r34ding · 1 year
Beyond reason
Jeremiah Fisher x Belly Conklin Fanfiction
~This time around there is no kiss between Conrad and Belly and although Belly likes being with Jeremiah she wants to put the relationship on hold, to let the boys and herself deal with the grief that comes with loosing a loved one.~
Set at the party they throw, as they are about to loose the house they shared their childhood in.
*He said what to you?* Taylor asks again while stylung Belly's hair. *That's some wattpad like shit.* She can't help it, her cheeks turn red and Belly tries to concentrate on what to wear instead of obsessing over Jeremiah's words. *I really want to kiss him Tay, but it just doesn't feel like I should while we are still dealing with everything, you know. There is just so much going on...* Biting her tongue helps not to add another conjuction that just undermines her conviction not to kiss him. *But you still want to.* Finishes Taylor clearly in tune with her best friends desires.
The disco lights, music and Tequila help to ease her mind at first. Distributing shots on her roller skates she feels confident, rolling from person to person with the flow of the music. While it is nice talking to the former debutabtes she much rather be where Jeremiah is and then the alcohol turns on her. It fuels her wish to see him and she just gives up on resaons not to. *Take a picture with me.* Conrad smiles at her clearly content with a drink in his hand and an arm wrapped around Belly's waist as Steven takes their picture. It doesn't feel as weird standing next to him, touching him, as she thought it would. She managed to ban her childhood crush, her first love to where it belongs. Her childhood. She smoothly continues pouring shots, then she spots him. Standing next to Cam, who is in charge of the music. His hair and face are perfectly staged in the red and blue light. Tonight he isn't overly flirty and she thinks he is waiting for her. Belly rolls right into him, not realizing she hadn't stopped while staring at him. And he catches her. *You don't need to hurt yourself to get my attention.* His smile makes her heart skip a beat, she wishes he would not let her go, but she needs some space or she will just kiss him right this moment. Excusing herself to get some new booze she tries to stop smiling like a fool. She has forgotten why she did not want to deepen their relationship, it seems silly now and maybe she should just give into her needs.
It begins to tire her out, making rounds and being a host. Sitting down to rest on an inflatable pool couch it isn't long until Jeremiah joins her. She cant help it, staring at him and smiling and he eyes her in a way that gives her a reason to. Why does he have to smile at her, be nice to her and she can't help but think how right Susannah was, she was meant to love one of her boys.
It just wasn't Conrad. Instead it is Jeremiah, who's still smiling despite it all.
*There are so many memories here. You know I gad my first kiss here, with Jason.* Belly gasps in fake outrage.
*You know that he threw a rock through your garage window and blamed it on me?* Her face scrunches up at the thought but Jeremiah's small laugh instantly eases the furrows in her forehead and nose.
*But you know, I just want to kiss you.* Again that look. She leans in before she realizes. Just short of their lips finally touching she pulls back in shock of how fast she would have overthrown her own resolve. Jeremiah stares at her and she can't decipher what he is thinking.
*Did you change your mind Belly?* She looks at him incrediously.
*I mean, I can handle it, I feel that you are unsure about us. If it is because of Con-*
*No!* Belly shakes her head and Jeremiah studies her closely, still unsure.
*I like you Jere, that has nothing to do with Conrad. You know he was... important to me and- but it doesn't compare to you, to us now.* After she is done he looks at their hands, that alost touch. She takes the initiative and reaches for him, slowly to make sure he feels how precious he is to her. His hand feels cold so she rubs her thumb over the back of it.
*Belly.* His other hand reaches for her cheek and he caresses her, strokes her hair and she leans into his touch. The entirety of her emotions well up inside her as she watches how lovingly he looks at her and she has to close her eyes before tears threaten to spill from them-
he kisses her. Softly and calmly as if to seal this intimate moment. Though she planned on avoiding it she reciprocates yet doesn't take it further. As he pulls away, she looks at him again. His cheeks are reddened and she likes the effect she has on him.
*I don't want to hide this Belly. I really don't.*
*It's not about hiding or not liking you... I felt that it was wrong to get so close to you while everyone is still mourning. I think we should wait.* Listening paitently he is ready to undermine her belief.
*You are mourning too. I can't imagine that we will ever not miss her or not think about her, and I don't want to. But I want you, us. I think it feels right, being with you.* She had to turn her face, he was incredibly persuasive if he wanted to be, and his charm worked on her, even though it fell short on his aunt.
*Jere, I also think this feels right and I don't want to loose you, but I am scared that starting something while so much is going on will turn on us. You know what I mean?* Her eyes implore him to agree with her, because she knows she can't hold on to what she set her mind to much longer.
*It isn't easy, but life isn't, right? We can't wait until everything calmes down, because then the next thing could go wrong. I will leave you alone if that is what you want though.*
*I don't want you to leave me alone, I want you by my side.* She hangs her head, loosing her last bit of reason. His finger nudges her chin so he can look into her eyes.
*I can wait for you.* He comes closer, just a bit, so she can kiss him if she wants to. It was him trying to give her space and to kiss their more intimate relationship goodbye for now. Sealing his lips with hers, she lingers to remember this feeling. Pulling away she sees her future in his eyes.
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r34ding · 1 year
Life of the party
Jeremiah Fisher Fanfiction x Non-Binary o/c
~Starting out as a casual hookup, two souls connect.~
A person so comfortable being looked at, so unapologetically himself, how could I not be intruiged. I learned his name even before I was introduced to the host of the party.
*I like your shirt.*
He casually said while passing me by and if anyone else had said it, maybe something from my past would've come up. The feeling of being mocked perhaps, but his open demeanor was disarming. I managed to smile back at him and that was it.
Being new to Cousins I had yet to learn of the tragic loss he suffered a year ago. But whatever niceties we exchanged that night cemented a bond that kept on growing. The way his eyes would return to my lips. How he came awfully close, for me to tell him my name. How he casually asked for my preffered pronouns and the way he stayed by my side to tell me all I needed to know about Cousins.
Our first interaction left me sure of it, he was someone I wanted to meet again.
Later that summer, a poolparty was the occasion to exchange glances and familiarize oneself with the other's appearance. Even if sometimes I had struggled with looking at myself in the mirror, he couldn't take his eyes off me and it didn't feel uncomfortable in the least. It didn't matter what someone else labeled me, he took me for who I was.
He pulled me into the water that night, and gave me a short playful peck on the lips as I came up gasping for air. Seeing his wet hair trying to curl up again, covering his blue eyes, I could only respond with a kiss.
We got some alone time after that and made sure we felt comfortable whenever we explored new terretories of the other's body.
What's left to tell, I fell hard.
Seeing him dance in blue and pink neon lights on the dance floor, his free spirit was contagious.
Though we didn't talk about what was developing between us, I felt swept up in my emotions and enjoyed our time together.
*I love seeing you dance!*
Directed at me I laughed about his words, was it what I had thought too. Inviting me with a smile I joined him.
*I love to dance with you.*
Whispered to me, his lips close to my neck and his hands on my hips, a shiver ran down my spine.
Basked in the attention we got from one another, whatever happened around us was lost in a haze of music, summer nights and his smile.
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r34ding · 1 year
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Knock em dead
Jeremiah x Belly Fanfiction
~Jeremiah decides to be a bit (too) direct.~
TW: This is just consensual because both partys are okay with what happens in the end. But if one party would have decided they did not like what happend (in this fanfic Belly), it would not have been okay.
Camerons lips left Bellys and everyone at the table was speechless for a second. Laurel was kind enough to make a joke, but Jeremiah's joy from teasing Belly's date had vanished in an instant. He had felt a pull in his chest as he heard that she was dating someone, but seeing them like this- although he caused the situation, made him feel infinetly worse.
At Nicoles party he drunkenly went after Cam and Belly.
*Do you have something for Jeremiah?*
*You mean Conrad?*
She didn't even consider him an option, not even a close second. Even if she wasn't dating Cam, it would be Conrad.
He asked her on a muffin run the next morning, since he coincidentally was up early, despite a slight headach from the party.
*Why do you seem so energetic?*
*Couldn't sleep.*
His shrug made her smile. Whenever she was going through something, be it Taylor hooking up with her brother, or Conrad... his carefree demeanor was contagious.
Driving with him, of course he let her practice, he would still help her shift gears if needed. His hand lingering on hers was warm, and she felt so comfortable around him, she didn't mind.
*Park over there, I wanne show you my favorite spot!*
He pointed to a spot at the side of the road, on their way back. The excitement in his voice made her giggle.
*Come on, be honest it's your secret make out spot right?*
His smirk was telling and the view breathtaking. While Belly was looking at the scenery he was stealing glaces at her.
*You know Conrad has been sleeping over at Nicoles for quite some time now.*
He watched her smile fade.
*Why ar-*
*He forgot your birthday.*
He didn't plan this, but he couldn't hold back anymore. She was facing him now, hurt clouding her eyes.
*Why are you saying that?*
Why now? She thought, because to her it felt like he was needlessly rubbing it in.
*Do you even like Cam Cameron?*
She knew why he asked, but acting oblivious was easier.
*Why are you being like this?*
Agitated, she stepped back as he approached her.
*Belly, you are my best friend. I can see how you look at Conrad, not at Cam. Don't you think it would be-*
*What's wrong with you today?*
After her initial shock at his bluntness her anger settled in.
He furrowed his brows, he understood why she got devensive. However her moving away from him made him think she was planning on just avoiding the truth.
*Come on Belly, you know why I am saying this!*
Not because of his unexpected outburst, but because of his unfamiliar, earnest gaze she decided turn, return to the car and cool down.
Before she could, he had pulled her back and she stumbled against his chest.
His hand was resting on her wrist. She was stunned, too stunned to ask what the fuck he was doing.
His lips sealed hers, with a frevor that pushed her head backwards. It took her a moment to collect herself.
Angry at his assault she pressed her lips harder against his. Balancing the intensity of their kiss, but effectively pressing herself against him. His hand had dropped from her wrist, now guiding her head, not wanting to part from her. The other hand was holding her securely around the waist. Belly was torn between pushing him away or pulling him closer, her hands seemed to move on their own exploring his chest and shoulders.
A shudder ran through Jeremiah.
Now it was his turn to be suprised and he pulled away a bit to search her face. His hand had found a place around her neck just under he jaw.
Belly seemed to have acted on impulse. He could not tell if she was angry at him, but the red hue on her cheeks was lovely, nonetheless.
He gave her a peck on the side of her mouth and as if the spell was broken, she finally gave him a firm push, which made him stumble backwards.
*Belly I-*
*Wha- Why, what the hell Jeremiah?*
The boy she had known her whole live, who she had grown up with standing there as beautiful as ever, seemed so foreign to her. The look he gave her was pircing, making an electric charge run through her.
To her Jeremiah was the boy she laid on her back with, playfully holding hands with, while watching the clouds.
He was rubbing the back of his neck, calming his beating heart and his to desire to kiss Belly again.
*I wanted to do that for a long time.*
His admission startled Belly, had she thought about doing it herself from time to time. But it was a territory of emotions that felt too threatening to their friendship.
He approached her again, she faced him head on this time and watched sceptically as he took on of her hands in his.
*Listen, I know you are still with Cam...*
His thumb rubbed circles on the back of her hand.
*... and, despite what I just did, I know it was shitty of me to just spring my feelings on you like that.*
Belly still fought with herself and ripped her arm back.
*Then you shouldn't have!*
This time he couldn't catch her in time and she stormed back to the car at a pace he had to jog to keep up.
*Bells lis-*
*No you listen!*
She stopped him in his track.
*You not only spring this on me, as you said, but you have to bring my feelings for Conrad into it?*
So that was what bothered her the most, he realized bitterly.
She was standing in front of the hood of his truck and it felt like he was forbidden from moving until she was done chewing him out.
*I know Belly, I was...*
He didn't want to say it aloud, but Belly was having none of it.
*Spit it out Jer!*
*I was fucking jealous okay?*
Despite the way he let the words out, like they would burn his tongue, he carefully closed in on her, again.
*Don't Jer, I'm still-*
Seeing him up close, the embarresment written on his face, she couldn't help herself but calm down. Jeremiah was never one to be emberassed and seeing this vulnerable side of him made her realize what she had overlooked the whole time.
Suddenly he hugged her, holding her in his arms, trying to convey how precious she was to him.
*Jer I...*
*I know, I'm sorry.*
He looked down at her then and while looking into the eyes of his best friend, he had known his whole live, he confessed.
*I just can't help but love you.*
It was done, she knew it the moment he really opened up to her. She fell, hard. Or maybe he had her at his feet all along. She took her time taking in his familiar features and then, after he had closed his eyes, still embracing her but waiting patiently for her next move, she kissed him.
Wanting to convey what she felt for him fueled her. As if she had brought him back to live he pressed her back against the car. Now with much more assurance, he even enjoyed biting her lip. While she laughed, she also knew the shudder that ran down her spine, betrayed the playfulness she tried to convey. This honest, straightforward version of her best friend was going to be the end of her.
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~The end.~
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r34ding · 1 year
The scent of the sea
Part 4
Jeremiah Fisher x OC Fanfiction
~Em and Jeremiah try to make it work, but unprocessed emotions need to be adressed.~ Whenever you feel overwhelmed with your emotions, remember bottling them up, will mostly lead to them growing bigger and bigger. Search for a safe space to let them out. Sometimes it may seem to be too scary, or not safe at all to talk about what burdens you, but it can help. And. If no one listens, write.
Emelie had kept her word and did not revert back to ignoring him after they got closer.
*Listen I want to get Belly something she remembers. Like, for all that she did for me.*
Since last night Jeremiah let Em have her space, but she actually came to him for advice. He could not keep the smile from his lips, seeing her deep in thought. They both cared for Belly and that kind of eased his mind regarding his feelings for her, that went unadressed this summer.
*We could drive into town together, see if we can find something for her?*
Em's eyes lit up at his suggestion and she agreed immediately. Her mind was filled with foreign positivity and she enjoyed the ease with which she could be with Jeremiah now.
*You know, I thought about getting her a top, but I don't have a big budget. So maybe I could try and make it myself...*
*You can sew?*
Suprise laced his voice and it was funny to her.
*We don't know each other that long Jer. There are still more thing's you need to find out.*
*Oh, I can't wait.*
She blushed and didn't mind, being with him felt too good.
Strolling through town, searching for craft supplys, their hands brushed, but before they could interlock Em pulled her hand away. Realizing how that must seem to Jeremiah she pulled him into the next alleyway. Pulling him by his wrist, he followed excited to see her lead the way and realizing why she pulled him aside made him in turn blush. Her hands found his and she pulled him against her.
*You now, I don't like being watched holding hands...*
*But this is fine?*
He asked and enjoyed taking in her scent at their close proximity.
*Nobody will watch us here.*
Em bit her lip studying his face, his light blue eyes and the way he was watching her in turn. This kiss was soft, cautious almost. Both testing the water, seeing where this would lead them, the situation, their relationship.
They learned a lot about each other, but also themselves the past days. Em felt comfortable kissing Jeremiah in public, not in front of his family though, but drew a line at holding hands which felt more intimate to her. She liked their unspoken exchanges, looks that went unnoticed but communicated how they felt. Jeremiah enjoyed these little things about their relationship, they hadn't labeled it yet, equally. He had come to the realization that whenever he saw Belly and Conrad together, now the aching in his chest seemed decreased. Emelie filled a spot in his life, which was previously filled with summer-flings and casual flirts. It was not that those didn't seem enjoyable anymore, it was more so the fact that he suddenly felt content. Despite the fighting and the feeling that their interactions had become in fact a bit twisted before, he felt great.
This particular morning a soft knock on their door woke up Emelie, not bothering a still sleeping Belly. In his outstretched hand Jeremiah presented her with the cookie she had bought for herself on their first Muffin run. They shared a short hug and Jeremiah pressed a kiss on the top of Em's head, before he had to hurry to his job as a life guard.
*You opened up a bit.*
Belly commented a bit later in the day over a shared muffin. Her smile was reassuring, which Em wasn't used to. Choking on her bite Em chugged back a glass of orange juice, trying to regain her composure.
*How so?*
*You think I'm blind?*
*And you? I haven't seen Cam at dance practice, I thought the date went well?*
Glossing over the unsubtle diversion Belly answered.
*We broke up.*
Not appearing upset about it, Em still patted her friends shoulder but couldn't keep herself from asking.
*Did you talk with Conrad?*
Tomorrow was Bellys birthday and Em had hoped whatever tension was lingering between them could be resolved until then.
*We did... I don't know. Whenever I think, he's in a relationship, I've got to move on, I'm just reminded again.*
Em still had't had a full conversation with Conrad but she felt that his behaviour towards Belly was a bit inconsistend. Whenever they sat at the dinner table and Belly spoke up, she saw something light up in Conrads eyes. Something that was so diffrent from the usual air surrounding him, it was hard to overlook. She had only ever really seen him smile, not at his girlfriends side at one of the partys they went to, but at Belly's.
The girls spend their morning swimming in the ocean, enjoying their last day together until Taylor would join them. The sky was cloudless, dyed a radiant blue.
Drying off in their room, Em noticed the missed calls. Her mother. She hadn't spent a thought about her plea after their last conversation.
*I got another call from him.*
Were the only words her mother greeted her with.
*I thought you understood why it is necessary to call him!*
Em, taken by suprise, had spent the last days repressing her problems at home. Now everything came crushing down on her. Summer in Cousins and her complicated family situation were better left seperate.
*What, cat got your tongue? You can't ignore this Emelie. He is your father and I want you to call him asap. Do you understand?*
Between grinding teeth Em spit out a promise to call her father later that day.
Repressing her rage as best she could, it gnawed at her. Reaching it's climax at the ettiquette lessons Em loathed. She was done, no amount of encouriging looks from Belly, who had sensed her tension, could keep her inside this room, acting as if everything was right. She wordlessly left, not bothering to excuse herself. As she walked down the stairs she felt herself getting faster, just yearning for some fresh air. Bursting through the back door she let out a breath, she didn't realize she had held back. Leaning against the wall her heart was racing and she felt a heavy weight upon her shoulders press down on her. Breathing heavily she slid down to sit on the ground, in her pristine dress, not caring about anything anymore. At that vulnerable moment Jeremiah spotted her, on his way to restock some towels.
He had never seen someone look so defeated before and it genuinely scared him. Seeing her there, looking like a heap of misery, he dropped the towels and ran straight towards her.
*Em? Em, what happened?*
Needing the air, which only sparsely reached her lungs, she couldn't answer right away.
*Should I call someone? HEL-*
He was about to stand up, instinctively her hand gripped his forearm and pulled him closer to her.
*P- Please ju... just stay here.*
Feeling so worried for her, he almost didn't, hearing her voice however and how pained it sounded, calmed him down. Wrapping his arms around her he just held her close.
Slowly she felt the tenseness leave her and she realxed into his hug. Laying her forehead on his shoulder she concentrated all her senses on feeling Jeremiah's presence, distracting her from her overwhelmed worries.
After coming back home, Jeremiah took Em to her room. Making sure she was comfortably situated, he brought her some tea.
*Are you sure I shouldn't bring my mum or Laurel? I know you don't want to tell me, but maybe-*
*Thanks, but no. I'm okay. See?*
She said flashing him a soulless smile. Her mother would hate the idea of her confiding in someone else about their family drama. Em was worried enough about coming back home, but admitting to her mother that Laurel knew what happened to her, or at their home, with her father, caused her an immediate stomach ache.
*Please promise me, if this happens again you will call me or something?*
Em felt it, his good intentions, his worry and she knew it should make her feel safe, but again, something in her begged her to flee.
*I said I'm okay. It won't happen again, okay? Drop it... please.*
The emphasis she put on her last sentence made him stop. He was unsure, unsure how to help her, how to make the situation better and he knew, he knew too little about her to really help. Hesistantly he stood before her bed.
*Can I stay with you?*
*Thank you Jer, but... I need some time alone.*
Turned away from him, she thought she could avoid looking at the hurt flashing through his eyes, but she felt it either way.
*Just call me, if you need something.*
On soft soles he left the room and closed the door behind him.
*Everything okay?*
Steven had appeared from nowhere, a raised eyebrow urging the younger Fisher brother to answer him.
*Jea- Yes. Em just had a stomach ache and I brought her some tea...*
*Ahh, kay' see you later bro. I'm on my way to Shayla.*
Seeing his excited step, Jeremiah managed a restrained smile. He had to do something. Whatever Em was not telling him, he knew she shouldn't have to deal with it alone. Good or bad intentions sometimes become indistiguishable, so he hoped he made the right choice in dealing with what he witnissed today.
Belly listened to her childhood friend. When he approached her, he seemed unusually somber and she knew it was serious when he took her to the beach without proposing they bring their swimsuits.
*Look, I don't know if you know something, but I really hope she'll open up to you.*
*It's about Em?*
His nod confirmed Belly's guess, but she realized it was about more than just their relationship.
*What happened Jer?*
Anxiousness rose up inside of her.
*I don't know, I found her today and she was breathless, i thought she fainted or something. You know how she is, she didn't want me calling someone but what can I do? She won't tell me why she was so distraught, you know, I'm just worried, right?*
As fast as he spoke Belly caught every word and her hand had reassuringly rubbed his back, as he got out the torrent of words he had held inside of him.
The night dawned on them, Em had missed dinner but since she was a guest the moms had blamed it on her needing some time to herself. Belly was determined to confront her friend, in the most careful way she could muster.
*Did Jeremiah set you up to this?*
Safe to say, it did not go the way Belly hoped it would.
*I can't believe this. Shit, I asked him to not bring anyone into this.*
*Em, it's fine, I won't tell. You can trust me, you know that!*
Pleading with her, Belly reached for her friends hand, but Em pulled back.
*You don't understand, it was nothing to mention, I just got a little overwhelmed.*
*Jeah and that's fine. It just scared him.*
Belly wanted to make sure that Em didn't feel betrayed by Jeremiah confiding in her, knwoing that it was the best he could do with how closed off Em was. Pacing around the room, the thoughts bouncing around in her head, Em was unsure how she should feel. But her friend was just sitting there, looking helpless and that was what bothered her most. She didn't want to burden anyone, let alone the best friend she had made so recently. And it had to be just the night before her brithday.
*Belly I don't know where to start...*
Stopping right in front of her side of the bed Emili couldn't hold back the tears, that she had pressed down over and over again.
There it was again, a warm hug, the feeling of just being held and safe and seen. It amplified the sadness, the pain, made it feel so much rawer. It also helped to empty out everything that had wheighed her down.
*Belly it's just...*
The talk they had went on until both of them could barely hold their eyes open. Most of the memories, thoughts and feelings Em shared were too much to process in one night. But it was a beginning.
~The end~
I know this ending may seem rushed and the story unfinished, but I felt that I needed to end writing on this story for now. The fanfic developed into something I didn't expect, and I was suprised at how much deeper I wanted to delve into the feelings of our protagonist. That being said I know this was supposed to be a fanfic about Jeremiah Fisher and an original character, and it almost felt forbidden to have so much angst in this story.
This was honestly fun to write and I still have a lot to work on to make the reading expirience more enjoyable. If some feelings came up while reading this, or any of my writing, feel free to share, I am excited to hear your thoughts (and critique).
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r34ding · 1 year
The scent of the Sea
Part 3
Jeremiah Fisher and OC Fanfiction
~While they both have something that distracts them, they just can't seem to stay away from one another.~
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Abuse
Preparations for the debutante ball became a part of Belly's and Em's days. Ettiquette training was annoying to Em, while Belly didn't seem fond of the dancing lessons. The shopping with Susannah, was fun for both of them, even though Em felt guilty to spend so much of her hard earned money for clothes. Clothes which she could only wear on rear occasions. Acting as if she was this put together, elegant lady made Em feel suprisingly insincere. And another thing bothered her, although her and Jeremiah parted ways amicably the night at the beach, she felt her thoughts linger on him. Seeing him playfully flirting with Belly or the other debutantes made her look away in displeasure. She knew she had no right to claim his attention, but she wanted to. And it made her avoid him all the more again.
Jeremiah felt her eyes on him. He knew she studied him, became used to it and enjoyed her attention as he walked in Belly to their lessons just dressed for his life guard job. But then again if he tried to lock their gazes, she avoided him. It drove him mad. They felt drawn to each other, and he waited for her to open up to him but it seemed as if whenever they took one step forward together, she took two steps back.
*Em wait up!*
He had caught her, all dressed up, sneaking away on high heels from her ettiquette lesson.
*Where are you off to?
*Just taking a walk.*
She looked anywhere but him again.
*I thought we moved past this already.*
Taken aback by his unusual direct approach she finally faced him.
*What is this?*
He rolled his eyes at her acting oblivious and she huffed, affronted by his rudeness.
*No please tell me Jeremiah, what is this?*
Pointing between them, she felt herself getting more and more heated up. Jeremiah did not plan to fight with Em, but he also felt tired of this uncertainty.
*With this I mean you avoiding me!*
*I am not avoiding you.*
*Oh at least be honest!*
*You want me to be honest?*
Jeremiah's temper was rising fast.
*I see the way you look at Belly. Why the fuck are you trying to start something with me?*
*You don't know what you are talking about. I'm not into Belly!*
Now it was his turn to put some distance between them. He couldn't hide his glare.
He denied.
*Yeah, of course not*
Her sarcastic tone edged him on.
*What's it to you anyway? You can't even look at me half the time.*
How wrong he was, she thought.
Frustrated mostly by herself she wanted to stalk away, to leave Jeremiah behind again. But now his hand reached out to her. Grabbing her wrist he stopped her.
*Stop running away everytime!*
Shaken up by their argument she ripped her arm out of his reach only to spin around on her heel.
*You know what, why are you stopping me? As if you are sure about any of this!*
Poking his chest with her finger, she again felt as if elevtricity ran through her, just by touching him. Catching her hand in his again, this time he did not let her pull away.
*Try me.*
His voice was low and she had never seen him act this determined, looking thing this serious before. Something in her snapped and before she knew it she had thrown herself on him. Pressing him against the nearest wall. Their kiss was fueled by pent up frustration, but mixed with something that ran deeper. Not just lust but a feeling more akin to desperation. Jeremiah wanted her, just for himself and felt unfamiliar with this posessive side in him. And Em, she forgot every worry, every insecurity that kept her from being honest with herself as she kissed him. She wanted him, every bit as much and it made her furious. Pushing herself away from him, her lips bruised, painfully aware of her inconsistend behaiviour she turned around choosing to go back to her lessons just to avoid any further escalation betwden her and Jeremiah. Rubbing his neck, tense from their fighting he realized how twisted their relationship was becoming.
The issue of who would accompany whom was making Em wish she never agreed to join the debutantes with Belly.
*Honey, who are you thinking of going with?*
Susannah asked for the second time, making Em feel sorry for being so distracted.
*Can't I just go alone?*
Steven snorted, earning Laurels dissaproving look.
*Or you could join me Steven.*
Phrasing it threatingly clearly meant as a joke, Jeremiah was nontheless trying to keep a straight face. The thought of Em on Steven's arm felt entirely wrong to him.
*While I wish I could, don't get me wrom Emmi, I've got a date already.*
His triumphant smirk made Belly knit her brows in annoyance and Em chuckle.
*Emmi? Sounds childish.*
Mumbling under his breath, Jeremiah knew it was everything but mature of him to let off steam with snide comments. Still, it helped to feel Em's eyes on him.
*Come on Em! What is up woth you two? You are both acting weird.*
Belly was the only one who heard Jeremiah's remark.
*I don't-*
*Wanne talk about it. Yeah I know.*
Belly sat on their bed, they were choosing fitting dressed for Laurel's book event.
*You know I support you, with whatever happens with you and him, but why does it seem like you are fighting?*
*We're not.*
*I'm just saying it's unusual for Jeremiah to get so sorked up, I think he really cares for you. And I know! You don't wanne talk, but listen- Maybe it would be good for you to get together with someone, who cares a bit.*
Their friendship was built fast, both headstrong girls appreaciated honesty, but Em had realized she could learn a lot from Belly. The way she could speak about her emotions was impressive to Em. Belly eyed her friend standing lost in thought and just took the initiative to hug her.
*It's alright, talk to me when you are ready.*
Patting her on the back and then stepping away to give her friend the room she needed, Belly didn't miss the tears that formed in Em's eyes.
*I'll try...*
Her voice so weak, it could br easily overheard, Em turned away from her friend under the pretense of comparing dresses.
The book event was over fast and while Belly had a date planned with Cam, Steven dragged Em with him to a house öarty in the neighbourhood.
It felt cheap to him, even in the moment. But seeing her at this party acting so distant again, he just had enough. He wanted to see if she truly cared, or maybe how much if she did, because she would just not admit it openly. They were taking shots and it was apparent that his fingers lingered on Adam's, who was giving out liquor glassed. Him and Adam had a fling last summer and hooked up whenever they felt like it, nothing serious really. It was a small gesture, obvious enough however. Her lips in a thin line Em took the shot and then stalked away, Jeremiah followed her next move attentively. Whatever he had wished for backfired. She started dancing in a crowd, getting close to some college student. Jeremiah felt regret wash over him. Driven by jealousy he only knew one way to break up the dancing without starting a fight. He grabbed Adam around his waist, giving him a wink as warning and then throwing him into the pool next to the dance floor.
*Pool party!*
Someone screamed while hurridly taking his clothes up hyping everyone up. Jeremiah was never so thankful for the euphoric properties of alcohol. He reached her before she could get to safety.
*No, don't you dare! Jer- I didn't bring my bi-*
Gone was the guy she had flirted with, already mingling with some other girl in the pool, Jeremiah held her close as he threw them both into the cold water. Em felt her breath hitch and whatever anger she had felt before died down as they held each other.
*Have I told you, that you are annoying?*
She asked eyeing him more playful than anything.
*Are you finally opening up?*
He squeezed her side trying to apoease any lingering ill feeling between them. They stared at each other, weirdly content in the middle of the bustle around them. Fuck it, Em thought and she pulled him towards him, ready to kiss him again. He stopped just short of her lips.
*Will you ignore me again after this?*
He was suprised at how abashedly she replied to him.
*I won't okay?*
Though he wasn't fully confinced, why would it be any diffrent after this kiss, he couldn't resist tasting her again. Without being aware of it, he had begun to crave her kisses just as much as he wished for her to finally open up to him.
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r34ding · 1 year
The scent of the sea
Part 2
Jeremiah and OC Fanfiction
~Dealing with the aftermath of their kiss and consequent tension between herself and Jeremiah, Em tries to deal with a budding romance and her personal problems, that she has yet to process.
Or: Opening up is hard.~
Still connected at the lips, Em felt as if her whole body was tingling with excitement. Jeremiah had pulled her even closer and his hands caressed her hip, while she had buried one hand in his curls and the other under his shirt. From time to time they parted their lips and Em could admire his face, beautifully illuminated by the moon-
As if hit by lighting the yell shattered the intimate moment. Jeremiah sprang to his feet first, reaching for her arm and swiftly but gently pulled her up to stand. He seemed to have regained his composure first, already scanning the scattering crowd in search for his friends and brother.
*Come on, follow me.*
Em was readjusted her shirt that had ridden up a bit while making out and fell a step behind Jeremiah looking for Belly. Coming to a stop in front of a visibly drunk Conrad, he draped on of his brothers arms around his shoulder and began steering him towards the parking spots. From time to time he looked back to make sure Em was still there and Em could not help but smile admist the chaotic situation. Looking past him she spotted the head of brown hair she had searched for and called out to her. Belly, who was accompanied by a boy she had met earlier, made it to the car just as Jeremiah was done securing his brother on the back seat.
*Get in guys.*
Jeremiah's voice seemed strained as he urged his friends to hurry up. Em got into the backseat while Belly said goodby to her friend.
*I could just drive with Cam.*
She vaguely adressed the group. Cam seemed eager to drive her and shyly smiled at Belly. Jeremiah howerver was not as fond of the idea.
*You are not getting into some randoms car!*
Concerned and slightly aggravated Jeremiah had glared at Cam, who seemed to want to ease the tension rising up.
*I'm Cam- Cameron.*
He reached to shake Jeremiah's hand but let it be, after his gesture was ignored.
*Sorry, but thanks for tonight.*
As a goodbye Belly gave Cam a kiss on his cheek. All the while Steven, sitting in the back of the car squeezing squeezing Em in between him and Conrad, made some gagging noises. With a glare Belly got into the passager seat and just as they wanted to start their way home, a bright light was directed through their window. The police got to them, before they could drive off.
The night ended in an argument between Belly and Laurel, with an unexpected objection from Conrad.
Tucked into bed, tired but still somewhat alert, Em sat up and took out a ragged journal from under her pillow. Soft snoring came from Bellys side of the bed, who had falled asleep as soon as her head had hit her pillow. With her bedside light barely on Em flipped through the pages stopping at some pictures she had taped in there at random places with some scotch tape. One was of her as a small child, held in her fathers arms in front of a small suburban house. The Em of the past had looked up at her father, him with his slicked back black hair and brown leather jacket, looking off to the side. She mostly remembered him like that, his side profile, a half smile, his eyes seachring for something in the distance.
The pen l only left the paper after she had completed a rough scetch of the sea and a night sky. In random places she had noted the name of some songs that had been played tonight.
Awoken by sunlight Em got up, fondly looking at her friend buried under pillows and disheveled hair. Stepping out of their room, she was greeted by the smell of pancakes that had filled the whole house. Susannah was up and serving Laurel, who did not seem to be in the best mood, some fruit and coffee.
*Hey Em, what do you want to eat? I'll fix you something.*
Feeling welcomed by Susannah's smile Em sat down next to Laurel at the counter.
*Just some pancakes please?*
Laurel wordlessly handed her a cup of coffee as well and soon her plate of pancakes topped with some fruits and nuts was ready. Em just stared at her plate for a second. Most of the times she fixed her breakfast herself and ate alone or not at all, because her mother was out at work.
*Thank you.*
Some thoughts of shame had almost kept her from joining the women, because of yesterdays trouble she had played a part in, but neither Laurel nor Susannah seemed to hold any grudges towards her and Em could enjoy her meal in peace.
*Morning mum!*
Jumping down the stairs on soft soles Jeremiah greeted his mother with a kiss on her cheek earning a loving smile and hugged Laurel and Em in passing.
*Want some pancakes honey?*
*Nah thanks, I am feeling muffins. Em, wanne join me on my ride?*
Em's plate was mostly empty and she did want to see more of Cousins at daylight.
On their way Em let her hand ride the wind, taking in some of the nature but felt more transfixed by the sky painted with cotton like clouds.
*So, how was your first night?*
Jeremiah's gaze was fixed on the road, but he had stolen some looks at the girl next to him, who was lost in thought. He liked her slightly wavy hair, and noticed a small beauty mark on her left cheekbone. She shrugged.
*Your bed is comfortable.*
Regretting the way she prhased her answer, she began fiddling with the radio. In response he just chuckled. They reached their destination and the bakery's smell of freshly baked goods lured Em to look around. Jeremiah had bought the favorite goods of all the others, meanwhile Em had picked herself a cookie to enjoy on their way back. They made some more small talk but each dwelled on their thoughts and didn't feel the need to talk while just enjoying the shared silence.
The sun at zenith made for a picture perfect day at the pool. Belly and Em had claimed the pool chairs for themselves. Steven had gone out to meet some girl he had been joined at the hip with jesterday. The Fisher brothers where nowhere in sight and Susannah and Laurel had gone out for some errands.
*You know, I was so angry yesterday.*
Confided Belly in her friend.
*Conrad has changed so much and watching him with this girl... he seemed like a person I don't know anymore.*
Spinning herself around slowly to face Belly, Em saw, her friend's furrowed brows beneath her sunglasses.
*Did you talk to him, maybe something happened?*
Conrad did not speak to her much, just greeting her politely but otherwise keeping his distance and Em was not that interested in him either.
*Not yet. I will... Whatever. Now tell me, Em, what happened with Jer yesterday? I remember you two sitting at the beach together.*
Heat rising up to her cheeks Em spun around again.
*I don't know, I just had a good time you know. Nothing serious...*
*Why do I get the feeling that is your default answer. Jeremiah is a really nice guy, I like that you two get along so well. And honestly back in school I was kinda scared my brother might be interested in you.*
Em had made a full circle and stared at Belly in dibelief.
*How did you come up with that?*
Holding a giggle at Em's reaction, Belly didn't bother to answer.
*I sometimes think he might have something for Taylor or vice versa... I just don't know if I would like them together. You know he can be such and prat.*
*He's alright... but I can imagine how you woul feel a bit weird seeing Steven go after one of your friends.*
Belly changed topics again.
*Back to you, do you want to go after Jer? Maybe it would be good for you.*
Concentrating on anything but Belly's question, Em suddenly found the ripples her hands left in the water as she spun herself around quite vexing.
*Come on, dont ignore me!*
Belly jokingly shoved Em's pool chair with her feet.
*Alright alright. It's just I dont think there will be more than what happened yesterday.*
As a response Belly let out a heavy sigh.
*You always say that.*
Relaxing with their eyes closed the girls were oblivious to Steven, Conrad and Jeremiah that had come back from surfing and began to quitly sneak towards them.
Steven's yell gave them the starting signal to jump into the pool. Under water Conrad honed in on Belly, pushing her screaming and kicking body out of the pool chair. Instictually Em had began paddling back to the edge of the pool for safety, but before she could reach it, her life boat stoppped moving.
*Nah ah. You can't just escape.*
Holding her floating device at the head rest, mischief sparkled in Jeremiahs eyes.
*No, no no no.*
Threatening him with her held up finger, she got pushed out from under her chair by Steven who had waited until she was incapacitated. She fell right into Jeremiahs chest. His arms wrapped around her waist and he pulled her under with him. The reached the surface and Jeremiah had pulled them quite a bit away from the others. His hands held her by the underarms and he looked down at her. Em held her breath, suprised.
*Hey, do you want to go to the beach later. Just us?*
He seemed serious for once, just waiting for her answer. Em's whole body froze up.
She wanted to say yes, but she couldn't.
*Maybe we should ask the others?*
Jeremiah's hands fell to his side and he took a moment to regain his signature smile.
*Let''s do that.*
The moment at the pool haunted Em for the rest of the day, during dinner she evaded Jeremiah's look, even though he took her answer well. She instead acted invested in Susannah's plight to get her but more importantly Belly to become a debutante. While Jeremiah did not take it to heart that Em didn't want to spend time alone again after their kiss, he did mind, that she so openly distanced herself from him. He was the last person, that would hold it against her, if their moment just happened because of the alcohol and otherwise their relationship was just platonic.
*Look at it as a way to commemorate this summer, growing up into young women.*
The hopeful look Susannah had was enough to persuade Em.
That night she felt haunted by her decision to reject Jeremiah, it made her evade sleep, so she went out. Walking wherever she felt like, it lead her to the beach.
*You came...*
Jeremiah greeted her, as she unexpectedly joined his side. He had watched the stars with Belly before, who was conflicted over Conrad's change in behaviour. After she left, he felt confronted with the lingering feelings he had for her, that resurfaced whenever they spent time alone.
*I didn't know you would be here.*
She felt stand-offish, was unsure why, because Jeremiah was one of the most lovable people she had met so far and he had given her no reason to be confrontational. The inner turmoil left her confused.
*Em, I don't get it. Did I do something?*
Jeremiah looked up at her inquiringly.
*No! No, I... fuck. I'm sorry- it's not you. It's m-*
*Spare me!*
It came out sounding more solemn than he planned for. About to turn around, he reached for Em's hand, gingerly pulling her to sit down.
*It is all good, I just don't understand. Ok? You don't need to explain it, but if you want to, I'll listen.*
Just as his hand retreated, she reached out. While she wasn't ready to be vulnerable right this moment something compelled her to not let go. Conflicted but also appeased, Jeremiah just enjoyed her company. They parted ways as the sun was just short of rising.
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r34ding · 1 year
The scent of the sea
Part 1
Jeremiah Fisher x OC fanfiction
~Belly had invited Emelie, they became fast friends the year prior, to join her this year in Cousins and so Em and Jeremiah meet.~
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Abuse
Em sat in the backseat next to an alert Laurel keeping her children in check, as Belly was singing her heart out in the front seat and Steven stoically tryed to ignore her. In between her mums divorce from her second husband last year and their consequent move to Pennsylvania, there had been neither the time nor enough money to have a family outing. Sitting admist the banter of the Conklin siblings Em felt grateful.
Laurel and Belly went to gab some snacks while Steven filled up the tank, Em stayed with him.
*You know, you're gonna love Cousins. The boys are fucking funny and Susannah, their mum, is an angel.*
While Steven initiated the conversation, Em was wiping the windshield.
*Yeah, I know. Belly told me the same thing. I am happy to meet them... But you know, don't feel pressured to include me. I know you guys need to catch up.*
Steven gave her a pat on the back in response.
*I like having you around.*
While Steven was a brat sometimes, especially regarding Belly, moments like this had made them become closer too.
*Hey! Hands off my friend!*
Joked Belly exiting the gas station, her hands full with provisions for the last part of their drive. While Belly and Steven bickered, Laurel stepped next to Em and handed her a chocolate bar.
*Belly told me you like dark chocolate.*
Em had a hard time not getting emotional at all the care and kindness she was recieving from the Conklin family.
*I don't know how to thank you.*
Em whispered in Laurels direction.
*It's just chocolate honey.*
They reached Cousins some time later and as soon as they safely made it up the driveway Steven and Belly ran out to greet the Fishers. Em took a second to exit the car, just so she would not interrupt the initial greetings.
*Em come her!*
Calling her over, Steven waited his arms wrapped around the shoulders of each of the Fisher boys.
*This is Em,* He introduced her. *Belly's new friend.*
Conrad smiled and introduced himself nicely, but the smile didn't seem to reach his eyes. After her hug with Susannah Belly had joined Em, one arm thrown over her shoulder.
Jeremiah beamed them. All sunshine, just as Belly had described him.
*Nice to meet you!*
Shaking her hand his eyes darted to Belly.
*Shouldn't we go for a swim guys?*
As if on cue, Bellys arm fell to her side and she took a step back. The guys pressed forward and suddenly all hell broke loose.
*Belly flop!*
Steven yelled and soon enough the boys had Belly ambushed and thrown into the pool.
After his assault Jeremiah seemed quite pleased with himself, while his brother had fallen for Belly's trick and was now equally drenched, he had sat down next to Em at the poolside.
*Do you want to tag along later? I wanna ask Belly to come swimming in the ocean.*
*Thanks, but next time ok? Gotta make a phone call.*
Dripping wet, Belly decided to shake her hair above her friends, making them jump up and scatter away.
Up in Bellys and Ems room the girls talked for a bit about a party Belly was invited to by some guy at the gas station. They made plans to go and get ready together but further girl talk was interrupted by knocking.
*Wanne come for a swim?*
Bronze hair peeked through the door first. Belly smiled at Jeremiah smiled at each other and Em was left to her own devices.
Sitting down comfortably on the bed she called her mother.
*Emelie! You promised to call an hour ago, what happened?*
*Sorry mum, we just took a stop and the highway was packed. But it's all go-.*
*If I had known that you would be this irresponsible, I wouldn't have let you go with them.*
*Mum don't say that... How are you?*
Her mother let out a long sigh.
*You know, Jerry keeps calling me. He is unhappy that you did not congratulate him on his birthday yesterday. Is it so hard for you to be nice to him?*
Rendered speechless Em held her breath for a second.
*Ma he hit you!*
It burst out of her before she could bite her tongue. The connection went quiet and Em feared her mother had hung up.
*Honey I know the whole situation is also hard on you, but I just want you to come out of this whole mess on top. You know I would have loved to go to college... Just think about it ok?*
Seldomly did her mother sound this calm and it made Em uncomfortable. They hung up wothout much of a goodbye. The conversation had soured Em's mood, she made her way downstairs to distract herself from the whole mess, she left behind in Pennsylvania.
The smell of caramelized onions and fresh tomatoes wafted towards Em as she entered the kitchen. Susannah greeted her with a smile.
*Hey Em, do you want to taste? I don't know if it is missing salt or sugar.*
How was it possible to feel so at home at a place you just discovered, thought Em. She tried Susannahs tomato sauce and the taste blew her away. Maybe the fresh ingredients, or the passion with which Susannah seemed to cook, made it taste so incomparable
*I think it tastes great. Can I help you with anything else?
*Oh honey, you should rest, I am almost done anyway.*
Em insisted and got tasked with cutting up the ingredients for a garden salad. At the dinner table everyone seemed content to Em, but she hardly followed the conversations.
The pink dress hugged Belly perfectly and both girls had to appreciate Taylors foresight. For Em she had packed a cute top, even though sometimes it felt like she did not like the new friend her best friend had made. Em knew about a fight they had because she was going to be at Cousins for the whole time. Yet despite anything she packed her something to wear too.
*You look stunning!*
Hyping Belly up Em put on her own outfit and after checking her appearance she felt equally confident.
*You know we can enjoy tonight too, right?*
Searching Belly's eyes for affirmation, Em's anxiety calmed down as she saw the mischevious twinkle in her eye. They knew the boys went out earlier, they saw no reason why they should not do the same.
Later that night their feet hit the sand and cool wind, coming from the sea, eased their way to the campfire that attracted the youth of Cousins. Red cups were littered around the beach and Em kicked them out of her way. The night sk dostracted her and she fell behind as some guy tried to hit Belly up.
*She is underage you creep.*
Steven's angry voice brought her back to reality and she watched as he and Belly got into an argument.
*I can't believe this, you thought this was a good idea?*
His fiery gaze honed in on her, but before she could retort Jeremiah joined his side and comfortingly patted his back.
*I am happy you guys are here! Steven shut up, go talk to Shayla.*
Belly flipped Steven off and went her own way to get rid off her anger.
*Don't mind him, he is just overprotective. I think it's nice you two came.*
All sunshine and smiles, Em suddenly didn't mind that she almost fought with Steven or that her friend ditched her at a party.
*Thank you!*
It must have been the first time this girl genuinely smiled at him and Jeremiah had to admit, it pierced some part of him, the way her whole face beamed at him.
*Let's get you something to drink, why don't we?*
Exploring her surrounding Em blindly followed Jeremiah and before she could react some drunk guy had stumbled into her.
*Heyy! Do I know you from somewhere?*
This guy was so close he blocked her whole line of sightm sighing because she probably lost Jeremiah, Em's arms naturally crossed. She was ready to get stand offish if he did not get a hint.
*No, I don't know you. Can you get out of my way?*
Despite her question he felt the need to continue his advances.
*If you don't know someone here we can just talk*
As he grabbed her wrist, Em's instincts kicked in and she pushed him away from her with all her mind. Laying on his behind in the sand he looked up to her with eyes wide open, thinking about wether he should get angry because of his hurt pride. She did not let make a next move and quickly walked past him right into Jeremiahs chest, who had her drink and did not seem less suprised about the commotion than the guy she just pushed.
*Sorry Em, I lost you there. What happened?*
*He just touched me without asking. I did not want him to fall, he's just blasted.*
Before Jeremiah got the chance to answer, she grabbed the drink and made her way to the sea trying to cool her head off.
With a can of soda Jeremiah followed.
*Do you want to talk about it?*
Em looked up at Jeremiah, this young man she had just met today, looking like he jumped out of a painting and her heart ached. Why does everything have to remind her of the past, she thought.
*Some other time maybe. Tonight I just want to have some fun.*
Jeremiah nodded and then he gave her an honest smile.
*I could help with that. MARCUS!*
Someone from somewhere replied.
Following his demand the music turned up and it seemed to swallow the whole party.
*I am going to dance, do you want to join me?*
Em was so in awe at his confidence that she just nodded. Together they made their way into the crowd that had formed. In front of Jeremiah, Em neither felt selfconscience nor stupid. While she danced her heart out, Jeremiah did no less and whenever his eyes found Em again, his heart raced just a tad bit faster. Her dancing was wild, but she looked so blissfull, that it made her the most beautiful person at this place to him.
Later that night the music returned to its usual volume and Jeremiah and Em, both out of breath decided to spent more time together watching the ocean. On their way Jeremiah had politely rejected the advances of some girl, that had invited him to drink with her. Although she did not want to think of anything bad, she was tempted to compare how him and her had handled the attempted flirting. While she felt conflicted about shoving someone, or touching them at all, she was touched without consent. Just thinking about it she walked a bit faster to get rid of her anger flaring up again. Sitting down in the cool sand helped and the stars and Jeremiahs presence coaxed her out of her thoughts and into the presence.
*It was nice to see you dance.*
His voice was soft and he had leaned his shoulder into her, but not close enough to touch her.
*I enjoyed dancing with you.*
Em shrugged and met him half way touching their shoulders in a playful manner.
*We should definitly do that again.*
Smiling down at her, he searched her face and looking up, she did the same. Both smiled softly as their lips met. Sparks lit up inside Em, that she hadn't felt for some time and was relieved to know they had not been gone for good. She deepend their kiss and Jeremiah laid his hand at the nape of her neck, caressing her encouragingly.
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r34ding · 1 year
Don't look back
Warning: Potential spoiler for The Summer I Turned Pretty.
~Jeremiah and Belly rekindle their relationship after...
her break up with Conrad~
After Bellys hands left his and they exited the tower of death, Jeremiah felt the absence of her warmth so clearly and it almost didn't suprise him. But it was Belly, he thought, of course she took her place in his heart back in no time.
He disliked how much power she held over him, how he minded so much where her eyes would wander and if they landed on his brother.
*Let's keep going!*, urged Steven as something along the peer had caught his interest. Taylor shot him a pointed look, her arm resting protectively on Bellys shoulder.
*Can you relax for a second? Jesus...*, Taylor was being mindful of her oldest friend, Belly thanked her but seemed to be fine. Her cheeks were bright pink not as pale as before the fall.
The group of teens was moving along and Jeremiah kept noticing the little details about Belly, he so desperatly wished to ban from his mind only a week ago. The scar on her left knee for example, she got it running after the boys, tripping and scraping it- hard- on the pavement. Conrad was the furthest away then, his trained legs giving him an advantage. But Jeremiah had heard Belly call out. He had turned around for her. Helping her up and even walking her back inside the house, Steven and Conrad long gone, he made sure her injury got treated.
The night they searched for a place to sleep. After the house was emptied out, all of them settled down on the perfectly groomed grass.
He laid on his back, next to Belly and involuntarily found his eyes wandering, disregarding the stars, just to study her face.
Calm and contempt by his side, he memorized her high cheekbones and slanted eyes, the curve of her nose. His gaze rested on her lips.
Some of the kisses he had shared he remembered, more so for the situation itself or how exciting it was in that moment,
her kisses he still felt.
He must have drifted off to sleep, his head fallen to one side, because he jolted at Belly getting up next to him. Their eyes met and she furrowed her brows, seemingly as an apology for waking him up. Jeremiah smiled in response.
*I want to go for a walk... Do you want to come too?*, she whispered sounding hopeful.
Despite the welcome offer he fought with himself- the resentful part in him, that still needed time to heal after their fall out, wanted to ignore her. But his heart seemed to pull him after her, careful not to wake up any of the others.
They wandered around for a bit, exploring the grounds and enjoying the peace their closeness brought them. But there was only so much time before the sun would come up and Belly began to steer them back to their sleeping place.
Seeing her walking, turned away from him, in front of the stars he had to call out to her.
*Bells-*, she turned around for him and he caught the melancholy look she had before it left her eyes, making his heart sink.
The closeness he felt always seemed to be cut by memories of his brother. But now he was the one she had turned to. He took one stride and was in front of her, feeling her taking in his presence.
Warmth radiated off of him like the sun. He was beautiful, basked in the moonlight, his pale blue eyes brushing over her face. She felt a familiar heat rise to her cheeks, feeling as if he was scrutinizing her.
Realizing how deeply her behavior last summer had hurt him, although they had made up, she was left with shame. Shame about how blindsided she had acted, for drowning in sorrow and love and forgetting him and now, deep down, for wanting him again.
The want left her feeling prickly, on edge and exposed.
Her eyes didn't dare to meet his and he felt her pulling back, instead of leaning in to him. Slowly he knew, she would turn back to Conrad, and the others. Forget that this moment existed... How could he let her?
Belly turned, not wanting to face the guilt that looking at him like that brought up. He was so precious to her, but she feared hurting him again, she did not deserve his eyes adoring her. So she tried to step back, his hand on her forarm stopped her.
*Belly wait.*, he begged and she flinched at how vulnerable he sounded. Resisting the urge to look at him immediatly she wanted to pull her arm free to calm down before facing him. Except he did not let go. This time he held on to her and suprised them both with his determimation.
It made her look back at him, suprised, confused. The Jeremiah she knew was not afraid to touch her but always knew if she did not want to be touched. Him pulling her into his chest made her heart skip a beat.
*Jeremiah?*, looking up at him she took note of the creases in his forehead. He seemed to be as suprised as she was. His arm had moved iinstictually. That was no excuse for not letting go, he knew, but he felt defiant now. This time he wanted her to stay.
*Bells I don't think I can deal with it again.*, the words bubbled up before he could overthink them.
*With us to-*, her voice stopped. She could deal with it, he had dealt with her putting up boundaries. She would deal with it, if he did not want her the same way as before.
*With you going back to him.*
*Conrad.*, she concluded looking at anything but Jeremiahs eyes again.
*Please- Bells, look at me.*, even though his voice was hushed she felt the urgency in it and met his piercing gaze just to ease the ever rising tension between them.
*I still remember every moment we spent together.*, his hand left her arm and softly caressed her cheek.
His touch lifted her worries off her and she felt like she had found a fresh spring, in a terrible drought.
As endearing as her head nuzzling his hand was to him, he wanted her even closer. So he slowly moved their faces, his hand guiding her, at the back of her head. Eyes doubling in size, she leaned back before their lips could connect. His brows narrowed and he stilled.
*I don't deserve you. I can't- I was...* at his attempt at physical intimacy all her shame and guilt spilled out of her.
A short peck on her lips stopped her from rambling and she was left speechless.
*I want you Belly, now and forever. No turning away again. Please.*, his breath hitched and he had to look at the ground just to organize his next words.
*I know Conrad will always have a part in your life and own a piece of your heart. But... the rest of it belongs to me.*
She shivered in his hold. It was the first time she really understood how urgently and feverishly he loved her.
It burned the doubts left in her and ignited her need for him.
Before another word could be exchanged her lips found his.
By the time they went back to the others their lips were prickling and their hands securely intertwined.
This time they laid down facing each other and he did not turn on his back.
He did not even try to look away from her before falling back to sleep.
He had made up his mind, she just had to look forward, he was determined to help her remember that.
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