reacttreasure · 2 years
Treasure reaction- Their crush asking them to be their Valentine❤️
A/n- My first request❤️ hope you enjoy, and requests are open!
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Hyunsuk has liked you for a while.. far too long, really. Valentine’s Day was coming closer and closer and all Hyunsuk could think of was asking you to be his valentine. He planned it out in his head, how we was going to ask you to go on a date and spend the day together, he’d even blab about it to all the other members because that’s how excited he was.
He invited you over the day before, preparing a meal for the two of you, and as you sat down to eat, the words escaped your lips.
“Hyunsuk, Valentine’s Day is coming up..” you pondered for a moment, praying he felt the same way you did.
“I want to be your valentine.” The words spilled out, and you bit your lip in anticipation, staring at him who was now wide eyed with a big smile.
“Wait... what? Really?” He was stoked to say the least. “Yes, of course you can. I was going to ask you the same thing.”
The next day you two spend a romantic day together going to different antique shops and end up playing FIFA all night. It’s true love.
Valentine’s Day is coming up, and there was nobody else in the world that Jihoon would have wanted to spend it with. While on a walk together with your best friend Jihoon, you took a leap of faith and grabbed his hand. You knew he liked you, in fact, everyone knew he liked you. But what he didn’t know is that you liked him too.
“Jihoon~” you muttered out as he gave you a teasing grin.
“What is it? Do you need something? Or maybe you’re just in love with me.” The teasing tone of his voice made your heart race.
“Maybe I am.. and maybe I want to spend Valentine’s Day with you.”
You knew from the look on his face that a whole bunch of teasing was going to happen.
“I knew you were. Who could resist Park Jihoon?” He joked it off, but in reality he was the happiest person in the world right now. Squeezing your hand back tightly, he got more serious.
“Aren’t you lucky that I’m in love with you too?”
(Yes you’re the luckiest person)
This bundle of sweetness could only fawn over you. Oh how he wished he could have you as his own. You were everything he had ever wanted in a partner and in his heart he knew that he was in love with you. His heart feeling like it was about to jump out of his chest every time he sees you.
Yoshi believed he never stood a chance with you, and though it was far from the truth, he had convinced himself that you were far too out of his league.
(Even though he is literally an Angel)
That’s why when you walked up to him with a box of chocolate and a big smile on your face, he was so flustered that you thought he was going to cry.
“Wait... what’s wrong? Is something wrong?” Was all you could ask before he shook his head and accepted your chocolates.
“Yoshi, I want to be your valentine.”
“Are you really sure?”
“Of course.~”
Junkyu never really planned how he was going to ask you, he figured he’d just say it and see where it goes. What’s the point of planning it out when it’s just a few words? He never had expected to be speechless, so when the time actually came and he couldn’t get the words out of his mouth, he left you confused as he left to take a moment to himself.
You had thought you might have done something wrong, so you got up and checked on him only to find him sitting on his bed alone in the dark room. Something seemed wrong.
“Junkyu..? Are you okay?” You asked as you crept over to his side, sitting beside him.
“Yeah I just.. okay well honestly, I wanted to ask you to be my valentine but I just don’t know how to say it. It’s totally okay if you don’t want to!” He waved his hands, hoping not to pressure you.
“Junkyu I was going to ask you the same thing! That’s why I came today. I want to be your valentine, and more than that.”
In the moment he was so happy that he literally squealed, pulling you into such a tight hug that you thought your back was going to break.
“Then I guess that makes you my partner.~”
Mashiho is definitely a romantic for sure. He felt like Valentine’s Day would be the perfect time to confess his feelings to you, it gave him a chance to say what he had been feeling ever since the first day he met you. You were so close that he didn’t have to ask you out for Valentine’s Day, you had already planned to hangout that day anyway, just as you usually did when you both had free time.
But for Mashiho this time was different. Maybe to you it wasn’t any different than all the other times you two spent time together, but for Mashiho today was his day.
When you showed up to the door, you greeted him with a hug just as you always did, and he felt so safe in your arms.
He was cut off by your voice
“Mashiho! My Valentine’s date looks quite handsome today.”
All he could reply with was little giggles and bright red cheeks.
“Your valentine huh? Nothing would make me happier.”
Jaehyuk had honestly forgot that Valentine’s Day was coming up. He hadn’t really been keeping up with the calendar all that much, so when he found out that tomorrow was Valentine’s Day the first thing that was on his mind was you.
You had sent him a text that you were going to meet him at the dorm, and that you had something you wanted to tell him.
He figured it was important and since he was going to see his crush (you,) he dressed up nicely and fixed up his hair while awaiting your arrival.
When the doorbell rang he let you inside, and that’s when you handed him a hand made card you had made for him, pestering him to open it.
“Open it up! Open!”
Opening the card, you had written him a poem that expresses your feelings, at the end of the poem, there lies the question “will you be my valentine?” And he had that super cute smile on his face that makes him look so squishy and cute.
“I love this... of course I will.”
You and Asahi were at the studio, sometimes you would go and sit with him while he worked on his music, giving him advice and suggestions as he produced his own songs. You guys were always together like this, spending time with one another even when you both were busy with work.
It was late and you were getting tired,so you leaned your head on his shoulder. You felt warm and safe, feeling so much love and admiration for Asahi that you blurted the words out.
“Asahi.. will you be my valentine?”
“What?” At first he didn’t hear you, so he turned off his music.
“I said, will you be my valentine?”
His lips curved into a smile and he nods his head, keeping a calm tone and expression.
“Yes, I will.”
And ever since you asked the question, his mind could no longer focus on the music, just focusing on his feelings for you.
Yedam had your heart. Who could blame you? He is beautiful, intelligent, talented, perfect, he’s everyone’s dream man.
And what better way to win over Yedam than with what he loved most? Music.
You tried your best at making a song for Yedam, which went either poorly or really well depending on your music making skills! But despite that, you knew he’d love it either way.
The song was quite corny, with a rhyming poem about your feelings for Yedam, the last line being “Will you be my valentine?”
You called Yedam to come over, and since he liked you so much he stopped whatever it is he was doing and headed right over to you.
He eventually got to the house and you brought him to your computer, where you’d surprise him with the song.
His face was in shock, a blush on his cheeks and a wide smile. His head shook, how could you do something so embarrassing for him? But even so, he loved every second of it. No words were needed in that moment, all he needed was his hand that was resting on your waist, and his other hand that pulled you by your head into a soft and loving kiss.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Doyoung was so obvious about his feelings for you and he didn’t even try to hide it. This boy is such a flirt, always winking at you or making corny jokes about how he wanted to be your boyfriend. He was so ridiculously embarrassing but you couldn’t help but find it absolutely adorable, falling for him so quickly just like the way he fell for you.
The others at school were handing out their valentines cards and chocolates. You had made homemade chocolates for Doyoung, little heart shaped, with a note attached to the bottom of the box.
Class ended and you slowly approached Doyoungs desk.
“Hey look, it’s my future girlfriend/boyfriend.” He teased, looking down at the box in your hands. He wasn’t sure if it was for him or not, so he just pointed at them questioning why you were holding them.
“They’re for you, dummy.” You pouted, wondering if your hard work went to waste.
He was hesitant at first, taking the box reluctantly. “You didn’t poison them did you?” He joked, just to have you pout at him again.
“I’m joking.. don’t be sad.” He quietly hummed while opening his box of chocolates, even reading the little note that asked him to be your valentine. Instead of acting shocked, he was more so giggly, laughing in disbelief, but also laughing because he was just genuinely so happy.
“You already know I’ll be your valentine.”
The one and only Haruto Watanabe has your heart. The incredibly good looking, sweet boy that had you desperately wanting to get closer with him.
You had spoken a few times, but each time it always ended so awkwardly, with both of you not knowing what to say and just standing there until someone else interrupted the two of you. But you wanted that to change, and today is a great day to make that happen. Valentine’s Day. You usually dread this day, because being lonely on a day where you’re supposed to be dating really sucks.
As soon as you saw Haruto, he was surrounded by other people. You looked defeated until he saw you watching him, cutting the conversation he was having with his friends short, as he waited to see if you would approach. And of course, you did.
Words were difficult in that moment, so all you did was hold out the card you had spent all night working on.
“This is for you.”
“Ah, really? For me?” His smile looked so shy. A little chuckle escaping his lips as he read the Valentine’s card, asking him to be your valentine, and we all know what he said.
“Ah really? Then yes I’ll be your valentine. Thank you.” Scratching the back of his head awkwardly until you pulled him into a tight hug.
He is so cool, making the sports he played look so easy, and all you could do was watch from afar, hoping that you could talk to him sometime.
You were so beautiful, doing your favourite hobby. All Jeongwoo could do was watch you from afar, not knowing that you wanted to get close to him as much as he wanted to get close to you.
It was a romantic tale of teenage love, and both of you were far too awkward to make a move.
So your friends did it for you, on Valentine’s Day, because they were sick of watching the two of you avoid each other so often.
Your friends had dragged the two of you to each other, pushing you right into Jeongwoo as you leaned against his chest with your heart racing like crazy.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” You apologized profusely, feeling so ashamed that your friends did this.
Though, he was happy. He wanted this for so long.
“It’s fine really..”
You could hear your friends in the background, chanting “ask him!” As if it were a song. So you did just that.
“I was wondering if you’d want to be my valentine today? We could go somewhere fun later..”
You weren’t expecting an immediate yes, but he answered you right away.
“I’d love to.” And just like that, you two lived happily ever after.
This boy is S.H.Y as heck whenever he’s with you. The other members always having to talk for him because he did not know how to have a normal conversation with you, he was too scared to even try. Afraid he’d make himself sound stupid or mess up while speaking. So you took the initiative, because you liked him after all, to ask him if he’d be your valentine tomorrow and go on a date.
“Junghwan~ let’s go on a date tomorrow, and be each other’s valentine!” You exclaimed so confidentially, and he almost choked on the water he was drinking. He was such a stuttering mess, so confused on how you could ask so carefree.
He stayed quiet for so long, looking to the other members because he was dumbfounded, which had you doubting if you should have asked him in the first place. Seeing you look upset, he immediately blurted, “I-I really want to as well.”
Those words calmed you down, and you knew he was just shy and didn’t know how to respond. “Great, then I’ll see you tomorrow.” You gave him a hug and he hugged you back not wanting to let go for awhile, until you both parted ways.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N!”
This baby spent that whole night being so happy and hyper because his crush had just asked him to be their valentine!
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reacttreasure · 2 years
Will be positing my first Treasure reaction tomorrow❤️
Inbox is open for requests! This is my first Tumblr blog so I hope you guys enjoy.
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