queensofthefirenation · 8 months
There is only one right choice and we all know what it is!
Elimination Round: Azula Ships pt 2
She might have only been introduced in the second season, but Azula left an impression on the fandom, and formed the blue print for many future Problematic Favs. Her popularity is not to be underestimated. Azula pulls in a significant chunk of ships, a majority of which are f/f. She's the princess of our hearts!
Part one is HERE!
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queensofthefirenation · 9 months
People shipping Azula with Ursa. I’m shocked! Shocked I say. What deranged fool would do that?
But uh, you say some people are ride or die for them? Can I have names. For science. That’s all. Nothing else.
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queensofthefirenation · 10 months
I know This blog hasn’t been active for a while, but on the of chance you see this, I wanted to ask something about Urzula.
How would Ursa and Azula get together after the war? At some point several years later. Who makes the first move? How would they get together?
I also wanted to ask your opinion of the Kyatara ship. Which is a sort of canon divergence ship we’re Hakoda is sacrificed instead of Kya and she survives. Which eventually leads to Katara and Kya realizing their feelings for each other some time after the war and getting together. Similar to Urzula in that respect.
What your option on it? Also if your view is favorable on the ship, how do you think Katara and Kya would get together?
To ask a slightly NSFW follow up question,
Who do you think would be the more dominant partner in either ship dynamic (in the bedroom)
They get together almost by accident a few years post war. They feel as if the fire Nation has passed them by at some point. While they both are important figure heads how the end of the war marked them. Ursa’s time in exile marked her as different from her peers in the Fire Nation and she doesn’t relate well to them due to her experiences. Azula is cast aside by Zuko’s regime. So she’s not really a path in and her old friends have abandoned her.
Loneliness leads them to spend more time together. They take vacations and all just as mother and daughter. It’s Azula who makes the first move on ember island, kissing Ursa. Both are horrified and back off, trying to pretend it didn’t happen. Trying desperately to make new associates and maybe lovers. But they float back towards each other, retreat again, but go a little farther each time. Until they stop retreating and stay with the other as girlfriends. Though in secret.
Haven’t thought much on Kya/Katara before. It would work differently then Azula/Ursa. Kya would always be around when Katara was growing up until Katara leaves for her adventure with the Avatar. Probably be about them making mistakes when trying to maximize their limited time together post war. I see Kya staying in the SWT while Katara continues traveling with Aang. So perhaps it’s a bit more of an affair. Katara is with Aang, but in secret her mother as well. Not really a ship for me but I can see it’s appeal.
Ursa is more dominant to Azula. Azula usually starts off strong but quickly cedes to her mother. Ursa is all too happy to makes sure her daughter feels great, but also enjoys telling her what to do. After all Azula is such an obedient girl.
Katara is dominant over Kya. Aang is quite a soft lover so Katara wants some more action in her love making with Kya. Usually doing the things that Aang refuses to do with her.
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But how? Azula/Ursa isn’t even an option?
Oh well, at least there’s Zucest as second best.
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Azula suddenly becomes more interested in her Mom. In ways a child should not be thinking about a parent.
Some days she likes watch Ursa bathe and wonder what it would be like to be dominated by the woman.
Azula eavesdropping on her parents having sex when she is surprised to see Ursa is the dom and Ozai the sub. All Azula could think was Wait to go, mom.
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(ship game ask) Maizulee?
I ship it.
What made you ship it?
I don't want to see the trio split up. Always feels off to leave one of the girls out of the relationship. So it makes it so much easier to have them all in a relationship.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like the whole childhood friends to lovers angle. It starts small and develops from a love for a friend and into the love of a girlfriend.
The fact that it is a poly ship means that something that might not work between Ty Lee and Azula may work between Mai and Azula or Mai and Ty Lee.
Having all three together also helps prevent the codependency that often creeps up in the ship.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't believe so.
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(Ship ask game) Maizula
I ship it
What made you ship it?
I like friends to lovers as a trope more then most others. And Mai and Azula seem to be close, but isn't as obvious and played out as TyZula (for which I also ship).
What are your favorite things about the ship?
The fact that they know each other so well to begin with. Its not so much about getting to know each other but the fact that they do. They can see through the others lies about themselves and push it. Make the other person face their demons to come out a better adjusted individual.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Don't actually spend enough time in shipping spaces to know what would and would not be an unpopular opinion. I guess I don't think there was ever any pure hatred between the two. But that they did like and love each other and thats what made the Boiling Rock a tragedy for them.
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(Ship ask game) Urzula
I ship it. (Obviously)
What made you ship it?
There is something so great about Azula and Ursa having a terrible relationship with each other. And they go about fixing it by falling in love. Not the type that a mother and daughter are supposed to feel for each other.
There is also something undeniably hot about the two of them. And I guess the adage of if you can find two characters hot you can see them fucking.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Definitely the soft loving aspect of it. I write and read it as a genuine romantic love. Even if it is severaly twisted by the incest angle. So their are genuine emotions between them and they want the best for each other.
And with every incest ship is the taboo aspects as well. They shouldn't love each other but they do. And how do they handle that in their day to day lives? Do they deny or hide their love, or are they open about it to themselves and the world?
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Apart from liking it? I don't think so. Mostly because for the most part its a solo party. But I think I write it as a lot softer then what most people associate with it. Enjoying the tender love rather then a harsh mother 'punishing' her child.
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Okay here’s an ask game
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
What would have made you like it?
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
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I do ship Sokkla!
What made you ship it?
To be totally honest, it was the fanfiction that really got me into this ship moreso than the source material -- the Sokkla fanfiction is top-tier and there's some seriously hot smut! But beyond that, I just think they mesh well together. The banter practically writes itself, plus let's be honest, they just look hot next to each other. I do admit it makes more sense from Sokka's standpoint because he seems to be very attracted to strong willed badass women but I do think Azula would like a guy who can make her laugh though is also intelligent enough to go toe-to-toe with her.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Definitely the fanfic and fanart, as I mentioned above. But also, I like how Sokka and Azula can bring out the best in each other. Oh and of course, Sokkla shippers! Y'all are seriously some of the coolest people in this fandom and it's always a pleasure to talk to other Sokkla fans.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Yes. Okay, here we go.... I don't think this ship could seriously work from a practical standpoint until or unless Azula works out some of her personal issues. And I do not think that Sokka (or anyone else for that matter) should be expected to "fix" her if they were in a relationship.
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Ozula for the ask game. To make your heart happy.
Nichya, you're the best!
So yes, I am sure you are all well aware that I ship this xD
What made you ship it?
I can't really remember how specifically I first got into Ozai/Azula but I want to say it was the fanfiction really solidified my interest in it. I read some really good ones by Passionworks and euphoriaspill back in the day (electra is my absolute fav!) and I was like wow this is dark, angsty, hot, sexy, and all kinds of fucked up - it's perfect!
Now as far as "evidence" in the source material... for one, it's fairly easy to make the royalty/incest connection. And for two, it's canon that Azula is pretty obsessed with pleasing her father and would do anything for him. Including sucking his dick.
And from Ozai's standpoint, well he's a child abusing genocidal maniac already, why would he stop at rape or incest? He just seems the type to go there, ask yourself why he never took another wife and why he seemingly isolated Azula from the rest of the family.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
As strange as it may sound, there's something weirdly beautiful about the fact that Azula and Ozai both are the only people who truly accept the other for who they are, and Azula very likely is the only one who has ever showed Ozai unconditional love in his entire life.
But of course the obvious answer here is the spicy stuff lol. Think of all the hot, kinky, filthy, rough, sex they would have while Azula screams "Daddy!" and begs him to do it harder.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Why yes, in fact there is! I see a lot of people shipping this (or at least writing it) on the basis that Ozai sexually abuses Azula because she looks like Ursa and is a replacement for her. I don't think that's true at all, I don't subscribe to the theory that Ozai was ever in love with Ursa, in fact it seems to me like he was waiting to get rid of her. I think Ozai sexually abuses his daughter for a number of other reasons - because he's a sadistic asshole and gets off on it, because it makes her easier to control, and because he's an entitled narcissist who naturally wants the one girl he isn't "supposed" to have.
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It really is rather astonishing and a nice surprise.
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Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Character: Azula
Sample Size: 2,589 (non-explicit) stories; 574(explicit) stories
Source: AO3
Note: The top chart only includes stories that are NOT explicitly rated. The bottom chart only includes stories that ARE explicitly rated.
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I never even thought of the narcissus angle of it all. But it really does work well. Particularly when pared with a more predatory Ursa.
And yes. I do think one of the ways Urzula shines is in its ability to be a softer version of Ozula. Ozai I can’t see being a very soft and loving partner.
Azula’s mommy issues just make it perfect.
Thoughts on zukaang and why it and urzula is so much better than zutara :3 ?
Here’s the reply of an employee:
Thoughts on Zukaang? Zukaang is 100% an underrated ship. The world went awry because an Avatar didn’t want to fuck a Fire Lord, and is set right by a new Fire Lord getting railed by the Avatar.
But really, there’s something about taking a pair of characters whose stories parallel and intersect and intertwine and shipping them together. Plus that Aang railing Zuko thing.
8/10, fandom needs more of it. Should be the biggest ATLA M/M ship.
As for Urzula, oh, a perfect problematic ship  right here. Azula, a girl hurt deeply by both parents but what sticks out to her is the pain her mother caused her. Right there, you’ve got mommy issues that you can easily handle by shipping Azula with an older, more experienced woman (like Michi 👀). But then, we can ask “what if the mommy Azula gets is her mom?”
At its darker end there’s this whole angle of Ursa playing on Azula’s issues and desperate need for parental approval. 
But there’s also the possibility of Azula and Ursa becoming hopelessly codependent, both who had their place during the war, but find themselves out of step with the post-war order. 
Another area where Urzula truly shines is the ability to portray a softer relationship more readily than, say, Ozula. (Not throwing that under the bus, but I needed an example.)
Also an oft unmentioned angle is the Narcissus factor: with their similarity in appearance (and possibly personality?) an Ursa who’s attracted to Azula could be intrigued by a younger mirror of herself.
Oh, also they both look amazing together.
And, now, it’s not a competition. But I’ll personally take that over what zutara is currently offering.
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Keep on thinking about the start of Urzula. After the war ends Azula goes to live with her mom on ember island. Only things are so different now. Neither of them can seem to fit in with their peers. Either being deliberately left out or feeling out of place.
Naturally this leads to them spending more time with each other. Connecting through their shared isolation and enjoying the developing relationship they have. They even remark how little it feels like mother and daughter. That given the failures in the past being friends may be better. In truth they are becoming closer then they ever have been.
Till someday Azula gets stood up on a date, again. Ursa not wanting to see her daughter all night asks if she should just go with her. Get them both out of the house and enjoy the night.
They do, and have a wonderful time. On the walk back under the illumination of moon light they hold hands and without thinking lean in to kiss. It’s a wonderful blissful moment.
Yet they both feel shame afterwords, breaking apart they avoid each other for a few days. Till the start talking. Getting closer. Until they kiss again and stay apart for a time. Only the time apart is shorter.
The cycle happens a few time until they both admit that they don’t want to be mother and daughter. Or even friends. But girlfriends (and eventually wives).
Their struggle now is trying to keep the relationship a secret.
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Only 2% for Azula/Ursa? Well I am glad to have contributed at least a bit.
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Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Character: Azula
Sample Size: 2,589 (non-explicit) stories; 574(explicit) stories
Source: AO3
Note: The top chart only includes stories that are NOT explicitly rated. The bottom chart only includes stories that ARE explicitly rated.
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