ravenclawfury · 1 year
Another one for the Grackheads.
They were the highlight on this gloomy day.
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ravenclawfury · 1 year
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ravenclawfury · 1 year
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Random Acts Of Violets
Watercolor On Black Cotton Paper
2023, 22"x 30"
Viola odorata, Sweet Violets
Private Collection
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ravenclawfury · 1 year
Apollo being associated with crows makes sense because if you give him food or something shiny he’ll come back with all his siblings.
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ravenclawfury · 1 year
im telling you this for a fact. it is 100 percent true. ive seen it with my eyeballs.
hermes and apollo have matching pjs- polly has duckies and hermes has crocodiles. yes im being serious. 100 percent. 
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ravenclawfury · 1 year
More shit on Zaggy Zoo
My first post on things about Zagreus is doing pretty well so I thought I’d do another.
-hes the baby of the gods- kinnnnnda like Baldur? everyone thinks hes so cute, mainly because he tries to give off this Tall Dark and Mysterious but all they see is that adorable chubby cheeked white blonde baby in Peresephone’s arms
-that being said they all have the MOST ridicioulous names for him- Z-money, Z-dog, Zig Zag, Zaggy Zoo, Zagarooni- you get it. he bloody hates it. 
-he...... has really rejected any color in his wardrobe at all. his mother told me as a kid he really liked purple- and our first thanksgiving together he wore this darkkkk green jumper of mine as a *present* and it........ brought me so much joy. that was about two years ago, and he hasn’t really touched color since but he’s getting more into color now- specifically green. He’s been really into green. I’m making him a little granny square cardigan with skulls on it hes gonna look like such a twink-
-hes gotten soooo into this cozy little game called Bear and Breakfast?? like i said in the last post he lovesssss bears and this game has him in a chokehold, he loves it
-i searched for a long long time and the closest i could find to how he smells is “Hellfire” by Black Pheonix Alchemy Lab, found here: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/general-catalog-perfume-oils/sin-and-salvation/hellfire/
that is quite literally how he smells, its so yummy
-loves black licorice
-can play a bit of guitar, speaks very fluent latin
-smokey quartz is probably the stone I most associate with him
-fucking adores the Addams Family, I think he nearly cried when i bought this little wooden puzzle model of their mansion
-tends to affect electricity a lot, its true what they say about him being able to wield Zeus’ bolt- there tend to be more thunderstorms around when hes upset (call it coincidence if you like but its an observation)
-has separation anxiety 
i can answer any specific questions if anyone’s curious about anything specific and i have a whole composition book of his poetry too, i write it down for him
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ravenclawfury · 1 year
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ravenclawfury · 1 year
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ravenclawfury · 1 year
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This is the
Money Cat 🐈‍⬛
Reblog for good financial luck! 🍀
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ravenclawfury · 2 years
Some things about Zag
I.... haven’t been worshipping Zagreus long but it turns out he’s been around me/ my life for many years now? So I’m gonna share some.... gentle domesticities about my experience with him. 
Note: this is all personal experience, he may appear different to different individuals as deities often do, yada yada yada, take this with a grain of salt
-Dark chocolate? best way to make him drool. but anything PUMPKIN and he’s there faster than an olympic runner. my GOD he loves pumpkin.
-he’s very gothic in taste, loves the Cure and dark sort of movies like the Crow and the Adams Family and Tim Burton-y stuff
-loves video games. Mains Bowser in Mario Kart (you can fight me on this, I don’t like it either, it is just how He Is) but also adores soft shit like stardew valley and animal crossing
-writes beautiful fucking poetry
-really enjoys being read to 
-appears to me as 6′ 3″, dark dark brown eyes and black hair, dressed all in black/gothic fashions, although I’ve found out over time his natural hair color is white blonde (and that he hates it- apparently he gets it from his mother’s side, aka Demeter) and although he hates the blonde he has appeared to me in dreams with his blonde hair (I really doubt he chose to come across that way, it must have been the only way he could because when I tell you he hates the blonde I mean he hates the blonde)
-he is....... the softest boy. most precious. must protecc. just a baby, a lamb. 
-will Beat You at scrabble; a master wordsmith, see “beautiful fucking poetry” above- and I can probably share some of that at some point, I’ve transcribed/written a few of his things down and have it all in a notebook for him
-drinks Monster. his favorite is the ultra blue
-he loves bears. anything with bears I find I buy him. I got a bear tattooed on my body for him. 
-love love loves cuddles
- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1Hewz1z80bSd3REJWsb52i?si=fff195b8f4e144b1
That’s all for now I suppose. I’ve.... been very tentative in writing this post because... it’s all based on personal experience and there are so few followers of him on here that I’ve just been kind of worried about sharing all this shit I’ve experienced with him. I’ve only Known him for a year but he’s been in my life much longer- and until about a month or two ago, I knew him by a different name, didn’t know his true identity, which is why this post wasn’t made a long time ago. But.... now that I do know who he is, I thought it might be nice to share some things about him that I’ve experienced with him. 
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ravenclawfury · 2 years
Hermes: Don’t eat the pomegranate, or you’ll stay stuck in the underworld forever.
Persephone: Okay
Hermes: Okay now Demeter wants you back ho-
Persephone: *Eats the pomegranate seeds*
Hades: *pleasantly surprised*
Hermes: ...
Hermes: Well I get why you’d do that-
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ravenclawfury · 2 years
apollo is a cuddle whore (but we knew that, didn’t we? deep down?)
hi hi, recent Apollo devotee here! I’ve reached out to him a few times over the years to work with him and never had any response but recently some things have changed in my life and he’s basically come rushing in like “FINALLY, I’ve been WAITING so LONG-” 
For... a few complicated reasons, when Apollo presented himself to me, I wasn’t 100 percent convinced he was Apollo- one of those reasons being I’ve worked with Loki for five years now. So I’ve started working with him and tried to keep my eyes wide open as far as that’s concerned. 
I am no longer unsure if it’s Apollo or not. 
I have cuddle surrogates for some of my deities, which, if you don’t know what that means, it means I have certain stuffed animals that I cuddle in place of my deities as a form of devotion/worship. It’s super super nice for me, especially as someone with a lot of plushies. 
Apollo had indicated he really wanted some cuddles and I actually had a big crow plush from way before I started worshipping him, so I used that. Now here’s the thing- this plush is.... definitely a display only kinda plush? It has poseable legs and wings and its posed in a standing position so its definitely not the easiest to cuddle- the makers of this plush were certainly going for realism. 
When I fell asleep that first night, I fell asleep on my side, clutching that crow and two other large plushies (that’s just how I roll). When I woke up the next morning, at sunrise, I was laying on my back and I had two plushies to my left, kind of over by the window but I was tightly clutching the third against my right side, under the covers. I figured this one that I’d been clutching tightly was probably Zagreus’ surrogate as he and I are very close and- in general, that’s what I end up doing in my sleep. Wrong, it was the goddamn crow. It had been neatly tucked in the crook of my arm away from the other stuffed animals and when I tell you I was clutching it I mean I was holding it like my child.
I kinda laughed about it and was definitely suspicious but, a good witch is also a healthy cynic. I thought “Coulda done that in my sleep somehow, maybe I unconsciously missed Apollo really bad or something and... managed that” 
Okay, sure, one time is weird.
Let’s go back to this plushie. Like I said before, it was something I had pre-Apollo and not the easiest to cuddle, and after this incident, I said to myself “Maybe I should get something a bit easier to cuddle so I can cuddle him more often comfortably”. So I found a cute little crow plush on Etsy, one that had zero poseable parts and was much smaller and easier to hold close. So I ordered it, it arrived, hurrah. 
Cue last night. Last night I went to sleep on my side with three plushies, including his new little baby crow. I’ll give you three guesses what happened. 
I woke up, on my back, with his little crow tucked into the crook of my left arm and the other stuffies pushed way away. Mind you I sleep with those stuffies every night and never wake up with them far away like that, and I’ve only slept with (either) of his crow(s) a handful of times since I started worshipping him. 
So... yeah. Conclusion that Apollo fucking LOVES his cuddles and he will make sure he gets a special dose of cuddles that are Just Him. So please for the love of- well, him- pick out a stuffie and cuddle him I can’t do this all on my own xD 
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ravenclawfury · 2 years
simple offerings for hermes
- beer
- wine
- milk
- honey
- chamomile tea
- olive oil
- strawberries
- eggs
- lavender
- gold
- silver
- money
- dice
- amethyst
- quartz
- orange topaz
- agate
- feathers
- crocus flowers
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ravenclawfury · 2 years
Apollo: And what do we say when you’re burnt out and people ask you for help?
Me: Of course I’ll help you-
Apollo, tired: NO-
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ravenclawfury · 2 years
"It's ok. I've got you."
~ Apollo, while I was crying by myself 💛
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ravenclawfury · 2 years
Apollo Card Spread
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Did a card spread to determine where my relationship with Apollo is currently at. I only started worshipping him yesterday but he’s interested and intrigued me for a long time. I think I was a little intimidated for a while by him, but yesterday when I was considering worshipping him there was such brilliant and beautiful sun that it drew to me to the conclusion to worship him.  I did my spread using my Wild Wood Tarot pack so I’m sorry I forgot what the classic names for each card is. My Spread - Using above picture’s guidance:
1. The Pole Star (Significator to represent Apollo) - Sun, star, navigation, guidance and grounding.
2. Seven of Stones - Healing (Deity’s personality traits) - Patient and peaceful, healing, helps wholeness and recovery.
3. Five of Stones - Endurance (Deity’s sphere of influence) - Trauma, focusing on emotional resilience.
4. Six of Stones - Exploitation (Status of current relationship with deity) - Selfish or foolish overuse of non-sustainable resources, damaging to myself. [NOTE: I’m going to try pull this one again but if anyone else has any idea what this card might of meant hmu]
5. Ace of Stones - Foundation of Life (How this deity has manifested themself in my past) - Manifestation of an Idea into practical, material reality, real-world change, making a dream/wish/desire happen.
6. Eight of Stones - Skill (Current influence of deity in my life) - Utilize skill for completion of tasks of practical necessity and love. Intense concentration + dedication may be required.
7. The Hooded Man (Why I should work with this deity) - Creating stillness and contemplation, gathering mental resources, staff to lean on in time of need, guidance and wisdom.
8. The Wheel (What this deity desires from me) - Accepting change, carry my fate, take responsibility.
9. King of Stones - Wolf (How can I best honor this deity) - Take care of details, maintain steady impetus, don’t give up, be persistent.
10. Queen of Stones - Bear (What will improve our relationship?) - Prosperity and luxury but also simplicity, generosity, manage things wisely, don’t waste anything.
11. Balance (What is important for me to know) - Balance, patience, be still and calm.
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ravenclawfury · 2 years
Apollo's Symbols
Apollo is the Greek god of music, poetry, medicine and healing, the arts, archery, plague and disease, prophecy and oracles, knowledge, truth, and the sun. He is also regarded as the averter of plagues, patron of shepherds, and protector of youths.
Some of his symbols are:
Laurel wreath
Bow and arrows
The sun
Golden chariot
Any musical instrument
Laurel tree
Lily of the valley
All birds (primarily the crow, raven, swan, and dove)
Lily of the valley
Source: https://vocal.media/futurism/ways-of-worship-apollo
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