questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
heyyy i’ve done the move! o7
it’s still at the same url, @questir! i’ll keep queuing this post for the week so ppl don’t miss it.
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questir-a · 6 years
hmm.... i’ve been meaning to clean up the tags and make them prettier but..... then i’d have to go through 2.2k+ posts for that .... @_@
should i remake and just shove stuff on a new place so it’s as cluttered? my tagging system on this blog is.... frickin wonky
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questir-a · 6 years
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questir-a · 6 years
body habits ;
bold what you apply to your muse.
italicize what applies, but isn’t oftentimes established in detail.
DEFENSIVENESS : arms crossed on chest • crossing legs • fist - like gestures • pointing index finger • karate chops • the fig leaf position • stiffening of shoulders • tense posture • curling of lip \ baring of teeth •
REFLECTIVE : hand - to - face gestures • head tilted • stroking/tapping chin • peering over glasses • taking glasses off — cleaning • putting earpiece of glasses in mouth • pipe smoker gestures • putting hand to bridge of nose • pursed lips, knitted brows •
SUSPICION : arms crossed • sideways glance • touching or rubbing nose • rubbing eyes • hands resting on weapon. •brows raising • lips pressing into a thin line • strict, unwavering eye contact • wrinkling of nose •
OPENNESS   &   COOPERATION : open hands • upper body in sprinters position • sitting on edge of chair • hand - to - face gestures • unbuttoned coat • tilted head • slacked shoulders, droopy posture •  feet pointed outward • palms flat and facing outward •
CONFIDENCE : hands behind back • hands on lapels of coat • steepled hands • baring teeth in a grin • rolling shoulders • tipping head back but maintaining eye contact • chest puffed up \ shoulders back • arms folded just above navel •
INSECURITY   &   ANXIETY : chewing pen or pencil • rubbing thumb over opposite thumb • biting fingernails • hands in pockets • elbow bent / closed gestures • clearing throat • “ whew ” sound • picking or pinching flesh • fidgeting in chair • hand covering mouth whilst speaking • poor eye contact • tugging at pants whilst seated • jingling money in pockets • tugging at ear • perspiring hands • playing with hair • swaying • playing with pointer / marker • smacking lips • sighing • rocking on balls of feet • flexing fingers sporadically • fiddling with rings • chittering
FRUSTRATION : short breaths •  “ tsk ” sound • tightly clenched hands • fist - like gestures • pointing index finger • running hand through hair • rubbing back of neck • snarling • revealing teeth \ grimacing • sharp eyed glowers w/ notable tension in brow • shoulders back, head up - defensive posturing • clenching of jaw \ grinding teeth • nostrils flaring, heavy exhales •
tagged by @clover-hawthorne tagging anyone!! steal this meme from me!! tag me in it!! :>
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questir-a · 6 years
previous reply / @lightsealed​
Just before the yarzon can take a bite of the stranger, a fireball over their head and right into the yarzon. It screeches and writhes in place for a few moments, fire igniting its entire body, and makes a few dying clicks as it slowly disintegrates into ashes.
Masaki lowers his arm, ignoring the steam rising off the surface of his slightly raw skin. Those creatures aren’t too much of a hassle to deal with but he isn’t sure if the hyur was going to do anything about it. He grunts and walks past the stranger, greeting them with a solemn nod, and jumps down to the boulder where the yarzon died. He inspects the charred site to see if there’s anything left to salvage and finds bits and piece of a yarzon leg. Well. That’s useless.
He straightens up and turns to stare at the stranger. The Au Ra quirks his head in a silent question, probably wondering who this person is and why they just sat there staring at the yarzon. 
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questir-a · 6 years
previous reply / @the-littlest-voidsent​
Oh. Oh no. He’s sure he’s going to end up adopting her but he can’t do that when she probably already has a worried parent waiting for her return. Masaki keeps his demeanor gentle as he nods to her in acknowledgement before scanning the area again and still not finding any sign of civilization. How did she wander off this far from the nearest village? He hums in thought. Well, the sun’s beginning to dip so they best get moving anyway.
Masaki kneels down again, this time to take the satchel off his back to tie it to his belt. Then he offers his now freed up back to N’theya and gestures for her to climb on. 
“I can carry you,” he offers in a low, crackly voice.
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questir-a · 6 years
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still trying to get my shit together but i finally managed to draw smth self-indulgent so hopefully i can go back into commission work soon
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