raewrites42 · 1 year
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raewrites42 · 1 year
FALLING Part. 3.2
SPOILERS ATSV!!! i dont Really think there's any spoilers for ATSV in here but i'll put it just in case.
This is an OC story.
The second half as promised. I don't know why it wouldn't let me put it all in 1 post but here it is.
~EARTH 199999 ~
Taylor, Peter and Strange are sitting after having their long conversation. All 3 of them are exhausted, well Strange is more annoyed. Strange is rubbing temples. “That was one of the most exhausting experiences I have ever went through and I fought against Thanos.” “Who?” Peter and Taylor question at the same time. Strange shakes his head at both of them, “Never mind. Is there anything else or have we covered it all.” Taylor speaks, “No, I think we’re good on my end Peter?” “Nope all questions answered.” “Great, now as long as you 2 promise to not disturb the fabric of the multi-verse we can conclude this conversation and I can send you both on your way.” Peter questions, “Wait! What about the super collider? Wont it like tear a hole in my universe or something?” Strange rolls his eyes, “Not at all. Whoever built that thing was lazy and didn’t know what he was doing. If anything, the collider would have gone off and exploded the blast radius would have whipped out half the city.”
Taylor furrows her eyebrows, “Then how did you-? Why did you say we were trying to destroy the multi-verse if it would have only affected the city in our universe?” “The chemicals and the radiation from the blast left an unknown outcome.” “Meaning?” “The results from the explosion would have caused the damage to the multi-verse not the collider itself.” “So, like stopping a canon event.” Strange rolls his eyes, “stopping, causing whatever you want to say. Super colliders are just bad all around.” Peter nods his head, “noted.” “Now as fun as this has been its time for you to go.” Strange opens a portal back to Peters universe. “Wait!” Taylor yells, stopping him. “What?” “Can’t you just send me home?” “That’s what I’m doing.” “No not Peters home my home. Back to Miguel.” “No.” “What!” “Why?” Peter and I yell at the same time. “You’re a wizard! Why can’t you use your powers for good!” “I told you about the balance of the multi-verse.” “But I’m not from his universe, wouldn’t that throw off the balance!” “Exactly! Sending her home would balance things out!” Strange shakes his head. “It would throw off the balance, because you come to his universe with that watch, right?” I nod my head. “Yes.” “Then you have to go back the same way.” Peter shakes his head. “That doesn’t make any sense.” Ears start to blur my vision, I steady my voice before speaking, “I don’t understand.” Strange sighs,” Magic is a part of nature, your watch goes against that natural balance. If I try to send you back home through a magic portal it could kill you.” I let out a humorless laugh, “so what your saying is all of this was for nothing.” Peter tries to argue, “You’re really telling us there’s nothing you can do?” My strange face remains the same, “There’s nothing I can do. I’m sorry.” I wordlessly step through the portal not looking back. I see that I’m in an alley, so I just keep walking. No destination in mind.
I’m stuck here. A wizard couldn’t even help me. This is where I live now. Here? No more Hobie, No more Peter B, No more Mayday, No more Mi- no I can’t that. If I say that then this is real and this can’t be real, I’m having a nightmare. A month-long nightmare that I can’t seem to wake up from. I don’t know how long I’ve been walking when Peter runs up to me in his normal clothes, I didn’t even know he brought those. “Hey!” Peter tried to stop me, but I just kept walking. “Hey!” Too numb to speak. Peter grabs me by both of my shoulders, forcing me to stop. “Hey! Taylor look at me.” I slowly bring my vision up to meet his eyes. “We’re going to figure it out, ok? We’ll fix your watch and send you home.” “We both know there’s no way for me to go home Peter. I’m stuck here.” “Don’t say that.” “Say what the truth?” “You can’t give up, ok? I haven’t given up so you can’t give up. Ok?” I didn’t answer him. “Taylor, I need to hear you say ok. You can’t give up, ok?” He looks at me expectantly. “Ok, yeah Peter I wont give up.” “Well, that’s a start. We’ll get you to believe that eventually.” He drops his hands from my shoulders. “Can we just go home. We were in that place for hours and I’m starving.”  “Yeah. Let’s go home. Its only 9:30 May should be done with dinner by now.” “we’ve been gone since last night; do you think she’ll be mad?” “At you? Never but I’ll definitely be hearing about it.” Me and Peter walk home its 10 by the time we finally get there. May meets us at the door with a frown on her face. Peter goes to explain, “May I know we’re late I’m sorry.” May holds up her hand, “don’t say sorry to me Peter say sorry to your friend. He’s been here waiting for you for 3 hours.” Peter and I exchange confused looks. Peter turns back to May, “Friend?” Peter, May and I walk further into the house, into the living room. We see a hulking figure sitting on the couch, this guy is huge. I think the only person I’ve ever seen this big was-. My though is interrupted as the figure stands and turns to face us. I let out a loud gasp, “Miguel?”
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raewrites42 · 1 year
FALLING Part.3.1
SPOILERS ATSV!!! i dont Really think there's any spoilers for ATSV in here but i'll put it just in case.
This is an OC story.
behold the next part to the story!
Miguel and Taylor are cuddled up together on Miguel’s couch in his office. Taylor is running her fingers through Miguel’s hair as they continue to lay there in silence. “What’s wrong Miguel? You seem stressed. More than usual.” Miguel lets out a deep exhale, “It’s nothing you should worry about.” “I’m going to worry, because I care about you.” “it’s really nothing.” Taylor stops rubbing Miguel’s hair and fixes him with a look. Causing Miguel to groan and sit up. “Fine. It’s that kid. I’ve been working non-stop to fix what HIS mistake.” “Why is this one kid so important to you?” “Because he’s an anomaly, he’s the original anomaly. Someone has to stop him from destroying the multi-verse.” “And that someone has to, be you?” “You know it does, because I’m the only one willing to do what is necessary.” “Even if that means losing me?” Miguel pauses and turns to look at Taylor confused. “What?” “Is your mission more important than me?” “Taylor what are you talking about?” “Is that why you didn’t tr to save me?” Miguel’s face switches from one of confusion to one of horror. He tries to stand but falls to the ground. Taylor stands over him. “I’m dead Miguel.” “No, you’re not. You’re not, LYLA said- “Taylor cuts him off. “She said she can’t find me. My last location was an explosion. How could I survive that.” “No, No! You’re alive!”  “If my watch isn’t working, how do you know I haven’t glitched one to many times? Hmmm” Miguel does not respond angering Taylor. “ANSWER ME!” Miguel yells back, “I DON KNOW!”  Taylor scoffs, “We both know this is all you’re fault.” “No.” “You should have never given me a watch, let alone use those web shooters.” “No.” “and now I’m dead. And my blood is on your hands.” “NO!” Miguel yells shooting up out of his sleep panting. Taking in his surrounding seeing he fell asleep on the couch in his office, but Taylor is nowhere to be found. Miguel gets up from the could knowing that after that nightmare sleep was no longer an option. Instead, he types in earth 120703 into his watch and goes through the portal.
“Strange? What kind of a name is strange?” I asked the wizard. “what do you mean? It’s a normal name.” “No, it’s not.” “Yes, it is.” “Peter back me up here.”  Me and strange look to peter waiting for him to chime in. Peter shrugs his shoulders, “it is pretty weird man.” “See!” I say. Strange just looks at us more annoyed then shakes his head. “How about we stop talking about my name and start talking about what you two think you were doing trying to rip a hole into the multi-verse.” Peter and I look away shyly. Strange looks at us with his arms crossed. I break the silence, “I’m just trying to go home.” Strange looks confused, “home? Are you and him not from the same universe?” “No, I fell into his universe a month ago and we’ve been trying to get me home ever since.” “And the solution that you came up with was to destroy the multi verse?” peter chimes in, “We weren’t trying to destroy anything, ok.” Strange look at he, “you destroyed a super collider.” “Not on purpose.” “How do you do that on accident?” “You try turning one on, the buttons aren’t labeled. There’s no on and off button.” “And that wasn’t enough for you not to touch it?” “We needed the collider to send her home!” strange turns to me, “why didn’t you just go back the same way you came? Wait hold on, how did you open a portal?” I lift up my watch, “with this.” “What is that?” peter answers, “a watch.” Strange gives peter a look then turns back to me. I step closer to strange watch still held out, “it’s a special watch that allows me to travel to different universes and helps me not glitch.” “Glitch?” “Yes, it’s what happens when you are in a universe that you don’t belong in, and your atoms are trying to glitch you back to your original universe, but you usually end up dying.” After I finish talking, I turn to peter. Who hasn’t glitched once since we’ve been here. I point at him, “why aren’t you glitching?” “Peter inspects himself then looks at me, “I don’t know. Am I supposed to?” Peter and I look at strange for answers. “Why isn’t he glitching?” “It’s because I brought him here using magic.” “What?” I question him and of course he rolls his eyes at me. “In every universe there is balance. Everything works together in harmony to maintain balance. Magic is a part of the natural order of things, however when something throws a wrench in that order nature tends to get upset.” “a wrench?” “Yes, a wrench like a man-made piece of technology allowing humans to do something they were never meant to do.” Peter and I look at each other confused. Peter asks, “but you just said magic allows people to travel to different universes. How were they never meant to do it?” strange rubs his temples with his hands, “obviously were meant to do it with magic, but not often or you could disrupt the natural balance of that universe.” I speak, “like stopping a canon event.” “a what?” Peter and strange looked at me confused. Were going to be here a while.
~EARTH 120703~
 Miguel is at the site of the destroyed super collider inspecting the wreckage. LYLA pops up, “I already told you Miguel there’s nothing here that’s going to tell you anything I haven’t already.” “There has to be something here.” “Why don’t you just go back to HQ and- “Miguel cuts her off. “I can’t just keep sitting and waiting. It’s been a month. A whole month and we don’t know if she’s still alive.” “Miguel, I told you- ““That her watch pinged the explosion. We don’t know if she survived the explosion, all we know is that she’s been alive up until that point. We’re back to square one again.” Miguel throws a chunk of rubble across the room. He stands there huffing then an idea pops into his head, “LYLA who’s the spiderman in this universe?” LYLA pulls up a file, “Peter Parker the one and only spiderman of earth 120703.” “Where does he stay” “With his aunt May.” Miguel doesn’t say anything, just takes off running in a random direction. “Miguel where are you going? I didn’t even give you the address.” “Then hurry up and give it to me LYLA, we don’t have any time to waste.” LYLA gives Miguel the address and he’s off.
Some reason this isn't letting me pot the whole story so the second half is just going to be part 3.2. I'm posting it as soon as i post this so there will be no waiting.
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raewrites42 · 1 year
Falling Part 2
This is an OC story.
Ok, so this is the next part of the story. I hope you like it. :)
“Miguel do you really think it’s fair for you to blame everything on this kid?” I asked him as we stood on his floating platform. Miguel in his usual brooding stance watching his monitors with a scowl.  “Everything is his fault, he’s the original anomaly. If he never got bit, then-” I cut him off before he could continue with his usual boring monologue. “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard this speech hundreds of times before. You’re still missing the fact that he’s just a kid. He didn’t ask for any of this.” “He knew what he signed up for when he became Spider-Man. We all did. End of discussion.” “Yeah but-” Miguel shoots me a look and I stop talking. I let out a sigh rubbing my temple with my hands. “All I’m trying to say Miguel. Is don’t put the fate of the multi-verse on the shoulders of a 15-year-old kid.” He lets out a sigh dropping his shoulders. “I’ll worry about the Arachnoid Humanoid Poly-Multiverse, and you just keep practicing with those web shooters.” I look at him offended, “What are you talking about? I’m great with them.” Miguel laughs, “Sure you are, and Peter B is our best agent.” “I’m going to tell Lego peter you said that! He’s going to be so crushed.” “Don’t you dare.” “Oh, I will (pause) and I’m pretty sure I saw him in the cafeteria.” I say inching away from him. “Taylor.” He said in warning. I smile at him. “If you wanna stop me you’re going to have to catch me.” I then use my web shooters to swing out of the room to the cafeteria. How could he say I was bad at using these, I’m the best web slinger there is.
~Present~ (Andrew Garfield’s spiderman universe)
“You’re not very good at this are you?” Peter asked as we stood on a roof top after I once again ran out of web fluid and had to be rescued by him. “It’s not my fault I ran out of wed fluid!” “I asked you if you were running low before we left.” “Yeah, I know.” “And what did you say?” I turn away from him and mumble. “mhmhhmhmm” “what was that?” “I said I was fine.” “And is plummeting of a skyscraper fine?” “Can we just go back I’m tired we’ve been out all day.” “that’s because you haven’t been outside in 6 days.” “there’s a reason for that peter. I am trying to fix-” he cuts me off, “yeah, yeah fix your watch so you can go home. I know, but if you don’t take care of yourself there won’t be much left of you to go back home.” I stared at him in disbelief. Did he just cut me off? Is this what Miguel feels like? No wounder the man is always grumpy. But he’s my grump and I miss him. It’s been 27 days 16 hours and 12 minutes since I’ve been stuck here. Since I fell off that train and into this stupid universe! Don’t get me wrong, I love Peter, he’s the only reason I’m not curled up in a ball crying every day. He’s helping me with my mission to fix my watch, I’m staying with him, and his aunt may (I love her so much she’s so awesome!), but as much as I have grown attached to the people here, I miss home. I miss getting empanadas from the cafeteria with Miguel, I miss our midnight chats after he’s had a long day of leading the spider society, I miss running around with Hobie, I miss playing with Mayday and everything else! I wonder how everyone is at home.
~Back at spider headquarters~
Miguel is a wreck. His office is still as disheveled as it was when he first found out about Taylor’s disappearance 27 days ago.  The man has been searching universe after universe scouring for any information at all about her whereabouts. He’s even enlisted the help of his best agent Peter and even he’s come up with nothing. Everyone has noticed his state because when he wasn’t locked away in his lab, he was snapping at everyone. He’s yelled at LYLA so many times the poor A.I has started to ignore him when he calls upon her. Miguel has been so distracted with finding Taylor that he put off his pursuit of miles, and yet the multi-verse is still standing. Maybe she was right, he thought to himself. Miguel stands in his lab feeling utterly defeated and alone. Too upset to even eat his now cold empanada that sits next to his monitors.
~ Back to Taylor~
“It can’t be completely broken if you’re able to be in this universe and not glitch.” Peter says to Taylor as they both sit in his room. “Exactly, so why is it keeping me together and not opening portals?” They both ponder in silence. “Let’s start from the beginning, you said that a kid opened a portal before, right?” “That was only after he blew up a super collider.” “Right, super collider. If we found one, would we have to blow it up or could we just turn it on and push you through it to send you home?” “If and that’s a big if, we found a super collider I don’t think that we would have to blow it up. The guy who made it in miles’ universe was planning to use it to bring back his family.” “So, it could work?” “It’s only brought things to the universe. It’s only sent things back after it blew up.” Peter groans in frustration grabbing his hair. “Ok. How about this. We find a super collider and when we get there, we see what happens.” I give him a look. “Are you serious? That’s extremely dangerous! Do you have any idea what effects that could cause to the- (pause) Oh God. I sound like Miguel.” I put my head down and rub my temples. Peter pulls my hands away from my head. “We can still try it and see what happens.” “It’s still dangerous peter.” “we’ll be careful.” “Careful while we don’t know what we’re doing?” “Careful as in we’ll look both ways before crossing the street. Wear our seat belts. Check expiration dates on food before eating.” I laugh at his nonsense, and he laughs with me. Aunt May yells out to us, “Dinners ready!” I look at Peter, “Hungary?” he shrugs his shoulders at me. “I could eat.” We both make our way down to dinner.
It’s been 3 days since Peter, and I made a plan to find a super collider. 3 days which means this marks a whole month since I’ve been stuck here. Before I can start on my sad internal monologue Peter burst into the room waving a newspaper around like a mad man. “What? What is it?” “Look! I found one!” “Found what?” He throws the newspaper at me, and it lands in my lap. I look and the paper and read it aloud, “Wilson Fisk’s set to unveil new Super Collier this Saturday.” I stop reading and look at Peter who is looking at me expectantly. “This is what we’ve been looking for, why am I the only one looking happy right now?” “No, I am happy. It’s just don’t you know who Wilson Fisk is?” “Some rich guy who is giving us exactly what we need.” “Peter. Wilson Fisk is King pin.” He looks at me confused. “King who?” “King Pin. You know one of the most dangerous and feared crime lords in the city.” Peter continued to stare at me. “Really, you’ve never heard of the guy? You’re literally spider-man, that’s like your job to know who he is.” “Never heard of the guy. Maybe he just moved to town. Your missing the point here, we can finally send you home.” “I know but we have to sneak into the building and into the lab that the collider is in.” “that’ll be easy.” “Oh really?” I say crossing my arms. “Taylor, you already said it before. I’m Spiderman. We’ll sneak in no problem.”
Peter and Taylor ran into the lab with the super collider rushing to lock the doors behind them breathing heavily. I turn to Peter out of breath, “we’ll sneak in no problem. I’m spiderman.” I say mockingly. “I didn’t expect there to be that many people here at night.” “it’s a criminal activity of course they're going to work mostly at night!” Peter goes to respond but is cut off by shouting heard in the hall “THEY’RE IN THE LAB!” “THE DOOR WONT OPEN!” “BREAK IT DOWN!” Me and Peter look at each other then run towards the collider. “What do I press?” “I don’t know! Why would I know that?” “You’re the one with collider knowledge!” “I wasn’t there when the kid blew it up!” The banging on the door get more intense. “Just do something Peter!” “I’m trying!” Peter Presses a bunch of buttons until the collider turns on and starts whirling making loud noises. Peter yells, “Is that a good sign?” “I don’t know.” We get closer to the collider and weird sparks and glitches start happening more and more to the point that the collider seems on the verge of breaking. “That doesn’t look good.” I say to Peter. We don’t have a lot of time to think as the door is busted down. “THERE THEY ARE!” “THEY TURNED ON THE SUPER COLLIDER!” Just then the collider starts to spark, and it burst. Peter and I are blinded by a bright light. Peter tries to shield me with his body and just as we both are waiting for the impact of the explosion, it never comes. Peter and I look at each other confused when a voice speaks. “Why are you two trying to destroy the multiverse?” I turn around to see a wizard looking guy with a cape. I look around more to see we’re not in the lab anymore. We’re in what looks like a library. I look back to the wizard. “Who are you?” He looks at me like I’ve asked the most irritating question ever to exist. “Steven Strange. Now who are you?”
LYLA pops up in front of Miguel as he sit sadly in his lab. “Miguel! You’re going to want to hear about this.” “What is it LYLA?” “An anomaly just popped up in the system.” “So, send Jess and- “LYLA cuts him off. “A Super Collider exploded.” Miguel snaps his head in LYLA’s direction. “Again! Dios Mio! I knew that kid was trouble, but no one ever listens to me.” “It wasn’t in his universe Miguel. It was on earth-120703, but that’s not all.” “What else could there be?” “The explosion was pinged off of the closes watch.” “And?” “That watch was Taylor’s watch; you know the watch that’s been offline for a month.” Miguel jumps at this information. “So, you can track her now? We can bring her back home?” “Not necessarily. While the explosion was picked up from her watch, we still can’t track it, but the good news is now we know she’s alive.” LYLA disappears. Leaving Miguel alone once again, only this time he wears a small smile on his face. Knowing that Taylor is alive has given him hope of once again bringing her home.  
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raewrites42 · 1 year
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8K notes · View notes
raewrites42 · 1 year
This is my first story ever so you have been warned. I saw Across the spider-verse and am OBSESSED with Miguel O'Hara. This is my contribution to the fandom. I hope you like it. This is an OC story.
“Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. Nah. Imma do my own thing. Sorry man, I’m going home” Miles says throwing Miguel off him. I see Miguel falling above me “Miguel!” I reach up to grab him and end up losing my grip on the train, falling with him. While falling I lost my grip on Miguel and fell out of the train tunnel. “AHAHAH!” I try to use the wed shooters that Peter B Parker made me only to realize…. I’m out of webs.
Hi, my names Taylor and I’m not a spider person. I’m from earth…. Actually, I don’t remember what earth I’m from. I don’t remember much of anything from my life before the spider squad. Apparently, I fell through a portal and landed here in the spider headquarters. Hobie was the one to find me unconscious in the cafeteria. When I woke up, I was in the medical wing of the spider headquarters. The first person to come into my room was Jess, asking how I felt and if I was hungry. She was so nice and welcoming I was starting to relax, until he came in. The door slammed open to reveal a hulking figure of a man aka, Miguel. Immediately he started off with the questions of, “who are you?” “Where did you come from?” “Why are you here?” “The fate of the universe blah blah blah” to be honest I stopped listening. He didn’t seem to like that, because when he saw I wasn’t answering questions his eyes got really red and he looked like he was going to lunge. Lucky Jess was there to calm him down or at the very least keep him at bay. They tried to send me home in the go home machine, but when it scanned my DNA, it said my universe didn’t exist. And I’ve been here with the spiders ever since. It took a while for Miguel to not look at me like I was the biggest mistake ever (thanks for taking the heat off me miles) but then somewhere along the way he started to tolerate me. Then when he started to open up more to me, we became friends. Then when he started to open up more to me is when the hugs started, then the cuddles and then came the forehead kisses. Then not long after that Miguel hated not having me by his side, he would always get irritated when I ran off to go hang out with Hobie or Peter B but to be fair he's Miguel, when is he ever not irritated. Peter B made me these web shooters so I could keep up with the rest of them and Miguel did not like that, went on a whole rant of how dangerous it was and how I could get hurt. Me being me I told him I’ll do what I want, and I’ll be fine and if I’m ever in any trouble their would always be a spider to save me. Never in a million years did I think that I would actually be in danger, because I knew Miguel would always be there to save me. Oh, how I wish I listened to him, then I wouldn’t be here now.
Falling, I’m falling and I’m out of webs. I hurriedly click my watch calling LYLA. “Yes! What’s up?” she says cheerly. Her attitude soon changes when she hears my distressed voice. “LYLA! Help me! I’m out of webs and I’m falling!” “OMG! OK, OK! HANG ON I’LL CALL FOR HELP” “Nothing to hang onto in the sky LYLA!”
LYLA pops up on all the Spider people’s watches screaming, “ATTENTION ALL SPIDER PEOPLE TAYLOR IS FALLING AND OUT OF WEBS! SHE NEEDS HELP!” It takes a second for all the spider people to process the message before they’re all leaping off the train going to save Taylor. Miguel, already in pursuit of Miles too far away to be able to help, he hears the message. A look of indecision falls upon his face before he shakes his head continuing to chase after miles. Thinking to himself, someone was going to catch her.
I can now see a sea of spider people above me. Thank God! Someone is going to save me, but I’m starting to see that the ground is getting close, and the spiders aren’t. I start screaming to LYLA, “they’re not going to make it!” “Yes, they are!” I wanted to trust her I really did, but I couldn’t. I started to panic and press anything on my watch. “Taylor what are you doing? You’re going to-” her voice is interrupted as my watch opens up a portal and I fall through it. It closes immediately, and I’m still falling to I keep hitting anything and the more I press on the watch the more portals I fall through. When I fall through this last portal the watch stops opening portals. (The Andrew Garfield Spiderman universe) I’m screaming in terror as the ground is coming closer. This was it, Goodbye Miguel I lo-. That thought is cut off as I feel arms wrap around me and I’m swinging through the air. I tightened my arms around my hero. “it’s ok I’ve got you” I hear an unfamiliar voice say. I peek at their face to see Spiderman, well a spiderman. Wait, I’ve seen this Spiderman before, what was his name oh yeah it was, “Peter!” Spiderman quickly looks down at me then swings us to a roof top. He drops me as soon as we land. I don’t even get the chance to enjoy being on solid ground before he is angrily webbing me up. “Who are you and how do you know who I am?” Not this again. I take a deep breath, “My name is Taylor and I know you because where I’m from you’re not the only spiderman.” He takes his mask off “You’re from the Multi-verse?” “Well technically its call the- you know what yes, yes I am and as fun as this conversation is I would like to go home.” He un-webs me and I stretch after what seems like forever. “How did you get here?” “With this.” I showed him my watch. “It allows me to travel to different universes and keeps me from glitching” “How did you figure it out?” he asks, looking at my watch in awe. I chuckle, “oh no I don’t have the first clue to how this works that credit goes to LYLA and Miguel.” “Who?” “Their my friends, well Miguel is kind of more than a friend, but we haven’t really talked about it yet, but we cuddle, and he gives me- “I stop talking as I see he is giving me a weird look. “they’re people back home, who I need to get back to. So.” I go to click my watch, and nothing happens. What the what? I click it again and nothing. “LYLA?” I tried to call her, and I got nothing. “I’m no genius, but isn’t something supposed to be happening?” Peter asks and I glared at him. “Yes, but I don’t know why it’s not working. Hello? Anyone there? LYLA? Miguel? Jess? Peter? Anyone?” No matter how much I called for anyone I got no response. I can feel my hands start to shake and tears start to well up in my eyes. I turn to Peter. “I don’t-” my voice breaks and Peter comes closer. “Hey, hey it’s ok. Don’t cry.” I am now sobbing into him as he has his arms wrapped around me. “we’ll figure it out.”
Miguel walks up onto his platform angrily. Calling LYLA, “LYLA where’s Taylor, I wanted to check on her.” LYLA looks at Miguel nervously. “We don’t know.” “WHAT? What do you mean you don’t know?” “When she was falling, she started messing with her watch and after 7 portals her location stopped showing.” “So, give me her last location so I can get her.” “that’s the thing Miguel, we checked that universe, she’ not there.” “What are you saying LYLA?” he said in an eerie voice. “We don’t know where she is and have no way to track her, because her watch stopped working.” A look of disbelief goes across Miguel’s face, “Do we even know If she’s alive?” “there’s no way for us to know that. I’m sorry Miguel.” LYLA disappears and Miguel is left to himself. Miguel lets out a scream of anguish, throwing anything he can get his hands on.  screaming and thrashing until he tries himself out. Miguel goes to his monitors watching the playback of Taylor falling off the train and into a portal. Swearing to himself and to Taylor wherever she is that he’ll bring her back home. Then being angry at himself for ever letting her use those damn web shooters. Without those web shooters she would never have been on the train in the first place.
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