psychotyleric · 4 years
Get money at home
https://lgmoney.xyz/rf79052395811/ 1. Passo acesse o link acima 👆🏼
2. Passo clique no canto superior direito em “SIGNIN”
3. Passo clique em “SIGN UP”
4. Crie sua conta
5. Passo nas 3 barrinhas do lado superior direito “WATCHING ADS” e PRONTO!!!É só começar a completar os números que vai aparecer!!
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psychotyleric · 5 years
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would you see me neked on onlyfans?
You can DM me on IG: tylerick
Or on Twitter: psychotyleric
suggest me some type of pictures or videos  😜
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psychotyleric · 5 years
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Hey, been awhile.
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psychotyleric · 6 years
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2015 vs 2017
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psychotyleric · 6 years
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psychotyleric · 6 years
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I've been thinking about starting a diary here since I actually been feeling low and lonely, but I don't feel like typing in Portuguese neither English because my English suck I know. *a picture where I feel cute and maybe my mustache is coming in*
(English suck is not a blowjob tag.. I guess.)
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psychotyleric · 6 years
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I made 23 years yesterday! I got stressed, sad and disappointed, but I had a few laughs. Here's one more year for me, that a lot of times I though I wouldn't make it till the next minute of anxiety attack, or another day suffering with body dysphoria, being sad and depressed by not being well noticed by a father I have but never actually was by my side, not having opportunity to have money enough to buy food to make my mom, grandma and my pets healthier, not being able to get out off my house often because anxiety and depression makes me few awful to go out (not going out with my girlfriend for the same reason), not finding a hobby, job or anything in my life and over thinking every night that maybe I'm not good for anything in this planet and that I will never make it like any other person who have a job or finished school (something that I actually don't need to do because society says so), just another year taking deep breaths and realizing that laughing of something stupid or small is already enough to be alive and keep moving forward. Don't lose faith, you are loved, someone needs you, a dog, cat or a lizard, you are home to someone, you are a breathing thing, be softer with yourself, you deserve the universe, the universe is proud to share atoms with you. Have a nice day and don't let the bad moments make you think your day wasn't good. Peace to the world. A picture of me sitting in the toilet, enjoy.
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psychotyleric · 6 years
I have never understood this to see gay scene on TV is to be influenced to become gay, some men see porno all the time and most never find the clitoris.
- @ minahetero at Twitter
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psychotyleric · 6 years
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Made Scars for my Sim, representing all transguys who had top surgery, not perfect but still my first try. :)
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psychotyleric · 6 years
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When I was young, very young, kids used to ask me why I have niggers hair.
I never understood why they used to say this, until they started explaining: You have a bad hair, is ugly and youre white, why do you have it?
I used to feel bad for this, but not for the N word.. I used to relate and make easy friendship with black people.. I was just looking at this picture and remembering..
Well.. I love my hair, I love black people, I love people. Your hair is beautiful.
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psychotyleric · 7 years
I called the suicide line prevention last month but im pretty okay
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psychotyleric · 7 years
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Hey, yesterday I made 3 years on T, im alive!  October 1st 2017!
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psychotyleric · 7 years
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Hi there, missed you ppl
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psychotyleric · 7 years
a quick one
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psychotyleric · 7 years
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bc I never take pictures wearing glasses 👓
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psychotyleric · 7 years
Any of you guys recommend 13RW? (I do have depression and already tried suicide.) Been reading things about the tv show, now idk what to do.
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psychotyleric · 7 years
I don't think I'm a fit masc dude but I'd like to be fit 🤔🙁
I need to be better about representation on my blog like this if you are not a fit masc trans dude and ill follow the hell out of all you lovely babes
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