#Azula x Ursa
jessmalia · 2 months
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Mal's Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch: Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno 3.20
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azulasmommykink · 5 months
Whispered Secrets in the Dark: Chapter I - Body Changes
do block this blog if you don't like A/B/O & incest fics so I don't show up in the tag for you
pairing: Azula x Ursa | rating: explicit | A/B/O; alpha!Azula x omega!Ursa
general content warnings: omegaverse (feat. g!p), explicit sexual content, parent-child incest, consensual underage sex.
There are natural changes in the body of an alpha, she’s more than educated about them.
The main ones consist of:
One, a growth spurt. An alpha might shoot up one or two heads, sometimes even more. Azula finds it quite annoying, suddenly she has a lot more arms and legs to mind. All the grace is gone, replaced by an awkward alpha adolescent. It gets her training for even longer so she gets used to having more body to move through katas. It is fun that she’s taller than Mai now, and then Zuko, who won’t grow an inch taller. She was already almost taller than Uncle Iroh, and not absurdly shorter than Lu Ten. 
Oh, she’s also close to Father’s height.
Even better, now she’s taller than Mother.
Two, muscles mount up crazy fast. Someone with a rigid, constant routine of exercises builds up muscle mass quickly. It helps them to not get stuck with not enough strength to support the new height. Azula had muscles before, a toned, lean body. Training from a young age, her body has been built to be optimal. Now she’s eating five times more than before and is starting to catch up with fellow alpha Firebenders.
She  likes to ignore the looks, pretend she doesn’t see them, because they come when she’s busy with something important. In loose pants and chest wrapping, making her heavier body stay fast and agile is more important than fooling around.
Three, the whole sexual attraction part. The most annoying and inconvenient side of growing up. She prefers constantly falling on her butt because her legs are twice as long as they were before than waking up with a raging boner, and having those all day without indications of why. She was just eating stolen mochis, what the fuck is her cock doing?
Noticing people isn’t quite bothersome. She has noticed Ty Lee before, the beautiful, amazing omega that has been her friend for so long that Azula can’t remember her life without Ty Lee in it. A comforting, warm presence. Mai isn’t that different, in her life for so long that it feels wrong to think of it without her. It doesn’t matter if most of the nobility would say there’s something very wrong with her. Mai is beautiful, having the same secondary sex doesn’t change a thing.
Azula’s almost late to the “puberty 2.0, when your life becomes unbearable because you’re a ball of raging hormones”. So close to seventeen, she heard a physician or two start to worry about the delay. Now it’s here and she wishes it wasn’t.
It’s annoying, anything turns her on.
Including being scolded by Mother, who then reaches up to her ears and drags her across the palace so Azula is to “stay in your room and think of what you have done”. Whatever she has done is out of her head because of all the omegas in the world, the one catching most of my attention has to be my Mother? Ty Lee is right there!
She ignores the unwelcomed, unwanted erection for hours, to the point of aching, because she refuses to touch herself thinking about the older Princess.
She reads scrolls, practices cold katas, a servant brings dinner, and she reads some more scrolls. But none of it calms her down enough, she gets a half-mast at best, it’s infuriating.
A long bath, wrapped in her silk robe, Azula lays on her bed with, yet again, fucking painfully hard. She stares at the ceiling, trying to think about anything but her Mother. The elegant, beautiful woman. (Is that some sort of self-cest? With how similar they could look… not that much anymore. Azula’s features sharpened as she finally lost what was left of her baby fat). 
And, once more, Azula loses the battle to her horny body.
Extremely annoyed, she kicks off the thin covers and unties her robe. Her body is divine, she isn’t humble enough to not appreciate her shape. Alpha or not, it needs hard work to stay in this shape. Perfectly sculpted muscles, beautiful earned muscles. She keeps herself well-groomed, and clean, a body built for battle and covered in soft, creamy skin.
Really, she’s perfect.
Oh, and there’s her cock. Slightly curved up, her readings told her that could be an advantage. (Ty Lee mentioned it, too.) Only a couple of more prominent veins, it looks smooth and matches the rest of her complexion. Quite a pretty thing. Comparing it to the only other dick she has actually seen, it’s shorter but thicker (seems to fit the fact that Azula is also shorter but thicker than Mai. Mai is really the less bulky alpha Azula has ever seen). her hand does wrap itself around it, but fingers don’t overlay that much.
Average length, above average width, she has read.
Overall, she thinks, she got a nice dick. An annoying one that has been bothering her for hours, but a nice one nonetheless. 
Mai has told her it’s good to keep a small bottle of massage oil for lubrication, and some handy washcloths to clean the mess. Azula, thinking she’s above masturbation, decided not to. Which now seems stupid after hours of being turned on (like the stupid hormone-riddled kid she is). 
It might be a little humiliating, but well, spit it is.
Azula sits up, resting her back against the headboard. Spitting on her hand causes quite nasty noises, it’s disgusting but it’ll have to work, she had tried doing it dry and it wasn’t pleasant at all. Making sure she’s comfortable, Azula wraps her fingers around her annoyance of a dick. 
She sighs, after a day of  ignoring it, of giving no actual stimulation at all and keeping it imprisoned by tight under wrappings, any relief touching is great. Azula isn’t stoic enough to hold back a sigh, she’s alone, she’s allowed to react to pleasuring herself. Slow, methodic strokes, perfect pace (like everything else she does). It’s heavy and throbbing against her soft palm, her own touch is soothing and stimulating at the same time.
If her self-control was any less perfect, she’d dangerously close to set the bed on fire when a wave of pleasure rushes over her. Hot like molten lava, it fills her with despair to cum.
There’s a knock on the door, a less well-controlled Firebender would get themsel a serious case of Charred Penis
She’s thankful for the acquired habit of locking her door (one too many close calls of Zuko catching her having quality alone time) when, of all other people living in the palace, it’s Mother’s voice that comes from the door: “Azula, sweetie, can we talk?”
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azulas-daddy-kink · 5 months
thoughts on ursa/azula mommy kink?
Not my cup of tea, but I definitely understand where this comes from.
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melzula · 6 months
All I Ever Wanted
pairing: zuko x reader
notes: this was originally requested by an anon but i also took inspiration from mitski’s song “your best american girl” while writing this. give it a listen during your read !
summary: as a peasant and servant girl for the palace, you should have known better than to fall for the Prince
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The sun is warm against your skin and the grass is soft beneath you as you land on your back in a fit of giggles. Azula is unamused by your antics, but Zuko finds himself laughing right along with you. It’s a peaceful summer’s day in the palace gardens, and you spend it as you would any other day by playing with your friends.
“I caught you,” you tell him with a breathless laugh after turning your head to face him.
“No way, I was just going easy on you,” he argues with playful grin, his nose nearly brushing against your own due to your close proximity on the grass. Your heart beats fast in your rib cage as you try to ignore the rising heat on your face and play it off as a result of your exhaustion and not your nerves from lying with the Prince. You haven’t realized it yourself, but you have a crush on Zuko, a painfully obvious one that he hasn’t seemed to notice yet. What you also don’t realize is that he reciprocates the feeling, and he shares the thrill that comes with being your playmate.
“Are you two done yet?” Azula finally interrupts with a roll of her eyes as she offers you her hand and helps you up from the ground. “It’s my turn to hide this time.”
“I don’t think we can play anymore,” Zuko notes with a frown as his mother makes her way towards your group. You quickly bow in respect to the Fire Lady, but she waves you off with a smile.
“I’m sorry, y/n, but Zuko and Azula must attend their fire bending lessons now. I’m afraid playtime is over for today,” she informs you apologetically.
“Yes, Fire Lady Ursa,” you reply politely before turning to give both of your friends departing hugs. “Bye Zuko, bye Azula!”
“It’s too bad you’re not a fire bender,” Azula remarks after halfheartedly returning your embrace. “Maybe dad would let us play with you more if you were.”
Her words make your body hot with embarrassment and shame, and though you don’t voice your discomfort Ursa is instantly able to pick up on it. With a scolding glare, the Fire Lady quickly urges her daughter to apologize.
“Azula, that is not a nice thing to say to a friend.”
“But it’s true,” the girl mutters under her breath only to have her mother drag her away before she can get the chance to say anything else. Zuko hesitates then, giving you an apologetic look and promising to play with you tomorrow before rushing after Ursa and Azula.
You’ve never really cared about being a non-bender, but there’s something about Azula’s words that has you questioning your worth. As the daughter of a royal family servant with no title or money to her name, you knew you were lucky to be able to grow up in the palace and play with the Fire Lord’s children. However, you never once realized that you weren’t their equal. They were royalty, a Prince and a Princess destined to become powerful benders and ruthless leaders of the Fire Nation, and you were simply a girl who would one day grow up to live a life of servitude. You had no real future or purpose ahead of you, not like they did, and yet you were the only one unaware of your unfortunate fate.
Perhaps it’s because they never treated you in such a way, and your mother did her best to shield you from your true heritage. For now you could grow up blissfully unaware of the fact that your friends would one day outgrow you.
“Mom?” Zuko asks once they’re safe inside the palace. “Do you like y/n?”
“She’s a sweet girl,” Ursa notes with a faint smile, “and she makes you both happy. So yes, I like her.”
“Then why doesn’t Dad?”
The Fire Lady’s smile fades into a remorseful frown, and she simply ushers her son forward with a shake of her head. “Let’s not worry about that now. You’re going to be late for your lesson.”
Zuko isn’t satisfied with her answer, but he isn’t give a chance to discuss it further with her. For now, he remains content with the fact that he likes you, and his mother likes you.
That is enough for him.
The day is calm as you carefully hang the clothes to dry and enjoy the warmth of the sun basking on your skin. It’s rare that you get tasked with the outdoor chores, so you savor the opportunity for as long as you can. Doing the royal family’s laundry certainly beats scrubbing the floors of the palace, and you are grateful the spirits have taken mercy upon you today.
You’re freshly fifteen and the summer is just beginning. You’ve grown into a well-mannered young woman, and you’re old enough now to be able to take on some of the work that once fell to your mother. One day you will take her place and continue to serve the royal family until you’re no longer physically able. You’ll never get to leave, but you consider yourself grateful to live on the palace grounds. You will forever have a roof over your head, food on the table, and, most importantly, your friends.
You take great care to pin Azula’s dresses down without getting any creases or wrinkles in the fabric, and you’re so lost in thought that you don’t notice the figure carefully creeping up behind you. You’re too busy reciting the words to an old Fire Nation folk song your mother had taught you to pay any mind to your surroundings, and it gives Zuko the perfect opportunity to catch you by surprise.
“Y/n!” He exclaims with a grin as his hands land firmly upon your shoulders. You nearly jump out of your skin at the act, and your reaction has the Fire Prince laughing so hard his cheeks begin to hurt.
“Zuko!” You scold with an irritated scowl as you chuck a handful of clothespins at him in retaliation. “You need to stop doing that!”
“I’m sorry, you just make it so easy,” he teases with a light nudge to your side before taking it upon himself to pick up the pins you’d discarded.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready to leave for Ember Island?” You ask him with a quizzical look as you resume your previous work of hanging the clothes.
“That’s actually what I was coming to talk to you about,” he admits with a sheepish smile. “I want you to come with us.”
“What? You’re not serious, are you?” You retort apprehensively, halting your movements to gauge his reaction for any hint of insincerity or humor.
“I am serious. You deserve to have fun once in a while too,” he notes with a careful smile. You’re too oblivious to notice the look of admiration on his face and definitely too concerned with finding a way to let him down gently to realize he’s inviting you because he likes you. Despite your own feelings for the Prince you’ve developed over the years, you’re much too self-depreciating to ever believe Zuko could possibly feel the same. If only you knew.
“I can’t just up and leave! There’s work to be done, a-and my mother would be so upset with me if I abandoned my chores and-“
“Azula will tell our father she wishes to bring you along as a personal servant so you can come with us, and someone else will be tasked with taking on your work while you’re away. There’s no way your mom could be upset with you for serving the Princess, could she?”
“Azula would really do that for me?” You question meekly, a hopeful glint in your eyes as you hang on to his every word. You’re trying your best not to get your hopes up, but you wish for nothing more than to leave the capital city to see the ocean for the first time and feel the sand beneath your feet. As the daughter of a servant and now a servant yourself, you know you’d never get a chance like this if not for the fact that the siblings had grown fond of you over your years of friendship together. You’re lucky, because you know without them you’d truly be nothing more than a floor scrubbing peasant.
“Of course she would, she wants you there just as much as I do,” Zuko assures you. Gently taking your hands in his own, he gives them a comforting squeeze and looks into your eyes with a loving smile. “We leave tomorrow morning. Bring enough clothes to last you three days and a bathing suit.”
“I don’t own one,” you admit with an embarrassed frown, but your friend doesn’t display any sign of judgement in the slightest towards your shortcomings.
“Then I’ll take you shopping myself when we get there.”
Your heart melts at his words, your gaze falling to the ground bashfully as you try not to dwell on the fact that he’s still holding your hands. You’re in love with the Prince, and the Prince is in love with you, and everyone but you has figured out just how much you mean to each other.
Even Fire Lord Ozai, who odiously watches the scene unfold before him from the top of the palace balcony.
The shores of Ember Island are beautiful.
The waves almost seem to sparkle underneath the moonlight as they crash peacefully against the shore, and down below the lively chatter of your friends carries through the air and fills your heart with contentment. You’ve had the most perfect time here at the beach, and it pains you to know that tonight will be your last night of freedom before you must return home and resume your life as a servant girl.
The wooden doors behind you carefully slide open and closed, and soon a familiar warmth joins you out on the balcony. For a while you say nothing, simply enjoying the closeness of him as you watch Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai practice tricks in the sand below. You don’t know how to thank the Prince for all he’s done for you, for always looking out for you since you were children, for never once treating you as less than for your heritage. You don’t know how to tell him that you love him with your entire being.
So he does it for you.
“I got you something,” Zuko says after a moment’s silence, waiting for you to turn your gaze to him so he may pull out a small clam from beneath his robes. You raise a curious eyebrow at his offering as he gestures for you to take it.
“A clam shell?” You note inquisitively as you turn the gift around in your palms, carefully feeling out its grooves and intricate ridges.
“Open it,” he directs you quietly, anxiously watching your movements with bated breath.
You smile curiously at your friend before delicately pulling the top half of the shell open to reveal the contents inside. Your eyes widen in surprise at the gift that greets you, and you immediately look up to Zuko to ensure this isn’t some kind of joke.
Inside the clam sits a beautiful gold necklace with a dainty sun pendant resting in the center that shimmers under the light of the moon. It’s beautiful, and it’s certainly worth more than your own life, which is why you immediately try to hand it back to him.
“I-I can’t accept this!” You hastily insist with a quick shake of your head as you struggle to return the clam to him. “It’s too nice!”
“You can accept this,” Zuko reassures you as he carefully pushes the gift back towards you. When his efforts fail due to your persistent attempts to give back the shell, he lets out a sigh and carefully removes the necklace from the clam. “Y/n, I want you to have it.”
“But why?” You demand apprehensively, almost flinching away when he moves towards you with the necklace. You’re completely overwhelmed by his gift and unsure of what it means or why you’d ever be deserving of such a thing. You don’t want to take advantage of his kindness or his status, and you feel like he’s done more than enough for you by bringing you along on this trip, so it just feels wrong of you to take it.
“Because you deserve nice things too,” Zuko explains, and after giving you a pointed look you finally allow him to carefully put the necklace on you. The sun rests daintily along your neck, and he thinks it suits you perfectly. “I brought you on this trip because I wanted you to have fun for once, but also because… well, because I love you, and I thought a romantic setting might make it easier to tell you that.”
“You love me?”
“You haven’t noticed?” He retorts with a meek smile. “I’m not the best at words, but I know that I’ve loved you since we were children feeding turtle ducks in the pond and playing tag in the gardens. You have the purest heart of anyone I know, the sweetest smile, you are everything to me. I hope that by accepting this gift, you’ll be accepting me as someone worthy enough to be your boyfriend.”
“Oh, Zuko…” you murmur softly, eyes full of tears as you throw yourself into his arms and hug him as tight as humanly possible. You’re still shocked by the fact that the boy you love will all your heart feels the same, but you try to remind yourself not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Zuko is right when he says that you deserve to enjoy what life has to offer just as much as he does, so maybe it’s time you finally start allowing yourself the chance to finally let your guard down. You can be more than just a servant girl from the palace.
You can be happy.
You sit quietly before the vanity mirror as your mother tediously brushes through your hair to ensure not a single strand is out of place. The wrinkles in her skin crease with her nerves as she carefully begins to pin your hair back into the perfect top knot. Immediately after your return home from Ember Island, you were informed that the Fire Lord wished to speak with you. You were expected to drop your chores for the day and make yourself decent before presenting yourself to him. His request to see you surprised you considering the fact you previously believed he didn’t even know of your existence, but it made you nervous all the same. If anything were to go wrong during your meeting, you’d be jeopardizing both yours and your mother’s jobs.
“Make sure to sit up straight and no slouching,” she reminds you quietly while stopping to admire her work. “Hold your tongue until he allows you to speak and thank him for all he has done for us. It is a great honor to speak to Fire Lord Ozai, so you must treat it as such.”
“Mother, what could the Fire Lord possibly want to talk to me about?”
She doesn’t meet your eyes at first, looking away as if contemplating carefully what her next words should be. With a sigh, she sets the brush down and looks at you through the reflection. “Word has spread quickly about you and Prince Zuko, and I think he knows.”
You swallow nervously at her admission, absently brushing your fingers against the sun that hangs around your neck. You never once considered what Zuko’s father would think about his son’s choice of a partner; Ursa had always treated you as one of her own, and Azula considered you to be a good friend, but what would Ozai say of the peasant girl who had stolen his son’s heart?
You don’t have much time to mull over it further as a guard arrives to escort you from your quarters to the throne room. All eyes seem to follow you as you walk through the palace, the gold and red hues overwhelming your senses as you do your best to remain calm. You have no idea what awaits you at the end of the hallway, but there’s no escape now as the grand doors open and you’re pushed inside.
Ozai sits on the throne with a wall of flames roaring behind him. His features are stoic but his gaze is menacing as his eyes watch your meager form approach. You immediately bow in respect to the man once you reach him and kneel before his seated figure. Just as your mother instructed, you say nothing until you are spoken to.
“So you’re the girl my son has chosen to be his partner?” He drawls with a raised brow, obviously not impressed by the person before him.
“Yes, sir. It is an honor to present myself to you, my Lord,” you profess as earnestly as possible while adding another bow for good measure. You need his approval not only to continue dating Zuko, but also to ensure you and your mother are both able to continue living behind the palace walls. Even if you are there as servants tucked away in the peasant quarters, it certainly is a better place to be than out in the streets.
“I know who you are, child,” Ozai scoffs callously as he peers down at you from his place on the throne. “You are the peasant girl who managed to worm her way into the lives of my children. You are a lowly servant with nothing to your name and nothing special about you, and yet you have managed to corrupt my only son."
“Fire Lord Ozai, I-I apologize if my actions have upset you,” you quickly try to interject, but he holds a hand up and signals you to halt your pathetic rambling. Ozai does not have the time nor care to hear your excuses or explanations. That’s not what this meeting is for.
“Do you know how poorly it would reflect on me to have Zuko galavanting around the palace with a servant? Do you know how poorly it reflects on him to be seen with you? It’s a disgrace, and it is something I will not tolerate.”
“I know,” you utter quietly, trying to make yourself appear as small as you feel on the inside. Despite what Zuko has told you, you know that his father is right. You are nothing compared to him. He is the sun, the Prince, the heir to the throne. His future ahead is bright, and there is much for him to accomplish. You have no future, no plans for your life, nothing as grand or important as him and Azula. You are not the sun or the moon or even the stars that hang in his sky, you are insignificant, and you will never be worthy enough to be his.
“A future Fire Lord cannot have a maid as a wife. You must break his heart so that he no longer wants anything to do with you, so that he can move on and find a girl more worthy of becoming the future Fire Lady. You must make it appear to be your own doing and not mine, otherwise it won’t work. Have I made myself clear, child?”
“Yes, Fire Lord Ozai,” you whisper softly, a single tear sliding down your cheek as you bow to the cruel man before you. “I understand.”
The clouds that hang overhead are gray as Zuko makes his way towards the servants’ quarters. It is unheard of for any royal to ever set foot on these grounds, and so all eyes watch the Prince curiously as he approaches your humble home and knocks gently on the door. Movement sounds from the other side, and after a moment he is met with the startled face of your mother. It’s clear that she hadn’t been expecting him, and he takes her by surprise when he bows to the woman in respect.
“I apologize for coming unannounced, but I was hoping I could speak to y/n,” he utters with a look of defeat on his face. His sullen features make his lack of sleep obvious, and his eyes are full of desperation. You’ve been avoiding him for weeks and he has no clue as to why, but he hopes to figure it out soon before he starts to spiral any further.
“She’s…” your mother begins to say, glancing unsurely behind her before looking back to him, “she’s not feeling well. You can come back another time.”
“Please, Prince Zuko, we can’t risk you catching whatever it is she’s come down with. You must go.”
She gives him no time to argue before slamming the door in his face. Zuko is stunned, but his shock quickly turns to anger as he lets out a frustrated breath of flames from his mouth before stalking off to cool himself down.
His footsteps fade into the distance as he departs, and you can only sit by the window of your room and watch him walk away. There’s a tightness in your chest that makes you feel as if you can’t breathe, and once he finally disappears over the horizon you break down into an inconsolable mess.
You love Zuko with all of your heart, so it kills you to act as if he means nothing to you. You’re trying to do what Ozai has demanded of you, but it’s agonizing and difficult. You’re too much of a coward to face him and break it off for good, so you’ve resorted to avidly avoiding the Prince at all costs. You hope that by pushing him away he’ll take it upon himself to end the relationship; it would be much less painful that way, but he’s too stubborn for his own good, and he’s persisted despite your best efforts.
The days seem to blend together as you lock yourself in your room while your mother continues to turn Zuko away. You haven’t done any of your chores or worked in days, but Ozai has not faulted you for your incompletion of tasks. Breaking Zuko’s heart is your task, and so long as you keep your word he couldn’t care less what you did with yourself.
After another week has passed, suffocation finally catches up to you and you’re forced to leave your room in order to get some fresh air. You sneak out at nightfall when the palace is quiet and your mother is sleeping so that no one can detect your presence. You retreat to the well out in the back and stare contemplatively into the water below. Clutching the sun that hangs from the gold chain around your neck, you admire the moon’s reflection in the ripples and wish you could be anywhere else but here in the Fire Nation.
“I thought I’d find you here,” a voice utters quietly, causing you to jump in alarm at the intrusion. You turn to meet the solemn gaze of the Prince, and as your back hits the cool stones of the well you find that you are cornered. You can’t avoid him now, and it’s a fact both of you are aware of.
“Zuko, I… I was just leaving,” you stammer hurriedly as you try to push your way past him, but he catches you by the arm before you can get away.
“No, not until you talk to me!” He demands, his eyes full of desperation and despair. “You’re supposed to be my girlfriend, yet you keep avoiding me. Why? Was it something I did?”
“No, Zuko, you didn’t do anything,” you insist despite refusing to meet his gaze. You’re terrified that someone will see you both together and alert Ozai, and you wish he would just release you so you could go back to hiding away in your room.
“Then why won’t you even look at me?”
Slowly, you peek your head up to meet his exasperated face. It seems he’s not going to give up without a fight, so you’re going to have to resort to doing what you’ve been trying to avoid this entire time.
“I don’t love you.”
“W-What?” Zuko stammers in quiet surprise, his hold on your arm loosening slightly. He doesn’t believe what he’s hearing from you, and his mind is scrambling to process your words.
“I don’t love you. I want nothing to do with you,” you repeat firmly, your eyes hardening as you stare up at him and yank yourself free from his grasp.
“Y/n, you don’t mean that-“
“I do mean it! I feel nothing for you, Zuko. I never have. I just felt like I couldn’t say no to you because you’re the Prince, so I had no choice but to say yes to being your girlfriend.”
Hurt flashes across his features and you’re dying inside at having to be so cruel to him. The heart of your childhood best friend is in your hands and you crush it with every word despite how much it pains you. But it’s better for both of you this way, it must be. Ozai will never let you be happy together, but apart he still has a chance to capture the promised future ahead of him. You’re doing him a favor, and you hope one day he’ll be able to see it that way too.
“I don’t understand,” he murmurs weakly, tears beginning to well in his eyes. Then, with frustration clear in his tone, “This doesn’t make any sense!”
“Did you honestly think we could actually be together?” You retort in disbelief. “Azula always said you were a fool, but I didn’t think you were this naive. A servant and a Prince don’t belong together, and you’re the only one who can’t seem to get that!”
“Alright, fine,” Zuko mutters indignantly. His sadness has quickly morphed into anger, and you hate the way it makes you feel. “Can I just ask you one thing?”
You say nothing in response, and he takes your silence as a sign to continue.
“If you don’t love me, then why are you still wearing the necklace?”
Your eyes widen slightly as your hand immediately flies to your neck to clutch the pendant, and your heart slowly begins to sink to your stomach as you realize you’ve been caught in your lie. It’s your turn now to be at a loss for words, unsure what to say as you simply stare up at him with your mouth slight agape.
“You don’t mean what you’re saying,” Zuko says firmly as he moves closer to you. “Someone else is speaking for you, aren’t they?”
“What’s going on, y/n?” He presses gently, carefully resting a hand upon your cheek. “Why are you acting this way?”
“I can’t tell you,” you argue weakly, your own eyes becoming full of tears as you allow yourself to melt into his touch. You’ve missed the feeling of his warmth and the comfort of his closeness, and despite your mind screaming at you to remove yourself from him your heart keeps you planted in place.
“That’s nonsense, of course you can. You’ve always been able to tell me anything, so why can’t you now?”
“Can’t you just believe me when I tell you it’s for your own good?” You plead emphatically despite the wavering of your voice.
“How can this possibly be for my own good?!” He retorts in exasperation. “I’ve been miserable without you. Life feels empty when you aren’t around, and I don’t know how to deal with the fact that the girl I’ve loved all my life can’t seem to stand me.”
“It’s not like that!” You cry defensively as the tears finally begin to fall.
“Then what is it?!” Zuko demands, and you can’t seem to take any more of this torture. The lies are killing you, and you can’t help but to finally crack under pressure.
“I’m not good enough for you!” You finally exclaim as you pull yourself away from his touch. You try to choke back your sobs but the ache in your chest makes the task difficult, and you can do nothing but let your words flow freely after keeping them bottled in for weeks. “I-I have nothing to offer you, nothing that makes me special, nothing ahead of me like you do. It’s an embarrassment to the Fire Lord for you to be with me, and it will be an embarrassment for you to have me as your Fire Lady.”
Stunned by your admission, it takes Zuko a moment to process your words. He steps towards you and you flinch, effectively breaking his heart in the process. It’s clear you’re frightened, but not of him. Your fear is geared toward someone else, and the culprit must be responsible for you now feeling this way.
“Who told you such nonsense?”
“Your father,” you admit quietly much to Zuko’s dismay. His eyes immediately harden and his chest is immediately tight with anger, but he does his best to keep his emotions at bay so as to not upset you further. “He spoke to me when we returned from Ember Island and told me we couldn’t be together. Ozai demanded I break your heart so that you can move on and find another girl more suited for this life than I could ever be. I didn’t want to, I still don’t want to, but I’m doing this so that you can have a better future. I’ll only hold you back, Zuko.”
After taking a moment to digest your words, Zuko carefully steps towards you again. You don’t reject his advances this time, so he allows himself the opportunity to carefully wipe away the steady tears that fall down your cool cheeks. Despite how much of a mess you assume you must look like, the Prince still sees you as the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on.
“I don’t care what my father says,” he assures you gently as he takes your hands in his own. “You’re not an embarrassment, and there’s no other girl that could ever compare to you. I love you, y/n, and I’m not going to let anyone ever get in the way of that.”
“You mean that?” You ask with a quiet sniffle, holding his hands tight as if he’ll leave if you let go.
“Every word. Let my father and anyone else who disapproves of our relationship say what they want to say. I want to be with you, and I hope you still want to be with me too.”
His looks to you with pleading eyes that seek your reassurance, and for a moment you hesitate. Being with Zuko is all you’ve ever wanted, and now he stands here before you professing his loyalty and his love to you. The boy from your childhood had stolen your heart, and you’d be lying if you said you wanted it back.
You know being with him won’t be easy, especially not with his father’s adamant disapproval of your relationship, but you trust Zuko, and so you have to trust that everything will turn out okay. You meet his desperate gaze and gift him a faint smile, and despite knowing you’ll regret this, you wordlessly lean in to meet his lips in a kiss.
You can worry about Ozai’s wrath later. But for now, you allow yourself to melt into his embrace by the moonlit well as you share your first kiss in weeks. It feels right being in his arms once more after spending so much time apart, and you hope you’ll never have to be without his touch ever again.
| zuko tags: @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @taeeemin @livelaughlovekuni @lovialy @alexatiu
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querade · 2 months
This, this is my Roman Empire…this is what she needed!! The way Azula’s face is hidden and you can see Ursa’s too, like Azula is ashamed for sinking into the hug…she‘s supposed to hate this woman yet still craves her touch, her pride, and her love
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If Ursa came back at the end of ATLA I think the conversations would go like this:
Azula: I'm a monster.
Ursa: You're 14.
Azula: My friends hate me.
Ursa: They're 14.
Azula: Would you take me seriously?
Ursa: Again, you're 14.
Azula: I killed the Avatar.
Ursa: Well, I didn't end Azulon's reign at 14 but I did accidentally break your father's heart.
Azula: *rolls eyes* Yes mother because that is so comparable—
Ursa: I called him Iroh.
Azula: *gasp*
Ursa: This can't be the Avatar. He's 14.
Aang: I'm 13 actually.
Azula: You're 13?
Aang: Well, technically I'm 113 because I was trapped in a iceberg for a century.
Azula: ...
Azula: I have follow-up questions.
Ursa: Zuko who gave you that scar? Did you kill him?
Zuko: It was father and, um, no. Aang did take away his bending and he's currently imprisoned.
Ursa: ...
Ursa: Perfect. Fetch me the scissors.
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thetraumaking · 5 months
Accursed Crown
Child soldier program within the Fire Nation. Princess Ursa will be having the first grandchild of fire lord Azulon, and as a gift, he sends his son, prince Ozai, to find an appropriate bodyguard for the mother of the nation.
After prince Zuko was born, princess Ursa became pregnant once more.
When she gave birth to her second. Not only did she suffer from a burn from the newborn, she didn't feel the motherly love she felt for her firstborn to her second. She couldn't hold her or even look at her. But she's not a cruel woman, so she found a wet nurse and let the other woman raise her. Well, that was the plan until for a whole day straight the baby girl wouldn't and couldn't stop crying. Even Ozai heard it and came to yell at Ursa for failing as a mother.
When the child had finally shutten up, Ozai turned to see the young guard gently holding the baby.
From that day onward, you, who was nothing but a child soldier, became the guard, the nursemaid, and mentor for the new princess.
NOT for the faint of heart!!!
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Old Child
Chapter 3: Her Touch
Princess Ursa has been getting too comfortable as time went on. Her advances continued on and, fortunately, her affection hasn’t exceeded hugs.
Her hands and fingers felt like ropes tangling around you.
It felt suffocating.
You have put the young prince to bed.
Originally, it was supposed to be the actual mother that was going to put him to sleep, when Prince Ozai came in. He ordered for you to take the child to his room and deal with him before announcing that he would be waiting for Princess Ursa in her chamber.
Making sure Prince Zuko was asleep, you made your way out. As you were walking towards your room, the door ahead, Princess Ursa’s door, opened, and out came Prince Ozai.
He didn’t spare you a glance before adjusting his robe and walking away.
The moment he was out of sight, you heard choked sobs from the room the prince just come out of. Taking a deep breath in, you walked towards the large double doors. Clenching your fist, you steeled your nerves,(you didn’t want to do this) and knocked thrice.
Waiting for three seconds, you let yourself in.
Her bare back was to you, smooth skin, and shoulders shaking. You bit the inside of your cheek and took out one of her night robes before walking towards her.
Wordlessly, you drape it over her shoulders, trying to cover her up as she tries to collect herself. You stop as she raises her hand. “Don’t, I want to take a bath.” She wipes her tears, “I feel filthy…”
You nod.
You have helped prepare the prince’s baths a couple of times so you know more or less how the bathing preparations are for noble descent. 
Unlike the common folks, those who have both money and power, rather than a tub, have a whole room for bathing: large enough to swim in, large enough for the entire family and then some. 
Turning the two knobs on your right, hot water began to pour out of the marbled dragon’s maw, slowly filling up the large tub in the ground. On the shelves next to you were jars of dried petals and skins of fruit. 
You sprinkle a bit from both jars before pulling out a sack from the bottom, before pouring some into the water. The once clear water now turned pink with bits and pieces of florals and fruit floating around. 
As you were putting the jars away, the princess walked past you and dipped into the water. Her shoulders sagging with a sigh as she leaned onto the wall. 
With her head hung low, there was a moment of silence. You had turned the water off when it reached her shoulders. 
The mirrors had fogged over, water vapours thick as it clung to any and all surfaces.  Small droplets of cold water falling every so often back into the tub and ground. 
“… hold me.” 
Her sudden whisper came out a slur. 
Wordlessly, you stepped into the bath. Your shoes, clothes, and gear, getting soaked the deeper you step down the submerged straits. The fabric of your shirt and pants clinging uncomfortably to your skin as you drew closer to the princess. 
You wrap your arms around her, eyes staring ahead as you do so. And in response, she returns the hug. 
Her hands on your back as you stood there, wondering when you would be dismissed for the day. The moment you felt the tip of her nose touch your neck, you froze. Your knuckles turn white for how hard you were squeezing onto your arms, nails digging into your flesh. 
The tip of her nose runs over your pulse point, taking a deep inhale as her hands find home on your shoulder blades. Her lips pressed onto the skin of your neck. 
The two of you stood there in the hot bath. Water droplets fall from the ceiling. 
You couldn’t remember what happened next. You just remember standing there, in the water, being clung to by the princess. You felt something rising in your throat as you clutched into your muscles. 
Once you made it back into your room, you were quick to run into the bathroom and lock the door. Once you were safe, you ripped your clothes off as fast as possible from your body. 
Every contact you had with her felt forbidden. 
Appalling even. 
You snatched your scrub and rubbed your skin raw. Rubbing until your skin turned red and stinging, sucking in sharp breaths through your teeth you kept on rubbing. You could feel your eyes stinging and your chest caving. 
What was happening to you these past few months? Why do you keep having these horrid symptoms? Why do physical interactions with the princess leave you in such a mess? 
Shame and disgust were no strangers yet despite feeling them here in the palace, there’s also pain that throbs in your chest. 
Water droplets fell on the marbled floor as you pressed the scrub harder onto yourself. 
Shakingly, you looked up at the mirror. Your neat hair is now a mess from your frantic scrubbing. Through disheveled strands, you looked into your bloodshot eyes. You looked pitiful. 
A disgrace. 
What a waste of a soldier. You thought. 
All that training and pain you went through was for nothing. Now you have to stay put within the castle walls looking after a mess of a princess. 
It is your job to serve the royal family, yes. But not like this. 
Your gaze hardened as it landed on the spot you felt her highness seemed to favor. Even now, after all that scrubbing, rubbing, and scratching, you could still feel the warmth. The tingling from how she nuzzled into your neck and kissed it. 
Bring your hand up, you place it over the patch of skin her lips have landed on. 
Gritting your teeth, you slowly brought up the heat within your palm. 
In the room, you only heard the growing sizzling as the smell of burnt flesh spread. 
For the last time, you indulged in your vanity, looking at your finished work. You let out a sigh of relief. Never in your days have you thought you would reach the point of feeling such relief in the sight of red blistering flesh. 
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awryen-nyx · 5 months
Prev Reblog: I don't talk much myself about the comics, but to be clear:
That being *said*:
I do like the idea that Ursa had another kid after she escaped from the Fire Nation. She's only human and knew she'd never be able to come back after she assassinated their grandfather. And she had no way of knowing her kids (well, son) would be the catalyst to ending the war and deposing Ozai.
So the idea of Kiyi is fine to me! After the general angst of it all coming to light and the reunion, I can see Zuko being pretty keen on having another little sister that he can actually dote on. And Katara would probably love her.
Azula, after massive amounts of therapy, would probably, very tsundere in her manner, like to have a younger sibling who she could mentor since Zuko would be a tad busy being Fire Lord.
What I HATE is some dumb fucking spirit world shenanigans that led Ursa to losing her memories AND physically changing what she looked like. Also, all of the bullshit in how they handled Azula in the comics, leaving Ozai alive, Mai just being so blasé about her dad's coup, everything about Aang, and of course...the shitty canon ships.
That's that on my end.
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crybabylulu · 9 months
ATLA style 6 this is correct no I will not take criticism
Azula: what? *wearing a I Love MILFS shirt*
Zuko: WHY?!
Azula: it’s the mommy issues
Mai: you still don’t have a chance
Ursa: *shook asf and concerned asf for her daughter*
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
Avatar the last airbender
wholesome - 😊 sad - 😔 anger/angst- 😠 comedy- 🎭 romance - 🥰 fluff - ☁️ request - 📨
Hello everyone and welcome to my avatar the last Airbender master list, please enjoy my stories. I will also take request if anyone has any for avatar the last airbender, I will added legends of Korra later on. The two other nation of earth and air will come later on as well.
Avatar the last airbender
Water tribe 💧 🧊 ❄️
hakoda, sokka, and katra
A marriage for peace and political (2)(3)😊 ☁️ 😔 😠 🥰
my own density 😊 😔 ☁️
my snow princess
my little soldier
my little water bender
fair nation 🔥☄️⚡️
My treasures
kindhearted princess
A princess duty to her home and nation
you will be amazing one day
your are not a monster
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aprettyweirgirl · 1 year
okay some hcs because little V is bored
Izumi deeply dislikes that Iroh II is part of the United Forces, if it were up to her, he would've stayed at least in the nation's army. not that she'd ever let him know that
Azula had spies keeping an eye on Lin during a couple of years when Toph started leaving her basically on her own, to make sure she was okay
needless to say, out of all the kids of the gaang (not counting Izumi), Lin is Azula's favorite
when Izumi announces her retirement, Ursa gets furious and doesn't talk to her for days. she was a mess of frustration and anxiety until she actually talked to her mother (and broke down)
Both Iroh and Ursa have a ring with a flying boar engraved on it
sometimes Ursa needs to rant and since her brother is never in the fire nation, she goes to wherever her mother is and just rants. sometimes she'll just go to the throne room while Izumi is working and start talking. Izumi just listens to her daughter <3
Lin always knows where Izumi's glasses are. always. Izumi will sometimes call her and tell her she lost them, to which Lin response is always along the lines: "did you look (place)?". Izumi always finds them there
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demaparbat-hp · 10 months
Katara gets a Kysohi Warrior boyfriend, Sokka a Kysohi Warrior girlfriend, and they both get a Kysohi Warrior mother in law 💚💚💚
You. Are. So. RIGHT.
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loraliewritesthings · 7 months
You know how Azula is only like 14.
I desperately want a dc x avatar crossover where Jason Todd is like, guess I'm a dad now.
for more then a couple reasons
First of all the character growth. Jason learns not all people who hallucinate are like the joker. Azula learns that how her father treated her is not normal
Azula deserves someone who understands the mommy issues
Girl dad jason
Tell me Jason wouldn't take one look at this girl whose been praised for her talent for destruction and then demonized for it and be like been there done that.
For the sake of teaching Azula to channel the aggression in a semi constructive way.
Also Azula who was dismissed by her mother for being too aggressive and Jason who was dismissed by Bruce for the exact same reason
I firmly believe Azula is redeemable, it's just that no one bothered with the hard work and she was left in the hands of a monster.
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3xamenace · 1 month
sometimes I just need to write an omega mom absolutely obsessed with her alpha daughter's big cock
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 9 months
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atla-milf-month · 2 months
ATLA MILF Month will happen in March 2025! This month will celebrate all the ATLA-verse moms and older women who... well, you know!
Click here to submit prompts! Click here to check the event guidelines! Do you have any questions? Do you want to be a mod? Please send us an ask.
Thank you for participating. We hope you enjoy the event!
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