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‘Inception’ Review
Sci Fi, Action, Drama, Thriller, Mystery and so on. It’s hard to categorize Inception. It’s based upon a thought provoking, intelligently written concept. It’s acting is diligent, it’s emotion is heart-wrenching, and it’s action is astonishingly well paced. A great example of an instant classic.
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‘Mean Girls’ Review
Mean Girls is a well written and sharply comedic movie with an inspiring meaning. It’s face paced story arc doesn't fail to keep attention, not to mention its thorough acting.
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‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ Review
The characters in this film are extremely well portrayed. However, It's hard to sympathize with said characters, making it difficult to enjoy the story of them. The part of this film with most entertainment value is watching actors do great work portraying their characters, not a story being told well.
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‘The Adjustment Bureau’ Review
This movie contains a great, strongly convincing romance and a thought provoking science-fiction concept. It's pacing is effectively quick and it's acting is sharp, professional, and fun to watch. It's smart, heartwarming entertainment that makes you think.
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‘Suicide Squad’ Review
Suicide Squad has a handful of good moments, that's it. It's not great, it's not bad either. It doesn't reach a release of emotional tension because it's impossible to conclude a story that never began. The burden and ultimate takeaway of this movie is it's well done characters, not its lack of finale.
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