princessspy566 · 3 months
Having almost finished college for the year, I feel like there are a few things I must say to those interested in going to college or riddled with nerves regarding their future in academia. 1) No one knows what they're doing, and if they do, they're not going to care or remember an awkward encounter you had with them, so don't worry about it. 2) Do however care about the connections you make! It's incredibly important to meet professors in office hours and figure out who your peers are! 2.5) Do not expect transactional relationships with others, that's the quickest way to loose friendships. Call it personal experience. 3) FIND out about university resources! Is there a tutoring facility? What does their disability center look like? 4) Make sure you have documentation and an appointment planned if you need disability accommodations, that stuff can take forever. 5) GET SUFFICIENT NUTRIENTS, make sure you get fruits and veg, as well as protein daily! 6) If you commute make sure you have commuter friends, that legitimately sucked not having freshman year. 7) Familiarize yourself with the university library, I promise you it makes life easier 8) If you're in an honors college or organization, do not limit yourself to interacting with just them. It will be insufferable and isolating, make sure to branch out. 9) Additionally, if an organization requires a fee to be paid for each semester you participate for, be wary. Is it worth it to be in a 'prestigious' club if you're required to pay $100 per semester? I didn't think so. 10) Following the previous tip, if you didn't get into an honors college or organization, do not feel bad. You are smart and capable regardless. 11) Do not compare yourself to others - everyone is at different stage of life, no one is on the same path nor will anyone ever be. Quit it with the deprecation or lack of self worth. 12) If you study a lot with physical textbooks, invest in a bookstand-- I bought mine off of amazon for 20 bucks, best thing I've ever spent money on. 13) Email professors in advance regarding the syllabus, that way you can prepare in advance. 14) Just because a textbook is on the syllabus, doesn't mean you have to buy it. However, do not cut corners for books that are important, what you use to study matters (ex. cheap textbook that loosely covers the class's content vs an e-textbook you can rent online) 14) have fun! yes, you're paying to get an education, but as a trusted friend of mine has told me-- a stressed brain does not retain information well. Make sure you're doing at least 1 of every type of the following: a hobby that's physical, a hobby that's creative, a hobby that's educational, a hobby that's financial, and one that evolves your mindset.
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princessspy566 · 1 year
So I’m a gal/pal that’s trying alternative styles and when I’m trying to get into whatever style, be it cottagecore, indie, goth, grunge, fairy grunge, etc, I just see people go ‘thrifting is good for the environment!’ or ‘Shein is bad! it profits off of child labor etc.’ Okay, okay. I know that, so what else could I possibly buy from that’s, not thrifting or shein since I don’t live in a desirable place where all the trendy fashion shops are? Cause look, I understand why it’s better to thrift than buy fast fashion. But I don’t have anything like that near me. SO if anyone could please comment down below online shops I could buy from that’d be great (this could also be really useful for other people other than myself!)
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princessspy566 · 1 year
Me @ my husband @flannelfaeries
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They detected a person that didn't drink enough yet!
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princessspy566 · 1 year
My love @flannelfaeries, can we please get one?
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little buddy bunny | by Lamb Loves Fox
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princessspy566 · 1 year
Pov: your having a sleep over and you’re waiting for your mom/dad/parent to bring you snacks so they can discover the fire hazard your room now poses /joking
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princessspy566 · 1 year
I will legitimately teach myself how to skulpt just to make this a reality
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princessspy566 · 2 years
I WOULD PAY FOR A DETAILED FANFICTION OF THIS. I will either make it or find one.
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1888 au
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princessspy566 · 2 years
I smell the comings of another excellent story
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by _tyedied
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princessspy566 · 2 years
I see a lot of people talk about libraries and how good they are. But what if I live too far away? What if my library is barren of books? I hear you ask.  Often when I travel I see these little tree libraries, they’re lovely and I see them everywhere I travel. If you don’t have physical access to one, try Libby (although sometimes libby requires ID). If that doesn’t work, highly suggest searching for free websites. I use this lovely one here https://esl-bits.net/. I’ll try to find other resources but if anyone has any others please reblog! As my mom once said, books are like gateways to different worlds. The more you travel, the more knowledge you gain. I believe everyone should have access to that.
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princessspy566 · 2 years
Okay so out of context it’s been about a week and I’ve already consumed like 3 books. And this is not because I’m slow at reading I could just finish books in like a day or two.  I feel like I haven’t read in eons and I’m this monster of knowledge thirsting for the taste of words on pages. The sweetness of romance, the saltiness of fiction, the tang of horror, the sour of mystery. I love them all, and I will snack on the words of literature until the day I die.
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princessspy566 · 2 years
- dwarves working at technology stores or as mechanics that fix cars, trucks, and other vehicles/methods of transportation - Giants that work in construction, making sure that workers can safely climb aboard and also help lifting heavy items - shapeshifters that work as police to help bust drug rings and child trafficking rings. - werewolves that work at nursing homes and hospitals as therapy dogs when they transform and as nurses on the regular. - vampires that work night shifts as security guards, club bouncers, and also assist the police force with drug tests and assist potential cancer patients. Vampires that serve in the war, protecting their fellow comrades from bombs and grenades and work tirelessly to deactivate bombs - witches that work as street artists and in home decoration. Who use sigils to help protect and bring luck or business to local establishments, and help new families with protection. Who ease the worries of single mothers that are so desperately afraid of their children getting harmed in their new house. They use spray paint made from herbs and berries that symbolize meaning in their sigils or spells.  - selkies that work as marine biologists and in search and rescue units to help recover lost ships or remains in bodies of water. Who help scientists uncover the wonders of the unsearched seas, and gather samples on new marine life. - elves that work in libraries and bookstores, who are always able to tell you books you might like or what new book they like. Who spend their time reading and working out how to use the new-fangled human computers that work so differently and are not powered by magic. - Dryads that work in parks and nature reservations, and help natural parks that have been devastated by disaster. Who help rebuild cities after disasters and bring vibrant vegetation into gangly neighborhoods that seem to beg for help, something to relieve the depressing landscape. - undead that are able to test make up products for safety. Undead who are able to model fashion looks because their various sized bodies make better mannequins. Undead that eat the brains of animals instead of humans, who do not suffer from mad cow disease and urge humans not to waste the animal’s bodies. -  siren’s that do choir, that use their voice for entertainment and not to drown sailors. Siren’s that work as choir teachers and teach their students how to use their vocal chords to the best of their abilities. Siren’s that sooth hospital patients in pain by talking with them, regardless of if they’re having a procedure or not. - centaurs that work as gardeners for big cities and work with dryads to make sure there is something for everyone to look at. Who plant vegetables and fruits on sidewalk plots so families can have fresh food readily available.
Random thought...
Modern jobs for fanatasy creatures:
- A bridge troll who works as a tollbooth operator. It’s a lot easier than trying to scare people into paying you, and slightly less chance of being stabbed with a longsword.
- A fairy who works in a coffee shop, or bakery, who’s customers always think they make the best pastries. It’s okay to take the food and drink, since the money exchanged makes it a fair trade.
- Dragons who work in the banking industry. They may, or may not, fully understand what investments, mortgages, or interest rates, mean but they do know that their horde grows year after year and that’s good enough for them.
Anyone got any other amusing ideas? Then feel free to add.
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princessspy566 · 2 years
Slowly reigniting memories of cushion forts as a kid where I’d take my build-a-bear plushies and pretend I was making tea and sandwiches in my polyester foam and feather home.
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Teatime :)
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princessspy566 · 2 years
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princessspy566 · 2 years
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my little bakery
also check my twitter
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princessspy566 · 2 years
Omw to go write a moon god that has this as their main weapon. Op this is beautiful.
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the crescent moon scythe i shall dedicate to cerridwen ☾
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princessspy566 · 2 years
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PSA: can bot accounts like not??? Like if you’re going to try to message me please read my bio, I’m not a lady, I’m a genderless being!!!
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princessspy566 · 3 years
Help people out!
Friends of a friend are in a really bad situation and need financial support.
Payment methods listed first, then backstory (pictures), then photo ID will be reblogged alongside 5/30 update.
PayPal @stephanyx
CashApp @Flowerfemme
Venmo @floralfemme
Backstory info:
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