ravenscamander · 5 days
Thoughts on the race:
Man, I really wish I could be happier for the McLaren boys. They did well and deserve the appreciation but the way their fans are behaving recently makes me like them less sometimes. Which sucks because from what I've seen the both of them seem to be really nice people. So yeah to all those "fans": What you're doing is harming your favourite. You're actively driving away new fans with your behaviour. Get your shit together.
I however love to see how well Ollie and Franco have been doing. Good job to those two. That's no easy feat when you're that new to this high level of the sport.
Sorry to Charles, I really thought he could do it. But P2 is still pretty damn good. Head down and off to the next track.
Also sorry to Carlos and Checo – I'm still not entirely sure what happened there but it looks like Checo made some mistake which ended with both of them in the wall. It's disappointing for both of them but I don't think there was any malicious intent from either side. There rarely is.
I don't know how George keeps doing this, but good on him. He drove cleanly and well as far as I know so you can't say it was undeserved.
All in all a very exciting race. My experience was once again diminished by the fans trying to execute each other. I'm getting used to it. But still: Get a grip y'all. Show some decency. For fucks sake
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ravenscamander · 6 days
Without looking at the tag (I just know people are murdering each other on here right now): Quick reminder that sometimes it's nobody's fault. Sometimes it's just bad luck, or a bad day. It happens. It's okay. Not everything is a big conspiracy. I'd dare say that very few things turn out to be big conspiracies, actually. Things don't have to be someone's fault all the fucking time. Shit happens. That does not and should not have any effect on how anybody is seen. Get yourself together and start behaving like civilised people. My god.
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ravenscamander · 18 days
It pains me to say but I don't think I've ever seen a fandom as toxic as F1, and I've been in some dark places regarding that. However I've never been into sports before, so maybe that's just how it is here. If that's the case – well damn. That sucks. That's disgusting. Those athletes are real people you know. If this is specifically just formula one then jesus fucking christ what the hell is wrong with this fandom in particular. Get your shit together.
these are real people.
For fucks sake. I'm thankful for the internet bringing me up to date so quickly with this new fascination of mine but honestly I should probably stop looking at it online now that I have a general idea. It's just truly sickening. How can you treat the drivers and each other the way you guys do and still sleep at night? I'm genuinely not getting it. It's just horrible. I'll try to step out of this for now and just follow the races on my own.
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ravenscamander · 19 days
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ravenscamander · 26 days
Alright so. To get this out of the way first: I am very new to this fandom. To motorsports in general and to Formula 1 in particular. Today was the first race I watched live on TV. All this to say, my knowledge of this sport is still very much limited. I think I have the basics down but there are surely a lot of details I don't know yet, so please keep that in mind while reading this post. Also, for the love of whatever is holy to you, stay kind. Like ffs, I've been here for like two months and the toxicity between fans is honestly just sickening. I've seen some bad stuff in other fandoms but you all take the crown in the absolute worst way possible. Get better. Please. But yeah, about today's race:
So first of all congrats to Lando. I can't say that I particularly like him but I also don't exactly dislike him so yk, good on him.
That being said, the race was... Rather boring. I mean I don't know what I expected but this wasn't necessarily it. On the one hand, it didn't feel as long as I thought it would, but on the other hand there was just nothing really happening on track.
Still some emotions of course, for example I'm very happy for the Ferrari boys, especially Charles, they both did really well. Frankly, I think Charles would have deserved Driver of the Day, but whatever. And of course I'm somewhat sad for Max. I wouldn't necessarily call myself one of his fans, but the person who got me into F1 (unknowingly, btw) is one of them, so I feel a certain kinship there. I was rooting more for him than for Lando (although like I said, good on him), so seeing him lose out on that home race win stung a little.
So yeah, I'm a bit disappointed with this first time race experience but maybe it's better to start out slowly like this. If there had been a lot of stuff happening I probably wouldn't have understood all of it so who knows. I do hope we get a bit more action in the future, even though that probably means even more online hate in all directions. Seriously guys, just stop with that. It's just sad to see and it helps nobody.
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ravenscamander · 1 month
Ah, my favourite murder gang. The boys.
The Silmarillion fandom: a wonedrful place where I can slap some circles on a red background and y'all will easily recognise the characters
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ravenscamander · 3 months
Somewhat spoilery references to snippets of songs from later in act 2, proceed at your own risk
So did anyone else catch the fact that in Mutiny when Odysseus sings "I will not let you get in my way" it mirrors the melody we've heard from the suitor song snippets? Because I did and I nearly started screaming
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ravenscamander · 3 months
Yes thank you
My goodness I am so sick of people just saying bad things about this new season. I'm having a great time with it and if y'all don't then well that's your problem.
OP, thanks for reminding me that I'm not the only one who actually likes all of it.
I'm now fully completely caught up on Ncuti's first season and I absolutely LOVE it. It's probably my favourite season since... 10? Not because "blah blah Anti 13", but I really do love Capaldi's era, A LOT.
Space Babies was weird and silly but perfect daft modern Doctor Who. Devils Chord was straight out of McCoy's era but my god Maestro is FANTASTIC. I loved Boom, Boom was just "chefs kiss*, but I say that as a Moffatt apologist.
73 Yards was SO creepy, if a little predictable. I love it when DW actually uses the passages of time in an interesting way. Dot and Bubble was, again, very McCoy, but also Black Mirror. Still liked it.
Rogue was LUSH. Super fun, a great introduction to a potential recurring character. Ncuti could easily carry his own period drama.
The Legend of Ruby Sunday absolutely CRUSHED IT. PEAK Doctor Who. I just really hope they stick the landing and keep it as creepy and terrifying as possible.
Ncuti's Doctor is wonderful, Ruby is absolutely fantastic. Russell writes plutonic companions SO well.
I'm having a fucking fantastic time watching my favourite show ever and honestly that's all I could ever ask for.
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ravenscamander · 3 months
So I watched Rogue yesterday and I am delighted to say the least. I know people are criticising the hell out of it just as they did with the whole damn season but I came here to have a good time and I did, in fact, have a good fucking time, so if you're just here to point out to me how bad it was in your opinion then get the fuck out and leave me alone because I don't care. I loved every second of it.
We started off strong with the setting itself. Regency England? Hell yeah. I've never seen or read Bridgerton but I do love Jane Austen (most ardently), so this was a plus point before I even started watching.
Then the music. Half of the time you have regular chamber music that's probably accurate to 1813 (I don't actually know that much about it but it felt right). And the other half is just more or less subtle adaptations of stuff like Bad Guy or Pokerface and you bet I absolutely adored it.
Then costume design. The clothing was gorgeous, although I can't judge how accurate to the time period it was. And the Chuldur looked awesome. They were just so typically Doctor Who villains? We had rhino aliens and cat aliens and now we got the birds too. Someone should make a bingo card.
And of course, the story. Some murder, some romance, and lots of witty banter and flirting. One of the best combinations you can have, at least for me. I cannot get enough of witty banter. I also loved the DnD references.
And then lastly: The Gay™. Representation is so damn important, you guys. And this is good, in my humble opinion. Way too often it is written so it can be cut out for viewing in countries that are homophobic as fuck. You can't cut it out here. It's integral to the story. And there is no way to make any of it purely platonic, either. They better bring Rogue back at some point or I will riot.
No but seriously this episode is easily my favourite of the season so far and I wouldn't be very surprised if it stays that way even when the finale is out. I adored all of it. People can hate it all they want, they will not be able to take this from me.
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ravenscamander · 4 months
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and the universe said you are loved
[alt vers without words]
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ravenscamander · 4 months
Techno – happy birthday. If you can read this somehow, wherever you are now, I want you to know you will always be in my heart. You inspired so many people and I was one of them. I still am, and I will be as long as I live, I think. I had more to say but the words are escaping me. You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. We will always be here.
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ravenscamander · 4 months
As someone currently living in Finland: Yes. Yes they do. Very much. The merch is everywhere and pretty much everyone is collecting the mugs.
HELP.. I’m barely joining the fandom but I NEED to know, does Finland still love the Moomins… 😣😖😫
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ravenscamander · 5 months
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ravenscamander · 6 months
To celebrate the one-month anniversary of EPIC: The Circe Saga I present to you:
Moments in EPIC: The Musical that make me go
dundundundun dun dun dundundun alright my brothers listen closely
but now we'll be the ones who ~Slayyyyyy~
The Blood On Your Hands Is Something You Won't Lose, All You Can Choose Is Whose
(literally all of Just A Man, that song will haunt me forever)
(but especially:)
how could I hurt youuuuuu
I'm just a man who's trying to go home even after all the years away from what I've known
I'm just a man who's fighting for his life, deep down I would trade the world to see my son and wife
the choir chorus. Just. All of it.
forgiiive meee
I'm juuuust aaaaa maaaaaaan
The Full Speed Ahead Instrumental Intro.
Six. Hundred. Men.
600 miles of open seaaaaaaa
But the problem's not the distance (it's what lies in between)
And Ithaca's waitiiiiiiing, my kingdom is waitiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, PENELOPE'S WAITIIIIIIIIIIIING for meeeeeee
That High Note™ on full speed aheeeeeaaaaad
Then 600 men can make this whole place BURN
You can relax my friend (...what)
That High Note™ on Give it a try it's not that hard
STAY BACK (stay back...)
See? This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms (~ahhhhhh~)
East! (That way)
Thank you! (Welcome)
~Goddess of Wisdoooooom~
~Master of Waaaaaar~
i HAD a challenge, a TEST of skill, a magic BOAR only the best could kiiiiill
Little Odysseus's LET'S GO
I was lying! And you fell for my bluff! Hahahaha
Nahhh, don't be modest, I know you're a goddess, so let's be honest you are
ATHENAAA (athena!)
Badass in the arena! Unmatched, witty, and queen of the best strategies we've seen!
The duet harmonies in the second chorus! Fucking superb
Look at all this food! Look at all these sheep!
banger cello solo
Take from you as you took from meee
A gift from you and a gift from meee
My name is noooobody, Noooooobody, Nooooobody (aka That High Note™ part 3)
I'm so glad we see eye to eye
Six Hundred liiiiiives at stake, it's just one liiiiiiiife to take
Stay in his blinds while you striiiiiiike his heels (STRIKE THE HEELS)
Show him that we're deadly! (HAH! HAH!)
*body tumbles across the ground* cap...tain...
banger cello solo pt.2 electric boogaloo
*electric guitar fades in* dundundundundundun dundundundundundun
But captain, what will we do with our fallen friends?
remember them
(let's kill him!)
Remember them (part 3 choir version)
It was noooooobody, Nooooobody, Noooooobody
If nobody hurt you be silent! (Don't go!)
What good would killing do? When mercy is a skill more of this world could learn to use?
The next time that you dare choose not to spare, remember them! Remember uuuuus! Remember me!
I'm the reigning king of Ithacaaaaaaaa
I am neither man nor mythicaaaaal
IIIIIIII am your darkest momeeeeeent
IIIIII am the infamooouuuuus
(aka the first time our main character gets actually named aka the worst decision ever made by the poor guy)
You were reckless, sentimental at best. That's not a teaching of mine. You've grown soft! Your dead friends can attest! (hey) Put your emotions aside.
That Growl™ on I don't know where I went wrong
That's just like you! Why should I be surprised? Selfish and prideful and vain
You're Not Looking For A Mentor, I'm Not Looking For A Friend
At least I know what I'm fighting for while you're fighting to be known! Since you claim you're so much wiser, why's your life spent all alone? You're alone!
One day, you'll hear what I'm saying, one day, you might understand, one day. But not today for after all you're
*soft piano outro*
*epic horn intro*
*epic trumpet solo*
These waaaaaves and tiiiiiides have grown in strength and siiiiize
Brace for a STOOOOOOOORM (stoooooorm)
The likes of which we've never seen before!
Have them follow my ship, I'll ensure that we'll PREVAIIIIL
At this rate we won't make it out aliiiiiive
~an island in the skyyyyy~
We're gonna shoot for the sky! (what.)
STOOOOOOOOOOOORM, STOOOOOOOOOOOORM (this time with amazing harmonies)
Please don't tell me you're about to do what I think you'll do
We're in the home of the Wind God! (We don't know for sure.) How many floating islands have you seen before? This is the home of the Wind God! (And what's your plan.) I'm gonna climb to the top and ask 'em for a hand
Have faith friend, we've come this far
Yes, but how much longer til your luck runs out
You rely on wit and people die on it, whooaa
I still believe in goodness
I still believe that we could be kind
Lead from the heart, and see what starts
Thank you for the concern but brother I can assure you, our journey is almost done. I understand that we're tired, I understand that we're fazed. But don't forget how much we already faced!
I took 600 men to war and not one of them died there. In case you needed a reminder.
If you want to talk more, let me pull you aside then. I need to talk to you in private.
I am the wind, twisting and turning
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! (Never really know who you can trust)
If they wanna get the bag open you gotta say No Sir (Sometimes killing is a must what)
It's treasure! what.
Everybody listen closely. See how this bag is closed? That's how it's supposed to be.
Cause the end always justifies the means (everything's changed since Polites)
For nine days I've stayed wide awake, tried to make it home with no storm or tidal wave. I remain unopposed, the bag is still closed and I'm getting closeeeer to youuuuuuu (Penelopeeeee) I can't wait to make some new memories (Teleeeemaaaachuuuus) Time for me to be the father I never was
(just keep your eyes open) why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy (just keep your eyes open) I keep on trying to embrace you both why won't you LET MEEEEEEE (Just Keep Your Eyes Open) So much has changed, but I'm the same, yes I'm the SAAAAAAME
Just keep your eyes open, keep your eyes open
Wake up. Wake up, Odysseus, they're opening the bag, WAKE UP
do you know who I am
*wave sounds*
In all my yeeeaaaars of living it isn't very often that I get pissed off
Iiiiii've been so graaaaacious
That's right, the Cyclops you made blind is mine (no)
I'm left without a choice, and without a doubt, Guess The Pack Of Wolves Is Swimming With The Shark Now
You are the worst kind of good cause you're Not. Even. Great.
A Greek who reeks of false right.eous.ness that's what I HATE
I mean you totally could've avoided all this had you just killed my son. But ~nooo~
Unlike you, I have no mercy left to give cause
Ruth.less.ness is mercy upon ourselves
*wave sounds pt.2*
We took no pleaaaasure in his pain
That High Note™ on We only wanted to escaaaaaape
The Line Between Naivety And Hopefulness Is Almost Invisible
When does a ripple become a tidal wave
43 left under your command
When does a man become a monsteeeer
Iiiiiii am your daaaaaarkest momeeeent
Any last words?
Remember meee...
*eerie strings*
We came across a palace, inside we heard a voice
Sir! Sincewelefthomewefacedavarietyoffoesfromawiderangeofplaces gods, monsters, you know the roster, hostile creatures that we could resist, but this was a hell of a twist cause we are weak to a power like this!
What was it??? A woman.
She had us in just two words
~Come inside~
That Run™ on Go ahead and rest wherever you liiiiike
Take a seat (Yeah)! Let me bring you all something to eat (Yeah)!
This is the priiice we pay to liiiiive, the world does not tend to forgive
We have to go save them. No we don't
There's no length I wouldn't go if it was you I had to save! I can only hope you'd do the saaaame?
I must say, what a brilliant speech you gave
Divine intervention, someone who's not afraid to... Send a message
the chorus
That Run™ on When you take her on aloooooooone
the chorus again, this time with harmonies
~Here in the root of this flower there lies such a power to take her on~
That High Note™ on then you'll manifest a Being of your creation (all you need's imagination)
And I call this root ~Holy~ ~Moly~
More Chorus with More Harmonies!
Don't thank me friend, you very well may die. Ahmhmhmhm! Good luck
*Carmen intro*
Lady of the palace
Did you do something to them? Who me? All I did was reveal their true forms.
You turned them into pigs.
I don't know who you are nor why you're here, but let me make this one thing clear: I've got people to protect, nymphs I can't neglect, so I'm not taking chances, dear
If you make one wrong move then you're done for, anything I don't approve and you're done for, I could put a spell on you and you're done for, boy you better run or soon you will be done for
~dire consequence~
Hermes gave it to you, didn't he?
Okay fine, yes, but regardless-
Duet version of I've got people to protect
*sword sound* You've lost.
My nymphs are like my daughters I protect them at all costs
... I'm not sure I follow
There are other ways of persuasion, there are other modes of control, there are other means of deceit, there are other roads to the soouuul, there are other actions of passion, you have so much left to learn, want to save your men from the fire? Show me that you're willing to buuuuuurn ohhhhhhh
~so much power, so much power~
I can't
*Penelopeeeeee* but make it viola
She's my everything, my Penelope
*sigh* Poseidon, eh?
I know of a brilliant prophet! Problem is this prophet is dead
I remember actions of passion, I have been in love once before. Maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no moooooooore. Or maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer
I apologise for any spelling mistakes and also for the length of this. It took me way too long but oh well
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ravenscamander · 7 months
So I just found out about goncharov
I love this site
(you are also all crazy)
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ravenscamander · 8 months
I initially planned to make such a post myself, but I don't think I could phrase it any better. The show wasn't perfect, yes, but I loved it anyway, and it pains me to see how many people simply refuse to see any good in it. So like op said – why not just be kind?
an unhinged (and unofficial) dissertation on the pjo fandom
so i don't usually post anything that isn't my-works-related, but i had a...mildly heated discussion with a fellow film student tonight about the pjo show and it's got me thinking. bear with me, we'll be here awhile.
as we all know, the first season of pjo has ended. i've stayed relatively OFF tumblr and other social media during this time, but i know there are a lot of OG fans who are (in their words) "massively disappointed" in the show. most of the complaints i've heard have been during in person conversations though, so this post is mostly going to be referencing real complaints i've heard.
i've been a part of this fandom since i was thirteen. that's nearly eight fucking years of my life that i've devoted to the pjo universe. i have written and consumed YEARS' worth of fanfiction, i have read and reread every book so many times i can quote them forwards and backwards, and i went to the bookstore every single year on the new books' release dates to pick up my copies in-person. this fandom, these characters and this world have brought so much joy to my life, and i don't think i could ever fully articulate that in words. when i think of this series, i genuinely feel nothing but happiness.
but a few years ago—around the time i started college—i started distancing myself from the fandom for one glaring reason. this fandom can be such an...angry place? like, genuinely, i don't know how far it goes back—maybe all the way to the release of HoA, honestly—but i wasn't here pre-HoA, so all i know is that i very much remember how much people hated ToA when it came out.
here i was, having the TIME of my life with apollo and his silly little haikus, and people are going to war over how the series' writing quality has gone to shit and how everything was better before, blah, blah, blah. IN SPITE of everything that series gave us—discussion of the repercussions of child abuse and ptsd, representation of lgbtqa+ characters, and deep psychological messages that really teach young readers, i think, how to better understand themselves and their emotions and deal with them in healthy ways. and it just wasn't fun to be in a fandom where, as soon as you go "hey, did you read the new book?" they scoff and roll their eyes and only want to talk about how terrible it is. (i also missed all the discourse on the sun and the star when it came out—PHENOMENAL read, btw—but i've read some things that lead me to believe that it wasn't well received either, in spite of how lovely it was.)
so...it's dramatic to say i "left" the fandom, but i certainly withdrew from it. deleted my pjo ao3 and tumblr, started over with a different fandom. but the love has always been there, and the show starting really helped spark it fully back to life.
but now, the same thing is happening again, i'm noticing. remember back in the day, when we only had the shitty fucking movies, and we were like "man, ANYTHING would be better than this garbage. literally just give us actors who are the right age and we'll be happy." well, now we have PHENOMENAL kid actors who genuinely are having a good time playing our beloved characters, and instead of supporting them, we're STILL complaining about them not being "portrayed correctly"?
i've talked to so many people who complain that percy is "too smart," which is kind of a bullshit insult to percy's canon character. in the books (at least the first five) we're seeing things ONLY from percy's pov. he's a kid who's struggled with learning disabilities and been told he's an idiot all his life by everyone except his mom—but as others have pointed out way more eloquently than i could, percy is a very intelligent and powerful individual while maintaining his goofy fun personality, which is WHY so many people love him so much. he's complex, and i think they managed to capture that really well in the show even amidst all the changes.
don't get me started on the fucking racism towards leah sava jeffries—i'm honest to gods ashamed that there are racists who call themselves pjo fans. she is so talented, and everything we ever could have hoped for in an on-screen annabeth. ALL of the kids are—there's literally no argument to be had there.
and then, if people aren't complaining about the casting, it's the series' writing. or there's too much exposition. rick is changing too many things. the directors don't know what they're doing. it's not a TRUE book adaptation. (someone said that to me, and i genuinely laughed because i thought they were joking. when the MOVIES exist, they wanted to make that comment about the show.)
are there some things i would change about the show, given the opportunity? god, yes. the set design for the underworld was horrendous. (in my opinion, of course.) but here's the thing. i have spent eight years of my life waiting for this show to happen, and in that time, i've learned a lot about how much goes into successfully producing such a complex series. how much money and time is spent, and how many people have to be on board to make it happen. it's genuinely kind of miraculous that we're even getting this show at all, considering all the ways it could have failed before it even made it out of pre-production.
and i think we, as fans, sometimes forget that we aren't owed this. we don't own the percy jackson franchise. it makes me so sick and tired when authors or artists in any capacity feel like they have to cater their works to the masses, because they know they'll get thrown into the fucking fire if they don't. rick and becky riordan didn't have to got to the trouble of producing this show for us. they chose to—everyone involved chose to—because they wanted to make something fun and enjoyable not only for the fans, but everyone who chose to be a part of it.
do you know how insane it is that, when you read pretty much any interview of pjo bts, everyone talks about how fun the production was? i've been on film sets. they can be ABSOLUTELY miserable when they're not done right. but eight months into production, the kids were still laughing and having a good time, everyone's still giving 100%, they're excited, it's fun. walker was willing to go into a diving tank for a full fucking day in order to get one scene—i know i would never have that kind of dedication, and i bet 99% of you wouldn't either.
i know this has gotten really long-winded, but i've said all of that to say that...i'm kind of tired of fans trying to bring down the show, and more than that, trying to bring down each other for having a good time. as i've said before (many times, i'm sure), i waited eight years for this, and i have had SUCH a fun time watching it. assuming we get a season 2 renewal, there are going to be even more new fans coming in than we've already gotten from season 1, and i want this fandom to be a fun and positive place for them. for all of us. we don't have to miserable and angry all time. we can critique the show, sure—it's not perfect, and it was never going to be—but we have to remember that television is an art form, and that art is subjective even when it involves our favorite characters. and we can accept that and still have a good time, because it's just more fun to have fun, you know?
this fandom has always had so much potential to be the BIGGEST, most supportive and kind and loving fandom. with how much representation this series has, with how much content we've been given, with the SHEER massive number of us...i've always thought we could be a really, really great community. maybe it's impossible to hope that we could be the best fandom on earth, but if nothing else...could we all try to just be a little bit kinder? genuinely, as cheesy as it may sound...it's just nicer when we're nice to each other. and when there's so many real things in the world to be mad about...i would much rather this be a place where we can come to at the end of a long day and just...feel at home. personally, i just think that would be really, really nice.
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ravenscamander · 9 months
I just love the new title sequence to bits
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