problematic-nova · 2 years
A Statement on Malicious Email Attacks Against OTW Volunteers
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The OTW is currently dealing with malicious email attacks against our volunteers. Some of our processes may be slower as a result and we ask for your patience as we manage this issue: https://otw.news/statement-malicious-388b5c
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problematic-nova · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Jim Moriarty Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Past Abuse, Stalking, Sherlock Holmes Needs a Hug, John Watson Needs A Hug, good thing they have each other!, Catlock, Sherlock is half cat Summary:
Late one wet and miserable night, John picks up a stray off his doorstep, and winds up handling far more than he'd bargained for.
I’ve not felt great and have been taking a bit of a hiatus for a while, but here is my Holmestice contribution; the collection was finally made public! It was a real treat to get to participate! :D
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problematic-nova · 3 years
I was tagged by @therealsaintscully. Tysm!!! Let's type this up before I go to bed:
Name: Ranowa
Fandoms: You can see how I've fandom jumped over the years from obsession to obession. Right now, my obsession is Sherlock <3
Where you post: AO3
Most popular multi-chapter fic: The Deafening Sound of Silence
Favourite story you’ve written so far: Eight Minutes. You know that one fic where you were hit with inspiration enough that you just sat down and wrote the entire thing in one sitting? Took canon out back and shot it to give your characters their deserved happy ending? Mmm.
Fic you were nervous to post: This Would Make You Happy?
How you choose your titles: hahahhhh there are two ways my titles get chosen. Either I kept hit by a stroke of brilliance in the planning stages and get all giddy and proud of myself, or I write the entire fic, proofread and edit the entire fic, open up the New Post tab, tag it... then sit there staring at the title box until 3AM, when I at last title it in desparation for just wanting to sleep. I imagine it's usually pretty clear which ones of my titles are which!
Do you outline: nnnnot really. I will write out a timeline of events if it's especially complicated, like The Deafening Sound of Silence or This Would Make You Happy?, but that's about it. Despite the fact that I know it improves my writing when I do in-depth outlines, fics tend to spring to life fully-formed in my head, so making myself do that extra step is a struggle! xD
Complete: 27, for Sherlock.
In progress: 2? 3?
Coming soon/not yet started: 2/3, same as above. I tend to start writing pretty quickly after getting an idea :)
Do you accept prompts: Sure! I can't promise I'll fulfill it, but I'll at least give it a look!
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: Because of how I write things, that answer will always be "whatever I'm currently writing at the moment!" Which, tonight, is the fic my friends know as Stabby Sherlock :]
Upcoming story you are most excited about: aaaahhhhh a tough one! I usually wait until fics are done to binge read them... I saw @discordantwords just finished up Borrowed Ghosts, and that one is definitely high on my list as soon as I get in the right headspace for reading!
as usual I don't know anybody and it's also very late so I'm gonna tag my usuals and peace out for whoever wants to play @paybackraid @the-original-akarri
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problematic-nova · 3 years
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for the royai zine
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problematic-nova · 3 years
Do you ever start writing something that you’re excited about and that seems like it’s turning out well and that you’re getting eager to share, and then you start typing it up or doing an edit pass and it’s just awful it’s awful its premise is fundamentally flawed and it’s out of character and the prose is clunky and the plot is badly paced and ludicrous and the whole thing is embarrassing, how could you have done this, how could you have sunk so much time into this, you can’t even look at it, how is this that shining thing you were so excited about, how could you even have considered finishing it let alone sharing it with anyone, you’re crying, your mother is crying, nuns are spontaneously exploding in the streets,
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problematic-nova · 3 years
My Holmestice fic was posted and Y'ALL SHOULD GO READ IT!!! It is so lovely and soft and warm and GOOD. It was exactly what I wanted to read after these last few weeks of drama-- and dreamwidth lets you leave anonymous comments, so leave some love for the author, too! <3
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problematic-nova · 3 years
Holmestice Winter 2020 has started posting fanworks at the above link! All Holmes’ universe are included. 2 or 3 works are being posted per day until Dec. 14. Works are currently anonymous, to be revealed Dec. 21. Go enjoy!
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problematic-nova · 4 years
why are they staring directly into the camera
why are they staring directly into the camera instead of the laptop right there
why do they have a bowl of apples on sticks
why is john’s gun in front of sherlock
why is his violin propped in as precarious a position as possible
and most importantly, why are they staring directly into the camera
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I...what-what was I saying?
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problematic-nova · 4 years
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“I know Ash! Don’t tell me I don’t.”
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problematic-nova · 4 years
Hi, I got a question are you still writing Sherlock fic, what would your next project be? I really love it a lot.
Haha yes, I’m still writing Sherlock! It’s been a very stressful few weeks here that have made it hard to write, but if everything goes well, I’m about to submit my Holmestice project tomorrow just before the deadline! (11k words and counting...) I’m not sure when those fics are made public, though. So that’ll happen some time in the near future.
After that I’ve got a couple other small projects in the works, so hopefully I’ll be posting things again in a few weeks!
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problematic-nova · 4 years
DGS is an Ace Attorney game with a Sherlock in it that came out a bit ago in Japan, and for some reason it wasn’t localized until now. (Localization is mostly just translating the games for international releases, as well as smoothing out any cultural bumps). The localized version isn’t out yet, so we don’t know the full explanation or story of why this is, but they recently dropped this screencap of their Sherlock...
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Can someone please explain these things to me:
Herlock Sholmes
Thank you.
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problematic-nova · 4 years
head, shoulders, bees and toes
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problematic-nova · 4 years
Hi Steph!! As a Russian fun, I'm so grateful for all the things you bring up here. I just wanted to ask if you find John and Sherlock's hug in TLD fake and manipulative to the audience because it didn't feel like John wanted to do that and and generally happy to hug Sherlock, didn't even hug him back. This small detail is so very telling and for me, personally, shows how fucked up s4 is and how awful Moftiss treated Sherlock and John's relationships, ugh, I'm so sad.
Hey Lovely!
Ahhh, The TLD Hug. I have many mixed feelings about it.
On the one hand, I love it because it was a genuine moment from Sherlock; you could see him approaching slowly, making sure it was okay and then it was just a soft moment between them, John just allowing himself to be held and comforted by Sherlock.
On the other hand... when I step back from it all and analyze it too much, I have the same problems with it that you do. It feels... not like the hug that the whole series was building up to, you know? It’s tough to explain. Like I HATE that it was because of Mary. I HATE THAT. Because S3 felt like it was building up to John not wanting anything to do with Mary, then suddenly John and Sherlock are crying over her? Ugh. S4 felt so hollow, and the hug felt cheap, in hindsight. But perhaps that’s because I’ve spent too long analyzing the series.
I think the best way to describe my feelings: I like the hug out of context. I HATE it in context.
But yeah. I welcome other people’s thoughts on it, good or bad, my lovelies <3
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problematic-nova · 4 years
Given that 2 members of your little group is the unintentional cause of the meme, do any of you own the "Are Those Monkeys?" shirt?
Mod: I’m not aware of that meme, and couldn’t find it even after googling it. I feel out of the loop. :(
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Artemis: I may have over-stepped my bounds on that gambit, @homunculus101 . The man-- god, rather-- looked so trusting, vulnerable-- I knew he was the fastest way out of the interrogation room. But now conscience dictates I get myself out of this mess without wounding him. Which may prove to be a challenge.
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Mod: Going more comics-Nat for this one. For fun.
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problematic-nova · 4 years
You Won’t BELIEVE How Many Em-Dashes Local Writer Can Squeeze Into One 5K Word Fic
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problematic-nova · 4 years
Sherlock Stuffs- whumptober!! Gimme those whumpy deets plz!! (tho didnt... didnt whumptober pass? ;v; (but ily youre valid))
Yeah October is gone, but that’s not stopping me! xD I’ve still got a Halloween fic on that list too!
The whumptober fic is a Reichenbach trope we’ve all seen before! John finds Sherlock in Serbia, and angsty fallout all from there as they found their way back home. John is not pleased to find out about the Lazarus plan :)
I can’t make any promises that I’ll finish it, but it was mostly outlined and already started when I got my Holmestice prompt and had to put it on hold. We’ll see! A lil snippet: 
“Sherlock is bleeding like a stuck pig in a filthy jail cell when John shows up once again. 
The thing is, it's odd, this time. He doesn't look as he's supposed to, and he's not acting as he's supposed to, either-- but perhaps that's par for the course, at this point. Nothing about this final mission has gone as it's supposed to, and Sherlock is exhausted, severely sleep deprived, and very surely concussed. He's lucky that it's not worse than it already is.”
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problematic-nova · 4 years
tagged by @the-original-akarri
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
see this isn't fair, becaues Akarri knows that I write everything in one or two massive unorganized shitshow documents so my titles don't even work but i'll TRY
1. Sherlock Stuffs-- Holmestice (this one's a secret!)
2. Sherlock Stuffs-- Halloween fic
3. Sherlock Stuffs- whumptober
4. Sherlock PTSD series
6. FMA Mishmash 5-- Hunger Games AU
7. Loki Stuffs Space Adventure
yeah i gotta a lot of WIPs and no self-control
@paybackraid you want in? Give us your vanitas-shaped brain weasels
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