raccoonstudiez · 2 years
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Koisenu Futari
I heard about this show like a week ago through a random tumblr post. A gifset of Sakuko searching the internet for the term “AroAce”. I did a double take. Theres no way, I thought. An aroace character? The words aromantic and asexual being used on screen? So I did some quick research and discovered that this is from a Japanese drama show called Koisenu Futari.
Here’s a summary of the show:
About two people who are aromantic and asexual and begin living together. Sakuko finds it difficult to live in a society which operates under the assumption that people will fall in love with each other. She meets supermarket employee Takahashi when she goes to support a “fall-in-love” campaign by her junior at work. She is startled when she hears him say that there are people who don’t fall in love. As Sakuko’s mother keeps hurrying her to get married, she decides to move out and rent an apartment with her friend but her friend backs out at the last minute after reconciling with her ex-boyfriend. Just when Sakuko is about to give up, she ends up living with Takahashi under one roof because of their similar values towards romance.
So not only does this show have an AroAce character, it is CENTERED on not one but TWO Aroace characters and their experiences and feelings as AroAces.
Do you know how rare that is!?!??!
Last night I finally found a way to watch it with English subtitles and I blew through the two episodes available when I tell you I cried. Oof. I cried no less than 3 times during episode 1 alone.
I mean look at this. Talks of amatonormativity, Sakuko’s friendship being mistaken for romantic feelings, friends ditching her for romantic relationships, constantly being told she’ll find her “fated partner”, touch aversion, and so much more.
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Is this what real representation feels like? This is a little overwhelming to be honest. I’ve never experienced anything like this in my entire life. There has never been anything like this on tv ever. We as a community have gotten so many crumbs. A few canon ace characters. Even fewer aro characters. I can’t even name 1 aroace character. And even then their stories are side plots or they’re secondary characters or just a throwaway joke/plot device. I can count on hand the number of accurate decent representation for the aspec community on tv.
But this show. This is me. This is my experience, my feelings, my identity. Sakuko is my coming out story. Sakuko and Takahashi are living my life. I see myself on screen for the first time. I’m crying again because I’ve never know what this could feel like. I feel heard and seen. I feel accepted and normal.
A part of me still worries that the other shoe is going to drop and they’ll have Sakuko and Takahashi fall in love I’m the end and then they’ll be “normal” because that’s what always happen. Always always always. But I genuinely dont think that’s what’s going to happen and I’m ecstatic about that.
A whole show about two AroAces!!!! I’m over the moon right now. Lots of sobbing happening right now. Words dont convey the amount of happiness I feel about this.
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raccoonstudiez · 3 years
I have $24 to last me til Friday, what should I buy with it?
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raccoonstudiez · 4 years
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just a selection of printables i rlly like the look of; ofc not an exhaustive list ! 
+ these may be lacking in certain sections because i haven’t actively looked for / needed those things yet / i couldn’t choose between certain types eg. to do lists so they’re all here just in case i wanna find them later (*hides*) 
+ edit: tumblr likes to mess with me but if u open the links in a new tab it’s less glitchy 
01; paper / notetaking / just?!
cute lined paper ; @setldwn // to do list vibes? i just adore the style shh 
semi-cornell notes ; @studygene 
[chemistry vibes] organic chem rx notes  ; @colllegeruled
printing on post its template
brain dump with quadrants  
02; keeping track  
polygot starter kit ; @ennui-for-me // the 100 hrs: potential alternative for don’t break the chain? 
productivity tracker ; @hexaneandheels // *sweats* i’ll probably use this to see times when i’m being more productive so i can set them out for studying! 
adorbs pomodoro tracker ; @cmpsbls // the small versions are just ^0^
no spend challenge ; @burymewithmyplanner / for preparation for the future!
[also revision related] overcome the curve of forgetting ; @the-brightest-witch-studies
habit tracker ; @studyvet  
03; exam / revision related fun times 
the most glorious exam pack ; @ennui-for-me // this is everything okay a**
correction sheets ; @ennui-for-me // !!!!
04; planning stuff galore (all so beaut ahhh)
beautiful daily to do ; @arystudies
aesthetic as heck to do lists + colour alt. ; @studeying 
weekly to do lists ! ; @studeying
so neat : one step at a time / weekly  ; @vestiblr
printable library - majority free ; @daydesigner // you have to give ur email but for what you get ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
+ all my masterposts here 
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raccoonstudiez · 4 years
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To Do Lists
to do lists by @apricot-studies​ let’s do this! by @thearialligraphyproject​ assignment tracker by @thearialligraphyproject​ hand drawn to do list printable by @setldwn​ to do lists by @studeying​ unresolved matter by @boligraff​ brain dump by emily ley to do lists by me 
daily planner v2 by @boligraff​ daily planner by @arystudies​ daily planner + today’s meals by @studyvet​ the simplified planner by emily ley daily schedule by buttoned up daily planning page by day designer
weekly planner by @cofene​ one step at a time by @vestiblr​ weekly planner by @theorganisedstudent​ weekly planner by @arystudies
calendar series by @thearialligraphyproject 2016 calendars by @annistudio​
definitions of terms by @thearialligraphyproject​ exam study pack by @ennui-for-me​ formula sheet by @studyvet​ polyglot starter pack by @ennui-for-me​ overcoming the curve of forgetting by @studyingalpacas reading academic articles by @ennui-for-me
productivity tracker by @hexaneandheels habit tracker by @studyvet goal getter by @theorganisedstudent monthly spending by buttoned up
class information printable by me (shameless plug) 2016 calendar by emily ley meal planner by elegance and enchantment chore schedule by me (another plug)
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raccoonstudiez · 4 years
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I started a new vocab book! Finally! I am so excited because I’ve been stuck on that 쏙쏙 TOPIK book for so long, but finally pushed through and memorized all the words that were left. I really like this new book pictured on the left (토픽 어휘 2300) because they organize it by themes rather than going alphabetically. It’s also bigger and feels much more like a textbook, which I love. Going to try to finish this book in two months!
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raccoonstudiez · 4 years
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16.09.19 // what’s in my bag? 
I’ve never done one of these before and I was heading out to do some studying in town and I thought it’d be fun? Maybe I’ll do another one sometime, because there wasn’t much in there tbh! Anyway, productive day - I am so glad to be back at uni, even if I can already tell how busy this year is going to be. Hope everyone’s return is going well! 
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
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Day 26/100
Mentally was a horrible day today. I was listening to some music on Spotify and suddenly a very specific song started playing and it just made me miss my host family in the Netherlands so much and I had to take a break from studying Latin for a few minutes because I couldn’t manage to collect myself enough to do any studying. It reminded me how much I actually miss my host family and how much I love them. Even as I am writing this I am nearly crying over the fact that I’ll probably never be able to go back and live with them. I also got reminded how badly songs can trigger me and how connected my memories are to music.
Sometimes you just have those hard days and I want to remind everyone that those days are okay and they will pass. Even if it might not seem like it.
 As miserable as I felt, I still had to do a lot of studying
Latin ~ 1hr
I just did some regular Vocab revision and I worked my way through Grammar Lection 22 of my book! I should also remember to not listen to Dutch music if I want to stay concentrated!
Maths ~ 1hr
I just continued working my way through Chapter 2 and I even started with Chapter 3 just because I felt like it! It’s always a hassle trying to get my body and mind to concentrate on Maths when I have so much more and so many “better” things to do.
Dance ~ 40min
I have practiced Runaway from Pentagon and Go by NCT Dream because I am going to be featured as a Solo Cover & group cover on their IG page! I’m so excited about it because it’s my first Solo! I won’t be sharing their IG page tho, because it would lead almost directly to my place of living.
Spanish ~ 1hr 30 min
I reviewed a few Flashcards, in the beginning, to ease into Spanish and then I continued with doing some Duolingo and working on Chapter 3 of the Perspectives book. All in all very successful and I even managed to read an Instagram caption of a Spanish studygram.
Thai ~ 1hr
I am currently just learning, reviewing and writing down basic phrases, I could need when going to Thailand. Here are the phrases learned today:
ขอเก็บตังค์ - Can I have the bill, please
ลาก่อน - Goodbye for a long while/forever
แล้วเจอกันนะ - see you later
ขอให้คุณโชคดี - Good luck
ขอโทษ - Excuse me
รอสักครู่ - Wait a moment, please
Korean ~ 3hrs
I reviewed soo many Flashcards today and I’m so happy about the progress I’m making with them! I also worked in the Korean Grammar in Use book and in the Active Korean book. I also completed a lesson from TTMIK.
I also am participating in the Laptop1000 challenge and here are today’s words:
나다 - to be born
이렇다 - to be like this
어머니 - Mother
눈 - eye
뭐 - what, something, huh?
점 - point, dot, spot, store
의하다 - to be based on, be due to
시대 - time, epoch, era, period, age
다음 - next
As always words in italic are words I already knew.
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
Reasons to learn German
you can take questioning your life choices even further with the 6 different words for why
forget a word? just make a new one!!!
so that you can then learn german dialects which will constantly make you cry / lose the will to live / ruin your life
for the quality tunes such as atemlos durch die nacht👌👌👌👌👌
to spend your nights trying to pronounce ch and r and losing all of your dignity in the process
prepositions that make no sense
you can make your own bullshit ‘in german there is a word for this very specific thing’ post
don’t feel like people tell you that german is a violent language often enough? start learning it!!!
word order that will either be really easy for you to understand or the cause of all your nightmares from now on
to be able to read the absolute joy that is kafka
words that do what they say on the tin
anything can be an adjective if you try hard enough
sentences that are half a page long
bc it’s german!!!!! 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
Looking for more Studyblrs!
I just cleared out the inactive blogs from my following list, so please reblog, like or suggest blogs I should follow- active studyblrs ideally! Doesn’t matter if you’re in high school or grad school, we can all learn from each other!
Will follow you from my main blog- @misakikinomoto
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
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Vintage neon //
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
my masterlist of 'how to life’ tips
Cleaning & Tidying
Make your bed in the morning. It takes seconds, and it’s worth it.
Reset to zero each morning. 
Use the UFYH 20/10 system for clearing your shit. 
Get a reed diffuser and stick it on your windowsill. 
Have a ‘drop-zone’ box where you dump anything and everything. At the beginning/end of the day, clear it out and put that shit away.
Roll your clothes, don’t fold them - or fold them vertically.
Automate your chores. Have a cleaning schedule and assign 15mins daily to do whatever cleaning tasks are set for that day. Set a timer and do it - once the timer is up, finish the task you’re on and leave it for the day. 
Fold your clothes straight out of the tumble dryer (if you use one), whilst they’re still warm. This minimises creases and eliminates the need for ironing. 
Clean your footwear regularly and you’ll feel like a champ. 
Organisation & Productivity
Learn from Eisenhower’s Importance/Urgency matrix. 
Try out the two-minute rule and the Pomodoro technique.
Use. A. Planner. (Or Google Calendar, if that’s more your thing.)
Try bullet journalling.
Keep a notebook/journal/commonplace book to dump your brain contents in on the regular. 
Set morning alarms at two-minute intervals rather than five, and stick your alarm on the other side of the room. It’s brutal, but it works. 
Set three main goals each day, with one of them being your #1 priority. Don’t overload your to-do list or you’ll hit overload paralysis and procrastinate. 
If you’re in a slump, however, don’t be afraid to put things like “shower” on your to do list - that may be a big enough goal in itself, and that’s okay. 
Have a physical inbox - a tray, a folder, whatever. If you get a piece of paper, stick it in there and sort through it at the end of the week.
Consider utilising the GTD System, or a variation of it.
Try timeboxing. 
Have a morning routine, and guard that quiet time ferociously. 
Save interesting-looking shit to instapaper. Have a set time where you read through the stuff you saved to instapaper and save the shit that you like from instapaper to evernote (or bookmark it properly). 
During your working hours, put on your footwear, even if you’re sat on your bed. (Why?)
Have a folder for all your important documents and letters, organised by topic (e.g. medical, bank, university, work, identification). At the front of this folder, have a sheet of paper with all the key information written on it, such as your GP’s details, your passport details, driving licence details, bank account number, insurance number(s), and so on. 
Try using StayFocusd and RescueTime (or similar apps/extensions). (I promise, you’ll find that you’re not as busy as you think you are.)
Schedule working time and down time alike, in the balance that works for you. 
Have. A. God. Damn. Budget. 
Use a money tracker like toshl, mint, or splitwise. Enter all expenses asap! (You will forget, otherwise.)
Have a ‘money date’ each week, where you sort through your finances from the past seven days and then add it to a spreadsheet. This will help you identify your spending patterns and whether your budget is actually working or not. 
Pack your own frickin’ lunch like a grown-up and stop buying so many takeaway coffees. Keep snacks in your bag. 
Go to your bank and take out £100 in £1 coins (or w/e your currency is). That shit will come in useful for all kinds of things and you’ll never be short on change for the bus or the laundry. 
Food & Cooking
Know how to cook the basics: a starch, a protein, a vegetable, and a sauce.
Simple, one-pot meals (“a grain, a green, and a bean”) are a godsend. 
Dried porcini mushrooms make a fantastic stock to cook with. 
Batch cook and freeze. Make your own ‘microwave meals’. 
Buy dried goods to save money - rice and beans are a pittance. (Remember to soak dried beans first, though!) 
Consider Meatless Mondays; it’s healthier, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly.
Learn which fruits and vegetables are cheapest at your store, and build a standard weekly menu around those. (Also remember that frozen vegetables are cheap and healthy.) 
Learn seasoning combinations. Different seasoning, even with the exact same ingredients, can make a dish seem completely new. 
Don’t buy shit for a one-off recipe, especially if you won’t use it all. If you really want to try out a recipe, see if a friend would be interested in making it with you, then pool for the expenses. 
Make your own goddamned pasta sauce. Jamie Oliver has a decent recipe here, but the beauty of tomato sauce is that you can totally wing it and adapt the fuck out of it. 
Have a stock email-writing format. 
Want to start running, but find it boring? Try Zombies, Run!. 
Keep a goddamn first aid kit and learn how to use it. 
Know your OTC pain relief. 
Update your CV regularly. 
Keep a selection of stamps and standard envelopes for unexpected posting needs. (It happens more regularly than you would think!) 
Some final words of advice:
Organisation is not a goal in itself, it is a tool. Don’t get caught up in the illusion of productivity and get distracted from the actual task at hand. 
Routines and habits will help you. Trust in them.
You have the potential to be an organised and productive person, just as much as anybody else. It just takes practice. 
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
Lawtales | Studyblr introduction
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Hey everyone, Lawtales here! 
It’s been roughly 2 months since I created this blog and joined the studyblr community. I finally decided to make an introduction post since the school year is starting really soon and I’m going to be more active on here. 
About me : 
You can call me Am\Ami
I am 18 years old, turning 19 in a few weeks
I’m from Canada
I’m fully bilingual (I speak French and English fluently)
I’m in my first year of university
I’m studying Law (that’s the meaning behind my blog name) but I have an educational background in Science, Arts & Literature
Classes I took for the upcoming school year : 
Contractual Obligations
Criminal Justice
Constitutional Law
Interests/Hobbies : 
I love learning different languages. I learned Spanish for three years and I’m currently trying to learn Arabic. 
I’m very engaged in various social causes. I truly love law and politics. Racial Justice is really important to me. 
I love literature and reading in general. Some of my favorite authors are James Baldwin, Albert Camus and Alessandro Baricco.
I love music. I mostly listen to indie rock, alt rock and rap. Some of my favorite artists are Rex Orange County, Twenty One Pilots, Tyler The Creator, BROCKHAMPTOM and boy pablo. 
I truly enjoy arts. I love drawing, painting and I really like going to Arts Museum. I do a bit of digital art and graphic design. 
I LOVE traveling.
What I plan to do on this studyblr :
I want to stay motivated during the school year by posting on this blog. You might see stationery haul, my notes, cool coffee places where I like to study, etc.
You might also see some of my art. (I like to draw in my planner and my notebooks.)
I try to journal more so you might see some of my journaling. 
I also want to exchange with you guys! Do not be afraid to message me! I really like talking with fellow study buddies whatever your field is. 
Reblog or like this post if you’re also a new studyblr or lawblr and you want a follow back. When are you guys starting school? I wish you guys a productive school year ! 
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
Active studyblr?
Can active studyblrs like or reblog this so I can follow you? I keep seeing great people but their last posts are from 2017 or something! :) Doesn’t matter what is your academic focus is I’d like to see more motivated people on my dash this year! Xx
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
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Your Majesty [x]
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
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Shut down so you can restart.
Clear off your bed and change your sheets if you need to. Change into comfortable pajamas. Shut down all your devices/plug them in to charge. Drink tea, or warm milk, or drink a glass of water, then do your night skincare routine if you have one. Brush your teeth. Put on deodorant. Go to the washroom. Put a glass of water by the bed. Go to bed sometime before 10 PM. Don’t look at any devices. Don’t get back up. Listen to music, or a calming podcast, if you’re having trouble falling asleep. Set an alarm for 10 AM.
Restart and open up a new tab.
Do some yoga or light physical exercise. Go for a walk. Go for a run if that’s what you feel like. 
Replace the battery.
Eat breakfast. Try to get some protein; avoid sugars and simple carbs. Eggs, brown bread and coffee are a good start. For quick iced coffee, brew strong, dark, hot coffee and fill a cup completely with ice. Pour the hot coffee into the cup full of ice. Eat without reading or watching anything. Once you’re done, immediately wash all dishes and wipe down the countertops.
Clean the hardware.
Get up sometime before 10 AM or at 10 AM. Pick out a nice outfit, something that’s comfortable, clean and that you think looks good. Go to the washroom. Gather all your shower supplies, any soaps or anything. Get in the shower. Wash your body. Shave, if that’s your thing. Wash your hair. Condition. Turn the shower off. Moisturize. Get out of the shower and dry off. Dry your hair or towel it off. Do your skincare. Put on deodorant. Put on your clothes. 
Empty the recycle bin.
Empty out your trash or recycling bin. Go through your pens, your pencils, stuff you have around your room, even your clothes. Throw anything out that you don’t have or don’t need or that doesn’t fit you.
Clear off your desktop.
Put your desk/work area in order. Put your pens in jars, your markers and pencils in other jars. Sort your papers. Clear any clutter away. Put anything that doesn’t belong on your desk away. 
Uninstall programs you don’t need.
Sit down at your desk. Make a list of things you’ve been doing recently, habits you’ve picked up. Write down a rough approximating of the times you’ve been waking up and going to sleep. Write down the media you’ve been consuming. Take a guess at your hours of screen time per day. Circle everything you don’t want to keep doing. Write it down in a list.  Empty out your school bag. Sort out whatever’s inside. Make a list of everything you’re gonna need. Check off things you have. Plan out how to get things you don’t.
Install updates.
Write down your ideal sleep schedule. Write down habits you want to get into. Write down recipes you want to try. Make a list of things you want to implement.
Defragment your disk. 
No, really, defragment your disk. Literally. Delete all temp files. Digitally declutter your devices. Clear out your camera roll, your Google Drive, your literal desktop. Repeat all the steps above- but literally. 
Close any open tabs.
Clean up any small, nagging tasks. Sweep the floor, feed the cat, wipe down the kitchen counter. 
Plan your next weeks out.
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
I always wanted to learn a lot of languages, my list is so long lul. So seeing practising few a day is so inspiring! How do you manage with so many different languages?
Haha I feel you! Even tho I am already learning so many languages, my list of languages that I want to learn just keeps growing! As for the how I manage to study them I can’t really give you one big how to but I can give you a few smaller tips!
First I recommend you to not study languages too similar to each other. So I would avoid studying e.g French/Spanish/Italian or German/Dutch or Swedish/Danish just to name a few examples. It can create a confusion in your head that will only affect you in a negative way.
Second, I can only tell you to practice every day a little bit and maybe try to designate one certain day a week for one certain language. But always try to do at least a little bit per day.
This is not a tip but maybe something you could try is to learn one target language through a second target language. In that way you can improve two of your target languages at the same time! I did that with Dutch and Spanish and I learned so many new dutch words I was surprised by the amount, because at that point I was actually already fairly fluent in Dutch!
I hope my small little tips can help you a little bit, but remember what might work for one, might not work for someone else! I also hope you feel inspired to try out and learn new languages and I’m interested to hear from you if you do!
I hope you have a nice day!
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raccoonstudiez · 5 years
Your Polaroid pictures look so cute you should post more!
Aw thank you! I will definitely try and post more! You can look forward to seeing some more pictures soon!
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