Not that she’s even spent a single night in there since they brought her home. Harry had insisted on bringing the cot Jay and Dan had bought her into their bedroom, just for the first couple of nights he’d said and its already been four and Louis is genuinely concerned for the future of their sex life, because he absolutely refuses to do anything except kiss Harry whilst The Baby is present (when is she not) (not that he resents that, of course) and also when they’d told the boys Louis was pregnant, Liam had just laughed and told him he’d never get shagged again.
part three where there's much more baby and much less sex
Author: orphan_account
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Harry Styles, boy band member of One Direction is in the middle of tour. Not really the middle because it's actually the beginning of the Where We Are tour when he gets the news that his boyfriend of 2 years, Louis Tomlinson, small town boy from Doncaster is in fact pregnant. Thing is he isn't just a few weeks along or a month along, no he is eight months along and didn't know.
Author: stylinson_sluts
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“Cheesecake.” Louis muses, tipping his head back to rest on Harry’s shoulder, peering up at him through his lashes. “Will you make me cheesecake? Strawberry. No, wait. Banana. Actually, no, not banana. Definitely not banana.” Louis gags. “Strawberry,” Lifting up onto his tiptoes, he presses a kiss under Harry’s jaw. “Please babe.”
sequel to I’ll Give You Nothing But Truth in which Louis is still very much pregnant and Harry likes to bake.
Author: orphan_account
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“Come to bribe me, have you?”, Louis pulled the blanket up closer around his body,“I think of it more of a piece offering”, Harry smiled bashfully and tentatively held out the cup to Louis for him to take,
Author: ijustlikewriting
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“It’s okay, babe. You can do this. We’ve been preparing for this.” Harry guided, breathing with me. He had a hold of my hand, smoothing my hair back away from my face.
“Don’t fucking tell me I can do this! I’m going into fucking labor, Harold!” I yelled, throwing my head back against the limo seat. The next contraction that came was worse than the first one, and I’m not afraid to admit, I screamed.
“Fuck you, Harry! Fuck you for doing this to me!”
“Louis, babe, you have to stay calm until we get to the hospital. It could be bad on the baby.” Harry advised, stroking my hand with his thumb. He looked over at our three best friends and band mates, sighing.
“Can we do anything?” Liam asked, afraid of my reaction.
“You can sit there,” I warned, lifting my head to glare at him. “And be quiet. You’re not nine months pregnant, and going into labor. You have no idea how bad this fucking hurts, and it’s all Harry’s fault because he can't wrap his dick!”
Or, Harry and Louis are dating. They're in One Direction. They fuck and Louis gets pregnant. This is their journey from start to finish.
Author: LacyPearl
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Louis gets pregnant after he and Liam have a one night stand.
Author: IHaveNiamFeels
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Louis is infertile and it's hard to handle. Until it's not.
Author: standintherain16
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"It's Sunday." Louis says as he sits next to Harry by the window.
"It is." Harry chuckles and looks over at the blushing boy.
"We are allowed outside on Sundays." Louis whispers and Harry knows want Louis wants, the omega won't ask it but Harry knows.
"Do you want to go outside?" Harry asks and Louis perks up and looks at Harry.
Or Harry has anger issues and he meets Louis in a rehab center
Author: sweetkisses
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“The pregnancy will obviously change some aspects of our friendship. With our new responsibilities with having a baby and such, but I think we will still be best mates. We’ll just be best mates who have a baby together.”
Harry gets Louis pregnant on a drunken night. It's a bumpy road ahead.
Author: larrysoulmates
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Harry's a married prince and Louis' a rarity of the human kind.
They impulsively begin an affair.
Author: cruellouelle
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harry’s insecure; louis doesn’t know what for.
aka harry is pregnant and louis still thinks he’s the most beautiful boy. like, ever.
Author: samajama
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Harry and Louis meet at a club after Louis gets robbed. Louis has a girlfriend, Harry has a boyfriend, but fate has other plans for them.
Author: hilourry
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Louis is an omega and Harry and Liam are his best friends who are both alphas. When Louis goes into heat, both alphas are there for him and knot him. They both bite him, bonding him and getting him pregnant. The three of them make it work.
Author: hilourry
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“Have you been a good boy this year, Louis?” Harry mumbles into Louis’ neck, leaving a big fat bruise there for everyone to see. The girls are going to make snarky comments about this tomorrow, Louis thinks.
“I tried to be, I really did, but I just love being naughty. I couldn’t help myself, I hope I don’t get coal in my stocking,” Louis pouts, starting to nip on Harry’s jaw.
“Mm, well, Santa sent me here to punish you,” Harry smirks, gripping Louis’ thighs.
Louis and Harry are married with two kids and another on the way. They celebrate Christmas as a family.
Author: hilourry
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Harry had always been possessive of Louis, even before they soulbonded. This is pretty much just a bunch of incidents where Harry, as Louis's alpha, gets jealous when other people get too involved with his omega. And then there's part two, dealing with Harry and Louis' experiences during Louis' pregnancy.(Natural birth rather than C-Section because I do what I want.)
Author: paladincoolcats
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They kiss and grind until Harry’s mind is jumbled and hazy; all Louis’ lips on his neck and his hands fisted in the back of his shirt and warmth and cookies and new house smell and baby bump and love love love.
Author: cxyst 
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Harry is bonded to an omega named Nola when a new boy comes to town, an unbonded omega named Louis. Harry and Louis become really close through Harry helping Louis with his struggle of understanding what it's like to be an omega, but then one day an terrible accident happens and everything changes. Louis is the only one that can help Harry and all it takes is for Harry to admit that he's not at fault for the accident for him to open up his heart to someone else, that someone being Louis.
Author: givemesumaurgravy
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