prweek · 8 years
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Members of the Intermarket team at Intermarket 30th Anniversary Cocktail Reception. From left to right: Ben Sheng, Gaby Hui, Jade Faugno, Corey Jefferson, Eleis Brennan, Bill Ferri, Stephanie DiIorio.
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prweek · 8 years
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New campaign explains the scientific difference between blood from straight people (who can donate) and gay people (who can’t).
Spoiler: nothing.
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prweek · 8 years
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"Women would rather give up sex or wearing makeup for a month than make purchases on social media”
Retailers’ attempts at drawing women in with social, in-app shopping? Kinda a big fail so far.
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prweek · 8 years
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LGBT, gun-control groups respond quickly to Orlando mass shooting
Pro-LGBT-rights groups quickly released statements in solidarity with the victims of Sunday morning's mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Many gun-control groups did the same.
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prweek · 8 years
We are continuing to function, we are still publishing, we are still going to be doing stories...This doesn’t change any of that
Gawker editor-in-chief Alex Pareene. Gawker has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after losing a legal battle against wrestler Hulk Hogan.
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prweek · 8 years
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“It’s OK to be a human being. I do it not because I’m so interesting and important; I do it because it’s a really powerful storytelling device. You want to be a stand-in for the listener. It’s also transparent and honest. It’s a way to force people to have empathy.”
NPR's Kelly McEvers on creating long-form podcasting with emotional impact
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prweek · 8 years
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When you try to guess a reporter’s email address and you’re waiting to see if you get a bounceback (Reader submission)
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prweek · 8 years
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Has Sharapova “[eroded] much of the positive PR [her] March press conference provoked”?
Maria Sharapova was praised for the way she proactively controlled her messaging after it was revealed she tested positive for a banned substance; racquet supplier Head said she had been "courageous" when it announced its decision to continue working with her.
Her reaction to her two-year ban, which was announced this week? Not getting as much love.
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prweek · 8 years
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Drone racing is here, and the International Drone Racing Association wants you to get hyped
IDRA CEO Sahand Barati tells PRWeek how he's propelling the world’s first "multi-reality sport” to heady heights from a standing start. Is your body ready?
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prweek · 8 years
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No, Roger Goodell isn’t dead
NFL VP of communications Brian McCarthy quickly tweeted on Tuesday afternoon that the league’s official Twitter account had been hacked, and commissioner Roger Goodell was "alive and well."
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prweek · 8 years
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PRWeek launches Global Power Book 2016, your guide to the world's most influential PR players
The GPB is a searchable directory of around 350 senior comms professionals from both agency and in-house roles. Find all the data here.
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prweek · 8 years
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PR handler changes ex-Baylor University president’s answer about campus rape live on camera
When a local TV station questioned former Baylor University President Ken Starr about the school’s latest scandal, his PR handler interrupted when the reporter asked him about an email he received with the subject line, "I was raped at Baylor."
And it was all caught on tape.
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prweek · 8 years
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Study: 64% of millennials say they won’t work for a company with a weak sense of corporate responsibility
The report highlights the importance of corporate social responsibility in recruiting and retaining talent. The survey gathered the opinions of 1,020 employees, finding growth in the number of staffers that want to work for a company that shares their values.
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prweek · 8 years
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The times they are a-changin', and PR and marketing cannot thrive while they resist it
evolving practice means brands are more comfortable loosening the noose and don't insist on having a lawyer involved at all times. Smart campaigns can just as easily be activated from a social media exec's living room as the brand's formal social media center surrounded by the general counsel and CMO.
It’s what consumer communications and marketing is all about today, and it encompasses a broad church of activities, media, agency support, and strategies – all of which are in the wheelhouse of the modern PR pro.
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prweek · 8 years
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"I wish I could say work that defies gender bias is being produced every day by 'the many.' But it’s not." 
Thoughts on this year’s Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity   from Edelman's John Clinton, Weber Shandwick's Gail Heimann, Airbnb's Jonathan Mildenhall, and Golin's Ellen Ryan Mardiks. Read.
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prweek · 8 years
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When a VP makes basic grammar mistakes and you know you can’t correct them 
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prweek · 8 years
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Submission from M Booth — very cool work for Jägermeister:
M Booth celebrated Jägermeister’s partnership with Live Nation and the brand’s Haus 56 pop-up at Electric Daisy Carnival by curating an exclusive VIP experience for media. Media attended the pre-party at the newly opened Vandal restaurant and then were shuttled over to Haus 56 at Electric Daisy Carnival — a custom-made interactive activation inspired by Jägermeister’s German heritage and 56 botanical ingredients. Guests enjoyed specialty Jägermeister cocktails created by Brand Meister Willy Shine from the private viewing deck while watching the live DJ performances.
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