#tsitp s 1
r34ding · 1 year
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Knock em dead
Jeremiah x Belly Fanfiction
~Jeremiah decides to be a bit (too) direct.~
TW: This is just consensual because both partys are okay with what happens in the end. But if one party would have decided they did not like what happend (in this fanfic Belly), it would not have been okay.
Camerons lips left Bellys and everyone at the table was speechless for a second. Laurel was kind enough to make a joke, but Jeremiah's joy from teasing Belly's date had vanished in an instant. He had felt a pull in his chest as he heard that she was dating someone, but seeing them like this- although he caused the situation, made him feel infinetly worse.
At Nicoles party he drunkenly went after Cam and Belly.
*Do you have something for Jeremiah?*
*You mean Conrad?*
She didn't even consider him an option, not even a close second. Even if she wasn't dating Cam, it would be Conrad.
He asked her on a muffin run the next morning, since he coincidentally was up early, despite a slight headach from the party.
*Why do you seem so energetic?*
*Couldn't sleep.*
His shrug made her smile. Whenever she was going through something, be it Taylor hooking up with her brother, or Conrad... his carefree demeanor was contagious.
Driving with him, of course he let her practice, he would still help her shift gears if needed. His hand lingering on hers was warm, and she felt so comfortable around him, she didn't mind.
*Park over there, I wanne show you my favorite spot!*
He pointed to a spot at the side of the road, on their way back. The excitement in his voice made her giggle.
*Come on, be honest it's your secret make out spot right?*
His smirk was telling and the view breathtaking. While Belly was looking at the scenery he was stealing glaces at her.
*You know Conrad has been sleeping over at Nicoles for quite some time now.*
He watched her smile fade.
*Why ar-*
*He forgot your birthday.*
He didn't plan this, but he couldn't hold back anymore. She was facing him now, hurt clouding her eyes.
*Why are you saying that?*
Why now? She thought, because to her it felt like he was needlessly rubbing it in.
*Do you even like Cam Cameron?*
She knew why he asked, but acting oblivious was easier.
*Why are you being like this?*
Agitated, she stepped back as he approached her.
*Belly, you are my best friend. I can see how you look at Conrad, not at Cam. Don't you think it would be-*
*What's wrong with you today?*
After her initial shock at his bluntness her anger settled in.
He furrowed his brows, he understood why she got devensive. However her moving away from him made him think she was planning on just avoiding the truth.
*Come on Belly, you know why I am saying this!*
Not because of his unexpected outburst, but because of his unfamiliar, earnest gaze she decided turn, return to the car and cool down.
Before she could, he had pulled her back and she stumbled against his chest.
His hand was resting on her wrist. She was stunned, too stunned to ask what the fuck he was doing.
His lips sealed hers, with a frevor that pushed her head backwards. It took her a moment to collect herself.
Angry at his assault she pressed her lips harder against his. Balancing the intensity of their kiss, but effectively pressing herself against him. His hand had dropped from her wrist, now guiding her head, not wanting to part from her. The other hand was holding her securely around the waist. Belly was torn between pushing him away or pulling him closer, her hands seemed to move on their own exploring his chest and shoulders.
A shudder ran through Jeremiah.
Now it was his turn to be suprised and he pulled away a bit to search her face. His hand had found a place around her neck just under he jaw.
Belly seemed to have acted on impulse. He could not tell if she was angry at him, but the red hue on her cheeks was lovely, nonetheless.
He gave her a peck on the side of her mouth and as if the spell was broken, she finally gave him a firm push, which made him stumble backwards.
*Belly I-*
*Wha- Why, what the hell Jeremiah?*
The boy she had known her whole live, who she had grown up with standing there as beautiful as ever, seemed so foreign to her. The look he gave her was pircing, making an electric charge run through her.
To her Jeremiah was the boy she laid on her back with, playfully holding hands with, while watching the clouds.
He was rubbing the back of his neck, calming his beating heart and his to desire to kiss Belly again.
*I wanted to do that for a long time.*
His admission startled Belly, had she thought about doing it herself from time to time. But it was a territory of emotions that felt too threatening to their friendship.
He approached her again, she faced him head on this time and watched sceptically as he took on of her hands in his.
*Listen, I know you are still with Cam...*
His thumb rubbed circles on the back of her hand.
*... and, despite what I just did, I know it was shitty of me to just spring my feelings on you like that.*
Belly still fought with herself and ripped her arm back.
*Then you shouldn't have!*
This time he couldn't catch her in time and she stormed back to the car at a pace he had to jog to keep up.
*Bells lis-*
*No you listen!*
She stopped him in his track.
*You not only spring this on me, as you said, but you have to bring my feelings for Conrad into it?*
So that was what bothered her the most, he realized bitterly.
She was standing in front of the hood of his truck and it felt like he was forbidden from moving until she was done chewing him out.
*I know Belly, I was...*
He didn't want to say it aloud, but Belly was having none of it.
*Spit it out Jer!*
*I was fucking jealous okay?*
Despite the way he let the words out, like they would burn his tongue, he carefully closed in on her, again.
*Don't Jer, I'm still-*
Seeing him up close, the embarresment written on his face, she couldn't help herself but calm down. Jeremiah was never one to be emberassed and seeing this vulnerable side of him made her realize what she had overlooked the whole time.
Suddenly he hugged her, holding her in his arms, trying to convey how precious she was to him.
*Jer I...*
*I know, I'm sorry.*
He looked down at her then and while looking into the eyes of his best friend, he had known his whole live, he confessed.
*I just can't help but love you.*
It was done, she knew it the moment he really opened up to her. She fell, hard. Or maybe he had her at his feet all along. She took her time taking in his familiar features and then, after he had closed his eyes, still embracing her but waiting patiently for her next move, she kissed him.
Wanting to convey what she felt for him fueled her. As if she had brought him back to live he pressed her back against the car. Now with much more assurance, he even enjoyed biting her lip. While she laughed, she also knew the shudder that ran down her spine, betrayed the playfulness she tried to convey. This honest, straightforward version of her best friend was going to be the end of her.
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~The end.~
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marilynslove · 2 months
summer days - TSITP characters
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・˚ · . what your insta feed would look like during summer !!
౨ৎ pairings : cam cameron x reader, conrad fisher x belly conklin, steven conkiln x taylor jewel
౨ৎ warnings : none
- p.s madison beer as yn insert :')
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with my girlfriend @tay-jewell june 18th, 2024 -> liked by cameronse and 113 others
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tay-jewell had funnnnn,, love ya reply see translation
bellyconklinnn wth guyss where was my invite ?? ------ view replies (2)
| ynlnn @bellyconklinnn u were with conradd,, nxt timeee i promise
conradfisher2401 @ynlnn . leave me out of this fr
susannah-fisher gorgeous girls❤️❤️ ------ view replies (1)
| ynlnn @susannahfisherr awh thank you susannah :'))
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summer family !! (yn was behind cam) june 20th, 2024 -> liked by ynlnn and 108 others
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conradfisher2401 pretty girl ------ view replies (4) | bellyconklinnn @conradfisher2401 :)) <33
ynlnn @bellyconklinnn yall make me sick . u guys are so cute
stevencocklin @bellyconklinnn hell nah pack it up
ynlnn @stevencocklin LMFAOO
tay_jewell cuteeee ------ view replies (2)
| bellyconklinnn @tay-jewell ur cuter
tay-jewell @bellyconklinnn ur cutest
ynlnn best cam girl aroundd ------ view replies (4) |
cameronse @ynlnn whqt !
bellyconklinnn @ynlnn WHHAAATT
jeree-fisherrr @ynlnn PAUSE ?
ynlnn @cameronse u guys play too muchh smhh
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couldn't hear u over the sound of the waves june 22nd, 2024 -> liked by cameronse and 213 others
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ynlnn don't let him fool yall,, he is 100% passenger princess ------ view replies (4)
| jeree-fisherr @ynlnn n what about it
tay-jewell @ynlnn gagged
ynlnn @tay-jewell i'll gag you
ynlnn @tay-jewell no homo
laciebarone13 pretty eyess reply see translation
cameronse still going to the pier later ?? ------ view replies (1)
| jeree-fisherr @cameronse yuppersss
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matching tats with my girls june 30th, 2024 -> liked by tay-jewell and 193 others
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tay-jewell WE ATE SO HARD ------ view replies (2)
| ynlnn @tay-jewell NO REGRETSS
bellyconklinnn @ynlnn YESSS
stevencocklin ?? @bellyconklinnn ------ view replies (4)
| bellyconklinnn @stevencocklin don't tell mom plzz
stevencocklin @bellyconklinnn i'll try . 's bad enough punishment that it's wack ash lmfaooo
bellyconklinnn @stevencocklin bro your girl has the same exact thing on her hand
stevencocklin @bellyconklinnn yeah but it actually looks good on her
stevencocklin is that even legal ------ view replies (1)
| tay-jewell @stevencocklin dw about itt
conradfisher2401 nice reply see translation
jeree-fisherrr dude we have to get matching ones next ------ view replies (1)
| ynlnn @jeree-fisherrr hell yeah mann
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caption july 1st, 2024 -> liked by ynlnn and 98 others
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ynlnn the curls oml ------ view replies (4)
| stevencocklin @ynlnn the glaze is craazyy
jeree-fisherrr @stevencocklin not glaze if it's true
ynlnn @jeree-fisherrr THANK YOU .
stevencocklin @jeree-fisherrr who's side r u on bro
ynlnn GIVE ME ONE CHANCE ------ view replies (1)
| cameronse @ynlnn :) love u
ynlnn @cameronse love u tooo
ynlnn jeremiah serving redneck three days early ------ view replies (2)
| bellyconklinnn @ynlnn LOLLL RIGHT
jeree-fisherrr @ynlnn the last time i defend u
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lets go to the beach, beachh july 3rd, 2024 -> liked by stevencocklin and 158 others
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stevencocklin LET'S GET AWAYY ------ view replies (3)
| tay-jewell @stevencocklin THEY SAY WHAT THEY GONNA SAY
stevencocklin @tay-jewell idk the rest of the words
tay-jewell @stevencocklin me neither
ynlnn HYPPEDDDD ------ view replies (1)
jeree-fisherrr so yall not gonna invite the whole gang or ------ view replies (5)
| conradfisher2401 @jeree-fisherrr type shit
cameronse @jeree-fisherrr right
bellyconklinnn @jeree-fisherrr @conradfisher2401 @cameronse girls only !!
conradfisher2401 @bellyconklinnn sooo faaakeeee
bellyconklinnn @conradfisher2401 next time i promisee
bellyconklinnn @tay-jewell @ynlnn sea shell collecting ?? ------ view replies (2)
| ynlnn @bellyconklinnn u know me so welll,, mwahh
tay-jewell @bellyconklinnn YES .
.. part two? maybee?
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blues-valentine · 3 months
Now here’s my TSITP take that no one asked for but I finally caught up to it out of boredom and while I am not invested in any pairing and couldn’t care less about the endgame, there’s some things I’ve seen (particularly in this site) and surely I’m not the only one with this opinion because Jeremiah being considered a healthier or better alternative for Belly is legit so wrong.
I can understand why some people would prefer Jeremiah because on the outside he looks like someone that could make Belly happier since he isn’t “complicated” but him being painted as the healthier alternative to Conrad is like, wrong, Jeremiah has alarming red flags that are often ignored by his supposedly “golden retriever” persona and that’s often way more damaging long term.
The constant anger and resentment issues that results of him feeling inferior to Conrad, often seeing their entire dynamic like a competition that extends to Belly, that has been clear by his actions and narrative. I’m shocked people on this fandom pretend this isn’t a clear narrative choice. He often speaks about how Conrad is perceived as the smart one, the athletic one, the responsable one, and in general the favorite child. Of course, he gets annoyed that Belly might be into him too. It’s always been more about Conrad than it is about Belly. He projects a lot of the insecurities he feels towards Conrad on Belly. He constantly feels the need to remind her “he is the better option” out of not reason and it feels like he is looking for the moment Conrad fails or mess up as if he is counting the scores. Him only making a definitive move on Belly after he sees Belly and Conrad almost kissing — and then he fires a rocket to stop them. I see this being a whole comedic discourse but that’s a major red flag. He cannot possibly have a healthy relationship with her if he feels like he constantly needs to measure up to Conrad. After that 4th of July episode, it’s very easy to see him trying to manipulate and sabotage Conrad with Belly and purposefully make him run late. And he does so intentionally. He knows he is being sneaky. He knows he is inserting himself in there. And I’m not saying he doesn’t like Belly, he does, but why denying that his main motivator isn’t his own bother.
Now, I’m not saying Conrad isn’t also annoying. He was written as the early 00’s broody type of bad boy and I feel the series it’s trying to fix it by showing more of him but it lacks in writing. I feel he needed more polishing to take him out of the archetype. However, Conrad’s approach narratively makes sense. It’s not like he’s being that just by pure aesthetic. Jeremiah thought out Season 1 is living a complete different reality as Conrad. So, of course he feels more laidback and funny. He doesn’t know his mom is dying. He doesn’t know his dad cheated on his mother. Only Conrad knows that. Of course, it would affect his behavior to the point he is emotionally detached. Even the narrative itself tells you Conrad usually isn’t this emotionally constipated or disengaging, and that smoking is also a new behavior. The constant need to make him feel like a villain is so weird because he is clearly depressed and self isolating. Both in Season 1 and throughout Season 2. It’s called grieving the death of your mother. All of them have their own ways of dealing with their grief.
And the funny this is — Conrad knows he isn’t in the right mental state to be with Belly right now. He tries, cause you’re allowed to be happy while depressed but he clearly wasn’t able to handle the grieving process, so he puts Belly’s happiness (or what he thinks she needs) over his own cause he doesn’t think he can provide her with what she needs at the moment (and he is right about that!). He isn’t problematic. I am confused about this. Particularly because while I think he could be clearer with Belly, most of it it’s not his fault entirely. And I’ve been told that by the end of the series, Conrad isn’t the same person he was at the start. He is a mature and emotionally open young man with a medical career that he loves that has learned to deal with grief. And those are very qualities you already see on the show.
Mind you, Jeremiah’s anger and resentment towards Conrad is totally valid and I feel is more on Susannah’s and his dad upbringing that just created that animosity but isn’t it the reason why people perceive Jeremiah as a ”healthier” alternative more to do with the fact his “red flags” aren’t as visible and Conrad’s grieving process is not that “palatable” to audiences?
And the love triangle isn’t even about who is better for Belly — this is a journey about grief that frankly should’ve been the core of the story. The way I see it, Conrad’s grieving process is self isolation. Jeremiah’s grieving process is anger. And Belly’s grieving process is denial. And the majority of the time Belly is reading Conrad’s feelings as him not being as into her as she is — which is untrue. Conrad’s problem is not knowing how to communicate those emotions to her. And Belly’s swimming in insecurities that she projects on Conrad. And she’s also a people pleaser and that has been very obvious on her coddling of Jeremiah. At the end of the day, I will always root for the female character getting the one she truly loves and that clearly isn’t Jeremiah. He isn’t the love of her life and this isn’t some story about second love. It’s about two people not being ready to be together for specific circumstances. Jeremiah is the one that was going to lose here. He inserted himself into this mess. He knows Belly and Conrad will always exist in some capacity that he’ll never be able to measure. He knows his brother loves her. And he knows Belly’s lying to herself about Conrad. So, why is he continuing a game that he knows he’s bound to lose? I genuinely believe that he knows how it will end so it’s going to be hard for me to feel bad for him when the inevitable thing happens.
And I’m also over the whole “Conrad was away while Jeremiah took care of their dying mother!” because that’s not an objective take. Conrad was at university studying to become a doctor. He should not be fault for trying to seek some normalcy after keeping most of the secret himself for months. Jeremiah wasn’t handling those bills himself. Laurel was also legit there the entire time. And I’m sure they also hired a caregiver. Instead of putting the blame and responsibility on teenagers — you should be wondering where was their own father, because divorce isn’t an excuse to not take care of your kids. And the show would benefit from making them build a better relationship as brothers than focusing on a “love triangle” that has a very definitive endgame, hence isn’t surprising.
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sarah-cam · 10 months
How do you think new characters like Skye, Aunt Julia, and Cleveland would be integrated into s3 of tsitp? How do you think Steven, Taylor, and Cam Cameron would fit into s3’s storyline, since they’re given more prominence in the show?
i loved cleveland in season 1 (and his brief appearance in season 2) and i would love to see him in season 3. i think that laurel deserves to be happy with him but more importantly i want to see his relationship with conrad. it's mentioned in passing that cleveland has called conrad but like i need more than that, conrad really needs that support and deserves it since the people he loves most treat him like trash. i know conrad has a lot of deep bonding moments with laurel in book 3 but he deserves that father figure
i think aunt julia was brought into the storyline truly to mirror the relationship between conrad and jeremiah, so i could see them utilizing her to help conrad and jeremiah make up. aside form the fact that i just don't think jeremiah deserves to have conrad in his life, i honestly don't know how they'll fit everything into one season so i am once again in my prayer circle for book 3 to be split into two seasons
i'm going to be so real with you i have no idea what the purpose of skye was. they added nothing to the story so the only way i'd see them being in season 3 is in relation to the wedding/aunt julia (though i didn't read the books so idk how close they actually get to the wedding.. like are guests in town already??)
same with cam cameron. he's a fun addition to the group but there's not much to him outside of that, i think he should be brought back maybe with some of the deb girls just for the fact that they're all in cousins during the summer and he's a cutie that we all love. if the writers weren't such cowards then he could've dated jeremiah but now i don't wish that cruel fate on anyone 🫠
steven and taylor are mains so i could see them having their own storyline with their relationship away from the others. i don't know what they're doing while everything is going on with belly and conrad at the summer house but they'll definitely have their own plot in addition to being with the group closer to the wedding. i think a big role for them will be sort of the outside pov of the triangle (with king steven being team conrad vs taylor slumming it on team jeremiah 😂) i am going to need steven to be a good brother and tell belly what's up because not only does he know and love belly as his sister, he knows and loves conrad as his best friend/brother. i would absolutely love it if steven gave conrad some sort of push to tell belly the truth before its too late or likewise gave belly some sort of push towards accepting she'll never love jeremiah the way she loves conrad
i would also pay real american dollars to see steven and taylor beat up jeremiah when they find out he's a cheater 🙊
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#to wong foo thanks for everything! julie newmar
My Top Posts in 2022:
Battle for Royalty
Caroline Salvatore has come back to New York City to run her company full time but her father had other ideas and tries to overthrow his daughter. Meanwhile she was not looking for love but that's when she meets Conrad Fisher who gives her a piece of herself she had long buried. A relationship that heals both of them and gives the other what they truly want.
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Caroline Salvatore: she is the youngest of a set of triplets, she has two older by minutes brothers Damon and Stefan. Caroline has been in California for the past four years attending Stanford. She started Royalty at 17 she loves and is proud of the company. Something happened to her before she went to Stanford that she tried to repress but is giving her panic attacks. She also has pushed down feelings and it’s only until she meets Conrad do those feelings surface.
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7 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
Elite is so bingable it’s kinda gossip girl but with murder. It’s a Spanish Netflix show that I’m watching dubbed in English and it’s awesome I can’t put it down. Every season there is a crime that starts the season and then from there you get flashes of what took place that night throughout the 8 episode season. I wish there was more episodes per season. This season is the mystery of what happened to Ari to put her in a coma and to have lost some of her memory when she wakes to couple drama. This one guy named Anders had cancer and his boyfriend Omar took care of him everyday they love each other, they live together, and Anders just broke up with Omar and maybe at most a day and a half later he’s having sex with my favorite character Patrick. These two other guys are have a dick measuring contest to see which one is more deserving of Ari.
Patrick is my favorite character, he is mischievous and knows what he wants and doesn’t stop until he gets it. He is very sexual and hot. He’s had a threesome, broke up a relationship, slept with both people in that relationship while they were still in that relationship and now slept with the person in that relationship right after they called it quits. Patrick has two sisters a twin named Ari and a younger sister named Mencia. There was an car accident when he was younger that killed his mom instantly and he was bedridden for two years. They’ve only mentioned what happen but I hope they show us a flashback and I think in the Patrick special they do show us what happened. Their father Benjamin is a douche I understand his wife died leaving him with three children but he doesn’t even seem to love his children. Mencia turns to prostitution to raise enough money to move out. From what they’ve shown it doesn’t look like he and Patrick have a relationship, the only one he depends on and asks to do stuff is Ari. The one fatherly moment I saw between Benjamin and Patrick was when they were at the hospital and Ari was in the coma. Patrick put his head against the glass and Benjamin asked him if he was ok. Next season Patrick finds love but it’s complicated excited for that.
Prince Phillip I don’t know how I feel about him. He likes a girl the girl likes him they flirt they have fun together and when they have sex he records it without her knowledge and when she finds out he tells it security reasons I was once accused of something now I record all my interactions. He tries to make it up to her by buying out a restaurant and being her server instead of her cleaning up after people as a janitor she is being waited on by him. They were gaining their trust of each other back and she googled what he was accused of and there were zero articles about it. She got caught on his laptop and the trust is now broken again. Their problems aside they are a cute couple they love fashion and he doesn’t care that she is janitor when she found out that he was coming to the school she was thrilled and excited to meet him. I know this sounds like a older younger woman young man but they are close in age.
I didn’t talk about everyone in the show but these are ones I’m watching it for. I love this show.
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7 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Patrick and Ivan from elite are cute together. Ivan annoys me sometimes but other then that they are cute together. Every scene they are in you can see Patrick is head over heels in love with Ivan and it’s adorable.
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The other part of me the shipper in me and maybe because Ivan does annoy me sometimes. I wish and love Patrick and Phillipe I wish they were a couple or had more scenes together.
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8 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
After seeing @that-bi-multifandom-mess posts of magneto family that are awesome I love them. I was inspired and came up with a magneto family idea:
Wanda is looking for Billy and Tommy and stumbles into the x men universe. Magneto finds her and brings her to his mutant refugee home. Wanda let’s it slip that her last name is maximoff and Erik already knows Peter maximoff is his son. So another maximoff would be his daughter and her children would be his grandchildren. When they go to Charles to use cerebro to find Billy and Tommy they also find Lorna who is currently imprisoned in a glass cell. Wanda goes to get Lorna, Erik goes to get Peter and then the family reunited go to get Billy and Tommy.
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46 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
After watching fate season 2 and loving riven and Musa. Plus last night I watched overdrive which has the actor who plays Riven in it. He was my favorite part of the movie. I came up with this one shot. For my rivusa sister @misssophiachase
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Riven ducks as Musa’ Bo staff tries to hit him. They are sparring with each other and have been for the past nine months. As she spins the staff around her he grabs it and holds it behind his back. Riven jumps and spins as she tries to lunge at him. He tries to kick her and she jumps back unfortunately she didn’t realize how close she was to the edge and almost falls into the water. Riven catches her their hands holding on each other’s wrists. As he pulls her back onto the mat they stay connected their eyes never leaving each other’s. His thumb starts to brush over her wrist. She smiles up at him. His eyes go to her lips. “The suite is empty.”
The suite doors open and they stumble inside. Their lips connects hands frantically removing pieces of their training gear. His vest falls to the ground along with her puffer cropped vest.
Riven is walking backwards as they continue to kiss to her bedroom. He does fall into a chair bringing her down with him. “The great specialist can’t avoid a chair?”
“Shut up pixie.” He reaches up to continue kissing her but she leans back. “We don’t know when they will be back, do you really want to add fuel to Terra’s hatred of you finding us in the living room.”
Musa gets up and starts walking to her bedroom but Riven picks her up from behind she can’t help it and lets out a squeal. When she is with Riven she is not overwhelmed with emotions or feelings. He quiets them and brings her out of her head. He is the only one at this school who really sees her and was really there when she lost her magic. Everyone else tried to immediately get her powers back. He listened to her.
As soon as he puts her down in the middle of the room, it’s a race to get their clothes off. They don’t know how much time they have so they will use every moment of it. It’s only after their clothes are off do either of them remember that she still has the power dampening bracelets on. He looks down at them then up at her and she nods. He picks her up by the thighs and she wraps her legs around his waist her arms going around his neck, she leans down and kisses him. For other fairies these bracelets are painful and humiliating but for Musa they are a gift. She doesn’t have to feel everything she can be in the moment. Riven knows how much she struggled with her powers and even after they came back he noticed she was not happy they were back and was having a hard time. So when he gave her the bracelets so she could focus on the fighting part then on the fairy part. She is so much more then just a fairy is also a specialist in training.
Since they starting sneaking around sparring has become their foreplay so any touch on the field is just hyping them up even more. Finding an area is not easy the suite is usually filled, and the few times it wasn’t Terra almost caught them luckily they heard the door and Musa could feel her emotions and Riven was shoved in the closet just as Terra came in unfortunately she complained about Riven and how he is a terrible person and she does not get how someone like Flora could be friends with him. Or why she has found Musa sparring with him. Musa didn’t need to be an empath to feel the annoyance vibes in that room she put a hand on the closet door keeping it closed. She defended him telling Terra that he is not a terrible person and that she knows he is capable of a lot she can feel it. Sky walked in on them a couple times when they were in his and Riven’s room. Sky didn’t pay them any attention and just came into grab something. They tried different places in the school but Musa could still feel people plus it was very dirty and damp.
Musa moans as she can feel Riven inside she doesn’t need the bracelets to know he feels calm and happy. The smile on his face and the glint in his eye says it all as he slides his fingers through her hair as he thrusts into his little fairy specialist.
Musa is different, Riven has always been this cocky dick but around Musa he finds himself smiling and being more open. That day Musa got stuck in the track thanks to Terra. He could of and was supposed to run with the rest of the specialists. Instead he sat down next to her and made sure their bags were in front of Musa’s legs so nobody saw anything. He choose to sit with her instead of training. The night they went to rescue Beatrix his only concern was Musa. He didn’t want her to get hurt, when he realized that she was still inside he was worried she put her trust in him coming with them and he wasn’t going to let her down by not making sure she got out too. By the time he got outside with Musa everyone had already left. He walked her blooded weak body back during the whole walk back he kept making sure she was breathing and had a pulse it weak from the blood loss. By the time he got back to the school his legs were shaking he was so worried about her.
Riven grunts when he feels her lips on his neck and and the little nibble on his ear. His fingers grip her hair gently but still a little rough and he feels her body mold to his as her nails scrap down his back resulting in him arching his back. He leans down and kisses her. Her lips part and their tongues start to battle. Musa puts a hand on his chest and looks towards the door she thought she heard something. It was nothing. Her fingers wrap around his neck bringing his head down to kiss him. She bites his lower lip and swallows the groan he makes.
They were pent up from training but also it’s tough for them to find time alone. They found a release quickly he leaves a kiss on her neck right below her ear. Riven flips them and wraps his arms around Musa laying on his smooth chest. Musa leaves a kiss on his neck.
The secret they share of how Musa gave her powers up that night created this intimate bond with them. That developed into a friendship. Even after she got her powers back they were friends and continued to hang out. They took it further becoming a couple they get each other on a different level. Not only do they train together but he does try to help her with her powers. A couple weeks after she got them back she tried to block everyone out and focus on him it wasn’t a success. She helps him too with her he feels less alone. Besides Sky he can only rely on Musa she hasn’t betrayed him like everyone else has.
Musa gets off him and grabs his long sleeve hooded shirt he wears to train. He watches as she puts it on. “I’m going to need that back. Silva is picky about the specialist dress code.”
She chuckles as she bends down and pecks him on the lips,”Then I should go grab your vest in the main room.” He chuckles as he stretches and rolls onto his back looking up at the ceiling.
Musa picks up both vests and as she is going back to her room Terra and Stella come through the door. They both look the mind fairy up and down Stella raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything just goes to her room. Terra on the other hand questions it. “What are you wearing?”
She looks down at Riven’s shirt on her she doesn’t have pants on either she did put a black bra and panties on. “Silva finally gave me a specialist uniform it’s a little big I’ll have to ask him for a new one.”
Terra starts heading to her and Musa’s room but Musa says loudly. “Terra! Flora wanted to show you something I think she’s in her room.”
One last glance at her roommate Terra heads to Flora and Stellas’s room. Musa rushes to her room and finds Riven standing near the closet with only his pants and shoes on. Musa taking his shirt off throwing it at him as she goes over to the window and opens it. “You have got to be kidding me.”
As she pulls on a pair of leggings she tells him. “Do you want to explain this to Terra when she sees you leaving. I know I don’t want to hear or feel the disgust that you have been in her room she doesn’t even like you in the greenhouse or talking to her friends let alone dating one.”
Riven rolls his eyes and shakes his head this is ridiculous Terra’s hatred of him is interfering with his relationship. He doesn’t like her either but still he would rather walk out the front door instead of scaling the side of the building to get down. He gets half out of the window and looks back at Musa who is watching the door. “Come here.”
Musa goes over to him and he pulls her closer to him and cups her cheek as he leaves one last kiss on her lips she deepens the kiss putting her arms around his neck pulling him closer making him chuckle in the kiss.
The sound of the doorknob interrupts them and he quickly tells her. “My room next time.” Then he’s gone. Terra comes in and notices the window open, Musa smiling and touching her lips, but she also sees the bracelets on Musa’s arms.
“Oh my god Musa Riven is making you wear those bracelet, he is a terrible person why do you even train with him?”
Musa grabs a sweatshirt putting it on. “Riven is not making me do anything, he’s not as terrible as you make him out to be. Silva wants me to wear these during training so I don’t have an unfair advantage against my partner.” Which is a lie Musa wanted to wear them Riven got them for her but it was her idea.
Before Terra can voice another option Musa says. “I’m going to go train.”
When she left the suite she was going to walk around but she found herself at the wall outside her room. “Wow your slow should you really be teaching me to be a specialist. No offense.”
He jumps down off the wall and towers over her. He leans down to tell her. “ I’m sure no other specialist will give you the same special treatment you require no offense.”
She laughs and pushes his shoulder. He adds. “Plus there was no urgency to climbing down that wall, now if I was climbing up the wall…”Riven raises his eyebrows teasingly she looks impressed and raises an eyebrow.
106 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
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mysterymirrors · 2 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Women's Red & White Striped Ruffle Puff Sleeve Crop Blouse - S.
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kiss-my-freckle · 9 months
Fun fact, one of the consulting producers/writers in season 1 of TVD produced/wrote TSITP. The TVD episodes she wrote were 1x05 and 1x08. Also the person who wrote the season 2 finale of TSITP said she's Team Pacey and that was a good episode for Bellyjere. Also I found these tweets interesting:
I was talking to someone on Twitter not long ago about Damon being cocky for someone who actually lacks self-worth. He views Stefan as the better brother and worthy of Elena's love, while he views himself as unworthy. Silas was the only character to call him out on it. Damon is a great liar, but he can't lie to someone who reads minds.
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cecilereads · 1 year
My TBR list
The Perks of Being a Wallflower -Stephen Chbosky
The Fault in our Stars -John Green
Turtles All the Way Down -John Green
Dead Poets Society -Nancy H Kleinbaum
Girl in Pieces -Kathleen Glasgow
Circe -Madeline Miller
The Picture of Dorian Gray -Oscar Wilde
The Sun and the Star -Rick Riordan
The Collector -John Fowles
Ugly Love -Colleen Hoover
Reminders of Him -Colleen Hoover
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo -Taylor Jenkins
The Outsiders - S. E. Hinton
A Single man -Christopher Isherwood
Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score
Throttled (diai 1) - Lauren Asher
Collided (diai 2) - Lauren Asher
Wrecked (diai 3) - Lauren Asher
Redeemed (diai 4) - Lauren Asher
Seven Days in June - Tia Williams
Ex Talk - Rachel Lynn Solomon
Little Fires Everywhere - Celeste Ng
The Cruel Prince (tfota 1) - Holly Black
The Wicked King (tfota 2) - Holly Black
The Queen of Nothing (tfota 3) - Holly Black
The King of Elfhame (tfota 4) - Holly Black
The Lost Sisters (tfota 5) - Holly Black
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow - Gabrielle Zevin
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros
One of Us is Lying (oouil 1) - Karen M McManus
One of Us is Next (oouil 2) - Karen M McManus
One of Us is Back (oouil 3) - Karen M McManus
Two Can Keep a Secret - Karen M McManus
Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo
Six of Crows (soc 1) - Leigh Bardugo
Crooked Kingdom - (soc 2) - Leigh Bardugo
Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng
Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi
The Cousins - Karen M McManus
The Fine Print - Lauren Asher
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
She Gets the Girl - Rachael Lippincott
The Summer I Turned Pretty (tsitp 1) - Jenny Han
It’s Not Summer Without You (tsitp 2) - Jenny Han
We’ll Always Have Summer (tsitp 3) - Jenny Han
Something To Talk About - Meryl Wilsner
One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston
Mistakes Were Made - Meryl Wilsner
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Fandoms/Current Shows/Books/Music
Fandoms: Disney (since 1996), Harry Potter (since 2002), Broadway/Movie Musicals (since 2002), Taylor Swift (since 2008), Glee (since 2010), StarKid (since 2010), That 70s Show (since 2011), Newsies (since 2011), Doctor Who/Torchwood (since 2012), HIMYM (since 2013), Downton Abbey (since 2014), Supernatural (since 2014), SOTUS (since 2019), CBS Ghosts (since 2021), Roswell, New Mexico (since 2022), Star Trek (since 2022), M*A*S*H (since 2023), Red, White, and Royal Blue (since 2023), Dead Boy Detectives (since 2024), and Great British Baking Show (since 2024)
Re-watches: Glee (season 3)
I am watching: All in the Family (season 4), Agatha All Along (season 1 with my husband), Lone Star (season 5), and English Teacher (season 1 with my husband).
Currently reading: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
The last Broadway show I saw was: How to Dance in Ohio.
On Hiatus: Stranger Things, Heart Stopper, XO Kitty, TSITP, WWDITS, Lower Decks, Ghosts, Doctor Who, 911, GBBS, That 90s Show
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mysterymirrors · 15 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Women's Red & White Striped Ruffle Puff Sleeve Crop Blouse - S.
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mysterymirrors · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Women's Red & White Striped Ruffle Puff Sleeve Crop Blouse - S.
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mysterymirrors · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Women's Red & White Striped Ruffle Puff Sleeve Crop Blouse - S.
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mysterymirrors · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Women's Red & White Striped Ruffle Puff Sleeve Crop Blouse - S.
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mysterymirrors · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Women's Red & White Striped Ruffle Puff Sleeve Crop Blouse - S.
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mysterymirrors · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Women's Red & White Striped Ruffle Puff Sleeve Crop Blouse - S.
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mysterymirrors · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Women's Red & White Striped Ruffle Puff Sleeve Crop Blouse - S.
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