prentissforpresident · 5 months
"It's always darkesr befire the dawn, Todd"
"No, it ain't! What kinda stupid saying is that? It's always lightest before the dawn."
I love this book
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prentissforpresident · 7 months
Todd: I've defeated you and now I can lead the town.
Mayor Prentiss: Correct. Unless, of course, war were declared.
(The sound of the Land blowing their battle horn)
Todd: What's that?
Mayor Prentiss: War were declared.
(From this scene in Futurama)
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prentissforpresident · 7 months
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hello to the like 5 chaos walking fans um i made viola and todd joyful (PLATONIC TIOLA!!!!!!)
i picked up the first book like a week and a half ago and now im like halfway finished with MoM where has this series been all my life
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prentissforpresident · 7 months
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prentissforpresident · 7 months
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prentissforpresident · 7 months
Noise simulator
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prentissforpresident · 7 months
i think the thing that gets me the most is that mayor prentiss was the caretaker for his fellow settlers before the whole mess with the noise started. and he was good at it. he was loved for it.
he only started fighting because he wanted to control the uncontrollable. but that led him down this three book spiral, because the only way to control noise is to become it entirely. and he did and he couldn't stop becoming it that he just wanted to disappear with all of it.
i think he truly did love todd as a son because todd was what was keeping him grounded—literally. the mayor can control people and their noise by filtering his voice through them, but every time he lost himself in it, todd was there to bring him back.
he's still 100% evil and he did. murder a lot of people, both directly and otherwise. but he's just so goddamn human it's driving me up a wall
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prentissforpresident · 10 months
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I’ve got an uni essay due tomorrow so of course I’m making chaos walking memes again to procrastinate.
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prentissforpresident · 10 months
❗❗ Monsters of Men spoilers❗❗
Does anyone else ever wonder how Viola had Todd’s mother’s book at the end of Monsters of Men? I was sure that it was in Todd’s tent, and he never grabbed it before the river was released and destroyed everything. The only thing that makes sense to me is that the Mayor was hoping the river would be released and that he and Todd would already be at the ocean, so he may have grabbed it and put it on the scout ship so it would be safe. 
There are so many weird layers to how much the Mayor actually cares for Todd. None of them necessarily make him redeemable, but he definitely wasn’t lying when he said that Todd changed him.
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prentissforpresident · 10 months
ERMMM ERMM. ERMM HI .. chaos walking fanart!!!!
Did viola dirty by not drawing her as much so i tried to make a little book progression thing like i did with todd.. i didnt like double check anything so i have NO idea if it mentions what she wears in MoM so i took some creative liberties ok🔥
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Also . Davy.
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prentissforpresident · 10 months
I'm surprised there's not more crossover between these two fandoms. There's a lot you can compare:
The boy with the knife and the girl from another world who are thrown together by circumstance but form a very close bond (also friends to lovers)
The kids are traumatised, the adults are complicated and not many of them can actually be trusted
So much responsibility falling on the shoulders of two kids
Coming of age and loss of innocence (the reveal to the protagonist(s) of something super disturbing going on behind the scenes)
Religion being used to control and hurt people
Villains who are skilled manipulators, who do awful things that make you despise them, yet are changed just enough by the influence of the protagonist to make one right choice when it counts
It seems like it's gonna be okay, then the ending rips your heart out
Hey, remember when His Dark Materials got a disappointing movie adaptation of the first book which removed the cliffhanger ending and the sequels were never adapted, but then later on it got rebooted as a TV series which was more faithful to the books?
I’m manifesting…
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prentissforpresident · 11 months
Observation #1: The prefix "a-" means "none", such as in "asexual", "apolitical" and "Atheism".
Observation #2: The word "unicorn" is a combination of "uni", meaning "one", and "cornus", meaning "horn".
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This is an acorn.
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prentissforpresident · 11 months
being in small fandoms really is like *some of the most creative, visually stunning fanart you've seen* (41 notes)
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I should have submitted David Prentiss to the war criminals swag bracket dammit I will die full of regrets
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silly the ask and the answer thingy!!
idk why i made their suits red. looking back i was like wow. why did i make them red. bc i dont remember if it said a color. in the book. and now i feel dummy
but Im also screaming into a black void rn so i dont think anyone minds much do you???!
they have longer hair. davy prentiss mullet. davy prentiss sleeping above the stables bedhead mullet. & he ate.
text is in alt text if u cant read my handwriting 🔥🔥
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sorry I shot your boyfriend with an acid rifle. I saw him on the beach hugging you and I thought he was the evil war mongering president imprisoning you in his arms because he was wearing the same uniform. He's in a coma now and we don't know if he will ever wake up but he keeps searching for you in his Voice. I'm really sorry
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pavid drentiss idk does anyone know this guy?
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