primebimbo · 5 months
hello! long time no see. in case you have not heard, many accounts banned previously were unbanned and will stay unbanned if they pledge according to the thread’s message.
if you’re not unbanned but would like to be unbanned, please contact chris and his email chris(@)blightygroup.com . alt accounts are now allowed and do not cause a ban anymore! - 🐱
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primebimbo · 2 years
I was permanently banned on fuckmyasslil a couple weeks ago no clue why but the last thing I saw the night b4 I was banned was that the current prime bimbo spied on me, I forgot her user now, but i was rlly excited bc I noticed she was the leader bimbo so what the fuck is her problem was she threatened by me or what
🐱 — that was lillyann and just search her name on here and you’ll prob figure why you were banned 😭
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primebimbo · 2 years
hello!! i just got banned from mine and also my boyfriends account permanently and i dont know why, because we havent done anything wrong at all. this game was a nice place for us to spend time together and everything so i wonder if itll be possible to get the accounts back. ive spend real money on this game and being banned out of nowhere without any reason is just pretty hurtful for me even if its just a game, i still loved it with all my heart. i guess thats all, so bye! <3 xoxo
prob got banned for same ip addresses, as thats the common problem ive seen w couples playing :( if you had a senatorship still going, maybe check out if you can get a refund through your bank or paypal (however you paid) - 🐱
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primebimbo · 2 years
Lillyann jailed her opponent right after the election and is going on a banning spree
not surprised by any of this honestly, it's very fitting of her! - 🐱
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primebimbo · 2 years
I'd like to spread around this little encyclopedia of the pink house's + Butterfly & AuntieLice's awful bullshit and hypocrisies, if that's alright with you.
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primebimbo · 2 years
hi! i started an account yesterday and spent actual money on the game but today when i tried to log in all i got was a message saying i was permanently banned? i have no idea what i did wrong:( the account name was jonilee
sorry about that anon :( if you absolutely feel like it, you can create another account and message Dye about it (even tho their term is about to end). if you bought through paypal, i suggest making a case on it as you weren't given the service you paid for. they usually side with the customer and seeing how staff is, they won't dispute lol
also side note, there are senator artifacts that can b rlly common to get thru the wheel. theres a 24 hr, 48 hr, and 72 hr ver that you can stock up on - 🐱
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primebimbo · 2 years
Hey, I don't know if you have executive power or anything like that I'm rather new, but I've just tried logging in today and I've been permanently banned and I don't know why. I don't know who to contact to see why I have been banned, I tried being respectful. Looking around I saw people were being banned for being LGBT. To be fair I sounded LGBT, my boyfriend got me started on ximboland so I made it at his house if that's an issue. He helped me make outfits so I credited it to him that could be an issue too. We are two different people it's just I like the community interactions and getting numbers bigger and competing, and I like when he makes cute outfits. I don't know who to contact and I'm sorry if you're the wrong person to contact and I wasted your time. Thank you, I'm sorry!
it's prob because they thought you were an alt, god forbid someone else play bl while living in the same area. i highly doubt ur acc will be unbanned even if u ask the current prime bimbo. even if you make it obvious that ur ip address (how they tell if ur an "alt") is the as another person’s, they just ban willy nilly -🐱
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primebimbo · 2 years
The new account spamming the forum is 100% Tokikonoe as a user who commented against them immediately got perma banned. Somewhere around 15-20 accounts ALL LGBT except for one have been banned recently for zero reason. That is not a hacker she's just using the previous hack as a cover up. This is election interference by toki to make sure none of the LGBT userbase can vote against her.
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primebimbo · 2 years
I got banned on ximboland for no reason? It just says I'm permanently banned :(
could you send further information on this? such as account name so it can be verified. not that i doubt this, esp when may was when last years ban waves took place, we just want accuracy in discussing this so it can be mentioned who has been banned w/out reason -🐼
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primebimbo · 2 years
I just saw that you got banned, I’m sorry my dear bimbo
none of us got banned? we are still on there alive and well 🐱
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primebimbo · 2 years
Hello! If your checking out bimboland from this video Please! Dont! Join!
check out this blog for plenty of reasons why thats a terrible idea! stay safe  - 🦟
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primebimbo · 2 years
→ Hey i have another doc i think you might be interested in sharing.
Another Google Doc drop for everyone to read - 🐱
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primebimbo · 2 years
Antionette Fah’s official leave from the website and talking about the latest concerns going around the cowboy gang - 🐱
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primebimbo · 2 years
We are waking up from cryogenic stasis. stuff has happened so we will also do updates, JSYK we are not affiliated w The Cowboy Gang, this page has been up for 10 months. so unless they went back in time to post here before they even all joined the site, its not likely - 🦟
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primebimbo · 3 years
hi I have no idea if youre still active but ive been trying to get into my account for over a year. nothing works:( do you know if theres anything I can do? I can’t get in touch w anyone when I submit a report either
i would maybe create a new account and contact staff through there? they’d recognize you with the same ip so you could go that route. also make sure ur account wasn’t randomly banned recently! - 🐱
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primebimbo · 3 years
Has there been any updates lately? I was banned months ago for spreading the original doc and havent rlly kept up with anything besides the election and the other stuff posted here
the most recent event is mariolka in this thread going on a bigoted rant (1/2/3 for screenshots in case its deleted, but the mods so far dont seem to give a shit) via the bizarre form of fantasy contest entry
other recent events include toki in the month prior to the election banning at least 20+ users for criticizing her/the pink house/mariolka or even just associating w people who have, the site getting hacked once, the staff pretending the site was hacked twice to refuse acknowledging they mass-banned gay people whod criticzed the, extensive r slur usage from mariolka in a discord server, staff arguing with people and calling users oversensitive snowflakes for not wanting to be called slurs or misgendered,
(this is another new recently added mod, will be signing asks i reply to w -🐼 to differentiate)
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primebimbo · 3 years
did you see that they made a new forum (by they i mean Prime Bimbo) for the users to find another name for Mariolka's job in there -
really shows how much of a suck up some of these people are 😔 just dm the obv clueless ones the doc on alts who haven’t alrdy received it to at least open some eyes - 🐱
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