I'm gonna start crying about jesus christ. what a guy. man volunteered to feel every affliction that a person ever did. he speedran drowning, burning to death, getting stabbed, getting shot, getting abused, being hungover, stubbing your toe, sleep paralysis, being abandoned, getting divorced, being imprisoned, dying in lava in Minecraft and losing your whole inventory, and listening to sad Taylor Swift songs, all in a few hours, just so we could be happy. then he defeated death itself???? AND THEN ATE FISH WITH HIS BROS???? mad lad. Cain asked "am I my brother's keeper" and the whole Bible is answering "yes," or whatever
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purplehairedheretic · 27 days
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jesus no
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purplehairedheretic · 29 days
For a person who has religious trauma I sure do love religious imagery
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purplehairedheretic · 2 months
Happy to continue posting anonymous comments criticizing the church, reblog if you're going to continue posting anonymous comments criticizing the church
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purplehairedheretic · 2 months
hello exmo tumblr
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better image of the bingo if anyone wants it
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purplehairedheretic · 2 months
allos, aros, aces…. anyone… i need someone to tell me is kissing actually nice or is that just another made up thing?
like i can’t really imagine how sticking your tongue in someone’s mouth is nice, even with no tongue, like… it’s just a lot saliva okay.
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purplehairedheretic · 2 months
judas was probably like "jesus has pulled off so many wacky things, he'll get out of this one lickity split, and i get three shiny coins out of it, too"
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purplehairedheretic · 2 months
venting on tumblr isn't enough I need to scream so loudly that the earth itself shakes to its core and tear out my hear
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purplehairedheretic · 2 months
I thought I was doing better I swear I was doing better my ocd wasn't as bad and I was able to function but noo I just had to get upset and get my friend involved and now look where we are woohoo! go team! great job ruining things and making your friend upset!!!!!!!!!
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purplehairedheretic · 2 months
oh and also you're so convinced that you're a horrible person and secretly lying to all of your friends that you're nice that people get so frustrated with your OCD refusing to see reason that they can't deal with you anymore and have to bow out
sigh I did the Ruining A Friendship With Someone I Love thing again
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purplehairedheretic · 2 months
when your perception of yourself is so warped with self esteem issues that it makes it impossible for people to love or communicate with you 😍
sigh I did the Ruining A Friendship With Someone I Love thing again
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purplehairedheretic · 2 months
sigh I did the Ruining A Friendship With Someone I Love thing again
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purplehairedheretic · 4 months
Last night, two M/ormon missionaries stopped by my house and I was struck by how friggin young they were. If you don’t know, any “worthy” M/ormon boy can put in their papers to serve a missions when they’re 18, and missions last two years for boys. Most leave on their missions right after high school, and these two guys definitely looked like they were 18 or 19.
So I just want to remind people: If you decide to talk to M/ormon missionaries, please don’t be mean to them. Yes, they’re legally adults, but they’re barely out of high school, and the mission is a huge shock to their systems. I never served (girls can put in their papers when they’re 19), but from what I’ve read from ex-Mos, missionaries often struggle with their mental health and the mission is a period of even heavier indoctrination. Restrictions on how often you can call your parents have loosened a bit. You can now call them once a week instead of just calling home twice a year, but that’s still … Not Great. Other behaviors are also heavily restricted.
When you’re M/ormon, you’re often taught that the secular world is scary and will persecute you for believing the Truth, so being mean to a missionary is also going to further reinforce that belief.
I get that having M/ormon missionaries knock on your door can be annoying. I was kinda annoyed to when these kids showed up, but I talked to them for a minute or two and just gently said I didn’t think I was interested in hearing their message, and they respected that and we told each other to have a nice night. If you don’t want to talk to them at all, you can totally just not answer the door and ignore them. But yeah. If you do talk to them, just say you’re not interested and be polite about it. If they get aggressive about it, then sure, push back more firmly, but generally just be nice to the M/ormon missionaries. They’re usually teens thrust into an intense indoctrination environment
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purplehairedheretic · 4 months
I hate rejection sensitive dysphoria I hate rejection sensitive dysphoria I hate rejection sensitive dysphoria I hate rejection sensitive dysphoria
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purplehairedheretic · 4 months
why do I literally ruin every relationship I'm in 😍😍😍😍
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purplehairedheretic · 4 months
you know that feeling when you have a friend and you want to say you love them because you do but you don't want them to interpret it as romantic or something so instead you just Think It when you're hanging out or talking and they make you laugh or you realize that you've started picking up on their catchphrases or that they start mimicking your texting mannerisms and then you realize that you don't have to say the Three Words because you both care about each other and that's enough
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purplehairedheretic · 4 months
happy Valentine's Day to my aromantic friends and my aromantic friends only 💚🤍🩶🖤
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