prentitss · 5 days
Thoughts about 17x03
Hello! I come here to share some thoughts I got from this episode, I never do this but I am loving CME more than I should. **Spoilers ahead**
First of all, I have the feeling people are misunstanding the whole timeline of the website. If I am right, Emily mentions how BAUGate was up in 2014 and that it was down. Then, the pictures of JJ aren´t up in BAUGate, this has nothing to do with that site. Emily hasn't known about **that specific content** since 2014. JJ's pics are up in the website **Injure.jane.fear**, which started to be up in 2020, with the pandemic. Second, I doubt this will make JJ retire or leave, some theories I have seen out there. This will make JJ stronger and will have no mercy with anyone involved. This includes Emily, there's no way JJ won't confront Emily. AND that's the ultimate Jemily moment, an argument that I DON'T KNOW HOW will make their relationship stronger, despite the betrayal. Anyway, I love Jennifer Jareau and deserves the best in this world <3
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prentitss · 7 months
Coming back to write a Fanfic. It makes me so anxious tho.
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prentitss · 1 year
Send requests for fanfictions and I will write it. I just can't sit and write without an idea itself. 🧍‍♀️
I write:
- Aaron Hotchner
- Emily Prentiss
- Jennifer Jareau
Fav ships:
- Jotchniss [JJ/Hotch/Emily]
- Jemily
- Jotch (they're so underrated)
Mature topics, please. And let's avoid smut *for now*, until I feel confident with my writing again.
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prentitss · 1 year
Jotchniss. That's all.
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prentitss · 2 years
A compilation of Thomas’s comments about Hotchniss/Paget.
Source: Cameo.com
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prentitss · 2 years
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prentitss · 2 years
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“now those are some last words right there.”
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prentitss · 2 years
see you later
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summary: emily's back and hotch leaves for witness protection
prompt: “why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?” “it’s always a losing game with you” “if it means anything, i love you” (from this list)
word count: 1.2k
pairing: aaron hotchner x emily prentiss
genre: angsty lol
a/n: hey besties here’s some writing for the first time in a while (sorry lol) it’s an angstyish witsec fic i wrote in an hour last night with super old prompts and also semi-inspired by the song “see you later (ten years)” by jenna raine! feel free to lemme know what you think hehe love y'all
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I guess we can only make it so far
‘Cause time wasn't in our favor
This isn't goodbye, it’s simply see you later
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Aaron called Emily on Sunday afternoon, asking if he could swing by to come see her new apartment, and drop off a housewarming gift while he’s at it. After much protest to the gift, going on and on about how unnecessary it was, she agreed, and told him to bring a bottle of wine, too. (“If you insist on bringing a gift…” she’d said after he scoffed at her comment about wine.)
As soon as he got to the apartment, he placed the wine in her fridge, and handed her a giftbag. She peered inside, ignoring the actual gift and instead going straight for the card she found there too.
Peeling open the envelope, she starts reading, and immediately raises an eyebrow in question.
“Aaron,” she says.
“Emily,” he responds, matching her tone.
“Aaron, why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye, or something?”
She just looks at him. Glares at him incredulously.
“Don't you dare tell me you're leaving. Not when we’re finally back within” —she scoffs— “reasonable distance of each other.”
Hotch is quiet. He looks uncomfortable. It’s all Emily needs to know.
“You really asked me back here,” she starts, “just to up and leave? Y’know I think I’d say I didn’t know you had the nerve, but honestly, Hotch—”
“WITSEC,” he interrupts.
“I’m sorry?”
“WITSEC,” he repeats. “Witness protection. The bureau is sending us into witness protection, that’s where I’m leaving. Because—”
“Scratch,” they say at the same time.
They’re both silent for a few moments, Emily staring something fierce at the space between her feet and his. She’s trying her best not to let the tears slip from her eyes, and he’s trying his best to ignore the tears to begin with. He always hated making her cry, hated that he’d ever done something to warrant tears, and hates that even in their last proper interaction he still was.
“If it means anything, I love you,” he tells her. “Still do.”
“Of course it means something, Aaron,” she fires back. “I don’t think I stopped loving you. Not from across the bullpen and not from across the fucking Atlantic Ocean. But what good is that now?”
“It’s out of my control Emily—”
“Oh I’m well aware, thank you.”
“Don’t you dare tell me you’re sorry, and do not tell me to calm down, or to not get upset because it’s out of my control” she says, mocking his tone. “My whole life I've felt out of control, and like the universe just plucks every last genuinely good thing out of my hands and this? Us? We’re no exception.”
“It’s like—like everyone was taught how to...do life, or whatever, how to play the game, and I was just expected to figure it out on my own but I never did, so I keep losing. Losing what I love, who I love…”
Aaron wraps Emily in a hug just as she muffles a sob with a hand over her mouth.
“It’s always a losing game with me,” she says quietly, into his shoulder. “I’m just sorry you’re the one caught up in my mess now.”
He almost laughs in her face, but he knows that'll only make her feel worse. The way she blames everything on herself...he hates it. And he hates that she can’t see anything other than ways to make things into her own fault, especially when they so clearly aren’t.
“Emily, my love, please hear me when I say this is not on you. This isn’t even on me.” He pauses to take a breath in, trying to hold himself together for her, act as her rock one last time. “It’s awful. And I hate it. But unfortunately, at this point in time, it’s also necessary. I want it more for Jack than for myself. I cannot let him lose another parent to another unhinged criminal out for me. I need to protect myself for him.” He pauses. “For you, too.”
She looks up from where her head is still pressed against him.
“You’re right,” he continues. “Life has dealt us both a shitty hand. We’ve both gone through more than any one person should. And time was never in our favor. But Emily...you need to let me do this, you need to let me go. Let me go, so I can stay safe for you, sweetheart. So I can come back to you and not...end up photographed and stuck in some case file for someone to examine.”
They stay standing there for a while, in the middle of Emily’s new living room. Aaron has his arms wrapped around Emily, holding her tight to him, as if keeping her close physically will prevent the inevitable distance they’re about to be forced into. He’s rubbing his hand up and down her back and all Emily wants is to melt into his arms and lose all resolve, but there’s a part of her that thinks she shouldn’t even enjoy this because of the way it’s about to end, and there’s another part that thinks that if she lets go completely now she won’t be able to pull herself back up after; but she inhales deeply, trying to ground herself in the moment, catching a whiff of his cologne as she does. He hears how shaky her breath is on the exhale and he wishes he wasn’t the one causing it. Because as much as he knows it isn’t his fault he has to leave, it’s his fault she’s this upset. She’s not upset, crying tears into his shirt, because Scratch is after him; she’s crying those tears because he’s leaving, he’s leaving her.
“This isn’t permanent,” he reminds her. “I have full faith in my team, in you, Unit Chief Prentiss.” That at least draws a laugh from her, brings a smile to her tear-stained cheeks, even if it’s a slightly sarcastic one.
“This isn’t goodbye. It’s simply...see you—”
“See you later,” she mumbles, looking at the floor again.
“Exactly. It’s see you later.” He draws her back in, pulls her closer to his chest, wraps his arms around her again, tucking her into his side.
“And,” he adds. “I will, you know. See you later.”
Days later, it takes all Emily’s strength not to let the team see her wet eyes when Rossi tells them all how Hotch was put in WITSEC and left her to take his place as unit chief.
She goes back to her office and closes the door quietly as she walks in, back softly hitting the wall next to the jamb. It’s only after she stands there for a few minutes, leaning back on the wall, feeling her breathing become more even again, that she notices a big potted orchid sitting on her desk, an envelope propped up against it. Emily sits down in her chair, pulling the plant toward herself, reaching for the note. As soon as she opens it she’s overwhelmed by the familiar scrawl of black pen.
To keep you company in the meanwhile, it reads. See you later.
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taglist (join here!) @reidsacademia @aubreyprc @reidyoulikeabook @multixfandomwriter @spencerreid9 @mercy-burning @averyhotchner @rigatonireid @spacedikut @alltooreid @reidingmelodies @reid-me-a-story @originalvampireslut @altsvu @sarahhotchner @florenceremingtonthethird @apprenticeprentiss @anastasiahotchner @suckerforhotchniss @pyrrhichotchniss @glockleveledatyourcrotch @irisonthebus @emilyprsntiss @meganskane @lumosemily @ssa-sparks
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prentitss · 3 years
Alicia Sierra | Bad Guy (+Season5)
You can hate her but Alicia Sierra is one of the best thing of lcdp ! Najwa acting is everything, joder !
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prentitss · 3 years
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their greatest unit chief moments in s04e16 and s12e12. 
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prentitss · 3 years
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their greatest unit chief moments in s04e16 and s12e12. 
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prentitss · 3 years
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their greatest unit chief moments in s04e16 and s12e12. 
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prentitss · 3 years
They always walked so in sync 🤍
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466 notes · View notes
prentitss · 3 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Aaron Hotchner/Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Emily Prentiss Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Jack Hotchner Additional Tags: Polyamory, Divorce, Death, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, commitment issues, Trust Issues Summary:
Life is like a maze, you have to go through different things to get where you want to be.
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prentitss · 3 years
HOTCHNISS FIC RECS (no one asked for)
and their short plot descriptions. Said description is solely based on what I can remember of the story and mostly just my reactions. I’m sure the authors provided a better summary so go read that instead.
Intolerable Me, Despicable You by Blythechild
Slowburn, enemies to lovers Hotchniss. This fic basically screams angst.
Recovery Series by Kavi Leighanna
Series order: Endgame, Rise and Forward
Post s6 - Lauren arc. This could have been season 7 but CM writers really decided to rob us of Hotchniss. Anyway, this one is a good read. Kind of Emily centric but also just pure Hotchniss goodness.
Bonus: kind of team fic as well since it explores their relationship with Emily after the whole she faked her death thing.
Reckoning by Tigereye77
Post s6. Lauren arc (we love Lauren arc fics. Best arc in the whole series if you ask me). Badass Prentiss, Emily centric, protective Hotch. Again, this could have been s7 but we were robbed.
Small Favors by Doodle19
Emily centric. Mommy Emily! + slowburn hotchniss all rolled into one. Also, Ambassador Prentiss really be redeeming herself in this fic.
Untold Truths by Doodle19
Hotchniss secret child. Mom Emily. Slowburn, angsty Hotchniss. Really, you’ll fall in love with Emily’s child here you wouldn’t stop reading it.
Family Dynamics by DreamGoddesses’92
Sequel: Days Go By
Jack + Emily goodness. After Foyet arc. Basically, how season 5 should have been.
Glittering Mica Series by SequinSmile
Post S15. Bawled my eyes out after reading this series. Probably my favorite Hotchniss fic. Coffees and slow dances will never be the same again after reading this.
Whatever Tomorrow Brings by SequinSmile
Established/Married Hotchniss. AU where Haley and Hotch never got married. Instead she left him, he met Emily and married her instead. But here comes the kicker, Jack still exists!
A sequel entitled, If Tomorrow Starts Without You, is still ongoing.
Midnight Blue Velvet by SSA_Sparks
Established Hotchniss. Pure fluff. Hotch being a good boyfriend and seriously making me want to have a Hotch of my own.
Goddess of the Hunt and the Never Do Again List by FotobridgeT2
Emily centric. Team dynamics and Hotch lowkey pining over Emily.
Some Chicken Soup, a Box of Tissues and Little TLC by Sienna27
Established Hotchniss. Sick fic. Hotch taking care of sick Emily and basically being the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.
Falling in Love with a Girl by Sienna27
You know those platonic friendships — having that connection with someone and then said friendship blossoms into so much more. Platonic friendship turns into platonic soulmates to actual endgame!! If you love that trope, well this fic is for you. Oh and Hotch getting all alpha male and protective of Emily, then getting all soft and calling her sweetheart. I mean —
Behind the Scene Series by Luli27
Season 5 + Foyet arc and how Hotchniss was so dating and developing during that whole season (and yes you can’t change my mind).
Part 1: All She Could Do
Part 2: Break Me Out
Part 3: Coming Out to the Other Side
Part 4: Drinks and Conversation
Part 5: Evaluations, Explanations and Expectations
Part 6: First Obstacle
Part 7: Gossip at 3,000 Feet
Part 8: Hunted Hotch
Part 9: Interlude’s End
Part 10: Journey’s New Beginning
Jake and Amy by Microwavebubbles
B99 parallel and an honest to god fluff goodness.
I Was Enchanted to Meet You by Purpleplasticpurse
Again, if fluff is your cup of tea, then this one is for you.
The Wonder of You by by PrentissInRed
Forgot the premise but set around s7. One of the first fics I’ve read.
Case fics:
If you are looking for a good case fic with a side of Hotchniss (bonus: the whole team is included!) then this trilogy by Sarramaks is the one.
Calverville Point, South Dakota
When the Blue of the Night
NCIS x Criminal Minds crossover:
A Rose by Any Other Name by Tigereye77
Set after Demonology. NCIS team dynamics + Emily Prentiss goodness + 2 team leaders butting heads over Emily Prentiss — need I say more? Or Gibbs being Gibbs and Hotch trying to repress his feelings for Emily, therefore messing everything up when really he should just man up and tell the woman.
Perfect by Tigereye77
Unfinished sequel but still just as good.
Christmas fics:
Hurry Down the Chimney Tonight by Kavi Leighanna
Christmas goodness. Fluffy/domestic Hotchniss with a dash of our favorite little g-man, Jack Hotchner.
His Christmas Wish by Kavi Leighanna
Another Christmas fic. Forgot the whole premise but this one is also just as good as the other Christmas fic written by the same writer. It made me feel all tingly and soft. Again, pure Hotchniss fluff with a sprinkle of Jack.
Seriously though, if you feel like starting your holidays early, scroll through Kavi Leighanna's page and get your Hotchniss holiday fix.
Honorary mention since this is staple Hotchniss fics:
We See No End, We Don’t Know How by Purpleplasticpurse
Casual Arrangement by Microwavebubbles
Ongoing fics:
How Far We’ll Go by likingandloving
Season 7. In this universe Beth does not exist and Emily is Hotch's training partner for the triathlon.
Someone You Love by Prentissinred
First Time’s Butterflies by SSA_Sparks
Brief Encounters by Microwavebubbles
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prentitss · 3 years
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Emily Prentiss | Lauren
taglist: @morcias @wheelsup @ssa-sarahsunshine @reidgifs @hqtchner @tobias-hankel @ellesgreenaway @willowrose99 @garcias-bitch @scandinavian-punk @spencers-renaissance @daisiestozier @altsvu @makaylajadewrites @taralewiz @ellyhotchner @reidtheprettyboy @moreidsdaughter @hotchsbabygirl @flwrslou @hag4fagmegstiel @reidology @goobzoop @morceid @yourfinalbow @gubeskneescrew
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prentitss · 3 years
Emily: im a lesbian
Reid: i thought you were american
Morgan: i thought you were lebanese
Garcia: she speaks arabic but isnt arab you idiots
JJ: mmm hot girl is gay. k i s s. 
Hotch: this is your government email please at least try and fake maturity for once
Emily: fuck no man, hot girl wants to kiss me. JJ, meet me in the storage room in 20 minutes. pen you know what to do.
Garcia: you got it babes, the E5 and E6 cameras on night night. 
-after they get back-
Reid: did you guys get locked in?
JJ: we sure as hell did
Hotch: for god sakes Emily, stop looking at JJ like that and fix your collar
Seguir leyendo
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