ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
saving āœŒšŸ¼
Shadow Work Prompts
ā”€ā”€ā”€ ļ½„ ļ½”ļ¾Ÿā˜†: *.ā˜½ .* :ā˜†ļ¾Ÿ. ā”€ā”€ā”€
Shadow work is the act of creating a connection with oneā€™s subconscious mind, often through self reflection. This is a pivotal step that needs to be taken before a witch begins spellwork, because shadow work strengthens an individualā€™s sense of self- a crutial part of many witchesā€™ craft.
ā”€ā”€ā”€ ļ½„ ļ½”ļ¾Ÿā˜†: *.ā˜½ .* :ā˜†ļ¾Ÿ. ā”€ā”€ā”€
- write an apology letter to yourself
- why am I insecure?
- how can I be more trusting?
- how do I deal with failure?
- do I feel jealousy of certain people? why?
- how worthy do I honestly think I am?
- what from my childhood makes me angry?
- why do I reject help?
- why do I repress my emotions?
- why do I feel unappreciated?
- how do I feel about opening up to people?
- what is my deepest set emotional wound?
- how do I confront anxiety?
- how do I process sadness?
- who do I resent and why?
- what defense mechanisms do I tend to use?
- why am I a perfectionist?
- how can I be kinder to others?
- how have I behaved in the different stages of my life?
- what are my greatest regrets?
- what are my greatest fears?
- what themes in my life reoccurringly upset me?
- do I feel loved? why or why not?
- what do I value most in relationships?
- what do I value most in myself?
- what do I value most in my life?
- what are my expectations for myself? are they reasonable?
- what do I fear socially?
- in what ways do I doubt myself?
- why do I feel obligated to succeed?
- how do I define success?
- what does it mean to be a good person?
- what do I need to improve in myself?
- how do I deal with loneliness?
- what do I do thatā€™s self destructive?
ā”€ā”€ā”€ ļ½„ ļ½”ļ¾Ÿā˜†: *.ā˜½ .* :ā˜†ļ¾Ÿ. ā”€ā”€ā”€
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
started reading "It didn't start with you" by Mark Wolynn, today, excited to learn what the author has to share šŸ’—
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
i've been struggling lately, wondering if it's okay to practice while still living at home with people who don't want anything to do with the craft.
i'm wondering if i should just work on a basis of "research not practice" or if this is just fear talking, fear of being found out by my family, fear of what might happen, fear of what my family might do...
i keep going back and forth on this. Over the last two years since finding out about the craft, I keep seesawing between practicing now and waiting till i move out. Maybe it's something i need to meditate on, pray about too.
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
tbh i'm not sure if buddhism or hinduism is closed or not. i did a little googling but i didn't have much time to find any resources to back up the first few websites i read from. And tbh those websites gave conflicting answers to the question lol.
adding the research to my to do list.
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
So i read that the best way to learn about closed practices {LEARN; not participate in it} is by finding and reading books/resources written by people who actually have the right to talk about it; people who are part of the culture or religion and who are well versed in it. Sooo i found some recommended books on buddhism and hinduism and i plan out downloading the ebook/pdf within the upcoming week! i'm excited
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
using duolingo to learn latin and greek for my personal practice at textual criticism, hopefully i can add hebrew to the list when i have the time for it!
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
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When I first started reading tarot I had all these reservations and newbie mistakes that I sometimes made for YEARS. Donā€™t be like me, learn how to read tarot, be confident and understand that the good comes with the bad. And youā€™ll be an expert tarot reader in no time.Ā 
Tarot is a tool for YOUR intuition - I donā€™t know why, but this really didnā€™t resonate with me right away. I would second guess, re-read, and not use my intuition when interpretingĀ  the cards. In the end that cause some really inaccurate readings then if I would have just used tarot as a tool to grow my own intuition and spiritual feeling.Ā 
Donā€™t stress read - I know I know we all do it. Madly shuffle the cards then start pulling whenever things start to go array. Let me be the first to tell you that is not an accurate reading. That is just you stressing out pulling cards in a fury that will only lead to more stress.Ā 
Take time to meditate and clear your mind beforehand - Donā€™t come into a reading with a cloudy head. If you really want to get a good read, spend a few minutes clearing your mind before you shuffle your deck.Ā 
There are no bad readings - I repeat, there are no bad readings. Even horrible tower falling outcomes are just the start to something new and better. If you do get an outcome from a tarot spread that is less than favorable breath and take it one day at a time.Ā 
There are also no bad tarot cards - Just like there are no bad readings, there are no bad cards. Endings are just beginnings in reverse. So even if your BFF is stabbing you in the back with the 5 of Swords, donā€™t worry itā€™s just your spirits getting rid of them for you.Ā 
Get to know your decks beforehand - Each deck sometimes has a little personality. Spend some time with them, know them, see how they read for you before you jump in with all the important stuff.Ā 
Meditate with cards you feel drawn towardsĀ - Do you really vibe with the High Priestess? Or maybe itā€™s The Hermit for you. These cards could be your archetype. Pull them out, meditate, feel their answers and seek guidance from them.Ā 
Take breaks from reading - I am a huge advocate from taking a break from tarot. Sometimes you need to change it up, put it down or just step away for a few days or a year. Whatever it is take time away if and whenever you feel the need to.Ā 
Use tarot as a tool for manifesting - Ask questions, lots and lots of questions about different outcomes. If you donā€™t like the outcome, change your question or change your mind and ask again. Once you get the desired results stick to it.Ā 
Donā€™t read for free, but practice - I see so many new tarot readers reading for free online. Donā€™t do it! Your time is precious and if someone wants a free reading, they can lean it themselves.Ā 
Donā€™t skip knowing your shadow self in a reading - One of the best things you can do is learn exactly who you are, and you canā€™t do that without knowing all the parts of yourself youā€™ve rejected. Use the tarot to get to know yourself in the shadows too.Ā 
The cards never lie - Never. Ever.Ā 
Reshuffling wonā€™t bypass a reading you didnā€™t like - Donā€™t get yourself trapped into ā€˜clarityā€™ cards. Thatā€™s shuffling and asking the same question again and again for clarity, or until you get the answer to the question you want. Sure ask for clarity ONCE when you donā€™t really understand, but donā€™t ask again and again just to see what you want.Ā 
Donā€™t wait to start tarot - If you feel called to read tarot, start now! You donā€™t have to wait for someone to gift you a deck (who started that bad rumor anyway?!)Ā 
Confidence is key - This also took me a long time to ā€˜getā€™. Read with confidence. You are a badass witch. You have stepped outside to do so much spiritual growth, why would your card reading reflect any different?Ā 
Your tarot reading is not the end all be all - Tarot is subjective, not prophecy. So change your mind and change your future. Nothing is set in stone.Ā 
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
I'm using notion btw, for my book of studies {bos//book of shadows} and my book reports for the christian and witchy books i'm reading. it's good for hiding it if you're in the broom closet šŸ¤
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
So i was at the dollar store earlier and i found a book "Living Unafraid" by Adam Hamilton, it's a daily devotional book with stories on hope from the Bible. And as somebody who kinda left the christian faith for about six to seven years because of crippling anxiety and fear brought on from the religion, I thought it would be a good book... I didn't really read much of it at the store, {my fault entirely} literally just read the reviews on the back and a few sentences of the blurb on the inner jacket... but when i got home and sat down with it i um... well let's just say there's red flags lol and i half wish i knew that at the store lol. Anyway, Im gonna be reading it with diligence, kinda like making a book report on it for my own sanity. I might leave what i learn from it here. šŸ¤
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ramblingsofalice Ā· 2 years
Just downloaded like a million witchy books off of zlibrary and i'm so excited sksk I'm gonna have so much fun reading them all
but... the book reports... might not be as fun lol
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