puffletruffle · 4 years
I'm just suffering from Post-CPI Loneliness and Nostalgia Disorder and need someone to talk to about it.
You or anyone else can DM me about that sort of thing any time.
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puffletruffle · 4 years
I think about this specific gif sometimes out of the blue, and the specific moment in which I saw it for the first time, it’s been haunting me for years.
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puffletruffle · 4 years
Hey there. Remember me?
Yes, hello! What brings you here, traveler?
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puffletruffle · 4 years
Will you upload Rookie’s Secret Mission? (At least more pages please :3)
Sorry I get to people’s questions so late, even though I’m not in the community as much asks always mean the world to me. I always forget I even have a Tumblr and have had a ton of kooky real-life stuff happen lately. I’ll see what I can do! (but it won’t be very soon, unfortunately) I still own the book, and I don’t think I’d ever be able to upload the entire thing but I’ll look through it again sometime and find some really cute parts I enjoy. With all the crazy stuff in the world going on I’ve been very nostalgic for Club Penguin lately, probably a good time to make a couple new posts while stuck at home!  ^-^
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puffletruffle · 5 years
I figured there must be some people who looked at the original post curious as to where to find various Club Penguin books and I wanted to update this post with the fact that I remembered Internet Archive (bless that site) also exists and although to the extent of my knowledge you can’t seem to check out Rookie’s Secret Mission on it there’s an awful lot of other really nice Club Penguin books to virtually borrow on the site so you wouldn’t have to just buy them. 
Hey were did you read Agent Rookie's Secret Mission? I cannot find it digitally!
I assume you’re referring to this post? Due to the glory of Amazon years ago, I just happened to own the physical copy and scanned a few pages of it for the post. I got it in good quality for a really cheap price at the time, I remember. I expected the prices for merchandise to rise to crazy amounts after CP and/or CPI closed but at the very most I think you can get Agent Rookie’s Secret Mission on Amazon for $15 (I saw $5 versions though) right now which is much better than it could be. And some less popular books were only a couple of dollars or less. As for not finding it digitally, I don’t believe any of the books were ever officially made into eBooks unless you count CPI’s Wish Apon a Squid. I definitely don’t know of any people who’ve managed to get the entire book scanned and uploaded either, unfortunately.Hopefully you’re able to find it for a decent price on Amazon, I’ve even seen Club Penguin merchandise still up on the Walmart website. Don’t be afraid to look for the books or other merchandise online where you wouldn’t expect. You’d probably be super surprised.Sorry I can’t help more, Anon, I wish you the utmost luck with your journey! 
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puffletruffle · 5 years
What is your favorite puffle?
Truffle ones, of course. 
Jokes aside, I have a big soft spot for the white puffles and they’re my favorite regular breeds.
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Gentle and quiet, very nice and right up my alley. White puffles are really cute and need more love in my opinion. I also have a weakness for spooks and monsters and always absolutely loved the ghost puffles.
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Sweet bois who deserve pets and snacks. Back when the original Club Penguin was around I named mine Skippy, pfft.
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puffletruffle · 5 years
Welcome to the club, my feathery friend.
im gonna set this blog up tomorrow but can u reblog this if you post about club penguin?
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puffletruffle · 5 years
Have you ever seen the CP TV specials? If not, they’re still available on iTunes.
Yes, I have, thank you!  ^-^Unfortunately I don’t have iTunes but I have been using this quite a bit (shh don’t tell anyone) and it’s been working out alright, I still check up on them sometimes. It’s a shame more were never made though, they really portrayed the team’s charming sense of humor and eventually seeing the EPF in stop-motion would have been really lovely.
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puffletruffle · 5 years
Hey were did you read Agent Rookie's Secret Mission? I cannot find it digitally!
I assume you’re referring to this post? Due to the glory of Amazon years ago, I just happened to own the physical copy and scanned a few pages of it for the post. I got it in good quality for a really cheap price at the time, I remember. I expected the prices for merchandise to rise to crazy amounts after CP and/or CPI closed but at the very most I think you can get Agent Rookie’s Secret Mission on Amazon for $15 (I saw $5 versions though) right now which is much better than it could be. And some less popular books were only a couple of dollars or less. As for not finding it digitally, I don’t believe any of the books were ever officially made into eBooks unless you count CPI’s Wish Apon a Squid. I definitely don’t know of any people who’ve managed to get the entire book scanned and uploaded either, unfortunately.Hopefully you’re able to find it for a decent price on Amazon, I’ve even seen Club Penguin merchandise still up on the Walmart website. Don’t be afraid to look for the books or other merchandise online where you wouldn’t expect. You’d probably be super surprised.Sorry I can’t help more, Anon, I wish you the utmost luck with your journey! 
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puffletruffle · 5 years
hey dude idk if youre still Around on this blog but if you are boy howdy heres some headcanon content for you. Rookie is from the Box Dimension! it explains why hes always around whenever anything happens to do with it and how he found the orange puffles there! he already knew they were there cuz he lives there. i also hc his eyes would be hella bright purple because of it too, which i think is fun
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Hello there, Dear Anon. I’ve been sitting on this Ask for quite a while and should have gotten to it much sooner. I summed up my current position on this blog here. Hopefully you saw it because when I first started writing it you were one of the people I had in mind.  ^-^To address your headcanon I find it very interesting and never really something I’ve thought of before! There’s barely any information about how Rookie came into the EPF or his past. To be fair, there isn’t much information about how any characters started in the EPF but we do have small tidbits such as the fact that Rookie has said before that his name isn’t actually Rookie but his real one is just “too silly to say”. (I like to think everyone just called him Rookie without bothering to learn his name at first and it just stuck, pfft)It would also explain how much knowledge he actually possesses of the Box Dimension. You’re going to have to trust me on this because it’s almost impossible for me to find the same past files and websites I used to use for research after both CP and CPI’s closing, (and if anyone can find the original source for this I’d be so thankful) but I distinctly remember Gary admitting Rookie isn’t nearly as confused by the Box Dimension as he is. Even though it’s implied Gary had known of its existence for a little longer than everyone else. The fact he’s always there when something happens with it is also a little suspicious, haha. Like when he accidentally unlocked more rooms in the Box Dimension. 
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I also like the purple eyes, would explain why he wears sunglasses all the time, nice touch. My personal headcanon isn’t that he’s from the Box Dimension, but rather just very connected to it. Almost like the whole “weird magnet” logic thing. Being naturally drawn to it and flourishing in an environment that easily supports his strange little head. I’ve never thought of him being from it though, and it would be very interesting to think about in more detail. It would definitely explain his seemingly peculiar behavior that most of the agents and fellow penguins are usually not prepared for. If he came from the Box Dimension he’d just be doing what he knows and wouldn’t understand why everyone else is confused or treating him as childish.Thanks for sending your headcanon in to me, Anon. I can see you’ve thought about this for a while, and I like it! 
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puffletruffle · 6 years
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here he comes
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puffletruffle · 6 years
What’s Been Going On?
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  As many of you all know Club Penguin Island ended in September, and other than my cryptic post a couple days ago I haven’t posted in three months. I never really made a big post for it like I did the original Club Penguin or when I thought Club Penguin Rewritten was ending, but it’s just is how it is, really.
  I’ll put some questions you may have about my inactivity and what the future of this blog may be under a “Keep Reading” thing as I don’t want to inconvenience readers.
Where have you been and why hadn’t you been posting as much even before those three months?
  I’ve been getting busier the older I get, is the short answer. 2018 was an interesting year and my time has been taken up by a lot of people, homework, and hobbies. I’ve noticed that even in my absence I’ve still been getting notes almost every day though and that astounds me, thank you all very much for sticking around.
Have you outgrown Club Penguin?
  Only in the sense that I see it in a new light. My friends know I have this blog and although the majority have not seen it in person it doesn’t particularly trouble them, it wouldn’t be the weirdest thing they’ve come across with me. I’ve been working on making all my old Club Penguin OCs (even my good old pengsona) human characters with their own stories, that’s not because I’ve outgrown them though. I feel since Club Penguin inspired me so much when I was younger it’s more like a rite of passage, but they’ll still be drawn as little penguins when I so please.
  I still check up on CPR, CPI Offline, and a beloved CP Discord server whenever I think about it offhandedly. And the charming stories of these goofy little flightless dorks who have to fight a polar bear still make me quite happy, nothing has really changed. 
What’s going to happen with this blog?
 Well first of all there’s an ask I still haven’t answered after a long, long while. Thank you so much for it though whoever you are, I really try to work hard to give something great and worth your time whenever I answer asks (one of the reasons they take me so long sometimes, honestly, I can get pretty lazy) and they honestly brighten my day. I hope to gain a better relationship with followers and the community in general in the future so even when I’m not entirely active no one’s intimidated of ever hitting me up.  ^-^
  But as for the future of the blog, that’s the big question right there. I do not know, to say the least. This is something I need my followers’ assistance on. Unlike many other Club Penguin blogs I’ve never strictly had a theme, which is both a blessing and a curse. Although I don’t think it’ll ever have an “official” theme I’m not particularly sure what you all want to see from me and what you enjoy the most from the blog so I’d really appreciate it if I could get some feedback on things like that, I’d be happy to oblige. My interests range pretty widely so if you’ve seen something you liked on this blog before I probably enjoyed it. Don’t feel bad about asking for more of something you liked. Or even suggesting new things for the blog you think I’d take on pretty well. Who knows, with slow evolution it may not even stay a Club Penguin blog in the later years.
Now what do I do?
  I mainly wrote this big old post so people wouldn’t be concerned over my unexplained absence and know I’ve been doing a-okay. I’m a bit of a hermit so I can forget that people want to see stuff from me sometimes, pfft. If anything I hope people send me what they want for the future of the blog, so when I have the time I can start assessing the situation more thoroughly and maybe schedule some posts once and a while. Other than that, you can go along your merry little way as usual!
I hope you all have a lovely day as deserved. 
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puffletruffle · 6 years
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puffletruffle · 6 years
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puffletruffle · 6 years
Listening to the CPR Charity Stream (https://youtu.be/u-quBTxWugc) and so far I'm genuinely really enjoying it. It's really interesting listening to Screenhog talk about all his experiences working for Club Penguin.
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puffletruffle · 6 years
I realized earlier today that when the Club Penguin franchise officially ends their YouTube channel and all social media will be taken down. I'd reccomend downloading your favorite videos or screenshotting your favorite posts and archiving them somewhere, maybe when it's taken down we can share them amongst each other so we don't lose any of the old stuff we used to watch as kids forever. I'll be doing this myself. Some stuff I'd really reccomend saving on their social media would be their storyboards and concept art (it's just really cool, honestly). For their YouTube I'd reccomend saving some of the animated shorts like Puffle Trouble and Meet Gary, all the stuff surrounding Night of The Living Sled because that series was just plain great, episodes of the #WaddleOn, and Club Penguin: New Horizons. These, of course, are all just suggestions. I'm happy with ANYTHING being saved, really. I don't want these things to be lost in the bowels of the internet.
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puffletruffle · 6 years
This was a lovely post, although I haven't been able to work with the community or even go on Tumblr for quite a while due to real life things I'll never leave for good. It's a pleasant surprise and honor to be tagged in this, this community truly helped me grow as a person a lot, I believe.
my thoughts about everything
Keep reading
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