cleaned up. Nobody can know about this.”
Lily helped Evangeline to her feet, some remaining fluids leaking out of her as she stood, staining the nightgown further. 
“What did you do with him?”
Lily pauses, halfway through helping Evangeline undress, and she shakes her head. 
“He will go to the orphanage and be adopted by someone who can give him a better life than we can here. Forget about him.”
Evangeline felt an ache in her chest at the thought, but as she slipped out of her nightgown and into a clean one, Lily running a wet washcloth over her legs and body, she remembered why she was here in the first place. She would be the greatest dancer the world had ever seen, and a child couldn’t get in the way of that. 
“Go to bed. You’ll feel better by morning.”
And Evangeline believed her. She would still be able to fulfill her dream.
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pregnancyismykink · 4 months
Passionate Morning Wood
A gentle breeze curls through the room, the curtains brushing apart, leaving the early morning glow to shine over the wood floors. Aria is fast asleep, curled up on her side, her tank top doing nothing to hide the large swell of her breasts.
She must've pulled it up in the middle of the night because the tight fabric is no longer wrapped her pregnant belly.
Adam smiles down at the sight, his beautifully perfect pregnant wife sleeping so soundly. She doesn't even stir as he moves across the bed, pressing himself up against her back, his early morning wood making itself known.
He props his head up on his hand and trails his other hand over Aria's exposed middle, tracing over the stretch marks there. She hums softly, but she doesn't move, clearly exhausted.
Adam smiles to himself, pressing up closer, his dick aching to be inside her but he'll wait. He wants to take his time with her.
He presses a soft kiss on her bare shoulder as his fingers dip under her belly and past the loose waistband of her night shorts. He loves that she sleeps without underwear, loves that he can just slip a hand in whenever he wants and there will be nothing to stop him.
She moans softly, her hips unconsciously pressing back against him and his dick twitches, fully ready to be buried inside his wife.
He pushes his hand the rest of the way past her waistband, cupping her sex, his fingers rubbing softly over her slick pussy lips. He pushes past and presses a finger into her warmth, groaning softly at how wet it already is.
She makes another noise, this time letting out a soft gasp as she spread her legs, slowly turning over onto her back and stretching her arms up over her head. He enjoys the view immensely, seeing her breasts nearly spilling out of the too small tank top, her nipples hard and thick through the thinner fabric.
He uses his free hand to pull the fabric down over her nipple, exposing her heavy breast for the taking. His mouth waters and he dips down, taking the thick dark nipple into his mouth, twirling his tongue around the nub as he presses another finger between her slick pussy lips.
Small, adorable noises fall from her lips as he pleasures her slowly, taking his time with every part. She whimpers, her back arching under the pleasure as he slowly presses his fingers in and out of her.
He sucks softly on the thick nipple in his mouth and is rewarded with a shot of warm milk, easily squirting into his mouth with only a little bit of stimulation. It tasted so good, felt so good in his mouth, so he kept going, sucking and swirling his tongue, his fingers pushing and prodding inside her.
It's not long before he can feel his dick throbbing with need and he can't ignore it anymore. He pulls his fingers out of her, slowly dragging them up over her clit and then over the underside of her belly, her slick coating them.
She moans, her hips bucking for more and he shushes her, turning her back onto her side and pulling her shorts down to mid thigh, just enough to give himself access, and then he pulls himself out, stroking himself a few times before pressing up against her.
The heat is nearly unbearable as he presses the head of his cock into her slick pussy, moaning at how tight she is around him.
As soon as he gets himself inside her, he reaches up to grab her heavy breast, massaging it in his hand. He pinches and plays with her nipple, watching beads of milk drip from the fat nub. It only spurs him on more and he starts thrusting.
She gasps and moans, her eyes fluttering open, but he shushes her, using her as she so loves in the mornings. She processes what's happening and groans sleepily, a smile on her face as she relaxes and lets herself enjoy Adam's body.
He trails his hand over her body, pinching her nipples and then rubbing the side of her large belly before reaching for her clit, his middle finger pressing through the bush there to rub slowly at the nub.
She gasps and arches back into him, her face showing her bliss. He groans and grins, his hips moving in tandem with hers, her softer skin warm under his hands. He swirls his finger around her clit and her mouth drops open, her chest poking out as she squeezes around him, her thighs trembling. He doesn't let up, doesn't change positions, and she cums hard, her body aching tight around him.
Her hands dip to his wrist, holding it tight as he continues to stroke her clit, his dick slipping in and out easily with how wet she is, and she gasps through another orgasm, unable to hold herself back.
She clenches around him and he moans, pressing himself up against her as close as he can as he cums hard, coating her insides with his thick, warm cum. His hips stutter and he breathes heavy, placing several kisses over her shoulder as she turns to look at him.
"Good morning."
He chuckles, thrusting his hips a few more times. "Morning."
She hums, stretching again as he pulls out. He spanks her ass playfully and she yelps, smacking his arm in return. He just laughs and grabs a handful of her perfect ass and massages it, pulling it up so he can see his cum leaking out of her.
"You're disgusting."
"Yeah but you love it."
"Yeah, you're right."
He pushes a finger into the mess between her legs and she hums again, looking back at him.
"Round 2 in the shower?"
He'd never agreed to anything so fast in his life.
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pregnancyismykink · 4 months
Choose Your Own Adventure (Part 3)
A/N: My sincerest apologies for waiting so long to continue this. I ran into some struggles with my writing and I couldn’t put words on paper at all. But I’m back and ready to continue. Feel free to read the previous sections to understand the story!
(Part 1) (Previous Part)
Written by @pregnancyismykink :)
(A=20, B=2)
           The speaker hums low as the things on the other side wait for a response. You hesitate slightly, heart still racing, but you decide it’s better to tell them and hope for the best. They at least seem to know what broke into the facility last night.
           “I…my door…it wasn’t locked…”
           Silence answers and your fingers tremble as they tighten around your swollen middle. Seconds pass, turning to minutes and your fear continues to grow. What if you chose wrong? What if they decided to get rid of you immediately to keep the containment breach secret? What if—
           “Subject 356,” a voice sounds from the door. Another one of those lizard-like creatures stands in the doorway, dressed in black slacks and a lab coat, it’s eyes just as calculating as the first creature you’d met. “Please follow me.”
Keep reading
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pregnancyismykink · 5 months
Just wanted to say that I really like the concept of the Bodyguard WIP, and would love to see a full story on that eventually! :)
Hi thanks for the interest! I definitely plan on expanding on that one. Just have to wait for my brain to cooperate lol.
0 notes
pregnancyismykink · 5 months
A Surprisingly Welcome Surprise
I wanted to start this off by saying I am not trans, nor do I know everything about what they go through. If I have offended anyone or said something wrong, please let me know, but i definitely tried to remain respectful.
Written by @pregnancyismykink :)
Phoenix (20, FTM), Ivy (27, MTF), Luis (25, FTM), Olivia (24, F), Ruby (25, MTF)
It was supposed to be a joke. Gather around with some friends, get drunk, pee on a few pregnancy tests and then laugh when they all come back negative. But nobody was laughing now as the five tests sat on the counter, one of them reading positive. 
“It’s not me,” Ivy states with certainty, hands on her hips. Having been on Estrogen for years now, they all knew she didn’t have the right hardware to carry a child.
Luis scratches his chin, trying to think back to the last time he’d had unprotected sex, but even he had at least taken protective measures after that one night out. So he shakes his head, picking up one of the tests in awe.
Both Olivia and Ruby shook their heads as well, having only ever had sex with each other over the past year and a half, and Olivia was on birth control. 
Every single one of their heads turned to Phoenix, realization dawning on their faces. 
“Holy shit!” 
“You’re the only one left!”
Phoenix shook his head, trying hard to fight against the rising panic, but he couldn’t think of an excuse. He’d had unprotected sex several times with a hook up over the past few months, but never once thought to make sure he wouldn’t carry a part of that time with him. It wasn’t exactly abnormal for him to forgo asking for a condom, because he really preferred the skin on skin contact…
He was going to be sick.
“I can’t believe it,” Luis says, laughing softly. “Our little PhePhe is the first of us to get knocked up.”
Ivy laughs too but Ruby wraps an arm around his shoulder, frowning sympathetically down at him. 
“Are you okay? You look a little pale.”
Phoenix shook his head, not even knowing how to begin answering that question. Was he okay? Not at all. Pregnancy was the last thing on his list of things he wanted in life, just under a brazilian wax and a lobotomy. 
Olivia seemed to catch on too and she moved to his other side, wrapping an arm around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder, her long brown hair falling down his back.
“Seriously, jokes aside, we can do some research. Find a clinic that will accept you. If that’s what you want.”
Everyone nods at that, incredibly serious and clearly ready to accept any decision he made. He appreciated them so much. Accepting him without question when he got kicked out, helping him get on his feet when he lost his job after coming out…this was just another kicker to his proverbial dick. 
“Thank you…I’ll figure it out.”
Ivy, no longer laughing at least, smiles broad and nods, her purple and pink hair bobbing with the movement. 
“You’ve got us, no matter what. We’re here for you.”
It took a week. A week for him to come to a decision, to work up the courage to make an appointment, to even think about the thing in his belly. He still couldn’t believe it, could barely register that he was actually growing a life inside him, something so tiny and fragile and scary.
Now that he had been thinking about it though, his pants had been getting tighter recently. His shirts too. Even his binder was tighter than usual and he was definitely more sore in his chest than he remembered. He’d been stress eating so the weight gain didn’t surprise him, but now that he knew the real reason for it, it made him want to eat the rest of the house’s supply. 
The mirror stared back at him as he stepped out of the shower, his short black hair dripping down his back. It was getting longer, covering his ears now. He’d have to make an appointment at the barber’s to get it cut again. The flush on his cheeks trailed down his chest, and his eyes glanced down to it, feeling that familiar tightening in his gut at the sight of his breasts. 
He’d worn a binder since he could afford one, and it helped him incredibly when it came to his chest, but showers were always the worst. Ivy taught him to shower with the lights off, and even Luis had given him a few tips on how to avoid seeing himself. But right now, he wanted to look. He wanted to see the changes. Even if it made his brain numb.
He stepped closer to the mirror, grabbing his towel off the hook and wrapping it around his waist. The slight pudge there was obvious now too, a glaring reminder of the appointment he had today. 
He took a deep breath, steeling himself, and then lifted a hand to his breasts, cupping the smaller masses. His nipples were hard, the shower stimulating them more than he’d thought, and when he squeezed it made him hiss. They were sore all over. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to get his binder on today. 
A knock at the door interrupted him though and he let his hands fall.
“Almost ready? We need to leave soon!” Olivia’s sing-song voice filtered through the door and Phoenix chuckled despite himself. 
“I’ll be ready in a few minutes!”
He heard her move away from the door, humming some showtune he didn’t know and took one last glance at the mirror before turning and leaving the bathroom. 
He’d decided on a simple pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt, opting for comfort instead of style. He truly wasn’t feeling well enough to style anyway. The anxiety was eating him alive and the binder he forced onto his chest was squeezing him far too tight. Olivia had tried to recommend going without it but she stopped soon enough when he explained he could only handle one major change at a time. 
The drive was easy, only 20 minutes from their house, and yet by the time they pulled into the parking lot, Phoenix could hardly breathe. Panic set in and he had to close his eyes, hands fisted in the cloth of the seat, counting down from 10 over and over again until his breathing became manageable.
Olivia waited patiently, a hand on his arm just to let him know she was there, and he appreciated the quiet approach. His chest ached but he continued to take several deep breaths until he felt like he could breathe fully again.
“Okay. Let’s go…”
Olivia got out of the car first, her ponytail swaying behind her. The crop top and leggings she wore did well to accentuate her curves and he would’ve given anything to look like that when he was younger. Now though…
He pushed the door open and got out, ready to get it over with. He still hadn’t made any decisions, and he was careful not to think of the thing inside him as anything other than a thing until he made that decision. 
The clinic seemed nice and unassuming on the outside, and he thanked the world that there weren’t any anti-abortion protesters out front. Olivia had found the place and he trusted her. He also trusted her to find somewhere else if this one didn’t work out. 
They walked into the lobby and Olivia pointed to a chair, saying she would be waiting while he checked in. 
He walked to the front, handing over his ID and his insurance card, something he’d only recently gotten from his new job. 
“Alright Jennifer, I’ve got you checked in. Please have a seat and they’ll call you up shortly.”
His whole body tensed at the sound of his deadname. In all the anxiety he’d completely forgotten that his ID still had yet to be changed. The process was proving to be incredibly difficult. 
“Umm, actually it’s Phoenix. Please.”
The receptionist blinked, her face going slack at the request but she shook herself out and nodded.
“I’ll add that to your chart. Sorry Phoenix.”
The relief was instant, the surprised yet calm acceptance so much better than the blatant disrespect he so often received. 
“Thank you.”
She gave him a small, pleased smile, and he made his way to his chair, feeling at least marginally lighter. 
“Hi Phoenix. My name is Dr. Blanton and I will be your physician for the day. May I ask what pronouns you prefer before we start?”
Every second Phoenix spent here, he felt better and better. These people clearly cared for the people they worked with, and they were genuine with their words. 
“He/Him please.”
She nodded and made a note on the paperwork, instructing him to climb up onto the bed. 
He’d already been instructed to undress from the waist down, the hot pink gown gaudy against his darker skin. While he moved back on the bed, Dr. Blanton spoke. 
“The young person in the waiting room with you. Are they involved in the pregnancy?”
The question made him flinch but he responded honestly. 
“No, she isn’t. This was from a few one night stands several months ago.”
She only nodded, no judgment or derision in her eyes as she pulled on a pair of gloves. She instructed him to put his feet in the stirrups and he obeyed, heart thundering in his chest. 
“Are you on any medications or hormones?”
Phoenix shook his head. He hadn’t had the chance yet. Hadn’t found a doctor he was willing to work with yet. Wasn’t even sure if he wanted to.
“If you’d like, we can add an STD test to today’s appointment.”
He nodded, knowing it would be better to just get it over with.
She nodded and pulled the computer closer. 
“I’m going to start with the external ultrasound. Just some cold gel and a little bit of pressure on the lower part of your belly. Let me know if you need a break though and we can pause.”
He nodded, unable to even form words anymore as she pulled the white paper cover from over his belly. He was thankful she left the rest of him covered. 
The gel made him flinch, colder than he’d expected but as she moved the little wand around, it warmed under her touch. He couldn’t bring himself to talk so he just laid back and let her work, trying to relax. 
Several minutes of awkward silence passed and she pulled away, cleaning off the wand before turning to him. 
“Alright you can clean yourself off. There’s a bathroom just there,” she said, pointing to the other door in the room. “You can relieve your bladder and then we’ll work on the internal ultrasound.”
He nodded, grateful for the reprieve. They’d had him show up with a full bladder and it was making itself known. 
He’s quick and efficient and back in the room before he knows it, once again lain back on the bed.
“Alright I’m going to check the inside now. If it hurts at any moment, just let me know. You’ll feel some pressure but it won’t persist.”
He felt his heart racing but nodded, ready to get this over with. He spread his knees, the new paper cloth over his knees blocking his view. He felt the tip of the wand press against him, persistent until it was pushing inside. 
He closed his eyes at the pressure, surprised. He was no virgin, but even still it never felt like that when he was with another man. 
Thankfully, this part didn’t last as long and before he knew it, he was dressed again and sitting in a chair. 
Dr. Blanton pulled a computer screen over, spinning it so he could see it. 
“You are pregnant. At least 3 months along, or 12 weeks by the look of it. See here?” she asks, pointing to a white blob on the screen, about the size of a lime. It’s so much bigger than you’d expected. 
“That’s the baby. Its heartbeat is healthy and I don’t see any concerns at this stage. I will suggest some prenatal vitamins and other supplements, but otherwise it seems to be a healthy pregnancy.”
She clicks a few buttons and then she turns back to him. 
“Would you like some pictures to take home? Or would you like to discuss the next steps?”
He hesitated at the question. He was only 20, had no ability to care for an infant child, and pregnancy had absolutely never been something he wanted but…that bulge on the screen mesmerizes him. It’s tiny little heart fluttering on the screen…his decision had been made already.
“I would like some pictures please. And a list of things I should do to make sure it stays healthy in there.”
She only nods, clearly unbiased no matter what decision he made. It made him feel so much better. 
An hour later, he’s home, back in comfy clothes, and staring at the pictures of his grainy, gray baby he’d posted on the fridge. Luis comes up behind him, the only one home other than Olivia at this time of day, and he bumps him with his shoulder. 
“How are you feeling?”
Phoenix doesn’t take his eyes off the picture, still amazed that it even exists. 
“Mixed emotions. I never wanted kids, never wanted to carry, but seeing it today…seeing the little heart racing on the ultrasound machine. I don’t know, I just…”
He couldn’t even finish his sentence because he truly didn’t know. He didn’t know what to say. Just that his decision was made and that he would have to really work on some things sooner rather than later.
Luis hums, wrapping an arm over Phoenix’s shoulder. He stood an easy 6 inches taller so it wasn’t a difficult feat for Luis. 
“I still can’t believe it, but if you’re happy then I’m happy for you too. And you know for sure you have 4 other built-in babysitters if you ever need it.”
Phoenix could hardly handle the emotions currently pushing their way up his throat, but he smiled and nodded, finally looking away from the picture. 
“I know. Thank you, for always being there for me.”
Even Luis’ eyes seemed to water as he grinned, clearly trying to hide the tears as he wrapped Phoenix in a hug. 
“You’re like a little brother to me and you always will be. And I’m going to be the best Uncle to my little niece or nephew. Or Gremlin, if they decide on neither.”
Phoenix snorts in surprise, pulling back and wiping away the tears he hadn’t felt running down his cheeks. 
“You’re gonna have to fight me for that position though,” Olivia says loudly from the door to her bedroom. She skips over to them, a wide grin on her face as she approaches. “I’m going to be their favorite out of all of us. Behind Phoenix of course,” she added, ruffling his hair. 
Phoenix scoffed and pushed her hand away but his chest warmed at the familiar gesture, feeling happy and warm and comfortable. 
“We’re going to be real adults now!” she says, wrapping her arms around Phoenix and Luis’ shoulders, hopping up and down on the balls of her feet. Phoenix couldn’t help but laugh, so incredibly thankful to be where he was now. 
“It’s my turn to choose a movie!”
“No it’s not! You chose last week because Luis was out of town and his turn got skipped!”
Ivy hesitates, her face scrunching up in thought and then she grins. “Oh yeah.”
Ruby throws a pillow at her and it bounces off her shoulder. Phoenix catches it before it can knock over his bowl of popcorn, but then Ivy falls in a heap next to him on the couch, almost finishing the job the pillow couldn’t.
“Oh, woe is me,” she sighs dramatically. 
Everyone laughed, even Luis who still sometimes despised movie nights, if only because he doesn’t like it when everyone else chooses romcoms. 
Olivia flips through Netflix, her body blocking the screen for the time being as everyone else settles around Phoenix. He somehow got pushed into the middle of the couch tonight, Luis to his right and Ivy to his left. Olivia and Ruby would take up the floor in front of the couch, their own mini mountain of pillows and blankets already situated. 
Ivy stole a handful of popcorn and Phoenix whined, pulling the bowl away but it only moved closer to Luis, who of course also took a handful. 
“We can make more, PhePhe.” He ruffles Phoenix’s hair and then cuddles in closer, the blanket over his lap shifting with the movement. Ivy shuffles closer too, dropping her head to his shoulder and he sighs, taking his first handful of popcorn just as Olivia chooses a movie. She dims the lights, turns on the surround sound, and then they’re all snuggled up against each other.
“Really, the Old Guard again?”
Olivia shushes Ivy, cuddling up closer to Ruby who sighs fondly. It was clearly Olivia’s favorite movie, but everyone enjoyed it enough that they would never complain for real. Except for Ivy of course, but she never really meant it. 
“Pass the twizzlers,” Ruby whispered, holding a hand up for Ivy to place the pack in it. The movie started and the noise in the room quieted, everyone now situated and comfortable. Except for Phoenix.
He was too warm, he had to pee, and his nipples were chafing against the rough fabric of the oversized shirt he wore. He thought he’d be able to handle it, but now that everyone was crowded in around him, he wasn’t so sure. Still, he waited it out, staring at the screen and ignoring the slowly dwindling bowl of popcorn in his lap.
Luis was the first to notice something was up. He pulled back, glancing over at Phoenix with an inquisitive look, but Phoenix was so focused on trying to seem like he was enjoying himself that he didn’t even notice until Luis leaned in close and whispered, “Are you okay?”
He flinched at the closeness and Ivy turned to see what they were doing. 
Phoenix couldn’t answer with words, but he shook his head, knowing if he didn’t get up right now he’d have a panic attack. 
Without hesitation, Luis paused the movie, shuffling the blanket off of Phoenix’s lap and then Ruby and Olivia shifted out of his way. He felt horrible, but he really couldn’t handle this right now. 
“You guys continue. I need to go to the bathroom.” 
He didn’t wait for an answer and shuffled out of the living room and to his bedroom, needing peace and quiet for a few minutes. He didn’t see Ruby and Olivia exchanging glances, or Ivy frowning after him as he left the room. They were worried about him. 
The nightlight turned on as he stepped inside the bathroom, illuminating the room just enough for him to see. The dark, the quiet, relieved him immediately.
“Calm down, everything is fine,” he whispered to himself, taking several calming breaths. He was surprised to find he’d wrapped a hand over his middle, his hand resting easily on the small little bump forming there. It wasn’t all that noticeable unless he was looking for it, but it made his chest warm to know that he was really growing a baby inside him. 
He let his fingers trail over the small swell, smiling softly down at it. Never in a million years did he think he’d be in a situation like this, but he just hoped he didn’t come to regret it later. 
“He’ll be home any minute!”
“Ruby, where did you put the scissors?”
Phoenix closes the door behind him, hearing all the hushed whispers coming from behind the spare bedroom door. He puts his keys on the hook by the door, brows drawn in confusion as he makes his way past the kitchen.
Hurried footsteps echo across the floor and Phoenix leans in close, putting his ear to the door.
“Do you think he’ll like it?”
“Of course he will!”
Phoenix smiled to himself, pushing the door open just enough to see what all the fuss was about. 
The spare room, which used to be storage and just a place to put things they didn’t use, was now emptied and repainted a beautiful emerald green. They even replaced the blinds to be blackout blinds. A small paper banner was hung halfway on the opposite wall spelling out ‘Happy Birthday’.
Phoenix felt his eyes water just as Ruby turned around and noticed him standing in the doorway.
“Ah no! You weren’t supposed to be home for another hour!”
Everyone else suddenly scrambled to their feet, mixed looks of worry and exasperation.
“PhePhe, you ruined the surprise.”
Phoenix turned to Luis, smirking. “Maybe you should’ve had a lookout then. I texted Olivia that I was headed home.”
All eyes turn to Olivia and she sheepishly explains she left her phone in her bedroom. 
Ivy groans but shimmies up next to Phoenix, wrapping her arm around his. 
“Surprise?” she says jokingly. “We thought we’d clean up the spare room as a nursery for your bundle of joy.”
Phoenix sniffled, his eyes watering more as his chest ached with warmth and happiness. 
“You did all of this, just for me?”
Luis sidled up next to him, grinning.
“Of course little PhePhe. You’re bringing a new life into the world. They should have a good space to explore when they get here.”
His emotions get the best of him then and he lets out a soft sob, shoulders shaking as he realizes just how loved he really is. 
“Aww, baby nooo don’t cry.” Ruby and Olivia wrap their arms around him, Ivy joining, and soon he’s smothered by all of his closest family, soaking up the warmth and love.
They stay like that for a good while, at least until Phoenix is no longer sniffling, and Olivia is the first to ask. 
“How’d your appointment go?”
Phoenix smiles then, relaxed and content as he pulls a small folder from his back pocket. 
“I got new pictures. They’re still healthy, growing at the right rate. I’m officially 20 weeks now.”
He pulls the pictures out of the folder and everyone gathers around so they can see the new grainy picture. 
“Wow, that’s an actual baby!” Ivy says, pointing to the head they can all clearly see. 
“They’re so cute, PhePhe,” Luis says, squeezing Phoenix’s shoulder. 
There’s a whole other round of hugging and Phoenix finds himself pushed back into the living room. 
“Have you changed your mind about finding out the gender?”
Phoenix shook his head as he placed the new picture on the fridge, next to the line of other grainy photos showing the baby’s growth over time. 
“No. I still want it to be a surprise. Let’s face it, the only one here who’s still their assigned gender at birth is Olivia. No need to try and force that on my little one.”
Ruby nods, Ivy cheering, and even Luis gives a firm nod of agreement. 
“Totally right. Our little gremlin is going to be the most accepting child ever!”
Phoenix chuckles, agreeing wholeheartedly. Raising a child is never easy, but he felt like he had a good advantage when his family was this amazing. 
“But for now,” Ruby cuts in, grinning. “Let’s stuff their dad with his birthday cake!”
“I can recommend a therapist if you think it may help you.”
Dr. Blanton, ever the professional, has several brochures sitting in front of her at her desk. Phoenix is still feeling numb after a breast examination. He’d known they’d grown, but hadn’t realized how much until today.  
“We have two at the clinic, but there are others around town that I recommend as well. I won’t pretend to know how hard this is for you, but I can at least offer you some guidance from someone who does.”
Phoenix, fingers clenched in the cloth of his jacket nods his head, incredibly grateful for this woman. 
She gives him a small smile and passes over a few brochures. “I’ll get an appointment made with Killian here at the clinic. They’re amazing.”
He shifts in the seat, wincing slightly as the movement makes him once again all too aware of the heavy swell of his belly and the heavy feeling of his breasts settling. His binder didn’t fit anymore, but he found some sports bras that did well enough. It didn’t always work though, especially on days like today when they had to be examined. 
“I want to see you again next month. You’ll be at about 34 weeks and we’ll start doing weekly check ups. Does that work for you?”
Phoenix nods, slowly coming back to himself now that they were away from the touchy subject of his chest. 
“Great. I’ll see you in a month, Phoenix. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any concerns. And don’t forget to get with Rebecca at the front to set up an appointment with Dr. Killian.”
Phoenix nodded again, unable to use words yet. He would need a long nap after this appointment. 
Dr. Blanton said her goodbyes and Phoenix hefted himself out of the seat, putting a hand to the small of his back and making his way back to the front. The extra weight on his back has not been doing him any favors and he certainly didn’t enjoy the cramping that happened at night when he was trying to sleep. His clothes had also begun to become an issue. 
Dr. Blanton told him already that his belly was measuring larger than most at this stage in pregnancy. She said not to worry yet but he couldn’t help but worry about every little thing, knowing he was getting so much closer to his due date.
“Ready to go?” Luis interrupted his thoughts, coming up to his side as he finished checking out. 
Phoenix nodded, beyond ready to be tucked into bed, sleeping soundly. 
With the pregnancy came the hormone changes, and as Phoenix continued to swell with his little miracle, so did his libido. Nearly every night he found himself tucked under his blankets with his vibrator and a dildo, needing desperately to feel full. But it wasn’t enough. He needed a man now to feel the skin on skin contact of a dick sliding in and out of him. 
After a week of being completely unable to take care of himself, he caved and texted Pierre, the one night stand from months ago. Phoenix was surprised to get a text back almost immediately welcoming him, and he stepped out of bed and into the only clothes that still fit. 
He stuck his head in Luis’s room and let him know where he was headed, and Luis winked and wished him luck. Phoenix just rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys from the hook and pushed out of the door. 
He’d never been so thankful to live just down the street from a popular LGBTQ joint, a bar and restaurant all in one. And at night, the city's main hot spot for hookups. 
He wrapped his jacket tighter around him, unfortunately unable to zip it up given his belly. His leggings hug tight around his waist and the lack of bra means his breasts are sitting heavily on his stomach, but tonight he can’t care. He desperately needs to be filled, and the man for the job appears quickly in his line of view. 
“Phoenix! Long time no see, my man. How’ve you been?”
Phoenix grins, waving at Pierre. But as he approaches, Pierre’s face goes slack, his eyes looking down at the large belly and heavy chest, which were definitely not there the last time they saw each other. 
“That’s new…”
Phoenix laughs awkwardly, suddenly worried he probably should’ve warned Pierre. 
“We have a lot to talk about. But maybe…after? Please?”
Pierre, much to Phoenix’s surprise, just nods and grabs his hand, leading him to the back of the large brick building. The streetlights never work back here, and though the establishment refuses to acknowledge what goes on behind here, there are always extra condoms provided in a dropbox. 
Phoenix moves to ask Pierre another question but his lips are suddenly covered and there’s nothing but pleasure running through his mind. Warm, heavy hands caress his waist, pushing past the lapels of his jacket and Phoenix melts into the embrace, welcoming it with glee. 
He loses his jacket, then his pants fall to his ankles, bare naked in the middle of an alleyway, and then suddenly he’s facing the wall, Pierre’s warm hands on his waist. 
“I’ve missed you,” Pierre’s warm voice floods through Phoenix’s ears and he shudders, growing wet between his legs. Pierre doesn’t waste time, doing everything Phoenix likes. 
A hand wraps around the front of his throat, squeezing slightly and Phoenix goes still, brain going empty as he feels the tip of Pierre’s cock pressing against him. It’s just what he wanted, what he so desperately needed, and as the velvety skin of Pierre’s cock presses inside him, his legs tremble with need. 
“I’ve missed you too,” he groans out, pressing back. 
It doesn’t take long at all. The heat builds, his thighs trembling and aching from holding the new weight of his stomach. Pierre thankfully remembers to ignore Phoenix’s breasts, and they go freely under the shirt, bouncing against the top of his belly every time Pierre thrusts. 
In his stupor, he doesn’t think about it, only how much he enjoys being pounded from behind. 
Pierre stiffens, his hands tightening around Phoenix’s waist and throat, and then he’s suddenly gasping in Phoenix’s ear, coming hard.
Their heavy breaths echo against the brick walls, the only sound around. Pierre shudders as he pulls out and Phoenix winces slightly at the pull and the feel of his cum dripping between his legs. 
“Here, let me help you.” Phoenix lets Pierre clean him up, wiping up the rivulets of cum dripping between his legs. 
It’s always awkward right after, an odd silence while they try to figure out what to talk about, but tonight Pierre starts first. 
“So…about that.”
Phoenix looks to him only to see the man’s eyes staring at his belly. 
Phoenix sighs, fixing his pants and then waddling to the picnic table around the corner, needing to be off his feet. 
“It’s yours. From back when you were still living up the road. I’m sorry for not telling you.”
Pierre settles on the other seat, nodding as Phoenix talks. 
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
Phoenix shook his head, sorry but sure of himself. 
“I never thought I’d see you again. You made yourself pretty clear last time.”
Pierre coughs awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.
“Ah yeah, about that. Sorry. That was definitely not my best moment.” He pauses, folding his hands together in front of him. “But…you still texted me anyway.”
It was Phoenix’s turn to be shy and awkward. 
“I was desperate. And I didn’t have time to find someone else. Though I was definitely surprised you agreed.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said I missed you.”
The silence was loud, heavy between the two of them and Phoenix didn’t even know what to do. He waited a breath, and then another, before he reached across the table and grabbed Pierre’s hand.
“I wasn’t either.”
They went two more rounds that night, and then Phoenix brought Pierre back to the house for more. By the time the clock read 3am, they were both spent and exhausted, laying mostly naked in Phoenix’s bed. 
He still wore a shirt. He hated his chest, especially more now that it had grown so large, but bras and his binder were all but impossible now so he had to deal with it as much as he could. Which is another reason he appreciates Pierre so much. 
The man never asks questions, and if he did want to know something, he never made Phoenix feel bad for his answers. Phoenix felt safe with him.
He looks over at the back of Pierre’s sweaty body, his chest heaving from their last coupling, and Pierre looks up at him through dark lashes, a blissed out look on his face. 
“Thank you for texting.”
Phoenix was still reeling from his last orgasm but he grins, leaning over as much as he can with his belly in the way and places a kiss on Pierre’s beautiful red lips. Pierre’s answering smile sends another thrill through Phoenix’s body but he ignores it, barely even able to lift his hands to rub at the sides of his belly. 
He shifts a little, turning over onto his side and tucking a pillow between his legs, the only way he’d been able to sleep as of late. But as he settles down, Pierre sits up, propping himself up on his elbow. 
“Can I…” he trails off, but Phoenix knows what he wants. Can see it in his eyes. 
Pierre reaches across the bed, his fingers settling gently on the side of Phoenix’s belly. He’s tentative and too careful and it makes Phoenix smile.
“I won’t break. Here,” he offers, pressing his own hand on top of Pierre’s, moving it down a few inches. 
Pierre seems to be in awe, but the second he feels the baby kick, his face softens.
“Oh my god,” he whispers, scooting a little closer. “Was that really them?”
Phoenix nods, unable to keep the smile off his face now. He may not have ever expected this in his life, but he desperately knew he’d never give it up either. 
“My due date is four weeks from now, give or take a week or two. The doctor says it's a healthy pregnancy.”
His voice is soft but Pierre seems to hang on every word, his hand never leaving Phoenix’s middle. 
“Would you…do you want to be involved? I’m not saying you have to be a father,” he quickly adds, incredibly unsure of himself. “Just, maybe if you’d like to come visit some days, get to know them. Be a part of their life without having to be responsible for them.”
His heart is thundering in his chest and despite himself, he knows he’d be a little disappointed if Pierre never wanted to be in their lives ever again. But he would accept whatever Pierre wanted, because this was Phoenix’s decision anyway, whether Pierre was involved or not. 
The glistening tears in Pierre’s eyes were answer enough. 
“I’d love that. Phoenix, I…” 
Phoenix looked up at him, waiting for him to finish, but Pierre only stared, his eyes darting back and forth across Phoenix’s face. Phoenix nodded, squeezing the hand Pierre still had on his belly. 
Pierre grinned beautifully and leaned in for another heart melting kiss, his tongue pushing past Phoenix’s lips. Pierre pulled back, both of them breathless once more. 
“I’m sorry for leaving you. For the way it ended between us. Will you give me another chance?”
The words fell from his lips in a hurried rush and Phoenix barely heard any of it. But he knew what he wanted. Knew what he felt for Pierre. What Pierre felt for him. 
“I’m not opposed to that. But can we talk in the morning? I’m way too exhausted for the rest of this conversation.”
That got a laugh out of Pierre and Phoenix grinned, falling back against his pillow. 
“Goodnight Phoenix. Goodnight little one,” Pierre adds softly, his fingers brushing over Phoenix’s middle, before pulling away. 
Phoenix let himself reach across, capturing Pierre’s hand once more. “Goodnight Pierre.”
“So do you have a birth plan in mind?” Dr. Blanton asks, her clipboard sitting on the desk in front of her. Pierre is sitting quietly in the chair next to him, eyes wide after all of the information they’d just been given. 
“I think so. An at home birth with a doula sounds the most reasonable to me, if you think that would be an option.”
She nods her head, shuffling some papers.
“I don’t see why not. Your baby is completely healthy as far as development goes. Of course, anything can happen during childbirth, but a doula will be able to handle most. Would you like a few recommendations?”
Phoenix nods, grateful. Pierre reaches over and links his fingers with Phoenix’s and Phoenix smiles over at him, happy to have him here. Pierre still hasn’t decided if he wants to be fully involved in his baby’s life yet, and Phoenix doesn’t blame him at all. It’s a huge decision for everyone involved, and he’s willing to give it time. 
“Here’s two of the doula’s we use frequently here at the clinic. One man, one woman. You are more than welcome to use whichever one you prefer.”
Phoenix takes the little sticky note with the information on it and tucks it into his pocket. He would call them the second he left the clinic. 
At 38 weeks pregnant, he would be due any day now. Dr. Blanton had already recommended taking it easy for the next week or so, so he’s been chilling at home watching movies while everyone else is at work. 
“Have you decided on how you would like to feed your baby?”
Phoenix paused at that, incredibly grateful she avoided the words ‘breast feeding’. Ivy had mentioned it offhand just once and it had sent him in a spiral for days. He didn’t want a repeat. 
“I would like to do whatever is healthiest for my baby. And whatever ends up working best in the end.” 
He’d thought about it a lot actually. On whether he would be able to stand the thought of his chest being noticed so easily. Or seen. He still wasn’t sure on the subject though. 
Dr. Blanton nodded, no judgment in her face. 
“Some babies struggle to latch, and some are natural born eaters. Of course it is entirely up to you and your baby on how you want to handle it.”
He was nervous for sure, but Dr. Blanton had a way of easing his concerns without even trying. Of course he didn’t know how he’d react once the feeding was an actual concern, but for now he could continue to ignore it as much as possible. 
She asked a few more questions, Phoenix gave his answers, and then Pierre was helping him out of his chair. With how close he was to his due date, the weight was incredibly low in his hips and most days he could hardly walk. 
“I’m sure we’ll see you soon enough. Take it easy Phoenix.”
Phoenix smiled gratefully at Dr. Blanton then slowly waddled his way out of the room, Pierre at his side with an arm around Phoenix’s waist. Phoenix appreciated it more than he would admit. 
Phoenix looked like a beached whale and he hated it. The mirror reflected the gravid belly covered in stretch marks and an angry red flush. Despite how low the weight had been sitting, he was now two weeks overdue. His back ached every day, his ankles were swollen, his chest hurt, and his stomach was cramping every few hours. Not enough for labor, but just enough to keep him from sleeping or relaxing. 
He sighed, running a hand over the top of his massive belly and then let his shirt fall back down, covering the heavy bump. He took a few steps out of the bathroom and hissed as another cramp hit him, this time harder than usual. He held the door frame, rubbing the underside of his belly for a few moments, exhausted and ready to just be done with it all. 
“You okay?”
Pierre’s sleep filled voice echoed through the quiet room just as his warm hands wrapped around Phoenix from behind. He couldn’t reach all the way around his belly of course, but he could put his hands under the swell and hold the weight for a few minutes.
Phoenix sagged in relief, his head falling back onto Pierre’s shoulder with a soft sigh. 
“Better now. They like to kick my bladder at this time of night.”
Pierre hummed softly, his lips brushing over the curve of Phoenix’s ear, making him shudder. They hadn’t done anything since his last appointment, mostly because Phoenix was always too tired, but as the little thrill of pleasure zings down his spine, Phoenix hums.
“Please,” he gasps, reaching back to dig his fingers into the hair on the back of Pierre’s head. 
Pierre understands well enough, his hands releasing Phoenix’s belly and trailing over his hips, pulling the waistband of his pants down in an easy swipe of his fingers. 
Phoenix’s lips fall open, a small whimper escaping as Pierre’s hands cup his ass. Phoenix turns towards the wall, bracing himself there as Pierre’s mouth trails over the small of his back, sending shivers down Phoenix’s body, but that’s as far as they get before Phoenix feels something leaking out of him. 
He looks down, squinting in the dark at the puddle growing underneath him. 
“Holy shit.”
Pierre stops moving, his hands halting on Phoenix’s waist. 
“What’s wrong?”
“My waters just broke.”
Surrounded by his chosen family, Phoenix sobbed into Pierre’s throat, his back and hips aching. On his knees, facing Pierre, with Ivy and Ruby close by with towels and water, while Olivia and Luis watch from a distance, Phoenix feels like he’s going to be split in half. 
“You’re doing a great job Phoenix, just keep breathing,” the doula, Matthew, says softly. His gloved hands are poking and prodding Phoenix’s lower half but he ignores it in favor of focusing on the scent of Pierre’s cologne. 
He’s been on the floor for hours. Pierre had woken everyone up the second Phoenix’s waters broke, and they all gathered in the living room to discuss next steps. Which then led to the doula being called and a space in the living room being cleared. Phoenix had been ok for a while, just hissing through his teeth every few minutes as his contractions ebbed and flowed, but now, he thought he was dying. 
Fingers pushed between his legs and he tensed, his fingers clenching around Pierre’s shirt. 
“You're 10cm dilated now, Phoenix. You’ll feel the urge to poop, and that’s when you will start to push, okay?”
Phoenix nodded, ready for this to be over now. Pierre rubbed his back, kissing over his temple every few minutes, especially doting whenever he felt Phoenix tense with another contraction. 
Phoenix took a deep breath, letting his hips sway side to side, the monitor wrapped around his belly uncomfortable but necessary, the sound of his baby’s heartbeat thumping clear and loud through the room. 
He felt the start of another contraction and he tensed, raising up on his knees a little more, tightening his grip on Pierre. The pain swelled in his lower back, growing and spreading until a deep pressure formed in his hips, making him groan. 
“I feel it,” he gasps out, his hips moving a bit trying to relieve the pressure. 
“That’s great Phoenix. Just keep breathing. Listen to your body and just do what it says.”
He nodded again, grateful again that he’d chosen to do this at home. He knew the pain meds would’ve helped, and an epidural would’ve been heaven, but this was so much more intimate. His family was here, they were gathered around him at this moment, and he knew he’d always make the same choice. 
The pain ebbed and swelled again and he pushed with the next one, mouth open on a silent scream as the bowling ball between his legs began to move down. 
“That’s it. Just like that.” Matthew kept his hand on Phoenix’s lower back, monitoring without being too intrusive, just like Phoenix had requested. 
A warm rag was placed on the back of his neck but he didn’t have the energy to thank whoever it was as another contraction came. He bore down again, his thighs trembling with the force of the push. He could even feel himself beginning to stretch even more.
Phoenix stayed there for what felt like hours, pushing with every contraction, feeling the heavy bowling ball of his baby’s head moving through his chamber. With one deep push, he felt the tip of the baby’s head beginning to press out between his lower lips, the stretch burning.
“There they are,” Matthew exclaimed, his gloved fingers pressing on the stretched lips. “I see a lot of hair. You’re doing so well Phoenix.”
Pierre hummed softly, echoing Matthew’s words and Phoenix smiled despite himself. 
The pain shoved through him again and his smile fell as he pushed, bearing down hard, his entire body trembling as he pushed and pushed and pushed, his lower lips spreading so slowly around the baby’s head. 
He gasped for breath, his forehead pressed against Pierre’s chest, unable to lift it at the moment as he tried to breathe through the pain continuously throbbing through his body. 
With the next contraction, he pushed hard, letting out a scream as the head stretched him more and more, the stretch burning through him. He couldn’t stop himself this time either, going straight into another push, screaming through it. The head slipped out of him in a gush of fluids and a burst of relief, his body sagging with exhaustion. 
“That’s it, great job Phoenix. Just relax for a few minutes.”
Matthew pressed a few fingers past Phoenix’s throbbing lower lips and checked for the cord, confirming they were okay. Phoenix, sweaty and exhausted, reached between his legs and cupped the head dangling there with trembling fingers, his eyes watering. 
“Oh my god,” he said shakily, his voice hoarse. “This is real,” he said, still unable to believe it until this very moment. “They’re real.”
There were echoes of confirmations around the room and Phoenix’s heart swelled with warmth, still unsure how he got so lucky to be where he was today. 
His stomach cramped again, tensing and pushing down, and he followed suit, pushing through the pain and the fear and the exhaustion, knowing soon his baby would be here. 
He spread his legs, his hips forced wide apart, and he pushed with all his might. There was a shift, a slight turning of his baby, and then massive amounts of relief as his baby slipped out of him and into Matthew’s hands. 
There was a collective sigh of relief around the room and Phoenix couldn’t help the tears falling down his cheeks. 
“It’s a healthy baby boy,” Matthew said softly, waiting for Phoenix to turn over so he could pass the squirming, screaming infant over. 
Phoenix reached out with shaking hands, taking the baby into his arms, unable to stop the sobs wracking his body. Pierre hugged him from behind, Ivy and Ruby closing in to get a better look at the tiny new human.
“What are you going to name him?” Ivy asked softly, her own voice thick with tears. 
Phoenix didn’t take his eyes off his baby’s face as he answered.
“Theo. Theo Knox James.”
The tiny little boy in his arms snuffled and then fell quiet, his tiny lips and tiny nose so incredibly perfect. Phoenix knew he was given a miracle, and he would raise his miracle as well as he could. 
“Phoenix it’s time for cake!”
“I’m coming!” Phoenix called back, grinning as he buckled the last button on Theo’s overalls. Theo squirmed, kicking his little feet as Phoenix tried to put his shoes back on. 
“Come on little one, cooperate with me here. It’s your big day, we can't be late!”
Theo seemed to think that was funny and babbled something in baby talk and Phoenix sighed, trying one more time to put his shoes on before giving up. 
“Fine, you win.”
He picked Theo up, blowing a raspberry on his little tummy which made him squeal in delight, and then they made their way to the living room where Phoenix’s family was all gathered around a high chair.
“Oh my god look at his little overalls.”
“I bought him those,” Luis proudly says.
“Yeah but I bought him the undershirt,” Olivia said just as triumphantly, and Ruby rolled her eyes. 
“You are all wonderful god-parents to my child. Can we move on please?”
Everyone laughed at that, Luis ruffling Phoenix’s hair. 
Phoenix didn’t even bother reprimanding him, instead focusing on placing Theo in the high chair.
“Doesn’t matter who bought him what, he’s still about to ruin the clothes with the monstrosity of a cake Ivy bought.”
He hears a scoff from the kitchen and they all turn to see her coming in with a cake absolutely covered in frosting and colors and a large candle shaped like a one on top. 
“My godson deserves the best,” she says haughtily, and Phoenix grins. 
They light the candle, holding the cake right in front of Theo’s big, green eyes, and Phoenix looks around the room at his family, at the people who have loved him from the start despite everything. 
They were there for Theo’s first words, his first time rolling over, his first steps, and he is so incredibly grateful that they will continue to be there through all of the other firsts they may get to experience. 
Pierre stands just to his left, looking handsome in his button up and jeans, his face warm and happy as he sings along to the birthday song as well. He catches Phoenix staring and looks at him just long enough to wink, sending a thrill through Phoenix. 
Pierre had decided to be involved, much to Phoenix’s immense pleasure, and while he still wasn’t sure if he wanted to be called Dad, Pierre would be a great addition to the family regardless. 
Theo squealed and Phoenix turned just in time to see him sink a fist into the mass of icing on top of the cake. Everyone cheered, Theo clapped, sending icing everywhere and Phoenix cringed at the idea of how much cleanup they would have to do. 
But seeing Theo’s face light up with joy and happiness was enough. He would do whatever he could in this life to make his child happy. 
“Papa, your turn,” Ivy said, a mischievous smile on her face just as Ruby turned around with a handful of icing, smearing it all over Phoenix’s face. 
Theo clapped again, Phoenix grinned, and the house divulged into chaos, icing and cake getting everywhere. Even Luis joined, shoving a handful of cake in Olivia’s face. The room was a blur of colors and laughter and pure joy, a happiness you can only get when you’ve found the people who will be with you for life. 
They all gather, clothes and faces absolutely filthy, and each person takes a turn putting cake on Theo’s face, making him giggle. Phoenix is the last to go, his son practically glowing with glee, and as he puts a glob of icing on Theo’s forehead, he can’t help but think that his child will be the most well cared for child in the world. 
Pierre wraps an arm around Phoenix’s waist, and then they’re all there, in a circle around Theo. As one, they all bend down and put a kiss on Theo’s head, making him clap and squeal. Theo is happy, the happiest child Phoenix has ever seen, and so is he. He’s the happiest he’s ever been. 
Theo will never have to worry about his parents not accepting him, will never have to fear what his parents or family will think of him if he’s different from the rest. He will be cared for, protected, taught, and provided for. And while Phoenix does wish his own life had been this amazing, he knows at least his child will always have what he never did. 
A family.
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pregnancyismykink · 7 months
What's your favourite story that you've written? They're all great, I'm just curious if you have a favourite! :)
Right now my favorite is Maybourne Manor! It’s one of my longest ones I’ve written that I’ve actually finished and I’m proud of it. Thanks for the ask!
5 notes · View notes
pregnancyismykink · 7 months
Alien Eggs Sequel
I have a thing for pathetic men in desperation and in pain so please enjoy this ridiculous sequel. Written by @pregnancyismykink :)
(Part 1) (Part 2)
“What is it about the fertilization process that’s so different?”
You look up at Prathy as he pulls out, feeling fluids leak from between your legs. He looks down at you with a mix of adoration and exasperation and you grin, unable to hide your curiosity.
“You won’t let it go, will you?”
You shake your head, sitting up with a grunt as the familiar heavy weight settles in your middle.
“I just want to know why you keep avoiding it. Would it be so bad to…to create offspring?”
His eyes flash and several different emotions flicker over his face, but they’re gone before you can register what they are. He sighs softly, reaching over to grab your hand, his thumb brushing over the back of it.
“Having offspring is a milestone on my home planet. It is not something to be taken lightly.”
You stay quiet, watching him work through the words in his head, his thumb still absently brushing over the back of your hand.
“It is not…not bad. But it is easier back home. Where people understand what is going on and can help if things go wrong. It is safer. Here,” he pauses, looking around at the forest cabin you both have been calling home for almost two years now. “Here, it is just us. Should something happen…”
You scoot forward, wrapping your arms around his middle, resting your chin on his shoulder and he shivers lightly.
“Is it that dangerous?” you ask softly, putting a soft kiss on his shoulder.
He places a small, soft kiss on your forehead before lifting your chin to look up at him.
“It is dangerous if it is not done correctly. For both of us. And I don’t want to put either one of us in that kind of situation.”
You look up at him, watch his brows tighten, the corners of his lips turning down in a frown. But still…
“And if I told you I was willing to take the risk? That I was willing to do something as important as bearing offspring with you?”
His eyes shudder and you swear you can feel a tremble in his fingers.
“Why?” is all he says, confusion and cautious hope written all over his face.
You smile and shrug, wrapping your arms a little tighter around his waist.
“Because I’ve always wanted children. Ever since I was a kid. But with how my life turned out, I never thought it would be possible. So now that there is an actual chance, even if it’s not in the way I ever expected, I want to give it a try.”
He just watches you, his eyes unwavering. He smiles eventually, a small, happy smile and you copy it, unable to hide your emotions with him.
“I will consider it. There is no hurry.”
You would take it. That was better than ‘no’.
It took three more months to convince him. Three more months of asking questions, nagging him, recounting your dreams, and even calling him a father a few times. It was this last time that truly convinced him though.
He was on top of you, chest heaving after a rough fuck, your stomach still expanding as egg after egg pushed through you.
“You’re going to be such a good Dad, Prathy,” you whisper, rubbing a hand over your swelling middle, your own chest heaving after coming multiple times in the span of an hour.
His whole body shuddered and you felt several eggs shoot through him, his hips roughly pushing into you. You gasp when he nips your shoulder, your ear, his fingers squeezing your ass.
“Okay…you win,” he gasps out, his breath brushing over your throat.
You grin, wrapping your legs around his waist, and pull him down into a deep kiss, your tongue pushing past his lips and wrapping around his.
“Thank you,” you whisper as you pull back, your heart heavy and warm in your chest.
“Are you sure all of this is necessary?” you ask, looking down at the monstrous pile of food, water, and other miscellaneous supplies piled up on the floor of the living room.
He opens another box of food and rearranges it, then moves it again to a different spot. There’s a pile of sheets, pillows and blankets under him that he’s meticulously laid about, and not even you were allowed to mess with them.
“It may look like a lot, but the process of fertilization takes a lot of energy. Back home, if I were to do this with one of my species, I would feed off of their energy, as well as others of my kind. It’s a symbiotic relationship of sorts.” He busies himself with another box, fusses over a pillow, and then he sits back on his heels, looking at his masterpiece.
“Since you are unable to provide that energy without putting yourself in danger, I’m hoping I can make it up with this," he finishes, waving a hand over the piles.
You can tell he’s still nervous though, the way he keeps fidgeting over one of the pillows and the boxes like they’re still not in the right place even after he’s organized them a million times.
You step closer, careful to avoid moving any of the particularly placed items and kneel at the edge of his blanket mess.
“Prathy. Look at me.”
He does, after a few seconds, and you smile up at him, reaching across to grab his hand.
“We’ll be ok. I’ll take care of you.”
His face falls and he moves closer, wrapping an arm around your for once, smaller waist.
“I’m not worried about me.”
His hands push up under the oversized t-shirt you were wearing, stretching wide enough to cover your whole waist and you crawl into his lap, straddling his waist with ease.
“Well, I’m not worried about me. We’ll figure it out. And if it doesn’t work…well, then I’ll never ask again. Okay?”
He looks up at you, wonder and worry on his face as his thumbs brush over your bare ribs.
You smile and lean in for a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Have you finally figured out where you want the pillows to go?”
He huffs, pulling back and looking at the pile of linens, a grimace on his face.
“It’s called nesting. My body knows we’re preparing for fertilization, so it’s preparing a nest to receive the eggs. Typically the only people allowed in a nest are the two people involved in the process.”
You hum and nod, tilting your head to the side as his lips brush over your exposed shoulder.
“And the reason we couldn’t just do this in the bed?”
He hums against your skin, his lips warm on your jaw. “Easier access to food and water if we’re on the floor. And more room to move should we need to. Once we start the process we can’t stop, so we need to be prepared ahead of time.”
Your head falls back as his tongue does something deliciously sinful against your throat and his fingers tighten around your waist.
“It won’t be long now. I’m already adjusting. Tomorrow night at the latest.”
You grin, excited despite all of Prathy’s hesitations.
“I can’t wait.”
There’s so much heat. Smothering you, choking you. You startle awake, feeling sweat drip down your forehead as you look around.
It’s still dark outside and the dim hallway light casts a glow over the nest and your surroundings. A small whimper sounds next to you and you look down, finding Prathy sweating and shivering. Much like the first night you’d found him.
Your voice sounds loud in the quiet and he groans softly, his eyes fluttering open. He looks over at you, his brows pinched in confusion and you smile worriedly, brushing a finger over the sweat on his forehead.
“Are you ok? You feel feverish.”
Prathy nods, swallowing as his eyes close again. “It’s starting,” is all he manages.
You nod, sitting up fully. You both slept in the nest last night for this very reason.
Prathy shivers as you pull the covers back, his cock already poking out from his slit, and you toss your shirt over your head, naked as you kneel next to him.
“What do you need?”
He shakes his head, shuddering when your fingers brush over his shoulder. You didn’t think you’d ever get used to how reactive he was to your touch.
His eyes open again, pupils blown wide. He seems to brace himself, his chest rising and falling with several deep breaths before he sits up and pushes you back onto your back, sending shivers down your own spine as his cock starts playing with you.
“I hope you’re ready,” he rasps out, his whole body trembling on top of you. You nod, cupping his cheek and smiling up at him.
“I am. Let’s have kids.”
He shudders at that, his eyes flashing. The wriggly tip of his cock pushes between your slick lips, playing in the slick there before pressing in further, spreading you out in a way that was now so very familiar.
Except this time it felt like a branding iron being pushed inside of you, the searing heat radiating off of him making you gasp and hiss through your teeth. 
He went slow, his whole body trembling as he pressed inside of you, and you tried to stay quiet, feeling like your insides were on fire, but you couldn’t help the small gasps falling from your lips.
It was just this side of bearable and you clenched your jaw, holding back as he finally buried himself inside you. You were used to a little bit of warmth, to feeling yourself stretch around his cock and the eggs, but this was entirely new. 
He was far more rigid than usual, his cock rock hard and throbbing. He let himself relax slightly, his hips pressing down into yours, the fever of his body making you sweat. 
“You okay?” you gasp out, barely able to breathe as you feel the gel starting to work inside you, spreading your womb open for the eggs. 
He doesn’t answer, instead burying his face in your throat, his fingers clenched tight around your hip. He doesn’t move so you don’t ask again, instead letting your body adjust. It’s still familiar, the sensation of your insides expanding and spreading, preparing for the eggs, but it’s just so much hotter than usual. 
You brush your fingers over his sides and he lets out a small whimper, his fingers tightening around your hip. You don’t stop though, trailing your fingers up over his waist and over his back, lightly scraping your nails over his shoulder blades, feeling his whole body jerk as he lets out a gasping moan, his body trembling with your touch. 
“I’m here,” you whisper softly, keeping your touch light as you move over his shoulders and into his hair, holding him close. “I’ve got you.”
He doesn’t answer with words, but you feel some of the tension leave his shoulders, his lips grazing over your shoulder and your throat now, mouthing over the marks he left there just a few days ago. He’s quiet, barely moves, but you know he’s listening to every word. You know he’s holding on tight to keep his sanity, and you keep talking, giving him something to listen to. 
“You’re going to be an amazing father,” you say softly, scraping your nails through his hair, massaging his scalp as he groans. “You take amazing care of me. Always doting on me, even when I annoy you.” You smile softly, feeling him hanging on every word.
“You keep me safe, even if there’s no actual danger,” you continue, brushing your lips over his temple. “Like when the cockroaches decide to take over the bathroom,” you add with a slight chuckle. He twitches and you grin, massaging the back of his neck. 
You keep going, telling him stories from your childhood, going on rambling about nothing until several hours pass and the sun is high in the sky, peeking through the curtains. He’s been quiet for a while now, the trembling in his fingers growing worse.
“Prathy?” you ask softly, moving your hands to cup his face. He lets you lift his face, lets you pull him up so you can see him, even if he’s getting too weak to do so himself. 
“We need to eat, ok? Can you manage?” 
His eyes are distant but he nods, bracing himself on his hands as you turn to the side to grab granola bars from the large stash. You try your hardest not to jostle him too much but he still hisses as the movement pulls on his cock, far too sensitive to move right now. 
You pull back, two granola bars in hand, smiling up at him. 
“Sorry, sorry. Here. You need to eat.”
He nods and you open the package for him, handing him half of the bar and letting him feed himself. He does, if a little messily, but he still eats. So you keep feeding him, letting him get his fill. Then you reach for the water and pass that to him as well, keeping him hydrated.
He downs the entire thing in seconds and then drinks another two bottles before he finishes, his eyes lucid once again. 
“Feel better?” you ask, brushing your fingers over a crumb on his lips. 
He smiles, holding your hand to his face, his fingers steady for the first time. “Much. Thank you.”
You grin and nod, incredibly happy to be able to help him when he’s done so much for you. He leans in for a kiss and you don’t deny it, leaning into it and wrapping your arms around his neck. 
Despite how long you’ve been stuck under him, you felt amazing. The heat died down a few hours ago and now it’s just a steady pulsing warmth inside you, preparing for the eggs. You were definitely faring better than Prathy, but he’d warned you of that. 
“The next stage should be starting soon,” he says softly as he pulls away, his eyes full of love and adoration and awe as he looks down at you. You’d never get tired of that. 
“Anything special I can do to help?”
He shakes his head, brushing his thumb over your cheek and leaning in for another quick kiss. “You’re doing enough already.”
You blush, unable to hide it as his words fill you with more love than you ever thought you’d deserve. He doesn’t comment on it, doesn’t joke about it, and instead leans in to kiss you a little more deeply, a little more desperate, and you realize you much prefer it that way. 
Half of the stash of food and water is gone and the sun is just starting to set when the next phase starts. You know it’s started because Prathy tenses, his body heat racking up again and his hands fall back to your waist, holding tight. 
You hold him, unable to do anything but watch as his mouth falls open on a pained groan, his brows pinched. 
You feel something heavy and large pushing against you and you look between you and him, seeing the base of his cock swelling around a large egg. You try not to panic, not realizing the eggs wouldn’t be as small as usual, but Prathy doesn’t seem to be concerned so you push the thoughts away, focusing instead on him and trying to help him in any way you can. 
His hips grind down into you for the first time since he buried himself deep, and you can’t help the small groan at finally feeling some friction down there. He’s braced on his hands and knees, practically laying on top of you, your legs wrapped around his waist and he gasps as the egg stretches him open and pushes against you. 
All that stretching, all the preparations your body had in order to receive the egg, and yet it’s still too big for you. You can feel it pushing against you, pressing insistently, and you relax as much as you can but this angle just isn't working. 
“Prathy,” you gasp, adjusting yourself slightly before continuing. “Let me get on top. Let me ride you. It’ll help.”
His eyes glisten with tears but you nod, brushing his cheeks with your thumbs and he agrees. 
He leans in, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you from dislodging his cock, and then he’s turning over, letting you situate yourself on top of him. The relief in his face is almost instant as he realizes just how spent his body was. 
You settle down onto his hips, still stretched wide around him, but you just know this position will be so much better. 
He looks up at you with tired eyes and you smile down at him, brushing your fingers over the sweat on his forehead, fixing his hair from where it’s standing up in places. 
“I’ve got you,” you whisper, leaning down slightly to brace yourself against his chest, and then you slowly start to bounce on his cock, feeling the egg pressing and pressing inside you. 
It’s slow to start, the tapered tip spreading you open with each bounce, but as you move, and as Prathy’s hands wrap around your waist, the egg starts moving on its own as well, pushing up into you. Spreading you wider and wider.  
It’s still tight, and so much bigger than you were expecting, but eventually you sink down on it and it moves, half of it pushing into you with ease. You steady yourself, breathing heavily, sitting and grinding down on it now as it continues to move inside you. 
Prathy is a mess under you, his eyes glazed over, his fingers locked around your waist. His little whimpers and moans hurt you but you know you can’t stop now. 
You work the egg into you, taking your time, feeling it stretch you open so much wider than anything else. But it feels amazing, the heat and the throbbing steady inside you making it that much better. And after what feels like hours, you sit and feel the rest of the egg disappear inside you. 
You both shudder, mouths agape and gasping for air. You look down at your belly and you can see the egg shifting inside you, moving up and up, making your stomach poke out with it. It presses up against your womb and you shudder again, feeling Prathy do the same as the egg finally pops out of him and plants itself into your ready womb. 
You collapse down onto him, gasping but also grinning wider than ever, so incredibly happy to have this be real. 
“I can’t believe this is really happening,” you say in between gasps, and you lift your head to look down at Prathy, expecting relief to be all over his face. But instead of relief you find worry and confusion. 
“Prathy? Are you–”
“There’s another one,” he says in disbelief. 
Your brows furrow and you brush a hand through his hair. “Is that not normal?”
He finally looks up at you, his eyes bright and clear now. 
“No. Twins, as you would call them on your planet, are impossible and unheard of back home. This can’t happen.”
His face is a mixture of fear and awe as he looks up at you. 
You sit up a bit, bracing yourself on his chest. “Then how?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know. I’ve never heard of it before.”
You move to reply, ready to comfort him, but you feel the second egg starting to press up into you and Prathy’s head falls back, his eyes closed at the feeling. It feels just as big as the last one and you shudder as you sit back, feeling it pressing between your slick lips. 
“We’ll figure it out together,” you promise softly, grinding down on it. He shudders and whines, but his hands tighten around your waist and you know he’s okay. He’ll get through it. 
Two eggs. Two huge eggs. You look down at your belly, so heavy and full. Prathy snores softly next to you on the makeshift bed, exhausted from two days of laying and fertilizing the eggs currently making your belly bulge. 
You can’t help but smile though, seeing his features finally relaxed and carefree in sleep. It was hard on him. Especially for the second egg. It took longer and a lot more energy, and he had eaten practically all of the stash before it was over. He had looked almost sickly by the time the second egg was buried in your womb, but he just shook it off and passed out, spent. 
You fell asleep almost immediately after him, so you didn’t remember him pulling out or setting you on your side of the nest. 
Your stomach growls and you chuckle, looking down at your swollen middle, much larger than it usually was with Prathy’s eggs. You shifted your legs under you and used the mantelpiece to hoist yourself up, back arching the second you were standing. It would be an adjustment, but you would get used to it. You always did. 
One more glance at Prathy, making sure he was still sleeping peacefully, and you made your way into the kitchen to scrounge up some food. You were tired of granola and high protein easy to grab things, so you instead pulled a pizza out of the freezer and popped it into the oven. It was breakfast time, but that didn’t really matter. You were too hungry to care. 
You busied yourself around the kitchen, your new swollen middle bumping into the counter every time you reached in the sink or up into the cabinets. It would take time to get used to it, but you were really enjoying the feeling of being so heavy and full. 
The timer on the oven dings just as you’re reaching into the fridge for the orange juice and you smile softly to yourself, hearing Prathy starting to move around in the living room. Now that he’s awake, you quickly reach into a drawer to grab the oven mitts, opening the oven and taking the hot tray out. You push it onto the oven and groan as the smell reaches your nose, the pizza sizzling.
You’re cutting the pizza into slices when you feel two big, warm hands wrap around your belly, Prathy’s body pressing up against yours from behind. He doesn’t speak but he does nuzzle into the back of your neck, making you shiver slightly at the feeling. 
“Feeling better?” you ask, unable to keep the smile off your face. You’d never been so happy in your life. 
He only hums, nodding and wrapping his hands further under the heavy swell of your belly, cupping it in his big hands. The silence makes you pause and you forget the pizza for the moment, dropping your hands to his arms, turning your head to look up at him. 
His face is relaxed, his mouth turned up in a small smile, and his eyes are practically glittering with awe as he looks down at your belly. Two eggs rested inside you, swelling with actual children for the first time in his life, and you couldn’t help but feel proud to be able to do this for him. 
“Those are your children in there,” you whisper, thumbs rubbing soft circles on his forearms. He nods, his eyes watering slightly, and you turn in his arms, brushing away the water dripping down his cheeks.
“You’re supposed to be happy. This is a big moment.”
He shakes his head, wiping his own face off with a smile. “I am happy. I just…I never thought I would have this. And to be able to reproduce with you…” he trails off, another tear falling down his cheek and you feel your own eyes watering in response. 
He looks at you with so much love, with so much adoration and awe, cupping your cheeks with his big hands. The tears fall easily now. 
“Thank you. For giving me everything I could’ve ever asked for,” he said insistently, keeping your face cupped in his hands. He meant every word and you could tell. Your chest ached with the love you had for him, and as he pulled you in for a deep kiss, you just knew you’d be happy for the rest of your life as long as he was around. 
It only took two months for the eggs to be fully viable, and another month for them to harden enough for the birthing process. Prathy could barely keep his hands off you, practically devouring you every night as soon as you were in bed. 
It didn’t help that he still had to lay his unfertilized eggs every week. You’d thought that would be a problem, but he only told you they would become nutrients for the offspring growing inside you. So every week, Prathy buried himself inside you, laying egg after egg, filling your already swollen middle with more and more eggs. 
You’re hardly able to move out of the bed at this rate, your belly so large now it weighs you down far too much. You’re lucky though because Prathy takes wonderful care of you, making sure you don’t need to ask for anything. And if you do ask, he’s handling it in seconds. 
He knew it wouldn't be long now before it was time to lay the eggs, so he once again took it upon himself to start creating a nest. You didn’t mind, especially since you couldn’t even move to make one anyway. You did kind of wish you’d be able to give birth in bed, but Prathy insisted on the nest. Said it would make his instincts happy. And you would do anything to make Prathy happy. 
The day of the birth, Prathy was a hot mess. As if you haven’t already laid hundreds of eggs for him, he sat with you through every second of it.
You lay on your side in the nest, a pillow tucked under your heavy middle and Prathy’s large body pressed up against you from behind, holding you softly. His little kisses over your shoulder and neck did wonders to your body, making you shudder with need. Even as you felt the egg starting to descend, it only felt amazing. 
You groan softly, lifting a leg to wrap over Prathy’s where he tucked it between your legs. You felt the most comfortable in this position. On your side, spread open, with Prathy just behind you. 
His hand starts to creep over you, brushing over your hip and under your swollen belly to reach for your clit, his heavy hot fingers brushing against the sensitive nub. You jerk at the feeling, mouth opening on a quiet gasp.
He hums behind you, his lips moving over your shoulder and up to your jaw, nipping at the soft skin there. It felt so good, so amazingly warm, especially when his devious tongue came into play. 
The egg moved so, so slow, pushing out of you in small little movements. You didn’t have to do much, your body taking charge, so you let yourself relax into the feeling. Prathy of course wasn’t content to just let you ride it out though. 
His fingers brushed into the slick between your legs, pressing in past your swollen lips and then pulling back out to rub circles over your clit. It felt amazing and you moaned, head falling back against the pillow as he worked his fingers in and out and around. 
You shifted, your hips pushing into his hand for more, harder, but he doesn’t change the pace. It stays slow and torturous, just like the egg still slowly making its way out of you. 
You go like this for an hour, slowly going crazy as everything builds. The egg is bulging between your legs, the pointed tip poking out of you now. The wider middle part of it stretches you, more and more as it throbs out of you, and as Prathy’s fingers do another delicious circle around your clit, you cry out, body tensing as you come harder than ever. 
You clench and the egg moves more, spreading you wider and wider until finally, it falls out of you in a spurt of fluids. You let out a gasp, body trembling through your orgasm as Prathy continues to kiss and lick over your shoulder. He doesn’t even let up for a second as the second egg follows. 
It’s faster this time, your body already stretched enough. It takes minutes for the egg to stretch you wide once more. Prathy takes advantage of it, palming over the large egg. You push softly but the egg doesn’t move, stuck behind Prathy’s hand. 
You moan and circle your hips, thrusting against it, feeling so incredibly full as the egg stays in that one spot. He keeps it there, a steady pressure against it, until your body starts to tense on another orgasm. 
“Prathy,” you gasp out, reaching down to grasp at his arm. “I’m coming,” you cry out, unable to keep the uncontrollable shaking of your hips from overwhelming you as you convulse. The egg shoves out of you as soon as he moves his hand and you’re lost, suddenly flying high in pleasure. So so high that you feel like you’ll never come down. 
At least not until Prathy’s hands are back, roaming over your body, pressing against your now flat middle, coming up to cup your breasts. 
“You did it,” he whispers, his breath warm against the back of your neck. You breathe heavily and nod, looking down between your legs where two massive green eggs now lay. “They’re the most beautiful specimen I’ve ever seen,” he says, his eyes once against watering. You’d never get used to his beauty. 
“They’re perfect,” you echo, feeling exhausted but content. Prathy hugs you closer and you fall asleep grinning. 
“Eze, leave your brother alone please.” You watch as Eze and Vislos fight over the last remaining pancake. Eze has the upper hand though, using his bigger stature to win easily. Vislos came out a little bit smaller, and Prathy assured you it wasn’t a problem.
Prathy, finally coming back into the living room, swats at the back of their heads, not hard enough to hurt but enough to get them acting right. 
“Listen to your mother,” he says sternly and you hide your smile. He may sound like he means it but he’s never once raised his voice or spoken poorly to them, and you loved that about him. 
You look down at the two of them, your beautiful little kids, and can’t help but grin at how perfect they are. They both look much like Prathy, Eze getting his eyes and nose and pointier ears. Vislos got your smaller nose and eyes though, but he is still built like Prathy. 
They start eating again and Prathy comes up behind you, placing a kiss on the top of your head. 
“Need anything?”
You shake your head, looking down at the empty plate. You’d eaten more than enough of your fair share. Prathy smiles and nods, finally sitting down at the table to eat his own food. You can’t help but watch as he eats, his eyes still full of wonder every time as he looks at Eze and Vislos. They’re still perfect. 
One day they’d get older though and you would have to figure out how to help them through their first egg laying, but for now, you enjoyed watching them grow up. Three years old and feisty as all get out. They loved to be outside, adored swimming in the lake a few miles off, and at night they would fall asleep nuzzling into your side. 
Prathy adored them, played with them all the time, and even when he was tired after laying, he would listen to their ramblings and encourage them to explore. They knew what they were, knew they weren’t exactly fully part of this world and that one day they might have to move on from here, but you didn’t like to think about that. You just wanted to watch them grow. 
Prathy flicks your nose and you startle, looking over at him.
“Head caught in the clouds?”
You huff, shaking your head, looking back at your sons then to Prathy. “Just thinking.”
Prathy smiles softly, his eyes only stuck on you. “I was asking if you wanted to take the boys to the meadow. Spring is coming and the flowers will be in full bloom.”
The boys’ faces lit up but they stayed quiet, looking at you for confirmation. Despite the winter chill still in the air, you couldn’t say no to those faces. 
“Of course. I think we can all use a little time outside.”
The boys cheered and even Prathy’s face grew playful, and you were once again struck with how amazing your life has become. A family, a husband, two perfect kids, and another on the way.
You look down to the heavy swell of your middle, another fertilized egg making itself at home, and you thanked the world for giving you everything you ever wanted.
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pregnancyismykink · 7 months
Hi <3
Hello 👋🏼
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