queermenno · 1 year
Like a good Mennonite, I've chosen the third way in a false dichotomy
Fun reblog game: Reblog if you love being non-binary in any form! Yes I have much love for my binary friends but this one is for my other and neithers and all of the aboves and some of the aboves and sometimes and never and everything in between!!!!
Personally I love being non-binary. It fits me so well, I am just other and that's what I am! I don't have to to be one thing or another and I love it!
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queermenno · 1 year
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queermenno · 1 year
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queermenno · 1 year
Good news in Brandon, #Manitoba tonight! I am so thankful for all the community members and groups who came out tonight to oppose #lgbtq censorship.
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queermenno · 1 year
No matter what they say, no matter what they do, they cannot erase the truth: God calls us good.
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From the time of Joseph of the princess dress and power over dreams, God has watched over us and moved through us. Famine comes to the nations that fail to see how our transness is a holy gift. Good fruit flourishes in the communities that welcome our wisdom.
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Let us give thanks to the God who upturns the status quo — who loves the world’s despised; who blesses the ones the world calls cursed; who draws the outcast close.
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queermenno · 2 years
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queermenno · 2 years
Tag yourself, I'm "Somewhat Disagree"
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queermenno · 2 years
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queermenno · 2 years
Tonight's video of Matthew Froese and myself sharing at First Mennonite Church Wpg as part of their Queer Theology series
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queermenno · 2 years
Available to stream at:
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queermenno · 2 years
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