queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
If you are on medication or have health problems, PLEASE don’t use any herbs unless you have asked your doctor if it will be safe to take. St Johns Wart is wonderful for depression, but mixed with certain medicines can cause serotonin syndrome. Ginseng is absolutely great, but certain stomach conditions can make it feel like you swallowed nails instead of a nice tea. Green tea is awesome, but it can cause diarrhea in people with ibs and Crohn’s disease. Make sure that what you take internally isn’t going to hurt you.
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
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Today’s card is The Strength. I hope you like it. 
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
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And a couple for headache relief. Again, from the Encyclopaedia of 5000.
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
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Birth of Nebthet
Happy Birthday Nebthet!!
I offered the Mistress of the House a lavender candle, iris incense, a coke, pink rasberry lemonade and a dark chocolate marzipan candy bar.
I haven’t felt her presence much before though I’ve tried, but today I felt she was pleased with her offerings. I want to get to know her better this year along with Wesir.
Dua Nebthet!
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
Get your binary out of my wyrd, goddammit.
Gender is on my mind today, as it often is, and with the AFA evidently going out of their way to spew gross cissexist bullshit about everyone’s assigned-at-birth gender being a “gift from the gods,” I have something to say:
The gods themselves defy binaristic conceptions of gender, and if you find a group that insists otherwise, don’t listen to them. They are very, very wrong.
Your gender is valid. If anyone ever claims that to be a “real” or “true” heathen, you have to conform to your assigned gender, or any gender at all, they are wrong.
If you ever feel like you are being forced out of heathen spaces because of your gender, please, please know that you can talk to me. I am a queer agender person, and I will always have time to listen to those who need a sympathetic ear.
Your gender is valid. I promise you, as a heathen, that our gods do not love you any less because you don’t conform to the gender you were assigned at birth.
You are wonderful, and valid, and anyone who says otherwise is invited to kiss my big fat agender heathen ass.
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
Happiness Spell
Suggested ingredients (any ingredient may be switched out as to suit the witch):
-Rose petals/dried rose petals
-Citrine crystal
-Sodalite crystal
-Amethyst crystal
-Rose quartz crystal
-St Johns Wort
-Yellow candle
-Small bottle/sachet/muslin bag
Light the candle.
“From the powers inside me,
Shall my happiness be,
May I feel no shame,
May I feel happy again,
For no sadness may arise,
While joy is within my eyes.”
Place the rose petals, lavender and st johns wort in the bottle/sachet, followed by one or more of the crystals as you choose, focusing on your intent. If using a bottle, seal the bottle with wax.
Place the bottle/bag near you while you sleep and carry it around with you when you need an extra boost.
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
Deck Discourse #1: The Clow
Today I want to do something a little different. Instead of drawing a card and talking about that specific card, I want to talk about a specific, non-traditional deck as a whole, rather than draw cards from it to look at that specific card.
I want to talk about the deck’s significance, its history, its symbolism, and it’s use in reference to modern day divination and readings. So, these posts will be REALLY long, because they will contain a lot of details and research. I want to be thorough.
I think this is something I would like to include in my journal only every so often, because it’s a lot of typing and researching and stuff, but it would also bolster my knowledge about tarot and card divination, so I still feel it’s useful to do every so often.
I’ve decided to call these spin-off posts Deck Discourse, and that’s what they’ll be tagged as if you want to whitelist/blacklist the tag! (I understand not everyone wants super long-winded posts on their dash.)
If you want to include something, you feel I missed something, or if I made a mistake, feel free to reblog and add your own thoughts! I love hearing what the rest of the community has to say about these things, and it would certainly be helpful to me in my studies!
So, let’s get started!
Today, for the first Deck Discourse, I want to talk about The Clow Cards from the anime Cardcaptor Sakura by CLAMP. This is a pop-culture deck that a lot of anime fan practitioners have learned to adapt to readings.
You can download your own, as well as a copy of the fortune book here! And if you want a physical copy of an actual deck and if you’d also like the Sakura Cards, you can find both decks here! There are also fancy boxes that look like The Clow Book, but they’re twice the cost per deck than just getting the decks together from what I’ve seen.
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But before we can get to the actual divination stuff, I would like to provide some backstory and context. Spoilers for the show below the cut! Considering what we’re talking about, spoilers cannot be omitted!
Keep reading
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
Hey, can we try not to impose our metaphysical ideas onto other people?
Like, the idea of “male and female energies” doesn’t have a place in my spirituality.  Yeah, the gender binary (in w/e form) existed *culturally*, but I gave up on faithful reconstructionism a long time ago, and in my path’s body of lore these “energies” just aren’t a thing?  If it works for you, that’s awesome for you, but it’s not my thing?
And tbh I don’t want that applied to me because it’s almost always done in a really gross transphobic way. I am a woman, the fact that I was assigned something else at birth does not mean there’s a single picojoule of “male energy” anywhere in my spirit, and if you think I’m wrong and tell me so I’m going to take umbrage because *you could’ve just not said anything*
You do you, man, and I’m gonna do me, and that ought to be good enough.
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
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Dua Set! Hail to the Red Lord, Great of Strength! Dua Set, Who is at the Bow of the Barque of Ra! Dua Set, Son of Nut, on the Day of His Birth! May this year be full of only good and pure things, may You protect me always!
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
can we stop calling minimalistic or low-spoons witchcraft “lazy?”
lazy, by definition, is an unwillingness to work or use energy. 
and many of us simply do not have the energy to do things, regardless of how much we want to.
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
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My newest altar in the daylight where you can actually see it! This season is really important to me. I am buying a car Thursday, which means that finally, at age 26, I will be out and in the world with ease. I’m done with being stuck indoors or trudging through the winter rains. Spring is nearly here and it’s time to play!
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
So You Think You’ve been Cursed
You probably haven’t. Honestly. Being cursed requires a lot, most notably someone to curse you (there’s just not that many magical practitioners in the world, fewer even that curse, least of whom care about cursing you). But you’re probably in someone’s inbox insisting that you’ve definitely been curse, so lets begin this journey. 
Before you do anything check if you’ve actually been cursed. I recommend these links. If you still think you’re cursed, keep reading. 
Now start by cleansing yourself. You’ll be little use magically if you have a curse bogging down your body and mind. I find that spells which physically cleanse the body work the best.
Shower Disks for Cleansing and Purifying
Curse Removal Body Scrub
Purification and Protection Scrub 
Self-Cleansing through Ritual Bathing
Detoxifying Bath Spell 
Next cleanse others you think may have been cursed. People are often concerned that their whole family has been cursed. If Grandma’s down for a magical ritual bath that’s ideal, but often not the case. Here are some way to slip in cleansing magic under the radar. 
Key Lime Personal Cleansing Cupcakes
Basic Purification Potion
Magic Herbal Teas
Plant this soap into your soap dish 
Continue with the cleansing theme and cleanse your physical space. Doing a smoke cleansing is typically the most effective, but these are suggestions if you are unable to go that route.
Anti-Curse Powder
Curseturner Powder
Hexbreaker Powder
Purifying Lemon Bay Salt
Cleansing Mist Recipes 
Liquid Sage Cleanser 
Now it time to switch over to protecting yourself. Don’t wipe your slate clean only to leave yourself open to another attack. Do one of these on a regular basis to keep your bases covered.
Shower Disks for Protection
LUSH Protection Bath
Simple Protective Cleansing Bath
Armor of Love Protection Bath
Protection Tea 
Finally protect your space, and this can incapsulate the people in it. Along the same line as protecting yourself, make sure to maintain these on a regular basis.
Home Protection Sachet
Protection Powder
Protection Amulet for a Loved One
Folk Charms for Home Protection
Magically Protecting Your Home
Witch Bottle
Bonus: If you’re not really the “forgive and forget” kind of person (and you know decisively who cursed you) we have a post to help you get your revenge. 
Note: This post is geared towards beginner witches or those otherwise not magically inclined. If there’s truly been an extensive curse put on you, try these suggestions and if their effect is minimal then go seek out a magical practitioner in your area that can help you further. 
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
Solar Magic
So we hear about lunar magic all the time; it’s a big part of witchcraft, but that doesn’t mean the sun doesn’t have anything to offer!
Differences Between Solar and Lunar Magic - Solar magic is more potent. Moonlight is made from reflected sunlight, so it stands in theory as well as practice that sunlight is a lot more intense! In some respects, because of this they have opposing traits; lunar magic is more subtle, and better suited to either gentle or ‘slow-burn’ type magic. Solar magic is fast to act and can do so with more of a ‘bang’ - there may be some unforeseen effects! I like to think solar magic is more enthusiastic than lunar; it wants to go the extra mile, but will power through before giving you time to consider. In solar magic, a little truly goes a long way
- Solar magic walks a fine line between growth and destruction. Just as warmth nurtures growth, it can also wither life away. You’ll want to keep a tight hold on it to make sure it’s doing exactly what you want. Limitations on your magic are everything. That being said, it’s also a very powerful component in curses
- It takes a shorter time to charge crystals and pendants with solar magic than it does with lunar! Many lunar charging/cleansing techniques I’ve seen ask for the item in question to be left in a window where it will be exposed to moonlight all night, but doing the same with solar power may take an hour or two at most. I live in a desert where I get intense heat from the sun most days out of the year, so for small spells I’ve found a few minutes is all I need. You do want to be careful with those destructive solar qualities though; you can see it most clearly in how sunlight fades colored quartz. I’ve found some of the best vessels for carrying solar power are Tiger’s Eye, Red Jasper, and Clear Quartz. A tech witch could also use mini solar panels to hold solar magic!
Beneficial Solar Magic Providing warmth Burning away negative influences Weathering down/fading strong influences Fiery shield Nurturing life Illuminating truth
Detrimental Solar Magic Burning others down Making others fade Dehydration Blinding
– Olive
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
Stones for Shadow Work
I just wanted to share a compilation of some stones I have personally used and found effective in aiding shadow work (with exception to iolite, which I have not yet acquired/used, though I understand it is wonderful for such purposes). 
An obsidian sphere or scrying mirror would be most useful for shadow work, but a raw or tumbled piece of obsidian will work just fine. For my own practice, I use a 60mm sphere; I like to gaze into it to get into a meditative state or sometimes I just hold it. 
Obsidian has the power to reveal that which is hidden. It is often referred to as the “stone of truth”. It connects mind with emotion and promotes easier access to the subconscious. It should be used with caution and respect, as it indiscriminately reflects our true selves, both positive and negative aspects, which can make it a very intense stone to work with as you may not be prepared to face what it reveals. Snowflake obsidian can be used in its place as a somewhat mellower version of this stone.
At the same time, obsidian possesses very protective qualities. It is in close association with guardian spirits and is also a great stone for grounding. These characteristics paired with its revealing aspects make it perfect for shadow work. In fact, I would consider this the go-to stone for this practice, but I also suggest partnering it with one or more of the following stones.
Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is highly versatile stone. It works well when paired with obsidian as it may help you to clarify and assimilate that which obsidian reveals. It also offers a calming and healing energy that is beneficial for shadow work. I regularly wear a net wrapped stone necklace I made which holds a piece of clear quartz– it is a very dear companion of mine. 
Kyanite (Blue) 
Kyanite is useful in evoking a sense of calm and relaxation that enables one to reach deep meditative states. It restores the flow of energy to the chakras and clears psychic pathways. Additionally, kyanite is said to alleviate feelings of depression, which sometimes accompany shadow work– especially during/after prolonged sessions. Overall, the state of tranquility it induces and the flow of energy it stimulates makes kyanite a great stone for any kind of spiritual work, especially having to do with the emotional body. I have a couple of small pieces I often use for such purposes. 
Not only is unakite great for balancing emotions and promoting healing, it also helps break down mental/emotional barriers and opens psychic doorways. Additionally, it promotes peace, compassion and acceptance. This will allow you to become more in touch with your subconscious without passing judgement on yourself. It is an excellent stone for relieving stress, anxiety, confusion and depression as well. 
I have a nice piece of unakite I like to work with regularly as well as some unakite gauges I wear on occasion. I find this stone very appealing and helpful in many spiritual practices, especially those geared towards healing. 
Iolite is a stone of exploration and illumination, which makes it yet another ideal stone for shadow work. It strengthens our resolve to take responsibility and follow through with our decisions while providing the strength and self-assurance to persevere even the most daunting circumstances. Iolite stimulates psychic awareness and reveals realms beyond ordinary consciousness, which makes it excellent for past life or memory regression. It aids in accessing the subconscious and so makes for a wonderful stone for emotional healing. Additionally, it promotes a calm and stable state of mind allowing for cultivation of solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems. 
Chrysoprase’s soothing properties will help soften the intense discomfort which sometimes accompanies working with obsidian. It promotes acceptance and healing, and so makes it an excellent companion stone for shadow work. It is also effective in alleviating depression and anxiety while encouraging hope. Additionally, it helps make conscious that which is unconscious and reveals divine truth. 
I have a triangular piece of chrysoprase that I have always been very fond of. I use it in many healing based rituals, not only because I find it exceptionally serene but also extremely aesthetically pleasing. 
Rose Quartz
Another great stone to soothe the effects of shadow work is rose quartz. A warm and gentle stone, this variation of quartz is particularly effective in emotional healing. It promotes acceptance and unconditional love, that which you would surely like to extend to your shadow self. It also enhances divine awareness. I typically like to wear my rose quartz gauges when I do shadow work. 
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
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This is the current collection of useful posts that I have reblogged on sigils, all in one place. If any post is from another tumblr blogger, all of their sources will be below each post, so you can look through and follow the amazing people who posted them. (If you are going to reblog something, never remove the original caption, or sources).
A Guide to Sigils: 🌙  A Small Guide to Sigils
Sigil Grids: 🌙   Square Grid  🌙   Circular Grid  🌙   Leaf Sigils
Charging Sigils: 🌙   Methods of charging sigils 🌙   Water Charging Outdoor Sigils:   🌙   Safe to use Items for Outdoor Sigils 
Every Day Use:   🌙   Doormat Sigils 🌙   Tea Sigils 🌙   Where to put sigils on your body 🌙   Nail art sigils 🌙   Tattoo pens for safe body sigils 🌙   Places to Put Sigils
Pre-Made Sigils: 🌙  Positive Sigils 1 🌙  Offence and Defence
Sigil Directory: 🌙  An amazing directory from thesigilwitch 
This list will probably continuously grow and I continue to find amazing posts and don’t forget to check out the blogs of these amazing people, they deserve it :)
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
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Down the shore so here’s my makeshift travel altar 💖
Almost everything here fits into the green box and recently I’ve taken to charging and wearing bracelets a lot more so I’m beginning to use them in energy stuff 🌝
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queenofgoldenlilies · 8 years
⋆✩Attract a Friend✩⋆
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 ⋆ Items Needed ⋆
- A small plushie of any kind (suggestively one that can be carried around with no problem) 
- A small amethyst stone/fragment
- Lavender, catnip, and rosemary
- A pink string
- A needle
⋆ Procedure ⋆
1. Find an area that you feel most comfortable and relaxed in. Make sure to bring your supplies with you!
2. Grab the small plushie, and make a small incision in it. Place the amethyst, lavender, catnip, and rosemary within the plushie. 
3. Put the pink string through the needle, and begin to sew the opening shut. With each stitch you make, think about the things you would want to do with your friend (i.e. read together, watch TV).
4. After the opening is closed shut, bring the plushie to your heart and visualize yourself meeting your friend, whether it be in person or through the internet. 
5. Carry it around with you! You can put your small plushie in your bag, your car, etc. 
✩ Kudos! ✩
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