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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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“What’s wrong with you?”
“What isn’t wrong with me, at this point?”
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A world-famous thief but he keeps replacing expensive paintings with roses and chocolate boxes for his crush the detective.
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A fairy tries to ask an amnesiac person their name. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
Thanks for the tag, @zmwrites! (Sorry for seeing it so late!)
A harried messenger burst forth into the meeting room before the discussion could continue any further. “Your highness, t-the young prince, h-he—”
“What’s happened now? You had better have a good reason for interrupting my meeting,” muttered Zane.
“The youngest prince is dead.”
“What?” Zane demanded, standing up abruptly. “How?”
The room dissolved into chaos. Zane was on his feet and shouting, and several members were wailing, distraught, hands clasped in prayer. The world was rapidly dissolving into a jumble of colors and sounds, and before he knew it, Nero was pulled into the blissful ignorance of unconsciousness.
I tag @aalinaaaaaa @wisteria-whump and anyone else who wants to join!! :D
tag: heads up seven up XXXV
I was tagged by @emelkae! Thank you so much!
From Second Chances WIP:
Delphine surveyed Talea with blatant displeasure. “You’re too skinny. How will people trust you to lead a kingdom when you can’t even eat properly?”
“Sorry, mother.”
“You should have had your dress altered to accentuate your waist more,” she continued. 
Talea absently brushed a hand over her silk skirts. It didn’t even occur to her to remind Delphine that she had been the one arguing with the dressmaker about how cinched the waist should be.
I tag @justwriteyoudummy, @prompt-and-splendor, @theguildedtypewriter, and anyone else who wants to play! As always, no pressure!
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
taking a short break.
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
Writer’s Month- Day 13: knot | fairy realm
Prompt chosen- knot
Word count- 154 words
Sera watched as the ship pulled out of the harbour and into the vast expanse of the ocean beyond.
The day was cloudy and pleasant, blue gently interspersed with tufts of white. The ocean waters were calm, waves gently lapping at the ship as it steered onwards.
The S. S. Marina was a sturdy ship that had weathered one too many storms and still miraculously arrived unharmed. The locals called it magic. Sera acquiesced that it might just be the case in this situation.
The sails were out flying proudly; excess string tied in a knot on the hook at the end of the deck.
Sera watched as the land she had spent her whole life on grew smaller and smaller, until it was just a tiny speck, and then turned to look ahead of her, at the never ending expanse of water.
She hoped she would be able to succeed in her mission.
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
Writer’s Month- Day 12: leak | roommates
Prompt chosen- leak
The tears that leak from my eyes
Do not make me any less brave
Even a tiny stream can carve out a canyon
So in mocking my weeping
You forget my resilience
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
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Quill’s back at it again, being quirky on writeblr! Come join in on the shenanigans!
With a return from my hiatus, I’m lacking in writeblr activity on my dash!
If you’re a semi-active writeblr who posts original content and/or especially reblogs other people’s original content, pop a reblog on this post and I’ll check out your blog!
I would love if people gave me some recommendations, too!
Be aware I’m already following a huge portion of the writeblr community, so if you don’t get a notification for me newly following you, it’s probably because I already was!
(Feel free to boost, too!)
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
Writer’s Month- Day 16: shadows | ancient times
Word count- 103 words
Prompt chosen- shadows
Her shadow was haunted.
It sounded laughable and it was— a haunted shadow? A week ago, Sera would have laughed herself.
That was a week ago.
Now, she was curled up under the covers, trying not to cry. It’s was pitch dark outside, and the meager moonshine did little to brighten up the room, instead bathing it in a soft, otherworldly glow.
She could hear breathing behind her.
She knew it was him, taunting her from the shadows. She pulled her legs close to her body and tried not to sob.
She didn’t get any sleep that night.
Or the night after that.
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
Writer’s Month- Day 15: comfort | soulmate AU
Word count- 309 words
Prompt chosen- soulmate AU
Sera had always wanted to find her soulmate.
Now, she wished she hadn’t.
Everyone was born with a soul charm on their necklace. Friend charms developed over time, love charms grew slowly but surely, but a soulmate was special. A soulmate was fated. Someone who would know you inside and out, for better or worse, and have the capability to unravel your every secret.
It was said that when two soulmates locked eyes, their charms would start glowing. Not everyone had a soulmate, but Sera did. It was a set of angel wings made of onyx, that hung on the central link of her necklace chain.
Central meant important.
For years, Sera went through life as normal. The life of a writer was far from easy in a small, no-name town, but somehow she made ends meet. She watched soulmates come and go, enjoying quality time with those they called theirs.
And still, she was alone.
However, one day, tragedy struck. Swathes of fire burned brightly as houses and towers alike collapsed onto the ruins of a once-beautiful street. Sera was woken by the smell of smoke in the middle of the night and ran outside to watch her town burn alive in front of her. She shrieked and collected as many manuscripts as she could (for they were most precious to her) and ran for her life. She narrowly avoided a falling beam, and dodged a blazing tree with a shaky breath. She was almost there, just a few steps more, keep on running, running—
And then she collided with someone, and fell backwards, manuscripts flying around her. There went Nirvana, she thought mournfully, watching the paper fly into an errant blaze and smolder into ash. Then she looked up at who could only be the perpetrator of all of this destruction and death.
She wished she hadn’t.
As soon as she locked eyes with him, her necklace glowed.
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
I am but a simple pen
your icon punches you in the face do you survive
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
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Saw this on Twitter. What 3 potions would you drink?
I would take brown, white, and yellow!
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
Writer’s Month- Day 9: echo | future AU/post-canon
Word count- 354 words
Prompt chosen- echo
When she opened her eyes, everything was white.
Sera didn’t know where she was. One moment she been practicing a new dance step, the next, she was here. Wherever ‘here’ was.
She felt as though her insides were being violently tugged out, and she felt herself twisted one way and then another, and somehow she experienced all of this within the span of a single moment; and the next, she was on solid ground again, but it wasn’t the one she knew.
The first thing Sera saw was black. Black cobblestone lined the empty, landless street. It was nighttime, and there were two moons shining brightly in the sky.
Wait a minute. Two moons?
Sera felt unnerved by the new landscape, and even more so by the distinct lack of any other people. There wasn’t even an echo of life within these wide streets. 
She was jolted out of her trance by the rustling of chains, and subconsciously felt around for something she could use as a weapon, before realizing that the sound wasn’t coming any closer. Rather, it seemed to have stopped in front of her.
Peering ahead, Sera’s eyes widened in shock as her gaze was met by another set of eyes, ice blue and lifeless, from the walls of the building in front of her, which could only be a prison, judging by the bars on the line window. He was staring at her, quiet and unblinking, and Sera’s hackles raised again at the uncomfortable feeling, and she prepared to run away. Spinning on her heel, she turned and made to run when she experienced the disorienting feeling again, and then—
“-ra? Sera? Are you alright?”
“-she’s waking u-“
“-suddenly collapsed-“
“-must be tired-“
Sera groggily opened her eyes to find her friends’ concerned faces staring back at her. Quickly getting back up and brushing off their concern while thanking them for helping her, she resumed practice.
Later, as she walked home, she resolved to put the whole affair behind her. It was probably a weird vision of some kind brought about by her own exhaustion.
Next practice, it happened again.
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
Writer’s Month- Day 8: heat | enemies to lovers
Word count- 275
Prompt chosen- heat
She was burning alive, flames licking at her feet and greedily devouring the ropes that bound her.
At least they finally got around to it, she thought, allowing a small smirk to flit across her face. The lord, who was standing near to her, took notice and began piling more logs on the wooden stake that had been constructed specially for this purpose.
“Burn the witch! Kill her!”
The shouts and accusations of the villagers were softer than the crackle and pop of the flames, which were eating away at her ropes in earnest now. She knew it was only a matter of time before her broken, beaten body would join the bindings. Acrid smoke rose from the town square in a thick plume of ash and soot, causing the townspeople’s eyes to water.
Strangely, she did not fear dying. Maybe, once upon a time, she would have. Would have screamed and raged at the thought of having the flesh rended from her body, would have prayed to the gods for a better fate. But she knew that Fate worked in mysterious ways, and this was not the end of her story, no matter what the townsfolk thought.
“Throw more logs. Make sure they catch fire!”
Her clothes and long hair were burning too now, and the heat was all-encompassing, the fire blazing in shades of crimson and amber, melting seamlessly together in a vision of warm hues. She smiled.
And then she knew no more.
“What a sad ending to the story. Tell me something else, little brother!”
Zane smiled, and it was not quite his own, “Who said the story ended there?”
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
Also, I'm sure I missed a lot of stuff around here. Are you a new writeblr? Aren't we mutuals yet? Please reblog this so I can check your blog :D
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prompt-and-splendor · 2 years
Writer’s Month- Day 11: swim | hospital
Word count- 253 words
Prompt chosen- swim
“…and for this year’s field trip, we’ll be going to the beach! There is a small fee, only…”
The rest of what the teacher said faded into a muted buzz as Annalisa comprehended the enormity of the situation.
Her class was going to a beach for their annual field trip. That wasn’t the problem. Annalisa had no qualms about the sun or the sand.
She was afraid of the water.
Her fear of swimming stemmed from her fear of water, which came about as the result of her mother’s untimely demise. It had not been an accident or even a murder.
She had drowned.
It was hard to cope, harder still because she was little and had not understood the full weight of what had happened. Her father secluded himself from her for many weeks, and whatever interactions they had were plagued by tears and grief for months to come.
Four-year old Annalisa had stared into the depths of the swimming pool at a friend’s birthday party and screamed.
It wasn’t the water per say, it was the feeling that accompanied it- the biting cold chill that seeped into your clothes, the wetness that forced your clothes and hair to stick to your skin, the murkiness below; ominous and unnerving; an inky black abyss that threatened to pull you down, down, down until you knew no more.
“Hey, Anna, wanna swim?”
Annalisa shuddered. “No thanks. I’ll just sun myself.”
She didn’t want to see what was below the surface of the ocean.
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