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I miss them
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Based on this poem written by @mumblesplash
I got super inspired and kinda went a bit wild with this. It ended up being much more work than my original doodle but I am actually pretty pleased with the result!
Idk why its so crunchy. I swear it didn't save like that but idk how to fix it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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“You’re ALL going down!” All hail Martyn the Hurricane, the fourth winner! :D
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I’ve seen a LOT of different - all very cool - ideas for what Martyn’s winner thing should be and naturally I’m going to make it worse
Martyn design by @cherrifire !
(Explanation and version with blood under the cut)
See, my thinking is that Limited Life’s win broke a pattern. In every previous season, the winners were victorious due to some sort of contradiction to the rest of the game.
Third Life was a war fought in self-interest. Most factions came together to fight simply because they had a greater enemy than each other that needed to be taken care of. Even people who were incredibly loyal to their allies expected loyalty in return. Grian won because of Scar’s selflessness. He gave his life not as a test, not to become a stronger weapon, not to pay back a debt. He gave his life for gratitude. A peace treaty signed in blood.
Due to the introduction of the boogieman mechanic in Limited Life, that season was one of hidden intentions. In the end, there was no will-I-won’t-I. The final four declared, with utmost clarity what their intentions were. We’re going our separate ways, and when we next see each other we will kill each other.
In Double Life the pairs were meant to protect and care for each other, to bring each other to the end. Pearl not only was shunned by her soulbound, but actively caused harm to herself and Scott and was purposefully reckless with their lives. Then, I’m honestly not sure what they were meant to do when there were only two left lol. I think they would’ve either had two winners, or forced the final two to fight. Either way, Pearl wasn’t the winner of her own accord.
Finally, Limited Life, the outlier. Ironically, this season was one of sudden, unexpected deaths. You’d think it wouldn’t be, with a timer telling everyone exactly when they were going to die; and yet no one’s timer (except Martyn’s) actually hit zero. With the re-introduction of the boogieman mechanic and all the damn tnt minecarts SO many deaths were unexpected - and there were so many of them. It was a bloodbath. And that’s exactly how Martyn won. It was unexpected, it was unfair, and it was brutal.
His win was the opposite of all the others. A defiance of a pattern of defiance. It makes sense, given what I understand of his lore.
That’s why I think he ought to be the black hole (or event horizon, if you want a cooler title lol). All the other winners put out some sort of light, even if they don’t literally scientifically produce light. The sun, the stars, the moon. Martyn is the outlier, the one who embraced the darkness and the blood.
The sun, the stars, the moon, and the looming event horizon.
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in which i make the hunt for tango more dramatic and badass than it actually was
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i think... consuming imp&skizz content is essential to learning impulse's character, because you start to learn that:
he is a bit of a bitch . a bit of a menace . a bit mean in the way you can only be when you're really close to someone (skizz)
he carries grudges like literally nobody else . he STILL gripes about sunglasses he lost like . 20 or so years ago
i mention this because i find it really interesting how . in the life series, skizz has consistently been pretty forgiving Even when he gets killed . ESPECIALLY if it was cool . (stares at ep 1 of limited life)
then you have impulse. who's usually shown in fanon as this chill, easygoing and friendly guy... man has been talking about killing bdubs SINCE THIRD LIFE . HE LEFT AN EASTER EGG ON THE HC S7 WORLD, A CLOCK NAMED "For Bdubs the betrayer :'("
like . dude has not forgiven or forgotten anything ever . and i love him for that
please stop flattening impulse into The Nice One pleasr please pleasepleadpelaee
tldr watch imp&skizz they're awesome and funny as hell . also listen to the podcast if thats your thing<3
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createmod shenanigans. thanks to tango for having the coolest skin ever for this series.
i've drawn SO many mechanical arms (mostly because of doc lmao) but this one just slays so hard to this day. i need more steampunk hermitcraft content so i have an excuse for more gold accents.
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"Say... has Joe always had those colorful floaty eye-thingies around his head?" Scar asks, absentmindedly stroking the fletchings of an arrow.
"I don't think so?" answers Grian, perched on the railing of the HotGuy Tower. "You hear that clinking of chains around him more often these days, too."
The two are silent for a moment, watching Joe play Beef's card game with Cleo. Even from this distance, they can occasionally catch a flash of color from one of the little floating eyes near him.
"Why do you think that is?"
"I think it's Them", Grian says.
"What do you mean "Them"?"
"Eh, you know. Just Them. You know what I mean, right? They can change us, sometimes. Haven't you noticed?"
"I really don't get what you're talking about."
"I wasn't like this-" for a moment Grian is surrounded by a soft purple glow and a halo of eyes, not in all colors of rainbow like Joe's, but purple like the light around him "-before They decided I was, either."
"But I thought that was the Watcher thing?"
"I mean, it sorta was. But it wasn't. I wasn't like this when I first became a Watcher. This happened when They decided that's what Watchers are like."
"Joe's not a Watcher, though, is he?" asks Scar, frowning.
"Nah, he's Something Else."
"You know, it's weird, but recently I've felt like something's changed", Scar says. "Like I don't know what, but something's different. Dreams of like, arenas and fighting people, some of them ones I've never even met. And it's like there's thousands of voices in the back of my head, cheering me on. It's very distracting."
"Yeah, I think I know what you mean."
"Is that Them too?"
"Probably. Almost definitely, actually."
"I feel like I'm sort of racing, competing with Joe, and I'm not even sure what it's about."
"Yeah, that's Them playing games. You don't have to pay too much attention to it, if you don't want to. It might not be a good idea, anyway. Sometimes They like attention, and then sometimes they run and scatter and hide if you give Them any, and you never know what it'll be this time." Grian shrugs. "The good news is though, if Joe has changed because of Their game, he might change back once it's over or They get bored of the game."
"Yeah, might. Or it might stick. They're fickle creatures, it's hard to tell beforehand."
"You know an awful lot about them", Scar points out.
"That's because They used to be Watchers. Until They decided They weren't, but I still was, and made Watchers be something else instead and became not-Watchers."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"You're right. It doesn't. I think that's how They like it."
Before Scar can ask more questions, Grian spreads his wings and takes off.
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dogwarts duo ❤️❤️❤️
reference from this!
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hell hath no fury like a soulmate scorned
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dance of the earth and sun
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it's because you're scary cleo 3:
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onto the next big adventure
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The goofball geniuses at work!
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Awakening 🥀
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How can 7 Lives go so fast?
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Impulse’s plans for the next Life Series Game (premeditated murder of Bdubs)
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